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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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the warren goal is to change the situation and now we have 70 percent more business before people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year a fast and besides with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters in delphi, i'm debbie you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel assassinated 3 children on 3 grandchildren up from us as a political leader. it's $900.00 a year in northern gauze, all family killed and a home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of another is really attacked, which kills 14 people in central cause of the praying for
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peace as is really or strikes. continue. palestinians across goes on market right in the shadow of war. and the european union votes to overhaul it's migration policy officer, the deadliest here on record for people trying to cross the mediterranean southern piece of statements with you've sold in hays star. it can move athletics become sophist, quotesoft prize money at the olympic games. pulled up ethics announces $50000.00 for each of the $48.00 gold medalist at this is games in paris. the we begin with breaking news out of northern garza where israel has assassinated 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of how mazda is political liter. several members of side honey, his family were traveling the shots at comp when their vehicle was it is really
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military house confirmed it carried out the strike and says, honey, yes, 3 sons were from us operatives speaking to alta 0, honey, you said the killings would only harden from us, those results he also cited would not affect the groups demands and cease fire negotiations that we will call the they believe that if they kill or assessing id, it is all there. next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard. now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road. throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored. men are we'll cross over to gaza and speak to our correspondents, honey, my fluid who has the very latest for us. so honey, what more do we know about what happens?
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yes, very well, in addition to the ongoing gary strikes for the past couple hours, these really military uh foot published a statement that claiming responsibility of the assassination of the 3 sons of how much political liter along with their children. those are the grand children of 9 honey, the political leader of hamas. now this contrary to what we know so far, what we learned since the fact that these are the 3 sons of how much leader and their children where in their vehicle they were on their way to visit family members today marks the 1st the of right after ramadan and the traditions across the golf, 3 of of getting it together is the form of the social gathering between family members and relative when the talk happened that is track their vehicle. at least 2 missiles were fired by a drawing and paramedics. then the civil defense to go not on the ground, describe perfect scene at the moment. deal were pulling our bodies of from the car
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though it's moved pretty much and sun rated on the bodies inside the car. we're also in center rated out the statements published by these really military joint stamp between the military on the internal and security. talk about the b where uh targeted in the central area of the gaza strip. and that's compared to what we know from the confirmed the report they were targeted in the northern western part of gaza city. that's a shudder refuge account. it's different than what's what these really military talking about. also, the statement goes on by describing the talks happened at the time that these people where or the 3 is people were conduct in conduct in terrorist acts a contrary to what we know also so far as they were in their vehicle visiting family members on the 1st day of dates. okay,
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honey. thank you for that update from vanessa as well. let's find out more about what the is really hard to say about this and bring it very challenges. joining us from occupied these rules on so now there is confirmation rory from israel tell us more. yeah, the confirmation came in the last hour and it's coming from a joint statement by the minute treat and shouldn't batch, which is the intent intelligence agency. and what this statement says is that the i d f find the, i say that is a sion but eliminated 3. how much military wing operatives in the central cause of scripts? now the stripe was directed by military and shouldn't best intelligence and it was carried out by is ready at croft. it says that the 3 men that were taken out into strike. well, i mean if you knew yeah, a so come on the, in the how much admitted she waiting. mohammed, honey, a military operative and how much has i'm, i'm
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a full so and ministry operates have can, how much this is all according to the idea that the is ready metrics and it says that they are the sons hall's. he's met with him in the treatment of how much has been a school bureau. it also says that is aware of claims that are the relatives of his now hernia. what kills in this strike? perhaps so. so a minus and c is ready. menissi says it has not verified that information in the body of it, so that's the kind of dry official language of the ministry and the incentives and services. i'll bring you a couple of other reactions as well from different sides of the political spectrum . festival we call yeah, colon, who is a military man, full ministry man. the full man is ready made a treat deputy chief of stuff boss is critical. all the governments at the moment he says that however, justified and appropriate. the strike may be, it points to a lack of political wisdom in regards to the timing chinese and carrying out such
