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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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great in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the the laura kyle: this is can use our live from dough. ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. more palestinian live shots have to is really strikes. target owners are at refuge account, and these 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. they've become positive . what the un says is now the well largest displacement crisis. we're in the refugee camp on the south sydney's border with hoff
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a 1000000 people have slept the conflict in su, don, hazy and crisis will be life from the border as a groups war. and the gun marlins is blocking crucial aid car doors and to say to of russia's 1st presidential election since the invasion of ukraine. automatic boots in the set secure his post at least until 2030 unimportant. he was hoping tennis champion cocoa golf has missed out on a 1st appearance in the indian wells funnel. the american lost maurice the car in the sammy's to carry well now face, well, number one is fine tags. the title, the is 15, gmc, that's 5 pm in gaza with health officials say is really strikes of killed 63 palestinians in the past 24 hours to his reading strikes alice upon talked to the
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own, this era refugee come in. central garza, the 26 members of the same family, what killed in the 1st and at least 7 people were killed in the 2nd. victoria gave some, b begins of coverage. generations of the same family wiped out in his really asteroid needed over victims were women and children and outside the move at all acts, a hospital a truck arrives to collect their bodies for the funeral. at least 36 members. if the to back be family will kills these right? yes, right, targeted this home near the allen, the 0 refugee camp. witnesses say it happened late at night. i remember, yeah, this is now that we was sleeping peacefully. then all of a sudden we saw a concrete blocks and breaks flying over our heads. we rushed to the building to see dead bodies all over the place torn to pieces. it is not a war on how mouse it is. it is really war on women and children. the this uh guy,
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is that exactly 11 41 pm. we heard what felt like in north quite. it was not regular shelling. we ran here to see what happened. we sold this full story building level till the ground collapsed on the heads of those who were inside. the old 2 neighbors say they live in constant fear of mood is really a tax for the photos all in the, in the whole world is watching those be slaughtered by these release. all they can do was drop some food. we don't want your food, we want the water to stop so that innocent children can have a life. hours after the attack, the on the 0, it refugee camp was talking to the game with the injured being brought here to l. x a hospital and an asteroid. has a house in the shape, right? one neighborhood with children had to be pulled from the rubble.
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these women and children are among tens of thousands of innocent skills by the overwhelming military power of israel. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before this ends. victoria gates and b l g 0 as well. many countries have voice that concern about and the is really government's approval of plans for a ground invasion of rough or around one point. 5000000 pile of students of sort show to the the city is struggling to cope with the influx of displaced families and will time to an estimated 275000 people before the war. united nations as warmed against any is right. no to offensive and rough uh space on for the us extra general says he's hopeful that the reason negotiations will lead to a last thing seems fine. i think the consequences of a ground operation in rough in the current circumstances will be catastrophic for the people of gaza,
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for the palestinians. it will be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. it would be catastrophic all around. we very much hope that all of this can be avoided. we understand there's negotiations are still going on. and we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire into ensure the greatest humanitarian access to ensure the release of all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. and frankly, to open up a way forward for the people of palestine, the people of israel, well, you know, section of state and state blinking says as well, needs to present a clear and workable plan to relocate civilians with full inviting rafa present in 5. it has been very clear that given the large number of civilians in, in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm is reset,
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have been displaced from other parts of gaza. we have to see as a clear and implementable plan not only to get the civilians out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of his way, they are appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan and it's raining. integration is due to visit cas all to continue negotiations for the release of captives held in garza at the spine department. so benjamin netanyahu dismissing the latest news find a plan proposed by him us the group one is a 3 stage these fine each with last $42.00 days. and the 1st is rainy troops would withdrawal be on saw all dean road, the main route linking the north and the south with the strip i'm asked is that what allowed to space people to a town home? a boss wants a permanent seas 5 to be announced before it releases any caption. sonya is often that it says it will release female is really was of his health, captive and goals and exchange for palestinian prisoners,
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50 inmates for each captive. and then the final stage, how much proposes the end of israel siege and the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gone so long the show is all 0 senior political, unless he says israel has not been serious about negotiating, but they are under pressure by segment of the public but also by the united states . but they are also delusional, or they are delusional. about what to expect. moving forward. it seems they said that everything can be done. uh, by slow type people that come, i mean, yesterday the district guys are, but that doesn't mean that the students have signed or clicked on from us has set under. and i think they have a long way to go. and that's what the exchange the, the language that's been going on now for a month, 4 weeks for most of the time about pauses and the to citizen cease fires,
