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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the cost on red chris, the image as well as devastating war on gaza. palestinians across the street from mocking the end of remedy the i'm carry, johnson. this is out of here a lot from also coming. germany defends itself against accusations of it, facilitating genocide in concepts during the hearing of humans. top quote, also altogether about the 6 and a half thousands people, including many children have been evacuated. the report from the flooded russian region of foreign but the thoughts each have declared a state of emergency and a victory for client attacks of this off to europe's top human rights quotes as
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a swiss government is not doing enough to fight climate change. the muslim holy month of ramadan is coming to a close and eat of such a is set to begin with. this is a festival. these are overshadowed by the suffering of the 2300000 palestinians in, during, is very strikes and forced to starvation 6 months into the war in more than 33000 palestinians have now been killed. israel is accused of using starvation as a weapon of war with finding the setting in, even as a truck so lined up at the border, kept producing. i didn't know how we mocking aid this year with an fenn destruction and without a ceasefire. we want to celebrate, as we used to, to as palestinian people living a peaceful life, a simple life with humanitarian aid,
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reaching everyone's houses. we won't eat without discriminate. sion and racism. and with the results is for old sick people's elderly children into a policy and have it gone to return to the city of con eunice off to the withdrawal of most is rarely troops. many are coming back to houses that have been raised to the ground neighborhoods that are on recognizable and how dre husband's to bang the damage. in con eunice, we're currently in a bus, and in the city of con eunice, the destruction is mazda. if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, they say that there is nothing left. and the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure, there's no electricity, as there's no water,
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like even if they want to put and sets up, there's tons, here everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in phase one units. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods, a city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished, the ins for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been to the, to the bombs and, and, and,
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and like locked into the ground of the people. and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from the minds of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawal from this area, they're still homeless and this paste. this isn't the who the odyssey to us on newness. let's go live now it's, it's hard to assume in reference, southern dogs, an entire committee. all that destruction moved in a 100 people killed in the past 24 hours and then yes, that's right. so the stripes, of course, different areas in the gaza strip a completely mount as the it's been
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a minute to has has been found in different areas in rough us. one of the latest is when it strikes that target to neg or a tote true land, one palestinian woman has been killed alongside with an approved injuries who have been transported to all of the hospital and the 2 and quite a hospital to receive medical treatment, fax, those we have been hearing loud explosions and the city o'connor just as a part of the is very plumbing campaign. and one of the latest also had been carried out as it had been carried out today to strikes one and also a rock, a refugee camp, or a police one palestinian there has been killed as this number is expected to rise. um and the i'm starting from bottom into is palestinians are, will coming a, i'll sit there under unrelenting funding campaign that destroyed and change old the milestone of living alongside with their life of style as they we, as they were. welcome, the, the i this with a, with a profound and deep grief and sadness as we can barely observe scenes of happiness
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among the faces of the children. a woman here in the southern parts of the 2 or 3. i'm sorry. what about the presence of is rarely false, is what you hearing now. a wait right now we can clearly see that the is where the military has with a drone from the city of con eunice. now they are stationed on the eastern part of the city, the met. they are saying that to the uh, to the uh, with the trouble i think has been made it to troops is actually preparation for the mandatory, encouraging for roof i. we have been hearing from the is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the, the, with the trouble of the military is as please sign or treat preparation for potential attack. for rough as they have set dates for the wild blinking has been saying that we'd have not being informed by these very sides about setting dates for the beginning of this operation. palestinians here on the stands that these very, with the trouble is linked to the negotiations being made and still going on in
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cairo between our mazda and the isabel. and they believe that if there's going to be any collapse of the negotiations being here, the, the situation of rough, i will be completely drastic as the is really ministry. can be really expect it to stop the military. encouraging off that, carrying out the evacuation plans for civilians as they have been claiming. but where to go next and apply destruction if every single part of the gaza strip were rough or her right now was the last place that is designated as a safe zone. for palestinians. busy have been earlier tools to seek safety and since the early days of fighting with that's not the topic. thank you. israel's prime minister has repeated his plans to launch a miniature invasion of wrath or in southern gaza. this the spot growing international pressure not to do so. these latest comments follow and announcements he made on monday. the dates for the offensive has already been set up. it seems to be the most liberal of you. we will complete the liquidation of the homeless
