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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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in 3 to complex, devastating disasters and abject poverty donate use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives and transform communities. the a mess the car in central gaza as a whole, the month of ramadan comes to a close to more than 14 people have been killed by. it is ready as strikes and a family the one carry johnston. this is also sarah also coming out. germany defends itself against occupations of facilitating genocide in casa, during the hearing you ends topcoat, it's a key, it becomes a 1st nation into wells with those major trade restrictions against israel force
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war and guns. in a moment, the mexican embassy was stormed in ecuador to invest a form of vice president for mazda across the the muslim, how the month of ramadan is coming to a close and eat effect at a set to begin. but this is festivities are overshadowed by the suffering of 2300000 palestinians, and during is really strikes and forced starvation. within the past few hours alone, there's been a major attack in this route. at least 14 people are known to have been killed. the victims are mostly women and children sheltering and a residential tower. so let's go live now to power. assume in reference, southern guns as a talent. what more can you tell us about this latest strength on the refugee
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yes, uh the middle areas, generally kerry had been widely targeted today by the use very military. within the past few hours, this can concede that one of the latest attacks had, has been carried out on, on the say, rock refugee camp. this is the, this area is very densely populated, with not only visited well is, but also with the back to reuse. will have been multiply displaced from the houses, the cousin resulted in fact to the killing of at least 14 people, including children and women as the civil defense cruise up to now. so uh, operating i'm barely trying to search among the deputies of the destroyed building that was directly had without any, probably a warning just to find victims of being get people to be transferred to unlocks the hospital for medical treatments. and this is the reality that, that there is an ongoing up skating of military strikes on an area in the gaza strip. but within the past a few days we have been observing at least do military attacks on the middle areas
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is specifically that these really minutes for the troops are right now have been deployed on the eastern areas of a pool. and the majority of the middle villages, including most, are not as much as it and also, and the rates refugee camp, where they are waiting for further permission from the is very minute tree leadership to start any potentially codes. and as these areas to now, i think is the way the military did not of the rates and the long side with rough and the cost off of the tree topic. thanks very much indeed for that update. mazda 0 has gained access to the devastated city of con eunice, following israel's withdrawal. well, the 80 ball. these have been recovered. many of them, 9 under the rubble for weeks and had already sent us this report from the ruined city with the scalar, the destruction is now imagine we're currently in a bus and in the city of con eunice, the destruction is mazda. if we have been talking to people and we have been going
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to them with them to their houses, there, say that there is nothing left. and the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure, there's no electricity, and there's no water, like even if they want to put and setup, there's tons here everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in face newness. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods. a city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see,
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the streets are completely demolished. the is for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been these to the bombs and, and, and, and like, flocked into the ground. the people and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from the minds of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawal from this area, they're still homeless. and this paste. this is into who the odyssey to us on newness the us way. why task, national security advisor, jake sullivan says,
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do biases. administration wants to see more humanitarian aid entering into garza. these comments come off the back of a similar statement from us. secretary state antony, blinking. yeah, as to the joint press conference with the position for inspector to david cameron. if you look at the last 2 days, there is a been a substantial increase in the amount of a going to cost. that's good. it is not good enough, we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days . we're looking at a number of critical things that need to happen in the coming days, including opening a new northern point of entry for assistance into gaza using ash dot on a regular basis. maximizing the flow of assistance from jordan as well as putting in place much more effective deacon flesh and that condition with the amount of train groups that are providing assistance just yesterday. more than 400 trucks.
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we're clear to go into gaza and that is the most since october 7th in any given day . but what matters is results and sustain results. and this is what we will be looking at very carefully. in the days ahead. we want to see 500 trucks today, we want to see the water switch back on. we want to see ash stalled and the northern costing point open. and crucially, you want to see this deacon friction, because getting a to goes up on its own isn't enough. you go to be able to get 8 or ryan garza. and as we saw with the tragic feeling of the wealth, central kitchen workers in unless you have that the conviction, other things like that could happen, terminate, has dismissed participation. is that it's complex. it's in genocide against palestinians in gauze as low as it reject to the case brought by nicaragua at the un stop code as baseless rushed and without to jurisdiction. nicaragua, august, the 2nd lot i'm supplied to israel that germany isn't fact facilitating genocide.