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the sustainable ceasefire. immediate ceasefire. permanency as far as how much they assessed. so oh, i think we're gonna see more of the same uh, hold on shop by faith, moving forward until her mouse believes that that is right after a number of polls is ready for a person that's useful. jasmine thompson schultz is heading to both children and israel for a 2 day visit. it shows the 2nd trips the region since the will began. is that we will discuss the possibility of getting more a into garza with as well as leaders. and you haven't government spokesman alias and by them times to participation, age ad drops, but they're allowing more trucks coming supplies into the strip remains the best option. 50 spirit associates confidence. it would be important for an arrangement to be reached very quickly. now, on a cease fire that would allow the hostages to be released, and at the same time,
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allow humanitarian a to reach casa. and it's also important that a large scale offensive and rough uh, where many people who no longer had a safe place in other parts of garza, have fled to does not result in a major human tragedy. this is something i think everyone knows. and yet everyone needs to know to the child behind the 1st aid ship to reach gauze, shaw says it's finished unloading almost 200 tons of food. a ship arrived from cyprus on friday and what's the 1st test of a new maritime colorado for 8 deliveries to cost them. 200 tons is just a fraction of a data needs and gaza, according to 8 groups. and it's still not clear how that aid is going to be distributed to people across the strip, even says, see, and add drops, and no survival replacement land deliveries, which as well as restricting. meanwhile, the us charge, he says that losing another base with food for casa and cyprus, we are right now at night working non stop to get more age. you guys. uh,
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yeah. see, the, hey, me is happening because of these tons of 8 for you guys. so we are loading the new boat ready to deliver more, a disabled products. we have the cabinet cabinets, we have flowers lives. and of course we have the dates. these companies were working the stuff like this possible. our 1st boat, that right there, i read. ready to go into the escape of these i. what do we see? i will you be sure if he's how you the of high way of a going to augusta? of course, we need to keep updating the lot across the how you more access because those in north, a city is not a no a play miles arriving to just about us. the name is rodney mount and has been found dead and israel's, a shell prison, 26 year old jamal book and i'm and was previously affiliated with how my spot faced arrest by the group for disappearing orders is ready. ami arrested him for trying to enter the town of laptop and something as well as the 13th passed them. and 1st,
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pasadena is ready to die and is rarely custody. a is where the army is carried out . more strikes in southern lebanon shoes, plains of smoke, was seen in the town of my y, him placed in the border with israel. lebanese on the group has pulled on the is really ministry, have been noticing their daily cross border attacks since the world gone. so it began around 60 families displaced by that violent so sheltering in an abundance hotel in the line. and they've been receiving food and water from local chinese during ramadan. you and says the continuing costs for the fi has fullest, move, a 90000 lebanese from that homes, and more than half of them a women the child is left for sharon, i came to this hotel as a displaced person i 3 months ago. we fled, obviously because of the bombing. my house was damaged. i fade for my children and myself. we are not distressed about the accommodation. now. i'm fancy, we are happy that everything was provided for us. we are not in our own home to us
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. we please review the july they were a defeated group forced out of our village against our will. but if a ceasefire is declared now will immediately return to our homes and land will resume our work. children will go back to their schools and life will continue normally the every day, hundreds of people from through don. i'm making the way to neighboring south through dawn and such of safety. the united nations estimates more than half a 1000000 sydney's of have arrived since the conflict between the army and a permit to reference support forces began lost in many came to the boat, a town of rank where un run transit comes a struggling to accommodate new arrivals. the conflict has killed thousands and displaced millions more. welcome web has this report, a square in the transit gum,
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which was built nearly a year ago. it has a capacity for just over 3000 people, but there are more than 15000 people staying here at the moment. about 1500 more people arriving here in rank every day. now with me is silver cafe from the you and refugee agency is coordinating all of the humanitarian agencies working here. just how serious is this displacement crisis? it is quite a serious starting from the 1st day of the war is to dining operate 2023. we have more than 600000. you arrive every 30, every few z. mostly they are the tell me who are so that so somebody's coming back home. we have a daily drive, but 1500 and the starting from the sun. but we start to see a change in the trends where we start to see more of the fuse. he's coming to seek safety in house to down and what kinds of conditions that people playing from. of course it starts with the war because of the conflict is to then, but also after that we notice when we talk to the people that they are doing like
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they are going through more than one displacement. so they say they go from her to me to my do i need to more than one places. so this clean 1st is to seek safety in another place. that's also that you can come to they are facing in the, for the security and other charges which make them also for the out of so of to down is the well paying enough attention and providing enough helps. unfortunately, we can say this is one of the somehow for that's an emergency with all what's happening around the globe nowadays, it's not uh, you know, what we are receiving. we know that the don't that are doing their best, the human settings that are doing their best, the governments, ourselves to them. they were so supportive, they open the door for all of us that needs to seek asylum here and be in a few g. but still, the needs are massive. as you see that we have massive number of youth, any advocate, you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. and what's gonna happen to the people who arrive to they fled from what was
