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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:59pm AST

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in the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it the color the i'm or kyle, this is the news our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes at the united nations top quote, germany rejects accusations. it's facilitating genocide in gauze. germany is not a violation at the dentist that prevention nor international humanitarian law that directly into tech care announces restrictions on exports to israel until it agrees to a cease fire and guns us. as for apply just to respond with similar measures, most of the flooding and rushes are and bug region 2 major rivets of spelled to
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best thing points will have a live report. plus the european court rules, the switch government violated at citizens of human rights by failing to do enough to combat climate change is for the change is equal to finals as defending champions matches the city phase 14 time when as well, i'm into it and it's arsenal. first cold, the final appearance for 14 years, they faced by munich. we'll have all the build up to that in the, the, it's 13 gmc and we stalls at the hey, glad germany has rejected accusations. it's been facilitating genocide and gaza in a case brought before the humans top court noise presented balance defense on the 2nd day of proceedings of instructional court of justice in the hague. the case was brought by nicaragua is called for emergency measures to stop germany from selling
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more weapons to israel says, germany's councils have set out nicaragua as request, has no basis in law affect. there are no legal reasons to justify the requested provisional measures. germany is not a violator at the genocide convention, nor internationally to mandatory in law. now that directly not in directly step boston has been following the developments from the hague. germany started by saying that it has to learn from the past. it has to learn from the hollow cost, and as a result of that, the security and existence of israel is this main priority. so not blinking learning from the fos through the faith of the palestinian people that screwed out for me. and then it explains, i've learned that it has actually decreased weapons exports as well. we have to remind you that germany is the 2nd largest largest exporter of weapons off the
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united states to as well. but it shows graphics us showing that after october 7, uh, these sales have actually gone down. and it said that only 4 licenses of weapons exports of war weapons have actually been issued. and that those were at the tank weapons. and also i'm a nation that was used for testing. it's an interesting point because that shows that germany has indeed been very worried about how these weapons, if they would have been exported would be used by israel. so that's an interesting point for the court to look at. and then further that was a long legal arguments about the jurisdiction because the main actor in this conflict, israel is not present and is not taking part in this case. these are 2 countries. well, i'm not directly involved nicaragua in germany, so the lawyer said that how can germany be complicit in genocide if the genocide in itself committed allegedly by,
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as well as not being discussed here. and there's also not being established. i also say huffman is a professor of international politics and conflict reset. so at the university of africa, she says, the side of the thing of pro palestinian voice is in germany has home this reputation globally. i think the trial reflects the general deception in foreign policy circles in germany about this trial. and the general dominant perception is that this trial has been brought by the correct yeah. as a political tool to, in fact, distract from reporting about new, correct use, own negative human rights record. so the perception is there room is all. there is a perception that russia is in fact also helping me correctly of finance this trial . so there is an understanding or a belief that this trial is a sort of smear campaign or a tool to, you know, negatively see a germany and the western allies on that. this is not actually about guys about
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much more about, you know, part of taking and that regular is instrumental. i think the court, the response from germany really also reflects and misunderstanding in german foreign policy circles about how much on these international reputation has suffered through. it's, you know, saving the unconditional support to the tanya government and it surrenders violence committed and gather, but also about the domestic repression in germany against civil society pro palestinian activism and civil society. the criticism of israel from academia, cultural figures and so on. and because of this domestic repression and this counseling and silencing of criticism of as well has also hit international fig goes this news about this has spread and this has really negatively affected german use. reputation as a place of liberal exchange of opinions, democracy and so forth. and this has really not filtered through to german 4,
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any foreign policy circuits. and i think we saw this reflected in this very technical response and also, you know, talking about flimsy, added the evidence, basically this belief that nicaragua is not seriously here. talking about guys about that this is basically a, you know, an instrumental i think the court take here says it will impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches a safe spot with him. us as well quoted, a unilateral violation of trade agreements and promised to respond new measures come a day off. the israel declined to encourage requests to add drop aid and goza visa, how up with him sized cargo shop, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress, plains of r f force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians. in response to the situation,
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we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel is all correspondence and because the other joins us now live from is stumbles. and this is a major step. the ticket has taken. tell us more about the exports that it's stopping to as well. the well, this is actually the most significant step that took it has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war. and uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center care cooling out for uh, both costing days. while the products, as threats were full of people. and because palestine and garza issues are very sense of mental issues for the truth, it doesn't matter where whether they are the left the slightest or is that is what people are always of very sensitive and, and from the street there has been a cold for boy coughing and the is where i live products on the government level as well. also the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions, this is
