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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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me some sort of a sweet 100 on luis. having said going through the bumps the crossing in recent months, i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the israel assassinated 3 sons and it kills full grandchildren from us as politically that's defined as well. he says this will only strengthen the group's results. the other and associates, hey mrs. elder, they are at life from the also coming. unicef says one of its vehicles was fired upon it while trying to enter northern garza to speak to someone in not call hundreds across from the law to thailand,
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parental fight to say they see it's an important trading town on that board. and reco shots all set to western russia and catholics down with more than a 100000 people being affected will have more from southern rush. the probably begin in gauze on israel has assassination to 3 sons until the full grandchildren, a mazda is politically the. it smells in a that attack happens of the all shots, the refuge account in the north of the strip on wednesday. israel says that his sounds will have lost or pretends that it targeted vehicles that they were traveling. and now this attack also comes at a time when cx, 5 talks are being held. speaking to al jazeera, he has said that the killings which are in the heart and how much does result. he also said it would not affect to the groups demands and says find negotiations that we with the they believe that if they kill or assessing id, it is all there. next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon
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all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now result, make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road, throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event. who will boss a name is a senior member of the law says political bureau. he says the assassination of india is family members is an attempt by israel to the rail says find negotiations . and the can you hold from the beginning, he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine any shots to reach if he failed, i agreement. and after he had spent the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the national community and from then tell them that it's what you mean society. he is
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now losing all the other, did the tools. but he couldn't go out to children in our lives, by uh us as anything the leaders or some people in the must course and live on on. he is insisting on undermining any strong storage if he failed agreements. well, that's bringing correspondent, honey enough when he joins us live from rough at and southern gaza. honey beyond this assassination, you were telling a story that strikes have been continuing across the strip focus through what they've been targeting. this is, will the assassination of how much political leaders funds and in grand children, mark the beginning of an intense bombing campaign more concentrated in the central area. and just for monitoring how the situations have been unfolding since midnight of it,
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since 12 o'clock midnight has been increasing exponentially. we'll look at increased air raids on the central area mainly on the site right refugee camp and under give a coverage of, of years price and not constant artillery selling. there's been a military push at the know during the for, at the northern part of the rest of the cam. and as of the vicinity of why the heads up area, an area that was designated as a safe area for people to take in order to move to further southern part of the guster. but the initial week of the word, the intensity of the bombing taking place right now at very consistent with the reports that we're getting from the central area as well as a statement made by a radio station associated with this really military. the right now is really military is a preparing for a limited a round operation in the area of and the site on refugee kansas, a block through the northern part of why do you as the, the just remind our viewer that is really military when it's announced it's
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withdrawal from the southern part of this trip. it kept one entire brigade at the area that separates dogs into northern part of, from the southern part of district mich, better known as the mid 3 junction. and it's about half an hour away from the students from the area have an hour to drive very short time, very close to the area. 4 days really monitor is deployed at if that proves it in the area. but what we're getting right now is confirmed reports. 1 a beginning of a military operation in the central area, including the that's directly uh, targeted targeting the, the, the review can the area of why this was the, was from part of it. this is all coupled with the presence of a taca drones and a targets. why get a very low level here in overcrowded drop by city, just pausing, wave of panic and concern along with the growing the threats of expanding the military
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a operations in throughout by city news you say your in rough uh we have seen more a trucks make it into garza through that crossing over the last few days to go through what sort of impact that's had if any is we'll just, let's start with what's going on right now. the fact that that is really military announced that it is allowing more ada trucks. students are the god system is. this is an indication that is one has used food as a weapon to collectively punish palestinians across the gastric. since the beginning of the worst visit, impose the total sees that it prevented not only food supplies and medical supply, the for mentoring, but other survival items necessarily needed for it to help people compact these difficult conditions. but we're looking at right now on daily basis for the past, the 3 they close to a $170.00, to $280.00 trucks being allowed to entered the gall, this trip number of the, the trucks made its way through the pot and goes up,
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but not nearly enough to respond to the growing grave situations and the greater demand that people are having right now is there is extreme shortage of medical supplies, food supplies, and other survival items, desperately need to write down. while at the same time, people in the northern part of the city are struggling with acute fam and it's spreading everywhere already causing the death of almost 30 people right now because of the enforced the hydration and his tar vision. eunice have made a comment about these really announcement of last week to that it was going to allow a uh, one land crossing thats areas just for more of sufficient the flow of a human a terry and add a port that is good for that will be open to receive a human to 3, but as of now it's almost 5 days. uh since the announcement, none of the trucks made it through air crossing to the gaza strip. hunting the once the with a very nice just for us from the ground from rough that thank you very much honey.