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a relatively stable and relatively also a neighbors to one of the poorest countries on us. what's the future? yeah, unfortunately, even that who would say institutional yourself. so that is not on the capacity is limited and for the 30, for this house to the knees, because the rank is drawn to the center. so they need to go to that or 80 of origin . and this is what the human 2nd button that are trying to assist for that if you g, if they don't need them to the system, they are free to go whatever they want. but they won't, that he said assistant, they need to go to the pc cab or such as months where they were received. and it could be those bit of a system because in the sense of that sustains very limited. thank you. silver, a cafe from the u. n refugee agencies, coordinating all of the monetary agent, and you've got a terry and i just was working here in rank now, jerry is ami, says 16 of its soldiers have been killed, was trying to break up communal fight thing in the southern delta state. i'm actually spokesman says the troops for surrounded by crowds and attacked on 1st day
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. the stage, the seeing foot frequent the speed side of the lines and compensation for oil spills. human rights groups of course, size the democratic republic of congo for reinstating the death penalty. the government says it wants to tell people from working with the m 23. that's an ongoing appraising in the east. the medium. everything reports a theme can shasta people take in the news that the government is lifting up 21, get more authorial on the death penalty executions. hoping to that concludes from working with m. 23 fights. as long as the mom was, i'd say it's a good decision to bring back the death penalty because it means they'll be no more treason in our country. the conflict in the d. c has been going on for years, but in 2022 to rebel groups, joint forces to launch a new offensive. the rapid advance in north keep a province has led to accusations that soldiers are collaborating with m 23
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fighters, members of the army as well as politicians and business leaders have been arrested that the most and no money to death penalty is acceptable because we have to stop people be treating our country, they do it for money and it's not good. the un says almost 8000000 people have been displaced. and one of the world's largest, who monetary and crises, human rights groups say reinstating capital punishments will not stabilize the country. and install your move out on the mount deluxe. if you take the government of the democratic republic of congo has just violated its international commitments to protect human rights. but at the same time, it's also violating the constitution. article. $61.00 prohibits the application of the death penalty since 2003 death sentences in the d. c. have been commuted to life imprisonment. now report suggest the government is planning public
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executions for soldiers convicted of treason to meet you, man, and then go out to 0 to $18.00. now whether united nations is warning, moving a 1000000 people are on the verge of finding age groups say more than 4000000 people require urgent food a some early eat once a day or enough, the tool has been move on and it's in the capital posts or prints the walls state programs. haiti directs us as parts of the city of mount nutrition rates comparable with any was own in the world. and data officials say, gains of blocks of distribution routes and shut down the main port. that'd be f. p is wanting, it only has weeks of supplies left inside hating. that's good. i've talked to john home and he's all corresponded in neighboring dominican republic, joins us from sunset. domingo, john, we're getting more reports. just stay in a new thing and violence in the capsule tests. what's the situation the
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yeah, we're actually seeing the video people in the pool. it's not just close now, which is has been for some time, is meant a real child code on food and a getting into the country. you just mentioned how desperate the situation is. now the well food program says more than a 1000000 people on the brink of funding in the country. we're seeing old start people losing it. you can also see a lot of living thing in the video is the i'm seeing that my colleagues, if i'm videos, who's in height and put a print from us, who's sending 3 people looting a garbage is that the united nations called the bullet hole in the wind screening one, who's sending to me with a crack of automatic wet from re going in the background. this isn't something that's new in height, so you were talking about a comparatively little this country. united nation estimates. the 80 percent of the capital is in the control of gains, but we've seen some values of relative calm as outside. pat was, especially the united states, and the countries in the caribbean power come try the boat. i'd try to step in and
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negotiate a transitional council made up a patient policies that would lead to some sort of intern government. we'd seen a. com. uh well that had been going on in the background. but that com seems to the generation back into what's been happening before, which is basically titles and just updates as on that transitional council, the formation of it, wherever we apps with that. where does sense, where the united states, the state department has told us, we've off that they wrote to mistake about it. they said to us a couple of days ago that already people are putting fluid names from the political blocks to form part of it. but it was meant to come together, hopefully by the side. we're now on local time on started i i'm, we're not seeing it for me. uh, we're not seeing it formed yet until that comes together. that's basically especially according to the outside power is the key to this because you'll be able
