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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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stories with a labor audience only $48.00 it welts, 12 women, come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the israel assessments. 3 children and 3 grandchildren. and i'm not physically, there is male, on the, in northern guns the, i'm carry johnson, this is i'll just hear a lot from the also coming out of harmony killed and the home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of another is radiate sacrilege, killed. 14 people in the central cancer, the praying for peace is ready as
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far as the continued palestinians across the gauze and not the shadow you are paying union invites to over for this migration policy offers with at least a year on reco. people trying to cross the mediterranean, the again in the northern gauze where israel has assassinated, 3 sons and 3 grandchildren must his political leader, several members of his mail and this family with traveling and now sought to come. when the vehicle was hits, these rarely minute treat has confirmed. it's carried out the strike and says, honey is 3 sons. what a mess of for tips was speaking to l. just sarah. and they said that kings would only harden a message resolve. the also said it would not affect the groups democratizing cx, monaco, she ations of that, it was a we with the they believe that if the killer assessing id to is all there next of
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kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road, throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event. so name is a senior member of a masters political bureau. he says the assassination of the smell and his family is an attempt by israel's prime minister to the rail. a cease found the good she agents and the can you hold from the beginning t was a doing the maximum to block or to undermine any shots to reach if he failed agreement. and so he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spoil negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the
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international community and from the and tell them that it's really society. he is now losing all the other deity tools. but you can go out of children in our lives by sitting the leaders or some people in the most schools and live on on. he is insisting on undermining nissan storage. if he failed, i could be minutes or house for any correspondence covering the latest developments on this story. and then i meant to will speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly hawkins. about what we're hearing in the us or titans is standing by an okey pot. these to a stream is reaction from israel. the 1st let's cross now to honey my food. who's in southern garza with the very latest the honey, what more do we know about what happened? yes. well, the talk happened at about 5 o'clock this evening where uh,
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3 sons of how much political leader and very children, those are the grandchildren of buying any of the political liter upon us when they happen to be in a vehicle of doing their social or pay a visit to their relatives and family members. that's the kind of social activities that they're going to place on the 1st to evade where family members get together similar to any of the locations or social events going on around the the, the world. when do where i talk? so the feeling was confirmed by these really military in a form of a targeted killing. in a statement published by these really military says, these 3 sons of, of the political leader of mazda site, 90, aware operative a, and it goes on, it just happened in a way to, in fact, to eliminate them. and they're knocked on, on the ground. and all of this happened as, as, as the earlier hours of the tar squared characterized by the stores in the area
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like fox and the artillery selling that has been going on up still to this moment of preparing this report where there is dense presence of a surveillance of drawings in here in dropbox, that the findings yates on and off every once in a while, as it could be heard of flying at a very low level in the skies of rubber. meanwhile, is really military continues to pound across the gods for a 1000000 distant from area and the area of why the, it has that, that particular area, the marks these saved zones that these really military announced that the initial weeks of the, of this genocide of were an order sharply everyone to evacuated the southern. part of why do you hesitate? it's under heavy artillery is showing an error strikes as well as more confirmed reports of gun boats at gaza shore, firing to add every moving object at this particular area. if the attack is,
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has been largely viewed and perceived by people across the gospel, rather as a way to dictate the course of the negotiations in cairo. but so far, based on the statements that we've heard of from a, from how much leader, dad, is not going to change their position in terms of the demands, the chief among them, the return of displace families to the northern part thing constituted their homes . and also the complete withdrawal of the is there any military and then into to this war? honey, thank you for that. let's bring in roy china is now in, occupies the serious and glory. what reacts now he gets hanging israel about this of the a couple of as go we had a joint statement from the is ready mid a tree and shouldn't batch which is the internal intelligence agency. and this statement from them says that the 3, how mass minute tree waiting, all protest,
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which is what they call these 3 man was confirmed. it took place in the central gulf stream. it was directed based on the evidence. the headboard intelligence that have been gathered by the ministry and by sion bats and the strike was made by his ready craft. now to confirms that the 3 men were, i mean, and the which these ready ministry says was who the manager managed besides was a cell come on to and how may i submit it to you when mohammed penny s. a ministry operative and how much the code a city is ready, minute treat. has them had a full so i'm going to treat operatives in the how much i need and the minute treat says that these men with this on this pause a smell, honey chapman of how much has been a school bureau. it was, i say, is that a kind of confirm or has not confirmed yet by the report then what other people kills and it strikes, including a minus. now, what we don't know from this,
