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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the gemini is doing its most to live up to its responsibility. he said he both sees riley and the palestinian people. germany rejects accusations, it's facilitating genocide and gaza during this hearing for you. and of course the, the 0 life and the headquarters and so high and teddy navigate is also coming up. turkey becomes the 1st nation in the world to impose trade restrictions against israel for its, for ongoing. so, altogether about 6 and a half thousands people,
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including many children, have been evacuated. we report from a flooded russian region, a foreign bird, where a ford is of declared a state of emergency foss. this is just you justice here of human rights court says this with government has violated its citizens rights by not doing enough to fight climate change. the hello germany has dismissed accusations that it's conflicted in genocide against palestinians. and also, it's lawyers rejecting the case brought by nicaragua as a u. n. 12 port as baseless rushed and without jurisdiction. nicaragua argues as the 2nd largest arm supplier to israel, germany is in fact facilitating genocide and as, as the court to order it to stop its arms exports so fast and begins our coverage
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from the hague. also, the rest, germany started, it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learn from the whole cost. germany is doing. it's a close to live up to its responsibility. he said he both sees riley and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all foreign policy with regard to own middle east issues 1st. oh history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy. nicaragua argues that germany support for its route is one sided neglect the fate of gas as people. why now also facing genocide, germany supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the
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export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, nearly all experts the exports involve what is known as of the military equipment, typically of the subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to tear we in law or loss of floor when i'll just see what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that israel is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i wanna
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ask you about your sab jeremy learn from the past. as most of germany's defense that we send to the round, the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer free presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. that's not been convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany needed to stop it from sending weapons to it's route. step 5, some al jazeera, the hey sophia hoffman is a professor for international politics and conflict research at the university of or forth. she says, the silencing of pro palestinian voices in germany has harmed is reputation globally. i think at the trial reflects the general deception and foreign policy circles in germany about this trial. and the general dominant perception is that
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this trial has been brought by the correct yeah. as a political tool to in fact, distract from reporting about new, correct use, own negative human rights record. so the perception is there room is, or there is a perception that russia is in fact also helping nick iraqi of finance this trial. so there is an understanding or a belief that this trial is a sort of smear campaign or a tool to, you know, negatively, smith, germany and the west and allies on that. this is not actually about guys about much more about, you know, part of taking and that regular is instrumental. i think the court, the response from germany really also reflects and misunderstanding in german phone, published to circles about how much of a news international reputation has suffered through. it's, you know, seeing the unconditional support to the tanya government and it surrenders violence committed and gather. but also about the domestic repression in germany against
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civil society, pro palestinian activism and civil society, the criticism of israel from academia, cultural figures and so on and the cause of this domestic repression. and this counseling and silencing of criticism of as well as also his international fate goes. this news about this has spread and this has really negatively affected german use. reputation of the place of liberal exchange of opinions, democracy and so forth. and this has really not filtered through to german 4, any foreign policy circles. and i think we saw this reflected in this very technical response and also you know, talking about flimsy evidence, evidence basically this belief that the correct view is not serious to be here talking about guys about that. this is basically a, you know, an instrumental i think the court placed a 153 palestinian bodies have been recovered across garza in the past 24 hours. and these really pull out from con, eunice followed intense battles with palestinian fighters. many families have since
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been trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of their home. meanwhile, there had been strikes across gauze on, including in the city of for the 541 and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering. but at least one woman was killed in several more injured after a residential building was attacked, told her about zoom, has more from it off the families as they started to graduate. the rates and back to the house has been the city of con eunice. they started to recognize and moved the bodies in that city that had been killed off. so that is really a, with a drove well, that had been killed while these. but it wasn't, it middle to, wasn't breaking in that area. and their bodies have for recovered off to these, but it would the trouble from many areas of the city will partner with the spot. oh oh. also, despite the fact these already been bought, mentioned the sit, you'll find you just did not stop where they have increased the author reboot button and for the eastern areas room side that 125 district has been also hate within the past few hours for at least one palestinian a women has been killed off to an agriculture lands being directly hit within his
