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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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suffering trapped in 32 complex, devastating disasters and abject poverty. to make use a cat to human appeal. now, to help save lives on trumps phone communities. the, [000:00:00;00] the town carries on some issues the news out loud from the coming up. the next 60 minutes is rarely strikes the target palestinian homes and central guys. so the month of ramadan comes to an end. 14 people have been killed, including women and children. israel faces mounting. they will pressure to increase the amount of age flowing into gaza for trucks to enter in the street. but the un
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says menu only cost full election day in south command. post of open 100 men treat that as soon as a test of substance abuse popularity. henry report from the flooded the russian nation for him, but authorities have to pay the state of emergency the spouse 22. gnc. that's midnight's in dasa with palestinians. and this rich refugee camp of being rushed to hospital and the often loss of yet another deadly is rarely attacked. at least 14 people were killed and is rarely missed. i'll say to a residential tower on tuesday night evictions on mostly women and children. it's not came out as they move them home up around that time comes to an end. and it's 80 for to it begins. it's been 6 months since the war started. more than 33000 palestinians have been killed,
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as well as the center of the system. it is different this year because of the war. normally. during this time of the year, we would bikes fluids for our children. but now we have somebody searching for food just to feed them for a day, or we search for a place for them to live and still no homes, no food, no water eat has no meaning. this is, tara assume is in wrestler and has more on these radio tech out than this refugee. this is where the military has been expanding its military operations on the tax. of course, many areas in the gaza strip, and one of the latest had been targeting on the say, rock refugee camp, where residential house being completely destroyed. a number of palestinians that have to report that killed. and some of the injuries have been transferred to the hospital for medical treatments and that is the reality on the ground. the in the middle areas where the is while the forces are, have been attacking and using artillery units to show and to attack the eastern
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areas of america and also, and, and, and my guys, the refuge account in the middle areas of the territory alongside with, on top of development in the southern part of the territories as palestinians are completely welcoming the outputs are within the coming hours. they have been welcoming that under unrelenting bombardment with fleet mix just feelings of grief . sadness and ebony regarding the fleet change of their landmarks of living in the territory as the usability military is also wanting for expanding the military operations to include the roof i right now, which is the last remaining area that is designated save for more than 1500000 palestinians who have been following the is very orders to seek safety and bright, now dental and the safe. tarika busted out just a rough, rough southern gaza was here, has gained access to the devastated city of con eunice photo in israel, a withdrawal of an a t. both these have been recovered. many of them line under the
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rubble for weeks. and would you a sense of this report from the ruined city where the scale of the destruction is now, imagine we're currently in a bus and in the city of con eunice, the destruction is mazda. if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, they say that there is nothing left. and the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure, there's no electricity, as there's no water, like even if they want to put and set up, there's tons, here everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in phase one units. once again,
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just like they did in the north of the gods of city. in garza, where is a storm of just a hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some then in some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished. the ins for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been to these, to the bombs and, and, and, and like, flocked into the ground of the people. and the residents of newness are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go
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back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawal from this area, they're still homeless. and this paste. this is in the who the, obviously it out of us on newness international pressure is growing on israel to a lot more humanitarian aid into gauze. that is, what are your thoughts as say that more than $400.00 trucks into this trip over the past 36 hours, but the un says many of them are only huff full. you, mount washington says much more a is needed. if you look at the last 2 days, there is a been a substantial increase in the amount of a going to cause it. that's good. it is not good enough. we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days. when the us secretary states under british foreign secretary of a code that same sentiments and the joints press conference, david cameron met to antony,
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blinking and discuss the ball and gaza. earlier on tuesday. mike, honda has moore from washington dc in the us secretary of state and his but there's concert pots made clear they share a common position on israel's war in gaza. they welcomed what they say are signs that israel is allowing more humanitarian aid to get into gaza. israel has made important commitments to significantly increase the supply the amount of transit systems throughout guys and just taking some initial actions as well. and both insist that there will be no change in the policy of shipping. alms to israel opposition is in line with our international partners so far know like minded countries have taken the decision to suspend existing tom's export licenses. israel, and i'd add that as well, remains the vital defense, the security problem, which is the u. k. all cooperation makes the u. k. and israel more secure for