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to name and then from probably minutes stuff, it will be able to pay for the wife for future elections. and for a multinational international security for slip by can you to come in so hates and start trying to take control of the streets and bringing lower. know that, that feel like there are at least, but the gains that control hate, say, a full family against the as you'll see in a newspaper, we talked to one of the most visible lead is jimmy. today's a nickname barbecue. i hate see of the use of relative calm looting. this is the guatemalan and so with golden conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the cap to it's not the police in control, but he's ultra violent games. this is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy ca, nickname barbecue, a former police officer whose coalition bruce voss, waves a pull to prince. it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our prime minister
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audio on right. now the united states and countries in the caribbean, covey comb trading book, a pushing for transitional counsel made up of the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister, and the roadmap for elections. but should easy a token $12.00 to 0, rejected that council will clear it up because of we're not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to cite to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed and hazy have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country. the politicians too. well, some political groups are putting names forward for the count. so seeing is a way outs hates his current power. vacuum should easy, since he wants revolution. love you've also now find will into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 95 percent of the
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country's wealth. and that's no idle threat. gains control more than 80 percent pull to print right now. once the transitional government is in place that could paved the way for a multinational police force on the ground and hate to funded by the us in canada can use president william brutal has said that he's country will lead to easy, unsurprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can, the on i see the presence of seniors and hygiene will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people in poor neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government, the loss control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to safe things. it is a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction with the gains and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in hate, see the g 9 and the g pet of actually come together and then the alliance could be
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the on some lake to try and prevent this for him. police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge that. patients have suffered immensely at the gangs hines with the power that they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account. and what is a largely low to stay on the home. and i would just say to the dominican republic, i'm brazil, as former present chapels tomorrow has appeared at a rally and red edition era that comes a day off the release of testimony from full a minute, treat shapes accusing him of flossing to over time. the 20 twins to election results. well, i'm gonna co got to keep joins us live from just next that raleigh and ro doesn't know. it was a soul of both scenario addressing the crowds that live just next to where you are . plenty of them have come out, what's the mood like as well there and there are plenty of people here. he is acting as if nothing has happened already on the
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campaign trail or the municipal elections is what happens in october wilson. i really am sort of in band running for public office 2030 but he's still in kings baker and he wants to show that he is. 2 very popular, i'm. 5 here in for sale, he said to the low co trust that the trend of the she said offering to prove, he says, well, did anyone see anything? he looked like a cold on the streets or anything, but the fact is, the latest us it testimonies from high ranking military officers say that he in fact, they were discussing, write out pretty long elections. and let's look for that as well. we're just just a way of asking the military inter be which is something that the constitution allows, in case the extreme turmoil to happen. so now he maintains
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a serious risk of being in prison. okay. and the still trying to prove that he's a forced to be reckoned with. there. is this investigation on going into him? what happens next into that? well, the investigation continues. these testimonies were given at the beginning of march, but they were released to the population by the supreme court. that's why we know about them now. the police already knew about these testimonies. they also have a compromising videos of meeting and but the question is. 2 july, when that's when they're supposed to finish their investigation and see what happens . what's next? we heard from government source, the government does not want. i said he ends up being in prison. if there
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isn't a lot of evidence to back it up, but he doesn't become a martyr. all it takes score convinces people that he has been in for 6 years. okay, monica janik have hosting the from that raleigh and red diginero, which ap 1000. all right, thanks very much. oh, so my head here on this island, is there a news our the dates, a sense for the wells largest and election, but the one up to the announcement in india has been controversial. will explain why under this quote for half and one and faithful. biggest thoughts as he gets ready to play his boss and making major league history. the color of the weather remains hot since she made defensively hot and gave it in fact, across the good pots of power. why temperatures still went up. 41 celsius and
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associates on stats di that whole to me, this a little further south as well. a lot of these folds more big down pulls that could cause to flash flooding from the impulse of ours in china for your why? pushing up into the southeast of as usual, scattering a showers across the amazon basin. more of the same as we go through west on the see the heat remaining little further south, perhaps not quite as hopeless themselves as i still 100 and found high. not particularly comfortable at school for the south as of 25 upstairs with some sunshine. at this stage, i found that a sunshine to across the car a bit. scattering a shala's just around the east. now let's be pushing across towards the hispaniola . could catch a shot or 2 in jamaica, one or 2 showers. the one went on this house, but they are still there across central america. very hot here. as well as halting of warming. africa sees the side of the us. we've seen those live you still in the clearing away now. right. this guy's coming, backing behind lobby shot. was that just around texas?