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a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction materials segments are in marble and jets, feel chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective immediately the export of these products are restricted. but of course, people are questioning whether this is a based on a low and a is wireless side. saying that to kids violating by late so afraid the of the companies that are exporting to the to is while there are safe. eh, i have partnered companies and private companies and the military cooperation, the military acquisitions. these can be suspended and the space companies can suspend all these exports as well. um, so let's see as far as in place,
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but no one is sure about what the private companies are going to do because there are companies sled exports, some of which scroll down to israel. but there are some big companies that are mainly working for the israeli market. so we don't know the details about how this is going to a form itself, whether those private companies are going to try to find a 3rd way or indirect ways to exports a boost maybe from jordan, maybe may, it may be through egypt or a cyprus, but this is a question so far, but this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. the is why the 3rd largest phrase, partner of through kids it onto a c spiers is a stablish ok sentiment. many thanks for bringing the view that from a stumble, let's grab it to okay. part is to is something that we can speak to a correspond that will reach hollands and roy, what is israel saying about tech? he has moved to restrict exports one of our angry
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tweaks from israel's foreign minister, he's real caps. he says that it's a key as unit. i certainly violates his trade agreements. he goes on the side of president type other one is again sacrificing the economic interest of the people to, to keep in order to support how much and we will respond in kind. israel will not submit to yvonne and sex torsion. so he says that there is going to be a list drawing off of reciprocal products that are going to be restricted from israel to key to key. he also says that he is ordered to contact countries and organizations in the us for them to stop investments in packets and to prevent the invoice and prevent the input of products from a kid that we don't yet have that list of products that israel is going to be restricting, but clearly israel is trying to expands this from an israel
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that keeps passed into something that also would involve is rails allies, mice nice to be the united states that's given the patience of president biden is wearing very, staying with israel at the moment times this fighting is under pressure from members of his own policy to base the bringing that road and try the bulk of sol. so nice, right? itself in the form of restrictions on, on supplies is not clear. a tools that the united states would actually go on board with what is red ones right now? okay, well, money, thanks for bringing us to do that from. okay, pod is tourism, let's pick this up without. is there a senior political on his mom to shower, joins is not here in the studio. mona, take this back a little bit. talk here was the 1st muslim majority country to recognize as well back in 1949. why is it that relations of plummet said sofa? well this anthony prompted after the party took over back in 2002,
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when the president had one became president at the time or later on. first as a prime minister. and clearly they shifted policy from that of a mostly general dominated politics of turkey, post 2nd world war to something that resembles more of a popular slash populace than politics on the part of turkey. what a majority rather conservative rather. and so the data to with its, uh, you know, but a city and brother and as it where one thing to take a more pad, a slot mc it was founded size um, in, in, in, in solar data to with in support of palestinian cause. far more than the generals and the previous secular governments where they were either crossed is right. and at the time cause i think is about to be i fellow secular, state sharing with them
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a common interest to being allies of the united states. in that case as well, they didn't lift these restrictions. once there was a ceasefire and increased age goals are in, this is something a lot of countries around the world. a cooling voice was paying their sheep to it. but you think these kinds of moves on the kinds that are actually going to force as well, to listen to international opinions. well, it is part of a gathering storm. and so it is one among many elements that are coming together to form the kind of pressure that has been missing the past 6 months. the therapist leaders have spoken quite strongly in favor of guys against israel's war crimes, but they haven't followed that with much action for the past 6 months. that's why for many, this is a bit too little, too late, but it doesn't have to be too little. in fact, the starting with a, you know,
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some sanctions, but it could grow as israel demands. what much of the international community is demanding today, which is a cease fire is least of what could happen after the incredible destruction and death that the cause of. okay, many thanks indeed fully bring you back a little late to talk more on other issues like this news off. it's now these really minute treat has carried out strikes across the goals or including the southern city of rafa, where a 1500000 pilot demands are sheltering. several people have been killed or injured . and connie and s people for testing purposes. the author's rating forces withdrew on monday. i've been recovering voltage from the rubble around the ac have been found. it's really pull out solid weeks of intense baffles with palestinian fights . as many families have been trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of the homes. the honey mackwood joins us now. live from rasa and hunting to spice is really withdrawal from con eunice and si fi talks appearing to be on going there.