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external threats. a common belief to that how much this a stumbling block in achieving a ceasefire with no mention of any is really intransigence. the issue of gaza was also a point of type focused in the senate, where the secretary of defense appeared before the um services committee. to discuss his 2025 budget the session was interrupted by protesters, some accusing israel of genocide. and the question was put directly by a sent it to israel, committing genocide and gaza sorta regard and i, we don't have any evidence of genocide being created. so that's a, that's a no, israel's not committing genocide and gaza, we don't have evidence of that. but others continue to mind israel's accountability, the department of defense and the state department are currently assessing whether is real is in compliance with international humanitarian law. i consider myself
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friend of israel and by not separating the palestinian civilians from a moss. they are playing demoss is hands when you kill a civilian child. their parents are not going to be very sympathetic to the people that left that bond lose. despite these concerns a message on capital hill and in the state department of consistent us support for israel. we're main unconditional. mike, hannah, i'll just era washington. meanwhile, the knots of nations headquarters in new york, the spokes person for you and 60 general, confirmed that more a chuck's having allowed into the gaza strip. let's to find the generic toes out as it was gabriel. it is under that distribution of 8 within cause or itself is a significant shortage. israel says that they've got more than 400 a trucks and the guys in the last 24 to 36 hours as
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a u. n. seen any negligible increase in 8 in the distribution. there, there is been there's been an uptick. uh in the last uh, in the last 2 days. uh but you know, the, the challenges, the challenges remain once they get through the crossing. and i think we've been very clear on that there's, there's one thing which is counting trucks that are going through the crossing, then there is the access to the, for us to the point where all the goods and the trucks and not all the trucks that come through the crossing are full, right? uh for security reasons, they can't all be full. so as, as i understand that they then have to be transferred to smaller trucks. and then we have to have the ability to distribute them. the challenges on the other side have not changed, as well as prime minister has repeated his plans to don't submit to invasion of a reference doesn't. doesn't this despite growing international impression not to
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do so. these latest comments follow and announcements he made on monday with the dates for the offensive has already been sent. a. it seems to be the most of us. we will complete the liquidation of the homeless brigades, including those in rough on there is no force in the world that will stop us. they will many trying to do this, but this will be of no use because often what they have done this enemy will not be there to repeat the action again. we are obligated to do so, and this is, i'll go there. i spoke to him. i assume he's a professor of security and ministry studies at the do hot institute for graduate studies. i started my asking him about the thing of his pledge to carry out that ground invasion of rough. i believe in the redeployment um observations you can see it is heading towards a more preparation for a big offensive in, in rough off at $65.00,
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getting the square kilometer last governor. right. and most of them govern. right. and because the strip and you saw the a complete was or not complete with the major withdrawal of these really forces from the gaza strip, one down from 23 brigades at the maximum. last december, i think that was about 20 brigades at the same time. and now to about one big aid and a few battalions, the, the one big it is the how. and i know in that 900 and 33rd, the big 8 in the net setting quarter door. just put things off into 2 halls. a and the rest are in a, in a, in a way, resting, recuperating, the padding uh, the constituting. you know, the, the, the known 7, ours admitted to the terms. uh, just to be able to with the, the 1st to be able to hit hard to afterwards. uh, and i think that's the, this looks to me uh as the plan because they, the of the political leadership. but he's the sofa is, should be
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a target. and the military leadership, uh, it seems to me that they agree as well on the same issue. the problem is, of course, this will translate into major international pressures because of the, the population density. and roughly, we're talking about over $18000.00 by the senior civilians per square kilometer. and also we're talking about the very intense uh, operation or probably see something like lifetime units, whether we're almost fine, be gauged concentrated there at one point in a very small, tiny area. and of course we, there was this, the suffering continues in gauze was not nearly enough a getting in, but where do we stand with a dentist if this offensive does come off? so it, it will be extremely difficult. it's already extremely difficult without the military obligations without the the, the offensive is going on. so it will be extremely difficult. but i think the, the, the planning would be a mixture all on one and allowing some of the civilians to move northwards to less than the population density on or in a way and relax
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a bit. the restrictions on the, the distribution and may facilitate the bit the, the, the distribution of data and the entrance of the aid and of all of the international pressures and the, you know, media attention in terms of the violations. is there going to go the end of to what happened to the, the, the, the, the aid workers in the world kitchen, a incident that occurred. i think that will be more of a more careful in this, on the, on these where you decide. but this does not guarantee anything if a, again, this is a very widely populated area, you're going to see a lot of concentration of force and therefore, right, 5 power not just presence, but also assume from the sea and from the at and from the activity deployed outside of gaza, us, hence you will see some significant 5 power concentrate than that area. and of course it will have major implications on the who maintaining a situation. you mentioned the movement of palestinians. i mean, when politicians say that protestant is need to be allowed to return to the home.