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we've also been hearing more from the you and the children's agency and your stuff is now saying that one of its vehicles has also been hit with live on munition and a statement on x. it said it's a vehicle was hit while waiting to enter. northern garza so father on the reports of any injuries to the agency stuff. the agency also added that it has raised the incident with his brand new authorities and went on to say that unless 8 was all protected in accordance with international humanitarian, joel. a cannot reach people in need. well we can now speak to test ingram. she is as folks pass in for unicef, she joins us on skype from rafa and southern gaza tests. i believe you were actually in not vehicle during the shooting incident. what happened? a yes i was, i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unit and row. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and life
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saving nutrition and medical supplies to come on one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point where the gaza this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there when done, fire broke out in the vicinity. the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point and the gun fire hit us. we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the co checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our i'm a vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass. so the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how on site cities came out of terry. and i work isn't how, you know,
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missions like these are made it impossible. all tests are very, very pleased to see that you are indeed safe and that no, none of your colleagues what, what had, let me off. you say that this 5 seem to come from the check point itself hasn't been any acknowledgment of responsibility. i know you raised this with these radio authorities and yes, we re sit with the relevant. this is rarely authorities. we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident, the units of stuff have experience during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost serious incident, but it's not isolated. the site is not guaranteed even when we type all of the required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that test. i was supposed to be a review part to cause of to the wild central kitchen attacks. what's actually changed in practice since then look,
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i think that this incident tells us that but not very much, we will put in harm's way on a coordinated mission that we received a safety assurance for it was none at all for us, for us to be that at that holding point, and yet gun fiber account in the area putting out stuff at risk. and not only that's not the only problem that is mid the mid shouldn't have to be avoided because we tried to proceed. we will continue to be delayed even up to the shooting for so long, but we have to turn around and go back to ralph are, and so those last serving supplies never made it to the children. and those casa tests, just a couple of days ago that you were saying that there are some 1200 a trucks waiting to enter garza, these really is have been saying that the un is the obstacle from your own personal experience. what is actually been the hold up? so the hold up continues to be the very long and complex screening process that
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takes place. we know that the trucks are still waiting to come in. there's been a slight increase in the number of i'd trucks embrace in days. nothing meaningful west sofa, beloved, the number of trucks that we need to, to resolve this issue. and no one example is we don't get access to the i once it's been screened at all times. we are already getting that designated times to move that even though it's slow, it's complicated. there are so many rules that prevent us from moving quickly and, and taking that i to the children and families, but need to test, given the hold ups that you've just described on the security situation that you were telling us about earlier. can you talk a little bit about about the impact of, of the risks and the threats against your staff, how that's impacting go right operations there in terms of actually getting that a to people. so yeah, and i think this is a really important point because of course we're asking from all right,
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and we desperately need that. i have to come in, but it's the operating conditions on the ground on conducive to delivering that. i will then that's a problem too. so we need to make sure that these 2 problems are resulted in unison, that we get more 80 and then the challenges that we face on the grounds results that is of course safety. we need to know that when we get a safety assurance for emission that that is going to be respected and our power is not going to be shots. we was so lucky that our colleagues will inside the vehicle . then of course we need improvements in telecommunication. so we can properly one day distribution, we need to make sure that we have enough trucks and snow inside garza to manage those distributions. so there's a really long list of things that can make a distribution easier and more efficient and faster. but at the moment we're kind of big, have good from all angles in this book, but, and test before i let you go, that has been torque and recent day is about potentially opening the crossings. i know that's something that unicef and other agencies have been calling for now for
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months. what are you hearing you optimistic that any more a might be getting in through a different land crossing potentially in the coming weeks and months with every day that goes by suits. that announcement was made that error is what i've been. i've become myself to mistake which statements before the promises have been made but not being kept. it's so important. so i, so i'm refusing to think about how we need the prospect ipad. we need to be able to bring a directly into the area or in those kinds of way. we know that children in dying of mountain nutrition. so international pressure must be sustained to make sure that the promises catch the error of these items. and it's always going to scale for as long as we need it. test ingram, the unit test spikes pass and speaking to us from rasa and southern goals that thank you so much for joining us on ours. is there a test? we're relieved to know that you and your colleagues are safe and we wish you all the best with your a. thank you. i'll still head for you here on out of here in the struggle to keep