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get more. strikes the across garza, the yes. well, more of days, really areas tracks across the street man and concentrated on the central area and within, within the past hours a tax on the refuge account that resulted in the death of the mayor of the area. and it is also a direct thing that municipality off as much as the area and the refugee account. also more of artillery, showing an error strikes on buried bella city, the eastern part of the city that's off the law, had been road where it has been repeatedly targeted within the past week. but more in dens. artillery setting nowadays could be also heard from people that the vicinity of the area and of from parts of, of these been a part of the city. a very loud explosion going on. most of the time and more
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people reported the injuries and do the do a report it off the hospital with a critical injuries in robot city including days can part of the city, mainly densely populated neighborhood that has been repeatedly targeted since the initial weeks of, of this war mainly out of janina district at off so that had been road. today's been part of the city also we're looking at more more critical injury reported to hospitals across syndrome, right by city as well as at the, the other hospital that's in that area between hon. you, it is a dropbox, it'd be better known as the gaza european hospital. the ongoing attacks across this the, this trip are creating very difficult conditions on the ground. in terms of inability, it becomes very strict as well as in terms of delivering much needed a weatherford or people in the northern part are or the southern part of this trip . the ones to ask you about that because the entry of a does appear to be increasing. so what exactly are you seeing and hearing about
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how that is being distributed across the goals a strip as well. so far were looking at it, but for the past due day is like good the past 48 hours looking to close, the $700.00 is the trucks that have been allowed into the gas or today alone, there was 409. seeing a aided fox uh, allowed to get into the gaza strip. now the problem is not right now with the number of a trucks with this is really not nearly enough to what people are in. i need right now and not enough to, to respond to the greater demands that everyone is right now having in the face of these difficult living conditions. but also with the distribution mechanism, we're talking about the largely broken aid mechanism or delivery mechanism for people who are most needed needing. these are these, they help right now,
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including in the northern part were famine and has been going on for quite some time. right now in force, the hydrogen and a spar vision leading to that, that the, the depth of at least 30 people mainly are vulnerable to group in between children and those who have some health complications that right here. and they'll very crowded. rough actually be in the central area, then tins bombing campaign has been deep. lee and number one, cause for impeding the delivery of it as there is no. a safety assurance is on the ground and the 0 guarantees safety for aid workers to deliver much of the need of food supplies, then survive the lives of them within the what happens on the w. c. k. employees within the past few days and that had, in fact, this scares many aid workers and organizations on the ground and to do their work mainly for one simple reason to shatter sense of safety. but the fox, the fact we're looking at right now that there's really military announced that it
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has a loud this number of the trucks and, and, and significant increase of the trucks. and each day it shows an indication that is real. how's you it's food as a weapon. to collectively punish everyone across the guthrie millie in the northern part and god the city. okay, honey mack, what brings the latest? seen the front of the south of the goal. is this trip? thanks very much, honey. to speak again now too long to show a senior political analyst. well, let's pick up on this cx. 5 talks they are due, so pick up again within the next 24 hours according to our correspondence insights as well. but we all hearing again. so from prime minister it is really 5 minutes and that's neil hate just in the past hour that he is going to go in to wrap up. the d is going to get the complete elimination of how much i'm wondering whether there was no progress going on behind the scenes that might seem publicly well, the stephanie publicly,
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that mediators continue to say that those things are better than their where 72 hours ago right, there's some progress that we haven't reached deal here and so, but the game is being played by these are the government is kind of rather pathetic . i mean, they're not just saying that you're going to go into what you have been saying now for. i turned that to me. now they say we set the date, we set the date. what does that really mean? i mean, does it really means to be psychological pressure on how my eyes to come to ideal, otherwise watch out because for the past 6 months, that's what you all think did not work out with how much, right, they've been pretty convinced how much the other thing is that every time that the house has something about attacking the whole or in this case, if they've got the data, this partners, the american say what date, what are we haven't even met to discuss the start that you overall find that we
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agreed that we're going to discuss it before anything happens on the far end that there's a meeting set up perhaps 2 weeks from today that when we're going to discuss or so the game is as bit pathetic as a bit transparent, but it feels more like destiny all who might be payments with domestic audience, especially the more extreme right members of his government to groups have to try to find line that that's true too. there is an argument to be made that then yeah, who needs to maintain some sort of connection, both with the united states that wants to cease fire. that once a deal and with his out of sort of phonetic confession, especially that they've been veers of this month for sure. the world that don't really want that and they want to continue with the war. but my sense is contrary to conventional wisdom, the contrary to claims by swatches have been cleared and you know, the other fascist. that as soon as there's a deal or looks like that,
