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tv   Witness London Grown  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 2:30am-3:00am AST

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multiplied by 10000 in thailand, allows cambodia and then uh, it gives you a sense of why this is becoming one of the most polluted parts of the world. pharmacy. been the field in the north of thailand and now subject to heavy fines, jail time or both. but enforcement is rare and off as no alternative solution for the farm is to handle the waste. and targeting farm is does little to discourage the huge agricultural businesses using the cone as livestock feed fung. i'm, i agree the big companies have, she has some responsibility. but if things changed to suddenly, palm is, will be affected. the most times prime minister sets out how we send a visit to ching my over the weekend claim that the pollution level had dropped by 50 percent despite hazardous at quality rating and many points of the government's failure to posit clean air act accusing as of acting in collusion with ty companies
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as input cooling from around the region. opinions keep on yet. so here we have to have more strict laws when it comes to implementation in place. those big companies don't have to pay taxes to shows that the governments on the same side as the big corporations and companies have them either have the bond. the people of northern thailand now live in a pleasant atmosphere that leads to multiple health problems. an early death, a constant blanket of gray white cloud, where even the some struggles to break through tony cheng l 20. checking my northern thailand, a spouse, thousands of people gathers in most goes red square tomorrow. the 10th anniversary of rushes, unexcused of crimea from ukraine, the crowd, some of the russian national anthem, and present crews in have equal the return of a territory to russian control. permit is to recognize as part of most countries.
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but it says to take prize that provides flushes, that they have access to the well spoken size and the toys to stick, i say as renewal garcia, as for drawn by people living there also declared their desire to return to their family. in the days of the russian spring, their journey home turned out to be much more difficult and tragic. but still we did it. and this is also a big event in the history of our state or, or information on our websites out. is there a dot com, continues harold now just off the witness statements. the thing at turner, this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks
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facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us. then divide the my spiritual journey because when i was very young, i'm going to hold to culture when i became a new moment and i signed attendance sessions at the local necessary once i so that 1st seats something magical happens in the whole world
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around you cease to exist, the follicle failed, so minutes is a really musty one score over $220.00 point how this low the population who the tenants, they are from frequent coverage in heritage big population of the turkish and some british melanie and rich folks. oh yeah, look, are you the pumpkins, mama, selma is the supreme pumpkin. gro was the
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thermal them a 1000000 sites, whether it's the rising cost of fresh food, or simply a desire to get back to the land. not since the duke, the victory campaign of 1940 to have so many people wanted to grow that a vegetable. but why did people want to grow their own power? fairly big fan for youngsters. this is the cause of the item as far as susie's consent to the site. the . this is a space where i'm allowed to come out and be myself really and share my passion
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with the light is high. the so you'll see if there's a focus full, empowering melanie, which women of african and caribbean heritage to grow their own food. so this week, recall the big game 5 said serving. why? so save, send those. do you wanna come into the account? yeah, i want to create it well, where women come and feel niche, it released the trauma and create the reason why we would want him to to, to speed up the person germination. oh, don't we connecting back to piedmont in nature. there's something else that needs to take place for it. yes. of just like us, we need a base to be able to survive the
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so this land overhead with the buildings, uh uh, what the status is to be. farmlands is to be spot default and sales in about say, 5 or 6 years ago, the council tow cova and build these block of slots here. so they may be a possibility. that's what they want the lawn for to to build the 1st is yeah. to build further further, further, further slots. know then the people will have to be pushed out then because i don't know what could happen to the people who say, what can you do? you come side, the
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recall have each other, we keep talking over each other. the increase of the rent is nothing you know that our allotment is gone from 70 pounds a it is to now well think of $260.00 pounds. i've been off by mamma so either. but the 88 year old pharma to support you guys in any way that i can. does anybody really want to pay 200 pounds or 260 pounds? maybe 300 pounds, one from some of us have to think about how we gonna get. probably going to pay our rent right, leaving in mind that we are leaving right now to whatever it is. so people can't afford to what's gonna happen if you're free except arrive. now on the rise again,
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we all refuse to for the goals. what. what do you think you'll have given up till april 24? if you haven't read study flow, you kind of need that you need somebody to talk to and represent us. go with those problems and this is the problem, what's going on here. and so we need somebody to be headed headed to coming to you up the basic what we need before we can do anything else. you want the knowledge, you have the source people have, right. so i'll be talking to the council about what's been going on assessing field since the symbol. right. that was really interesting, right? yeah, very. i just think that is outrages really what they do and there's a crisis of leaving or how would you put it in the process?
