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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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2000, now there are more than 5 times that it's not, you know, what we are receiving. we have massive number of t, 30100 that you would need a system. that's our capacity and fonts are very limited. the and good on the streets of tel aviv thousands cool for the resignation of israel's prime minister on a deal to bring the hostages home. the hello i'm on the inside of this island. is there a life from the how also coming up? how much says it's killed? 14 is riley soldiers in an ambush and southern gauze a day before these far tools to set to begin in car wash and targets ukraine.
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second largest city comp key with a series of strikes on residential buildings, plus stephanie decker in wonder where the country is getting ready to come memories . 13 years since the genocide must grades continue to be found, will have that story coming up. the hello welcome to the program. we begin with hopes that a new round of negotiations will bring some rest bye to the people of golf. at this latest round of talks is set to resume in cairo. this sunday and his writing delegation is expected to attend. how must has also confirmed it will send representatives fast says how much does the group says it has killed? 14 is riley soldiers during heavy fighting and hun eunice in southern gaza. and off to almost 6 months of war. these where the government is facing growing anger and
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discontent, launch crowns had been protesting on the streets of tel aviv cooling to the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i will get more on the ambush of these rarely soldiers, shortly with tart. assume he's that for us and rough or fast, let's go to him. run con, who's intel to be for us? and the pictures show us just how huge the 10 out is that where you all, how much pressure is this? pushing on the prime minister netanyahu was putting a lot of pressure on problem is have benjamin netanyahu simply because to bring them a home campaign has now joined the antique government purchases to bring them home campaign is the advocacy group for the hostages? for 6 months they've been demanding that the prime minister release all of the palestinian political process and in to get the hostages back upon them down. now saying the enough is enough, it's been 6 months and nothing has happened in terms of getting the most majority
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of the people out there. it's worth mentioning at this point and to bring them home . campaign was actually a political, it wasn't going to get involved in politics, but last week there was a significant change. the organizes demanded that they had to the straits. they left the sweat because they've been got binding in the 6 months. and they had to the streets. all the speeches that we've had tonight have had to keep messages and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has filed and the whole day to come are now. right. and now we have these talks that are set to review again on sunday. we have of course been here before. how must have confirmed it will be attending. do we know if the israelis will be that to this is riley is having the 1st may confirm that they will be attending the 12 in colorado. have a what we all hearing is that it's likely that the head of the massage travels the
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car. right. for these tools now, these really said we're only going to go to the tools if i'm asked on some sort of, i'm sorry, versus the american always be, i mean, as long as there is some sort of compromise that is going to take place. now if they do go to these tools and that the most of that is the most, i think it's like, given that has been some movements on those tools will wait and see what happens in the coming hours. okay, thank you for that iran con that for us in tel aviv how much is on the waiting the cast some brigades say it has killed 14 is riley soldiers steering confrontations and con eunice in southern gaza. and it's rarely spokesman has confirmed that that has been heavy fighting in the city, but there's been no consummation of casualties. our military is still engaged in the gaza strip in southern guys for days. $98.00 is engaged in con eunice,
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particularly at the amount of neighborhood modest their soldiers that are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. we are also conducting very old strikes against con units in order to destroy a terrorist and press structure in the city. and currently, we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels that are used for attack purposes. one of which should traverses the border into israel. all 3 tunnels were in the con eunice, so the tunnels were actually discovered by the military as they were establishing check points in the area of. okay, let's go live to tar cowboy. assume he's in rough and southern garza for us type. well no. can you tell us about this recent slicing in con eunice? yes, a fine thing and back to those indeed. then the eastern partial district is calling
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us today, where it completely furious as the as many military spokes person has been stating in saying that the bottles, the, are really difficult and hard as the forces that are engaging with most spices in close contact fighting pot according to the military ring of how much the statements, they shut that the have we have, i'm just a military forces in the eastern part of the city of con units is specifically getting at least knowing that is very soon does alongside with 5 others being attacked or not i'm a neighborhood now, it's worth mentioning on top of that. so that's as the neighborhoods in the eastern projects. i knew it was the area that is a decent with food as with, with ease, with, which has been destroyed completely by these very minute treat in the earlier days of encouraging for the city of con, units it's, it's also a place that in multiple and freed this complex has erupt between how much is well here, including the 2015 conflict, they have storming this area as they have cause she destruction for the entire