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then the whole is accepting american or from us the fact that they were going to leave the government. i don't believe that. i think the continue to make the threats because they gain a lot from making such threats among the public. but they have faced the power. they have faced it, the meaning of being in a software ministries by taking decisions by increasing supplements, by making decisions of war and peace, by having huge budgets for the followers and among the zionist author, books, crowd, and so on, so forth. so i think they probably stay in government, i think the thing i would want to be engage with them and maybe send them messages . but i think mainly he's playing the game. that is read remains as that trash that it will continue. it's work. and that, by the way, the fact that is there and for the time being insists on that good offer, i think that the remains to be the case english. we don't know when and we don't
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know how. okay, non grades as ever to get your thoughts. thanks for joining us. it's the at least 2 people. a woman and a child have been killed and ukrainian strike on a russian village local governor. so that happened in the border region of brands. and other 5 people were injured. strikes, such as these have increased between russia and ukraine over the past month. the queen also attacked and aviation facility in rushes for us in that region of russia, reports, and downing to joins in the area. it's unclear how much damage was done to the facility was staying in the region pots of russia, including the girls of olga and central areas of declared states of emergency. often, some of the west flossing and decades is also is forced, at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave the homes and the southern kogan region, media, se,
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if something could affect at least 19000 people. a while people in august of protesting against the local authorities for the handling of a situation i was getting present vladimir putin for help. they say they weren't wound a nearby dumb could fast. let's bring in your shop with all of us joins us now live from the russian city of austin. you know, what's the situation that visit the? well, as you can see, i'm now on a boat, and this is will be say, 2 or the central parts of the city of old forest looks like. so basically we're working right now with the some emergency services work is they all true heroes. i can tell you because what they do, they, they move from one residential building to another. and they directly talk to people here who turn up in the windows because these 5 story buildings that's still full of people people. some of them have refused to, to leave the places they,
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they refuse to, to, to be assigned to a fit. so that's still that. and then these guys, they talk to, to the residents and offer help. so basically if these people need help, the guys ask them to create a request and help is being delivered straight away. so basically we've been the moving around talking to people just a while ago they were trying to rescue, kept sitting on a tree above is. so the thing is i can tell you that we've spoken to, to emergency services workers. and they also say that the p called the disaster has already passed in this particular place in the city of forest. but the high bosses are still arriving in the states field for in bug, which is the capital theme, or in the region and in the neighboring regions of cora gunn, and, and other places. and that's still expecting to move all set to arrive up to 11
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needs as well. so. so in all these a residential buildings, there are no electricity, no gas and people now prohibited from drinking top poll says so basically they are advised to drink multiple goals. and we're seeing a lot a true true here is and people actually say that they all here is because they, they what day and night snow muscle, bolts and in cold and freezing bowls without food or drink. but it's, um, of course people do protest and they didn't protest recently because they, they blame authorities for the negligence but say, but i actually, when the, the flooding basically it started people had no be more willing to be full. those uh, uh, the beginning of those floods. so uh they say that some, the compensations that bill source he's offering good not on know enough because many of them literally have lost that homes. and basically
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they really need to survive. many have been moved from, from these places to temporary accommodation senses and altogether about the 6 and a half sounds people, including many children, have been evacuated. okay, units up of all of a, joining us the extraordinary things aboard a bose going to the center of the city of oscar. thanks very much, celia. well, let's now get you over the weather and his habits in there. he had a slightly dryer. i'm at least a how i was looking rather tall and damp across parts of the middle east. look at this area class stretched across out here right there. it was sticking up to squeeze a few spots of right. we're looking at a driving as well a little further east with some wet weather veterans q way to the west and possibly around the rock, seeing a little bit of shabby rain as well. and that pushes right up into the cool can see for scheduling a share i was to, to the eastern side of the mediterranean, all the way down towards gospel. i will try up as we go through wednesday into 1st
