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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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money so that acceptable as an immediate cease firing, garza, there's an urgency to stop disturbing war and to open a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters and del times. how do you navigate? here's what's coming up for the next 60 minutes. germany is doing it's upload to live up to its responsibility. you said the both these really sense of palestinian people, germany rejects accusations, it's facilitating genocide in gaza during
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a hearing at the un top court's church here. and alice's restrictions on exports to israel until it agrees to a cease fire in gaza. israel pledges to respond with similar measures altogether about 6 and a half 1000 people, including many children hopping about 2 h as we report from the flooded russian region of foreign bird where authorities have declared a state of emergency. plus this is just either their actions towards the time it's justice. europe's pop human rights court says this with government has violated its citizens rights by not doing enough to fight climate change. on these photos, the champions league, quarter finals, defending champions, manchester city will face round madrid and all smoke are about to make the 1st quote, a final appearance of full seniors taking on fine munich the
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it's 1500 hours gmc and we begin this news hour at the hague, that's where germany has dismissed accusations that it's complicit in, genocide against palestinians in gauze. all its lawyers rejected the case brought by nicaragua at the you ends top court as baseless rush to and without jurisdiction, while nicaragua argues as the 2nd largest armed supplier to his real germany is in fact facilitating genocide and has asked the court to order it to stop its arms exports step last and begins our coverage from the hague. germany started it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learn from the hollow cost. germany is doing, it's a close to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is really and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all foreign policy with regard to own middle east issues for us. oh,
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history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy. nicaragua argue, said germany support for its route is one sided, a neglect the fate of gas as people one now also facing genocide. germany supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, of nearly all experts. the exports involved what is known as of the military equipment, typically of a subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact,
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only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test they'll practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to terry in law or loss of floor when i'll just see what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that israel is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i want to ask you about your sab jeremy learn from the past. most of germany's defense centered around the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer free presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide this absence from the case. and that's not being convicted. the judge is now have to decide if provisional measures against germany
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a need to stop it from sending weapons to israel. step fossil al jazeera. hey, sophia hoffman is a professor of international politics and conflict research at the university of air force. she says, the silencing of pro palestinian voices in germany has harmed its reputation globally. and i think the trial reflects the general perception in foreign policy circles in germany about this trial. and the general dominant perception is that this trial has been brought by the correct yeah. as a political tool to in fact, distract from reporting about new, correct use, own negative human rights record. so the perception is there room is all there is the perception that russia is in fact also helping me correctly of finance this trial. so there is an understanding or a belief that this trial is a sort of smear campaign or a tool to, you know, negatively see a germany and the west and allies on that. this is not actually about guys about
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much more about, you know, part of taking and that regular is instrumental. i think the court, the response from germany really also reflects and misunderstanding in german phone, published to circles about how much on these international reputation has suffered through. it's, you know, seeing the unconditional support to the natania government and it's surrender as violence committed in guys. but also about the domestic repression in germany against civil society, pro palestinian activism and civil society, the criticism of israel from academia, cultural figures and so on and the cause of this domestic repression. and this counseling and silencing of criticism of as well has also hit international figures . this news about this has spread and this has really negatively affected german use, reputation of place, of liberal exchange of opinions, democracy and so forth. and this has really not filtered through to german 4,
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any foreign policy subjects. and i think we saw this reflected in this very technical response and also you know, talking about flimsy evidence, evidence basically this belief that the correct view is not serious to be here talking about guys about that. this is basically a, you know, an instrumental i think the court to, well turning to the situation on the ground and gaza. and then con eunice, at least 80 bodies have been recovered from the rubble following israel's withdrawal on sundays. many families have since been trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of their homes. meanwhile, there have also been strikes right across the gaza strip, including in the city of stuff where one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. at least one woman was killed and several more were injured. suddenly at night, we heard, foaming. now when we were the 1st to arrive, we from the local community. upon our arrival, we discovered monitors the bodies shifted into pieces. the scene of horrifying is