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so i mean, what homes this so much destruction as it is. yeah, there's so much destruction. but even allowing them to the turn to the destruction is a problem. because the how big a more or less fits, goes into to hoss the, to northern, govern the dates. so north of guys and as a governor, right. and the remaining 3 southern govern. right? so data, but a 100 units and roughly, so moving from these a government between these govern rates the, the, the central and the southern ones. and the north is controlled by then a how big on the notes that employee door which splits it goes into 2 hops. so going to the north from the center and from the south and, and extremely difficult process. it's a, there's a, there are vetting into that, but also they don't have enough information about allowing people so they, they always add on the side of caution, which means that people are not allowed to go back to their homes, even if it's destroyed homes. germany has dismissed optimizations. that is consistent genocide against palestinians in gauze that is,
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lawyers reject to the case for what binding correct, correctly you and to top quote, as a basis rushed and without jurisdiction before i go gives that has the 2nd largest i'm supplied to israel. germany is, in fact facilitating genocide as asked the quote to order it to stop its arms. expos, save us some reports from the hague to come to read. germany started, it's through our long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the pastor and learn from the hollow cost. germany is doing, it's a close to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is really and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all foreign policy with regard to own middle east issues 1st. oh history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy. nicaragua, i do said germany support for its route is one sided,
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a neglect the fate of gas as people one now also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from 30000000 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, nearly all experts the exports involves what is known as of the military equipment . typically all the subordinate or defensive in nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been license for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test they'll practice equipment. according to international
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weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to terry in law or loss of floor when i'll just see what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that it's rel, is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i want to ask you about your sab jeremy learn from the past. most of germany's defense centered around the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer free presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. and that's not being convicted. the judge is now have to decide if provisional measures against germany a need to stop. it's from sending weapons to israel. step fossil al jazeera, the hey cecilia hoffman is a professor of international politics and conflict with search of the university effort. she says the sign in the single protesting voice is in jeopardy,
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has hummed its reputation globally. or i think the trial reflects the general perception in foreign policy circles in germany about this trial. and the general dominant perception is that this trial has been brought by the correct yeah. as a political tool to in fact, distract from reporting about new, correct use, own negative human rights record. so the perception is there room is all, there is a perception that russia is in fact also helping me correctly of finance this trial . so there is an understanding or a belief that this trial is a sort of smear campaign or a tool to, you know, negatively c, a, germany and the western allies on that. this is not actually about guys about much more about, you know, part of taking and that regular is instrumental. i think the court, the response from germany really also reflects and misunderstanding in german phone,
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published to circles about how much gelani's international reputation has suffered through. it's, you know, seeing the unconditional support to the atanya government and it surrenders violence. committed in guys, but also about the domestic repression in germany against civil society pro palestinian activism and civil society. the criticism of israel from academia, cultural figures and so on. and the cause of this domestic repression and this counseling and silencing of criticism of as well as also his international fate goes. this news about this has spread and this has really negatively affected german use. reputation as a place of liberal exchange of opinions, democracy. and so forth, and this has really not filtered through to german 4, any foreign policy circles. and i think we saw this reflected in this very technical response and also you know, talking about flimsy evidence, evidence basically this, believe that the correct view is not serious to be here talking about guys about that. this is basically a, you know, an instrumental,
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i think the court the bows have just opened to this island, south korea where people are choosing a new homage. well, there's a lot of pictures for voting station and so the ballots is seen as a referendum on the president's tenure. even. so you have seen low approval ratings as the public face is a cost of living crisis unit came has more now from so of the green onion has become a symbol of a major gripe among south korean voters. the rising cost of fruit and vegetables and whiter concerns about the average consumer shrinking buying power. this staple has been popping up that opposition rallies and online as means used to monk president use on good critics say he's out of touch. last month, he commented on the quote reasonable price, so green onions during