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this dry minute tree and intelligence language is whether this strike was authorized, higher up the chain that in just the ministry. i mean it's how does and such as i was this appendix session was the take him by next and yahoo or netanyahu's government. now someone who thinks it was directed by the public to the politicians . he's a man cold. yeah. who is a former deputy chief of staff of these already ministry. he's very critical of the current government and he says, however, justified and appropriate this strike may be, as it points to a lack of political wisdom in regards to timing charges in carrying out such a dramatic action on the eve of a possible deal. so the release of the adoptees constance. he's another serious lad in the lowest s i. e. he thinks that this jeopardizes that hire ideals and he
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thinks that as a serious, serious mistake, a very different view coming from the all the side of the political spectrum. a member of the can assets cold, alma cohen, he's part of the how to keep you who did policy, which is the policy all gets him up and can be a bank of the of the file, right? national security administer the set of rights as a tax. he just says he's mail honey. a fee to move iraq. you on next in line. it occupies easter eastern for us to reach out and say, well, just as whitehouse correspondents, kimberly how could joins us now. kimberly, is there any sense of how this assassination or any is family members will be seen in the us as well? there is no question that this is going to be a disappointment to the united states, given the fact that the us president says, and also this was confirmed by the national security advisor jake sullivan. just one day earlier that there had been some hopeful signs that from the
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talks that had taken place just a few days ago with regard to the release of captives potential release of captives . or at least the names of the remaining captives is part of those negotiations. and they were just waiting a response from home us, but now that appears much less likely given the fact that the political leaders of 3 sons and 3 grandchildren have now been killed. so a here in the united states, this is only going to put additional pressure on you as president joe biden. i and also this is going to be increasingly make it more difficult for him, given the fact that there is more and more of a pressure on him to pull back military support for israel. some we should point out nearly 4000000000 in military. ace. and kimberly, how does this impact the already strange relationship between buy it and then
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that's an yahoo now as well, we know that the relationship between the 2 man has already been fraught with very, very sharp differences. in fact, this has only been intensified in the last 44 hours. the us president was recorded by a spanish language network as saying that he believes that the is really prime minister has been conducting this war for is selfish reasons, essentially killing more than 33000 palestinians for nothing more than his political survival. and when he was in the rose garden way alongside the japanese prime minister just a few hours ago, he was asked about those comments. he dialed them back somewhat, but still said that he is when asked if you would. 6 consider withholding that military aid to israel. he didn't answer the question,
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but said he is still holding back judgment and waiting for the prime minister to make certain benchmarks in terms of humanitarian aid to gaza. so in other words, that is still on the table a, in terms of whether or not the united states would consider pulling back that a if the is really prime minister does not meet the request of the us president. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work habits as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i b b and i have a long discussions. he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies, both food and medicine, and the glasses and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taken in the regions. and now even though the us president and the japanese prime minister will be meeting with
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the philippines president on thursday, they are set to discuss in their try lateral summit. the issue of growing aggression of china in the south china sea. we expect that the issue of israel's war on gaza will continue to dominate here at the white house. human hack. it, thanks very much. the essential garza is very strikes of target to the residential home and also a weight of hitting at least 14 palestinians with children. among the large crates is all that's left of a house where a family was preparing for each celebrations. several people including displaced families, had been staying inside the building. there covered the bodies were taken to access the hospital with the awful lot. the full burial hesitates. he was preparing for ead, he and his young children, off to sunset, he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning,
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they hit them with muscles. and he was killed along with his sons and daughters, and 2 other displaced families. palestinians had been gathering to observe the eat alpharetta holiday, mocking the end of the fasting month of ramadan. normally a time of celebration, this is, it is vastly different. well, i suppose i've been praying among the ruins of what used to be a most. just one example of the devastation left by more than 6 months. so it's very bombardment across the strip. i would assume reports not from rafa, and southern guns with russell crowe to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold? it probably is next to the ruins of in fargo. most men are, it is the only part that survives and is very plumbing. eat of what they're supposed to be. time of celebration of a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat as filled with grief,