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valley price to ship a deck and missio deck destroyed the entire land. and also this land has been adjacent to the make shift. jim said she attends that have been established an empty area in a row for the district. now this area is very densely populated area where it contains and costs, hundreds of doctors in that very disparate parts of the gaza strip, but alongside one pallets. and it also has been short fires, where the sniper's close battery junction and the eastern areas of my guys, the and a brace refugee camp had been widely attacked by these various artillery units. were dozens of palestinians, hospital reports of the things that in the, in that district possibly going district the main challenge and the, the key one is the collapse of the security to conditions. and garza, these very bombardment tests for a long weeks and months of the fighting had time. but the ability of humanitarian organizations to operate on the ground and also to facilitate the process of
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delivering aids to the many areas in the territory. and recently we have been seeing a slight increase in terms of the numbers of the humanitarian trucks being allowed to get into the gauze district. for example, within the last couple of days, at least $700.00 to him, mediterranean, had entered the guards district throughout russell had come over solomon course thing. they have been distributed for people in the south where very limited number of these it has been delivered to the another in parts of the gaza strip. now, quite a agencies have been saying that at least the gaza strip needs a between 500 up to 6. you many, terry and folks on daily basis just to help people to recover from the often that so because very deadly at military campaign with the treasury. well, the us sector, state anthony blinking, has called for greater quantities of a to get into northern garza, in particular of these sentiments were echoed by the british foreign secretary, david cameron as the powerhouse of joint press conference just a short time ago in washington dc. we're looking at a number of critical things that need to happen in the coming days,
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including opening a new northern point of entry for assistance at the gaza using ash dot on a regular basis. maximizing the flow of assistance from jordan as well as putting in place much more effective the confliction that condition with the amount of train groups that are providing assistance. just yesterday, more than $400.00 trucks or cleared to go into gas. and that is the most since october 7th in any given day. but what matters is results and sustained results. and this is what we will be looking at very carefully. in the days ahead. we want to see 500 trucks a day. we want to see the water switch back on. we want to see as stalled and the northern crossing point open. and crucially want to see this deep infliction because getting a to goes up on its own isn't enough. you go to be able to get a around casa, and as we saw with the tragic feeling of the wealth,
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central kitchen buses in unless you have that deacon fiction, other things like that could happen. well, my kind of joining us now from washington dc. so mike, the 2 men speaking in washington just a short time ago, obviously there was a lot of focus on the war on gaza. what was the take away message from that press conference when it came to guys? when israel to the primary message was that to both the secretary of state and the foreign secretary or incomplete accordance on the situation in gaza. they'll both arguing for. busy of humanitarian aid to go in, they both express the hope that israel will meet its commitments to allow more than monetary an aid and to gaza. as i also agree, those that have mazda as a stumbling block to getting a negotiated c spy or pause, and the ongoing conflict, ignoring is really intransigence in the matter. and on the issue of, honest israel, once again, complete agreement, both of us secretary of state and to the but he's part of the secretary saying that
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alms will continue to israel despite concerned among many, particularly here in the united states about the way in which these within this, are you so sit on the complete agreement between the 2 politicians at this news conference and the secretary of state made some interesting comments when i came to that alpha operation. because we heard earlier today is the prime minister of israel saying that he has a dates for the invasion, but the sector states saying that the us that hasn't been communicated to them. how are we to understand that a well, it is a slightly complicated situation because in past days the secretary of state said that israel has been paused to communicate with the us about any potential operation in rough uh, and even to go so far as to discuss how it was going to preserve civilian life during such an operation, but not from what the secretary of state said. it appears that this is no longer the case,
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making very clear that israel has not consulted with us in any way on this operation in gaza. even though, as you point out, the it is rarely prime minister says it is going to go ahead. so the appears to have been a shift, an input to. so it'd be here where at one stage the us as asking israel to let him know about its operation in rough, uh, and also how it was going to carry it out. at this stage it appears that the us is not expecting anything from what the us secretary of state said from israel with regards to any operation in rough. uh, all right, thank you. my kind of thanks for that update from washington dc. churches uses will impose restrictions on x, sports to israel until it reaches us the spar with him. us israel called it a, you know, lot of real, a violation of trade agreements and has promised to respond. so the new messrs.
