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tv   Al Jazeera World The Price of Oslo P1  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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this is the best fixes, and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the ultimate cry. and these are the top stories on al jazeera, thousands, all those rallies have been to the anger against the government, zipcode. for early elections, families have kept his health and guides were among the thousands who gather them. tell a face that demanded a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, his immediate remove from office and accused him of abandoning the captives health and cancer. at least 16 protesters were arrested. they were demonstrations and didn't know his residence in west jerusalem protests, but also held in haifa and other cities demonstrated his blames. netanyahu for not doing enough to secure deals for the release of captives. and is there any
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delegation is expected to hit to, to cairo on sunday to continue negotiations day with the kids, the benjamin and figure out who i mean is the thing you know, is the obstacle between us a good thing or hostages back. and we really, really endlessly fights legally, of course, heavy removed from fall off and get someone else that can do the job. and would be of this of the, the situation that could be the big uh, beloved ones that indeed been being, i mean the thing you know is the main obstacle. i push them out with the baby. do you hear me b, b. i don't know if my husband is alive. don't talk to me about victory. don't talk to me about military pressure. nothing has worked so far. they are dying there every day. on the ground in gaza is rarely a tax,
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relentless and unsparing. at least 17 palestinians were killed. nicholas especially through the others were wounded in the is riley strike. the targeted out quite round about palestinian seeking. i'd have been gathering at the intersection for weeks and have come under his ready attack since january lillia, the palestine of rid crisen said 5 people were killed during an a delivery of the same round about on friday the, the 8 organizations had thousands of people gathered for the arrival trunks carrying flour and other supplies witnessed a said warning, shots were fired by those organizing de delivery. but is there any troops also often find in southern living homes, 3 united nations and military observers and to translate to have been injured? they will on foot patrol in the town to for mesh when there was an explosion nearby
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. these rarely military has issued a statement denying responsibility and is ready as strikes have had at least 4 live in these towns including the kora. i mean, and sheba is rutland, his blah, have exchanged 5 originally since the boy and gaza began in october. or what's, what i've been using peruvian president and apollo on site has described to police right on their houses, arbitrary and abusive police were looking for what they describe as the cleared luxury watches around 40 offices forcibly into the residents, searching for rolex watches, government agent's lawrence and investigation following a newspaper report on the warranty. wearing luxury bunches she had not disclosed publicly. maybe the another was either the measure taken early this morning is arbitrary, disproportionate on the abusive. their situation is extremely serious, affects the rights of my family. but to go for it affects the governance of this
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country. somalia is parliament has approve measures to change parts of its provisional constitution and of a whole the electrical system. the amendments ground the president power to point and dismissed the prime minister rather than the parliament. they also seek to replace the current plan based in direct electrical system with universal voting rights instead of the move has and get some leading politicians as well as a taurus he's in the see me on the state homeland where they say they will no longer recognize the federal government and president hassan shake, moved at the proposed electrical system, will be introduced in local elections for the set for june, but it still needs parliament's approval. we'll both uh, the headlines. the new news continues here after al jazeera. we'll just coming up next. the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the 13 years ago, a prospect for peace in the middle east. after decades of conflict between palestinians and this way nice. this to parkville tells the story of secret negotiations in the political shadows. a story of the search for common ground in
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the midst of a region in constant turmoil. and at the center of it, all, unfunded likely mediator ladies and gentlemen, eczema and see your vote. minister of foreign affairs of norway is done. the navy and country of norway, minister of foreign affairs of egypt, the honorable anthony lake assistant to the president for national security a best let us salute also today. the government of norway, for his remarkable role in nurturing this is the september 1992. it is ready for the minutes to get set up. it'll be an palestinian leader. yasser out of shakes, hopes were who the peace between is ratings and other cities would finally come to the middle east. but 3 decades on such
