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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the actually 6 people that killed as really extracts targets a busy market in kansas city. and the u. n. team reports widespread destruction in hong yu minutes of the days. the best way to test street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance posing of severe risk to civilians, especially for children. the other ones are in jordan, this is out of there alive. doha, coming un security council panel fails to reach an agreement of a palace times renewed bid for a full membership. ukraine struggles to protect us. energy facilitates as rush or
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run separate attacks. we report on the optima from the hockey region and o j simpson, the former us football install, who was comfortable as the cleared of a double matter ties council news. israel's deadly aspects on guns that have continued with at least 6 palestinians being killed in an attack of popular market. several others were also injured. is there any forces said also carried out a targeted operation on the outskirts of the, on the set up for you to come at least 5 palestinians were killed and strikes the target a school and a residential building. i was just, there was target assume was enough. i was more on the latest is right. it strikes a this strikes on the no other parts of the gaza stripe did not stop since the arrows of today's morning. one of the main strikes that they had targeted a fresh market, which is one of the main central markets in kansas city that provides for services
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for thousands of palestinians on a daily basis. it has been completely attacked and destroyed today. you weren't 6 palestinians, at least being killed in that attack with a number of injuries, who have been transferred to our prospects, which is a jason to that place for medical treatment. but yet to the usability military not only did attack markets, but they are been attacking residential houses that need to value as well as a number of palestinians. have been acute that including one of the top officials in the ministry of interior from by how much government and who has been described to be responsible for securing a deliveries to the another part of the cause i'm, it's more initial reports arriving, that indicating that these very minute, 3, an altima units are still bouncing by the tunnel in town in the fall, north of the territory alongside with a direction neighborhood where a most the has been completely destroyed and newly top in flight thing. and also it
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strikes on understand, right, refuge account, and the middle area. meanwhile, the you and has sent a team to the city of con eunice to assess the damage following the withdrawal of israeli troops gauze. the 2nd city was the focus of a sustained onslaught by these rarely ami. since december or 4 teams are reported widespread destruction. every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paved roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they saw a very significant damage in all, but one of those structures street and public spaces in con eunice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on a maintenance or section an inside schools. but humanitarian aid items. the units
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have says that stuff came on, but it's really file on thursday. it's reported one of its vehicles was hit by live ammunition while waiting to enter, northern because the unicef says is raise the incident with his radio for it is specify some testing room was in that con voice when it was shot that it was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unison and ro we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come a loved one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting the when gun fire broke out in the vicinity . the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then
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right away from the check point. and the gun 5 hit us, we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the cars, checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is for humanitarian aid workers and how, you know, missions like these are made impossible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident. the units of stuff have experienced during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series into there, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we type all of the required steps as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is
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just another example of, of an incident like that. when i was human to turn me an aide slowly makes its way into gauze up a trick and approaches along with the aid supplies have been allowed to enter the northern parts of the strip out as it was month. i'll follow it. has this update from jamalia, there are some, a basic supplies and foods has of life to the low from the, the, such like the eggs flow and eh, or run just a book date to, to me, to, and such and things. but all of these doesn't cover the, the, the need or the uh, several years here. and all of this also is not affordable for all of the people who are living in the north of garza. because if we can come there between the prices between it before the invasion and also then vision, it's a big data is very. busy huge it, if i want to buy a therapy before the,
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the war and guys i would buy it for a 2 on house on $3.00, but if i want to buy it now, it's cost me, it will cost me a $35.00 or $40.00 and you can uh, a take it as too many supplies in issued dr. wife to the north of garza. so united nations security councils committee on the admission of new members has failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as a full member of the you. and 2 thirds of the committee were in favor of the group could not reach a consensus required to make a recommendations to the general assembly. gabrielle, as on their reports from the united nations, it appears at once again. palestine is bid to become a full member. the united nations has died in security council committee. this, despite the fact having the majority of the security council members, apparently approving a palestine spit that according to multis ambassador of the un holes,