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brigades, including those in rough on there is no force in the world that will stop us. they will many trying to do this, but this will be of no use because often what they have done this enemy will not be there to repeat the action again. we are obligated to do so and this is our goal. lemme us secretary of state antony bank and has called for greater quantities of a to get into northern gauze. but these sentiments were echoed by the british foreign secretary, david cameron, was the pat how the joint press conference in washington dc. we're looking at a number of critical things that need to happen in the coming days, including opening a new northern point of entry for assistance at the gaza using ash dot on a regular basis. maximizing the flow of assistance from jordan as well as putting in place much more effective thinking flesh and that condition with the amount of train groups that are providing assistance. just yesterday,
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more than 400 trucks. we're clear to go into gaza and that is the most since october 7th in any given day. but what matters is results and sustain results. and this is what we will be looking at very carefully. in the days ahead. we want to see 500 trucks a day. we want to see the water switch back on. we want to see as stalled, and the northern costing point opened. and crucially, want to see this decent friction, because getting a to goes up on its own isn't enough. you go to be able to get a around garza and as we saw with the tragic feeling of the world central kitchen buses in unless you have that the conviction, other things like that could happen, but kind of has more now from washington dc. the view is secretary of state that is produced, come to par, made clear they should similar positions on israel and on the ongoing role in gaza, they insisted that humanitarian relief remains an absolute priority. saying that
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israel. busy had made commitments to ensure that more humanitarian aid gets into gaza and hoping that israel demonstrates its willingness to apply these commitments . but that was also agreement on the fact that both need is insisted that how much was the stumbling block in negotiations saying that it was because of a mindset. no negotiated ceasefire could be reached to allow for more humanitarian aid to get into gaza. no mention whatsoever of is really intransigence on the matter. also complete agreement on the issue of weapons to as well that but he's part and secretary saying that that button was going to continue to issue export licenses for us. secretary of state, maintaining his position that israel has a right to, as he says, defend itself. and as such, us will continue to supply arms to israel despite mounting public concern within
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the united states and an irony here. the lead is also discuss the issue of ukraine, both saying that they were concerned about the flow of arms into russia. full, it's a campaign in ukraine. the position should hear that arms to rush out of bed almost as well. oh, good. my kinda arches, era washington. meanwhile, the knotted nations headquarters in new york. the spokes person from you and the secretary general confirmed that more a trucks having allowed into the gaza strip stuff onto generic told obviously it was gabriel and is on the distribution of age. within gauze we itself is a significant change of israel says that they've got more than $400.00 a trucks and the guys in the last 24 to 36 hours as a u. n. seen any negligible increase in 8 in the dish. i mean there's, there's been a, there's been an uptick. uh, in the last, uh, in the last 2 days. uh, but, you know, the, the challenges,
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the challenges remain once they get through the crossing. and i think we've been very clear on that. there's, there's one thing which is counting trucks that are going through the crossing, then there is the access to the, for us to the point where all the goods and the trucks and not all the trucks that come through the crossing are full, right? uh, for security reasons, they can't all be full. so as, as i understand that they then have to be transferred to smaller trucks and then we have to have the ability to distribute them. the challenges on the other side have not changed. germany has dismissed the accusations that it's complete. it's in genocide against palestinians in garza as low as rejected the case pool by nicaragua at the us top court as basis rushed under the balance of jurisdiction throughout the august south as the 2nd largest on supply to israel. germany is,
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in fact facilitating genocide as off the court to order it to stop its arms exports . so not some reports from the hague. through to concert, read germany started. it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learn from the hollow cost. gemini is doing its most to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is really and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all foreign policy with regard to own middle east issues 1st. so, history is the reason what israel security has been at the pole of german foreign policy. nicaragua argues that germany support for its route is one sided, a neglect the fate of gas as people. one now also facing genocide. germany supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the export licenses
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were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, nearly all experts the exports involve what is known as of the military equipment, typically of the subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to tear we in law or loss of floor when i'll just see you. i wanted to clarify if this means germany now recognizes that israel
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is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i wanna ask you about your sab jeremy learn from the past. as most of germany's defense that we send to the round, the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer, 3, presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. that's not been convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany need to stop it from sending weapons to israel. step 5, some l g 0. they said i had all analogies here, south africa's former president jacobs, who must sets the stage for political come back next month. the on the
