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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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and still naturally released it trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is the around the hello there. i'm stuff you're paying, this is and use our line from the home. coming up in the next 60 minutes. is real assassinated 3 sons and kills full grandchildren and lots of political events and defined as mount honey says. this will only spring, some of the groups result of yet known as the biggest fold cases is underway. property type unit is facing the death type forces on highlight as well, rebels and me on law says military tray along that board. i'm john henry and in
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washington, where the bible administration has set the limits on so called forever chemicals and drinking water the well, it's now just off to 7, g and t, and we've been getting this news out in casa where israel has assassinated 3 sons, and killed the full grandchildren of the masses, politically, that is money and this has happened to be on the chest, the refugee camp in the north of this trip on wednesday, as well says that israel says that his sons were almost operatives and that they targets his vehicles that they were travelling in was the time comes at a time to wednesday's fine talks of being held. speaking to alger 0, he said that the killings would only hot in her mouth. as a result, he was there said it would not affect the groups to moms and cease find negotiations. on the inside. we will talk about the they believe that if they
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killer assessing id, it is all there. next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard. now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road. throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event. wait, hold off the line is a senior member of the law says political bureau and he says the assassination of honey is family members is an attempt by israel to the rail fees. find negotiations . latino from the beginning t was the doing the maximum to block or to undermine an insurance to each se, toyota agreement. and so he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community on sunday and tell them that it's really society. he is not
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using all the other did the tools, but he couldn't go out of children in our lives by the us. it's anything the leaders or some people into must close and live on on. he is insisting on undermining any strong storage. if he failed agreements, when i say to honey last one, hey joins us live now from rafa. and the southern part of the gaza strip honey beyond this assassination. we know that strikes to have been continuing across the strip. what have they been targeting a yes we're looking at is more of an intense the is really area tax across the gaza strip . but just since the mid mid night at about 12 o'clock, we're looking at more intensified attacks, including the artillery shilling and the gunboats of from the western part of the
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central air. only concentrated on then they'll say, right, refugee camp, that's the northern part of the central part of, of the gaza strip, where this is really military. this private was conducting unlimited operation, including a limited incursion of the territory is coming all the way from the area of why do you have that? that's at the entrance of, of a new site. right, right. you can more of the residential buildings have been targeted and destroyed, including other public facilities as well as an evacuation spencer. that's a school manage and operated by honor what, where hundreds of displays hausteen's have been shouldering inside the school reports, at least of a couple of the displays people were inside, were killed. and in addition to the people at the uh, the residential areas. uh, at the vicinity of the northern part of the evacuation center and the other buildings that were targeted including public facilities. we're looking at 5 people have been killed with several injuries, all transferred to and really exhausted medical facilities in their black city.
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that's the lock. so at hospital, the attacks or the intensity of attacks happened just within hours after the assassination of the children and grandchildren of how much political leaders vine at honey a. in a shot the refuge account that the beach rep is. you come into northern western parts of gaza city only when people were expecting a lit up in the tox across the, the gods through because it's the, these days mark the, the, at the support for people here as well as the in the country. 3 the what's going all the an intense bombing campaign that is still continuing to happen across the district. and honey, you'll in rough uh, a mid orders that we have seen. what looks like a scaling off of a trucks crossing the border there over the last few days. what sort of impact does not have a very
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well this 5, the a the, the increase in the number of 8 is trucks. entering the goths are within the past the 3 days of there isn't really much of a significant change on the ground or impact that has caused. people are still struggling with famine in the northern part. then got there, particularly after the, the, can, any, was failure of these really military to allow more smooth and more efficient of delivery of 80 from the no, depart, mainly we're talking about air. it's the crossings that these really monetary announcement was going to open as well. as the 4th in us do it to live more or trucks, but according to a statement by unit staff is the this, the announcement by these really prime minister and the military. none of the trucks have been allowed to across areas the crossing to the northern parts and gauze, and city. what people are relying on solely right now is a part of the a, the trucks that have been allowed to run across things that the,
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from the junction side and some of them made their way through the northern part and gaza city over old. the number of a trucks and the amount of a humanitarian aids that are not nearly enough to respond to the greater need that people are facing right now. in terms of the extreme shortage of medical supplies and food supplies and other survival items much needed right now. but typically early with the spread of famine in the northern part and goes city and the extreme shortage. and there are actually signs of starvation is started to be quite visible across, over a quote at southern part of this trip, hunting off with the, with the very latest for us from the ground in rough at thank you so much, honey. what we've also been hearing from the united nations agency for children unit stuff is now saying that one of its vehicles has been hit with live ammunition and a statement on x units have said that the vehicle was kicked for wasting to into northern
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garza. so far they haven't no reports of injuries to the agency, stuff. the agency has also added that it raised the incident with us. randy will star sees the statement went on to say that unless 8 was unprotected, in accordance with international humanitarian, legal aid cannot reach people in need or not scores and wrong con, he joins us now from occupied a story some around despite what are clearly ongoing security threats for aid. well, because i see that has been talk of potentially opening a new crossing something that agencies have been now quoting for a month. well, it's actually part of this as well as the salt houses. that question is us price of the americans. we've been playing tremendous amounts of pressure on these ratings to try and get more aid in both. but is a discrepancy in the type of a going in and the volume of a go into these ready site and will be 8 agency side by the judge and a boot of crossing guards as well. i will saying that there is this discrepancy.