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the lights on your car and scrambles to protect its facilities. and the call key region often overlook disruption strikes the hey there. while this incredible stretch of warrants continues across the eastern europe, let me show the good stuff. for many i look at this bucharest, full on sunshine, temperature at 28. that's what it should feel like in the middle of june. so we've got some summer heat going on here. a few showers we can find toward the eastern side of the turkey uh, eventually through the south as well. so on tale may catch a few drops with a height of 20 degrees today on thursday. also hop for the other side of the mediterranean list, been 28. that's about 10 above where you should be for this point in april. and we do have somewhat weather diving out of europe. so rain chance is anywhere from
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elders right through to tripoli. let's go to the northwest right now. it's pretty easy, but this is a warmer wind, dragging in warmer era here. so london, 18 paris 18. but it will be a mostly cloudy sky. okay. back to africa. we go, wins are also dragging sand and dust across. that's the heart rate through to the canary islands. so hazy conditions to be expected here and another windy day, up and down the eastern cape province in south africa. durban, looking at wind gusts, about 60 kilometers per hour. remember, it was just a few days ago. we had that wind storm in cape town, so we could see something similar. and buckets of rain falling in some ball boys, capital herrera. so just now there is the threat of some flooding here in the, in the lines of ethnic on groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most contest since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and funk bind
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baffles shots. the progress of an idealistic young generation of ripples as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones. the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, on demand you're watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories, the salad. these really only has assassinations at 3 sons and killed the full grandchildren of a mass has put us fully to several members of his mouth. he has found me were travelling in northern gauze on wednesday when the vehicle was hit. he says the killings were on the strength and from us as
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a result. soon i say the nations agency for children says that one of at some vehicles was hit with a live i munition. you just have to send the vehicle. is it while waiting to enter an open gauze on the agency also added it has raised the incident with his manual socrates. a severe funds are affecting towns and cities across southern russia and catholic stone. after you are the longest with best its banks. more than a 100000 people have now been forced to free their horns. the water level of the euro river in the southern russian city of arn back has reached record heights and officials say that the west is still yet to come in some places. well, that's go straight to giving yourself a lot of actually joins us now from the village of nursing cabinets near the one of the hardest hit city is the russian city of armed bag. usually i understand that's not actually the river behind you and the river some kilometers away. what are you
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seeing? yeah. as well, you're absolutely right. the euro, a river actually carries it small to is to, to let me says from here. and what is behind me is bit flood zone and this is the village of nation. got. it's not far away from the city of oregon bug near the apple, or does he tube over in bug. and you can see behind a, uh all those partially so much houses and funds. uh, well, partially, some of them have been completely sub match. so, um, let me show you what's behind to be uh, basically tens of thousands of houses have been flooded here in oregon bug and throughout the or in that region. the water level right now in the you will revise . it has reached 10 meters and everybody was expecting p called the dissolves to yesterday, but seems like it's still to come because there's no continues melting. so
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basically we were visiting the 2nd largest city of oscar recently and that a down bus and resident say that's the whole story. it says to warn them ahead of that and about the danger and the roles that came so quickly in the, in the houses and in the residential building. so they, they just basically had to run away us as quickly as it could with the children and downs, leaving the belongings, documents, and even animals. right now we understand that the bows have become the main means of transportation, not just here, but everywhere in or in burgundy, or in the region and in the neighboring regions. and i am quarter gun and the 2 men regents as well as in kazakhstan. so we will, i can say, well, i can tell you of course, imagine c ministry that they, what day and not here, but i mean those f, it's not enough. and people,
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it works for continue or is people here. and all of them say that they basically have to cope by themselves because the expense, the scale disaster is so massive. and of course, if it is still to come, it continues. i mean, the waters continue to rise and we just have to wait and see how it's coming to play out here. but we'll certainly continue monitoring this very closely on down to 0 units of, of, of, of, of the, on the ground for us in the middle of the flood zone that in southern russia. thanks. judy. well, the you canyon region of call here has been on the relentless russians on boston. it over the past 2 days. the air raid sirens and explosions could be had from khaki city ali on thursday morning. the mass says it was struck by russian missiles on wednesday, 3 people were killed and another missile attack. and the town of it see in northern calkins, child stratford has this report for us from the khaki region,
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or another massive attack by russians, policies targeting various locations across the ukraine. this morning. those areas include levine in the fall. west cave is operation. odessa, i'm here to talk if you find the 2nd largest city under wide a region, i suppose. it would have been around 4 35 o'clock in the morning where city was woken up by the sound of sirens. and it would have been about a minute later, i suppose, when the 1st explosions, we managed to capture a couple of the impacts on camera. we understand what you're looking at. that could well be some form of energy infrastructure that was being solved. and of course, russia has been targeting energy infrastructure right, the way across ukraine in recent weeks, in an escalation of those targeted attacks. certainly the local authorities here in the car keep of saying so far that no casualties have been reported. but they also saying that at least 200000 people,
