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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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with the indian home ministry a lot, i'm we able to convey to both the government in the nation, the importance of addressing our demands. so some of the doc, you people want statehood for the dog and tribal rights. ok. and the restoration of democracy in the retracted, you move, you have to the bottom of the hollow. some trait is in the region of both of the businesses and brought this on. the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. we are expecting a democracy, basic democratic rights to choose our own representatives to make decisions about how this rigid place is managed. the government needed us from the community to look into the months of the put this on itself books with the latest from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate disease said they would continue taking to the seats team. the demand summit comes and how much does the orleans prime minister has to down only 2 years into the 2nd term is premier leo of our car
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has been the leader of fina gail. since 2017 for a challenge has more it was a shock. the most, i'm sliver, i could acknowledge that many would be left scratching my head said his surprised resignation. i know, and that is really there be speculation as to the quote unquote, real reason for my decision. these are the real reasons. it has to be the system as a combination of the personal and the political belief that another leader with the threat to the ballot box, unemployment sense that he'd run out of steam. however, politicians are human beings have our limitations. we give it every time until we count anymore, and then we have to move on. it's certainly a surprise decision from the youngest prime minister. ireland has ever had a man who with just 45 is well within his political prime. it's off indian, and open the gay. veronica embodied the liberalization of a country one scene is one of the most socially conservative in europe. spots
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political clouds have been gathering lat, cluster poll numbers 10 departing parliamentarians from his feet a gale policy. i'm the loss of 2 recent referendums and liberalizing parts of pardons, constitution. who might have taken that total of veronica? despite the opposition coal was for an early general election. that's not likely right now. seen a guy was pot as he had a full and the greens both say the coalition government will set up a full time. veronica stays on until feet, a gal cheeses in the leader who will be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps this time is april, the 9th glory talons. how does he ever the more news at the top of the hour after the listening 1st by the what constitutes extent? so we generally talk to a see,
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i want you to start with just the fence runners to what happened as independent. we won't be i want, we don't, we don't have lead them in different countries policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services as claimant. and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and i'll just see her integrity in the pursuit of truth. israel's war on palestinians is not confined to 2 gods. with ramadan underway were watching the occupied westbank and the israeli settlers driving the store. for me, indian filmmakers are playing an unofficial part in the rendered motives re election campaign. and george soros,
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the scourge of populace leaders almost everywhere. how was the last monday the muslim holy month of ramadan began for palestinians living in the occupied westbank? it was marked by an influx of israeli troops, many coming by way of the killing fields of gauze prior to october 7th life and the west bank was already difficult enough in 2023, 509 palestinians were killed there, including 120 children either biased really troops or is really setters since october 7th, things have grown worse for palestinian germ less reporting on these stories has become nearly impossible with their movements severely restricted. dozens have been arrested and held under what the israelis call administrative detention. but what really amounts to indefinite imprisonment without trial or charge. with the global
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media's attention trained on garza, ours included, what palestinians are going through in the west bank often goes on, reported. there is not a story of genocide, but as being oppressed, dehumanized and living with the constant fear of getting killed by those suspected of genocide. it is all part of palestinian life under his really occupation. it was the morning after the sizing of the crescent moon, the start of ramadan, with the west bank and east jerusalem effectively under long israel's defense minister, you'll have good launch delivered a message to palestinians in arabic, or at least tried to lowball. look, a little shy amadon and from the gold on one pale, although lake van delano switched to hebrew, the language of his intended audience having as a journalist would say buried the lead. hold this on, my don,
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i don't neil call dish should just not normally in the holding me ship will certainly muscle both on and the name of the wheel and a very bad arabic accent trying to wish well to palestinians, which is both paternalistic and manipulative. because it was followed up by basically a threat. what he was essentially telling palestinians is that we are not done with you yet. don't even try to think about worshiping as much them palestinians, or that this holy month is going to be any different than the last 5 months that you have what i thought to myself. what sort of this is, what taking place in the middle of this video was recorded? what is the aim? you know, when they stopped recording, then somebody that i'm and say yes, and this would actually have the goal of making the west bank more quiet. i very much doubt this and remember that this is the same man who in october of talked
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about ordering the electricity, water and food being cut from gaza and referring to palestinians as human animals. so the payoff of them is on the getting bit through the consequences about policy, children actually dying of starvation in gaza. that's really why the effect is socially exhibit a of that effect came on the following day. rami home got a 13 year old boy in jerusalem, who set off some fireworks to celebrate ramadan was shot dead. barton is ready. policeman, who said he felt the threat is real security, administer the extremist to get them? are ben give here, then came as close as one can come to praising the killing of a child, who he mistakenly thought was just, well, johnny, on the 5th job. how the step?