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let me just explain to you what that is. when he's ready these pack a truck, they pack the truck haul full, so it makes it easier for them to actually inspect that truck then goes across a boulder where it's repacked to by either united nations or perhaps egypt. sions. and then that goes into cause that the reason that doing that is because those trucks, how full, i may need to be a lot more efficient. but that gives these readings jobs to blame. the united nations, to blame agencies for delaying derek dave. so the gives you these readings jobs, like we're giving you a, we're sending a ink, it's the united nations that stopping it from united nations been very clear. we have to repack these trucks or sending them in half empty because you want to inspect them. now remember that what about 500 trucks a day going through the various different crossings before or type something but wasn't a didn't was trade? so there was that all well established routes to get all of this 8 and the 8 agencies have been very clear, right?
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now what they say is that we have an operational capability. you've got the ability to get more rate and if you want, you'll simply stalling. i may blame use right? you squarely simone con, that was a very nice just for us from occupied is true. some thank you and run. well, that's not bringing lodgings to where he joins me in a studio here in the hunt. he's the director of the golf study center. i'd catch all university. i'm not doing styles and with what him on was just talking about that just how much of an impact highly us pressure had it is what we're seeing now . what looks like the skating off of a truck? is that down to washington? yeah, it is very, very, very low. i mean, we know that it is now the phone call it around one week. and yesterday we had this report saying that actually edy's was not open. and there is a discussion with those are in the military that they need to open a new role to, to those up as well. yes, that's nothing. you have a government do not want to collaborate. they don't want to enter to allow the a to get this into, is that because that is how he responds to the pressure of on him from that. isaac
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an, a government government. so that is, that's the way how he cannot say no, but he can go into the portal cuz he's saying because of that because of demonstration, i kind of opened this because of the united nation agencies. i cannot do this and reality, he doesn't want to do it now. well, in order to get aiden as well, that needs to be security for the aid work is you're absolutely trucks right then. and there was a deep conviction mechanism in place for 8 workers that katie didn't want to when we saw what happened with the wealth, central kitchen stuff for this was that also there is killing. so there was a review, right there was supposed to come up with a new system, but clearly that's not working either. absolutely or all state ages has agreed unimpressive. but that to get a into does that unit of security and the is, are, is i'm not committed to that because you need to make sure that those trucks, those people to be from the safe is where it is. say we kind of guarantee that.
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yeah, so how i mean you don't need ages and i don't that own work that has to be killed. i get so basically it is not only did a bit creates in cups because before the agency so, and that's it. so this one thing to that many kids, i mean, what i mean, someone would ask, what does about district definition of the united states for and policy? what is the, what is this effectiveness? what is the tune of pressure on as i have because the more they delayed is the model actually criticism to be, to washington, actually the than anyone else. because then this is a binding has come. it has as acknowledge that there is a crisis and he wants this to be solved immediately. while the button administration has been very vocal about what they view all their achievements in terms of persuading israel to allow 8 in 2000. now, one of the things that they've pushed back against on israel is the rasa offensive . there's and yahoo was saying that's going to go ahead. what does a huge offensive of that scale in the south mean? says a distribution across district,
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especially when we talk about the rasa crossing. this means basically another shot, the humidity area in the crisis, because basically 1500000 live in the what do you want to move them the 2nd day? what would happen to that age? would have come to enter them, know when would, when will send that on what? because to bring for them to what to, to the people on automate. this is so basically what they do is they are moving on there to start, digit starvation, killing, and destruction. there is nothing else become problem. so i think the question is, given all of this debate from between washington and london, other countries, what is this pressure? what are those tools to convince that then you or to push or put the pressure method, you know, to do something. because if i mean, for example, of a patient of population, it was an added line to the americans. now he talks about that nowadays they talk about, you know, we decided about the personally, the army said no, we are not that much. what about the, to why the way you allow him to talk about this as long as he's not respecting any
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of you to basically, i would say a devices from a friend or a close to friends likely united states. or as we speak about this, now they're all meant to be safe. 5 talks taking place, everyone's space to in reviewing the positions and, and coming back to the table, do you think people will come back to the table especially after what we saw with honey is family with i, you know, personally, there was a, you know, they very i would say, and serious discussions happen just off to the killing of the sons of when the grandson's and how much i'm, you know, there are very angry of, of what top it. but, but they are calculating the steps whether they withdrawal or not. the front of the go, she ation, which would be the pros and cons of everything. but what is obvious that many of the many kinds offset is where it is a, within the right to try to. i would say not acknowledge the responsibility. the ottoman said a political live at the know about it, and what is it going to say? we don't know about the position. so that's right. to create sort of