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wall. quite a divide. we've got going on across europe right now if you're in the world, so you don't need me to tell you, but it's dollars sherry and wendy in the states feeling more like summer. so let's start with the good stuff. not quite as hot as it has been. we'll call this warm through eastern europe in the balkans. oh yes, i'm rain coming into northern italy and it will be windy for sardinia. now here's where we start to run into disturbed weather round the eastern mediterranean burst of rain there for gather some down ports to be expected. most of the same goes for so the money out in the eastern side of iraq on wednesday to iberia. we go sons out here, but a bit of a fresher field temperatures close to where they should be for the some of the are . but look at the mess in the northwest. we've got this rain sliding into western scotland, so we could see about a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours cooler floods out of europe. so that's putting the cap on temperatures in elders and to notice sent to south africa
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. we go, had been some pretty big wind storms in the western cape province. i think we may, may now see that for the eastern cape providence, off the coast of durban. and then a lot of rain coming to is and bob boy's capital herrera. you've got about 3 days of rain, and this is going to drop down your temperature big time. just 19 degrees on friday . that's your updates here. the, the. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest. wow. the, the,
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to watching out this era mind to about top stores this posting ends in gauze preparing for as the month of ramadan comes to close for the strikes continues. 153 policies having recovered in the past 24 hours. and these rarely prime ministers in assisting us of ground defense rest. uh we'll go ahead spokesperson for the un fun to try excess whole delta sierra that the distribution of aid within gaza is a significant challenge. more than 400 a trucks and took down some of those 2 things. germany has rejected accusations on
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has been facilitating genocide and casa, in the case before the 19 nations come court in the hague. don't mind the correct clip. emergency measures to stop germany from southern weapons to israel. it's a king size. it will impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches a safe spot to come. us is real cool. this is actual lation of trade agreements, as promise to respond is the 1st time any nation has imposed major trade sanctions over the wall and gaza. visa, how up with it inside cargo shop, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congo plains of our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. this must break down what so to use?
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probably next, but restrictions means as well. there are 54 different product categories affected by this announcement. some of the main items include on and still products to jet fuel construction equipment, chemicals and bricks. tequila is one of as well as the top 5 import partners. china is the biggest accounting for $14400000000.00 in imports. the us photos such $11600000000.00 inputs from switzerland and germany to get that may come just over $11000000000.00 as well as inputs from to kia, made off about $4700000000.00, send them across on the reports, not from his temple. and this is actually the most significant step that took you has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war on uh, october, the 7th. uh yes. there were boy called center care pulling out for uh, both causing these wireless products. a switch were full of people and because palestine and garza issues are very sense of mental issues for the truth,
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it doesn't matter where whether they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always a very sensitive and, and from the street there has been a call for boy coughing, and the is where i live products uh on the government level as well. also the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held at 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction material. simmons are in marble, jets field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective, immediately, the export of these products are restricted. this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. to is why the 3rd largest res partner officer keeps it onto a c. expires is established. roy child ends has more now on israel's reaction from
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occupied to east jerusalem. hey, israel's foreign minister east rel caps. he says that secchia has unit last early violates is trade agreements. he goes on the side of president type otherwise is again sacrificing the economic interests of the people attacking in order to support how much we will respond in kind. israel will not submit to finance and extortion. so he says that there is going to be a list drawing off of reciprocal products that are going to be restricted from israel to tacky takia. he also says that he is ordered to contact countries and organizations in the us for them to stop investments intact. and to prevent the input and prevent the input of products from the kid. now we don't yet have that list of products that israel is going to be restricting, but clearly israel is trying to expand this problem. and israel
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take us back into something that also would involve is rails allies, mice, nice to be the united states. now, given the patience of president biden is wearing very staying with his round at the moment and that's fine. is under pressure from members of his own party to basically bringing that road and try to bako thoughts on is read itself in the form of restrictions on, on supplies. it's not clear a tools that the united states would actually go along with what is red ones right now. the quotes in south africa has ruled that form at present. jacob zoom can run the next month's parliamentary elections has challenged an earlier decision by the electoral commission, which bought him from standing due to a contempt of court conviction. so he marries, representing a new political policy,
