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tv   Al Jazeera World The Price of Oslo P2  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the you will just bear with me so robert into how remind to of all the top news stories is rarely strikes continue to target palestinians in the gaza strip. as the listening heard, the month of ramadan comes to an end, 14 people were killed including women and children. and it is really a talk and then misread comp in central garza, on choose day turn. a couple of assume has moved from rough or the is where the military has been expanding its military operations and the tax of course, many areas in the gaza strip and one of the latest had been targeting on the so right refugee camp where a residential house being completely destroyed,
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a number of palestinians that have to report that killed and some of the injuries have been transferred to the hospital for medical treatments. and that is the reality on the ground that in the middle areas where these really forces are, have been attacking and using onto the rate units to show um, to attack the eastern areas of america and also, and, and, and my guys the refuge account in the middle areas of the territory, international pressure is going on as royal to a lot more humanitarian agents. a garza is ready to go forward to say they've like more than 400 trucks into the strip over the past 36 hours. but the you and says many of them are only ha full, i'm washington says much more a is needed. if you look at the last 2 days there's, they've been a substantial increase in the amount of day going, because that's good. it is not good enough. we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days to key it says atlanta is
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restrictions on x, bolts to israel until it reaches a ceasefire with homos. israel cooled at the unit actual violation of trade agreements and permits to respond. the new measures come a day have to as well decline dining cause requests to drop a into gaza visa, how up with it and besides cargo, chuck medina, we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congo plains of our air force. we blunt that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians. in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. chimney has rejected accusations that has been facilitating genocide and garza, and the case before the united nations top colt in the hague. it was brought, find the correct you and calls the emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons to israel. of course,
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in south africa has ruled the former president jacob's name, i can run an excellence parliamentary elections. you have charlies an earlier decision by the natural commission which bought him from standing due to a contempt of court conviction. zoom is representing a new political party after denouncing the governing and see that he wants land. the only thing is underway in south korea where people are choosing also a new parliament. the balance is seen as a referendum on the president units of kills 10 years. i found that he seemed lo approval ratings. as people faced the cost of living crisis, soaring prizes of green onions and apples and the juniors strike by doctors. among the key issues from situs cus, colt, a sentence, the parents of a teenager involved and a 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison. prosecutes has argue that jennifer james, kimberly what criminal negligence of buying the 15 year old son a gun. he's having a light sentence in prison pots of russia to including the urals,
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the vulgar and central air is of declared a state of emergency. after some of the was flooding in decades, the disaster has fullest. at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave homes. meanwhile, people in this could be in protesting against local authorities. they say they want, but a nearby them could best. now the month of march has broke and another temperature reco that was the will missing the well. it's also the box, the 10th consecutive month to register the fortress figures playfully about and who in 1960 full proposed the existence of so called gold particles, has died. they both prize winning, british physicists peace of higgs was 90 for the existence of the sub atomic pasco coal. the heck space was confirmed by experiments of the large hadron collider in 2012. these are the headlines here on out. there will be back with more news in hall for now. next donald is there. we continue with witness to stay with us. the
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the the the, the, the, the glucagon applying out of the film, flan mcaden and filling for lights on a she floats. plato, spitting it and duck. yeah. camera done with jeff and eating cake are doing also feed me is a fine big they, they did. so i'm on page effect. my dad's been zeller. um okay, what was it?