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the message that we are exhausted. and what we have enduring is unacceptable. we are well to intervene and to help us, we kind of bad to deal with the situation anymore. we have for solution as soon as possible. let's go to live to thought adviser, who's joining us from what i found in the south at the gaza strip thought it so on the eve of find them for to the death toll continues to rise. more than a 153 bodies have been taken to hospital and gaza today, some killed today. some found after the is really troops pulled out from, from con, you and us talk us through what you're hearing on the grounds. yes, that's right there. right. and in fact, families as they started to gradually returned back to the house, has been the city of con. you just the started to recognize and moved the bodies in that city that had been killed off to the east valley with a drug. well, that had been killed while these, but it wasn't, it military wasn't breaking in that area and their bodies have for recovered off to these. but what the trouble from many areas of the city. oh, quite new spot. oh oh, also despite that fox, he's already been bought. mentioned the central con,
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you just did not stop where they have increased the it's a rape abutment for the eastern areas along side. that trophy district has been also hate within the past few hours for at least one palestinian a women has been killed off to an agriculture lands being directly hit to within his valley. slice a, just a deck missio deck destroyed the entire land and also this land has been adjacent to the make shift. jim said she attends that have been established in empty areas in a rough like district. now this area is very densely populated area where it contains and costs, hundreds of the doctors in that very disparate parts of the gaza strip of the sites . one type of thing and also has been shocked by is what is snipers close to the re junction of the eastern areas of my guys the i'm a brace, a refugee camp had been widely attacked by these various artillery units work, dozens of palestinians have to report a change and in that, in that district, possibly gaza strip thought it, we are hearing on the humanitarian front,
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the israel has now allowed more a trucks to actually enter the gaza strip. but, but the challenges are huge, aren't they? once the trucks actually do enter? yes, the the main challenge and the, the key one is the collapse of the security conditions and gaza. these very bombardment tests for a long weeks and months of the fighting had time. but that didn't give you a minute. terry an organization stuck rates on the ground and also to facilitate the process of delivering aids to the many areas in the territory. and recently we have been seeing a slight increase in terms of the numbers of the humanitarian trucks being allowed to get into the gauze. as to, for example, within the last couple of days, at least $700.00 to humanitarian. at the end of the gaza strip. throughout rafa had come upside of increasing. they had been distributed for people in the south where very limited number of these trucks have been delivered to the another at heart of
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the gaza strip. now, while age agencies have been saying that at least the goal is a strip needs uh, between 500 up to 6 humanitarian troops on daily basis, just to help people to recover from the often not so big is very deadly at military campaign on the test 3. okay, thank you. thought it as well. thank you for that reporting from best buy in josh a well, israel's prime minister has repeated his plans to launch a military invasion of what i saw in the south of the gaza strip. and this is despite and growing international pressure not to do so. it seems to be the most liberal of us. we will complete the liquidation of the homeless brigades, including those in rough on there is no force in the world that'll stop us. they will many trying to do this, but this will be of no use because often what they have done this enemy will not be they to repeat the action again. we are obligated to do so, and this is our goal. we have with us all 0 senior political analyst, little undecided. joining us here in the studio. so model one, i mean, what's missing,
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yahoo says right. there seems to be in direct sort of collision with what the us says at least publicly warning israel not to go into default. is this just a sort of a negotiating tactic from nathan, yahoo or what's going on here? yes, there's a good possible explanations. one, it's a negotiation fact thinks putting more psychological pressure on have us to reach a deal so that there was that 2nd attack turned off soon. the other possibility is that he is talking to his base and that kind of a talk kind of holds his face together and holds his quarters and governments together and stronger. and so i did probably make some more of a, you know, work time hero more or more so. and the more he folks like that the more people forget about 12 to 47. now however, having said all of that, it's not so much that these in disagreement with the united states over the final objective which is defeating him,
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us and i back and we're off the united states is on board with that. what's the united states disputes is, how is i should do that. how? when considering that there are almost 2000000 people. uh more than a 1000000 and a half people displaced in the southern parts of guys. so the idea of, i think we would all fall with so many civilians. and so many displays people there would mean, you know, i know the 10s of thousands of debt which the nazis does not want to see happening . so the united states are saying we're supposed to meet them a couple of weeks to discuss the strategy overall. so why is nothing, you know, making deadlines. i think this goes into the psychological, more than the strategic. and while he makes these comments, i mean the see as far as talks have taken place in cairo, we understand the fund to resume in about 24 hours. the lots of leaks coming out, but obviously we don't know anything definitive as of now. do you think from what
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you're seeing that there is some progress being made in of the past several months i have been skeptical about it should. every time they met, i remained sort of skeptical less so than before. because why the gap remains quite big between how my son is read, the more meant that missed quite big as was the momentum towards the solution. we haven't seen the momentum over the past 6 months. uh, come together. almost like a perfect storm. as much as we've seen the past couple of weeks, i was just thread just now that the front of minnesota france now says, we have to put all kinds of pressure including potentially sanctions on is right. in order to allow who might see it and to reach us on so forth. and we just heard from derrick is saying that they've got to stop blanket thing is um, is that the, is there any products? of course, we've heard from various europeans, we've heard from the