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and it's also the court to order it to stop its arms expos, set by some reports from the hague, through to concert with germany. stop it. it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the pastor and learn from the hollow cost. germany is doing, it's a close to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is really and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all foreign policy with regard to own middle east issues 1st. oh history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy, a new job. what i do said germany support for its route is one sided, a neglect the fate of gas as people. one now also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the
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export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, nearly all experts, the exports involved, what is known as of the military equipment, typically of a subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet these no arms should be exported to countries. if there is a risk, they will be used to violate human to tear we in law or loss of floor when i'll just say what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that israel
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is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i want to ask you about your sab drum, the learn from the past, as most of germany's defense. so we centered around the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer free presenting. germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. that's not been convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany. i need to stop it from sending weapons to israel steps. awesome, i'll just say around the, hey, let's bring it on my show now. he's a professor secuity and minutes we started. is that the do hot institute for graduate studies? thanks for joining us out. first thing, let me ask you, meant germany has dismissed optimizations that it's competitive genocide. what do you make of it? oh, i'm not surprised. they will not recognize that and they will definitely have the legal defenses. but we know that the inside,
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as lady navies more or less german made and did the target because a doing this for all the, the c domain was not the dominant domain in this fight, but also germany supplies it with the multiple types of munition as well in terms of that then both in and so there is some sort of partnership that politically, where are we with this in the us to send you it wants to see more consistent, 8 into guys. but basically nothing, you know, still indicates you got the full scale, rough uh, offensive will happen. it is very likely that will happen. not necessarily. now we're probably talking in area between repeated between 4 to 6 weeks. what they're doing now is the, the number of big aides that were of, in gaza, went from about 20 last december to one now, and one with some battalion. so only the how they gave the 900 and 33rd, the mechanized infantry brigade. and it's mainly manning this road,
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the cuts because of the so called net setting quoted or the cuts goes into 2 parts, doors themselves, and what they're doing there is many strong points. i think they will stay there for a while, while the other big will rest and recuperate it equal play 3, deploy again. to focus this time on, the 65 is clicking on because of the profile and whether you have a very high population density. and i think part of the plan is to try to reduce the population density to so that it doesn't create another civilian tragedy to place them up in the north and the center. why letting them through this quoted or uh, by the, uh, these rated forces that so when politicians say posting is need to be allowed to turn to that homes. i mean, the question is, what homes and destruction has been so immense? that's true. um, probably they will uh set up incumbents and so sort of the k k camps and the about the exactly what homes. but i think right now, if
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a fight started intensely in rough, rough a has a population density of about $18500.00 plus click allow me to. this is 3 times the usual, the population density of guys which used to be before the war. $6500.00 plus click allow me to so it's very dense. anyway, you should, especially with that type of intensity. we know how can you in his head that about 9 big aids at one point. so if you saw something in gaza of 9 and 9 bigs, it's like almost 3 divisions in this very tiny area with lots of civilians. that is a recipe for another major massacre. this is going to go on and where does that leave us? and in terms of, of getting age and how does that square with it with what might be coming? i think it's, uh, what we'll do. this is just the full costing uh more or less uh to, to reduce the uh, or to, to basically comply with the pressure from the us. you may see some movement
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towards the north or for that moving towards north, from the se, and civilians in an offer. and you may see some allowance and cooperation terms of the, the 8 supply. but then this does not to deny in any way. this is just may need to stop the international pressures, but also to continue the operation and off because i don't see the government specifically ending this was the, this point as a one that the now says it's a stop over, i believe in. okay with it. i'm a sure thanks so much indeed for your analysis as well. so the heads on al serra, altogether about 6 and a half 1000 people, including many children, have been evacuated. a report from the flooded russian reach of orange would have thought to subject the state of emergency plus the delta strike to the 4th week running in 10 years in the on the stuff. then on the page, the