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come a day after israel declined anchor as request to air drop aids in garza visa, how up with him sized cargo, chuck, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress plains of our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians. in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel, sent him across all co reports from a stumble. this is actually the most significant step that turkey has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war. and uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center kit calling out for more causing these wireless products. us rates were full of people and because palestine and goals are issues are very sense and mental issues for the troops. it doesn't matter where whether
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they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always a very sensitive and, and from the street there has been a call for boy coughing. and these rarely products on the government level as well . also, the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held 10 days ago. but of course these restrictions, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction material. simmons are in marble, jets field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these, as of today, as of this morning, effective, immediately, the export of these products are risk. rick said this was a political decision by the circus government to restrict this exports. the is why the 3rd largest phrase partner of through kia it onto a c spiers is established still a head on alger 0, south africa's former president, jacob's to most of the stage for
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a political come back ahead of next month's general deluxe. the a unique perspective, everything is political. you must be out of politics and everything is a feminist issue. to on heard, voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories up in the field, us having a normal life in these with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now, the stream announces era to foster months of fun with thousands of people or q and millions from this house. what does the future hold for? sit down and it's people the sedan context,
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one year on out to 0 in the line the palestine hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay. foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you, we'll deliver it so dominates with confidence donates without kat foundation. with every packet of 19, with every press will bringing it to light. a little love in palestine. we share the, [000:00:00;00] the color again. the top stories on algae 0. germany has rejected accusations that it's
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been facilitating genocide in gaza and a case before the united nations top chord in the hague. it was brought finding corolla and calls for emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons to israel. for at least a 153 palestinian bodies have been recovered across scars on the past 24 hours. that takes the total number of people killed since october, the 7th to more than $33000.00, including 14 and a half 1000 children. the answer to you is limiting exports to israel until the cease fire is raised with some us. this is the 1st time any nation has impose trade restrictions on israel over the war. on garza, the french foreign minister says, has governments are considered sanctions of a court in south africa has ruled at the former president jacob zoom. i can run an next once pro elementary elections. he had challenged an earlier decision by the electoral commission, which bored him from standing due to
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a contempt of court conviction. zoom is representing a new political party offers announcing the governing african national congress, but he won sledge. the british and rwandan leaders have met in london to discuss plans to the port asylum seekers. the british government wants to send thousands of migrants to rolanda. it's a controversial policy that's been blocked by legal challenges in the u. k. but both the prime minister risk as to knock and president polk, a guy may say they expect the 1st flights to depart soon. the okay parliament to set to debate the legislation. next week, dozens of people have been rescued in northern county off to the bus. they were traveling and was swept away by flood waters, emergency services rescued, all 51 passengers, who made it onto the roof of the bus. and police are searching for the driver who they say ignored restrictions and drove through the water. tanya has been
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experiencing heavy rains for the past week and is expected to continue at least a 100 people are dead down to 11 or an hospital after make shift ferry cap sized off the northern coast of mozambique, a 130 people were on board a converted fishing boats when it went down off num pull a province on sunday. the overloaded fishing boat was not license to carry people, and most on board were trying to escape the mainland after false reports of a cholera outbreak. the, at least 2 people, a woman and the child had been killed and a ukrainian to strike on a russian village. a local governor says that happens in the border region of brands. and other 5 people were injured. strikes like these have increased between russia and ukraine in the past months. while ukraine also attacked and aviation
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facility in rushes of war and its region earlier, russell reported drowning downing excuse me to drones in the area. it's on clear how much damage was done to the facility, staying in the region and parts of russia, including it, were all the folder and central areas have declared states of emergency. after some of the worst flooding in decades, the disaster has forest, at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave their homes in the southern oregon region media say the flooding could effect at least 19000 people. meanwhile, people in orest or protesting against their local stories for their handling of the situation, asking positive blunder, boots and for help. they say they weren't warned nearby them could burst your supper of all of the joint and sauce has more rather from a boat in the russian city of orest. as you can see, i'm now on
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a boat and this is will basically forced the central parts of the city of oaks forest looks like so basically we're working right now with the some emergency services work is they all true heroes. i can tell you because what they do, they, they move from one residential building to another. and they directly talk to people here who turn up in the windows because these 5 story buildings that still full of people, people. some of them have refuse to, to leave the places they, they refuse to, to, to be as on q a to. so that's still that. and then these guys, they talk to, to the residents and offer help. so basically if these people need help, the guys ask them to create a request and the help is being delivered straight away. so basically we've been the moving around talking to people just a while ago they were trying to rescue