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all without electricity this morning. and the metro system is also being put out of action. now, we were given red access to one of you cranes largest electricity plants. now they are far too, as well, very reluctance to give us full access in order to be able to show you the full extent of the damage to this part. because of the security concerns. this is rippled this is the off them off of the russian ballistic missile attack on the ukrainians, thermal electric pond. the power of these missiles, evident in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukrainian energy infrastructure across the country that will need huge international help to build. russia says the surgeon is a taxi's revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them say it's more tactical before
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a potential russian ponce de up with one of them because the restoration, we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with the western pod, nicer and our specialists are now in the baltic states where the transfer of their preserved equipment is being considered. rather than you can do this mobile phone, which we show to moments of, to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its islands. se needs patriot missiles more, which a delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a. and a slow response by other friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to your crane fast. and that's what you're going to hear. there is another and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also
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this was once one of the largest. so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of colors, the trojan since the beginning of the war. on march, the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile all the time. we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sits in virtual silence. they spend an increasing amounts of the day hung good on the ground. alexa as well to 21, use an incredibly he and all his co workers who were here at the time survived the attack, a full parcel commercial button, and then blow it up with the 1st. and then you're done to band and work and equipment out of which and 2nd will need to know for sure what the missiles will have to train them. so we stay by your machines before hiding at the last moment we . it's hard to describe the size of explosions so that when he was incredibly loud,
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it was still there was flash enough for because we were so very close. i'm a sure i shake when i think of a barcode with melissa columbus. the 1st time you saw the work is get the oakley back to the dock on developing a diploma. 10 minutes after they begin work again, is another song. and they have to head back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have painted during blackouts in recent weeks. street. so some areas and called keith, almost pitch black to me like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. no. with another attack good happens. any time. chelsea drop it down to 0 is me, it's got caught, keep reaching ukraine. the rebel is fighting me and laws. dentists, a government forces appeared to have fled to a border region officer. they took it over the violent husband escalating near the
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board. a town of near wadi ties soldiers had been patrolling, match area where civilians for me on law have also been trying to flee. and alliance have entered into rebels has made as long as against him and a treat in recent months. trying to try and has this report for us from the time for the city of may salt to me and me on the we understand the me a while the on the other side of the me and my board, it has now full and we heard that from a current statement this morning saying that they had defeated patel in 275, which was the last holdout. overnight. they said they go there at 10 p and in there at 10 pm last night. that does appear to be a full us of about $200.00 soldiers from $44.00 light infantry who being holding out. and we think they are the bridge just over here. now let me give you a sense of what's going on over here. behind me, you can see the type of the crossing. there are a couple of tie humvees here with tie soldiers, most of whom have now retreated into the shade. they arrived here about 2 hours ago
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when report started arriving, that the most soldiers that go to the other side of the bridge. now if we go a little further, you can see the bridge in the distance very faintly, and probably too hard for the camera to see is a plume of smoke going up in the background. we would down the about 40 minutes ago, and could here's some put costs if booms across overhead. so it sounds like there may well be strikes going in at the moment. the time miller to we spoke to said they had also heard tillery so it appears that the concerns of the civilians we've spoken to this morning who are flying across into thailand. the strikes would follow the possession of these military post is coming true. but if i could, and pat and the camera to the other side, we can give you a really good sense of why this place is so important. this is the container pulled
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cargo, pulled through which all of that goods pause. and you can see, contain a trucks lined up waiting to go across. they are actually still going across the border. in fact, we saw 2 liquid gas containers going across and to what is effectively a live baffled zone. so, you know, people are still prepared to take the risk, but this is a bold crossing that sees a $1000000000.00 worth of goods pos over it every year. the ties will be really concerned that if the has been a transition from the military to into, to the rebels, the, this remains open the top, the business still goes across. but similarly the military ginger and that the door will be deeply concerned that this has now fallen out of the hands. it's a vital source of revenue for a military that now look to be in really serious trouble. getting to me is profit change hiker and can face the death penalty if she's found guilty of embezzlement. according to the level of addicts for trauma alon and ac,
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5 code 2 is on thursday. and one of the country's biggest 4 cases. and who is the chair of major and develop a lunch? and thoughts is accused of swindling $12500000000.00 from 5 on commercial bank. i've been spun of a decade. she denies the allegations and has all the blame subordinate to south korea's liberal position has secured a decisive when in parliamentary elections there smoking a major blow to the president given such you the democratic party's games are being seen as an expression of discontent over the government's handling of a cost of living crisis and a space of political scandals. unit skim reports now from some more than 29000000 ballots have been counted from wednesdays, elementary election in south korea, and they've handed a resounding defeat to the president's people. power party effectively making use um yes, a leading duck is parties interim director about out communities is normal if you


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