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noticed some snow. everything was a full coolness space and also up to was central positive canada. so yeah, i told them i talked with in dallas, maybe the next few days, the salvation is being used as a what the only way to stop. so i'm going to tell facing is to allow you then people are surrounding it, sparks go with the flow, are just hard to break it and shows the level of difficult because of the shortage of human materials aid, we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to, i've suggests to this humiliation moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements, the in east timor and use of storage. the catholic
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nation, but scandals involving high post all priests. plague the church, all of us goes back. we were all abused. it's almost the country's talk, the just openly stand by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison, 101 east investigate east t most priest candles on out just sierra. the . the 3rd annual watching al jazeera has remind you of our top stories this, our, to his writing. the rates have tons of the on this, or at the refugee camp in central casa, our a pod. 36 members at the same family were killed in the 1st strike of the show stuff say, most of them were women and children, and at least 7 people were killed in the 2nd strike. the 1st 8 ship 2 weeks guns of
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show us has finished downloading 200 tons of food, but so unclear how that will be distributed. it is only a fraction of causes. staley needs you and says maritime car doors, no survival replacement, and then deliveries, which as well as well as restricting new estimates that hundreds of people from sedona pouring into neighboring south suits on every day. to don tommy says the main permanency great has been fighting for control since april last year. thousands of being killed. millions displaced. all the most prominent pro, israel groups in the us as a posting a proposed bond on the chinese and social media platform. take talk. jewish federations of north america, so as the app is a major, dr. otherwise, on to summat semitism and growing criticism of israel, i say a band will come posts condemning the will ongoing. so a growing tide of public opinion against as well on tech talk has made the platform
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a target for pro as well groups. so should be anti defamation league. pass in inside of the band will sense of that voices as they speak counts against the wall and guns them take talks. american compact is have long been accused of cub in pro palestinian content on that platforms. human rights watch says it has documented facebook and instagram, censoring palestinians, and that supports his promise trinity by son is a professor. as you see, lays department of information studies and hosts of each type, his port costs. he joins us now from waka in mexico. great to have you with us. do you think that picked up is a major drive of anti semitism? absolutely. nice to talk is merely a platform that is, that is extremely popular with the younger people, both in the united states and all around the world. and as we both know, well, many younger people are find this genocide to be importance and are extremely
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concerns about how they feel so powerless and disenfranchised, and actually alienated from the powers that be both in the united states and on and around the world that are making and continuing this when vast them support both in the united states, especially amongst younger people and around the world says this needs to stop. so what do you make of the house of representatives pulsing, best move that moves towards binding take talk in the us? well, it has, it has a lot to do with where tip top comes from. it's from, it comes from china. but mind you, there's almost no evidence i've yet to see a single piece of compelling evidence that took talk is being used as some sort of spiteful by the chinese states toward americans. so i think that's probably the reason why it's getting so much bipartisan support. it's been going out to the top . it is true that tip talks, algorithms working very divisive ways. but there's no evidence whatsoever that there are any less devices. then a big social media platforms,
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or whether we speak of twitter slash x or facebook, instagram, and so on. absolutely, no evidence of that because we've got a 170000000 users in the united states of take talk. when you look at is if it's even possible to look at it on a grand scale. what, what percentage of that content is pro palestine versus pro israel? sadly, we seem to have lost connection to ramesh the and well haka in mexico. let's move on now to india, where the election commission has announced the dates for the world's biggest general election. nearly 1000000000 people are registered to vote in the parliament to poll, which will take place in 7 phases, from april to june. that have been contributing is about the funding of political policies, and i'm pointing electoral commission is from is a new engine moody's policy. the beach i p is seeking
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a subs tom as well. and just chief election commissioner has warned against any violations of an actual rules in the run up to ensuring the elections, to mainly charges and money, positive food and the election commission faces form and challenges the full ends off muscle, money, misinformation, ad m c. c. violations become a table, essentially focus on these 4 key areas between now and the end of the elections. the election commission is focusing on how to control must have bob up, how to control money thought, how to control the menace of misinformation and how to control any violations against the model code of conduct rules. and oh, i mean, while india supreme court has binds anonymous donations to political policies, to increase transparency, enjoying the elections that we spoke just to about the desk up to john list with the non profit news and opinion website the while she explains what this means that these electron bonds have been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of
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india. just to give us a sense to have us watch these really ards anonymous donations that can be made by private companies to political parties. this was brought in by law, by the government back in 2018, and now the supreme court in subject it has struck down in the snow. but the fact of the matter is that in the past 5 years, it's already been a genuine election that has already taken place in which the ruling foss with the 5 digit that by the office b, g, b, which is the movie the $500.00 says fucking that fi, do you have uh, the over 55 percent of the electrical boards that run into what $600.00 me see. and the fact is that there's a meaning office issue in 5. you have to get those boxes a meeting amount of extra one. now this has been scrubbed out, but genuine action has already leased along with infect you given to the successive collection with the past 5 years to this money has already been in the system and