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you haven't done for the exchange here for law and ultimately castillo for that. so out the motor value also binding. want to have an escape? nice funny on the for me is it? ain't you mateo fell on the coast bank and are we a heavy guy? ben's no so claim just just to the
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somebody to and yeah. oh no. yeah, no it's definitely the major knew what you do need so clean loss. so take meeting in order. 2 was made to toast. 6 was needs to begin these needs. why have us the. 6 you can download it and make a list of the a sofa by not that's hide because an
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update on a to yeah. my, the us, you come to the box to why doesn't care about suppose i'm a father of gong, multiple offers name a nice unless the on the pale. if have a notion we of, of 8 and let me turn them up. i don't have to do this, this i move, so i have 8. i'm way of to you over to not, but for most of us to do york. okay. fair enough. the lady no. go into the sales buttons. also i'm gonna need to use the phones out of the hardwood on that as well
4:09 am
. i'm about to call it as well. no, they doesn't. i'm literally hundreds of symbols. and donovan over a tool that's ranked off of phones makes it more fun. okay. kind of actually right on to the f as well. so each fun and that he from off of related for cloud of evading with falls essentials and of course documents for falls of them. and that also helps bottom one of them. so i'll just talk about it on the actually well yeah. and for the integral, blame is article take document can assist you on the best the best are motivated in a fun exam to live with mammals. that's not, that's a fit to the, to the comments in a don't good hand it is that some of the course in the how to write the code then the 1st number with the me books meant multiples, y k, 's, including code for sounds about may, may you know, integrate the voc, kermit in
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a long thinking for somebody they lift, lift, slap a month for advice. i'm with fluke. it folks may say that isn't an old or anything from pharmacy and now you're down here for lack of the window. he ended up heading into the, in the, back by the controller in your dine, you mom. i know how to looks my heart and the hearts inhaler speak you so nice on her hind. okay. are how the ottoman the absent of days? that's what is the cause of of come up with lots of lots so the boss was nice and the data by so i mean collab deepest is b, b, b, b is all my thought i'd be my motor hopefully limits for jo on that on. so i'm, i'm also meeting the not with the fiesta. yeah. do you have the, the leaving nantell made the feet. leave the name, tell me. yeah, it for so long the low eats mays. how cover it owns mit y'all. fi there are meant
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to that book. dean gas to fill out though they too often has and we don't know and little or find him to me. he meant to clamor year we'll take him off and he did those full that mean i can book he's main name. that's why the fund, the detectives to take to face the a, the dealer. yeah. the disagreement that uh, i'm gonna book this in an dose of the company booked my my b b as a monthly meeting. i don't i'm not to admit the other thing in that wasn't so filled and seeking was dollars off a lot. yeah. i think of the whole gary. yeah. right. and i don't to or
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what is going to push me to training? yeah, i'm gonna need a long way too long. how late it is to think we have most of us to indenting. and again, you often data 5 and to say even a 10th i'll close this needs to page here to nice this so in document hollis. yeah . for the rest of it, it didn't cause of saving it to in the house. just as you visited this bill from before, the noise made this article for me, but this they feel safe as to this next day. why say multiple days i'm, i'm with the youngest and i behind the father 95 to and it goes live on to thinking about las vegas. i feel like i am the father of the scene and the counselor to call them they to the full vill oh, the to the ins and it's least of zillow. oh, so my mood, uh it was
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a new creative on a to communicating a file that cracked about having a to for how long a to is a delicate. he needs an end to auto say for in the least though find your 90 as high as a honda who could ask any great look see the ocean and the cleaning and x of this of the car to canada. oh yeah, it was on got, it just was land got to the influx on the same day cuz yeah this, this dealt when i made lansing, but they need they know it could be picked up on the phone completely. you're done . yeah. if you told me stokes. mm. yeah, but you don't need those filled it a hey joy. this is elizabeth levels echo fall like a video diary. 2 tons. i have to go and sign spot to staff to fill out the end up. hi, isaac, need me into my jeep and have to sign passport. you can leave it by the side of my
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life stuff. well, i sure could get a lot. the bottom fund hand funded here. the size of one extra vermont. yeah, there is a quick moment. i'm either next of or do i do do is of crude and then thought of net by the buffer and also accept the converse time slot to have i need the main to do send by plus more i can need these 5 east and move the airbus done hang on, i talked to for a 2nd, i'm wasting an hill away for how long the boat them on the feet is nice or asking laser guy hot and the phone kind of an important talking about 15 of them either go so that you wanted about 15 in a. com and loan dash little jacob model 5, and this isn't the assignment. if you, if i open,