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dramatic actions will make the about possible deals with the release of the adult teeth. constitutes another serious laugh in the slowness nest. by that means the government know the response here, the different very much to that one. this is from a member of the committed elma cohen, whose father writes, he's positive. it's my bank of a at the national security minutes has policies. and he simply says, he's now any a team of are you will next in line. okay, we're, we're thank you. thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem, where we can now speak to best 9 who's a senior member of how much has political bureau is turning us on the phone. mr. 9, thanks for your time with us. one alda 0, so that is really tough. confirmed that they indeed were behind this assassination . what do you think the messages that israel is trying to send out on to whom? thank you very much for support and i have to emphasize one point before us, one to 2. a question that such actions cannot be taken or
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done except by someone who was deranged meant and the thought that it has not to do some of the actions of it's of a legacy. it's also would like to automate the if they think that they are negotiating with us so full couldn't go on children or otherwise, after feeling to achieve their goals. by the time somebody they have the flux or the table, the negotiations table, they are delusional. and we're going to, we, we, uh guarantee, or we emphasize that they will not achieve the goal by such a clunk. what, what can you say about the timing of this? not only is it the 1st day of how you the but also as you mentioned in the cease fire negotiations are ongoing. ready it says the phone i have to
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emphasize the information. we have the these, the, the 3 young, the civilian some that the men of the sounds of to me. i mean, i'm 3 or 4 5th grandchildren, a kid in a car in the north west and bought 2 guns, a city and got a few in the beach. come one day we'll visit. think there are a lot of us because of the 5th day or for you can filter the 2nd the yes we know that need to know from the beginning he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine an insurance to reach if he failed agreement and also, he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community and from the and tell them that it's really society. he's
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not using all the other did the tools, but he couldn't go out to children in our lives, by uh, sitting the leaders or some people in damascus and live on on. he is insisting on undermining any strong storage if he's fail agreements. but from your and from how much does and does this affect the negotiation process at all? does a change or does it hard and how much does position look? it is not too easy to use. the son or the gun son or the grandchildren it is left to it is not an easy to use to feel such sure the news. but at the same time, a lot of children are or solid houses or not more, but it shows sort of expensive. uh then uh, the 305-0000 told 55000 the women and children and innocent men of
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all the people who was being killed by the cleaners of the last 6 months before. yes, it is very painful. it is, uh, it is not easy to accept or he's such a news. but at the same time we are insisting on a negotiating to achieve is he's failed. which can been this aggression that utilize against all the people of the same time. yes, it's the 20 be taking in consideration such as connection. what do you mean taken into consideration? what does that mean us? because we are studying the reply to the blind to the last to propose and to receive the term them. and you tell us which is in the total is not acceptable because if it doesn't correspond to any of our demands, which is the total of the c fail to withdrawal of the forces from the
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business trip. and the free movement of all of the people who has been displayed on the last 6 months and did attend back to their homes and to launch a huge on serious or but ition will fade or leave the construction. until now we didn't. we haven't received any serious, unsettled or nothing. and then the last, the proposal is talking about the seats failed. the nothing is talking about the to withdrawal. one of the 3, the forces, one of the guys, and even the other 10 back of our people to the other houses is under the control of the city, the forces on the ground. and mr. now i am president biden, just about half an hour or so giving a press conference said that it is up to how much time us needs to move on the ceasefire proposal. so what's your response to that?
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so i think we have the responded to 3 weeks so 4 weeks ago to the police, to a proposal. and the americans themselves have said that it was the national knowledge and very constructive. and we can build on this. unfortunately with what we have received as a sponsor from that, so it is a didn't, it doesn't. so it doesn't respond to the man demands of the movement, which is looking for a bare minimum sustained up in seats fan and for the tooth and withdrawal. one of the 3 to 4, it says we cannot accept to sign by or by our own hands, the completion of the slip and to p 2000000. but i've seen that display from data houses and to keep our people under the fit. well, for the launching, again, the aggression of to the ending the temporary boards with
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a temporary trail because what they have presented to us now is talking only about it, tim, part of the seats for on a temporarily post. which means that if you didn't have the right after the end of the end of these, these totally alone just did our commission again, i think no, but a senior. i'm gonna accept shots, but for to the okay, just a final question for you. and so, so where do things done right now with the cease fire negotiations? and again, i, as, as i said, we are no studying the, the last, the proposal. we will reply to this to the 2 boys in the, in detail of total cost efficient in the leadership the but again, we are insisting on a lot of the months, which is, again, we're not talking about the big, the miles we are talking about expected demands often negotiations to achieve a seat fail only when we are talking about that piece fail. it means that of the
