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tv   Al Jazeera World The Price of Oslo P2  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm down in jordan dialogue with the top stories here. and i'll just say about israel as deadly as strikes on guns that have continued with at least 6 palestinians being killed in an attack on a popular market. several of those walls are injured is ready for the saddles are carried out. a targeted operation on the outskirts of the, on the sand about refugee come at least 5 palestinians were killed and strikes the target at a school on a residential building target. but assume that's more of a rough and southern gaza. this strikes on the no,
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they're part of the gaza stripe did not stop since the arrows of today's morning. well, one of the main strikes that they had targeted a fresh market, which is one of the main central markets in kansas city that provides full services for thousands of palestinians on a daily basis. it has been completely attacked and destroyed today. you weren't 6 palestinians, at least being killed in that attack with a number of injuries, who have been transferred to our prospects, which is a jason to that place for medical treatment. but yes, to the usability military, not only did attack markets, but they are have been attacking residential houses and need to value the number of palestinians have been acute that including one of the top officials in the ministry of interior run by how much government and who has been described to be responsible for securing a deliveries to another part of the cause i'm, it's more initial reports arriving, that indicating that these very minute 3 on all the units are still bouncing by the
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tunnel in town in the fall north of the territory alongside with a direction neighborhood where a most that has been completely destroyed and new like top in flight thing. and also it strikes under so rock refuge account and the middle area the you and send a team to the city of hon. eunice, to assess the damage the following. the withdrawal of israeli troops goes a 2nd city was the focus of a sustained on slowed by these really ami. since december, us for teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paid roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they saw a very significant damage in all, but one of those structures street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians,
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especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section. and inside schools for human security councils committee on the admission of new members has failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as a full member of the united nations. 2 thirds of the committee were in favor, but the group could not reach a consensus required to make a recommendation to the general assembly. molly's village agenda has bound old political activity is saying it's needed to maintain public order. early this month, more than a tea party is and civic groups called on the military leadership, the old presidential elections as soon as possible. molly's been on the ministry rules as a cool, nearly 3 years ago. the family, as a children being evacuated from 47 villages in the heart of the region of ukraine. that's as it comes on. the heavy bombing from the russian forces. the mayor of the city of hurricane says it was struck by russian. this house,
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the regency multiple attacks over the past 2 days. on wednesday, 3 people were killed and another attack in the town of lipsy in the regions. no thailand says it's ready to temporarily accept a 100000 refugees from me and ma civilians flinging the country and fighting between rebels and the gym to and car in state near the border with thailand, ty security forces and intensified patrols in the area. human rights watches, arch thailand, not to forced to be returned, refugees to me and my alliance of i'm teaching to rebels has made advanced against them of the truth in recent months. the american football style o. j simpson has died at the age of 76. his family said he died of cancer. simpson was charged with killing his former wife, nicole brown, and her friend ronald goldman. in 1994, he was acquitted, but later on libel and a separate civil trial. so those were the headlines that is, continues here, officer out there,
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what state you the the in september 1993, 6. that could be adjusted out of also known as of chicago. so low points are slow. the negotiations leading here were secret and mediated by norwegian politicians. the talks were conducted as to shuttle organizations to maintain secrecy covering everyone's tracks. they also trade union think the tenants thoughtful to this study in the early ninety's and the living conditions of palestinians in occupied
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territories. but it was a cover for the secret negotiations between the p l. o and israel as part of pasco standards of living survey that was undertaken in the palestinian areas. i had the authorized money for this project. and these were the money that could also fund the talks in austin of mostly would have not started if for example, $5.00, it would have not invited us to go to know we are is you that if i was a pay for yourself also with them. okay. i mean, this is so funny, things like that's life. oh, what we did when it came to stationary all the papers well also on the full page, but in order to leave no traces of any kind of official norwegian enrollment disease