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a piece remains as elusive as opposed to libya for them. and that can be acted as in hat. is this the far? that's what i can make w for this time you must finish. wanted to see it but a senior stating garza and then easily seen. he and joe didn't condominium into westbank. it is not possible for a small comfort like no way to play on a symmetric grove. it has to be a role according to its rules. rules of the game present the signing ceremony was former us secretary of state, henry kissinger, chief architect of the peace between egypt and israel. kissinger's approach was to making only small the most building from the out of 5 picked up on this step by step strategist. and as early as 1974,
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as promised any and liberation organization approved a plan to aim for a foothold and the region administered by a palestinian authority rather than historic policy. in the same year, the out of the summit had officially designated the piano as the sold representative of the palestinian people the u. b and stuff. the bought a shot of this lean and the 3rd x of wenatchee to walk i had i had a phone, i mean to tell you can reach us off. it can really some what i need. yeah. pull clues of problem. i like someone to his voice a bug. i'm at the co mendez in 1974. i refer noun to his colleagues as a rama. address the united nation for the palestinians. and for the p l. o. the
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venge represented recognition for the palestinian struggle had said between him and yeah, on the soap of the i think the, the, the height i can maybe in the more the heater, the piano gain stature, the us. but it continue to reject security terms of resolutions to 42, and 338. the resolutions demanded. that is we'll withdrawal within what it calls secure and recognized borders. but they did not precisely require israel to withdrawal to old line to talk. you find the for the 6 day war in 1967 capacity that states to any of these negotiates must be based on the security council resolutions to forward to it's basically a, we would strongly oppose any attempt to change these 2 resolutions with the
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framework for the 1978 camp david accords, the chords called not for the palestinian state, but for what was termed palestinian autonomy got big him of some of these have also been in the quite a whole combat the level for this, the new law. some of the supplement that the bid less than what shock bye up in the farm. and despite e at the can is in the you and i'm going to daddy kind of walked no good yet. can you? oh, i love you. so for you have to follow up, fee is about in the you, and i'm not for this thing again. little comments. her contact from a stronghold of surf lebanon in 1977, the piano decided to explore the possibility of secret talks with his wheel. i've had not a what model color uh to be in new new to uh well, uh my out off. so at least i yeah. can you send me what you
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can see? uh so you, uh, the one of them in the meeting has a go to madison and president ha, who the boss says in his book, the secret channels that this dialogue was with is ready forces that supported peace and with the sephardic jews in march, 1970 israel invaded science level, the united nations responded by deploying the peacekeeping force him to source level known as students. so part of this was, was made up of norwegian troops. i had visited part the test time as part as a,
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as in the legion solely to ag visiting the union. the field forces and lebanon. i came with friends through is read, they know skip. i thought it was she had been tuned august the best and i was still in east guys in english and looked at on that all the hard about developing skita point. if i'm sticking this it off, i should just didn't get it fit up. all the students could get e mails who adolfo adolfo should have filtering again long enough to give him ceiling and he didn't do it and certainly hadn't know of it. content abuse did the approximately bump tossing solve this and of course the secuity of the adults. so this was a very important call suntrust either one of the 1st this then called today is to establish book that describes at the time as that can call the contexts the, the p low. in that context mrs. exhibited living the cost of the administrator for the fast to the felt very rough, the deputy minister state secretary,
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he followed the situation very close at the time. no only said fred, dog, no, that's the that's the gift. that's what makes it as we in this the meaning is always strength when it comes to. so the piece kenneth to know is minutes i you will need been to us be the lead in the mendacity on demand. yeah, that's good. can all the might be as i've also seen, i'll do some other to many and all them in the home going to be over here as much of the class. and that was any kind of those that for now i left a supplement because just of level for us to me can future. so yet most who do feel coma? often gauge often as using the media most identify them to sort of in natalie shame. fuck up similarly so that he didn't look to buy more covet. oh, when was more supportive or racial?
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not many of the others i'm not getting done. done any of the out of the european states on that. there are several reasons, reasons. one of the most important tools stopped in the mention labor party and the nutrition trade union. this whole, this state of israel, off the socialist experiment, a almost a kind of social democratic social state. like the one we have in no way in the late seventy's, there was a common bond of socialist ideology which we know ways labor party and its namesake is really one of the key players. and this special relationship was a prominent labor party member of norway. he's parliament, your hon. you organ host, me sit, host of us, the 1st person at the politic 11 to me. they said all thoughts to give us.