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agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and it cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me . these boys as families have managed to find these clips to market a lot. for most palestinians in cost, you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice that as well says it's moving more agents off the international process for the united nations says it's a still less than the minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother and my aunt is that it is also a time to remember. do we still have dealings in garza? everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months and then you said can, when you,
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when i think about stuff that was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone. the time the was not over is very prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says that he has said that useful a major ground offensive. he had a rough off, it's the last lot refute we're one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians auction string here. carrick, up as a oh, just a rough, rough southern casa. so the head, donalds, is here. the exit polls in south korea's parliamentary elections, such as the government could be facing a devastating loss. the
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big waves have produced big waves in western france. hey, everyone. so here's a prove, look at these waves crashing in here in this area of france, we saw there was winds pushed past the 100 kilometers prior. but i'll tell you what this is now dragging in some warmer air. so let's go to the northwest for a closer look, especially when we look at the u. k. look at this monday at 90 degrees, maybe 20 for you on thursday, but i think not. it's going to the mostly cloudy sky on thursday. now the real ones can be found in eastern europe. i mean romania look at the sun in the forecast and your temperature up to 27 degrees on thursday. here's where we run into problems at eastern side of turkey are pushing into northern iraq. there's been more flooding in or bill and mosul and we've got more rain falling over a top of these areas. meantime, for the other end of the mediterranean, a hot day for portugal, capital, lisbon, 28. it's almost 10 above where you should be for this time. of year and what
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weather dies out if you're a pretty much anywhere from elders to tripoli, we've got some showers and wind in the forecast here. as we dive to the south, we've got a very what day for. as in bob boy's capital, harry, some rounds of rain here, your temperature will fall in the days to come, but we're looking at a months worth of rain in 24 hours. so certainly saki conditions to be expected here. the, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village lives here retains it's charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties.
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the see what else is here? that headlines for you now on his riley strike has assassinated 3 sons and 3 grandchildren. a message physically the incomes that several members of his mail on the as finally were traveling in the north of this trip. and that vehicle was hit. bodies had been recovered from the scene open is very strong on central gone so which killed 14 people. children were among the victims of tuesday, evening tact. but that strike came just ahead of the 1st day of deed of mocking the end of the fasting, not to worship us,
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have been trained among the ruins of mosques, at least 58 people have died off to boats capsized off the coast of to boutique. it was on its way to him and now the 22 people had been rescued to a t is the main transit country for migrants from the if you're in somalia trying to reach gulf nations of many of them women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives when this boat capsized, at least 22 people have survived. an iowa in, in coordination in partnership with local authorities is helping to respond to the needs of those who survive. and of course help them to deal with that for me that they are facing. meanwhile, 3 children have died off a migrant boat capsized off the coast of the greek island appeals. their bodies were covered by the co scott, which also rescued 14 people, including 8 other children. greek media say they were old from afghanistan,
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and thousands of migrants have been rescued off the italian audit, the producer. 37 people were aboard a small boat when it came into trouble. the mediterranean sea saving safely transferred to the island for assessment. european parliament has approved an over hold of immigration policies, the hot an entry procedures for asylum seekers. the decision for those use of tensions and divisions requires old member states to share responsibility. charities on n g a say the reforms will not help migrant. some packages on the far right policies across you episode doesn't go far enough from that came reports from the a small boat is helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u
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. spanish officials, same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year, compared to the same period last year, which helps explain why the european parliament is just devoted to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the repeal union. we need to strengthen our common border because only soul can be also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international
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protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism. reform of the coming during repeating asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x to in the borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but a me here also, there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european population to our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations. they want less. this deal still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers, but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is