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a mess and how that position is done. but what is it, what does this leave that he goes? she ation is and basically, but there is a serious obstacles now concerning the number of people who are coming to the not concerning the a complete ceasefire. the last update happened last night where basically there was another proposal on the table to allow 150000 palestinians doesn't to come into the north without any kind of restrictions. now this number does not the response to the how much uh, basically a respond based or a request. so basically we still uh, you know, and in the process of just every, is there any, i'm not serious on that enclosure. i think it's obvious that it's because of the government members of the thing, you know, they don't. one seems to buy it at any time so well. not very encouraging dynamic steps that are not just very thank you for doing most again on the out of there and use out of
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the ukrainian region of call. keith has been under relentless russians on board. went over the last 2 days. the air raid sirens and explosions could be had from concave city ali on thursday morning. the man says it was struck by russian. the files on wednesday at 3 people were killed and another missed all attack. and the town of it see in northern khaki is charles top for it has this report from ukraine's khaki region. you know, the massive attack by russians, policies targeting various locations across the ukraine this morning. those areas include levine in the fall. west cave is operation. odessa, i'm here to talk if you find the 2nd largest city under wide a region, i suppose. it wouldn't be in around 4 35 o'clock in the morning where city was
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woken up by the sound of sirens. and it would have been about a minute later, i suppose, when the 1st explosions, we managed to capture a couple of the impacts on camera. we understand what you're looking at. that could well be some form of energy infrastructure that was being solved. and of course, russia has been targeting energy infrastructure right, the way across ukraine in recent weeks, in an escalation of those targeted attacks. certainly the local authorities here in the car keep of saying so far that no casualties have been reported. but they also saying that at least 200000 people, all without electricity this morning. and the metro system is also being put out of action. now, we were given red access to one of ukraine's largest electricity plants. now the authorities were very reluctance to give us full access in order to be able to show you the full extent of the damage to this part. because of the security concerns.
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this is our report. this is the off them off the russian ballistic missile on the tech, on the ukrainians, thermal electric pond. the power of these miss solves evident in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage do crating the energy infrastructure across the country that will need huge international help to build. russia says the surgeon is attacks, is revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. someone would say it's more tactical before a potential russian ponce de slid warm up them cuz the restoration we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with the western partner and our specialists are now in the baltic states with a transfer of their preserves equipment is being considered rather than you could
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look. this move of load footage we showed moments of to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you create in many of its islands. saves needs. patriot missiles more which a delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to ukraine fast and what you're going to hear there is another. and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest. so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water to millions of people across the country. it's being hit repeatedly by kind of causing trying since the beginning of the war. on march, the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile all the time. we had to the
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underground shelter, tired men and women sitting virtual silence. they spend an increasing amounts of the day hung could on the ground. alexa, as well to 21, use an incredibly, he and full. he's co workers who were here at the time, survived the attack, a whole parcel commercial button and then blow it up with the 1st. and then you're done to bandon work and equipment out of which and 2nd you to know for sure with the missiles, little kids to train them. so we stay by our machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions because when he was incredibly loud, it was so there was a flash enough for because we were so very close. i'm a sure i shake when i think like a bucket with my list. i'm on disburse. i'm you. so the work is get the oakley back to the dock on the plan. 10 minutes off to they begin work again. is another song. and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands
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of ukrainian subpoenaed during blackouts in recent weeks. the streets of some areas and cod keith, almost pitch black of them like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing with another attack could happen any time. charleston orthodontia zeros may have scott called keep regent ukraine. it now is yet to me is prophesied time, clear and concise. the death penalty if she's found guilty of embezzlement. a cold will deliver of audits for trauma alarm and a c 5 code used on thursday. and one of the country's biggest 4 cases line who is chair of major development funds, in fact, is accused of spending some $12500000000.00 from 5 on commercial bank over the spot of a decade. she denies the allegations and has brought the blame, subordinates. well, let's take a closer look at the campaign that led to this high profile trial. been almost
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communist party launched the anti corruption drive back in 2016 known as blazing furnace, led by the parties. equity general young proved from the ongoing campaign ames to tackle widespread corruption. all sectors have come under scrutiny. the communist policy itself, as well as the private sector, entered in real estate banking health care sector. describe town has led to a high turnover of political leaders to presidents and to prime ministers have resigned since 2016. hundreds of officials have also been disciplined with jailed. i'm gonna say this has caused a political instability on bureaucratic paralysis while that spring and micro tasking. here's the host of getting on weekly pumpkins to joins us now from huge human se, se, like, let's start with the trauma alon case, it's been incredibly high profile and feels like the government has decided to make an example of 5. the bit of a show trial wellness. can you tell us a little bit about her? i'd say she stops in her life setting cosmetics in a market with her mother. she's come a long way since then. the right um,
