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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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from delivering on the 4th was the price of all is on order 0. the at least 5 palestinians are killed in the i'll new sarah, the refuge account. he's randy met at tree says it still wants to overnight operations targeting central calls on the hello understands the attain. this is i'll just hear out like from the also coming unit that says one of his vehicles was fired upon while trying to enter northern gauze. the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then ran away from the check point and the gun 5 feet off, rack, or sands on set to wesson in russia. and has its dawn with more than a 100000 people effected on hundreds across from me. and monta, thailand, rebel 5,
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to say they've ceased and enforcement trading town on the board. the we begin in central garza where at least 5 palestinians have been killed and it is rarely strike on the only set road refugee camp. several others are also injured in that attack, which targeted a school and a residential building. these really minute treat, released a statement saying it's going to organize operations in central garza and says they've begun on the outskirts of the only sarah refuge account. and run con, standing by for us unoccupied is true. somebody doesn't speak to honeywell would. who's in rafa and southern garza with all the latest honey. this obviously of an intense bombardment of central garza, in recent days you've been reporting on it. but this really looks like it's potentially or near the beginning.
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yes, little they're more distressing. good reports. the confirmed reports are emerging from the, the central area mainly and they'll tell you that the northern part on the far right, right, you can and around the vicinity of why the, it has that, that, that particular location that marks the saved zones that announced that the initial weeks of this, really military as the save. so in the beginning of safe going in the central area and further through the funding part of the trip where it is really monetary in over not a tox intensified air attacks and artillery, selling at pushing deeper into the northern part of a new site. right, right. you know, in a statement they should buy these really military talking about that a conducting a military operation in, in the northern part of the fight i refugee camp and into why the, it has that better known in gauze as the more i thought area pushing the brands that are cubic coverage of attack a drones and ears try sense. what it does right now is, is causing
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a great deal of tonic and concerned and pushing deeper for further internal displacement. people who, within the past the 34 days made their way back. this and from here you as is really a minute, 3 announce it's full withdrawal was and, and it stated clearly that people could go back to find you and, and then the central part of the gusta of ours right now with trapped in an area that is relentlessly bombarded and with the possibility of expanding the ground invasion thing. good. not only the northern part of the gun, but pushing deeper inside the refugee camp we. we got confirmed reports of people. this started to evacuated from the area is as a growing it concerns of expanding the, the ground invasion to include the entire area overnight. attacks on the same area . it resulted in the death of 5 people, including people who are in tens and inside evacuation. the schools of the vicinity of the northern parts of right, right, right. cuz you can, meanwhile,
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is really military continues to lie, a surveillance to drone and attack it runs in the sky, the rubber how low with if i didn't get that every once in a while, they are hovering at a very, very low level, causing a great deal of fear and concerns, particularly at the same time we're seeing the growing gifts for us, of expanding the ground invasion and throughout the city, honey, enough one to the with the latest across from the ground, from rough mountain, southern gauze that thank you, honey. well, let's not get the perspective occupied these stories and then bring it in wrong con . and what details are you hearing from these writers about this? this new operation they launched as well. 4 days ago, these riley's announced a significant, the apostle withdrawal of their forces from the gaza strip. at the time these ready minute treat insisted that this was no withdrawal. it was a really totally of a strategy that they were going to mount much more targeted offensive. and this is
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what they've done. they've issued a statement saying the 100 and 62nd division began a precise operation in central goals, even like the 167 division began and precise intelligent space operation to eliminate terrorist operative strike terrorist infrastructure in central cause. now what they've done is that effectively used both or in fact old 3 means at the disposal. they've use a land and seat is ready fight to just actually struck this sort of uh, refugee camp in central garza then. so just went in and that was backed up by c as well. this is now the kind of operation the israel site is going to mount much more . that's going to have an impact on anybody who wants to go from the self and refer back home. it to the north, one of the sticking points of the actual negotiations for a ceasefire that are still ongoing right now. so although this is
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a routine link of strategy, it's still using all of the means as roles as far as the like. as i this was an attack that was mounted by atlanta ends and long contact with the nation as far as from occupied east jerusalem. thank you and ron as well. we've also been hearing today from the u. n's children's agency. unicef says one of its vehicles has been hit with live ammunition and the statement on x. it said the vehicle was hit while waiting to enter northern garza so fault there. are no reports of injuries to the agency stuff. the agency also added and has raised this incident with this brand new authorities. they've gone on to say that i'm less 8 work is protected in accordance with international humanitarian. it'll a cannot reach people in need. all the test ingram from unicef was in that can void that came on to file. it was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unison and ro, we were on
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a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells. and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come a loved one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting the when gun fire broke out in the vicinity . the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point and the gun 5 hit us. we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the cars, checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is for humanitarian aid workers and