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neighborhood. but again, we can see on that note that back to is again have good ratings as almost flights have been using onto the tank messiah's attacking the 3 mark of our tanks for the is where the soldiers and also they have been using explosive devices in the military attack, but often following this ministry i took that has been carried up by how much, why does that use? wait a minute. we had intensified, they've been abutment on the entire areas of the city of con eunice cruising and i'm part casualty is that part yet? the is very ministry spokesperson did not consume the number they use when he kinds of these. but he mentioned that in other areas of specifically in the southern part of gauze, the city for is very so just have been painted off to the ministry time being saga to and one of the battles that have wrapped it in one of the central neighborhoods . the in the southern costs of dollars a 60. okay. thank you for that update topic about assume that for us in rafa on the consultations in con eunice come a day before states 5 talks. all set to resume in colorado by some name, is
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a senior member of how much his political bureau he told out, is there that how much will attend the totes, and went back down from his key demands. what we are calling for should not be part of any legal she issues because when we are negotiating feel for us, he's fail. it means that we, we are the heading to with a seat faith when we are legal shifting because he said it means that the troops, the tubes which invaded, goes after october 7th, has to leave because of the, when we talk about this a ceasefire agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of the fees fell agreements have to pretty they interpret goods and we cannot accept after a peaceful agreement that so either have the right to launch the aggression again at any time to have the tool insight. it goes up totally if you'd like us to begin or to but event $1300000.00 multiple opinions to,
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to 10 back to their houses or to more freely. therefore we, i'm not talking about conditions. the sort of the expected outcome of entities felt like giving that to what we can expect from this negotiations is after achieving all these uh, the demand is to have a serious up in the prison of dean between the 2 parties so that we can exchange the present notes and then then launch the construction goes to to ok. so sound bar catches professor public policy of how much they will tell lisa university joins us here in studio into how good to see you again, mr. products. so let's look ahead to these piece talks that resume in cairo on sunday. what are your feelings when you look ahead to them? i mean, given everything that's happened over the last few days, the killing of the over seems a work is the global pressure for accountability on israel on by then. do you feel
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that we're in a slightly different situation here? this time? yes, i think the, the tide has now changed and it looks like is i wouldn't be under greater pressure to achieve something over this coming. couple of, i mean, we're setting, we have said that the full halfway. we have said it, but it wasn't quite a time, it's our lives. we're not as clear in that position. i think now including united states very clear about the need for a break. the need for him to tell them a to come in at the need to reduce the number of kennings. and i think the killing of these 8 workers has been a really important to pivot. you know, i'm in changing that direction. it depends now on, on what the time. yeah. who is calculations? what i see from that and yahoo is that he's really trying to drag iran into all of this. and he would like to do it just before a ceasefire is agreed. he's been, is went to damascus to estimate the general is hitting and,
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and 11 and they radians are holding back as well as holding back. but there will be a point, i think when they are provoke, sufficiently to, to tie the a big way. and then that's when he brings united states and, and this is what she was sharing with the republican congressman and women on the very same day he's, he met with, by the and he was talking about iran is we're not for with the or on we're not the for with her mouse anymore, where that's for where they are on, how may i suggest that tool for your on and he's trying to build up this surcharge for a greater conflict in the region. and what, what do you think he wants to do that as he say he is the only way to go to finding out, just provoke, he is going out out of his way to prove. yeah, yes he is. and i think you're on his holding back. obviously they do not want has the last 2 to engage possibly because this it has the last part of the, the chiron arrangement with israel is right. knows very well that if there was a direct hit on your on, they may around will absorb the 1st hit and immediately has below. when i type with
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all the muscles that has an 11. and so they understand all of this and they're holding everybody's holding back for, for the moment. but that is not what would guarantee the united states standing. so they behind or alongside nothing. now he fears that there's changing their position, the republicans out of questioning their position as the democrats are definitely questioning it now. well, they, under a lot of put a political pressure on say, uh, with the election coming up. i mean, going back to the states 5 talks, we had a just a little earlier before we spoke to you from the homeless spoke specimen, saying that in as far as that concerned, that position has, haven't changed a tool. they, you know, they have this funding firm in terms of what you're getting and making sure that, that people can go back to move in gaza, which, which doesn't seem to be in any way something that is what it wants to compromise on. so in terms of the actual realities off some sort of sees far negotiations,
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i mean, how do you see a compromise being raised? i think as he sees fire as in stopping the kidding. but how much do you see as far as an opportunity to return to a degree of normality? particularly the return of our listing is back home. they're very worried about the permanent displacement of the policy and population into the size of the gaza strip, which is quite likely to happen because now the longer you, you go, the more the pressure on every us to provide them with the infrastructure for as a new taishan for water, electricity eligibility of those future accounts will turn into settlements and the northwest remain empty and will be used by israel as a chipping as a, as a bargaining chip for the future. and that's as a major concern for him as and if you notice how much is no longer calling for his writing withdrawal, this was before the sayings towards the withdrawal of the gaza strip. they're not