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e u for them policy chief talking about the position of hunger. so there is more or more pressure on his truck to come to date such as, as it were, to reach us east fire. and to start talking about withdrawing from guys. so right now that of course runs contrary to which we've heard from nathaniel. i know and many people on, on, on the other side of us or even egypt and carthage said, wait a minute. we're trying to get a d is done. and you doesn't, you know, is basically, you know, sending a hand grenade of that hunger and it into a potential deal trying to do and everything. why? because you're not, then, you know, and best, you know, kind of an over one. meg impression is not interested really in a d and does not want to stop the war. doesn't really care too much about the captives as much as he cares about continuing with the war, both for his illogical strategic and personal interest and more. one of obviously looming over all of this is the possible iranian retaliation for what happened last
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week with the as early as killed their commanders in the rating and consulate in damascus. what are that uranium calculations right now? and, and do you see, or do you think that there are linking any retaliation with what happens with the see as far as both will say if it leaks about the reports, any way about of some kind of communication happening between zelan and washington, throw man on other channels whereby you run this thing washington. we want to hold off on retaliation to the attack on the concert it's in damascus. if you put enough pressure to reach a ceasefire in gaza soon i've heard menissi spider force. so i think, i think it's got a clever on the part of the union. so instead of escalating the use of war or force,
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i guess is read to put pressure on washington authority to the n word by guys would be saved from more of the same genocide, the water by his right. if it's the reports are true, we probably would be waiting for a response from washington. otherwise, this, it seems almost evident that there is wherever italy. okay, thank you so much bottle on this side. so as we were just mentioning turkey here says that it will impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches a ceasefire with him. us an israel called it a unilateral violation of trade agreements and promised to respond. this is the 1st time any nation as imposed major trade sanctions over the war on garza a visa health with him sized cargo shop letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with cargo planes of our air force. we blunt that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities,
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was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians. in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. so let's break down what turkey us trade export restrictions actually mean for israel. there are 54 different product categories affected by this announcement. and some of the main items include iron and steel products, jet fuel construction equipment, chemicals and bricks. so it's are key is one of israel's top 5 import partners. china is the biggest accounting for $14400000000.00 in in ports. us follows at 11600000000 imports from switzerland and germany together make up just over 11000000000. and then israel's imports from ser key made up about $4700000000.00. for more on this, we have set of cost of elk grove who's joining us from is stumble, so send them. i suppose this is a popular move amongst the public in turkey,
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a. tell us what the reaction has been and talk us through some of the details. well, the remain 2 cubes of the issue. paula stein is a, is an important issue from right to left from islam is sort of secretaries. most of the people united when it comes to the war on tele sign, it's hard to think of policy and that's why people have been standing solar their boxes and they have been calling for board costs of the try. the products, however, this is the 1st, a significant step as a measure taken by on colorado targeting is ray of since the war began in october. the trade has grad a decline, according to exporters associations numbers that has been present, plus, shared the bilingual trades, decline around 2 to 3 percent, and exports from 2 kids. israel,
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a decline 4 to 3. a purse is 34 percent and the imports from is why i have to 2 kids decline to route more than 40 percent of course took here is a free trade country. it's a free market. economy is these restrictions? okay, sure, it will bind us page companies and that's companies that has fake shareholders about for the private invest 3, this is not good news as well as they will probably be kept busy or restricted by the customs if they want to exports to israel. but on the other hand, exports from true care to palestine also goes through israel. so there needs to be another way if found to send those groups through palestine from to keir. uh, encore has been very vocal about it's thumbs while a pilot criticizing israel. the prisons are don cooling as well as a service, se, se puede sides have been maintained so far,
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but this time it is different. then we know that within the coming weeks, within the coming days, again, a flow to a fleet of vessels that will be carrying a to gaza. a are planning to take will say look from turkish sports a and the days in the coming days we will see how it's going to shape after is way of stuffs to watch. took you. okay, fine to send. okay, sounds good. thanks for that reporting from stumble. so as you're hearing israel has called the circus move, unilateral violation of trade agreements, and has promised to respond heres or challenges from occupied east jerusalem. the hey israel's foreign minister, east rel caps. he says that secchia has unit, alas, early violates is trade agreements. he goes on the side of president type otherwise is again sacrificing the economic interests of the people the taxi in order to support how much we will respond in kind. israel will not submit to violence and extortion. so he says that there is going to be
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a list drawing off of reciprocal products that are going to be restricted from israel to tacky takia. he also says that he is ordered to contact countries and organizations in the us for them to store investments intact and to prevent the import and prevent the import of products from the kids. now we don't yet have that list of products that israel is going to be restricting, but clearly israel is trying to expand this problem. and israel take us back into something that also would involve is rails allies much noise would be the united states. now, given the patience of president biden is wearing very staying with his rad at the moment, and that's fine is under pressure from members of his own party to basically bringing that road and try to bako thoughts on is read itself in the form of