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it has a finance 7 elections with the ruling 5, you're already getting the most out of it. so that's, that's why questions of transparency are being raised at the moment because the b, g, b has already gained a lot out of it. i think you back now to that story, we were just discussing the possible band of take talk in the us. we've got remish, trinity by some back on the line. good to have you back here ramos, we were just discussing the contents of take talk as far as possible and what's the percentage of pro palestinian versus pro is where the content seems to be on the platform as well. it's definitely, there's definitely more content that's critical of this, this, this war and calling for a cease fire onto the talk. but i think a lot of that, again, is a function of the nature of the user base, including in the united states. but mind you americans across the board despite relative media censorship on this topic. i do support a cease fire and have for months,
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and certainly younger people do so as well. but i think we also have to look at lobby as power into us, you know, just a few weeks after grading mark sucker burger in front of congress. and, you know, kind of criticizing him for child safety issues. the policy that actually gets bi partisan support and actually emerges out of the house is one of the singles out sick talk. so this is very telling about power and how it functions in the us lot be as power. and the feeling that many young people have that they're really out of that they're cut off from a levers of having power and voice over this tragic situation. so let's just say the move does go ahead to banned tech, to whom we're a long way off of this. donate the past the senate get the presence signature and even then take talk can sell to a us company and remain as it is. but say none of that happens in tech talk is removed. well, people will young people need news, a vital outlet for the feelings for expressing their feelings and sharing them with others, as there is no question about it. if it's
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a place where many young people are sort to talk, should be regulated just like all social media and a i for that matter, should be regulated to serve the public interest to make sure we're actually talking with one another to make sure we know what data is being gathered about us and to make sure that the algorithms don't drive the most divisive or inflammatory contents. but to talk should be part of expensive digital rights legislation. and that's what we need to go. we can't be seen going out a company based on scans, evidence because it's chinese zones. i mean, that doesn't get us anywhere on the real issues we need. so ensure that our digital world supports real demo democracy and greater equity. and the young people feel out of touch and cut off from all of this. and this is very important with the election coming up and both candidates being octogenarians who seem out of touch with the younger people. and so mind you present a trump actually is not supporting this band and i think that's self serving. he also didn't meet a lobbyist who has a strong amount of equity in to talk. and so we have to ask questions about who's
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reaching younger people and how they feel alienated and disenfranchised. and we need spaces for young people to feel their part of our democracy, part of shaping our nation's policy and, and the world more generally. so what do you think the feature of tech talking to us is the parts and now we'll see what happens with this on it. i mean that the vote was overwhelming in the house. so it's, it's likely to pass the senate and president biden says he's going to sign it. um, i'm hoping that the, if it does go through, it only goes to this point where it's an american that has to, onto saw me have a big issue with chinese and, you know, citizens owning it. fair enough. but the issue is those who own and dr. devices of content on social media and monetize, outrage, monetize polarization. that is a terrible, terrible thing in a global society where we need to come together and really understand and talk to one another. so it is likely to pass the senate. i'm hoping it was because i just
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think this is a red herring and it takes us very much in the wrong direction from where we need to be. we need to ensure that digital technologies serve business interest, but also served all of our interest. we can have a 0 sum situation when it comes to social media. remish uh, bypass that you must get you back on the program a message for any of us on. thanks for joining us. that from mexico speaking, how's calls are shopping centers in rushes belgrade region have been closed for at least 2 days in response to showing via quinn's military. 2 people were killed and 3 injured in the board of town on saturday. a truck collides with the bosses drive of slips. joining an attack, the crane has intensified strikes on both roads and other regions. the kremlin says it's aimed at disrupting rushes. elections. it almost gets has more than a 50 percent of process basis of costs that ballots in the presidential election so far as the 2nd day and facing in a $3.00 phase poll. present problem. it which says why is expected to secure another 6 is impala. he's running against 3 candidates that haven't been openly
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critical of him. no, the war renew, cried the fest result should be announced on sunday evening. let's go live to you. the shop of oliver. she is at a public station in moscow at nearly a dis they too also moving like that laura, we have visited several putting stations to the end. one of them is right behind me on today. it's much quantity compared to the uh, 1st of uh, seeing the day before, the central election commission has announced the townhouse. it has indeed exceeded 50 percent of the crime and expects an extremely high turn out this year of up to 70, to a 2 percent russian authorities. i actually encourage residents to buy it online and present page and do that on find a nice edge. and people to sort of use examples while the opposition members won't,
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that's internet, but as the results are easy to falsify, but the central election commission stated that the online thing is doing very well . and usually there are quite a few um disruptions that we were posting on day one of the thing. somebody disruption seen today. well that's right. you said they didn't continue. there are a several cases when women have spelled green dia on to bonnet books is supporting funded said probably sections so we can say that's a green dice. someone get continues according to written notice to one of them. one of those women was a teacher and she should have transfer 15000000 frugal students come isn't in order to return the money she she had agreed to spoil the bond is a source is now threatened to toughen penalties for attempts to disrupt the elections of up to a t a as in prison, and also on friday morning,