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end we will reach if you trail it last, think sustainable seats fail and the withdrawal one of the forces from the ground. and by the way, that it didn't with the people that displaced people who did the one day a but a 10 to their houses. this is the expected results of any such if any, any positions before we and this should look cool to see that as a gift show from this is the loan dollar people to go back to their houses. this is expected. that is the funny, especially where she is. okay, thank you mr. best on the line. we thank you for joining us on. how does it really is? so as we just mentioned that us present, and joe biden has wrapped up a press conference in washington dc where he spoke about the situation and gaza, as well as the most recent conversation he had with the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and i have been very blunt, straightforward was the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that i b b and i had
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a long discussion and he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies and both food and medicine in the guys and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taken in the regions? okay, we have also as far as white house correspondent, kimberly hawkins joining us. so what more did we hear from joe biden and about last hour, and is there any indication how this assassination of any of the family members will be seen in the us? kimberly as well. what we know is that the us president didn't answer a key part of the question that was posed to him in that answer that was play just a moment ago. and that is whether he would limit military aid to israel. and so that is one of the big question marks in the united states right now. there is growing pressure on the us president to do so. and with these killings of the
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child, the children and grandchildren of the home, us political leader, there may be even more pressure on the president to do so be is really prime minister is not only a popular in israel, but he is increasingly and popular in the united states and the, the 3000000000 and access annually. it's nearly 4000000000 that is given by the us congress is increasingly being questions in the united states. whether or not us taxpayers believe that the, the us can afford it. or if they want to be responsible for the $33000.00 palestinians in access that have been killed by us bomb. so that is one factor, but the other factor in all of this that is the concern and for the united states is the captives and the negotiations that are so very fragile. unless we heard from your previous guest in there, they are reviewing the proposal that has been put forward by the united states in
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egypt. and they have yet to respond. and that is something that the united states is waiting for. and now that may not be forthcoming as a result of the strike that has taken place in claim those 6 lines. and that is going to be a very, very disappointing and complicating factor for the united states that has been eager to not only have be, is really captives, potentially at least named. but also there were many that were hoping that they could perhaps see the possible return of some palestinian prisoners where his really jails and also the possible movement of some who were hoping to return to northern garza. so this is going to be seen in the united states as a major setback. all right, thank you so much. kimberly how good, thanks for that update from the white house. so tom, but accounts as a professor public policy, it's kind of been totally fine for us. any joining us here and cuts are welcome back to elgin 0. do you think that this assassination is
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a major setback for they talks? well, it must be, it's a, it's happening at the time when they were just about revisiting the folks at the start a few days ago. and it does feel as if it has been specifically done to do that. and we have had, we have seen overall over the last 10 days or so the motor of ty, turning against the 10 yahoo and his condition across the world. and we discussed this a couple of days ago that i feel this time of the negotiation. he has most to lose, he has to climb down more then how much has to in order to reach the agreement for a ceasefire, whether it's temporary or permanent phase or all of that done in one phase. and this of course will affect it. and the discussion is now going around whether we do cease fire immediately, cease fire, or rephrase it over a few weeks, which i think biden is calling for. but to be able to face it,
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you have to establish a minimum level of trust between the 2 sides. and there was, i knew that this is now have really demolished it. um, let me just put to you something that's we've heard from israel. so in the wake of this is also a nation of several many members of hamas as a political leader, smiled honey, a, a, there's a former deputy of chief of staff of the is really army yard goal on on. he's released the statements. he said the killings carried out by that is really military, however, justified and appropriate. they may be point to a of political wisdom in regards to the timing chose and carrying out such dramatic actions on the april for possible deal for the release of the hostages constitutes another serious layer in their lawlessness. i mean, this is coming from someone who is a former deputy chief of staff of be, is, are in the army and what do you make of the timing of this assassination of these coming? so when i read, i agree with, i'm in regular with them in terms of timing i just spoke to an justified right justified because these 3 children were not really part of the mutual rank of how