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a cat sitting on a tree above is. so the thing is i can tell you that we've spoken to um, to emergency services workers. and they also say that the p called the disaster has already passed in this particular place in the city of forest. but the high bosses are still arriving in the states field for in bug, which is the campus, a little theme, or in the region and in the neighboring regions of a career gun and, and other places. and that's still expecting move also to arrive up to 11 meters of bullshit. so in all these a residential buildings, there are no electricity, no gas. and people who are prohibited from drinking top poll says so basically they are advised to drink bottled water and we're seeing a lot of bottles they've been brought here as well. so i can, i can tell you that that basically imagines his work is continued the operations
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and the people are generally being evacuated and from a, from the flooded areas and a humanitarian aid like medicine and warm clothing and things like that. they are being delivered in some remote areas old but this place, europe's top human rights court has ruled the failure of the swiss government to adequately tackle climate change is a violation of human rights. the case was brought by more than 2000 women who were 864 and above the court rejected. 2 other climate related cases linked to france on portugal. charlie angelo reports of a windsor climate activists and a warning to the swiss government cuts emissions foster and planned jubilation in strasburg, after a group of elderly swiss women successfully argued that government is putting them at risk of dying during heat waves by not doing enough to combat climate change,
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they said as old women, they would more risk than other groups. the european court ruled that switzerland's failure to meet pos, greenhouse gas reduction targets had violated the human rights. the court holds. but under article a, states have a duty to adopt. and to effectively apply and practice regulations and measures capable of mitigating the existing and potentially irreversible future effects of climate change. the quote threw out to some of the cases, but only on geographical technicalities. a case brought by portuguese young people was rejected, but pursuing governments other than the own. and a form of frenchmen came in victims status due to flooding was also rejected because he is no longer a resident in front. but the wind for this with women, is a, when i say not to about protecting the generation, but the next, like who knew that hooker knew the course has recognized us as
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a fundamental right to a healthy climate. and that our country should do what it has not done until now, do not meaning to take him vicious measures to protect our health and protect the future for a soul to these landmark cases of played out against the backdrop of wild fires. now or regular threat during your summer season melting glasses and rising sea levels which have seemed devastating floods across you at the ruling on the swiss government is legally binding and cannot be appealed. it says it now needs time to walk out what the reduction measures it can propose. it is an important judging, perhaps a historic judgement that will probably be attract defense in the many countries outside switzerland. so i guess the, the message that has been sent by the court is also a relevance due to all these countries. there were 40 similar cases already
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underway globally. the challenge government to week action on climate change. this verdict will have significance. so many of them charlie angela out of their mexican president's address money while lopez over door has released a video showing ecuadorian armed forces entering the embassy of mexico in kito police storm. that on friday, arresting the former vice president jorge gloss on corruption charges. he was seeking asylum there since december. and the incident let to mexico pulling out its diplomats and breaking off ties with ecuador or us court has sentenced the parents of a teenager involved in a 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison. each prosecutor successfully argued that jennifer james crumbly, were criminally negligent for buying their 15 year old son. a gun is serving a life sentence in prison. the parents were also found to have ignored their sons. mental health been about prize winning for this is peter hex has died. age 94. the british scientist suggested there was
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a sub atomic particle binding the universe together. it's now known as the higgs, boston particle, and was confirmed by experiments at the large hadron collider in 2012 the news hours at the top of the hour. the weather is next then inside story examines whether germany is complicit in israel's war on caused by the highest looking rather tall and damp across parts of the middle age. look at this area class stretched across out here right there. i was thinking up to squeeze that few spots of right. we're looking at it driving us well, a little further east with some wet weather veterans q way to the west and passover around the rock. seeing a little bit of shabby rain as well. and that pushes right up into the cool can see for scheduling a showers to, to the eastern side of the mediterranean, all the way down towards gospel. i will try up as we go through wednesday into thursday, northern parts of the live and seeing
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a few showers brightening up the into west side for a simple right to across a good part of north east africa towards the northwest is a charles of yorkshire, with the northern areas of algeria, northern past opportunities. yeah. dustin science going to be a problem across these. the hardware over the next couple of days to see some stand still just pushing a further west was gathering a shout was meanwhile, across the west africa into the gulf of guinea. just easing a little further north was on the showers. of course i stretched away right across central africa. does look a lot driving to southern africa. the fall south of southern type could see a shower wrote to this, a lot of rain here just pushing its way up to woodson bobby, that's a co fun. it'll make his way farther northwards and cooling off in her robbie the germany is complicit in israel's genocide. in garza and that must and that's nicaragua, as all human before the u. n's talk court, germany says, and it's
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a regular, it's a one sided deal with the war and gone. so what does this case mean for countries supplying israel with lessons? this is inside stored the hello that are on james bay's nicaragua, who's on the international court of justice to order germany to stop supplying is row with weapons immediately. and all these bullying is complicit in genocide taking place and also the case joins to others involving israel already before the i c, j. nicaragua. his case is more broad drawing on both the genocide and geneva conventions . and it's notable for being the 1st to involve 2 countries, not directly involved in the alleged atrocities governments around the world. well, and definitely take no assist. germany is the 2nd largest weapon supplies to israel


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