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a market visit to highlight government efforts to stabilize food prices only for it to merge. the skeletons were discounted. the election commission has banned the greens from pulling sites, raising eyebrows, and it campaign rife with anger and a polarized political climate. i've never seen a parliamentary campaign what policies and pleasures are not debated. no become election issues to this extent. a common theme at these campaign riley's on both sides of the political aisle is a judgment. democrats want voters to judge you and government and hold that accountable for the burden of higher prices. while the president's party, once voters to punish the opposition for selling policy at the national assembly, use conservative party is aiming for a simple majority in the 300 member legislature. analysts say is it fails, it could have ramifications for the president's policy plans for the rest of his 5
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year term. can do oil and how long you get the renee, the president will become a lean dog quickly and has power over state affairs will be greatly reduced and comparable to the early in mid term, which could be what some political rivals are hoping for. rebuilding korea is a party led by former justice administered tool group who's a waiting a supreme court trial on fraud charges. his new party has campaign on a platform of disabling the you in government. opinion polls suggest the race is tight, but voter engagement is high. more than 30 percent of eligible voters cast are ballots in early voting at the weekend, already marking and all time high for south korea's parliamentary elections unit skim algebra. so of course in south africa has ruled that former president jacob assume a can running next months parliamentary elections. he had challenged an early decision by the next real commission, which bought in from standing due to
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a contempt of court conviction. so who is representing a new political party off the denouncing the governing african national congress stuff he once led but i did my colleagues at the end of the day, the sped to, i tried lodging. she's a political editor with the business day newspaper in south africa. she says that jacob's name is decision to participate in elections came as a big surprise to the nation. it was certainly not expected as much when she is your service. as a journalist in south africa and jacob's you must, continues to leave us in the shop and or as he did to do it. he has 9 years as president of south africa. so that we get is really has actual crossroads it is. they want to should moment and so that because democracy which reaches the videos and a few days time. okay, we'll get into the water said moment in a moment,
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but just 1st i mean how, how is this decision being explains, particularly after zoom out was banned from running and these elections, so basically the same, the ports held as soon as appeal of the i. e c, that's the actual dimensions decision to bother him because the highest quote in the land sentenced him to 15 years in 15 months, in jail for being an attempt to of course, we now understand that position a little bit better because the portal is jacob's image boy is argued before the court that he only said 3 months of that 15. my extension's, i'm that the 50 my extension's is rendered irrelevant. we always knew this was going to be a very litigious connection in south africa, which with every decision by the i use the and every result contested. and it's just such and the proving to be that way medical stuff and can you are on strikes of the 4th straight week?
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the demonte more interns behind the bank to pay. and the government says it can't afford any pay increases on to 0. it's catherine. so is in the capital not writing adults is stage of protest. nearly a month to supplement focuses in kenya, went on a nationwide strike, demanding better working conditions, including the hiring of more taxes to sub on the saw state hospitals, union officials and states representatives have been negotiating of those talks, having to know that much the 2017 strike loss, it had been a deal was then reached between the offices and the couple of minutes. but it has
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not been fully implemented. the doctors are now present the or the heart of the issue, a medical in time to say they have not been keeping the contract. yes, no, the government has no. nope, no. it's just an issue for retiring agendas. the consequences office stripe for the health care system has been devastating. some hospitals have stopped at the same patient and whole said, emergency is specialized services at all, the doctors can provide not done one yet is recovering from surgery. by half day he
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was diagnosed through cancer. it needs to start radiation treatment as soon as possible. no one of the 2 sides should just degree for people like me or the one suffering people with money go to private hospitals. i cannot afford those hospitals, so i might as well just di. solution to this problem is proving ever more. and lucy, casting solely all to 0 that rosie. so it's a come off to the brain to key it becomes the 1st nation in the world to impose major trade restrictions against israel for us, for one task. until the 1st time in us history, the parents with teenage schools seem to sentence to 1st the the hey,
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welcome to your world's weather uptake. will begin in australia where we've got this disturbance just stuff the coast of w a. it's throwing back some rain to australia as pillsbury region, still on wednesday, but i think the most active weather will be actually along the coast of new south wales states. so let's go to sydney north. we could see wins for up to about a 100 kilometers per hour that could certainly caused some damage and severe thunderstorms. here we do have quite a bit of rain rolling across the tasman. see here, coming in to the south island. i suspect the weather warnings here for both the rain and wind will be up potentially to red warning. so those are the highest level alerts issue, and they aren't issued often in new zealand and do an easy, a biggest verse of rain southern sumatra with strep of province central job of providence looks to be on wednesday. north of this got a bit of a triangle of heat going on from bank called coachman city to put cad temperatures about 363738 degrees on wednesday. quite a bit of cloud rolling across china could squeeze at some shows across the yangtze