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that's the story i will use to. it's to be honest for her, and her family are quite obscure despite their cycle as well and her former welf, i suppose, and control of huge amounts of property in searching and sitting here very little is known about them. they really have no public profile. it's been selling and the media coverage of this before the trial, the same small handful of photos as being was being used. so really no public persona for her or her family. the little has known about some of it as a merger now, but how she came to acquire this mass of wealth. and it's very secretive despite being an incredibly powerful family. with the scale. when you look at the figure is involved in terms of the money is enormous. when she managed to take out what $44000000000.00 and learned prosecutions, the saying she even got had drive it to take out full $1000000000.00 in cash and keep it in her basement. how did this go on for how long it sounds by some accounts
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like it was a bit of an open secret? well, that's the yeah, that's the real question here. metamune, assuming these numbers are correct, we, we, of course, have no reason to doubt that this is clearly one of the largest financial crimes and in world history to what alone do me is history um, far larger, it's larger than alexis want them to be in malaysia. for example, um, but when one of the sort of side story is the best cases that the allegations that one drives a supervisor of this state bank of vietnam with about $5000000.00. basically it's half her entire supervisory team overlooks or ignore the violations going on that side on commercial banking is believe gently, expense people at the state bank knew this was going on um, you know, prior to 2022 then um, but were bribed to of the other way um, it's unclear whether this went beyond just not one team at the state bank. you know, we can only know what the government has announced. um, but yeah, i mean, we're almost amounts of cash. i mean, the cash transfers. um if, if again,
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if accurate, i mean these would have been hundreds of tons worth of cash, which again is a bit remarkable to think about. but yes, truly astonishing amounts of money going on here. it also sounds like with this trial, how open the government has been about sharing information around it. that's a little unusual. there's nothing in getting on what is behind the governments incentive here, so it's a putting her on, on trial so. so public key and yeah, it wasn't unusual up until about a year or so ago. this is kind of become a new development there within the encroaching campaign. and so last year there were 2 huge trials, largely public sector trials involving a couple of demick era scandals involving under the government officials is similar to this. the trial is recovered in granular detail by state media which has inside of uncommon here. um, you know, publishing security cameras where the jobs flush all this on the street receiving money. like we're sending a briefcase from people in
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a car for example. mm hm. uh so it's, it's clear they're kind of gone. smoking messages here is that we're going to air old. is there any dirty laundry um to make it clear. so people who maybe have, are, are considering similar behavior that we, we can find all of this house and prosecute you and put it all out on the pump for boulder consumption. so this campaign has been going now for nearly a decade. i'm curious as to what new thing is behind this big government push. is this being driven potentially by political incentives to try to safeguard the policy and public and go around corruption? that's it's, it's hard to say, i mean, there are, there's many ways to analyze it. the government here is a bit inscrutable, but that's kind of just how the system works. i think it's clear, there is some real desire to come by corruption. certainly the general secretary is a bit of a tradition. the list is, is very much believes the majority of the party and wants to return the party to
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some previous formats coming to us. so there is a real desire, at least in some, in some respects, to clean up the system. and some of these cases, the pandemic are ones i reference to really are really you did involve quite tedious corruption and kind of just praying on the database people. and there was good to say people to perpetrate about be punished. the private sector is a bit harder to read at times. clearly this contract case, you know, $12000000.00 in fraud that cannot go on punished. there are, you know, probably some valid arguments that some of this is as a political tends to it. but there is also clearly enormous amounts of corruption and fraud that does need to be cleaned up. like how to people in vietnam feel about the campaign. is there a sort of satisfaction of seeing people get to justice? i mean, we're talking about the death penalty potentially in this case. i imagine there must also be some frustration, especially if it's making things slow when it comes to bureaucracy to yeah,
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i think the cases it starts with the event of the top line and even some of the big political cases, honestly don't have a large impact on kind of the day to day lives of your average people. people are generally more worried about corruption in the form of, you know, traffic police taking bribes or having to pay extra for medical treatment for them to get a business license approval or something along those lines. and the jury is still out, i'm no pun intended. um for the trial today. i mean whether this campaign is sort of just reducing that street level of corruption. and i mean, things like the president resigning a, a month or so ago. i'm truly doesn't have a big impact on the day to day life of average person. so i think if long term it produces a lower level of corruption and that will certainly be welcomed by, by the average of each person who might go to task event. the highest of the vietnam became pub, cosby and to us from human city. thank you for joining us on the houses there and you sound like cool. thank you. are all still that has your head on out of their