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i northern parts of the live and seeing a few showers brightening up the into west side for a simple right to of course, a good part of north east africa towards the northwest is a charles of the art show that the northern areas of algeria, northern past option is here. dustin's science going to be a problem across the hall, right? but the next couple of days to see some stand still is just pushing further west was gathering a shout was meanwhile, across the west africa into the gulf of guinea. just easing a little further north was the low shelves. of course i stretched away right across central africa. does look a lot drive into southern africa. the fall south of southern type could see a shower, wrote to us a lot of rain here just pushing its way up towards him. bobby, that's a cold fun. it'll make its way father in law's woods and coolly golf in her robbie . so that has hair on this out there and use our sons of chair. how i mean session in gaza is lifting the spurts of children who are
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being formed that size by as well. as months long and old, telling one green onions have become a rallying points in voters and south chris had of parliamentary elections plaza for many, a phase woman outside of gusta, ahead of this week's mazda is coming off and you'll support what's on the a level up your experience this rama down and say big, we'd be one of the joy up to 3 months. free subscription. a free being set top box condo. i'm not more deals and want to exclusive from a dental family drama. chuck, running on kid shows, cooking shows you a for you right? 2020 full european leads and much more. don't forget to use the promo code from it that now let me tell you about safari valley equal results. the 1st of its kind in
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west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only electric very close here, like coming here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal resorted in gun the the, [000:00:00;00] the 3rd annual what challenges era has reminder of our top story is this, our germany has rejected accusations,
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but it seemed facilitating genocide in dogs. i'm in a case before the united nations top post in the hague, was pull up my nicaragua and calls for emergency measures to stop germany. i'm selling lessons to israel. stuckey, it has him put his restrictions on exports to as well until it reaches a cease fire with how much move will affect exports of i am still concrete and jet feel as well says it violates trade agreements and at least a 153 policy means have been killed in his writing strikes across garza, in the past 24 hours. the injured of being taken to a nearby hospitals. the month of march has broken another temperature record. it was the warmest of the world has ever seen it. it was a mock the 10th consecutive month to register the hosses vegas globally. environmentalists and mutual just say this is cause for great concern. average sea
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surface temperatures. well also the hot test europe swap human rights quote as well . but the failure of the swiss government to adequately tackle climate change is a violation of human rights. the case was brought by more than 2000 women, not ruling could have far reaching implications for all the european countries. that's totally honest, that reports a winter climate act to this and a warning to the swiss government to come to emissions foster and planned jubilation in stroudsburg after a group of elderly switched women successfully on is that government is putting them at risk of dying during heat waves by not doing enough to combat climate change, they said as old women, they would more risk than other groups. the european court ruled that switzerland's failure to meet pos, greenhouse gas reduction targets had violated the human rights. the court holds. but under article a, states have a duty to adopt and to effectively apply and practice regulations and measures
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capable of mitigating the existing and potentially irreversible future effects of climate change. the quote threw out to some of the cases, but only on geographical technicalities. a case brought by portuguese young people was rejected the pursuing governments other than the own. and a form of frenchmen came in victims status due to flooding was also rejected because he is no longer a resident in front. but the wind for this with women, is a, when we say not to about protecting the generation, but the next, like who knew that hooker knew the course has recognized us as a fundamental right to a healthy climate. and that our country should do what it has not done until now, getting up a meeting to take him vicious measures to protect our health and protect the future . for us all these landmark cases of played out against the backdrop of wild fires now or regulus threat during europe, summer season melting. glasses and rising sea levels,
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which have seemed devastating floods across you at the ruling on the swiss government is legally binding and cannot be appealed. it says it now needs time to work out what the reduction measures it can propose. it is an important judging, perhaps a historic judgement that will probably attract the attention of many countries outside switzerland. so i guess the, the message that has been sent by the court is also a relevance due to all these countries. there were 40 similar cases already underway globally. the challenge government weak action on climate change. this verdict will have significance. so many of them charlie angela out is there is bringing christian extra fee. he's a professor of human rights, no at attraction invest. danny joins us now. from the netherlands, great to have you with this can talk a little bit more about these 3 cases of why the swiss 11. thank you. uh, this is indeed uh a landmark uh,