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river valley into pearl river. valley and things have come down really right across japan. so 17 degrees in tokyo, but of much fresher field here. and we may catch a few drops in beijing. you're coming in at 13 degrees on wednesday. that's a snapshot of your weather's here. of the, there was a time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important. you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out to their families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. your mercy showing his brightest, gave me see now donate today of the the or come back her mind to about top storage is rarely strikes continued targets. palestinians in the gaza strip was then how the month of ramadan comes to an age. 14 people were killed including women and children. 10 is really
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a tax. this red cam essential goes on tuesday. the green calls from all humanitarian aid to float into goes both the white house and the state department say they expect rates for action from its relative to sort of take aid supply deliverance. germany has rejected documentation signed. it's been facilitating genocide and a case before the united nations top court in the state will find the correct way and close for emergency measures to stop check setting questions to take a assess whether impose restrictions on exports to is what until it reaches a ceasefire with him, this is really cool. that's natural violation of trade agreements and permits to respond to the new measures come a day off to israel declined anchors request a job, aid into goza. visa i worked with him reside cargo, chuck, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress plains of
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air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. it must break down. what so key is trait export restrictions means that as well, there are 54 different product categories affected by this announcement. some of the main items include iron and steel products, jet fuel construction equipment, chemicals and bricks. tequila is one of as well as the top 5 import partners. china is the biggest accounting for $14400000000.00 in, in ports us for it is $11600000000.00 inputs from switzerland and germany together make up just over $11000000000.00. and the as well as inputs from to kia, made off about $4700000000.00. so then of course, all the reports now from
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a stumble, and this is actually the most significant step that turkey has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war. and uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center kit holding out for more causing these while the products a swiss were full of people. and because palestine and garza issues are very sense of mental issues for the troops, it doesn't matter where whether they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always a very sensitive. and if from the streets there has been a call for boy coughing and the is where i live products uh on the government level as well. also the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held at 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions are, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction material. simmons are in marble,
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jets field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective immediately, the export of these products are risk of except this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. the is why the 3rd largest res partner officer keeps it onto a c. expires is established. well here's where a challenge is now. one is rose reaction from occupied east jerusalem. the hey israel's foreign minister, east rel caps. he says that sec here has unit last early violates is trade agreements. he goes on the side of president type otherwise is again sacrificing the economic interests of the people the taxi in order to support how much we will respond in kind. israel will not submit to violence and extortion. so he says that there is going to be a list drawing off of reciprocal products that are going to be restricted from
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israel to tacky takia. he also says that he is ordered to contact countries and organizations in the us for them to store investments intact and to prevent the inputs and prevent the input of products from the kids. now we don't yet have that list of products that israel is going to be restricting, but clearly israel is trying to expand this problem. and israel take us back into something that also would involve its rails allies much noise would be the united states. now, given the patience of president biden is wearing very spin, ah, with his rather than my ins pounds, that's fine. is under pressure from members of his own policy to basically bringing that road and try the bulk of souls on is read itself in the form of restrictions on, on supplies. it's not clear a tool that the united states would actually go on board with what is red ones
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right now? my meds as well as blood the war on goes, i've had experience of a parent to celebrate, eat alpharetta. and for one group of musicians keeping children happy, despite the suffering is a must russell set on his more. the good is left for children and because that's a set of 8, there's a defense which marks the end of the does a so the most city groups, musicians is creating a faster speed to the end. that was, yeah, i don't know if i the, the organizing activities for the children in collaboration for them to you if you want to be enjoyed with these children and celebration of the despite the bombing suffering, feel losses eat is the day we can't miss the model. we do our best to offer, smiled, and the songs and activities to remind children that they've always hope the