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which was the 1st day advising a huge number of people voted online and the full that probably was the reason for numerous glitches due to the system of a luggage. so and as you mentioned, also the device thing is taking place while the boulder region of belle grove is constantly being shown by the ukrainian size. but um, uh, but that quote, in the present stage and add the russian people. and i'm going to give up and continue to box. okay, you guys have a follow up. thanks very much for the update on day 2 of russia's elections during 2 years of war, interest in ukraine's cultural identity has grown internationally. many with creative own media backgrounds have been offering the skills in the will efforts as an active cultural resistance. well, mcbride explains from the capital. he's at home in cave pablo, and do read a sort through images from a 2nd life they have made for themselves on the front lines in the east 20th to
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both photographers and still retailers with successful commercial and freshman careers before the full scale invasion. they joined the same brigade to use the skills in will that as well for the, for the now we are feeling the crimes that have been committed in ukraine and to work with father on the divorce and purchase of, of our beautiful fight them themselves. unlike many of the ukraine, you're not incense that russia as a parent intention to destroy the culture. and the spare time is devoted to projects, the promot cultural identity. of course i'm cool on the dp, you go into ukrainian culture, the more interesting it becomes and the more you want to delve into it. but it was with with, if it makes you received everything and realize your value as a nation. and our cultural projects have become more meaningful. it helps keep you saying that work is also being used to help recruitment as the army struggles to find enough soldiers to count
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a recent russian success is like have div beyond the town that's now in russian hands. you trenches up being rapidly created to hold back for the responses depending on the was progress that they couldn't become a new defensive line for ukrainian soldiers. but in spite of such a setback, irina hump of law would be at the side documenting the struggles and knowing that some of the port rates of fellow soldiers could become the images that traditionally adult in the graves of those killed. these the, there's a testicle color, it is very difficult when someone rise to you and say they are that. and therefore this has been used on their grace, very difficult against the old, most unbearable burden of rule. one couple seemingly finding strength in the love of a culture and of each other public broad. i'll just say a ref keith. as
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a fire in egypt has destroyed one of the our wells oldest film production houses. blaze the l. a from studio and kara falls evacuation of nearby apartments, new desk, so injuries were opposes. the cause of the fire is on the studio was found to move in a few years ago, was considered one of the most prestigious in egypt, which accounts for 3 quarters of our phone and television production. quotes in hong kong has sentence 12 people to prison for that role in the 2019 antique government protest. hundreds of protest assumed in to legislative council. building that to you, facing pictures and smashing furniture, the courthouse to how to dump jail times ranging from full on to hoffman, 97. he is still a, has hair analysis era resisting as well as occupation with all we made the face of performance and the occupied by so inspiring people to raise the voices, engines pulled christiana, rinaldo, head, to get another goal,
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scoring landmark for a test. and that story, the years from i'll just on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the affects allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your thing. is it the from dawn to dusk, be nice to miss you as relentless on a mother's toils knows no risk. per determination. few buffalo, she labours for skunk to avoid enduring every hardship in the hope of securing life,
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changing, searching for daughter to an easiest fields over cities, a portray of the of ocean with this on a just the the list for now. and hes barbara, or thank you so much us open champion cocoa golf has missed out on his 1st appearance in the funnel at indian wells. the american was beaten by maria sakari and 3 sets. golf saved 3 match points and the 2nd sat against her great opponents and match went to a 3rd assess. but after almost 3 hours, a place of hurry took, the decided 6 to she's now just one went away from her 1st term victory overseas in
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this is one of the biggest titles went outside avenue championship, are waiting for us the car in the final as well as number one, e goes fine tactic, she overpowered new cranes. martha of course duke, in their semi final. the 4th time grand slam champion is yet to drop a set in the tournament. a polish player beats the car in the 2020 to find manchester city are preparing to continue. the defense of their english as a cub title with a quarter final a tide against new castle cities still have a chance winning a 3 trophies last season. city secured the primary league as a cub and champions league, and once again, they're well placed and all 3 competitions on fridays city a were drawn against around the trade in the last 8 of the champions leak appraiser, how much it is always has a different chunk so nobody can deny it. so is that an exceptional
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club in this competition control many things for the experience that they've got in the past. so we, we make the use of steps, steps, and then this is it. so this could be so difficult and like will happen in the last season. libby, moment for them will be moment for us. well, we can see the 2 goals in injury time again, it happens for you to crash out. the front of the team had been leading to one, but the lead straight saw them eliminated the 2nd tier side, coventry winning suite c of the former mansion. so united play with a strong rinaldo into yet another goal scoring are this penalty was his 50 of goal for on now, sir davis team a one. when over i'll alley. but now so still trailer the savvy pro lead leaders. how hello by us open title holder. windham clark is seeking