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the steps from how bad since from mazda is a tax on october. second, global news outlets have been trans fixed by israels war on gosh, diverted from the west bank where it is rarely settlers backed by soldiers, heaps, stealing palestinian land and violating international law. 3 days prior to ramadan, israel boosted the number of its troops in the west bank. many of the soldiers moving in have just come out of the strip, where they have been committing war cry, celebrating film, and callously posting the evidence on line. the arrival of such a vengeful is ready forces boats badly for palestinians in the west bank who have all already had it historically hard. this is a process we'd be seeing the fault over 7, a process that the increase under the x 3 right with governments of race into policy and towns and death, temple fly, dream cetera, to postpone a scene of the communities. and this is done,
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which the backup of the valley view theory seems to cover the 7th. both of the are the end. the steps are visiting you out for pushing away from the city of the community and increasing military raising, killing, moving throats of the west bank increases in certain instances. extensions that other include uses. more tools means more targets. so for this to be happening is scary for us, it's scary. not because the level of troops move is unprecedented. it's because these tools are coming from a genocide feed into a shooting range. israel's more on journalism, in god's where more than 130 reporters have been killed as also distracted from what other palestinian journalists are up against. more than 50 have been arrested in the west bank. many of them jailed usually without charge, locked up in definitely under what israel euphemistically calls administrative detention. often that means that attacks by settlers in the west bank were more
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than 500 palestinians have been killed in the last year alone. go on reported. following the news that does come out has its dentures. one month after october, 7th, israel past the new law criminalizing the sharing or consuming of online content, that the is really authorities deem related to terrorism. leading to arrests like this one of a palestinian couple after the woman had changed her. what steps that was the bible for the new law could effect any palestinian, including germ lives in the west bank to face so many challenges. just getting to stories that need to be covered for the student joy in the west bank. and the biggest problem is that move with restrictions that when students in talked over 7 checked points, roadblocks flying checkpoints just literally hard for palestinians to move into
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west. thanks. it's also from my policy that according as i, i here, that's very hard and they just to because of the army. because such as because that jeff, when he's just very hard to access his license, bescedy communities that has been targeted by such a violence. it's just dangerous to policy is present and certainly as i've always mean a target for that, is there any authorities preventing these violations, providing a voice for these communities and being even a source of hope for these communities has made how decisions on this. i thought this is part of, is it, or is it a strategy to control the flow of information to dictate, then additives, what's very dangerous being a posting internalised. unfortunately, the press best does not seem to protect them from harm or from being children. and this is again before october 7th, you don't have to look further than the case of shooting. i'm a club, i'll just, you're a journalist, palestinian american journalist,
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and i emphasize american because not only did israel not hold anybody accountable for the crime of shooting her and showing her as really soldiers neither to the united states, a country which is a citizen of israel brands itself prides itself on being the middle east, only democracy. you would, you know, it from the way their media outlets have been behaved. to have you down the road at the vision. of course mr. hun bye so much space open. not just the whole thing. talk beyond the blood last being broadcast overdraw. so those outlets often turn a blind eye to what's happening in the west bank. the never ending set clear driven violations of international law. when they do focus on that story, they have been known to sound complicit. i mean close yesterday and the boy, i'm sure i know in the link the ground work for f mcclin's over the years israel has managed its occupation of palestinians by using
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a divide and conquer strategy. ceiling, gaza and the west bank, off from one another politically. and keeping palestinians apart with the death toll in gaza now exceeding 31000 and people starving. that is the story that news audiences have been focusing on. but with the west bank it's such a boiler in the eyes of the world need to be on that side of the story as well. those lives matter to whether the is really media, see it that way or not. these are to get reports. only one is violent storage is rarely when it's policy or resistance. if they caught a pair of tax or tax, that's harvey's riley. this has been 40 reported that the coverage while on such as violence this has been reported only on a very massive event like that starting to how of out last year about the day to day reality that got the feelings are not being covered at all. these really media
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in fact and has a plate, a very important through to lay the groundwork for the dehumanization of products and in the coming up for state that it was in an on the suppliers. emboldened by protection from these really all me who commit crimes, all of this wouldn't have to happen if that is really media what it was doing it's, it's jump, i don't think because as it is giving cover for israel to carry out crimes in the west bank they killed 31000 palestinians and with us they really don't need a cover. clearly they can do what they want and get away with it. but what it has done is definitely curtail our capacity to bring forward and expose what is happening in the west bank the there's an election coming in india that has prime minister and a run from modi and his b j. b party favor to in an historic 3rd term. having brought broadcast journalism