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musicians organize games for the youngsters. giving them something other than the focus is really a text hope to have more than 14 and a house 1000 children. since october, the 7th poses more are missing, injured or, or friends? schools have been destroyed, education disrupted, and families shed there. on many of these children have lost loved ones. hundreds of thousands of families forced from their homes. now cause pep camps like this one . name this hi. this is no. this is a, this is really tough because of the war. we didn't get new clothes and couldn't have eat cookies. we hope to return to our home safely. home shared by old pettis the news. but the attacks of relentless and get these
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ready prime ministers announcement that a date has been set for the crown division of rough or even dis, temporary century is etheridge. this is said that the thoughts of russ are included in the euros. the vulgar and central areas have declared states of emergency of to some of the worst flooding in decades. exhaust was forced, at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave the homes. meanwhile, people or scott protesting against local authorities, they say they weren't born at the nearby them could boast, you know, show a lot of the reports from the city. as you can see, i'm now on a boat, and this is will be city o oscar. the central parts of the city of oaks forest looks like. so basically we're working right now with the some emergency services work is they all true
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heroes. i can tell you because what they do they, they move from one residential building to another. and they directly talk to people here who turn up in the windows because these 5 story buildings that's still full of people people. some of them have refuse to, to leave the places they, they refuse to, to, to be evacuated. so that's still that. and then these guys, they talk to, to the residents and offer help. so basically if these people need help, the guys ask them to create a request and the help is being delivered straight away. so basically we've been the moving around talking to people just a while ago they were trying to rescue cat sitting on a tree above is. so the thing is i can tell you that we've spoken to, to emergency services workers. and they also say that the p called the disaster has
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already passed in this particular place in the city of forest. but the high bosses are still arriving in the states field for in bug, which is the capital theme, or in the region and in the neighboring regions of a career gun and, and other places. and that's still expecting to move also to arrive up to 11 nice has a voltage. so in all these a residential buildings, there were no electricity, no gas and people now prohibited from drinking top volta. so basically they are advised to drink both with water and we'll send a look to bottles they've been brought here as well. um so um i can, i can tell you that that basically imagines his work is continued. the operations and people are generally being evacuated and from a, from the flooded areas and a q, monetary and
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a like medicine and warm clothing and things like that. they are being delivered in some remote areas old. but this place us cool. it's a sentence. the parents of a teenager involved in a 2021 that school shooting to 10 years in prison. prosecutors argue that jennifer and james crumbly, were criminally negligent for buying that. 15 year old son, a gun. he serving a life sentence in prison. the parents were also found to the door, the sons mental health. let's take a quick look at the prevalence of mess, shootings in the us in the schools. in particular. 2007 shooting at virginia tech is considered one of the worst school shooting incidents. 32 students and faculty members were killed along with the shooter. more recently, they were at immensely school shooting. and you validate texas claim's in the eyes of 21. children. police then shot gunman, the columbine high school, shooting in colorado,
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in 1999 to 12 students and one teacher. an engine $24.00 off is a study by the us department of homeland security found about 75 percent of all school cheeses obtain their weapons at home. but anyway, i spoke to nick wilson. he's a senior director of gun violence prevention at the center for american progress. he says this is a landmark case. we know that we need to have kind of ability for people to commit acura tribute to violence. we've never seen a parent be charged for a school shooting that their child and, and what makes this case unique was that there were so many bad decisions made by the parents, as well as the school that led to this unspeakable and completely preventable tragedy. also, the lack of remorse by the parents is truly astonishing and has been unprecedented . so these are very unsympathetic defendants which probably contributed to this landmark case. so much sign up this on fairly puts the burden on to parents at
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a time when their children are exposed to things online. for example, far beyond parents control. i don't think anyone's going to lose sleep over this individual case and these parents. but i think that's a very important point and why it's center for american progress. we say we can't arrest or wait with a gun balanced up a demick. we can't just hold individual families accountable when things go wrong. we need to hold that accountability upstream and hold people accountable and balance that accountability with prevention so we can stop the balance before it starts. for example, the gun industry plays a big role in this optic and done violence in schools in our communities and industry and their influence. there's usually scare tactics encouraged people to buy guns, and they've got to keep them loaded and under their hello. so they can stop at home in a beta or, and protect their families. and so we see gun owners increasingly purchasing firearms for protection. and about half more than half of gun owners, even gunners with children. they don't keep their guns stored safely. and so we