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15 minutes to then. they took the teddy in on the minister of defense, see came to bates and the said 7 don't to use it to each then. in july i think it was in 79. he meets with the outside office and they all said, i've talked invited the whole group to various places and said that mister hosts had very close contact with the families. and so that aspect to base the whole spending even more interesting to me so that i don't miss out of ups interested in ordering. most of the only contacts for the site all throughout the day. notice i had a conflict in the me test and so could on the fulton middle mean interesting for me . it doesn't come fix that have on the scale sale of code for an in the a lot interesting. the slip tree was going to pay to gun and that was the end of the fell, which i love a with was almost as atomic
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a to point to and how much would on hey, you know, those are what the mean? what would you would the fee, general, blue man a 1979, the show of a run sled into x is really lost on line and a major oil supply. the united states, aust, no way to guarantee to sell it's north c o. 2 is really concerned about repercussions, but it's un troops and 11 on know, we sent its diplomatic hon sloan 5 to seek assurances from out of 5 me, fill out front of to the fixing on it for the few split seconds. he said, i've been having no objection to section of each and guarantee to e sign on one condition, the 90 and the secret back chapter 3 says you provided to you also,
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i don't know if i wanted to know regions to act as intermediate between himself and this way we did sions on reaching government. i just chalked to hear the message coming back from our office. so problem 1979. and every year, from their own words. and origins tried to step up a secret back channel between the piano as well. but this rover absolutely no with at all to listen to anything after the region could come up with from our top on the appeal in 1982, the piano, low states, base 11 fighters were forced to depart following the is really invasion of 11 on 3 months on
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the us broker deal lead to out of 5 and his own to long as moving to tennessee. it was for them to an invitation from of to my previous assignment, this, the entered in on the myself. i have been defense, been listed in the when the 9th and 8th is too late for new year's eve. we died off up in 2 in this, at the time of austin aesthetically if you could to help him get thing. did they come to the, to the, in the little and these, and in the book. and i was at that time and
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a member of the assembly of the socialist and nothing. and they turned out to be a strong interest in the socialist in less than 4 trying to contribute to normalization. all the relationship between post in ins and is a is to help with his charm offensive out of 5 to turn to senior p l. o. members, i some so i'm calling to act and i says may go between i thought appointed dr. side of tabi and a he came here. this is me because i should take care of this from the woodson side . and the very good impression of him, i believe that the b, i know, has been the greatest achievement to our suffering people. i believe that the p n. o is the most need to talk about it and then should meet in the old
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buffet. you know, there was the social is in nash, this assembly me dean though before the in portugal. and then there was some shooting suddenly and the rest out in the lobby. and that was the side of thousands of to so we can shut down the some. so tell we lay where he'd been killed by a lone gunman who pumped 5 shops into his chest. it has never been clearly verified who ordered the assassination. so tell me what the motive appears to be, because he was talking to the is really on out of fox behalf. all thought that we took his own position. i did swim against the strain in the face of the great protection and danger of 5 continued
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a double game on the one hand seeking discreet diplomatic channels too is rail via the norwegians or the other publicly maintained. the did you do this? the mat spelled a bit of time to be in that the that can be the cool had if initially lisa had said that and still come back. and i said hopefully i'm demarcus that maybe somebody has been the man mazin has been there when they say that commissioner need a definite and the and the by the in the what the then the model to model that plays about my kindly opinion, mad wet, just looking to see the inside of g,
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a bad list and of sort of the total amount of stolen but would not betray the secrecy of conversations between the, the low end as well. we tried to prepare for contact and negotiations between the p level for this and this and the labor part. we started there and we would very much like to try to for homework for people from the is there any labor party that you were contacting? mr. shimon? peres or no other but i promise never to tell anyone. i have not told anyone and i'm telling you, no, i am a part of my success in life is not coming from what i say. but from all the things i didn't say in the mid eighties, the labor party in israel formed a coalition government with huge section mirrors liquid parties. shamira gave a note and
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a week for the crude member motion. i've to hold secret adults with kind of standing and politician fights all cassini in jerusalem discussion centered on piano recognition of his real autonomy on the west bank and a federal relationship with jordan. the so called i'm it off who seems the tongue became a model for the subsequent oslo accords years later. but old bunch was soon too often by the outbreak of the 1st intifada, palestinian uprising, which took both israel and the piano by surprise. did i? oh, and let the the side of the shop. bueller, charlotte, north carolina. yeah. because you might have been over this way. so i left