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restrictions on on supplies, it's not clear a tool that the united states would actually go on board with what is red ones right now. the accord in south africa has ruled that the former president, jacob's whom i can run in next month parliamentary elections. he had challenged an earlier decision by the electoral commission which barred him from standing due to a contempt of court conviction. zoom is representing a new political party after denouncing the governing african national congress that he wants floods. we have has ro, margie, who is a political editor with business day, that's a national daily newspaper in south africa, joining us from johannesburg to discuss this thanks for your time. so i was taking a look at your newspaper at the website, and this obviously is a breaking news story. was this, this isn't expected at all. well, good afternoon. it was certainly not expected. it's my twin shantia of service as
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a journalist in south africa and change of zoom, us continues to leave us in the shop and for as i did during his 9 years as president of sold out. so that we get is really has actual crossroads. it just didn't want to should moment and so that because democracy which reaches w as in a few days time. okay, we'll get into the water said moment in a moment, but just 1st i mean how, how is this decision being explains, particularly after zoom out was banned from running and these elections, so the same, the ports of how this is ms. appeal of the i. e. c, that's they, they put commission's decision to box him because the highest court in the land sentenced him to spoke e as in 14 months in jail for being an attempt to quote, we now understand the position
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a little bit better because the portal is jacob simmons who is. * before the court that he only said 3 months of that of dean, my extension is i'm the 13. my extensions is when did it get relevant? we always knew this was going to be a very litigious connection in south africa, which with every decision by the ice, each and every result contributed and to just such and improving to be that way. so what is at stake for the selection and what's a good day for the country as well? if you see previous connection results, the agency has been in shock because it is the best time since i was given patrick transition in 1994 that the n c could potentially drop below that 50 percent majority do not being on the balance being diploma. lead off the governing a diploma president of south africa in more time charges of corruption,
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a seems to be the architect of state. sure. and so that's where you guys could solve the questions because the result that begins will now have to look into advantage with jacobs. we must face being on the balance in this column entry elections representing the m k parties. i'm going to, let's see, is read each and this must decide who best represents this, all that big a that they want to live in. we've come a long way in the absence of partridge, but we could have been a lot further now. and so the resource begins must not aside in may 29th. what is just the guy and they want, and whom do they want to lead? do they want jacob juma? do they watch the governing in scene? do they want to give small opposition parties? a chance to look um who, how much political wake does it does do ma, still yield in south africa, and also you talk about south africans having to make decisions. what's, what are sort of the,
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the most important issues for south africans as based on today as well, the thing is a big issue. and so i've actually got the price of x, the price of choose the price of both have been so ring in the last 10 years. it doesn't tell you just a capture which happened under us to stage on the enterprises which keep the lights on control to supply. i believe, really been running to the ground. i'm not struggling to keep up till to let to keep the line. so. but why does it stay for? so that's a guy, is this all that together? we want to know being and do best. best represents that is it's jacob summa, and i can tell you of position parties spoke not in 2009. when do my, when, when the election and one with 66 percent of the face of age, whose campaign in that election, however june 2 years of corruption. so, so the agencies boat drop with the jacobs web interface. it says now it's crossroads, mostly because of the country and what you should load up to the country. and then
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there's also the context about liberation movements on the continent on governing bodies at the city, a mock. it's actually going to be one to watch and it could very well decide this election resolve will decide the stage of africa's biggest economic powerhouse and the big uh trail. and they can always stage, even in the israel, gaza a match to the stage of some of the so it's going to be interesting one on it's one we mentioned to me we will be watching timing. thank you so much. how is it all my z? thank you. oh, thank you so much. we'll have to leave it there. we've run out of time, but thank you. thanks for joining us. now the death toll from a mix of series that capsized in mozambique on monday has risen to a 100 people. the overloaded fishing boat was not license to carry people. most of the victims were trying to escape the main line doctor, false reports of
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a color outbreak. samples for avi has more tragedy off the coast of mozambique, a tidal wave capsizing a barge killing. dozens of people, some missing the data sense of getting that we took 130 passages, including adults and children. and when i saw the boat was at risk off the crew chief to increase my speed. in order to avoid the west, we directed into sure, but it was too late. the overcrowded vessel was ferrying people from luna in the pool of province to the island of most. i beat a converted fishing boat. it was not licensed to carry passengers according to local officials. most of those on board were trying to escape the mainland after a panic caused by false reports of a color outbreak throwing up and the guy said that there is they were running away from the color outbreak. they got into the boat. the sea was rough. that the boat capsized and the killed a lot of people. the southern african country has recorded nearly 15000 cases of water born disease and dozens of depths since october,