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a for shot leave at the halfway stage of the players championship. they to saw some big names strongly in florida. well, number one, scottish shuffler was contending with a neck injury while moments like this were all too rare for laurie malcolm roy. as he slipped 8 shots off the pace part is out and out in front, on 14, under par after a 2nd consecutive $65.00 american john katlyn made history. and like how was he became the 1st player to shoot a 59 on the asian tour and eagle on the final hole so shared his plates and the record books. he's leaving the tournament after 3 rounds on 18 under par. busy island have the chance to wrap up rugs, be 6 nations championship. 4 sides is filling with a chance of winning the title headings, saturdays of final round of games. but ireland know if they can avoid a fee to get in scotland. dublin or trophy will be there for a 2nd straight here. there's a special occasion for,
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for every one that's connected with then obviously with the history shows you that this is very hard to do back to back to championships and that's what we're going off to. and that's the responsibility that we've got in front of a fast, and it's one that will of the welsh, grab a hold of the principal or the year one of the nfl squared is february defensive chairs. aaron donald has announced his retirement for 32 year old los angeles, ran star was named the lead defensive player of the you. on 3 occasions, donald is part of the rams team that won the super bowl in 2020 to show, hey tom, he says he's helped to create some great memories. has major league baseball gets ready to make history. the leak is starting. it's new season in south career for the 1st time the japanese superstars and so with his new team, nearly dodgers. so be taking on the san diego padres and the 2 game series next week. and december was high, assigned a record 700000000 dollar 10 year deal with the daughter of louis come off from
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well, it's a different circumstances. i'm on a new team and we're opening in south korea, which is something out of the ordinary. so in that sense, i'm very excited. i think i'm looking forward to it. so i'm assuming, you know, when you talk about the word legacy is what a lot of people talk about. and you really, you know, as an athlete, the guys that get the legacies are guys that when multiple championships and show, hey, i don't think he's been in the post season. and so he signed on here to win champion to win the championship and multiple championship. so um, that's his only goal and that is all your support for now. laura, i thought thanks very much palestinians living in the janine refugee come often describe it as this whole concept for decades as well. has carried out the tax talks of killings and demolitions in the area. some people fight back, but there is but the freedom fair to say there are other ways to resist. same as
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for avi reports from janine the janine in the occupied westbank home to arms factions taking up weapons against israel. the scene of uprising air strikes, assassinations, and battles that have gone on for days. but there is more to it than the image of war. at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee, actor say they are trying to find, you know, if that is challenging stereotypes about this place and the people who live here, types of creating a sanctuary in the midst of this really bones and thoughts to preserve and tell their story, by this time from the day one was on the national, not a place. everybody from every, with all that religions exist,
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enjoy rosetta and palestine. today, we're not saying that we want to live alone as about a seniors by the sun is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom and dignity and that is coming. so not all of that, the, a message of unity from a refugee camp is real is trying to tear apart to this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that jeanine has. you usually think armed posting and fighters, you think of violent is really military or you never think comedy club is really army has rated and detained, even killed. several theater members ransacked the place, meant for expression, creativity, healing, and hope. those here say the best way to fight back is through their art after one of the largest is really rates in years last july,
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artist from the theater held the parade to lift the spirits the minutes we stepped up to the see. it said, as we started to keep a sudden coming out of the balconies and they set to throw him, can they start to distill rice on us as a celebration of us in the middle of the morning, they were craved something to celebrate their vig city. after 4 days of complete that are the example she says of how they can help in times of tragedy . to show us side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus, rob ultra 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. that's it from me laura kyle: so this new job, but i will be back in just
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a moment with more of today's news for you. stay with the to ask like a narrative from african perspective side to, based on, you know, from us to short documentary spine african filmmakers. and that's going to be the special for the taste of the sun from madagascar and foot phone from a new series of africa direct on our land. stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy where they usually forget people from lake point. when you think that the people in power meet,
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the inhabitants still fighting suggested wait. i took evaluate and think. and what was the money they went home? i didn't think they even considered us again. the black people, the people, the sacrifice then on out is there. more than half of the population of the cause of the trend is risk at the beginning of the words. they only have one meal per day . a that is coming in of the cause. a strip is not preaching. all of the people and people are starving. we are in as indicated by that where they're making their house as a kitchen. they start very early in the morning. they're using wood fire because there is no cooking, discuss this lenses do is cooked without any festivals. they are using on your house or an alternative to the onions itself. the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and fits suffocating. but i've heard somebody do this
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every single day to give a hand to the palestinians this place starving. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their people. the, the more palestinian live shots as to is writing strikes target al new sir a refugee come and the 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. the kind of them are a kyle, this is out. is there a life from doha also coming up? they've become positive. what the un says is now as well. largest displacement crisis. we're in the refugee camp on the south suit and these boards are well.


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