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a permanent concern. i left the sure to you while i left left the when the mag showed on it's about 80 and the one that many days most of the yeah, but the middle i guess could so of the palestinian boys throwing stones against is really tanks this david and goliath contest put the is ladies under great pressure. time was no of the essence in an exclusive for all g 0 . the norwegian foreign ministry has released highly confidential documents that include a 198800 delivered letter from foreign minister stores and back to is ready for the minister. paradise stole from buck road. that's the only bible leaving itself of the burden of the occupied territories. and israel succeed and prosper. i am would i be to talk with any brothers thing that sort of then i'll stell that 3 to accept
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the full 2 and 338. and the legal guys is come and negotiate with us. then you can claim what that value so many of the many and if we had been for this the g, i'm left zip the most on the that can see well can it? yes, it off to read any of course, national new off have problem cut out of maintaining within a lot of a let's keep it, do it. i live in the state. i'm not the only for, i'm just don't really feel how safety the, the, that's what the other one of them with it the how do you i live within within or how to bring in the v is following up to heidi bowl. one of the sole duty here for the november 7th safety c. welcome. shut the cooling sheet. so convenient,
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phyllis slipped on united nation positions and creative to for to $178.00. and the, i'd accept the international village we've identified instead of mission is huge. for the most of my ability. i love you can, i'm gonna copy on what you had them and let them have a couple of them. i have heavy but the value that i'm going to stay in 1988 suite a mediator between the p l. o and the united states. a public meeting was held in stock on b l o at bottom in the policy and thought of them in the fee and see had accepted to state that expands fish and jewish state between packets is that they shot his speech to the un general assembly in geneva and 1988 to an auto fide. formerly i'm calling dan default telling us all about the electric. i'm a bishop of geneva, the heck of the month of my my job. shoot,
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american know. but as you saw a honda, i'm going to have a lot of time in a month to month. so have you done? you did you need? okay. i've had to go by the committee will be on fee is to them. so i know the one up on the you or, i mean i've never been in place yet, but what the most i have the bullish about. i'm a try to keep a do order for so what is she by unknowns, terrorism for help, white and so healthy? and let me shift as for it is by no means yesterday in no uncertain database. and yet, i repeat for the records,
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i repeat for the records that $3.00 to $30.00 and so you agree the nodes or automates or thought it is for fontes of thought it is including individual auto finance had accepted the as reading terminates to start from negotiations in hebron boys breed and slide picture, but then this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times show thoughts and often arrested. a delicately told tale fumed over 5 years of a coming of age in a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to as the well plunges into
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a climate disaster. we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and meets the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth a growth because rising for as nothing inmate to growth reference dying. coming soon. what constitutes extent, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we want fees. we want to educate to me. i want freedom. we don't have to lead them into something policy, obviously, to get 50 percent representation and even accountability benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're reports for
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that. i should just trust the community off to the side of the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the ultimate right. and uh, these are the top stories on al jazeera, thousands of israelis had invented the anger against the government of cold for early elections. families of captives held in council among the thousands who gathered in tennessee. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his immediate removal from office, and accused him of abandoning the captives held in gaza. at least 16 protesters were arrested. they were demonstrations then in yahoo's residence in west jerusalem . protests were also held in haifa,
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and other cities. demonstrations blames netanyahu for not doing enough to secure a deal for the release of captives and is ready. delegation is expected to hit to cairo on sunday. to continue negotiations on the ground and gaza is riley attacks. relentless and unsparing, at least 17 palestinians were killed near kansas city to the others were wounded in the is riley striked the targeted out quite round about palestinian seeking. i'd have been gathering at the intersection for weeks and have come on the is ready attack since january the lily of the palestine bridge. crisen said 5 people were killed during a delivery at the same round about on friday. the, the idols and nice oceans and thousands of people gathered for the arrival of trunks carrying flour and other supplies. when does this said warning shots with fine by those organizing?