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critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people at starbucks and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessment school, in addition to the highest level, they've been using games for the policy to let me cut out of the student's name and date. and course the arrivals inside story on out to 0. the powell just the sort of 10 year journey which has become the most important translation award from i'm into
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the how to rubik language world wide shaped come out of ward for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m of the watching out. just a reminder, all the headlines and he's really attacking central. garza is killed at least 14 people nicely. women and children, but a family home in rochester, c, g counselors, phones, phones,
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33000 people being killed. $14005.00 children are growing close to milwaukee mount. it's hiring a to fluid into casa, whitehouse and the state that funds are the expect. tangible action to facilitate the increase eights on germany has rejected occupations that has been facilitating genocide and goes in case before the 19 nations top court in the hague . nicaragua, cause for emergency measures to stop germany from setting weapons. israel not so it keeps says it will impose restrictions on exports to as well. so it reaches a ceasefire with a mass as well. cool. it's natural, a violation of trade agreements promised to respond. new measures come a day off to is road decline. that includes request to actual aid integration. visa i worked with him resides cargo, chuck, letting you know we had submitted
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a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress plains of our air force. we blunt that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel, this to them, cuz all the reports from assembled. now this is actually the most significant step that took you has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war. and uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center care pulling out for uh, both causing these violent products. a swiss were full of people and because palestine and golf issues are very sense of mental issues for the truth, it doesn't matter where whether they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always of very sensitive and, and from the street there has been a cold for boy coughing,
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and these rarely products on the government level as well. also, the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction materials segments are in marble and jets field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective, immediately, the export of these products are risk rick's, that this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. the is why the 3rd largest res, partner of through kia it onto a c spiers, is established a quote in south africa has ruled the former president, jacob's su mccann running next month's parliamentary elections. challenged an edit decision about the actual commission which brought in from standing to
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a contempt of court conviction. zoom is representing a new political party off the denouncing the governing african national congress that he wants to lead the mexican presence under. as many a lopez open a door has released a video showing ecuadorian armed forces entering the embassy of mexico in quito for the stormy embassy on friday and investing fuller, vice president hole and glass on the corruption charges he was seeking. assigned him this since december. instantly had to mexico with drawing it's different that some breaking of ties with ecuador, john, home, and reports from mexico city. yeah, the video, he's pretty dramatic, isn't even before the mexican government added music to it, and that it's a bit down. we have to say that we're not seeing the pure roll footage of bass that hasn't been released by the mexican government and the mexican president under this manual piece over the door and put it out as part of his let's go to menu now that he's moving press conference, which he tries to hold every day. so the best with choice ecuador in place,
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heading over the movement of the embassy. then they bust into the building itself. and it shows roberto conceptual, who's the mexican head of mission in the embassy, trying to stop the means, trying to prop himself against the door to keep it closed. and eventually that to be self in will mass onto the ground. so it is quite strong. seems it wasn't a very polite way that they entered the mexican embassy once they decided to do it . they were cutting off the whole head glasses and exports. probably a president of ecuador, he's got 2 charges and convictions of corruption against him. but i think that has become the main issue, who they were after a was the main issue has been that storming an embassy has been a complete a seem is a complete violation of international law for so long that it's actually hard to find an example of it happening even in latin america, this turbulent region. so it really has a set of a lot of condemnation spots,
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a russert including the euros, the vulgar in essential areas of declared states, of emergency of the some of the west flooding decades. which is austin's force, at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave the homes. meanwhile, people or scott protests against the local authorities. they say they went on to nearby them, could best you would a shout out of the reports from the russian city office. as you can see, i'm now on a boat and this is will be sent to you, or the central parts of the city of oaks forest looks like. so basically we're working right now with the some emergency services work is they all true heroes. i can tell you because what they do, they, they move from one residential building to another. and they directly talk to people here who turn up in the windows because these 5 story buildings that's still full of people people. some of them have refused to, to leave the places they, they refuse to, to, to be q a to. so that's still that. and then these guys,