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november as relative search the bodies that made it back to sure children are among the dozens killed. they say that movie daniella st. chemical. annette though, my sister was with her granddaughter, there were 3 family members on that boat, and 2 of them died and the noise was lost. i lost my brother's children and my step mother because of the sinking of the ferry, which was leaving to come here because of cholera like an accident, triggered by a rush to run away from the risk of disease on attempting to save their lives. came with the highest price, same bus route of the older 0 of the british rwandan leaders. i've met in london to discuss plans to deport asylum seekers. british government wants to send thousands of migrants to rwanda. a controversial policy that's been blocked by legal challenges in the u. k. but both prime minister really to knock on the president polk a guy may say they expect the 1st flights to depart soon. the u. k. parliament to
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set to debate the legislation next week. dozens of people have been rescued in northern canada, off to the bus. they were traveling in was swept away by flood waters. emergency services rescued, all 51 passengers who made it onto the roof of the bus. and police are searching for the driver who they say ignored restrictions and drove through the water kind of young has been experiencing heavy rains for the past week, and it is expected to continue still ahead on the als, is there a news hour will tell you why green onions have become a rallying points for voters in south korea. i had a problem entry, elections there. and in sports, a familiar face as a warming up of the stuff ahead of the speaks. master is thoughts coming up in sports would and the
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the hello, we're still looking at some of the live, the sales into southeastern pops up. as you can see, this little area tab, nothing a little further northwards as it does so, we are seeing these pressing up for the south 45 celsius the in the service full red tuesday. i think around 19 degrees by wednesday afternoon. female showers just pushing the way up towards power quite easily. back up with the central pumps up so west and there is always a single ivy shows shows extending my way over to ward sky. i don't think either will be lousy. try not to try to across the venezuela, but if you show us that was columbia, stretching up into panama, customer equal, sustains, and while the live the shelves beside the north, it is generally dry across a good part of central america. i wanted to isolate 2 chairs shows the continue though, just around hispaniola puerto rico, pushing across the was the when, but all is little more extensive here was to go on 3 way to stay cuban as well to
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try $1.00 to $2.00 south and just make a follow right, winds up towards the gulf of mexico. do you see developing area fairly heavy rain pushing into the deep south of the us, lots of live the storms coming through here. big kyle, looking at the possibility of the alternator. and that becomes even more widespread by wednesday. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the to, wow, the sears from,
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i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app . is that the, this is where we fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the a news the top story is on the als, is there a news? our germany has rejected accusations, but it's been facilitating genocide and gaza in a case before the united nations top court in the hague. it was brought by
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nicaragua and calls for emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons to israel's. at least a 153 palestinian bodies have been recovered across the gaza strip in the past 24 hours. that takes the total number of people killed since october, the 7th, to more than $33000.00, including 40 and a half 1000 children. searcy is restricting exports to israel until the cease fire is read swift from us. this is the 1st time any nation has impose major trade sanctions on israel over the war on gauze up the french for our minister also says that his government should consider sanctions parts of russia, including the oracles. the vulgar and central areas have declared states of emergency after some of the worst flooding. in decades. the disaster has forced the 36 and a half 1000 people to leave their homes. now in the southern court on region media,
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se the flooding could effect at least 19000 people as well. move away from the storage has taken live to washington dc. that is with us sector state anthony blinking has been meeting with a u. k 4 and secretary david cameron listening to what they helped us those conversations starting with the frame. uh, we of course reaffirmed the imperative of continuing to support and help you train defend itself against the ongoing russian aggression. i have to say that the united kingdom has been w, scrolling early, defend itself against the ongoing russian aggression. i have to say that the united kingdom has been an extraordinary leader. this effort from day one, imposing sanctions that i support controls on russia and henry, his ability to continue to finance the work ramping up investments in the defense industrial base. this is a major effort that our 2 countries are engaged in with many other countries, both for immediate needs, but also for the future. we have major british defense companies that are opening
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offices and keep working jointly with our brand new friends helping ukraine develop its own defense products. and the pay was the 1st country to formalize and finalize the bilateral security agreements that $30.00 countries have either. now concluded negotiations or the process goes, getting with you, trying to help ukraine develop a future force, one that can deter aggression and defend itself in the future. we talked about ways to strengthen efforts to prevent the transfer and weapons of material to russia for use and you pray. and this is an ongoing challenge and we see what this. we also see technologies to support the defense. industrial base in a rush are coming from north korea from ron, from china. this is an area of particular concern for not only had states and united kingdom,
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but many of our allies and partners throughout europe. we also i talked about the imperative of getting assistance to ukraine now in terms of additional munitions, air defenses. artillery, we both for last week from the training find this ring delay, but nato, about the immediate needs. both of our countries are pressing ourselves and pressing others to do this. and in that light, the supplemental budget requests present vitamins made of congress is urgent. edison parents house is now back in session. we look to see that brought before the house and to get to go as quickly as possible. and again, i said this before, but it is always worth reminding that when it comes to burden sherry, i've never seen a better example in my time in government. now, over 30 years, united states has done extraordinary things for ukraine or european partners and