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if i have correlation should come come china. i defy this sunday to build it at the housing came in iceland, dean whitaker, don thing for to do stuff needs image a force taylor east that to you. this is a dana for ad safe. thank you again and she on to the fact what's really an out of order to do in the home that if this funds to deal to in not reflect like how much did the dot off my kid that isn't the girl my sign find it. yeah. so david, just the email, the photo deep of an i have the same father say made a mom needs a lot of loans where she can reach for sale on who was who who 80 ton discharge you must be duty for you be snipped so exercise. so she a dish thing. nice to come. national plus the find this out this um no, yeah,
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no kitchen is whole. hi to my name which you know. so let's do another clump. oh daddy. okay. uh yeah, that was fine across on the critic bus to come back in just to do that. yes. to some to on and i have my diploma and down to one to 50 and then press stop and it says the host, the thought to kind of get the funding and the best i have. i wonder if i could, i can pick, let's know, from the department of legal on that. and so i took and above anyhow, my dentist and then cups on the high. cuz i set out as a kid that i put in cups on, on those st. equitable in the mountains and so fries to money for them wants to
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stick of them back a lot. and the book, the advantage of the time he was out the coke. uh yeah, it was 4 miles games will suffice to get so that i think the next you say ne fused . and while the nice to combine has my mood, i'll just who low open to zack a 5 of us out the not to leave them from the ivy to go money. so you for you to another from the name may actually meet on the bottom of the tank. milfey colleen, the not from the not on been a the say the amos, somebody to liked it's very been in the, in the died hail feel last one a that for the the that you had any was need to be to the bottom. be ashamed?
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well, to be signed, but to you the name, a mock going to break up of all my life. the influence, it kept just a whole lot and a delta front of up to you have to make a mark on those who is the leave of us needs. somebody is tons of scrolling up and down in the color like a little blame and i'm just on the side of things that i find a long, long and fun. yeah. it says well, so for me to meet here really need for the 1st i have i have that person. i moved to a to the and to load out the slope in the sack and the sides of us helped him not to leave them from the ivy to
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talk to contend the dynamite. how you b is tucked up and down the road. the bus when the saddam hussein. yeah. the medium . it's smart. yeah. those are the most the can estimate the competing dot com the best email to do to open and say it kept enable, not accessing and different atlas of do do device feel design for an all in a case a click that numerous it unless a dish. so we can go ahead, oh my last question. i have to she not a but i took the time this, they have the some guys out there shortly today and it's not, it's not one by them beside the phone. so it's the thoughts that a comfortable that dot it forward and push it to the
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agent to take the greatest of ease of it. but the such took from the for them. they can't alter. it's also going to be a scope of saying that one of my ups code can say to you over the phone. now. ok mon denise mazda, of, of, of direct, good, or at some dom has to wait in the slot signal, or it could, couldn't. it left us still some the fingerboard hold onto remaining and me and me out. there's done behind tune and plugged it into one meeting or he makes the pain and makes this way. i think macy out and it's out. i see a new big thing need to do to main
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nation for yard holidays. and when you get out to the community, tennessee sales and it's supposed to be students in the minutes 50, meet with most of the stokes, much closer it gets the didn't invest outside of society here the in the sacramento sentiment, directive volt. after about the soon few of us will know this all when kids and it so, but on the leave me. okay, stop, stop, stop. mm hm. okay. i guess laugh new, but maybe what i'll do i'll be out of next. feel different demo what that is
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compared to this my thoughts sort of combined kinda in my family describes had them go spot, but the cost that is, that is the prices for them. i is nick and betsy as modeling. and yeah, so the law of neat says the line usually that is on the floss. yeah. excited or can beat them one company or to for almost a month. from the same, you know, young if you really klein high and equally, truly seen short. huh. what could i hold? yeah, donald, the disconnect but have a nice nice day and we'll take great pains instead of letting you know and exhaust the code, overall bombardment to pamela's or want to wait for it out of my find it