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hands. haldeman votes to tyson, that's a sign and procedures often arise in migrant tests in the mediterranean. and reco salons are set to watson in russia, and because it's done with more than 100000 people now being affected, the big waves have produced big waves in western france. hey everyone. so here's the prove, look at these waves crashing in here in this area of france, we saw there was winds pushed past the 100 kilometers prior. but i'll tell you what this is now dragging in some warmer error. so let's go to the northwest for a closer look, especially when we look at the u. k. look at this monday 90 degrees, maybe 20 for you on thursday, but i think not. it's going to the mostly cloudy sky on thursday. now the real ones can be found in eastern europe. i mean romania look at the sun in the forecast and
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your temperature up to 27 degrees on thursday. here's where we run into problems that eastern side of turkey are pushing into northern iraq. there's been more flooding in or bill and most so and we've got more rain falling over a top of these areas. meantime for the other end of the mediterranean, a hot day for portugal. capital, lisbon, 28. it's almost 10 above where you should be for this time of year, and what weather dies out if you're a pretty much anywhere from elders to tripoli, we've got some showers and wind in the forecast here. as we dive to the south, we've got a very what day for, as in bob boy's capital, harry, some rounds of rain here, your temperature will fall in the days to come, but we're looking at a months worth of rain in 24 hours. so certainly, saki conditions to be expected here. the, the latest news as it breaks the message,
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they say they're going to carry on the details coverage. these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off. despite criticisms from allied from the heart of the story, everyone is terrified. thank you. shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months right now. nowhere is case and kind of seeing these are targeted and the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps in front bind battles. people in power shops, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the country's trouble history. on the phones, me and my on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the parking lot you're watching al jazeera and let's remind you about top stories here, the phone, and yet non appropriate type to in his own trial for fraud. and for the face, the death penalty if found guilty accords will deliver verdicts. virtual milan and a c 5 co accuse. and one of the countries biggest 4 cases new russian strikes on ukraine's 2nd largest city of concave, have left hundreds of thousands without electricity. concave has faced for length as from vitamins over the past few days. these where the army has assassination to 3 sons and killed the full grandchildren of how much was blissfully to several members of as much money as finally were travelling and moving garza on wednesday
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when the vehicle was hit and he says the killings will only strengthen a loss as a result without attack comes amid increasing criticism from the us of and benjamin netanyahu. his cause of policy can be how could, has worn out from the white house. us president joe biden made no mention of the strikes that claimed the lives of ishmael hernia. they have mos political leaders, 3 sons and grandchildren. however, he was asked about whether or not he was considering withholding military aid is real. and whether or not there could be a shifting us policy, the us president instead saying that he had spoken to the is really prime minister . and he was still withholding that decision, given the fact that he believes there is still time to see whether or not is real will meet us benchmarks. i have been very blunt,
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straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i b b and i have a long discussions. he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies, both food and medicine in the guys, and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taking in the regions. now on thursday, us president by then in addition to japanese, prime minister casita will also be joined by philippines president ferdinand marcos, junior for a tri, lateral summit. the focus will be on china's aggression in the south china sea. but the issue of israel's war on gaza is also expected to dominate. kimberly help it, al jazeera,
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the white house parliament has improved and over the whole of integration policies, which makes it hard up for asylum seekers to into europe. this decision, it follows is of divisions and requires old member states to share responsibility. charges and engineers say that reforms will not help my grandson, refugees will fall right. parties across europe say they don't go far enough. dominant came reports now from balance. a small boat has helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials. same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. which helps explain why the european parliament is just invited to change its assignment policy. it is
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crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the repeal union. we need to strengthen our common border because only soul can be also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism. reform of the coming during repeating asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean,
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and not at any of your p and x 2 in the board as because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the external voters, european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european population to our borders. must be closed, our people don't want more migrations, they want less. it will. this still still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers, but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of is the one that came houses, era bullet, federal is fighting me and i was going to say government forces appeared to a flag, a border region officer. they took it out as a surveillance husband escalating the of the board to town. they have me