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concerned about total, the drawing, but they're concerned about creating color doors for their population to be able to return to, to the north. and of course they showed the prisoners the, the numbers and the names of the prisoners, the time as, as is requiring that release is problematic for me to zeta perspective. because some of those are a political activist. some would probably create a new political reality on the ground if they were to be released from us and, and for them. if they are releasing prisoners for hostages, then they're really not achieving that sort of victory. that's nothing. yeah. who has suggested, okay, get to speak to a sold on our car, profess of public policy upon i've been coming for investing. now israel has allow the united nations to deliver a small amount of fuel and medical supplies to northern garza. video has a much to 3 trucks, caring supplies,
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but there's still been no sign of the food needed to feed thousands of stomping palestinians still ahead on al jazeera, mexico counts diplomatic ties with equitable off to police storm, its embassy in quito to rest. a full met vice president stranded on the showing of rock, the fishermen who say that being put out of work because of a territorial dispute with naples. the yes, another rather active storm is on its way across the british. as you can see very clearly from this outline, seen from space, that's a storm that's produced warnings for the strength of the way to profile and scoffing wells. and then you will probably join in the whole lot goes up towards the west side. it's kind of a big business. there's no white box, it's induced rooms for the rest of your, of the admittedly,
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we are going to see rain heading down through farms and not in terms of the back a little bit. but for the most part, time for the weatherbug where they should be czar drive is an example where the average is 40 and the record is $31.00. you might even get close to it on monday, in quiet sunshine with for every additional breeze. a toll think is much the same for everybody else from the european problem, with the exception. increasing move from spain and portugal without rain is edging in your list of stuff on the snow a couple days it goes up to 15 degrees. now jump exhaust north africa has been suffering really high temperatures. the quite a while. not particularly in san a goal, and some molly, i think throughout this i had, it would still be pretty much on my outside as normal, with strong winds, picking up the dust and the sand in algeria. but the showers in west africa, which are seasonally making the way in land and making quite good jumps, which reduces the temperature for most the
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if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management the we risk as the safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security in outer space, people empowered investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey to the the welcome back. you're watching outlanders that are in line to top stories. this our large crowds of demonstrations of damage on the streets of tel aviv quoting for the
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resignation. if it's ready, 5 minutes, then benjamin netanyahu to resign, purchased. come with the government facing increased anger at home. i'm events. how may 1000 the arms wing of how much the costs of the gauge say it has killed? 14 is riley soldiers during parsing and con eunice in southern gaza. and his reading spokesman has confirmed it has been heavy fighting in the city, but there's been no confirmation of casualties. how much has confirmed it will attend sci fi told set to resume inquiry on sunday? you as president joe biden reported to extend lessons to mediators in castle and egypt, edging pressure on how master, except to deal optim months as negotiations. brushing drone miss all strikes have killed at least 7 people in ukraine, 2nd largest, fishy. all those were injured when the strongest hit buildings in concave, residential areas were targeted along with administrative buildings and
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a petrol station. it's all stuff it has moved from khaki square. one of the strikes sites here in northern the car cave, a residential area with thousands of people. if you see this call here, we understand that at least one person was killed. in this call, you pan off and have a look at some of the houses here as well. the flats people trying to repair. as much as they can or at least blocks the broken windows before nightfall. it's on clear as to what kind of project. so this was certainly the security services here, not telling us, but this hole in the ground, hey, we understand to be the impact site. quite a small hole in relation to the extent of the damage is if you look up at the buildings here, you can see obviously not a single window has remain complete viable for quite a while. there was
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a massive explosion. the shockwave was so great that it threw me from one room to another in my house. this is a huge tragedy for ukraine. in the last few weeks, the situation has gotten worse because the showing is so random. you have at their school in which he was decently studied at the school. my daughter to and i work here is an absolute hara. why are they doing this? this is our beloved school. we have spent all our life here and they come at these months for that. i can't find words to describe pollutants as well is. the criminal says these attacks are revenged but what they say, all ukrainian attacks being carried out across the border inside russia. the border is already around, so if you kill them, which is from here, but it's safe to say that these attacks are growing, posting frequency and intensity virtually every day. there's no noticeable military or strategic target in this area. this seems at least on the surface to be
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a purely residential neighborhood. there are thousands of people who live here who will be going to bed tonight. afraid again, child stuff alger 0 khaki to mexico has caught diplomatic ties with equitable off to police rated the mexican embassy in crete to the rest of equity was full of prize of vice president george eyeglass, who's been evading detention for months capture lopez heard a young hussle police store mexico's embassy to arrest ecuador, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who would grant, who would take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be. it's madness. yes. they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in
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ecuador, his former vice president had been evading a risk and staying in mexico. so i'm to see since december he was arguably his country's most wanted felon convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was a grant that the asylum in the, in the embassy and glass, and the locals. or laura, are they want to go? oh, likes the, the ideological connection there. and how little like what dorians felt that this was, this was our way of, of making us glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. the why the president on that is mentally lopez