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the presidency of the security council this month. however, the majority with a membership outside many countries outside the facts that kind of science courses or the criteria that are required on the months of video convention chaka. and some countries been into lots of reasons why i'm explaining that 1st. so as the chair of the committee, we have sciences. i have decided that i with visa to me thing i request dropped a very full objection procedure and we would see the next step from this in 2011 palestine also apply to be full un members. but that also
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died in committee and the security council. but at that time then, the general assembly was able to elevate palestine to the status of un observer. that gives palestine a lot of rights here if the un, but not critically. the right to vote in the general assembly, which is very important. so palestine is actually, has been disenfranchised from this organization that they participate in for many, many years. now. now this still could potentially go to the security council and a resolution for a vote. that is still a possibility and that could come as early as next week. but the bottom line is, is the u. s. has been, even if it does go that far, the us is prepared to veto it gabriel's on don't. i would just need it at united nations in new york, or i'm going protests and debates on whether ultra orthodox jews should 7. these randy minutes rate is threatening to bring down prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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has coalition government. i would just say it was really a challenge as more from occupied east jerusalem. several 1000 ultra orthodox jews take part in a demonstration on says de outsides. a recruitment sex, and military recruitment center in west teresa the now this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the officer also drugs i've been involved in some of which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police. now, what they're angry about is moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped of their exemption from military service. it's a situation that dates back to the beginning of the age where the states in the 9th, in the late 1940, is when the governments of the time told the how to orthodox community as it was that, that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males, so to apply to it might have because the community was so small,
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but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment, when many is ready still that they are fighting and ex essential rule against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and they also say that the at the alter or schools at all. so essentially last be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that you know, his government's that he has to remedy the situation, is discriminatory and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out boss. it's a big problem for him because to policies in his governing coalition hall, it's a whole set of policies and i see i'm talking noises then too much. then they might pull out of the governments and that mike's lapses. and benjamin asked,
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and next me all who might lose power? rubbish, islands out 0 of the parties. truths in the united states says it's urging countries that have diplomatic relations with a ron to dissuade it from attacking. israel toronto certainly retaliation off to an attack on it's consulate in damascus, which complains on his right. every country in the world would be heard by wider regional, more, both economically and diplomatically. and so the, the secretary has been making clear to every country that has any semblance of a relationship with a ron that is in their interest to use that relationship to send a message to iran, that they should not escalate this conflict. but i will let those countries speak for themselves about what action they may or may not take. meanwhile, of hezbollah, 5 separate rockets, it is really positions in the occupied liberties territory of its shuttle funds. israel said it talking that it has block positions in southern lebanon and response . i'll just, there was a hush them as more not from i to shop and stuff i'm living. it's called the
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roaming the line, the that the separation line between 11. and as you can see, this is the wall just behind me here. the situation is it could be described as a test then scald. so people sees the, fortunately to come to the villages to inspect the amount of destruction, the separately is ready to x on the day bought and also several physical attacks. however, this, the didn't treaty prevent people from coming here. we're also trying to seize the fortune to, to, to come to this area of which has been away from the lens for the past few months, due to the huge amount of boardman daily bombardment and destruction. this is, this is the board that you can see is just on the other side. it's a very dangerous space. maybe one of the most dangerous places in the world. we've
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come here for the 0. we are the only international shot out here today to show you what's been happening on the board as between 11 and then this read over the past few months, the interest and then when it came to see my funds celebrate in the us over here, we hear the sound of all planes in a strikes we are in the town of ita, one of the most destroyed towns on the board as between 11 and then as well. every word has been hit either by plains as we are here and right now we can hear clearly the sound of drones and over the past months it's been 6 months since this what i spotted, it's been 6 months that heights has been bonded with the air strikes opportunity, drones of tags,
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whatever every day on daily basis the stone has been hit. and as we can see it's, it's really a of a destroyed area of course site that is not the only town on the board. the in such a situation that sold somebody to a hand, there are many, all the thousands and as we showed you in the past days, not food. all these are all the board of towns where thousands of people used to live with life used to be normal before 6 months earlier. and now it's, it's deserted and everyone is gone. many internally displaced a residence in, in, in, in several areas around the country waiting till the end of this conflict from the shop, southern 11 on, on the hash and under the start for a short break here. and i'll just say around when we come back, molly struggled through a retold breaking the way at least a 100 people dying on us fingers.