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how, you know, missions like these are made impossible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident. the units of stuff have experienced during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series into there, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we take all of the required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that as well. that's bringing logic is very, he joins me in a studio here in the hunt. he's the director of the golf study center and catch all university measured by one to pick up on something that tests was describing in our interview earlier, she said that the gunfire appeared to come from the check point and it appears to be aimed at civilians. at that check point now, rightly so, agencies and for security, you have received a lot of coverage,
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especially off to what happens with a lot of central kitchen. but people are also being attacked outside of a companies and we're talking about palestinian civilians here. this is what we use, the is a, the army on the ground, they have not differentiated between civilians and months of it is and basically they define everybody's thing or goes on as a military person. so that's of us, this kind of culture. and i think because k to the, from dollar, from down to the bottom that, you know, there are civilians, there are people who are working with agencies. these things have not been because k to down. so people, they come behave on the, it's a culture, it's, you know, those soldiers that has been taught that everyone moves them because that is a target to put, to ensure the target was an enemy based on that, the behavior. and you know, the 3, the 3 causes for the center of the kitchen is an example of ducking with all of the information provided to the army. they also talked of the, so it's a, it's a culture and i'm not sure it's can be changed sometime soon. because if you go
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back to the 1st week of the, this war, they define every one and because as, as an, an email and that itself is a culture, unfortunately. so you're saying it's not just a national have training. no, these really so sad. it goes much beyond the absolutely, absolutely. it's about, you know, how those got to have the individuals have been, you know, built a house that the enemy presented to them. and the, just in this, in this context doesn't, doesn't, because as all of them are, the enemy of that is right section of the present. oh, so now these really is the saying that they are allowing the scaling off of a and which mean in the policy, it's that it was a you and that was the obstacle, but now they seem to be allowing more trucks in a given that they say that they're going to do that and obviously it looks terrible for them to be attacking aid convoys. how do you think that they're actually going to address this? if this is a fundamental issue of, of the way that people think of, of palestinians and of people in the gaza strip. it's remember when government
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visited washington, he talked to the americans and he said, there is no simon know starvation in the, in does. and at that time, them any kind of fish of they said you are, the only one says this and the answer them. but from the is what you decide. they said we know everything, we are the army on the dog. so if, if they have this kind of idea and deeply oriented, so how can, how kindly allow the human insight because they don't see that there is a need for that. so moving this a gradually with the pressure is actually the same thing that on arguments number one. and number 2 is actually showing that the autumn, not for putting the commitment as an a to buy it because according to the mission or no, does it provide where that is or is it so the responsibility of them to provide me this input and what's up and as long as they're not doing good, contributing to the arguments against them, that they are actually acting as a genocide. those as well. let me ask you then, about all of that within the context of what we're now seeing in, in central garza,
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they said that they've launched what is a targeted, precise operation. how do you see that offensive ongoing now within the context of the aid situation within the context of these supposedly ongoing talks? what are these really thinking? let's remember, and this is not the area was a very active area. i'm done with done. i, i, it was monitoring the places i'm doesn't put them on people, they used to go to prison. all we had to do both the cost actually lives. so it was, it has a huge number of population. number one, number 2, people, they try to go back to their normal life targeting this people to me is that lot of people would killed, wouldn't be code more, more casualties have been, you know, and most of them children and women. unfortunately, there would be no way to enter in the humanitarian 8 because no 8 is agency, wasn't their own work, has that. so basically the out of looking their meditating 8 and what kind of more people, as long as you as wary it, thank you for joining us again. i was always great to get your thoughts moving on
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to some of the news now and rebel is fighting me and i was going to say that government forces appear to have fled a border region of to they took it over. the violence has been escalating near the town of near wadi ties. soldiers have also been patrolling that area with civilians for me on law have reportedly been trying to flee. an alliance of entities into rebels has made advances against the military and recent months. tony chang went to the ty, bought a town of may salt to me and me and law for us incentives for something as we understand the male body on the other side of the me and my boat has now full. and we heard that from a current statement this morning saying that they had defeated patel in 275, which was the last holdout. overnight. they said they go there at 10 p and in there at 10 pm last night, that does appear to be a full list of about 200 soldiers from 44 light infantry who have been holding out . and we think they are the bridge just over here. now let me give you a sense of what's going on over here. behind me. you can see the time for the
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crossing. there are a couple of tie home these here with tiny soldiers, most of whom have now retreated into the shade they arrived here about 2 hours ago . when report started arriving, the, the most soldiers that go to the other side of the bridge. now if we go a little further, you can see the bridge in the distance very faintly, and probably too hard for the camera to see is a plume of smoke going up in the background. we would down the about 40 minutes ago, and could here's some put costs if booms across overhead. so it sounds like that may well be as strikes going in at the moment. the time miller to we spoke to said they had also heard tillery so it appears that the concerns of the civilians we've spoken to this morning who are flying across into thailand that strikes would follow. the possession of these military post is coming true. but if i can pound