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award to as well. so then i decided to use the need to search institute, this possible editor adoption and also handle software at the time. so they also ask me to ask me, sort of to, to receive of the tide either lawson and to this the profit is didn't want to do it directly with the foreign ministry because they wanted that to have what they priced deniability. so in december 1992, i flew to doing this, another off of the bottom of this the hoover celia and were stopped by the 15th. so i left cut off. madame kid, that's not a b o. a lot of the young, the keep the juvenile conflict and give it to focus if let me this is then it gives you hope of, you know, for the 1st one is but the fuzzy football person that had a cup is let me from the high level yeah, i mean, well,
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but the in the class that this, i'm a say i want that to tell a little slap about my might be somebody one of the show up in this house 100 kilo, which is also near the swedish board, choose readings, 3 palestinians, and 4 norwegians met 3 times in early 1953. these gatherings lead to what later became known as we all know, of course, the also negotiations actually started with 2 disabilities. one of them is me. the other is the use for and we were to look at the emissions with huge knowledge about the history of the conflict. we will always clean as if we are presenting bailey to tell us i had also my contact with in the naval party and i knew you'll see bailey and i knew she won't, that she won't. paris was a friend of my parents, so i knew him very well home, kind of how we do not. and you put the push on feed the day. yeah. i don't know
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home. okay. do you mean that would up at the, on the go to see i see that in home looking for the top few my sister could describe any kind of how deep and has a what, what, what, what feeling of them i did that beautiful boy that came with 2 people that didn't, we just didn't know and felt that they were, he's by the gods, but they were one is close in a school for us from the office of them i was in. and 2nd is, it might include up to mind that gould was from the cannot big was an economy economic expert from the office of a, of a mile off, off on the whole negotiations language was in english. yeah. and when ever the putting it felt the need to say something which is, well actually cannot be the talking all big and was fun thing to interest by michael cooled and we, both of us, we knew it'd be a big so we could also assist or feed me and to let the yeah, any of them as in a bottom uh what and a home i live in the iphone and have he
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a little follow up see twice. and then the reason government, it must have been t o for paper. the problem is to my sense, under defense minister, but that was all it had to meeting with the 12 sultan, but in his office they said nobody presents no, no money. you be involved with that, the long a full where you live at it for people from the only means to every lot. then they all this, the 5 us follow them. and this, this was again the method of desirability the region team which was based on mainly on the deputy and administer for the 1st. yeah, mega lunch. his right hand one. are you the wife of ty lawson and tell you lawson and we started talking about a very private things, families, some so they grew up their wives, their kids,
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and in order to have them to relate to each other as human beings. they had to live in the same house, had breakfast, lunch, dinner together, and not leave the premises for the time that they were there. because theatre edwards, associated with them go see it and look up on the the, i mean that you will follow up on what the senior food was to be shipped in a while in the construction area. and the based on what was said. and that denny and none of which live that because of the, of the, the back of the big of a, i proofed and dead with my boss top. i started back that we could do this and i kept him updated through out the of the thoughts. but he did not participate in any of the talks, but as they went back, we've ad is very active both on the phone in order them because they didn't
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obviously didn't speak to each other them. so we were sort of the messages going to uh, to the 2 of them when photos to us. um, and of course we also them tested out sort of meant certain things either for the published in, into the as well as the vice versa. maybe do you think you could accept if we did like the so we do like the 7 am and this kind of thing. they were able to play these very senior sleep people, the old office soldier and a gentleman. meaning if we needed coffee, the deputy minister for the 1st would have come with coffee. if we needed an idea he would come with a deal if we needed that somebody would speak with him for administer christopher state department. so the same man who bought us coffee was also able to speak with christopher, which is from our point of view, was a classic kind of environment, allowing us to dictate what should be available. and it was present to us the best
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. in his book, the new middle east, shimon peres, wrote the norwegians with a gift from having after the 1st kind of tools, these readings began drafting what they called a declaration of principles. the 2nd meeting, which to pay some slight form which they tell was from my point of view, the most caution meeting to make this meeting of 2 sites into attendance. and what happened that was that we came up with a paper which i was discussed with the beating sort of paper and endorsed it. the logic also is that you started with the easiest and then you postpone the most difficult, hoping that the parties would find a way as they walked that road to result, the more difficult issues, all the difficult questions, security, jerusalem, post union, refugees, borders your name,