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a while to tie soldiers had been patrolling that area and with civilians from me and law have been trying to flee. alliance of antigua into rebels has made advances against the military over recent months. 20 trying has this report for us from the ty city of mason, near the me on my border and close to the fighting. as we understand the male body on the other side of the me and mobile that has now full. and we heard that from a current statement this morning saying that they had defeated patel in 275, which was the last holdout. overnight. they said they go there at 10 p and in there at 10 pm last night, that does appear to be a force of about 200 soldiers from 44th light infantry who being holding out. and we think they are the bridge just over here. now let me give you a sense of what's going on over here. behind me, you can see the time for the crossing. there are a couple of tie home these here with tie soldiers,
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most of whom have now retreated into the shade. they arrived here about 2 hours ago when report started arriving the, the most soldiers that go to the other side of the bridge. now if we go a little further, you can see the bridge in the distance very faintly, and probably too hard for the camera to see is a plume of smoke going up in the background. we would down the about 40 minutes ago and code here. some put costs if booms across overhead, so it sounds like that may well be as strikes going in at the moment. the time miller to we spoke to said they had also heard tillery so the piece of the consent of the civilians. we've spoken to this morning who have play across into thailand. the strikes would follow, the position of these military post is coming true. but if i can turn the camera to the other side, we can give you a really good sense of why this place is so important. this is the container pulled
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the call, get pulled through which all the goods pause. and you can see, contain a trucks lined up waiting to go across. they are actually still going across the border. in fact, we saw 2 liquid gas contain is going across. and so what is effectively alive baffled zone so that, you know, people are still prepared to take the risk, but this is a bold crossing that sees a $1000000000.00 worth of goods pos over every year. the ties will be really concerned that if there has been a transition from the military genta to the rebels, the this remains open the top, the business still goes across. but similarly, the military ginger and that the door will be deeply concerned. this is now full and out of the hands. it's a vital source of revenue for a military that now look to be in really serious trouble. while the united states and japan have an ounce cartons for a new joint ad defense network in partnership with the stray lea,
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a presenter biden hosted the japanese prime minister for mucous either for state visit at the white house on wednesday by them said wednesdays announcement represented the closest collaboration between the 2 nations and decades. they also discussed with career intentions with china and lisa on thursday at biden, in case you that will also be joined in washington by philippine president funding unlock australia for us and japan, or supporting the philippines and its territorial disputes with beijing. in the south china sea. barnaby. lo has more than that for us from the philippine capital, philippine and chinese coast guard vessels had been regularly out maneuvering each other into south china sea over the past year. or recently, the chinese had been firing water cannon causing damage to supply boats of the philippine navy. an injury to prove members. the analysts say the confrontation has pushed the philippine leaders to strengthen partnerships by
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laterally and now multilaterally with the united states and japan. japan and the philippines are at the center of all the emerging geopolitical conversations in the western pacific. the of the east china see the west philippine sea and at the same time, cross street relations. leaders of the 3 countries are set to meet in washington on april 11th for summit, the builds on the recent engagements. last june, their coast guards held drills into south china sea. and in the speech to the philippine congress, japan's prime minister announced that the philippines would be the 1st beneficiary of the japanese security assistance program and saturday. but of course, that i told you all the, i know the harder mart quarterly president, my gosh, this tech farmer legacy shows for other people can access agreements between philippines and defend forces. because since then, japan has moved further away from its longstanding pacifist policy. the japanese
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cabinets recently approved the export of next generation fighter jets. china has denounced what it calls us interference in the region. sometimes make war with us has traveled halfway around the world to china, still states to form exclusive circles, flicks muscles in my publications. these are awesome that had demonic activities, chinese for administer warranty and barked on his own charm offensive last month with a visit to new zealand and australia. s. u, a secretary of state anthony, blinking, attended the summit for democracy in south korea, mostly. and we have for us to best commitment in vanilla, china's warrant the philippines against manipulation by the us president for the end of august junior, insist philippines isn't making itself upon. dfcs is building a lions. this with like minded countries to advance a shared interest for a free and open in the pacific bond, even though alger 0 as well as you have that, that summit between the us of japan and the philippines will be heavily focused on
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defense. both took care. i'm going to lot are looking to buy more high tech weapons for them and that trays, how defends, how does the alex, with helpless breaks down what the 2 countries have been buying and why? and those races underway and asia depend and the philippines are strengthening the armed forces in the face of north korea's missile tests. and time is rise as a regional super pop in december. depending those, the 320000000000 dollar high can defend spending the biggest to move the need to use the shopping list as extensive, long range line to tack cruise missiles, able to destroy targets, move a 2000 kilometers away. more advanced submarines, a next generation flight to jets. it's also looking to turn these helicopter carriers into light aircraft carriers. this would allow f 35 still just to fly missions fall from home. dependence also investing and will patrick defense batteries and placing them on the islands throughout the archipelago. the