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others beyond europe around the world have done even more over the last 2 years. a military support economic support, the amount of training support. so there's genuine burden sharing and carrying the load. we need to continue to do our part. and again, i'll remind that the overwhelming majority of the resources in the supplemental budget requests will actually be invested right here in the united states in our own defense, industrial base to produce what you find needs but providing in the meantime. good america jobs. we of course, discussed situation in the middle east and guys of israel has made important commitments to significantly increase the supply, the amount of transit systems throughout the us and just taking some additional actions as well to move on those commitments. we're looking at a number of critical things that need to happen in the coming days, including opening
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a new northern point of entry for assistance at the gaza using ash dot on a regular basis. maximizing the flow of assistance from jordan as well as putting in place much more effective the confliction that condition with the amount of trained groups that are providing assistance. just yesterday, more than $400.00 trucks were clear to go into gas, and that is the most since october 7th in any given day. but what matters is results and sustain results. and this is what we will be looking at very carefully in the days ahead. and that includes making sure that the assistance that gets in the gaza is distributed effectively throughout guys. not just in the south or in central, gosh, it has to get to the north as well. of course, we have our own citizens who remain hostage in guys are held by him us. we continue to work very closely with israel, with egypt with
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a cutter on getting an agreement that will result in an immediate cease fire and the release of hostages, and also create even better conditions for searching assistance to those who need it and goes to other quick things i wanted to touch on in the endo pacific. our 2 countries are aligned um on the key issues for us in the, in the pacific. ensuring peace and stability across the taiwan strait south trying to see the korean peninsula. standing up when the p r. c. as in cation unfair trade practices, non market practices, including addressing the global economic consequences of chinese industrial over capacity and the need for a level playing field secretary young and spoke very clearly and forcibly to this during a recent trip to china. this is an ongoing concern for our countries and for many other countries around the world. and of course, we have our office agreement modernising partnerships to meet future challenges to promote a free and open it up pacific us australia selection that last month. british
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companies to develop their power submarines is a milestone and actually integrating our defense industrial basis. we also discussed partnerships with other countries through august, including one that we'll discuss with japan when prime minister sheet is here this week. and having partners engage, particularly until her 2 activities is something that will carry this, this partnership. for finally, we're working together in this hemisphere to address shared interest and to try to advance the security opportunity. i welcome the conversations that we had about that as well. with that, david, let me turn it over to you. well, thank you very much, terry. it's very good to be back in washington. very good to be back with you. in a time of danger, like this in international affairs close alliance is really massa, and there is no place or laws for austin, our partnership with united states. and i think the what we've been doing here and,
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and they so what we'll be doing at the g 7 really demonstrates that on your crate on the echo what tony said, put simply, we know what works. we know what they need. we know what is right for us in terms of what works. we know that if we give the credit is the support they does of, they can win this war. they can achieve the just piece that they deserve. they sunk 25 percent of russia's black sea fleece. they've inflicted over 350000 casualties on russian offices who launched this unprovoked and unjustified aggression. and we know that if we keep on busing, we can leave this to the right conclusion. and we know what they need, we know they need defenses, the training farm and us to so care about that in nature. we know they need munitions as the excellent check initiative to bring forward. i munition that's gonna arrive in june and even before that britain is taking action to source more i
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munition for them in the run up to that. we know that they these support from nato allies and a good i come to the nation summit, which we were discussing this morning. and we know that they need money in the form of the frozen russian software and assets. and we're making good progress in how to access that funds all and agree basis. so i think we can take for the g 7 and of course in terms of the money they need and the support they need, perhaps nothing is more important than the supplemental. the co rest is looking at the moment. and i come here with no intention to lecture anybody or 10 today, or they want to do all get in the way of the process of politics and other things the united states. i just come here is a great friend and believe we're in this country. i'm a believer that it's profoundly in your interest and your security and your future of the future. royal partners to release this money unless it through and i'm
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looking forward to meetings. i'm going to be having in congress places a day and a bubble. we know what's right for us. we know that it is right to stop pigeons rush. we know it's right for our own minute trace on our own production basis to ramp up production of jumps for ukraine before are installed. so there's 20 said so many of the jobs. crazy will be job creation. here's united states. and indeed, when we're dealing with our own weapons, this, those jobs in the u. k. we know it's right to send this very clear message to boilers walking around the world, including china, that we stand by our allies, that we don't reward aggression, that we help those who are trying to fight it off. and we know there's right far in security. that leads to the nature conference. we have some excellent discussions. i remember chatting the nature summit in wales in 2014, but then in the 3 countries met the 2 percentage points of gdp on defense spending on products say britain was one of them. when i walked to arrive 20 countries, either lots of substitute members,