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the delivery is ready. troops also opened fire in southern living on 3 united nations military service. and the trends lives that have been injured. they will on foot patrols in the town to from ish when there was an explosion nearby. these ready military has issued a statement denying responsibility to have been using peruvian president. dana palo alto has described to police right on her house as of a tree and abusive police were looking for what they describe is. undeclared, luxury watches around 40 offices forcibly and since the residents searching for broddicks watching government agents, phones and investigation following and use the type of report on the warranty wearing luxury launches, she had not disclosed publicly. well, those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera of to l. just here, a world just coming up next
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friday page for the record in december 1918 and below liter. yes. a lot of thoughts known to his colleagues as of walmart, public cent written notice to finance the known. the autumn is eric started over the years, norway had discreetly been tilting to the piano, was out of 5 menacing violence. norway was no ready to pay him an official visit at the yellow headquarters in june. so this will mid long to go for this or you, they are brothers to the, to go to pedal of the screws on this end. these are all disagreeing. the tallest, i'm so tired of this day with you. all right, off of the 1st time i know we have some 5 minutes to visit the piano. it was definitely an successful visit because it was a break to feel free to contact the same foreign minister. $200.00 to buy
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the folder of the prime minister in no way today that he must allow mission at to our thoughts into a nice in 1989. i've got 18. they have a secret parked that no one knew about. the norwegians worked without a fight on creating a channel of communication between the p l. o and israel. for from public scrutiny, it's out of thoughts. the 1st time it can be explained how he saw home texts, video effect and being established. and really the idea of using the beach and that a search institution plus the idea of me see all thoughts itchy outlined during that meeting. they have a pilot or decided which research institute in no way,
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but they, they agreed dock dockman be a good cover. and they also, i've read not then, and then each of the minister of foreign affairs should pay for his all. that was also i've read in the document. the fossil was a think tank and also funded by the trade unions and connected to no labor party. it was chosen by the norwegian, foreign minister, and as the perfect host for secret talks between israel and palestine, you know, not at all. it's director that was taught here road loss. he would go on to become a key figure in indigo. she ation that led to the also the costs with funding from the norwegian foreign ministry in 1989, 5 o started to undertake research in the middle east. h 1st study examines and living conditions and occupies the west bank and gaza strip level goes on. so it goes on file for you, i don't know if the, uh, the motor um is some getting the most in, in the living condition of,
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of young people growing up under the to father. what kind of effect on them a minute, maybe more on the sort of mental psychological effect of growing up in such sort of a of a violence and, and why meant, but then it was more to social economic studies. it turned out to because because that was sort of this busy ality yoga of $54.00. so it, it, it turned up to be a little more on this. oh yeah. more socio economic and i'm an unemployment to these kinds of indicators of the social economic life. so who was there was such as this worked on this project from norway. yeah. there where the money and the one of them, that's what i was heading and the, the,
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that special service of us and money on the head like who, who was the, the live phone. and he wasn't at the time, but he later became the norwegian, foreign minister, you hear me, i can host. and i was, i was working in this sort of what they call the 4 ministers cabinet, or the, or the secretariat. my husband was with 5 for the youngest, the state secretary, now union. i had studied political science and the university we had been scanning it together. we had been to an universe and think camps together and her husband tire lawson. i also knew from his work as an academic and his work in creation of thoughtful trades union think. thank. so these were my friends when i became already, when i became a, the deputy of talbot spartanburg. and the minister of foreign affairs is often
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difficult for foreigners to him. this town doesn't always. i'm very, very small confident and the labor party house rules mobile for the most of the post war period. so you have collections and you are almost probably is married together within the labor party, like almost meal sometimes cold is the royals of either party because they are like a dynasty. this during history was very tight knit 40 minutes to store the police or john eagle and as his deputy morning, let's take a look at the secretary. she was moderate to tanya abroad. losa, the director of thoughtful stalsen burke, sister in law who was money on high but who worked in function. she was married to defense minister to jo hun jorgen the 1st. this made holes and the photo administer stolen. brothers and host himself later became no worries for the administer. this