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much they're considered civilians. the timing of the symbolic, the some symbolism of getting the one they didn't filter and their 1st visit to their family is terrible. and nothing's to have lots of impact to throughout the world. but the, in general, i think the, the way you look into these right is kind of claim that this has been part of our list that they've pre prepared a, which is related to the use of our traditional intelligence. you know, this lavender system that they have with a p, i done to fight targets. and then depending on calculations the system just goes and they're all have received a pre approval of pity. and this is why we see the huge casualty in gaza. but the, but we're looking at the company, it looks more like the central kitchen assess the nation. it is calculated, and i'm sure there has been a human approval adamant, and that's because of the way it's been targeted. this is not targeting a building or compound this has a moving target,
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and there may be able to just have come from the top. it would have must be, i mean, this kind of association does not happen randomly. and also because of the timing the, when they type in the fact that they have, they would have seen the 3 children in the car. they seen, they identified positivity, the 3 young men they would have identified the grandchildren as well. so for that, i think someone must have taken the decision to, to go ahead and to we herds, president biden, he was speaking at the white house just a short time ago, and in the past 24 hours what he's done, he's, it seems to be that he sharpens his criticism towards us when yahoo is saying that, nothing yahoo is making a mistake in gaza. is this this development going to sort of strain that relationship a little bit more to some extent, but the real persuasion? i think when the, by the neg restriction is the, the fact that nothing yahoo,
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by extending this war to 6 months now has really taking them, taking them off the ball in relation to the re and strategic objectives. their strategic objectives, to move it towards se, asia dealing with china as a major threat. this is the sort of thing that you was doing out there today with japan and north korea. korea. this is what biden came and office to result. and his very doctrine at the very beginning was to withdraw from the middle east as he did withdraw from i've gotten this done and to concentrate pretty much on china and russia by taking him dragging even to this conflict with more than 6 months. he must have overburdened them. i mean, the mind must feel absolutely fed up. this is not going to go anywhere anytime soon . he's approaching and the election is not dealing with the objectives that brought him to power in the 1st place. and that must build a lot of frustration. now this incident is going to, i must add to it because i suspect on a short, as we had to area from the have master presented to it,
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would have an impact on the negotiations. if not a sort of as a delay it to all for a few weeks at least for a few days. okay, so i'll talk about a class. thank you so much for that. thank as well as the central gaza is really strikes of target at a residential home and as a way of killing at least 14 palestinians with children among them. large craters are all that's left out of a house where a family was preparing for our youth celebrations. several people including displaced families have been staying inside that building and recover. bodies were taken to an upstart hospital and dated by law. before for you a kind of did you hesitate? well, he was preparing for ead. he and his young children off to sunset. he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning, they hit them with muscles, and he was killed along with his sons and daughters, and 2 other displaced families. for palestinians have been gathering to observe the
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foothold, holiday marketing the end of the fasting month for an amazon. normally, a time of celebration this year, as our youth is vastly different, worshippers have been praying among the ruins of what used to be a mosque. just one example of the devastation left by more than 6 months of as really bombardments across the strip thought of as to reports. from what i saw in southern garza with russell class to make a space to pray was lin palestinians for a rough hold. it probably is next to the ruins of in fargo. most men are, it is the only part that survives and is very plumbing. eat of what they're supposed to be. time of celebration of a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat as filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and it cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me
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. these boys as families have managed to find these clips to market a lot. for most palestinians in cost, you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agent off to international pressure. the part the united nations says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father. my brother and my own to eat is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months a. the 2nd, when, when i think about last, it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did
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everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and see to me the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone. comfortable was not over, is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he has said that useful a major ground defense. if he had a rough off, it's the last lot refuge were one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians auction drink here, patrick, up as a oh, just a rough, rough southern cause of worshippers gathered for i use prayers at the ups almost compound wednesday morning. is really forces in post severe restrictions on any palestinian. so we're trying to enter the mosque. iran con, was there a present now of a and it has been a subdued up most of it hit the lot. so most comp time just like the thousands of people of actually come to visit and there's 2 reasons for that. firstly,
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the restrictions. you can probably just say the police over the they're checking the id of young man, the restrictions, all of this man over the age of 60 are allowed to come. women over the age of 50 are allowed to come know on a very few people are either from the occupied westbank. i've been allowed to come here, but still thousands of people have arrived. they've given the present. they've offered that price for the people of goes up. that's the real reason that things also subdued here that the atmosphere isn't like it would be normally people who are hoping for a c spy. that was supposed to be a drama on c spy. that's why it didn't come to a policy. those negotiations are still ongoing and the people that are hoping that that might be, that could be they're hoping for a breakthrough in the coming days and wrong code, which is 0. yeah. like so, most compound occupied east jerusalem. humans who if they say they've targeted for