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need to hold the gun industry accountable for these dangerous missed that only guns will make you safer with research by the center for american progress shows that i 9 times as many people report being victimized by a person with a gun, then being protected by a gun, a mix, then press the entrance and then while lopez open the door has released a video showing ecuadorian armed forces entering the embassy of mexico in key to police stone this to on friday or resting former vice president jorge glass on corruption charges. he had been seeking asylum though, since december, the instant let to mexico withdrawing its diplomats and breaking off ties with ecuador to columbia. now we have prosecutors of announced x. the president of the rebate will stand trial on witness timeframe and fraud charges. navigations are linked to the prosecution says what you base attempts to discredit accusations. he had ties to right wing power miniatures. he says he's innocent. i sondra,
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i'm here through the ports from boca time to columbia and prosecutor presented a written statement to of accusation to the supreme court requesting to bring former president oliver with us to trial in any investigation that's been ongoing for many years now. and he says the prosecutor that he found enough evidence that the allegedly shows that it would event and his lawyers tried to pay witnesses at to change their testimony. accusing cody about having ties to right wing paramilitaries. since the start of this investigation in case that he has maintained is in a sense, and that until now he has managed add to avoid going to trial. that has changed now for a number of reasons, but essentially this is a case that has deeply divided the columbia. and it has been very polarizing
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politically because colombians are very divided on at the legacy of a farmer. precedents that would have been, critics say that a lot a lot has to do with the fact that the previous attorney general of the country francisco better both with theme as of a close ally of, of i don't, would even, and that he did everything in his power to try and avoid the sending him to trial so much. so that's to prosecutors that investigated the case earlier ask or actually i've asked the court to shelve the case completely, and the court has to rule against the prosecution. but that has changed now because there's a new attorney general sense to me. it's much in the country and a new prosecutor that has looked at the evidence. what this all means is that now i believe it will be the 1st former president in the history of the country to face criminal charges. i listened that i'm get the, i just the, you know, but with that, so it's a come on, i'll just here you are paying court rules. the swiss government violate to the
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citizens. human rights are failing to do enough to come. that's fine. it's just the
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the the book and the man who in 1964 propose the existence of the circle gold particle has died. nobel prize winning for this physicist peter higgs was 90 for the existence of the sub to make possible co hicks. this one was confirmed by experiments of the large hadron collider in 2012. they exist very help to solve the mystery of how
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other particles obtained mass of the big bang, or hello it's cross is that the lexical physicist and also of the books, the edge of knowledge, unsolved mysteries or the cosmo see joins us live from prince edward on and in canada, good to happy with the so how groundbreaking was peter hicks, his contribution that well understanding of particles as well. and in the end, it was incredibly groundbreaking at the time, i think it bit like many important results and science. it wasn't fully appreciated as being so important. it wasn't clear that it would relate to the real world. it was a mathematical nicety and related to something actually it can as matter physics. the problem is that all the particles in nature, we now have mass. and in particular, we weak interaction, which is one of the 4 forces of nature is different than electromagnetism. electromagnetism of course, is a force that all of us are used to the rich force. it allows you and i to talk right now. the weak interaction was lift,
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governs nuclear reactions. it's much weaker, but it's very, very short range. and in quantum mechanics, in quantum field theory, the force that between 2 particles, it occurs because uh, what's called a virtual particle is exchanged between them. it's a particle is massless, the forces long range is a particle, is massive. the forces short range, the photon, which is the particle, the conveys electromagnetic interactions, mass us and that's why electromagnetism, as long range, the weak interaction is very short range, and the question was, could you make it like, could, could you somehow combine the weak and electromagnetic interactions into a single theory. well, it was a possible because the weak interaction has a, has a particle is very massive and it didn't seem to be any way to do that. it turned out that the mechanism that peter and actually around the same time several other colleagues have, is a guess. it came from ideas and conducts matter. physics of showed that the mouse can arise, not intrinsically, but as a result of
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a weird background feel that exists everywhere a nature and wrong particles interact with the okay, so as just as you're saying it's, it's mind boggling stuff. but in the real world, i mean in terms of humanity and everyday lives, people may wonder why this research methods a tool and well look, you know, people often i ask that question and, and when they do, i, i like to say, what's the purpose of uh, the costs of painting remote starts infinity. this allows us to understand 2 of the 4 forces in nature and unify them in a single series. it helped us understand processes, ultimately in the early universe. it helps us understand where we came from and how we arose. it's really knowledge and, and not all knowledge has to bruce better toasters or faster cars. it's part of what is remarkable about the human is that which we hear on this lowly stack in the middle of nowhere,