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jasmine this wisc case. as it is the one of the 3 important cases that resulted with a violation of human rights. but the difference between this and the 2 other cases is mostly related to procedural issues. on how can you file a successful complaint before the european boards of human rights this weekend and legal terminology is related to the notion of admissibility. so of the board in these case, for example, though we had a very valid claim and substance of the individuals in those cases had not approved the cases before. national reports 1st, which is something that the swiss case do. so the 1st exhaust with local remedies, which is a requirement for this transfer award to hear a case on the merits of the case. the french gaze was also declared in admissible
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on the grounds of the individual who brought the case had no standing for the poor . and as it was, is it did not have a big status. so while all 3 of them on merits raised the same issue, namely the states obligations to combat climate change. the reason why one succeeded them, the other 2 did not concern these 2 are the hurdles, okay, on how to really bring that show. so the future potential americans in similar cases wouldn't be watching this quite easy to see what, what, what difference do you expect now kind of a rush of these similar sorts of cases being taken to hold governments to account a yes indeed, the case to switch case has set up clear precedent on states only give positive obligations to the specific measures adult specific regulations to
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reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. so the obligations of the 1st set in this case are not something specific only to switzerland, but of a this case are set clear standards on what is expected from each and every member of conser of the council of pure. so i do expect the large number of cases to arrive at the same time the board has made it clear that while these cases are important and subsystems, they still need to all the national boards and exhaust other remedies in order to be successful before the court okay, so i think it's important to, to celebrate the part of the standard the board has said as this is the main issue that uh, i think i need a strategic politic um, in this case uh, has pains another switch. this was just as ministry protection. it says that it's analyzing the judge funds and what measures it must take in the future to address the ruling, but it's not been forced to do and a thing as
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a result of this case. as it it may, could you please repeat the last part? does this waiting for the swiss government to do it in the thing, or is it more of an advisory role? it is finding judgements. so this with this switzerland is obliged to implement that judgment. there are 2 aspects that are important that special for these must do immediately. first, the board test clarified meaning distrust for, for the every national chords in switzerland, but also in other states. have an obligation to connect climate change with human rights so that they can not refused or failed or failed. examine in detail, the connection between the 2 and the 2nd aspect concerns the specific obligations the sage will undertake to combat climate change. certainly the issue of human rights obligations in these types of cases is usually a matter of means and not the 1st of all. so what the portable look at is whether
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the states have done everything they include in terms of their resources and efforts, have adopted specific regulations that they can measures to show that they have taken important measures to meet the uh, the standard set ready through the paris agreement on what needs to be with regards to the greenhouse gas emission. okay. customers. traffic will leave at that. but many thanks for taking time to join us here on out as era. fletcher at least 100 people, all dead and 11, all in hospital after a make shift, very capsized off the northern coast of mozambique. the belated fishing boat was not license to carry people. most on board were trying to escape the mainland off the false reports of a cholera outbreak tempest. robbie reports tragedy off the coast of mozambique, a tidal wave capsizing a barge, killing dozens of people. something missing. with
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a veteran data sense of getting that we took $130.00 passage, including adults and children. and when i saw the boat was at risk of the crew chief to increase the speed in order to avoid the west, we directed into sure, but it was too late. the overcrowded vessel was ferrying people from luna in the pool of province to the island of mozambique, a converted fishing boat. it was not licensed to carry passengers according to local officials. most of those on board were trying to escape the mainland after repentant caused by false reports of a color outbreak. throwing up and the guy said that there is they were running away from the color outbreak. they got into the boat. the sea was rough. that the boat capsized and the killed a lot of people. the southern african country has recorded nearly 15000 cases of water born disease and dozens of depths since october, november as relative search the bodies that made it back to sure children are among the dozens killed that movie. daniella st. chemical on that though, my sister was with her granddaughter,
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there were 3 family members on that boat and 2 of them died and the noise was lost . i lost my brother's children and my step mother because of the sinking of the ferry, which was leaving to come here because of cholera like an accident, triggered by a rush to run away from the risk of disease on attempting to save their lives. came with the highest price, same bus route of the old, a 0. the medical stuff and kenya are on strike for a full week running. and i have demanded more in tons be hired with better pay. but the government says it can't afford any pay increases because there is catherine. so as in the capital, my ruby, my doctors have been holding demonstrations of the 27 days now. and it does happen in the happening here in the city. it's happening in the country and what happens is i'm on the 17th,
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i didn't see the other one to send this to the doc says this is that was the only one that you don't mind implemented. this issue that they're complaining about. another one more got to be higher based as i said, the . 7 hard to say that the money, they say that the the been given