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the camera to the other side, we can give you a really good sense of why this place is so important. this is the container pulled the call, get pulled through which all of the goods pause. and you can see, contain a trucks lined up waiting to go across. they are actually still going across the border. in fact, we saw 2 liquid gas containers going across and to what is effectively alive baffled zone. so that, you know, people are still prepared to take the risk, but this is a bold crossing that sees a $1000000000.00 worth of goods pos over it every year. the ties will be really concerned that if there has been a transition from the military to into, to the rebels, the, this remains open the top, the business still goes across. but similarly, the military ginger and that the door will be deeply concerned. but this has now fallen out of the hands. it's a vital source of revenue for a military that now look to be in really serious trouble. a still
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a head here on al jazeera, how the enforcement of the 19 century, little binding emotions in arizona has become intellectual threats for republicans in the us, the low, quite the best we have across both of new zealand island. so let me show you. we've got rain and wind alerts in place on your thrones as well, and it will be cold enough for a time to see some mountain snow here. but just know, there is a very real risk of seeing some flooding here we're talking hundreds of millimeters of rain in the span of a few hours. thinks of certainly quite it down across australia is still a bit of rain to go for the pill throughout. but much calmer conditions off the coast of new south wales. we've kicked those wind so the blustery conditions are now gone on friday. the most intense rain through indian easy,
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i think we'll call it central southern sumatra. west. we have a province central and eastern job of providence and really fort southern borneo island pumping in a bit of humidity off the south china sea for china is find an island in northern vietnam, and some more storms in the mix for china is grungy. providence particularly bad for greatly and dark, the blue and the yellow. the more intense the rain is falling, but no surprises here. these are your what his months of the year from april to july will tap into a humid southerly wind. here your temperature is up to 30, but feeling beyond that when you factor in the humidity and with this disturbance rolling that over the pacific, make back a few clouds for tokyo. maybe even a few drops of rain on friday. bye for now. of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us presidential fighting, right? this time with israel, with no red line, as long as us support continues,
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is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line. what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch looming way in and then pulling back out again the the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories, the sound. at least 5 palestinians have been killed and then is rarely stripe only all new sarah refugee camp in garza. the attack targeted school within a residential building. these really minute tre, released a statement saying it's not just organized operations in the central area of the
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stress united nations agency for children that says one of its vehicles has been hit with live munitions. unicef said the vehicle was hit while waiting to enter northern garza. the agency also added that it has raised the incident with is brand new a severe floods affecting towns and cities across the southern russia and cause ext on. after you have the longest, with best its banks, more than a 100000 people have been forced to free their homes. the water level of the river and the southern russian city of orange back is also reached record highest officials. those say that the west is spelled yet to come in some cases here, they have a lot of as the laces for us from the village of nursing. and you have a hard head city of orange back to win. no, far away from the city of oren bug and behind me it is the flood zone. the euro river normally flows through killing me, says from here. so thousands of houses are flooded. now in the orange region alone,
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the scale, the disaster is in noon with the will to level in the you over, but has risen to 10 meters. everybody was expecting the peak of the designs to the day before, but seems like it has still to come. the snow, it continues to mouth open, the 2nd largest city pools, after a down by the resident, say the be a source, he's the know wound them about the danger and the worst case. so quickly that they have to run away with the children in the arms, leaving the belongings, documents, and even animals behind. so bows had become domains, means of transportation in the region. we see f is by imagine some services, but then know enough and people say that they mostly code by themselves many of up to age and go to their relatives or special in temporary accommodation centers. at the same time. uh, they all sorts his blame the melting of snow for the incident on the direct. so the company that built the time in was blaine's rodents with people out for each by
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this particular version saying how kind of time on which they spend one billing approvals, a $10000000.00 was destroyed by rodents. meanwhile, the geography of the slides is growing numerous rivers by step banks in the southern euros under the siberia, as well as in the neighboring cossacks, done. so i'm here that's about all the way into or in back region. so the ukranian region of call keys has been under relentless, russian bombardment over the past 2 days. right. sirens and explosions could be had from keeps city early on. thursday morning. the man says it was struck by russian missiles on wednesday, 3 people were killed in another missile attack in the town of lipsy. northern khaki is charles talks. it has this report from the khaki region is another massive attack by russians, policies targets in various locations across the ukraine. this morning. those areas