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but somehow into it. something about nature that seems so hidden, the origin of mass itself that we're able to understand that is really remarkable. and i think we should celebrate the spirit and the human intellect and, and how much, how much, how much, much, well, how much does this contribution and pay the way, do you think for future discovery? somebody perhaps even for the search for new forms of energy, for example. well, look, that it the, what's now become known as the hicks mess mechanism is a central part of what's called the standard model of particle physics. is part of every part of our thinking that goes into looking but the unification of forces, nature trying to understand the big bang itself, the origin of the universe. it's not likely going to necessarily have practical implications. i'm, i'm sorry to say that it's not gonna probably help us out of our for energy problems, but it will help us understand why we're here reminds me of, of what,
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what the 1st director of the fermi national accelerator laboratories said. when that was being built, a particle physics accelerated, he testified before congress and they said, well, it help in the defense of the nation. and he said no, but it'll help keep the nation worth defending on that in their loans cross. thank you very much. indeed for joining us here on out just here. thank you. you have to stop human rights court has ruled at the failure of the switch government to adequately tackle climate change is a violation of human rights. the case was brought by more than 2000 women age 64 and above the quotes rejected to all the content related cases linked to front some portugal. so the engine of a post, as a windsor climate activist and a warning to the swiss government cuts emissions foster and planned jubilation in strasburg, after group of elderly swiss women successfully argued that government is putting the risk of dying during heat waves by not doing enough to combat climate change, they said his older women,
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they were more risk than other groups. the european court ruled that switzerland's failure to meet pos, greenhouse gas reduction targets had violated the human rights the court holds. but under article a, states have a duty to adopt. and to effectively apply and practice regulations and measures capable of mitigating the existing and potentially irreversible future effects of climate change. the quote threw out to some of the cases, but only on geographical technicalities. a case brought by portuguese young people was rejected, but pursuing government other than the own. and a form of frenchmen came in victims status due to flooding was also rejected because he is no longer a resident in front. but the wind for this with women is a, when i say not to about protecting the generation, but the next lot cool news. i hope good news. the course has recognized us as a fundamental right to a healthy climate,
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and that our country should do what it has not done until now, do not meaning to take him vicious measures to protect our health and protect the future for us all. these landmark cases of played out against the backdrop of wild fires, now or regulus threat during europe. some of the season melting glasses and rising sea levels, which have seemed devastating floods across you at the ruling on the swiss government is legally binding and cannot be appealed. it says it now needs time to walk out what reduction measures it can propose. it is an important judging, perhaps a historic judgement that will probably attract the attention send the many countries outside switzerland. so i guess the, the message that has been sent by the court is also a relevance due to all these countries. there were 40 similar cases already underway globally. the challenge government weak action on climate change. this
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verdict will have significant. so many of them charlie angela out to 0 for the month of march has broken another temperature because it was the warmest the world has ever seen. those same on the 10th consecutive month to register the i'll just, if it goes globally environmental this, send me through all the just, it's cause for great concern the trial of 29 people charles in connection with a ton of papers, money laundering scott, is on the way in panama city, the defendants include e, as in most sec, who's now defunct north, the setup offshore companies for clients. that leak of secret financial documents in 2016, the old house, some of the wells, which is people hit that assets to avoid tax by sec. and all that former employees of the firm did not have the charges if convicted, they face up to 12 years in prison. we hope the justice will be served and decided that was a money laundering. the alleged money laundering that happened in argentina is not relevant here. because the events happened in origin, tina,
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my clients were not below is for these people. stay with us, half them all, all the days of the i didn't want the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by leaders seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures. exploring type us culture. examining political disco exposing societies,
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doctor award winning intense investigation. the get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east on al jazeera. so how is your vacation in this the shelves? the chest. wow. the reporting from the fiction rate. when i'm hearing the facts,
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palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click send to the fonts at the store, the, the is there any strikes target palestinian homes in central gaza as the holy month of ramadan comes to an end? 14 people have been killed including women and children, the problem. so when you are watching of civilized headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 30 minutes, israel faces mounting global pressure to increase the amount of ice letting into


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