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on the bus and days have been there had dire something close in a great lock. so hold the think that something not big bottles may find a bottom come to my neighbors kind of box my 5 on come to many terms here. take it to hit this hill. we're kind of like home. yeah. and, and, and, and, and who are you on sport to come to zuka had to it was a capital has a car accident. hot hands pro, spite hot, fix are you cause owned need to exalt. i feel they couldn't beat i lot, asked out a lot figures out for 10, some ice lots as need a lot more more click on that my. my price plus plus they have a new month gun gun. come bait down the sky. i could look electrically neat. i'm
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not both in the car model, a guy get lots of lots and lots of the tight and the perio de the product life can with may often by and hope the bulk of it was making that into the base. it was from most of the yeah, but we haven't even event. and a mom, the young son has to stop as hot. i feel like he comes out for dates. hayes need more click to let a few of us funny scene hans, i stuff and i defy he only those x i very out before hand. what could i have that the year was if this sunday is a box that didn't, and if i'm really involved, but the, the, the, the probably the hiding scattering the
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2 people on time as the main finder, that it could. and then i'm to go to the hi mason arms on me to the task of safe, have to pay the binding band withdrawal stuff and the time a long, so careful and sales expert. i've had new hopes to take notes, marysville, but the time is so fast. so open a folder, i want to call them on me some legal to have highland and i'm a product of the clinics. simple. but the guy in the low. my say for me alex, i have them next, next,
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next one next. the moment that for bucks for the if the guy that makes me freeman why that it's who to bury them, vice told the what the focus my about the home by the out partnership. i the but i to conference couple sites on those up to boston. anybody know the thing that i'm to basket inside of the team. all my health saved. and that's what i said. yeah, the latest not going to die. those minutes isn't a bad cycle over and i was died and i was off the did i take you to close as yeah. who had to let go find another move. alex hale at us yada, yada. out of is done with a competitive on the can bring that to the grow. right as efficient, imagining himself enough, 600. okay. it's just me, a 5, if you had a can develop my valve as familiar about the both out of sold that from asia. israel, i also belie, dealt with nevada. that's us,
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collect mike, perfect for the 5 us comforters. the dear. okay. it is, it is you find that the best of all that you made that the best of all ends of are finding of those stuff. those are the ones that are faced vj if i'm to forward them i to use as the software to accept that weighs. all right, so i think for the actual and the 1st one is talk to each other. all right? you're all side of the have and then i'll may my and my of the whole for the who for the, the health of oklahoma. let's go back. just narrative. all of us come laughter from lifetime. i see a real not the nothing father me, if i'm not as names and as i look who does committed to connect americans deal some but of us can sit there and or is it as that a,
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at the amazing height, the linux hills of our right yeah, okay, i was just relation had also and all i was an installation had them to connection, calling them about that is what the news k guys that you duck hill long last. so they've got a full text they have to hold. yeah. yep. and the requirements for this one open, want us to toss it some don't curtain i shot my skin sign. the fleet system isn't mechanical always in that self driving train the vehicle. but android today can be deal with a human only robot like me. he'll be everywhere else you 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learned things for you and
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even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine already and that was on a of the lines of ethnic. i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and find, find battles, shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries the trouble of history on the phones me on my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, you will see a duty and a growth using for the p, use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest, the challenges there with me. so roman, in the reminder of all the top stories is very strong, it's continue to target palestinians in the gaza strip. has the muslim side of the month of ramadan comes to an end. faulty and people are killed including women and children in the news, right. they attack and, and misread comes in central garza, on choose day tunnel cover. assume has moved from or off. this is where the military has been expanding its military operations and the tax of course, many areas in the gaza strip. and one of the latest had been targeting on the so right refugee camp where a residential house being completely destroyed,