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extended political family became the norwegian team, and the secret is really p l. o talks. they try to use that research as it is. destitution as a, as a, from for a diplomatic effort to, to facilitate peace thoughts between the 2 parties and, and do that in all secrecy. you are very critical about this. why, as i think, researches and it should not necessarily be in the it will take on to what's being double the roles in genevieve. another research institute was also acting as a cover for communication between is whaley's and the palestinians. this was the economic cooperation foundation set up by is really labor party and p. you'll see painting as the n g o that we were leading huge. but in my sense, an engineer which was created earlier by bathing and houston,
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we were able to go between the 2 sites and jewels of them, and post messages and come with ideas and even bring the 2 sites unofficially together under our umbrella often. and you, i was involved with the talking to the nursing us side for many years. and in a very informal way, mainly with the eh, people outcome as, while we in fi. so who's sending informed visitor was the name and the we told it was easy to talk by 1989 with the palestinian intifada. and its 2nd year there were few so so called peace. hundreds of palestinians have been cute and thousands to change
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the women to mit. last week's mister bush with the united states under president george bush started to increase the pressure on these really prime minister seats. actually, the 1st cause this bill to come for as of to stages of stage to be an interview instead of a met conditions. and this really slow that pull up on me at the 2nd stage will lose sight of x results. any pre conditions for news. find a spin out of and some of the countries, if they really enjoying, they never see the twin box immediately on the stokes for that purpose. that at all the lectures in the administer directories that group or do send them a copy to lead chosen representative leaders say, oh, their father stands. everything changed in the region when iraq invaded kuwait in
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1919 the united states made a coalition of nations that retaliated against a rocky forces as 2 hours ago allied air forces began an attack on military targets in iraq and kuwait. these attacks continue as i speak the refer to rejected a military solution to iraq's invasion of kuwait. this proved a caustic decision before the guide for the piano received big financial support from the gulf states off to the board and because of the thoughts support to somebody saying that financially support
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disappeared. they came. all of that to the board is very beacon and i think frankly, and i thought that was also a vulnerability since via and the the say this been more interesting in discussing with them off to the goal for them to to be of course have live across the nation is for the united states of america with dad, and they lie, they are a friend, the the, the made. they'll of secrets all the contacts with the piano, obviously. and the she adds some of the over at assessment based on the communication with piano moved over to american fence. yes. in the aftermath of the 1991 gulf war, the united states and the soviet union co hosted a peace conference in the spanish capital of madrid. we have an opportunity, i think,
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a real opportunity to see the arabs arab states sitting down, face to face and direct negotiations with israel. agreed with this little let the will the i love the off has requirement is friday a because you had the show me a yeah. and no nor one of the couldn't move. my said, well you have to buy new equipment left who i mean what a lot of them for the sydney you have a my step. i'm of no degrees. major. a hollow? yes. even though she and d as in yellow but were not able westphal anymore. him and not old, all of them for them to use us in washer. i didn't show a fee come up. my do we mention that was it for this thing we both do need to do that. i know for what somebody said and the
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have that one, i'm a, what is the issue the is really, is laid out a fixed negotiating position. yeah. the only people who have lived in deland of israel without interruption. phone me only 4000 cues high that the shockey let the palestinians within the joints of jordanian palestinian delegation, the tongues, but his tenure in jerusalem. the capital of our homeland and future states. defiance, but it's still in existence, pause, present, and future. the southern events must stop no. $33.00 foot 4 piece is it's obvious to you. and 34 in the concept in mind is often shed. is it a policy and practice a 3 day conference and with plans for further biological on multilateral negotiations between israel and the efforts documents released off to the conscience reveal that show me a sort of 100