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vessels in the red sea, including what the group describes as a us worship. this is the latest attack on the commercial shipping lane in the gulf of aiden by the iranian backed armed group. on tuesday, the u. s. military confirmed and had destroyed and anti ship holistic miss on the for what they say. the attacks will continue until israel's war on garza and i still had on the i was, is there a news our exit polls and south for you as parliamentary elections suggests the governments could face as devastating last time the defending champion wants to carlos dumped out in the 2nd the hello, we do still have some writing the full costs with them in the least over the next
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couple of days. this is lorna cloud just coming in across the central pos, the saudi arabia could even see a shadow to see in concert. but teddy's autumn, anything diminishing feature, the web to whether it's by the north and east we have got some showers that just pushing the way out of iraq into iran. pushing further east was cooling off in couple temperatures here, around 10 celsius, you know, to some snow coming in over the high ground. little bit of snow, a possibility just around the cool because as well we have got a when she mixed in place here for the used to sort of them at a traded as long as you drive over the next day or so. getting into the low twenty's, the in gaza, possibility of a shower to developing just around 11 on western pulse of syria for time. but essentially it does look fine and settled. that's just the case across the northeast of africa. some showers the into to this. yeah. and they'll say some positive algeria maybe into the northwest of the libya just pushing across towards i sent for possible for minutes. randy. but mike, live the winds,
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pushing and cross match all this a hara will say, since a hard task, whereas you getting pushed across towards the canaries over the next dial. so shall continue. meanwhile, right across the gulf of getting the spain it just closer to recognizing it. palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation will be gladly slowed acceptable as an immediate cease firing. garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of stuff to keep peace for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l g 0 are growing up in greece, means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand this highlands. the idea is mobilizing use
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around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0, this is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera, the hello again, here's a reminder of the top stories on this. i'll just say read news our and is really straight because assassinated 3 songs and 3 grandchildren, a pharmacist, political leader in gaza. several members of us value honey, is family. we're traveling in the north of this trip when their vehicle was cuts,
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bodies have been recovered from the sea. nothing is really striking on central tasks. i was killed. 14 people. children were among the victims of tuesday, evenings, a time on a home, and so white. and that's right, came just ahead of the 1st day of freedom sets out of marketing. the end of the fasting, mazda for amazon, worshippers, had been praying along the ruins of mosques. at least $38.00 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of booty. it was on its way to him, and another 22 people had been rescued. you booty is the main transit country for migrants from if you hope your answer malia were trying to reach goals. nations, many of them women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives. when this boat capsized, at least 22 people have survived in iowa. and in coordination and partnership with the local authorities is helping to respond to the needs of those who survive. and
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of course help them to deal with the former that they are facing. meanwhile, 3 children have died after a migrant. both capsized off the coast of the greek island of chose, their bodies were recovered by the coast guard, which also rescued. 14 people including 8 other children. greek media said they were all from afghanistan, and dozens of my friends have been rescued off. they tell you an island slumped into saw. 37 people were aboard a small wooden boats. when they came into trouble in the mediterranean sea, they've been safely transferred to the island for assessment. the european parliament has approved and overall of immigration policies that harden entry procedures for asylum seekers. the decision follows years of tensions and divisions and requires all member states to share responsibility charities and n g o. say the reforms will not health migrants and refugees, well, far right?
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parties across europe save, it doesn't go far enough. dominic k and reports from berlin. a small boat is helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials say more than 6 times as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. which helps explain why the european parliament is just devoted to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the european union. we need to strengthen our common border because only so can be also ensure that we move towards
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a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism. reform of the coming during repeating asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x to in the borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't