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the the other to addicts, domes are on their way through florida. but i think by the large tyra's this line, which is what was the production the producers, i think this off. sure. so the backwash of colder i was night went on terrier. it's rain further south into the relations in terms of still reasonably high. we've got the teams all way down to the plains now. it's not particular hopped into firefox are quite and sunny. but if you're in california, definitely disappointing. watch san francisco, a wind up storm. snow on the low mountains. even rain on the coast, especially all the way down to los angeles, $14.00 to $18.00 degrees, and it's april. now and central america. there is a conglomeration of showers in the legal dials prophecy,
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puerto rico and hispanic zohler. and increasing the likely, in guatemala, i think, attempted to come down and return where is being quite hot recently, but inland and mexico does look quite well. $28.00 to $30.00 trees, fairly typical to in south america. the seasonal rain is pretty heavy in the nose in brazil, back through southern pen is wider than the ones that could all. and the sheriffs elsewhere as you might expect. so that i presume, but the familiar line of pretty big funds don't, does exist, and they're being hosted in se brazil parkway, on friday, the exploring type of us cultural examining political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia around the
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pacific. 101 east. on out to 0. a news . the welcome back. you're watching out just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this our definitely is really strikes of continued across the gaza strip. at least 6 people were killed in. i'm talking a popular market and gaza city. 5, ballast and ends also entailed on the outskirts of the understand that the rest of the town is ready for you and has sent a team to the city of con units to assess the damage. following the withdrawal of israeli troops, extreme reported widespread destruction and significant damage to warehouses,
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medical centers and schools, roads rob sitting up in mostly on the un security councils committee on the admission of new members as failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as a full member of the us, 2 thirds of the committee were in favor with a group could not reach the consensus. now families with children being evacuated from 47 villages in the hockey region of ukraine. that's as it comes on, the heavy bumping bombing from russian forces. the man of the city of hockey says he was struck by russian missiles regions, but under relentless russian attacks over the past 2 days. on wednesday, 3 people were killed and another attack in the town of lipsy, in knolls, and a hearty. i'll just give us child stratford reports from hockey, even rushes targeting of your cranes, padre. this is the off the mouth of
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a russian ballistic missile. i'll attack on the ukrainians them, electric pond. the power of these missiles, evident in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukrainian energy infrastructure across the country. that will need huge international, helps build. russia says, the surgeon is a taxi's revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil and solutions. some of them would say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. good. the good one of them cause the restoration. we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with the listing partners. and our specialists are now in the baltic states where the transfer of the preserved equipment is being considered, rather than you could look this mobile phone footage with shout moments off to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its allies say needs
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patriot missiles and more. what's a delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to ukraine fast and that's what you're going to hear that is in nava and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest cell phones in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of colors each other. and since the beginning of the we'll put on march the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we hit to the underground shelter. tired men and women sits in virtual silence. they spend an
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increasing amount of the day hung good on the ground. alexa, as well to 21 years and incredibly, he and all his co workers who were here at the time survived the attack for personal commercial unbuttoning. i'm blowing up with your 1st and you're doing the band and work and equipment out of which and 2nd, you to know for sure what the missiles will have to train them. so we stayed by were machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions because when he was incredibly loud, it was still there was flash enough because we were so very close. i'm sure i shake when i think lang buckled with melissa columbus 1st time you saw the workers get the oakley back to the dock on the plant. 10 minutes off to they begin work again. is another song. and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians defeated during blackouts in recent weeks.