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a success the and a james baker said that the us did not support an independent palestinian state the site again gun while the scene fused to cause him with a central fat to him. i know. so for that to have that little but my loud student lay, i'm the human. i'm real cafeteria is res. who's kind of right at the end of honeycomb washington arrived 5 days late. an attempt to make it clear to the united states that the here on their own terms and was supposed to pressure for the often madrid negotiations moving to washington dc. we sincerely frame that the, our ideas are put in conformity with the framework of the
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process as it was ready to head and the we speak with a george attorney and follow his dinner. the location of the evening of the body. we met like we met in the morning, the heads of delegations. we discussed the matter of procedures. and we could not 3, yet an agreement that any government shifted another to be in thrones and, and openly declared a position of claiming all that as being entered authority. not going to see thing anything for the, for this dns using to recognize a very unity, the unity only by this dean is inside and outside libya. can you cite the on that issue that will have the chef 11, the hot on? well, if you put a motorist about no, not person,
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i was not that i had these last me, jo john abc nivi. can you say that i left that funeral this the pump? this ryan, it's david mer more. a more. i'm worry about these very old comb, distinguished month talking about 2nd month. he said, how come you have back? tell us fine if it's supplements or so she had a much more on the edition there. hold on much more straightforward approach to piece the palestinians negotiator high. the shopping kept the focus of his agenda on one burning issue. the illegal is rarely settlements construction and the occupied palestinian territories by 1991. the number of his really settlers in the west bank and gaza strip exceeded 100 photos
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of the c o a more than measured, then you'd have to send them was most bogo not up to them? no, you don't see them through that sort of salt on. they have shut a leah and i'm refreshing now and walk through this ac. definitely for the sitting in front of the restaurant and follow the theater. but the platform, i would say one of the most important messages that the got, you know, almost daily context with the shar we and jose and interstate binds. the older posting, anita is if piano would not be involved if it won't be any progress. and we'll also showing hosting a told us very clear kind of showing festival standing. they told us something really thank you. if you would like to have an agreement with the person is also can the concessions. and there's only one address and there's just a few as i just would like to wish it was up in
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a senior. so they must have what was here. it was a representative of the 1st thing it presented with the policy as is the piano is very disqualified at the low, then they're not going to have any further student to talk to fold up or something . but that to do before we saw it to him at the washington or got an estimate to do you need? well for the washroom, for roger? well, for the less something i model, it's any lower sample. we do, but if each one of the in a beam will follow that, sylvie, no, no toys the eco x. so i'm at the was at the mind. so the, we may, is the mouse on the sheet memory shape with such an idea that then why the move forward looks l e. p yellow again, approach norway to open a new and secret channel with the as raney's. in february of 1992 senior piano
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official document today are known as of what i traveled to also apply that campus with this with the home that i've had this year. now to see you at the bottom, the student, the most likely to have on mud managed to modification. yes. how did you use the amount of models it has the last i'll do, but ok, most will get taken out. the took him of who the p l o starts to since taking those to us here. a while a comes that we know a way to become their link too as well. if is read was interested then came by, somebody will sheriff. and he was even more explicit than said, i am talking all directly, i have a message straight from the top desk of out of hot in no way should try to do this . uh. and it has to be direct the link with
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piano to and this need to ship on the minutes of their secret meeting and also reveal that by some other. chevy told the norwegians that if they were peace, the piano would influence the outer world to stop the boy come to visit me. it takes 2 to tango. we did not have these really sites i had meant. can you check? i've been before he was elected on one of my missions to uh, to his rent on april 1992 in april of 92. we met uh about being uh that he came full for breakfast and then the wage and embassy and we austin. what is your approach to the policy? is it, i am the team to see some kind of a negotiated settlement in 1992 is really labor policy led by gets
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a company in one the general election, rubbing continued as well as policy of settlement building in public. he spoke optimistic, proxies is a peace negotiations. it will be possible to reach an agreement, was the other thing in the ligation about the establishment of autonomy. what will be the 1st and most important task for you and your colleagues? to renew the peace process and the red straight ahead the into the implementation. she montez was appointed photo administer. you'll see balance here on the left was a pointed, his deputy, and already sylvia on the right there general manager bayman was given the green light to start the secret direct negotiations with the piano. norway. the point about in the lease was because no way was out of the u. e