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so up here it's not justified. knows how you justify the yeah. i don't accept the, the work that's being done on the line here as well, even fighting with the constantly going back and forth. it takes time to fix energies, fix headspace, and it's not an easy task to do. it can take over your life and you know and can really be no sorry, pleasant the the . so this is sky city system for your state. and um, may finally have an offer on this build this is really important because we've been waiting so long for this next stage and
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the process will take place where we can clunk only food that we have phone with the residents. and there's just a big bill. it's cause it's where everything became so trustful to my son. something helped? no, no. okay, from there you can go, well then you go, what's your home says? no. so only, not only is it a rug is a good way to get them plus one base. we put just purpose nothing. we should mix it up. the put this, we can put the tomatoes here on the side and that one on the other side, you're not gonna make the whole too big. so that when they grow, they got enough space to grow between each other, the comforts. so then you just
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go around it. yeah. around it depends on what the code on it goes. do i do my own sales code? know where it goes from? yeah, it comes from numbers, home of the so right now i'm just an e mail to the c e o of enfield. and it's going to be quite them, use an e mail to write it because i have so much to say it's a pool in the way that the community is being treated as a point in how the, you know, the, the, the increased the, that they are putting out the price is to support and that's pretty much what time
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because that's what's in this very strong email. so they know who they actually dealing with the the b where you're going to get done in that which one should we go for? let's make this one by learning how to enterprise and combat the truck seem to money to boom and be able to be self sustainable. we're ok. we're spot in now. hello lou spot and nadia test scrubs. we looking that down the line and so the down the line itself, you can enter, press the whole months. you can have the a c, or you can have it in your solids. you can make sure we can make jobs. here we go. why is this your currency as a way you could sell them on there you go. creation reduction. this
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is the, this is the beginning. and the end. that's really ins. the this look so good. mm hm. oh porter, everything. oh the well, the the were all the thoughts. let's discuss the say broke everything shop really is felicia 32. this is not a one person job. people, so i put it to a freight it looks like we try to do
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a project and it's just not working right what it was, because we had to put in so much of a heart was doing it. you know, so i'm nice project, save a little bit of money and then it was just got messed up. the is so quiet and very disappointed and i provides are really cried. i cried. it was one of the plants. then the promptings, because we threw them with so much love and that's what really hurt me. this is only giving me up
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a tight to go even further fluids so essential. now the moving crisis. and what we threw in is grace and will support them so that they have a direct source of food that on and those that the sometimes is a struggle with community projects to keep growing and keep the people ccsp, especially when it doesn't go as planned. so i'm hoping that sharing this frontier with the residents at the sky city for, for a small on the people spaces and encourage them and inspire them to continue with the process that continues to grow foods. things. something like this in the shops
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with costs between free to full phones and i'm giving it away for free for life in the crops. oh, grow is a stop by lucky little some those i know lot just very quickly. okay. i just wanted to bring you some 2 offices, you know, we're doing the project in the basketball every grand fluids and we just have a show, a new me in that that think. yeah, there were so nice to us. i just want to do that. i'm doing good. good. how are you? i'm to thank you. some to mazda is momma. would you like to mix to doctors for this? is this okay?
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yeah. we're gonna go and give some, some of the kids' stuff for your you got some sleep. one of the kids will like the little ones. yeah. that's what i mean. yeah, sure, that's a lot because that's with them too. it's now i'm from the i think this one. sure. yeah. you. so yeah, that's the is at least for the kids best for you. that's what it gives you the right. let's see. i'll put the false. okay. excuse me. 2 together to discuss because of reply about my e mail on the increase in front. do you want me to be that 1st, but would you like to set? yeah, since that is a line and with my approach to the investigation, i can confirm i can not uphold your complaints. i hope that i have not resolved
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your complaint. if you remain just saw the size, you can request the review for your complaint to be escalated through the final space, your corporate compliance procedure, by emailing that. how do you feel about that not to the solution? not building of any of the press still does. we're off. scottsdale comes out. you'll like to say though, is it not? you don't want to pay the $200.00 pounds if they're making a price, how to get rid of people. that's how it feels like yes, i really want to see how the how are you mama, how are you feeling today?