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to see a long ago, the beach, a piece now focused on other forms of media messaging, including film, product and alpha is here with the big screen is nothing new messaging platform for the mighty government, but the flu of phones released recently or expected to hit fits as during the election season. it's significant there at least 10 movies that are built explicitly around. some of them are the government's key policies until king points among the films recently released a buyer pick of the hen do not sniff idealogue via cyber. com. a minute's an activist for him do supremacy solver cause damage has been steadily rehabilitated by india is right. waiting on the top of the another movie just out is cold. us, cool. 370 bucks. the constitutional clause, the grunted cache may have limited autonomy before it is we're boats by the b. j. p
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. government, in 2019 the phone for post to show the behind the scene story of the making of that decision. the fitness specialist, kate, this is how many opts we need, how many articles to certain people hot like underneath these productions vary and size and prominence. some are from less than 9 studios others from major production houses. the style paola varies as well. well, none of the phone feature, any of india top boxes that a range of select receive from be less talent to brand new faces, taking pots in these folks. in india, monday in the b j. p, have a huge advantage in the media. they have co opted or cowed, but surely old mainstream news outlets and the prime minister goes viral on social platforms almost every day. they probably don't need bollywood in that corner as well, but they're leaving no media stein until that like start at age 93,
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george soros, the hungarian american billionaire financier, and philanthropist, is a polarizing figure. depending on who you ask, he is either a selfless man dedicated to worth while social causes or the devil in disguise. many right, when politicians describe him as the latter, thanks to a smear campaign concocted a few years ago by political operatives working for hunger, his prime minister, victor, order by the branding of soto, says some kind of puppet master manipulating politics in multiple countries from somewhere in the shadows is now a go to trope, for populous leaders around the world, including in store dose is adopted home country, the us, where it is a frequent talking point of conservative politicians and pundits a like the listening post. flo phillips now on the escape coding of george soros. and if there's anything really that truly typing the
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name of george soros into google and these are the kind of headlines you might get . the most dangerous man in america, the billing uh who broke the bank of england. soros back soros link. sorrows funded. sorry. sorry. sorry. your source is i devise a fee and that is going to always attract the attention for many reasons. and i think that these most because of his business activities, but also because of his involvement in supporting a number of causes in many countries. so definitely i think she's last night and by my name she's going to be sure that he does that to the fact that he said he worked in finance. the fact that he's jewish, you know, that he's all controlling or he's an outside or the speculator,
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or he's trying to undermine the nation. he's at this function to our civilization at a clear and present danger to our country. he has all of these traits that make him really attractive candidate as the target of conspiracy theories. so many theories, so this is true. so here are the 5. george soros was born in 19 thirty's henry, to a jewish pat, avoiding deportation to a nazi concentration come by securing full. so i d and concealing his background. he like to move to london when he studied economics, new york, when he made millions, then billions, speculating on international market. before turning his hand to lunch. in 1993, he launched his open society foundation, which vows to build by buttons and inclusive democracy. it's now one of the largest for them for picking up and nice ations to someone who's given so much time and money become the target stairs beyond
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the noise in the land. what prime minister victor needed. and so in 2015, judge cyrus published this same piece where he paused for a plan on how to handle the reference she prices. victor arbin takes this little se and turns it into something very different, kind of like a, a child mazda plan. the sawgrass plan a plan to replace the european population with the increase. and they use this for political campaigning and vendors. that's even like political posters. they created where they showed george soros and a bunch of allies and the a photo montage cutting through a y f hands that it was a complaint that was made based on a series of, of boards that actually shown george soros with the fabulous eyes. and with the
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slogan that, that sense, let's not have the sorrows have the last, last, all the messages that you saw on billboards that were coming from the prime minister mc stuff. sports, republished and promoted in, in the getting media. and the pro government media will not start to quite sort of showed an extra one. let's say, you know, you want a database to day. she, if that's the prime minister, maybe the minimum and of course they needed someone from abroad. someone who would ok, bye hungry, someone with for an interest, someone related with international national conspiracies. so they hired this out now this to uh, go south of this, the spin doctors and they have actually helped um, how became create the so called sort of the, those most of spin wood to jewish america. also finkelstein and george ben finkelstein had made a name for himself, securing victory for his re prime minister benjamin netanyahu in 1996. netanyahu