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had independent foreign policy. we had meetings week daily, a 1000 which is people. then we had many, many, many meetings but very little came out of it. but i then started to understand much about the mindset of both punches they lean, actually told the, the norwegians that it's good that they wouldn't make contact with houston later i joined in order to facilitate in order to let you know that you would have liked to and yours to non governmental dialogue. this was the, the, and we met, excuse with mex, a nelson before i met him a poorly later we found the brother in a way and many things very similar to our way of thinking. his wife was the head of the office of the minister and his deputy. and 2nd is the minister and the deputy live close friends of law, some of them from the legal party or,
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or defense. me still sort of wonderful in minnesota. i knew him very well and they, he was very, very enthusiastic about the process. that's the self. by them it seem impaired, it's about the minutes. so find the transfer the so that and then in new york, get to all things though there shouldn't the family in september and in the on the basis on those contexts and follow up contexts. the have 12 salt bay, the assessment voss, the to it is time. well said i to follow the suggestion to me. so i laptops the p o on our fonts where exactly we used enough. so this was exactly the time that these read is, should choose to start negotiating with p l outside p a little
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before us. that was, what was, that was the strong power of a strong decided who to talk to the, to talk the terms of the negotiations. they told no way that nobody could like it or dislike it. they could do so said say, or go home, a new and self confident is really government and a p l o still cost us of the site or is by the one of the community that we're now on the secret road to the also the, what courts but much would need to happen before the diplomatic finale on the white house, little as the world plunges into a climate disaster. we are in the planetary class. this year. a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and
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makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth cut rising for as nothing inmate to growth reference dying a coming soon in 5 months of continuous funding, israel has destroyed nearly all of the cost is higher education system. 12 of 19 universities completely destroy 95 professors and ph. d holders, 231, teachers and administrators. all palestinians describe witnessing apparel, low and systematic, more on education designed to wipe out the cause of schools and universe. how it is an attempt to annihilate the policy and influence on the academic work. obvious attempts, administrators and students say to silence peaceful protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for free all the campuses and activism. go ahead here and remo lights,
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notice this is exactly the kind of thing it is real and discharge. israel's motives are clear, read campuses suppress students crush hopes for a better future by trying to deplete power. stein's greatest resource, it's people the, the weather brought to you by visit capital. and here's your headlines for the americas. thank you so much for your time. starting smartgate across the river play, but those stopped short of parts of lake right. really that southern incisive brazil the only place in the country. not dealing with weather alerts for sundry downpours. most of brazil will certainly see that on sunday. let's go to central america right now. paint the colors on dogs of brenda hard, the temperature now gloss, nicaragua is capitol. hot is smart. stay on record 38.2 degrees. that he still a factor in many spots on sunday for california. pacific storm, still swirling around. so los angeles san diego, still going to get straight to the showers. but once you've shake those showers,
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pretty stellar structure of whether it's sitting up here. your temperature shoots up to 25 degrees by wind states. western canada pacific northwest stall. so looking good look at portland, up to 17 degrees temperatures on the plus side across the canadian prairies, pretty door across the great lakes, the us northeast, and then we got some storms working their way across. um let's go. kansas missouri rate in to kentucky with is born feet of air that we've got coming off the gulf of mexico. so it's feeling quite warm, quite hot for this some of the gear houston. let's go 27 degrees for you on sunday, but it's a mostly cloudy sky. bye. for now. the weather brought to you by visit cut some sort of 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024,
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starting march. first. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the fire and fury on the streets of this world protest isn't families that can't exclude the immediate removal. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu from power the optimal pride. this is all just here a line from how also coming out the


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