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a number of palestinians that have to report that killed. and some of the injuries have been transferred to unlocks the hospital for medical treatments. and that is the reality on the ground, the in the middle areas where the is body forces are, have been attacking and using often read units to show um, to attack the eastern areas of america and also and, and, and my guys, the refuge account is admitted areas of the territory that we're all going calls for more humanitarian a to flow into goals. but if the white house on the state department say that they expect great action from his royalty, facilitate more aid supply deliveries into the strip. gemini, has rejected accusations that has been facilitating genocide and garza, and the case before the united nations topcoat in the hague. it was brought by nicaragua and calls the emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons to israel. a course in south africa has rule that form of present jacob zoom account running next month's parliamentary elections. he had challenged an earlier decision
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by the electoral commission, which bought him from standing due to a contempt of court conviction. zoom is representing a new political party after denouncing the governing african national congress. a policy that he once led those he gets under way in south. great, while people are choosing a new policy and the ballot is seen as a referendum on the present. unions accuse tenure, so for a score low approval ratings as people face a cost of living crisis, or are you as cold as centers? the parents of a teenager were involved in a 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison. prosecutors onto that, jennifer james crumbling, was criminally negligent for buying the 15 year old son, a gun. he's having a life sentence in prison. the parents also have found to ignore the sons mental health. those with the headlines about with long use and half. now we continue with the witness here on i was just there the
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speak to the business. think leaf. yeah. yeah. mike. nice. you cool militia? sally yeah, somebody from the can with filling out. i'm all they don't know how to do this. if you came for one and best seen in my are you familiar with for about
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a it's just like the page o b b 5050 south. this wired to be by my father phone to be fully. i knew by many that it can you to easier for me. i feel for
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the you haven't need you need from the use the you have to do the sensitive the contact with the next step in that the don't create any all think the how food dar date and the phone interview for the
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purpose of should be included inc, during more deals or there was inc, h, it uptake it saying they got the new boss today, sir. and if you can, my holler at me, god bless metabolic accounts, pay this so they have not left the front of the box and from the swipe with me, he's going just more faithful. okay. and so happy to him being that i know when you go to an active role at the football game. so i think you're ain hard on that. hold on 5. 0 yeah. who taxes for
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a little bit. yeah. the thing that to and about a to a you'll is the south at the for the have to can be saw how many bow and excel file can i get any content from adults funding from dr. bridget glo process. now i'm open the door and that marsha nice. i'm kind of behind it to load with them . chrome is addicted by this device and this take on it's include cutting it into effect. so i'm ida. yeah, 2 bucks for the ball and make a glass. major bung today. the next is just to me, murphy story. i do. yes. i think about fairly close pills. yeah. health for 3. this any different, any sick, but on the item to how nice clinton they choose to have a city to say
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ok then how crawford. okay. nice nice. yeah. wow. i think the, sadie, sony a hi, even q for asking moment of the good evening and then cashier, read it as far for how to explain what the state to. okay. if it's talking to you, okay, the for the, for how the system and my god, he always has to come over. and my wife dropped me nice. colonial stood down. they did as mutually bo this all my friends components. he took the box and things like football at clack. yeah. the
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company made so many so elaina spot of the, the big it kept me from month with nathan, automated for by mason, by the name of somebody. so age, so yeah. okay. for example, for me it, it kept me from my book book with me and to fully good fee. i him the, the,
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and you need the see, i'm a full of what i need may come back to you to seek build up the s. and so snell most like stop us. so the kid all the goals christ on which relates to late for those a yeah, the martin i yeah. she's like, if you will, it's i just the latest spell that they knew banged to hold on from this in the notes i took. oh, what the blooms of post traumatic stress was born. this. that was for foot. mm hm. but it is this. mm hm. and that this, that you, this so good thing they said the may from lack tapped need hate them all sort of act, you know, can best of me 23 from the video this life come from me a this to pretty, or that the elaine that is why that and my foot and by he was me in the tied up for this website to find me in photos, believing,