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go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european populations. our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less, it will be, steal, still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers. but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so. the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of is going to k houses era. holy camilla causes an associate director with a think tank migration policy institute europe and she says that the outcome of the vote shows the new ton rates agreement on migration policy. but members need to address other issues. this is a culmination, you know, the peak of years of negotiation and on the topic that's, that's probably the most sensitive one at your level, especially as you know where we're not entering and electro,
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competing with the european parliament being renewed in june. and, and so these are the 3 men, like the votes that's playing out today. it's a particle signal for the european project that policy maker can come to an agreement on how to manage migration together. you know, we live in a way that is binding and you mentioned this, the sold, dirty principal. and this is also a major political william for this european commission of given that base negotiation. this reform has been into making slips to a 16th. having set that up, it's also an agreement that stuff or on iceland seekers that's tougher on you know what, what, what's gonna happen at you borders and he so, so in a way, a posted agreement that fails to answer many of the college, many of the east but he was facing when he comes to organizing the conference. if migration policy, i'm speaking on labor migration, for instance, you know, attracting student, attracting workers. and, but also creating safe pathways for richard cheese so that they don't have to go
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through these dentures root and can find, you know, safety in europe in any monitors that's, that's better organized better my next that, that is today. the to the top us general in europe as warrens congress that ukraine is about to run out of artillery shells without more americans support. christopher canolli says that would leave chief vulnerable to partial or total defeat in the war against russell, a multi $1000000000.00. a package for ukraine has been stuck in congress for months . the ukrainians had been husbanding their shells in anticipation of you know, the supply running out congressmen, they have been rationing them. they are now being out shocked by the russian side, 5 to one. so russians fire 5 times as many artillery shells at the drains. then the
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ukrainians are able to fire back on that will immediately go to 10 to one. in a matter of weeks, we're not talking about months. we're not typing a talking hypothetically. at least 3 people have been killed and russian era tax on the ukrainian region of car keys. rescuers are continuing to search through the rubble for victims. russia has intensified its attacks and eastern ukraine in recent weeks. charles stratford reports from the site of the a time guardian and emergency services attending us. what you can see behind me is the destruction left by a so called glide bomb. these is this new repub post. soviet bill weaponry that certainly the client is a saying that seeing the russians use a lot more in this area. big pay now is the so called double tap of the russians increasingly dropping ordinance like this on
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a given area. waiting around an hour or so waiting for the emergency services that are busy trying to, we believe get more bodies from under the rubble. white july arrive and then hitting them again. we understand that at least 2 people were killed in this attack . and as i say, there is a search on going full bodies on the the rubble. the government has reached out to their own fire, behind the shop. the house is on fire. my wife olga. a friend, the 14 year old child died there. but we don't know, maybe someone else is still under the rubble. suddenly the police tell us there's a russian drone above. we have to get in the bomb shelter. inside of the grieves her daughter on the floor of the person killed in the attack. where around 10 kilometers from the russian border, you'll storage his head. tell us that this village self is come under attack at least 10 times in the last 7 days. it is an indication of this escalation
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in russia, russian attacks across the border in the khaki region charge stripe. i'll just hero lipsy sandra pon have announced plans for a new joint error defense network and partnership with australia. see us president joe biden. and the japanese prime minister for me, no, because she had been meeting at the white house where they have also discuss north korea and dialogue with china to abide and says, the deepening of military cooperation with your plan is the biggest upgrade in the history of their alliance in our alliance, we have what japan is, a purely defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance. and the things we discussed today improve our cooperation and our and our surely about defense and readiness is not aimed at any one nation or threat of the region. and it doesn't have any to do conflict. and so this is about restoring stability in the regions. and i think we have a chance to join us on thursday by the state are expected to hold
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a trilateral meeting, joins by the philippine president furden on martha's junior. and the talks will be focused on defense as well as security. both the philippines and japan are looking to buy more high tech weapons as regional tensions rise with china or defense editor alex gets off. the list breaks down what the 2 countries have been buying and why on owns race is on the way in asia depend, and the philippines are strengthening the armed forces in the face of north korea's missile tests and ton as rise as a regional super pop in december, depending those the 320000000000 dollar high can defend spending the biggest to move the need to use the shopping list as extensive, long range lined to tack, cruise missiles, able to destroy targets, move a 2000 kilometers away. more advanced submarines. a next generation flight to jets . it's also looking to turn it's helicopter carriers into light aircraft carriers.