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include levine in the fall. west cave is operation. odessa, i'm here to talk if you find the 2nd largest city and the wide region, i suppose it wouldn't be in around 4 35 o'clock in the morning where city was woken up by the sound of sirens. and it would have been about a minute later, i suppose, when the 1st explosions, we managed to capture a couple of the impacts on camera. we understand what you're looking at. that could well be some form of energy infrastructure that was being solved. and of course, russia has been targeting energy infrastructure right, the way across ukraine in recent weeks, in an escalation of those targeted attacks. certainly the local authorities here and called k was saying. so father, no casualties have been reported. but i also saying that at least 200000 people, all without electricity this morning. and the metro system has also been put out of action. now, we were given red access to one of you cranes largest electricity plants. now the
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authorities were very reluctance to give us full access in order to be able to show you the full extent of the damage to the spot. because of the security concerns. this is our report the, this is the off the mouth of a russian ballistic missile. i'll attack on the ukrainians them, electric pond. the power of these missiles, evident in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukraine, energy input structure across the country that will need huge international helps build rushes says facilitates attacks is revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds in the good one of them cause the restoration. we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you
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try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with weston pots, and our specialists are now in the baltic states where the transfer of their preserved equipment is being considered. rather than you could look this mobile phone footage we showed moments of to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its allies say needs patriot missiles and more for the delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry is getting to ukraine fast and that's what you're going to hear that is in nava and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest. so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit
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repeatedly by kind of calls each other. and since the beginning of the we'll put on march the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sits in virtual silence as they spend an increasing amounts of a day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 years and incredibly, he and all he's co workers who were here at the time, survive the attack for parts of the show, unbuttoning and blowing up with their 1st. and you don't depend on what can equipment out of which and 2nd will need to know for sure where the missiles, little kids. so we stay by our machines before hiding at the last moment we, it's hard to describe the sizable explosions. so the one that was created was allowed, that was sold, there was a flash enough for because we were so very close publisher i shake when i think of a barcode with melissa columbus, the 1st time you saw the work is get the oakley back to the dock on the plant
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10 minutes after they begin work again is another song. and they have to head back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainian subpoena during blackouts in recent weeks street. so some areas and called keith, almost pitch black of the night. these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing with another attack could happen any time. chelsea drop it down to 0 is me, it's got caught, keep reach it. ukraine had to me, is prophesied hiker and has been sentenced to death after being found guilty of embezzlement from mile on the chair of major property, develop a event, in fact, was found guilty of swindling 12.5 $1000000000.00 from the side on commercial bank . she's denied wrong doing and blame subordinates. a soft 3 as liberal position has
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secured a decisive when in problem entry elections. walking a major set back to present during social democratic parties, gains of being seen as an expression of discontents against the government's handling of a cost of living crisis and a space. a physical cause. scandals, unit came reports now from soul. more than 29000000 ballots have been counted from wednesdays, elementary election in south korea, and they've handed a resounding defeat to the president's people power party effectively making use. um yes, a leading duck is parties, interim director about out. communities is normal if you will of the people is always right. i solemnly accept the will of the people. oh, take full responsibility for the election results and step down and go tell you why it in june. second in command prime minister honda to also a month several top office officials who resigned
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a close adviser who's been with the 1st time politician since day one of his presidency. all pointing to a sense of urgency for a fresh start. the president's reform plans and labor education, patients and finance all now face a giant wall starting on may 30th. the opposition block will have 192 seats at the national assembly compared to just 108 for use people power party. this will mark the 1st time in south korea's democratic history that a sitting president does not have a legislative majority. at any point in his turn, democratic party leader, each of young caution, lawmakers against celebrating their wins with the election. now, behind south korea, he pledged to work with all parties to solve the livelihood crisis. i think people expressed anger from this size less of the. now the question is whether present use any party as well as the opposition party in the city will address
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the people's anger and will change. and if so, how i think is the south koreans judge the president and refused to accept his prosecutor style a leadership newspaper, commentaries read as now you'll have to learn to work with the opposition to get anything done, unit skim all to 0. so as soon as supreme court has ruled that 160 year old roles, dining abortions is enforceable with the state court domination by the republicans and set off of political storm that could have implications for an event this presidential election. prob reynolds has been republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically. following the state supreme court abortion ruling. the republican candidate for senate in arizona carry lake, a favorite of donald trump, was all for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have
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a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened, lake says she opposes it. as soon as trump saying the situation in arizona would be, quote, straightened out, but boasting about his role in over turning a constitutional right to abortion. people that actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling republicans here in arizona, arkansas. they are complicit in this band and in a nation wide attempt to ban access to the range of reproductive health care for.


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