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need to be to bottle. hm. okay. now what you will my files of hon. i for. so i'm a guy included all the major things, but does he need to manage the cdn? yes. okay. that's people to, to throw a simpleton. yeah. it does by the end of who's mamma is the guy we and cannot match. good. the quite, quite the boss from easy thing. marcus. look good. talking to here and i felt that there is one with the 5th message. you direct them to me. i want to let you know the reason for the claudia dollars, man in the missing. no. no, no, no, got done, have to take and then need to enjoy the rest of the needs and the panel down. what you do, the elf, either to when they have all they need to dump it kind of like the main line for the extra problem with the critic. i'm with my height. they didn't need to contain pulse my eyes out to hold to find that you'd like my belief answers 100 most to not
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a not a denise. yeah. can you use a machine it to that's an easy it. i have to think of the effects of that guy. the daughter bonded the mind to seem to calling for the suit. indeed those folded hello and have a month to do it a uh, do you got an data for the deal and was sent out to obtain a connie through which you took that off. katie. how's that for you? well, do it over to somebody that and you've done yet is what come by date, it kindly to be any buffering mach into the ice a name we don't have to call on them design to connect with daniel here. yeah. no, for the me to turn to and as far as the beautiful thought. so thank you know and can photograph the piano done and to get the bus for
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fun, you not, no cables. tune that a heading on the other line. i might that i select different ones if i'm in, denise deals house to me it's a move down a to do the die. and now next to on the outside that it was academic. and that's how united companion is, because i have to really have loans from your don in the house for baptist fucked up. i'm doing the same thing. yeah. so the 16 will need the setup. i know that's a good. so on your for down and helped with my own with foot turlock. tab. you said this this for bona. um i need to be a little bit on night from craig. yep. to nice. i need management fraternity. do me to dingo or little hard for this. omar, and i'm the tie, oak need to like fun for
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a new friend connecting to eoc, natty, it denisia, and nato don. yeah, and i would, i couldn't, i'm sorry for looking back. that's fine. but how long is that done? and examines most highly based on hold on. what's the best for the play climate by an awesome honda last month to live us with a but at least any drive us next. they a guy to excel with the know they use it. ok to me. like to do this in a lot. ok. ok. well hi sullivan. this vehicle you some of them? yeah. yeah, those are, these are the as of yeah, that would be what would be what you we have is a cool lot behind on the a new hyphen
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o o c as the in on your head back who to ship it have is she 5 degrees outside mm hm. oh, this less than the massage uh function. what's the height agenda and zip code. i can send them. would you john? let me just send it been been patrick colors. i think you said it is okay. we are we are. we're heading to drop the vehicle. do you have a lana? but just in the country with generally, i mean on the hoss, if the how good. yeah, i don't need the mrs. logan. i just, i left a couple of we're, she's that much. so any of the statements mit mit?
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no, no, no, hold up next to me, like i said, i never know she, honey was unable to come on, send me a bunch simple. gotten all the data and then it would when did you end up with that? how does it go mine? yeah. i oh and the whole way that the end of the line even though they never see the anonymous. oh yeah. i need it shipped a bunch. sent them. yeah. i mean the yeah. i mean, i mean alice, us and know about how to solve it before the document. we're because i'm with the i left the other a lot of the left side the i left the thought, i don't know who i was calling to had the engine mode. you can come stash out of to been to give it. i meant if you had a fabulous oh,
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well my dad many a boat bodies. i filled out with a new photo. medina to know who i got. i got another story. so for the coffee you, i, i mean kind of out of the deal and that could be a condition task with the dolphin. so going wide and this even was stuck, but it's the mfc fee is how we feel going buys female female, which we're still not mumbled fee. i'm doing a call because we're doing a problem. so i will have it on, you know, by 1000000000 dollar company to spend and to another call for insurance on somebody who doesn't get something to do with us. it looks like a hispanic and yet i need the, the in thing the estimate of the other in for the hold on
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e double. yeah. the i might be, the full bill came out of, i mean, i'm invested in the game it's, it's and been vs. and businessman and, and johnny, and that's the business, very estimate. oh yeah. oh, well i was unable to put nothing about it has gotten this was the 7th of ship i've been, i've sent over the sort of the car. sean is shown for bill quasi, that he, i mean by the name of the whole, the whole shop by him off holy the young of your life to be less than dogs. the hey,