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this would allow f 35 stealth jets to fly missions for from home dependence. also investing in bull patrick, a defense batteries and placing them on the islands throughout the archipelago. the philippines is concerned by china, as intimidation tactics in the south. china sea is both 3 batteries of india's ramos and to ship missiles. what are the fastest, most powerful christmas all in the world, and place an order for american hop who's and to ship missiles, as well as high miles or high mobility artillery walk in systems to both japan and the philippines on now hoping the new weapons training is strengthening of defense toys, but the united states will be enough to, to, to china from any form of military action in the near future. exit polls in south korea suggests the opposition parties are set for a big victory in parliamentary elections. they are expected to gain a $197.00 seats out of a total of $300.00 in the national assembly. the voter seen as a referendum on president to you and so kills administration. soaring food prices
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and health care crisis are among the biggest issues for voters. a cause is coming up on the al jazeera news hour. the 1st of goals major of the year. she's off on thursday. peter will be here to preview the master's after the break. the business latest is wrote to you believe i guess as i lied my on one of your rooms makes more than plates. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the for all the sports there's 1st peter 3 and thank you so much. in a storage move, lasix has become the 1st fit ration ever. 2 of the prize money up the and then pick games. well the politic says,
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announced the 48 gold medalist in paris. within $50000.00, each of the total price of $2400000.00 for the extent of silva and bronze med list of the los angeles games in 2028. they 6, both small participants and senior audience has been any other federation. well, the next president, sebastian, co cold, the decision of put the 2 moments in a statement co said while it is impossible to put a marketable value on winning and, and then pick middle. i think it is important. we start some way and make sure some of the revenues generated by our estimates at the olympic games, or direct me what's in to those who make the games, the global spectacle, that it is with just a few months to go until the events in paris, 5000 meter olympic champion, joshua chipped the gay, isn't a race against time to win the 10000 i should come. a geisha goes up with the you can install income. paula the had what is well underway to win olympic gold when it comes to the 5 and 10000 meters? no one has ever lived has run as fast as just certificate. uganda and holds the
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walls because over both the distances. he's the olympic 5000 meters champions, but despite being the sweet time, well jumping into 10000 that gold medals still eludes him. something does it tell me to put right in pirates later this year? i'm really excited for the bodies against us and uh, i look forward to, you know, an amazing, uh, uh, olympics and uh, i feel really good and really to just my dreams. the dream of, uh, again, once again regarding the campaign trip. today is the mazda on the truck, but made his debut in tomorrow. so in, in valencia, last year, he finished down in such a 7th place. but he loved the lessons he hopes will help him. but the reason for the short distance is perhaps allowing him to go even faster. what these are very important and i did for me. so at least to, you know,
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like being that i had more than an student, be hungry for 4 months, 8 those. and i, i think that the most important thing for me now is to just wind guard me. those to go runs about 150 kilometers per week average in 15 kilometers per hour at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. he observes the very light and precise new plan with calculated sleeping time. i'm like many either you've done at least that i'm up to, to leave that home country and training other nations. just the guy has decided to have his base full time and you've done to, it says it's his duty to stay and inspire the next generation overrun is difficult for me. it's a very important to train from home and inspire the young boys and the young guys. i understand that additive, before people used to believe that you have to go as far as going to eliminate the
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10 cup that got in order to become a champion. if he can add the elusive $10000.00 olympic gold, his collection, it will cement his place among the long distance running grades are circum. gucia alda 0, a compiler, uganda power. sandra. man, welcome. so many a football saloon and the 1st leg of the champions. 3 quarter finals in just a few minutes in the french capital, 5 time champions boss, atlanta, all playing at this stage of the competition for the 1st time in 4 years. the last time these 2 met was 3 years ago and p. s to dispatch the spanish giants at the run ground, then a full one with a kenyan and bump, a hattrick. they buy form a boss to learn to catch loose and re k, p s g or on a 22nd game on beach and run in or competitions. the french champion, so aiming to reach the semi finals for the 1st time in 3 years. so you'll venture that belief that depends on this one is a $48.00 guns, and i really think that they are the favorite unless they bought it was month them buy from us. they've spent much more than us. they have
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a team mates to win the champions league, and that is the main objective of the club. the owners are from talk, and it must be the main goal. i'm not at all to the monte carlo mazda is, and defending champion andre rube lives has to be knocked out the succeed suffering . a straight sits the feet to alexi popular, and it continues a frustrating period for the russian. i failed to make it costs around efficiency, even in the last 3 tournaments group losing 6. 06, hold to the australian. you will now face them and no say no problems. who? number 2, unix sooner though, the italian took care of american sebastian code is 616 to send it straight fits when to some of the related stuff. so long to go now, and so we'll go through is major of the year. the mazda is diesel, federal gusta, on thursday 15 has all the details. and if everything comes together,