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and i think we can make real progress between now and the summit in washington with every country showing how is that going to get from where they on that to that to present a lot of jewelers countries to think about how they can do it and would also be looking at this mission for you. great. but i have nato can do more to coordinate and help that country. and it struggle on, on discussions on israel and also as i said, of the we can, we see this in full very clear ways. one, we back the hostages and the families who are now in the day a 185 of the or pulling captivity. we go hard on getting aid into gauze. it's the right thing to do. and what was previously seen is impossible, is not possible. and that is huge, the welcome. we want to see that for it up we believe in leading internationally, both of the united nations where we achieved a good resolution on a temporary seatbar during ramadan. and also putting together countries, the backs and support a future piece process,
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such as minutes and we will meet again shortly. but the full part of all pad is to support is route and it's legitimate, right of self defense to deal with the mess, fred. and it's important we maintain of that support on a just to be clear, attorney said, we want to see $500.00 trucks a day. we want to see the water switch back on. we want to see as stalled. and the northern crossing point opened an mostly want to see this decent friction, because getting a to goes up on its own isn't enough. you go to be able to get a around casa. and as we saw with the tragic feeling of the wealth, central kitchen workers in unless you have that deacon fiction, other things like that could happen. we have a very clear plan, a for how we bring this corporate to an end. we have a temporary pause. we turn that into a sustainable see spot. we see how mass lead is removed from garza. we see the terrorist infrastructure taken down. that is the way to have a political process the brings the war to annette. but we have to be aware of that
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doesn't what we have to think about what his plan b, one can humanitarian and other organizations do to make sure that if there is a conflict in rafa, people kind of g safety, they can get food, they can get water, they can get medicine and people are kept safe and i think that's something we're going to have to be looking at and we were talking about today. finally, on the other things you mentioned, a totally agree with focus is a really important alliance. and i think one of the ways we can make it a success, as well as making sure we build on submarines and invest on time is making progress on the i taught regulations. if we're going to have a partnership as close as this between 3 mines the countries you must be able to have the free flow of munitions between us. finally, i just wanted to mention hazy where you bring can, has said how important is the wheel step forward. and help britain has a number of priorities in that region, including neighboring countries that we are responsible for. but nonetheless,
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we will be providing over $5000000.00 assembled in dollars to the fund to help support, pacey, so, in these areas and many others, we've had an accident conversation. excellent. me see. and it shows how like minded we are on trying to make progress on these difficult complex and also disrupting and disturbing. um, well that would tend to work together very closely as we do that. thank to thank you. the 1st question goes to olivia guides, us with cbs news. thank you very much. good morning, secretary blinking, there's been a spate of developments in gaza that we're hoping you can shed some light for us on 1st. prime minister netanyahu has made public pronouncements, announcements about a date being set for an offensive in rafa. has the us been apprised of such a date and have, has it been given word of any accompanying plans by israel to ensure the safety of civilians their 2nd. you mentioned the increase of the number of trucks being
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permitted into goals on a daily basis. but agencies, including the u. n, are still saying that much less than the minimum amount of aid required is actually getting where it needs to go. so if there's real, really doing enough quickly enough, in order to forestall changes in us policy as the president and you have made clear for and secretary cameron, you've come to washington from a meeting in florida with the former president and current presidential candidate donald trump. we understand that a to ukraine was a key item on the agenda. first. do you come away from that meeting? a more or less assured that you as a to ukraine is forthcoming in the near term. and 2nd, did you achieve any clarity on mr. thomas reported plans to bring the war and ukraine to an end. specifically, did you receive any assurances that it would not involve territorial concessions by keith? and with your indulgence for both of you, just given the weak indications that as cairo today, rachel goober, poland,
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who is the mother of her, one of the hostages, who has been held in gaza for now more than 6 months. as recently, i feel that all the parties at the table have failed to include the governments at the table. do you disagree with her? thank you, lou, i'm happy to start. thank you, and thank you for the new iteration of asking questions of each of us and then asking a joint question at the ends, new model. and i'm sure your colleagues will carry forward as well. um, on rough. uh no, we do not have a a date for any rough operation, at least one that's been communicated to watch movies or at least on the contrary, what we have is an ongoing conversation with us real about any rough operation press that has been very clear about our concerns are the concerns about israel's ability to move civilians out of heart out of harm's way, to care for them once they're out of harm's way. and to have any kind of major
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military operations that doesn't do real harm to feelings, to children, to women, to man. we are committed to ensuring that um, a mouse cannot dictate the future guys or anything else for that matter. but how is real, conducts any further operations, guys, it matters a great deal. and as we said, were talking to them about the alternatives and in our judgment, effective ways of solving the problem that needs to be solved. but doing it in a way that does not endanger the, the innocence of those conversations are ongoing. my expectations that we'll see is rarely colleagues, again, next week to, to pursue that with regard to the assistance that governors getting in. what we've