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repeat the favor with an introduction to victor, the pat windham to devise one of the most destructive smear campaigns of the 21st century branding george soros, the millionaire, the asset fingers started to develop as specific political philosophy. and the idea that we call single thing is politics was about the verification of the political. and to me, single stance idea was, what if we list the cart and behind the court, and of these international leads, all of a sudden, dest, this one secret? don't fight against the nazis. you fight against out of hitler. you don't fight against all either to fight against or some of the lot, right. and so judge cyrus could be, come the face of the enemy, connect me,
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be upset gage. allen's the 5 butch dot com. i want to make sure that the members have to be handled. a tom shows do. i've never heard, let us do best. i see to make george soros wasn't just an enemy for victor over, well, finkelstein and bum bum formulated. was a blueprint right for adoption by right wing populous leaders around the world. regardless of a country's specific, socio political context, sorrows met the brief symbol of a peak, global capitalism with us and then swap it from the tapped into the p, routed onto some mystic troops, p steel. for many a governments in the one of the escape. going simply because the so to speak, you fix all the boxes in turkey and no doubt to see some point in time. reflect are sold off as being the man who's going to destroy this country mission much sort of we have easily and my bill was really for many times spoke about the support,
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the judge sort of gave to organizations, supporting migrants, you know, sort of all for being able to vote in order to make up. but again, we don't, so don't use the, i mean, even imagine the far ours from the you can read them mention source in the usually speeches and made is directly between your source and the floods of migrating the western european one. if you really examine the money, this man is spending across the whole of europe in america to push these at the end, which didn't get rid of the nation state and doing cartridge mass migration. so we have, it's every way fox news is played a huge role in for pushing the idea that soros was trying to replace the american population with people from abroad. and that's where it was was hijacking democracy . but his program for the past 15 years at least has been to make this society is. he focuses on more dangerous, dirtier, less democratic. in other words, it's
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a program of destruction in the west. and what's interesting, you, you might have thought that it would stop when trump left the office. actually the opposite is the case. i think that here in the united states, these conspiracy theories are more potent and omnipresent. then they were before. so we start and then didn't cite. there is the soros himself. now $93.00, he's slowly stepping out of the spotlight hunting the range of his philanthropic foundations to his son alice. but as to what he's come to represent the 1000000000 as the shadow escape. the pop mazda post on the final leave. now that is taken on life. i think it's really hard to say what through this is legacy will be . i went to the last c, e o. graduation. i was sitting there thinking, gosh, why per soros? who were people going to like, were they going to attack? and then alex arose, walked onto the stage, and i had this moment like, oh yeah,
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right, of course. so i, i certainly think that people will try to run the same script if you think of the think of starting termed on versus sar rush. fact, future historians will look back at this fight as like the at the tone of like a child almost global political discussion. when liberal politics goes against this new breed, of post liberal or a liberal politics. so it's like a global campaign because it's globalized political warfare. now assigned only one story that got a lot of play this past week. was that doctored photo issued by the british royal family, the porting that all was well with a certain princess doctors, whatever they call her, it was instructive to see how quickly that image was picked apart by experts and the way that people on social media spread. what was basically
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a story about media manipulation, which makes this a good time to remember to put those critical thinking skills to use when you get news that is far more serious than royal gossip. such as is wheels were on gossip, especially when dealing with a source like the is really government with its track record of manipulating. the truth is there in apples and oranges element to the comparison, undoubtedly. but it's still worth making. we're thinking about what's the next time you're at the listening cost, despite the house did in 2018 slovak, his prime minister is back in power along with his hotline politics. he needs someone to hate. that's help up in his own works along with food in how was his reappearance effect neighboring, you print the persecuted minorities within the slovak republics, borders?
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honestly, i have to say that i met free. go back here. the return of itself on a jersey to settle tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze, or without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without these cultures, solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number. think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this
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is my us, my life, like at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks, we we are not denied all of who we are. a few mom being done, this has to be treated in the footsteps. our ancestors whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the visions, keywords you the house coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel away, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on the suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in
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their communities in at p a and unbiased. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the israel's as killed 90 people in its range on and she felt hospital on the change. hundreds more the you're watching all the 0 live for my headquarters in doha. i'm getting you. navigate is also coming off. more is really air strikes in the occupied westbank. 3 palestinians have been killed in geneva, ukrainian strikes on russia as felder, audrey.


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