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they talk to, to the residents and offer help. so basically if these people need help, the guys ask them to create a request and the help is being delivered straight away. so basically we've been the moving around talking to people just a while ago they were trying to rescue cats sitting on a tree above is. so the thing is i can tell you that we've spoken to, to emergency services workers. and they also say that the p called the disaster has already passed in this particular place in the city of forest. but the high voices are still arriving in the city old foreign bug, which is the capital low theme, or in the region and in the neighboring regions of a career gun and, and other places. and that's still expecting to move also to arrive up to 11 and nice is of bullshit. so in all these a residential buildings,
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there are no electricity, no gas and people now prohibited from drinking top pools. so basically they are advised to drink multiple goals and we're seeing a lot of both tools they've been brought here as well. so i can, i can tell you that. so that basically the imagines is work is continue the operations and the people i which include being evacuated and from, from the flooded areas. and i have too many terran aids like medicine and warm clothing and things like that. they are being delivered in some remote areas old, but this place for the month of march has broken another temperature record. it was the warmest that was ever seen. those same on the 10th consecutive month to register the hottest if it is globally environmental this. it's all legit, it's
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a cause for great concern. you will stop human rights cool. it says rule that the failure of the swiss, the government to adequately tackle climate change is violation of human rights. the case was brought by more than 2000 women age 64 and above. they argued their risk of dying and chewing he twice because the government has failed to make targets for greenhouse gas reduction. the court rejected to all the content related cases linked to france and portugal. a medical staffing 10. yeah. around strikes the 4th straight week and demanding more interns be hired with bank to pay. the government says it can't afford any pay increases. i'll just say it was catherine, so it is in the capital not really be like doctors have staged the protest. nearly a month to supplement the boxes in kenya went on the nationwide strike demanding better working conditions, including the hiring of more taxes to sub on the saw state hospitals,
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union officials and states representatives have been negotiating of those parks have been killed as much the 2017 stripe loss of the 100 been a deal was then reached between the offices and the couple of minutes. but it has not been fully implemented. the doctors are now, i mean if it has the heart of the issue, a medical in time to say they have not been keeping the contract. yes. no,
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the government has no nope, no. it's just an issue for retiring agenda. the consequences office strive for the health care system has been devastating. some hospitals have stopped. i d. c station and whole said emergency and specialized services at all the doctors can provide, don't want, he is recovering from surgery station was diagnosed with stroke cancer. it needs to start radiation treatment as soon as possible, knowing that the 2 sides should just degree, pull people like me, are the ones suffering people with money go to a private hospital. i cannot afford those hospitals, so i might as well just die. a solution to this problem is proving ever more, and lucy, casting solely all to 0 narrow the the weather is next to an inside story,
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off the case against germany. international court of justice means with countries the supply, the spell weapons. i can find one of these features and analysis on our website that's i'll just leave it on the the hey, welcome to your world's weather uptake. will begin in australia where we've got this disturbance just off the coast of w a. it's throwing back some rain to australia as pilcher, our region still on wednesday, but i think the most active weather will be actually along the coast of new south wales state. so let's go to sydney north. we could see wins for up to about a 100 kilometers per hour that could certainly caused some damage and severe thunderstorms. here we do have quite a bit of rain rolling across the attachment. see here,
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coming in to the south island, i suspect the weather warnings here for both the rain and wind will be up potentially to red warning. so those are the highest level alerts issued, and they aren't issued often in new z. like in an easy, a biggest burst of rain, southern sumatra was strep of province. central job of providence looks to be on wednesday. and north of this got a bit of a triangle of heat going on from bangkok, coachman city. it's a crew cab. temperature is about 363738 degrees on wednesday. quite a bit of cloud rolling across china could squeeze that some shows across the yangtze river valley into pearl river. valley and things have come down really right across the japan. so 17 degrees in tokyo, but of much fresher field here, and we may catch a few drops in beijing. you're coming in at 13 degrees on wednesday. that's a snapshot of your weather's here. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request in germany is complicit in israel's genocide in garza and that must and that's nicaragua, as all human before the u. n's talk court. germany says, and it's a regular, it's a one sided deal with the war in casa. what does this case mean for countries supplying israel with lessons? this is inside store, the hello that are on james base.


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