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silverado. it has to spend the diplomatic ties with that good, or maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country. immediate lee and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international ties. between mexico in ecuador were under strain. well before the arrest. now they've reached a new low in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official. again, i'll just hear a ceremony in lawanda on sunday with marks the 30th anniversary of the styles of feet. 1994 genocide in just a 100 days who to malicious, killed over 800000 of the tootsie minority and political opponents of the hutu. and began with the assassination of feet, who to president juvenile, have uranium on a. if you choose blame the tootsie reval group,
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the london patry will take front for shooting down his plane. the all p. f denied involvements between april and july, here to munitions and elements within the lawns and armies to attend the tutsis. giddings finally stopped on july. the 4th, when the r p s, backed by uganda is ami, counted the one didn't capt. okay. got a to a stephanie deck and not reports from who. yay and wanda, mass graves are still being discovered in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed despite never having found peace rooms done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found to so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago. under homes and farm land, 30 years of to the one doing genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing,
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items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here is been identified. what is left of the name as victims is taken to shore, drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. around 800000 to see and some moderate hutus were most chevy to death by some 2 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we always could survivor if with such a painful post there can ever be forgiveness. what we're going to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge.
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president polk i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is legal to so those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much. what happened is our history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select, vio, forties. those who lived here are believed to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now one ernest. but their names who loved them to mrs. them would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure. stephanie decker all g 0. who ya? luanda to her as president deena ballasa has testified about on declared luxury
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goods and fine transfers. this policy, if an investigation into alleged enlisted in richmond's up until friday, the president had stayed silence about the scandal by on his sanchez reports now from lima. some owned by the attorney general proceed. indeed, the whole lot of this is, she answered every question. during 5 hours, it was the movie she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewellery worth tens of thousands of dollars and undeclared bank to infection sick . i will say it is a standard. there's only one truth. i have to acknowledge it. was a mistake to accept the launch is led to me by my friend governor. we'd faddle or screwed him a. i have return to them and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them. was good. he met a regional governor, had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the
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president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches. a contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead, she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or it's time to stop is dirty games against the country. they don't benefit anyone and the damage the countries image. symposium safer and what this display of which is, is an insult. people need to wake up. the president has so many watches. she's taking out money while the poor people are hungry. the scandal as role looks gate, picked after police and prosecutors forced their way into beloved his residents looking for evidence, and it cost to stir amid the government and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left about this cabinet this week. critics say the replacements were selected as a reward for political allies in congress. rejected
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a recent impeachment motion. congressional leaders said an impeachment for this candle would be stabilize the country. but critics say legislators have only one thing in mind. you still going to be associated with the protecting savory counter reform supported by the government with no objections from the constitutional court that allows to keep the posts until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the country stability, but for the is going through our will be, i don't know. both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation . without any peach men, she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page, but the investigation continues. many in the center, so i just see them me now to the contest and what is between the weights, iran and iraq finale 20 years, a rocky fishermen up and running into trouble with crazy on a rainy and patrol boats,
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many have lost their livelihoods is made up of why he'd reports from 1000 right in some an iraq soon the rise in this, although you walk you see of bus law is when fishermen at l file harbor unload the catch of the who's out of small of these days. the result of what do you do you know, mary, time dispute an increasing number of fishermen, a looking for other work on a hardy, at my job i quit because iranian, and create to coast guard specials with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing all boats for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured was the, this job is not safe in the bottle. fewer boats, me less proud use for c. that's market. traders say the business used to be booming is now at a new standard still to send me a. so a ton of i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fisher day. that's dropped to about 10 to 15 times in september iraq,
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supreme court, i'm old, a decayed old agreement was quite.


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