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it all of them are taken up and they should not be discussed, div vc and how the government will not go to any of your own. how in the part of the sofa and then you have to come measure it and let go of what should then be discussed is both i show through full depaula finance control. so in this most, mostly for jericho, it was south room on, so i think 5 pacific area us education tourism health and so on. the them up and in the head. the media isn't. and to go on an active for today, you know, checking the top, come good in the know fee the name over to the info. so you need to do to, to one on the definitely it that she has is having to do that by. oh,
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but what i have a hope to cut them up the new fold wireless as we already the, like the students on their own life in the on environment to have a settlement government to sort of inc, also the problems that we had in the negotiations in washington, which led us to know my counterpart and you'll see bayman who am i kept the contact with, sold that norman's progress was made in the tops with a blonde who, who was relieved on the pillow side and would not have made his concessions without guessing all knowing and clearing it, a mazda was also in board, flew out the tops continued in stop store near ocean 2 days a month. meanwhile, the official public negotiations in washington dc came to an abrupt halt for an
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israel expelled 400 policy cities to monetize a quote in some kind of a month. yeah, any. you can look them in the document in the new to help you most of the items in what casa, look to some of the best they look at most to show the why you some about a young and biased send word to tennessee. there's other fund approved as well as 1st proposal was that the pillow could have gotten a gauze. and jetta calling specifically that message related to a piece process. i'm not going to be on that. what we use each of the 1st full month's wasn't documented, but you could just opposite with the document which was from our point of view, if we negotiation document, we never thought that this document could be signed, but it's the fault of maybe id off the american embassy,
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you know, slow to fix me up with a sick shoreline to state department. so i went up there and had updated them to 3 times on progress towards the the sup support. gov. the initial prost agreement. that was february 1993. it was february and march and a point where we did these things and, and the tell us talking about even gave the, the origin of the draft 1st version of the scro agreement. if you'd like to warn christopher. and he was very interested in this us secretary of state warren christopher was tracking both the secret also and the official washington negotiations. these raiders decided that after 18 months, the washington talks,
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we're not going to reach agree. united states as ferris, along with our co sponsors of the russian government, just by our role as the partners in this process to assist in any way we can we always full anything that would make life easier. provided security and color also saying you don't know how frustrated we are. so we uh we came here with a strong nose with the uh, to show our intention of a piece. but something new. we come up to the, the responsibility or continuing with the piece process that's not promising anything, cuz i don't want to sit on a domestic remote facade. i'm from see, wow, i remember when i had dallas,
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i know that before that does that. there's nobody knew anything about the agenda and when it was, it was some knowledge. we immediately drunk, you were able to quiet it. we were all costs criticized for the secrecy visited out this eagles here. it was no have left at all the norwegian prime minister of the 9 thing, the default to another foreign minister, a bite to begin. a new role is un ice maker and a friend. in the former yugoslavia i hope that i should be able to contribute to a peaceful solution. i didn't really want to load the bulk and that was because i would like to see the of the process too. because i haven't been able to mistake stoughton book. success. it was photo administer. what's his brother in law? former defense minister, your hon. you're gonna host host had been
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a strong supporter of israel. and since the early seventies you're on, you're going to watch sports. you really can most, every team he paused for us to do whatever we could to make progress. he had or read the head sinking those from tell. yeah. but last and then when i use, who of course knew him well for my on the hey back, his wife worked at 54 in new enough. and i believe informed him that i was also sending him messages in the off or, and they did some in the beginning. i sent that from bolcom to him, but he was by adoption. and for this child's most updated in may that foster often mister host had become mean sort of one of these really is also introduced
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a new face of the also talks their general manager at the foreign minister or east of here when the farm and stuff this asked me to look at this document and then potentially participate in this channel. i was very glad. i think that's something good at up until the beautiful they finally began to see that the i'm stronger will lead them nowhere. so that's actually the biggest enemy is the biggest ally about the is with the left for the 1st time up that they am sort of small cottage up at the home and call them. it's just the famous ski jump in the ski area in the dish, right? outside also on the left left of the i told them called park hotel, which is a hotel um, next door dentist associated with the web. did you say? i think he said in our, our flats. uh, that's the, that's my, that's why it's best buy it. yeah. but i'm a big believer in secret negotiations. so at the end,