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i think i can get one more. grab that any more letter. a defined tiger woods speaking on the eve of the most is the 15 time major when it was forced to withdrawal from last year's tournament. has compounding injuries from a cold crush in 2021 continued to effect in but now the 48 year old, his basketball gusta. and the 2019 window says he still has another major victory. and i don't know when that day is when that day comes, but i still think that i can i haven't got to a point where i don't think i can't. which also discussed where we mcelroy st. john's is saying it's just a matter of time before he adds the most is title to his collection. mcelroy hasn't won a major for 10 years, and he's never want to know gusta, it's flattering. surely it's, it's nice to hear. in my opinion, the best player ever to play it again, say something like that. so i mean, does not mean that it's going to happen. um, obviously not, but i, you know,
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he's being around the game long enough to know that at least having the potential to do it. and i mean, i know i've got the potential to do it to macro. it will be up against a number of favorites including well number one, skokie shiffler and defending champion john rom, rome shops, the gulf loads with a split from the pga towards the joint live in december. the said putting on the green jacket last year was the most special moment of his career. he hopes to one day during the pga tour again. you know, i still love the pga tour and i still hope everything the best and they're still hold that at some point i can compete. i can compete there again and yeah, i mean you do me is compete and make a certain people right country been associated go see it has been on the left tool for 2 years. the spaniard says he's not bothered by the divide anymore. as he looks to when it will cost it for the 1st time and 7 years, you guys love to kind of dig and just kinda try to make it sound like, you know, like we get on the locker room. no, we're fighting. so the like that is nothing like that. so i've, you know,
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the game is golf. we're all trying to play the best way we can and, and that's shifflett mcroy. i'm sound a shuffle a is the stand out pairing in the 1st round. woods tees off with jason day and max home a tom size and i was, is there, the french woman has set a world record for rope climbing and she started up the eiffel tower in paris. obstacle, close racing, and look, gone. the ache find 110 meters, that's 20 meters high. and the previous frequency by mail south african athlete. i'm more than 80 meters above the women's robe timing wrinkled the extreme endearments feet scaling a free hanging rope. the moans in teams on the lake and coal street or leave it there for now, i'll be here again in a few hours with most full. it's nice there. all right peter, thank you so much. well the people have guys don't have much to be festive about during the story is holiday. after more than 6 months of war, the one is warning that simon is setting in. and much of this trip has been reduced
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to rubble. but people in the rough are doing their best to keep the traditions alive, how much them to has more despite the horrors of israel's war on gauze at this toy shopping, the fine children and adults seek a bit of fun. the customers are looking for gifts to give during what's supposed to be a festive season. the shopkeeper committed, somebody says this and i'm up on an even fit. there are nothing like years past the . there is no joy or appetite for celebrating the whole the occasions, even children, they have no interest in choice as it wasn't the best. this is the worst season we have of a lift. a sentiment resoundingly echoed throughout the series market. at this clothing store, sales would typically be booming in the final days of remo. gone. but this year it's different than the last year we used to keep our shop to open until the early
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hours of the next morning, throughout the month of ramadan. these days be open 10 am to close at 5 pm. there are about 1500000 displaced, palestinian sheltering in the southern gaza city over. they are among those most in need. we have suffering on all fronts. people can hardly survive, can hardly feed that families. we no longer think of aid or celebration or any other form of joy. and while joy may be in short supply, it doesn't stop others from doing all they can to uphold. some holiday traditions were less or less annoying. honestly, it's very tough, especially staying in a tent instead of our house. in this warm weather. however, we're trying our best to uplift ourselves. we're attempting to create the aid on the sphere by making heat cakes, which has been very challenging. imagine preparing 8 cakes when there is no water or food available. with some and gaza now facing famine. and wood worries only
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increasing that israel's promise ground invasion and profile may start at any time . finding the right ingredients to make the spice holiday suite has been extremely difficult to put up with us. yeah. ready we are using very basic ingredients. we used to buy the ingredient ident affordable price. however, everything is now expensive. so medina and dates are now way more expensive. so we are trying, for instance, to use less data based to stuff the cookies, as well as reducing vicki. the flower and other ingredients that are now scarce. but in this makeshift shelter, scarcity is no match for resilience. where these palestinian women and girls find little solace, but do everything in their power to find and give a bit of comfort. how much enjoy a disease? okay, thanks for watching the news. over on al jazeera, my colleague carrie johnston's with you in just
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a moment to how much more of the day's news and all the latest headlines out. i'm gone. so thanks for watching. also, sarah, bye. for now, the team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of weight tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red, chris of the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote comp. since front bind battles, shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries the trouble of history on the phones, me on my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, examining the headlines is it or is hopefully today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create
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a world where women come and feel natural released the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the israel to assess nights, 3 children and 3 grandchildren, a master physically the it smells new in northern gods, the from kerry johnson. this is i'll just hear a lot from the also coming out of harmony killed and the home destroyed for these are recovered from the scene of another is radius time which killed 14 people in the central council.


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