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no good. so i'm going to kind of for that money i'm paying now. so i'm fair this a lot man has a lot of elders. yeah. right back on pension is that company every day and this has been life that will be and especially with the for the price is the living price is all the price is going up on the 3rd, the 4th to how to, to, to have to float some fair in on i cry at night that must be honest with you. and cuz i don't know what's going to happen in on this. so side send with your phone, come here every day. yeah, exactly. finish on it. my life is finished. the fighting event increase was never going to be easy. oh straightforward. we just have to keep tight and i just have no idea whether we're moving the however, i have to secure both the social assistance loans and my my cell is that the
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toddler, so whether or not i'm fighting the east and the other to you. if it's. 6 can get a chance, a low queen, so under the j in the night is at the end of the, the season and the windows close. and for me to be able to enter the price of my own crops to be able to raise the funds to meet the increase offense. i do these who the lovely and was just really nice as well. this is not truly organic growth. the good lead time to do the quality control as well. so you know, nobody gets any presence on it. oh,
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that's as now the roots are really high color, tomatoes and very late. tomorrow is a big day for us. the. the aim is to make money today to be able to pay for the rental of the flotsap custom fields. if it comes to that, we don't make that money, then you'll see us on the news. this was, this was processed in the fact that i'm doing uh about to 10 pounds reach will come be over the
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speakers is the last thing i can give you these big bucks. nothing. you know. okay, let's see. i'm hoping that at least we made a lease in the $900.00 pounds really 50
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or wow. so the total was um $421.00. which is half of what we need. i put that down to the cost of leaving people. this didn't help the money to spend say yeah. so how times are you in i have been on this game for 10 years. don't stop throwing thoughts, coach evasive around. working with the community. it's been back to back to i'm supposed to be through being alone. it's been too much. i am actually feeling that it's time for me to spell or begin to put myself in my
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time and expense the need to make another fe. how's a policy needs to renting for that one? the 7 we usually give you away, but now we're going to have to try and save every single penny. because the council has full rent, completely up the we made about 80 pounds calling to say more than that for me. what's the fight really hard and my all to it. and the other parts of me is obviously thinking about my, how my family, my son, and how much is going to take care of me to go ahead and really. right.
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the problem is, you know, it comes to people in community money. i know. fortunately, more often than the poor people in the community to side of of that is the ones that weighs that ends up losing out. yeah, they get a combo for what it is and they hang up and go, you know, it is hard to straighten, comes down, you know, what i mean, other than that, you get some of the work definitely, but i'm thinking that your affinity i've made on decisions to rest, i don't know if anybody let you take a year that doesn't serve and then you know, when you get people used to and each side and i'm willing to do it the starting never know, find the
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spinning. no, jenny, i feel like i found the people we define the council because it had so much time at the beginning and i am going to take some time out to me say so that i can come back strength. i also want to support the sisters in the garage and let them lead one. i suppose them from behind the scenes. the last bias the
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the end of the time when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe, christine exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try to if you have just regular it's the park in the process praying for i'm a good episode to just in
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a world full of darkness. hope was so scarce. you donated we delivered in ramadan, said bryce, we've touched lives in you, in this holy month. the power of kindness, great. in the joy of breaking falls in the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfill all that can possibly be offered a 10 year journey, which has become the most important translation award from. i'm in to see how to relate the language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of non c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the
3:00 am
of the warning that mass of death is imminent in gaza. as parts of this trip face extreme food shortages, the carry, johnston, this is out just like from the also coming israel launch is a major sold once was once causes biggest hospital. so he killed several members from us in tons of literature. and this is mail out, google has been released by.


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