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the public knows the outcome and not the intermediary concessions. and that's what we knew we had about 2 or 3 months. and it's 3 months we did it in this hotel near also, gustavo used his 1st meeting with the palestinians. distress 3, do breaking is really conditions. first. no negotiations over jerusalem on the return of refugees. second, no. you and involve or international arbitration. and start that the public facing washington talks, continue empowered with the secret negotiations. palestinians accepted all 3 the but the soviet tunnels. and i also have examples of this,
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the last one. i want to do them that the wind them into a little more like an add on saturday. you have the lives that as yet older someone page is less than once you've had the admin booked up with a being side of so do i show some of all the noise moves? images, the joys single contribution was to ask hundreds of questions on the other side to really understand what, what this would mean. how people would treat this, what would be the them as a count, the part they think felt it was quite offensive. and one way to begin, however addicted like that, and then giving us a little chicken of care. mitchell has to as a qualified and was told to needs a month to collect is due to an hour and the amount. and he's bottom and then we'll have them out to who, who is what this define? well, if it now isn't good enough to look at that, but on a level side, you know, so yeah, let me do it right in minutes for you to be here. and then 11 o'clock,
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come, i'm mad till a while, as well as the lawyer and joe sing, acted as legal advisor to the is really administrative defense. following his 1st meeting with the palestinians, he headed to viet to meet patters. let's come back from a dinner. and your wakes up and he looked at him and i say that said fun minister if we don't make an immediate deal with these people, we have competes complete videos 5 months later in july 1993. and the result of hubspot single presented the amended declaration of principles, document, setting out the details of palestinian the toner. it clearly stated that autonomy wouldn't include the settled, or military zones, or jerusalem. and the israel would remain in charge of security and the protection
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of settlers. so what you're thinking of data heat, because the doctor that made it into a document with the legal aspect, they put a student's one should understand, was shocked. because suddenly, all the things that they were saying, but they were afraid to see them was black and white. and it was a tough day for them. the palestinian delegation saw the serious implications of seeing this document and so returned to choose to confirm with the leadership of 5 to one to 3 launch is the dairy queen area into the jordan river. so you would have certain hold on his relationship with john and the that was quite an argument that's open uh, authorities of the council, like cetera. i'm like,
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never negotiations comes the ending the i'm game was conductive. but how's going to tune as soon as cook in single mall and say, i don't you fully, you know the public. so i'm going to be that it can you call lee? yeah, yeah, i'm in the hold off at a photo. heard of son well done on the before he left default, cut them in. oh, i know my daddy. what just done. oh, uh, godaddy cuz he thought he was very, very useful them to, to, to have the opportunity to discuss these issues also directly with our real fast and the i'm, we were then soto also able to, to, to communicate that to, to this well off of these meetings that are off helped a title lawson,
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a lawyer went back to jerusalem to the whole. this rarely came. i'm told this road is impressing our thoughts. hubs said on bob and even look to pretend by heart to set look, even though i left her, i left her. um, i think, 11 pages in minutes from the meeting, giving the letter um in minutes was by road. uh oh, our thoughts opinions where he faulty come have something or lose something. oh, this was given to this rex. i was more sort of a judgment on, on where the palestinians, i'm a matter of fact in particular where on the, on sort of the whole idea of waging an agreement you, on the, i can hold was the very much of writing 9. he always wrote the things and he wrote almost everything himself. i mean, working for him was very difficult of working with our minister because he, he a he and every time when a with, to me do some,
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the 1st thing i'm on the plan set down and he wrote down his impressions and so, so that was the way so he looked so that was very much of a personal letter. so this letter was handed to mr. parents at that time. yeah. yeah. yeah. extracts of these letters later appeared in personal memoirs, but no official record of their contents as ever. being funny in the norwegian foreign ministry the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and front bind battles. shouts the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries. the trouble of history on the phones me on my, on the,
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on the ropes on al jazeera as the sunsets individuals within the occupied with the bank. the bed of multi family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing, the woman who used to put it all together in that. but lucy was the rest of the week before the start. this is really officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during, at 8 of the home. a few kilometers away in drama. look at the house. one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one. at the start table, you will see a duty and a growth viewing for the p. use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on