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often denouncing the governing african national congress that he wants to med. thousands of people have been rescued. the northern kenya house of the bus they were traveling. it was swept away by flood waters. emergency services rescue to 51 passengers who made it onto the roof of the bus. the saw searching for the driver who they said was restrictions and drove through the water. can you? it has been experiencing heavy rains for the past week, which are expected to continue at least 100 people are dead on the left and the are in hospital often make shift fairly capsized off in northern coast. amazing, big 130 people are on board a converted fishing boats when it went down to the province on sunday. the overloaded fishing boat was not license to carry people most on board with trying to escape the mainland. off the false reports of a quarter of an outbreak. the
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2 people, the women and the child had been killed and the ukrainian stright colored russian vintage local governess says it happened in the boy that region of brands and other 5 people were injured. strikes like these have increased between russia and ukraine in the past month. the crane also attacks and a, the, a sion facility and much as of are in this region earlier, russia reported downing to drones in the area is unclear how much damage was done to the facility, to the pots of russia, including the arrows, the volga, and central areas have declared states of emergency of the some of the west funding in decades. it is austin has forced at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave their homes. meanwhile, people in or scott protesting against local authorities. they say they what wound nearby dumb could boast yourself about it. the reports from the boats in the
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russian city of austin. as you can see um, now on a boat, and this is will be sent to you or the central part of the city of oaks forest looks like. so basically we're working right now with the some emergency services work is they all true heroes. i can tell you because what they do, they, they move from one residential building to another. and they directly talk to people here who turn up in the windows because these 5 story buildings that's still full of people people. some of them have refused to, to leave the places they, they refuse to, to, to beat on q a 5th. so that's still that, and then these guys, they talk to, to the residents and offer help. so basically if these people need help, the guys ask them to create a request and the help is being delivered straight away. so basically we've been the moving around talking to people just
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a while ago they were trying to rescue cats sitting on a tree above is. so the thing is i can tell you that we've spoken to, to emergency services workers. and they also say that the p called the disaster has already paused in this particular place in the city of forest. but the high voices are still arriving. and the safety of foreign bug, which is the capital theme, or in the region and in the neighboring regions of a career gun and, and other places. and that's still expecting move also to arrive up to 11 nice has a voltage. so in all these a residential buildings, there are no electricity, no gas, and people now prohibited from drinking top volta. so basically they are advised to drink multiple roles and we've seen a lot of both tools they've been brought here as well. so i can, i can tell you that so that basically the imagines is work is continue the
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operations and the people i which include being evacuated and from a, from the flooded areas. and i have too many terran aids like medicine and warm clothing and things like that. they are being delivered in some remote areas old but this place now you stop human rights quotes. this rule that the failure of the switch, the government to adequately tackle climate change is a violation of human rights. the case was brought by more than 2000 women, a 64 and above the court and checked it to all the content related cases linked to france in portugal. so the answer that reports, it's a windsor climate activists and a warning to the swiss government cuts emissions foster and planned jubilation in stroudsburg after a group of elderly switched women successfully argued that government is putting them at risk of dying during heat waves by not doing enough to combat climate
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change, they said as old women, they would more risk than other groups. the european court ruled that switzerland's failure to meet pos, greenhouse gas reduction targets had violated the human rights, the court homes. but under article a, states have a duty to adopt and to effectively apply and practice regulations and measures capable of mitigating the existing and potentially irreversible future effects of climate change. the quote through out to some of the cases, but only on geographical technicalities. a case brought by portuguese young people was rejected, but pursuing governments other than the own. and a form of frenchmen came in victims status due to flooding was also rejected because he is no longer a resident in front. but the wind for this with women is a, when i say not to about protecting the generation, but the next a lot. cool and lose that hooker news. the court has recognized us as
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a fundamental right to a healthy climate, and that our country should do what it has not done until now. do not meaning to take him vicious measures to protect our health and protect the future for a soul to these landmark cases. of played out against the backdrop of wild fires, now or regular threat during your summer season melting glasses and rising sea levels, which have seemed devastating floods across the us. the ruling on the swiss government is legally binding and cannot be appealed. it says it now needs time to walk out what reduction measures it can propose. it is an important judging, perhaps a historic judgement that will probably be attracted since in the many countries outside switzerland. so i guess the, the message that has been sent by the court is also a relevance due to all these countries. there were 40 similar cases already underway globally. the challenge government weak action on climate.


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