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a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of is going to k houses era bullet the the top us general in europe is won't congress that ukraine is about to run out of our territory shells. unless it receives more, americans support christopher calvin, he says that would leave t for valuable to partial total defeats in the war against russia. a multi $1000000000.00, a package for ukraine has been stuck in congress for months. the ukrainians had been husbanding their shells in anticipation of you know, the supply running out of congressman. they have been rationing them. they are now being out shot by the russian side, 5 to one. so russians fire 5 times as many artillery shells at the ukraine's then
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the ukrainians are able to fire back on that will immediately go to 10 to one. in a matter of weeks, we're not talking about months, we're not typing a talking hypothetically. at least 3 people have been killed and russian air attacks on the ukrainian, the reach of hockey. rescue as a continuing to search through the rubble for victims also has intensified its attacks and eastern new crating recent weeks. charles dropped the reports from the side of the attack. it's great in emergency services attending us. what you can see behind me is the destruction left by a so called glide bomb easiest, this new repub post soviet bill weaponry that certainly the ukrainians are saying that seeing the russians use a lot more in this area. big pay now is the so called double tap. the russians increasingly dropping ordinance like this on a given area,
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waiting around an hour or so waiting for the emergency services that are busy trying to. we believe get more bodies from under the rubble. quite julia arrive and then hitting them again. we understand that at least 2 people were killed in this attack. and as i say, there was a search on going full bodies on the level. well, that is my drama has reached out to their own fire. behind the shop, the house is on fire, my wife olga. a friend, the 14 year old child died there, but we don't know. maybe someone else is still under the rubble. suddenly the police tell us there's a rush and drove and above. we have to get in the bomb shelter inside of the grieves her daughter on the floor of the person killed in the attack, where around 10 kilometers from the russian border. you'll start to tell us that this village self is come under attack at least 10 times in the last 7 days. it is an indication of this escalation in russia. russian attacks across the border in
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the khaki region, charles stripe, i'll just 0 lips ski speed suits and he's all man's power. military rapids support forces have been fighting for nearly a year. the conflict has killed more than 12000 people and displaced about 8000000 is close widespread devastation, food shortages and original refugee crisis. even morgan reports from interest in eastern sit on with meditation groups are running out of aid, which used to be a school classroom, is now home to the jobs for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the para military rapids support forces, or r s f took over, wouldn't make any the state capital of to the, to the, the sounds of the word on did with a lot of explosions, and you get a free to stay. we got into i would car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food,
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no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital costume when the bathroom for control of sedans, thought that a year ago, between the city, news army and the rest half to the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the countries borders. another 1500000 people are refugee in neighboring countries, making this the largest displacement crisis in the world. for 1000000 of those displace our children the most in any country among them are my what about big concern was either because they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict, her eldest son had to drop out of school as a result he keeps talking about his friends who lived in the same neighborhood we used to live in and why they got the chance to finish their school year before the
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war started. but he didn't. they wrote out a cartoon, was tough, and we didn't have food. the children kept crying, and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the us refugee agency says the needs of the displaced are huge. but this, with a response to the international appeal for help. the thing with a very limited to for not young uh the sources we continue to provide for fiction and basic assistance to the id piece for this population, but also the to the house community. we also hope that with the doing of support will be able to, to more we are aware of what we are providing that really doesn't want to match with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd year of fighting has begun and there's no ends inside to the conflict or too many. so denise,
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reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he bum, oregon alta 0, the body of eastern sedan. the exit polls in south korea suggest opposition. parties are set for a big victory in parliamentary elections that are expected to gain $197.00 seats out to the total of $300.00 and the national assembly. the votes as seen as a referendum on the present unit. so q who's administration, soaring food process on the health care crisis are among the biggest issues that i just noticed came, has this update from so the people have spoken. and the 22nd problem entry elections and it's shaping up to be a disappointing night for the conservative people power party and president humans on yacht exit polls. point to a landslide victory for the main opposition democratic party, together with a new minor. so it will be building korea party, they could hold 2 thirds of a national assembly and wide power is that come with it. when.


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