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the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems. caught on red chris the hello, i'm diamond, jordan, and joe. hi, with a quick reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera, israel is deadly strikes on guns. i have continued with at least 6 palestinians been killed in an attack on a popular market. several others were also injured, is really forced to say they carried out a targeted operation on the outskirts of the sierra refugee come at least 5 ballast indians were killed in strikes. but he had a school and a residential building for you and has sent a team to the city of han units to assess the damage the following. the withdrawal
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of israeli troops gauze. the 2nd said he was a focus of a sustained onslaught bodies, really on a since december 14, a reported wide spread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paved roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they so very significant damage in all. but one of those structures street and public spaces in con eunice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section. and inside schools. figured out to the nation's security councils committee on the admission of new members has failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as
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a full member of the united nations. 2 thirds of the committee were in favor for the group could not reach that consensus required to make a recommendation to the general assembly families, the children not being evacuated from 47 villages in the hockey region of ukraine. that sounds, it comes under heavy bombing for russian forces. the mayor of the city says it was drunk by rushing miss solves regency in multiple attacks of the past 2 days. a lesson president vladimir putin has been briefed about the flooding and the south west of the country. severe floods are affecting towns and cities across southern russia. i'm cause x dom up to europe's the longest for the bus gets bangs. thousands of people have been forced to feed their homes often with little warning that was the level of the your river in the southern russian city of odin, but has now reached record heights. but those are the headlines. it is continues
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here of to obviously are well structured in the secret negotiations between the palestinians and israel. nobody's role is mediator was key. but those involved were careful always to cover their tracks in the new books. oh, she must pass for me just a restful, you will see bathing deputy for a minute. mysteries rose to resolve here. a chief negotiator of israel also will never, many paragraphs, quoting from secret origin documents like this that day, for instance, how the received from the legion and foreign minister, but still in the which administer them for an offense. no copays, nothing from the period o 20th of january when you started until the end of august. it was last.
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it was no documents, no man, most just nothing from what the hell actually been going on in this secret? also project the we found out the type of his last name. he house, he has admitted that he house. many of these secret documents seems off to and he refuses to give the box to the legions, liked to do the secret negotiations, negotiations through administrators very difficult because it has to be written reports, lots of people that have to know about it. if you do it with the research institute, you can have just a tiny little group of people and there's no jew to report in, in writing. so, and this is also how. ready secrecy was uh,
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was kept the secret host headers. conversations let them to believe that the time had come to finalize a deal that is edit historical to resolve your understanding points on the phone. that's the cost in sweden. we are opening actually, hotline was the invite, invites that no region for administer, and probably allow center. and when are you would have to be the go between the sitting in the room together with the your zango a fucking, who's the mind tony's feet lately? default kind of wish to be i'm to say uh, i know bama believe i know full on the, on a journey ship and then apply that i'm in jamaica was i have to know what to do, my mama of imagine what
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a few that can more than one of them in a spot. yeah. i'm more of a soft product. will she be mfc valley? yeah, i need a joe attribute now. who does it for that? and see, and of course, excuse me, this is, it happened that i was going to have that on to, to, and from the how the infinitive, a deck of outcome. see the bottom. uh uh, boom. as in why there has been us for a few shots looking in the machine and boy as good as the the i'm ok me ask you my host also was talking to us all sense and those quite a few on the phone for the 1st time a 5 and he's people and this is this,
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this all 6 of those 7 issues for all the old standing issues from the 6 rooms of secret negotiations in june and july in norway will result in this 7 hour phone call, which would still come into this. in his book mode of us as a to recall the call, a 7 hour phone call ended the conflict of the 20th century. the palestinian people took the 1st steps towards freedom and 2 months of patient that coal achieved what couldn't be done in 20 months. a few times negotiations in washington to also let me of them and that can do this in hays state farm where they can meet w for this. they me, you most delicate bed of to laquita had that'd be her get know. yeah, i mean at the, you the email you haven't, i'm not sure i left the that to be met. feel i'll be deed by on google.