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been again very clear starting with the present we need to see the not just the commitments, not just the implementation requirements, but actual results and results that are sustained and sustained throughout gust. not only in the south one central. gotcha. so i mentioned that yes, yes, yesterday, by our count, more than 400 trucks were cleared, which is double what have been happening here too for that's, that's important, but it's just one step. and again, it needs to be sustain. david referred to a number of other steps that, that israel is either committed to or has already begun to say. and i mentioned some of them as well. opening an additional crossing in the north, maximizing the route from jordan maximizing. what is the screen at a trench long? and it rough uh, fixing the water pipelines in the north,
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central and southern guys. this is critical and are so important. putting in place a decent collection mechanism. so the amount of trains can go about their work throughout garza without fearing for their security and safety. and so that we never see again the horrific loss with the attack on the world. central kitchen, a team just a week or so ago. so this is, this is a work very much in progress. and as i say, we will judge it by its results and by whether they're sustained but the commitments that have been that have been made. and the initial steps to implement those commitments are positive, but a lot more needs to happen to make sure that people in gaza have what they need on the issue, my meeting with president trump. this was entirely in line with president of government ministers,
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racing with opposition politicians in the run up to elections. i remember when i was prime minister meeting with ro me when he was a count of this. i remember gordon bryan making bracket bama. when he was a candidate, i think attorney reach database lucas, tom of the labor lead in munich, said these things on tale pro, but it was a private meeting. so i haven't really gotten anything to, to add to your your questions. but we discussed the range of important political subjects, is going on no one hostages, as i would just say we're doing everything we can to help them to british nationals, but others with british connections. so we're doing everything we can i, i would just make the point that ultimately the people responsible for holding these hostages or how much they could release the hostages. now, i'm not involved in the, the new show i, the negotiations. but i know, you know, very big offices been made by israel to release loads of prisoners from the prisons in response to hostages being released. and you know,
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we need the hostages to come home. we need to a, to get in and it's a mass more than anyone else that has found the other way of that happening. and i would just add that. um, i know rachel well, if i were sitting in her shoes, i don't directly be feeling as saying the same thing because until the day that her, she's home and we will not succeed in doing what we're determined to do, which is to bring him and bring all the hostages back we have our, our team is working on this 247. we're working as you know closely with cutter, with egypt, with israel. and they'll burns has been doing extraordinary work on this. many of us have been deeply, deeply engaged, working with the, with the governments in question. we have an offer that's on the table now to
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a mosque that is very serious and should be accepted from us. could move forward with this immediately and get cease fire that would benefit people throughout garza as well as of course get the hostages home. uh, i think uh the fact that it continues to not say yes is a reflection of what it really thinks about the people of guys which is not much at all. it's also extraordinary expensive, which from us has been almost erased from this the story. as we both said, going back almost to day one. uh, none of what we've seen and gaza would have happened, had a much given up the hostages right away, put down his weapon, stop hiding behind civilians, and surrendered. it has an opportunity now to
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agree to the proposal. honestly fire and on hostages. the ball isn't a mazda sport. the world was watching to see what it does. felicia schwartz with the financial times. thank you. the secretary blinkin um, are you confident that the talk in washington on rafa will happen before israel does go into rafa and that they will follow your advice when doing so and on assistance. how long does israel have to sustain the aid that you spoke about or risk consequences? and do you agree with for and secretary cameron, that there needs to be a plan b, and what do you think that should be for? and secretary cameron, you said before coming to the us, that you would encourage speaker dodson to get you cleaned aid through the house. but now you are not seeing him. why is that? and have you left your meeting with president trump?
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believing that he will give johnson the green light to make that boat happen. a felicia, let me take a 2nd part 1st uh which is on a how long does it need to be sustained? it needs to be sustained as long as necessary to ensure that the people guys have what they need to get by and sustain this, as long as it takes to put in place something more permanent. when this conflict comes to an end, that can guarantee that people are getting what they need and begin to rebuild the gases. so there's no, there's no date certain at all. this needs to not only happen, not only need to be sustained, but it just needs to continue as long as it's necessary to provide for people in god. it's a simple and straightforward is that. and again, with regard to rafa, i don't want to prejudge any of these, these ongoing talks. and i can tell you that again, we expect to have
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a continuation of those talks next week. i don't anticipate any actions being taken before those thoughts. and for that matter, i don't, i don't see anything imminent, but there is a lot of work to be done and it remains our conviction that um, major military operations in uh in rafa would be extremely dangerous for um, civilians who would be caught in uh in harm's way that as we share the commitment to dealing with the problem posed by mosley believe, there are other effective ways to do it. that's going to be the subject of these ongoing conversations. i don't want to prejudge what the i told the thank you. i'm going to be going to the hill. i go to arrange with me things with us and this isn't congressman both sides of the file. um, i always do this with great trepidation. it's not for foreign politicians to tell


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