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street some areas and car keys, almost pitch black of them like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. no. with another attack could happen. any time. chelsea drop it down to 0 is me a call to keep reach of ukraine rushes, president vladimir putin, and it has been briefed about the flooding in south west on the russian hill. the video cool with the governors of the affected regions and the emergency administer . severe floods are affecting towns and cities across southern russia and catholics . dawn after europe's the longest for the best it's banks. thousands of people have been forced to free their homes, often with little warning. the more the level of the you are the river in the southern russian city of iran, but has reached record highs. you're now shut off a little bit reports now from open book to the level of the year old ribbon or above has exceeded the critical level by hall from me to end. the horses continued
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to rise when our saba, which was one of the 1st to find itself in the flood zone. the water level has reached home is 2 meters here. in some places only the roofs visible in many places of curation, f, as continue. it would come pad the situation here in or above, to the one in the 2nd largest city of pause that some residents refuse to evacuate and still remain in the houses. here the buildings are completely empty. you can see people sail boats to pick up the belongings and in the world, so you can stumble up on things like fridges, microwaves, pieces of furniture, and so on. the orange region is the agriculture region on for many farm is saving the lives. so is a priority now, numerous reba is by step on snow totally here in the orbit region, but also in the co gone. and too many regions in southern euros on the inside be, are it as well as in the neighboring cause of stones and the pin code. dislodging
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of the tip temple and ition, rivers and brushes cru gotten into many regions, is expected. a band of april. you left ship off all of us out to 0 over in bag. more than a 100 people have died during a ritual breaking the heat waves in molly temperatures in one town reached 48.5 degrees, whether x but say it that's the hottest ever recorded in africa. obviously it was, but it's made before there's not much access to electricity in models. so using funds or i condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill a skillet based on view of a qc. you have a card on, if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees sent to break it, you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning, or security as well. you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise, people get lesions on the advice or organs and that happens even if the suv is beaten. organ damage can result in where fast enough we have been receiving
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patients some of these conditions. and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code, the pick it could be much higher elsewhere in molly meteorologist measure the temperature of 48.5 degree celsius in one town. on april, the full, that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to pray, the cemetery, god told us the what 15 to 20 barrels a day. of people who died from the heat, the heat wave is being claimed only only in your web of having a man made climate change. according to the will meet or logical organization. temperatures in most land areas worldwide will be above normal until at least may, when i mean you start to re good. it's me, i'll just you watch them all as president as issued a natural disaster declaration as dozens of fires burning the forest and a major landfill site. emergency declaration freeze up funding for firefighting
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efforts present but not the out of all low said 80 percent of the fires was started by people authorities of loans and dozens of criminal law suits as they investigate the source of defiance. mexico has filed a complaint against equitable read the international court of justice, but raving its embassy police still in the building and quito last friday to arrest equity was former vice president or had gloss. mexico dropped him, gloss, political, assign them up, that he was convicted twice. of corruption, but mexico's president is also honest with you and to expel liquid all over the raid on its embassy. there's one thing i think that will be effected, countries should be able to go before the international court of justice. and the court in accordance with the united nations charter, should approve the expulsion and there should be no fee to was what i even saw is the column this, that l universe. so that's eco, is largest newspaper. he says this rate is unprecedented. i think is a very complex situation. you know the question to whether
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a but or the bridge international law then the, the asterisk is pretty clear. it's yes, there are no exceptions to the general principle. the embassies are, are thought you right? however, it is also true that the a ingler did not throw the 1st stone and this, and this in this mess it's, it's pretty, pretty clear the mexican was also on the original ones that i filled out completely a regional article 3 of the kind i guess from the bench, so it is estrada in, in this case, is to also make a right. but it is also to the paper was for the very, very awkward situation by the government of lopez or whatever to me to my knowledge that there's really no precedence. alicia, in like the complex i believe, i assume are easy to happen to in cuba. and the, in the eighty's, it's not a particularly good good precedent at all. right?
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so it's a, once again it's, there's really no good excuse on the part of it. but, or we're having that rate in an embassy. that being said, what is also true is that mr. glass is you, she is academic, the phone and the 3. 0 my god, i guess the vision is, is, is very clear that such and such people that are not to be drafted asylum. now i will try samsung, the for my us football star turned back to who was controversially cleared of a double. murder has died of cancer. he was 76 in 1995 simpson was acquitted, of the matter of as for my wife and her friend and a trial that gripped america. but it was later i found liable in a separate civil case. john henry looked back at his watch of the world, watched with rapt attention is o. j. simpson heard the verdict and the so called murder trial of the century. oh, unsolved. jane simpson not guilty of the crime of murder, a divided global public. so i'll be iconic. televised case unfold in real time. if
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it doesn't fit, you must acquit spearing simps in jail time, but ultimately forever tarnishing his previously pristine reputation. organs all james simms and burst out of the sports scene as an explosive running back at the university of southern california. then the buffalo bills as a professional, he is still regard. it is one of the greatest of all time for a while he seemed to be everywhere, all at once on the field. o. j. simpson, of there was, they had to be run out of the deck in the broadcasting booth in advertisements from indian hollywood blockbusters, this man, some drugs, could you see them paint that may be driving a white or light colored for the front costs. then on june 17th, 1994 k.


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