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i concluded i'm older, you put it a little more. who if you saw the thought of, of what that part of the, of a half will live? yes, i that even what if you have a strong and weak talk to the strong party is the strongest it is. this is the reality of the what. and if then you have a strong party that is backed by you the super power of the word united states. it makes that strong party even stronger in this government guesthouse and also an absolute secrecy. the declaration of principles was initial by both sides. the secret side was from the final region, intelligence, and the footage later used in a documentary for public tv in the black, not being much more emotional than we had thought. i mean in it,
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he felt this was astronomic in a way that he would be greeted by one of the the lead this of official. that's right. due to the like sort of the deal. so many men do they still view $400.00 instead of what have both the most for you to pay those. usually just google or google, you at a single, then it goes to one smell. lemme use his spell. old pull, test, one print. so the money in the book is so hose to split them on the, on the hey, big, often midnight. they negotiate this, come to the government guest house. and then schuman paris is a witness. as the official and the shipping happens with will be a savvy, and i believe i left at signing this you on the organ host will not tell you and i stand behind them
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the we have them are what they call the secret police of the, the time then doing sort of the, the film, the field link or the video it and, and we have sort of prepared to level speech is the field pro to do something. and the whole as now that you entered into a new bit. oh, the openness of building domino barriers and building up new cooperative arrangements and structures that you will remember that they are always there if you ever and again the lead our services the,
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the task is yours. on the 1st just to open the doors of peace. i'm just driving to achieve cooperation. people a lot to have lead us. like you you're so lucky. the boys like that we can see montera is and is the host and 2 of his stoffers and i'm going to do it in my son's. we flew secret the secretly to a military base and it will go start to the store in august 1993 in um, uh point magoo and in california. i mean, such, so really because uh warren christopher uh, sort of looked at it and then they turn to to that as well. so, and they said that is what do you think?
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and then then it said, i think this is quite from that as a follow up. so to have the file relief, the declaration of principles said that the goal of the israeli palestinian negotiations was to establish a palestinian authority for the transitional period of up to 5 years. it will begin with the is really withdrawal from the gaza strip and gender come and is ready forces, which would be re deployed outside the populated area. the final negotiations were to start in year 3 as well, and was to continue to be responsible for external security, the safety of settlement and the overall safety of the is ring and hang up
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for the channels that you submitted by you by the guy that often will filed when i sent you a letter in about 4 percent off the chef either of those. so if you ask the palestinian negotiating teams, legal advisor in washington, francis boiled to assess the declaration board, published in the newspapers while replied that it was the same declaration of principles that they rejected in washington. it's a limited autonomy of the inhabitants. he said, without any control over the law out don't show off. he sent boils comments 2 out of 5, but he never received a reply. this is the mixture of previous sell food i treatments that, that the palestinian leadership in the occupied territories always refused signing . as i think edward site said it and said
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a couple of logic was that he wrote in arabic and english before before the signing took place. and i think he was deeply shocked. having read the declaration of cancer in these articles. edward, so you wrote that the p l o had reduced itself from a national liberation movement to a small municipality. it was what he called the decay of the piano leadership against the coming of israel. clearly let the sub decide and should be in the hack the middle of us getting is that i the not caught it. so last a yet in it that out. and then the 11 for me that in for this the brother might and i'll hop it's about easy unless you're back about i don't know how to 15. what sort of thing in your check in a couple of things. basically, what about this, what you develop, let's look at about for cut off yet. theresa's no bombing manadis in doing that,
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that size. so he's because he's off to the news of the secret. tell us little negotiations. at the least. it was inevitable that the 2 sides would bring things into the public arena. tonight is we'll start to, to use the norwegians, i, to demand further concessions. wanted me to see if you see the, ideally, what, what that was negative. so what he, what he does is, should be from us the get the data, but it will not let me can westfield the sharpest to complete. the mutual recognition is real, stipulated that the piano not only run guns, type over some, but also commit to prevent all forms of violence. tenant was added, encourage the palestinians to have a normal relationship with israel from now. one out of 5 agrees that host to, to choose to witness out of thoughts sign these letters.