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philippines is concerned by china as intimidation. tactics in the south. china sea is both 3 batteries of india is ramos, the anti should missiles. what are the fastest, most powerful cruise missile in the world and place an order for american hop who's and to shoot myself as well as high miles or high mobility artillery walk in systems. both japan and the philippines on now hoping the new weapons training is strengthening of defense toys. but the united states will be enough to detect china from any form of military action in the near future. severe floods are affecting towns and cities across southern russia and cause it's done off to europe the longest for the best. it's banks, more than a 100000 people have been forced to free their homes. the water level of the euro river in the southern city of orange back is also reached record highs as you, there's a lot of out now reports to in times this is and the villages are in the volta people here. hope they'll be able to salvage, at least part of that prophecy,
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but as little hope left for the residents of the flooded sab zip over in bag. on the 5th of april, people evacuated as best as they could, but there was no warning. we monitor the water level of the euro river, but it's impossible to assess the damage. now houses are flooded. we also give you a far as he's not to forget about us. how can we now prove that we live to many of our documents have been lost? how can we simplify the issuance of benefits? a legitimate has been unsuccessfully tracing a visiting official from most a task and what is next for him and his family very far to 1st what to what i wanted to find out from the authorities, whether they would be any help for restoration or compensation. they say they will give us $100000.00 roubles, but only off to conducting an examination. but what kind of examination of the going to do everything is on the goals and now you can serena, the mother of full was hoping the votes, i would bypass the village together with her husband. they took
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a mortgage last year. now she says her family is homeless, her go through. oh yeah, put them around for you in the afternoon last friday and my husband called me crying cause to just drop avarice and then getting the car get out because there always will be flow that in 15 minutes and you'll get trapped. so we left everything behind all the equipment, all of the closes, my whole life started from scratch, probably 2 weeks for whatever we could household appliances and televisions into the asset because the water was rising. we saw the neighbors caused floating before now eyes the road got covered with water and we immediately began evacuating. most people was folks who blamed bill, so she's for negligence. but they are reluctant to express the criticisms on camera at present many residents. he is say that dealing with the situation long to be on the without enough help from the all source, he's, as the crisis is unprecedented. i know such a large scale. but the general feeling here is that people's anger and outrage
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about the way the all sorts who is handling the situation will wind zone as soon as the water levels killed and few lessons will villa. and meanwhile, the flooding is spreading to new areas. several rivers have buzz that funks in the southern heroes and side vera, bringing more human stories of despair and hopelessness. you leadership of all of us, ultra 0, orient bug russia. the usaa authorities are limiting the amount of the dangerous p fast chemical that's allowed in drinking water is also used in the production of non stick ponds and other products, but is linked to diseases including cancer. john henry reports for the 1st time the us who said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals, entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities and harmful to our economy. the us environmental protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly floor, ro,
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elk. a little substances are expected to protect a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands of serious illnesses in depths. i raised my children on this water, a 130000 parts per trillion. a total p fast is the current estimate that we likely drank every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future, and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion or dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p 1st found in such products as non stick pins, firefighting foam and water proof clothing had been linked to cancer and other serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types, and they're found in half of americans drinking water supply. and according to the
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us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divide and administration has focused on clean water following the discovery of water heavily polluted with lead over the past decade, especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson mississippi and elsewhere. environmental watch dogs and prosecutors. a manufacture here is new, the compounds were dangerous and here's a go for years. companies have dumped p. fos, and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers. even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing, the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water infrastructure. john henry and l g 0 . washington. violet is an environmental autonomy and he says the if he is new limit is a big win for environmental health advocates. this is
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a really historic day for public health in the united states. you know, we're, we're finally having the top environmental protection agency here in this country, announcing enforceable drinking water limits for some chemicals that are incredibly toxic persisted by a cumulative summer carcinogenic. and it's taking decades to get here. but we finally have these rules going into effect. um, you know, unfortunately this information was covered up in withheld from sciences, from regulators from the public for decades. and over many, many years. there were a lot of folks that spent a lot of time trying to get this story out and get it to the scientific community, the regulators in lawmakers and we're seeing the result of that today. it took us way too long to get here. i think i 1st notified us cpa in 2001 about