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by the what the last time they said that the, the south koreans had to the polls on wednesday to choose a new policy and which is controlled by the position democratic policy at the moment about us as seen as a referendum on the precedence 10 in your bill is in low approval ratings. as the public face is a cost of living crisis. how's it was? eunice kim has moved from sol. the green onion has become a symbol of a major gripe among south korean voters. the rising cost of fruit and vegetables and whiter concerns about the average consumer shrinking buying power. this staple has been popping up that opposition rallies and online as means used to monk president use on good critics say he's out of touch last month,
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he commented on the quote reasonable price. so green onions during a market visit to highlight government efforts to stabilize food prices only for it to merge. the skeletons were discounted. the election commission has banned the greens from pulling sites, raising eyebrows and it campaign rife with anger. in a polarized political climate, i've never seen a parliamentary campaign with policies and pleasures, and not debated no become election issues to this extent. a common theme at these campaign rallies on both sides of the political aisle is a judgment. democrats want voters to judge you and government and hold that accountable for the burden of higher prices, while the president's party, once voters, to punish the opposition for selling policy at the national assembly. use conservative party is aiming for a simple majority in the 300 member legislature. analysts say is it fails. it could
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have ramifications for the president's policy plans for the rest of his 5 year term . can do oil and how long you get the renee, the president will become a lean dog quickly and has power over state affairs will be greatly reduced and comparable to the early and mid term which could be what some political rivals are hoping for. rebuilding korea is a party led by former justice administered tool group who's a waiting a supreme court trial on fraud charges. his new party has campaign on a platform of disabling the you and government opinion poll suggests the race is to tight. but voter engagement is high, more than 30 percent of eligible voters cast her ballots in early voting at the weekend, already marking and all time high for south korea's parliamentary elections. unit skim. i'll just sarah, so palestinians and garza all preparing to celebrate 8. i'll fit in the middle of israel is more the end of ramadan is usually a time of joy,
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particularly for children, a whole set of reports on a group of musicians spreading happiness and gaza. this 8 is little less for children in guys after set of 8 is 8 of which marks to enter from are but the does a southern most city groups, musicians is creating a faster speed to the end. the, the, you know, if i, the, we are organizing activities for the children in collaboration for them to you if you want to be enjoyed, took these children and celebration of the despite the bombing suffering, feel losses eat. as a day we conch must model. we do our best to offer smiles and songs and activities to remind children that they always help
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the musicians organize games for the youngsters. giving them something other than the focus is really a tax. how killed more than 14 in the house 1000 children says october, the 7th poses more, are missing, injured or, or friends? schools have been destroyed. education disrupted, and families shed there. how many of these children have lost loved ones? hundreds of thousands of families forced from their homes. now cause pep camps like this one. name this hi. this is no. this is a, this is really tough because of the war. we didn't get new clothes and couldn't have eat cookies. we hope to return to our home safely home shared by old pettis the news. but the attacks of relentless and get these ready prime ministers announcement that
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a date has been set for the crown division of rough or even just 10 percent free is etheridge versus that let's get well the support. now i just wanna thank you very much laura. well, we'll start with the time his regular by munich, take the only realistic hope of silva was the season to london when they faced arsenal late on tuesday. for the 1st lack of the quote, the final not some size and reports. was it up to my mind? you have to have you forgotten already about me by munich, reuben, out of dependence leave at cypher rice and thomas too cool will be showing the door at the end of a season. but the still, the small matter of attempting to speak to lead stake, the manager reminded the major of us as a side prepared to face austell in the 1st leg of the quote. a final question later on choose day refund on his, on his end to end of it. no, the seasons, not long stuff. so obviously the criticism is deserved according to our performance
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in the cub. i'm in the league. so that's a fact we haven't had passion and hunger independence, legal like we normally would expect from ourselves in the champions league. we play that's a very high level. so far we have reached our minimum goal. this isn't the just and key to the success will be formed, taught in the man hurricane. despite binds difficulties, he's had a record breaking 1st season for the german joins. and also those players are well aware of its every nose here on the nose. the quiet of hurricane from me personally is the best finishing the world. so uh is, uh, is uh, great to, to obviously play against these kind of players. so and obviously we want to keep him quiet in the game buying around the types of respects to his job, the alonzo led by labor costs and, and they come up against another spending here in mikel octet to. he was oscar where they were alonzo is given him any tips as to how to beat the great question.