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girl info zillow was the one you have thought of. sorry, the boy, but you him in order to get a copy of that down he, i mean on the, on the piano just to be sure if that's the problem. okay, stop, stop, stop the car to need payment. not tomorrow. no 2 big guy from today's builder and for the 1st quarter, what do do accept okay, i'm back at the bottom of the hello. so what does that do? so i'm fairly nice not to jot all we need for you over, not the subset of how the, the 90 minus the bulk of was a 10 minute and no. and you need when you couldn't buy over and take a set of me, then it took a sudden i saw by the desktop. i'm on the other gentleman the other night
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might be a link to my husband, you know logic, the old house didn't house, did that job and i thought i did so with it. what are your thoughts on that stuff that if they would let me ask you about a student that you love it to that? hello. ok. ok. when says i think but i think the the need inside was yeah. the
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thing that to let you know if the barbecue over delta, the unmindful not to, apart from the body, unless taffeta, followed by a laugh, bombardment faced all say, dash us on a train created a cut off. so i'm going to try to set that. so for have us for the instant talk, take me about lead time to meet of the 12
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a new shoot. great change i meant to call make on bad guys from admire might stump any attached onto any se tamale's store i think so. you know, frankly, and if dana hook up the appointment folder, my goodness. i don't know if anyone, meeks 6 of honda been in my bottle on their minor. nope. nope. and not enough. he should have time tomorrow. had to sales to steam onto my
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laptop. to meet hannah han make, so can you hold on to a spanish tooth notes to buy it out loud to helpful? uh, money have a ship in my head. i've taught goes home and that's that's blue. that's quite a little gun. shy from the bus for not to football shirt b, the news headline for bass technique. but i'm, i think you're not saying in a neat oh,
4:55 am
good good. nice thomas to be paying for them the out the the the, the heavy, the not to and the see now so and so how much are you looking to take a p d?
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is it turned off, meaning the we use a form or to see lots of the machine off the lease, then thing yeah. days for them to be in. it's a logical type is really for do it or for the estimate with data on a moment to do it. i kept them a know to couple of days for to highlight the t for me allow me to have of his own and that to your father competing and i'll see him on the whole. and i know for alcove tell in on adult she died on fast the think of that you may want to be telling seat of the more really taking the all somebody want to yeah. the you for me, so much to ask you a call for it back from the to a new he's same the items
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and that's all bianco yang symbol. as an eel new payment on the bottle. you said milan accident boy filing nissan altima the altima, the in the life of the 9 year old under is ready, bombardment trauma center is
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displaced in scarcity and the moments where childhood still shines through a child of goods on a just the here's how this story goes across the middle east and africa. good to see right off the bat, we've got to rental down ports in the forecast for gas on wednesday. and we have seen that weather shift out of the rocks that's now pushing into the western side of the ground. but still some more what, whether to go on wednesday. other big stories this southerly wind popping up, those temperatures great rate through to iraq's capital. so bucked adds up to $36.00 degrees on wednesday. could catch a few drops for the eastern province of saudi arabia. once again,
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there's that southerly when so it looks like a hazy and dusty picture for quit your temperature at $37.00 degrees. again, we see that weather now start to slide into the western side of the, drawn through the huge as mountains. we'll see that typically sort of around the caspian sea over the next 24 hours. is that disturbs weather around guys a really for the band here in northern iraq. so most so it's looking what for you on wednesday to africa, we go the weather around, west africa here, really picking up for southern nigeria, there is a potential to see some flooding here. i think that's really where the biggest down ports will be around the coast. of camber room and cap on as well. and then powerful winds for the eastern cape prophet. and so including fort derby and you could see those wins get up to about 75 kilometers per hour. examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with
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a global audience explorer and abundance of well tough programming on which is 0. the hey, certainly strikes target palestinian homes and central garza as the holy month of ramadan and comes to an end forcing. people have been killed including women and children, the beloved, so roman you're watching us is ever like what headquarters here in the also coming up. israel faces mounting global pressure to increase the amount of age sliding into garza. more trucks are entering the strip, but the un says many of the above anyhow, full function day in south korea facing is on the way in
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a paula mens re election. that scene as a test of presidents accused popularity.


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