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this problem yet. here we are, but never the less. this is a great day for public health in the united states. these are federally enforceable drinking water standards. now that need to be actually complied with across all 50 states, you know, up to now the states, some states have tried to move forward and enforce drinking water standards for these chemicals. the companies were fighting back even suing some of the states. but now we have an enforceable federal standard that will apply across the country that a huge, a well still a head here on out a 0. how the enforcement of the 19th century, little binding emotions in arizona has become an electrical threat to republicans in the us. the lines of ethnic on groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries,
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since the 2021 with the exclusive access to remote camps and frontline bundles shops. the progress of an idea. at least the young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones, the in my, on the, on the roads on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. now, arizona supreme court has ruled a 160 year old little banning abortions is enforceable with the state court domination by republicans itself
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a political storm that could have them vacations front of them. this presidential election prob reynolds, has republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically following the state supreme court abortion ruling. as the republican candidate for senate in arizona carry lake, a favorite of donald trump was old for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened, lake says she opposes it. as soon as trump saying the situation in arizona would be, quote, straightened out, but boasting about his role in over turning a constitutional right to abortion. people actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the
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most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling. republicans here in arizona are consistent. they are complicit in this band and in a nation wide attempt to band access to the range of reproductive health care from contraception to a portion to i v f. they don't plan to stop until our rights are gone. to light arizona's democratic governor called it a dark day. i am calling on the legislature to do the right thing right now and repeal this 1864 ban and protect access to reproductive health care. president jo button also denounced the ruling which does not make any exceptions for cases of race and incest on the issue of a horse in service back. what do you say to the people in arizona right now or where the thing a lot going place? the dates back to the civil war here. elect me. i'm in a 20 so 20th century 21st century. not back then. arizona is
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one of the most crucial swing states in this year's election in abortion rights referendum will likely be on the states ballot in november, energizing democrats in a boon for vide. meanwhile, women's health providers are dismayed in disconcerted the 19th century law calls for jail terms of up to 5 years for anyone for forming an abortion. today's band criminalizes me from providing a central health care to these patients until their life is at risk. the court says the law will be stayed for 14 days before it goes into effect. rob reynolds, l, g 0. the different logic format from ecuador has rained on the next can embassy and quito is growing. at least 3 ecuadorian ministers was summoned before a commission for questioning, which quickly became he to police rate at the embassy last friday to arrest ecuador . as a former vice president who had glass, he was granted political asylum by mexico off to being twice convicted of
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corruption. meanwhile, glass himself has gone on hunger strike in protest against his arrest at the mexican embassy. his lawyer also says he attempted suicide while in prison. earlier this week, the presence of a says he was taken to hospital on monday, after he refused to eat food and became l. caused them all as president has issued a natural disaster decoration to mobilize more cruise to tackle launch forest finds move in 45 as a currently binding. one of them close to the capital president panada revellers has it most of the claims wisconsin by people and that the investigation, the source of the fines come uses in australia were given a surprise as a train station on friday night. i have looked at this, a security video shows a race horse entering the platform and joining a group of people waiting for their ride home. the horses are not eventually arrived to bundle him back. the head of sidney is tre,
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network says no one was homes. and a passenger was just posting around for that. so for me, the saw the asset. this news i've done going, i'll be back in just a moment. just want to stay with the reporting from the actual how do you have a great winning hearing to fox? how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store. why have american evangelicals become, his real strongest factor? is us president joe finding right to stand with this really with no red line?
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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line s pain edge is closer to recognizing it, palestinian state prime minister petro sanchez. this at the forefront, calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law. what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground is flexible and an immediate cease firing call . so there's an urgency to stop disturbing war and to open a new phase of stability piece for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l g 0. the holding fee to account as we examine the us, its role in the on alger 0. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world,
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100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 developed luis, haven't that goes through the roof. the crossing in recent months, our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the israel assassinated 3 sons and it kills full grandchildren from us as politically that's defined as well. he says this will only strengthen the goods result, the air and associates. hey mrs. elder, they are like from the also coming. unicef says one of the vehicles was fired upon
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it while trying to enter northern garza to speak to someone in not call hundreds


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