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so it's on show us a territory for up to to is the 1st quote is the final appearance for osmond 14 years. and the previous 3 meetings against buying has ended in 51 defeats visit where we want to be really good position in the family. and we're not really good position in the chapter. like we have a big task ahead of us. i guess one of the most successful teams in europe slopes in europe and as i had them that we have so common to how we ever looking forward to another when supine, we certainly use the pain of the league struggles as they look so in europe's biggest competition for the 1st time in 4 years from size and i'll just say we're good there. that says he's mantas the city, attain face a close to impossible task and the european chance to see his side are aiming to knock out 14 time when as well. madrid for the 2nd straight season. for the sake of the quote, the final tie is coming up in spain on tuesday, on the way to lifting the trophy last year. city b, 3,
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all 51 on aggregate in the 70s. a visa remedy 2 times in the same way. it's almost impossible. so whole big ones in just competition is difficult to imagine 2 in a row so that the target is not easy and performing the well because they learn to have fried christiano. and although a santa off, i've had a hate unless a team last to all highlighted and the solve the super cup of semi finals or 2nd half goals from selling a do study. and malcolm put, and he loves to know up until stations boiled over from the and also had the goal disallowed as rinaldo was all side in the build up. but before he was given a straight red card for elbowing the old position. well he then it shows he's and go to us the rest free late said you money go, wasn't enough and he lot are no on a run of $33.00 straight wins and it will face and it's
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a had in the final on says say was top gulf is of fine tuning that preparations for the mazda is including 5 time when a tiger woods, a 48 years old, is getting set up for just a 2nd tournament of the season. here were tons of action in december. so here we'll challenge and finish the 18th, but was forced to withdrawal from the genesis invitational in february, due to illness the following. well, number one has not finished inside the top 20 since winning the mazda is back in 2019 you know, he placed great today. um he, i drove a couple times. so there is some shopping going on. um, you know, so, um, he looks great. you know, he's moving, moving, as well as it can be. um, but again, with everything has gone through it's, it's, it's pretty amazing to see actually how good he's, he's swinging it with, like i said with, everything's gone through. i totally understand. it was a night to forget. so pittsburgh penguins, i saw sydney crosby,
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who had of last few minutes. i guess it's on to maple we lease. it all happened in the 2nd period where he was sent into the board, apply it jake mccain. then he took a stick and a pocket to them off by a bobby mccann less than 30 seconds later. also, matthews slammed into the fuels. is canadian remarkably crosby avoid of injury or 3 tons and remains in the game? here's kind of what we'll go down as one of the comebacks of the season. in major league baseball as the san diego padres that came from h, one's down to a 98 and sunday chicago cubs. and i did such as a junior hit, a go ahead to one home run to complete the turn around. it was his full home run on the season and it takes the rest for the season to 6 wins and 7 to see and also as well for me, i do extend will have moved for you later on, but for now. ok, thanks very much,
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donna. now hundreds of thousands of moves in worship as travel to as zones who lives cities of mecca, and medina during the month of ramadan. these are some of the memories they've shed without correspondence. awesome, i'll help are from many. this is the 1st visit to medina, the city where the prophet mohammed spends his wine and he is those coming from you say the enjoy a break away from the rise of an to mike went on to both of them sentiments during the month of ramadan, i was tied by hill, easy, don't get tired, you just carry on and you go on with it and i'll type you less sleep now then never thought i'm not tied it'll. um, hopefully, but when i get back to the u. k, i can type it out with me. i'm hoping that it to my family. my kids are friends, but good. a house sally is from medina. he says he's day the encounters with
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worship is you get to learn more about the city at these history. often turn into jobs about the best of the lives on site. these are hopes, walks out of my model be in most cases i meet people feeling void and seeking a deep spirituality. they always say they find it here. they're desperately in a peace, justice and equality, and they find it here. for muslims. ramadan isn't just about fasting during the day . this is a time to remember the poor, the needy, and break away from the bed is more than like. this is the oldest, most is the most them, well it's a most visit for worship us from around the glow. many say the visit to mecca and medina was more about finding a new meaning of the life of a sense of peace, which they say they would like to share with their loved ones. back home. mount
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hood is the the site on the outskirts of medina. well, how much does he and his wife say they came here many years ago returning now with the teenage children is a special family moments be on photo plus has gone through a long journey. it says with ups and downs learning each other every day. and then now we're having a new experience. we have teaching them about this nomic history about the religious history. they're getting much closer. nearly everywhere in mecca. and medina, you come across people from different backgrounds. they all say this is not just a physical trip. it's a journey of us to push him out about under 0 medina. well that's it for this news out. i will be back in just a moment say with more of today's news. so please stay with us. if you can, the
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unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard, voices, we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that middlefield us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is home us, it's right here. and right now the stream on our is the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world . people have told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. every use thousands of one piece they
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use for scientific research, activate and conservation, a say the testings into main. 11 east investigate. a booming illegal trade and the scientists lives be on this on a tree, caught 2 of them on for business, on out to 0. as the sunsets individuals within the occupied with bang, the bit of multi family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing, the woman who used to put it all together in that. but lucy was the rest of the week before the start. this is really officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during at 8 of the home. a few kilometers away in drama. look at the house. one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 palestinians, harmonies are missing. at least one loves one. at the start table,
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the united nations top quotes germany rejects accusations as facilitating genocide and garza. germany is not a violation at the dentist that prevention nor internationally to mandatory in law that directly not in the kind of them or a kyle, this is al jazeera live from though ha also coming up to


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