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yes, you had signed it from my point of view, the exchange of letters some more important than agreement. it says, because the exchange of letters is doing the silica shift, the norwegians celebrated with patters and sophia, and israel green. and on the based on the piano is commitments is really not recognized the piano and agreed to negotiate with the backend. june is the piano established the palestinian authority, which would gradually become the umbrella organization for the palestinians. as ladies and gentlemen, mister arafat champion of the executive council of the palestine liberation organization is excellent. see it's a ravine prime minister of israel. the president of the united states, the, you probably thought you didn't was the only one who, who not be
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a cool. but then with that and with the head that i'm going to get, i let the i know i people assume rod feel i be the only one way of getting out of hand at the, i mean i just listed mentally had an engine and all the hang up and yeah, i mean i'm going to pick up and 11, couple common might not o'clock by the end of it. but a lot of the time the doors are opening for yasser arafat at the us state department, champagne and laughter. swapping all the grass with the israelis and hon shakes with secretary and state prison over then just to have an agreement with this. well, we'll bring them go to washington. and we understood that if you make an agreement it's can be glad of it. and it would open up relations to the i wouldn't have been with a since was easy to john. well, the strategic deal. we were accepted by the word relations in austin of would
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move dramatically into this offices embassies, its authority at all. this immediately allowed general dentists to enter into serious negotiation with his leading a year later into a peace agreement with us in georgia. we were accepted with the policy and hands to all sorts of forms of forces. we would not accept it before. huge investments came to is by a mega companies in the chinese japanese everybody came johan jo, conserves, don't full move. somebody to your hand holes in norway played and the central part in helping to turn the middle east from a cauldron, a possibility into a cradle of hope. later in 1994 out of 5, that is and dropping all awarded the nobel peace from, you know, as,
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what are your was moved to the norwegian embassy in his way either husband, tati, as well. lawson to the us working for the amount of studies responsibility for monitoring the terms of august link, therefore no cost to the is really on not only were not invited to negotiate, but i would say that or so i would advise at that time was there just evaluating some a even you'll see bathing was to be pushed aside. not only as it was given most of the military molar to the most of the security services. the media to view bishop of is where it was for the 1st time exposed to by his team. has he negotiations of the secret? i mean, most of the 100 of the new york you live, i'm the youngest of i was the father and not a football for the city of philadelphia. how well, how did you? well i but let to say it or minute window. i see some i'm not much the form old
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much. i've had that in, i'm in the you off, i'm with the bed and what i mean. what and see if i'm the, i'm in the, the college these m f. not the buckner, whole idea into a government who way more than the full scan and obviously in the default or wait the policy you need it is the top of that as well as the let me see how far out offer he may be. he gave too many calls sections to the easily people got used to him giving up by the end of the market. i'd expect to get him to pay more. the thank you very much,
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mr. brown to the game. and then if the goes just the next available basel, if it was you, this, the delay be the owner or she, me so i am in the city of here will be so i am can be not the, i'm a would be the ample hernandez del shuttle allow me to log in and it be the longest and maybe not for us to miss elizabeth that subs. i'm do not. you would need the whole to some of the for the, for the stuff you have enjoyed so that you have the equity. well, that'd be a huge motor on the road that would have less than the i'm just looking at it. see it and then we have to find that as well. yeah, yep. so that's a lot and demand quote, $100.00 thing without them. and so i have to select hawaii x with that no see at the origin for you hold in order. don't nice get in with daddy. i just see it
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illegal is really set on the just the westbank has continued since 1993. palestinian is believed that the oslo accords ultimately benefited israel more than themselves. and this expansion on the ground is part of the price they have paid for. also sort of case isn't, is really ex spouse on the settlements. and he tracks their development. the west bank constitutes $150.00 area of historic palestine. today, more than 700000 illegal is really settlers live in the occupied palestinian territories. that is in the west bank and east jerusalem. also, agreement is actually the best thing which happened to visit really settlers, and these really set up an enterprise because it's the creative, exactly the basic conditions which this kind of projects can blooming widely published in the population was supposedly taken care of by the
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p, a and there was supposedly some kind of a piece process conducted between the pillow and is, or 60 percent of it was bank we made open for is ready to develop. this is exactly what you see here. it's a period which is red, had intensively and effectively used in order to over triple the number of years, right. is that the west bank and to change completely completely irreversibly? the west bank, let's get or another good example is of course the bypass system which is just under has this all bypass system was created after all. so the where the year is between 90932000 which is rarely a population growth in the west bank. rich the face,
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the fastest space of growth ever. it was easy is the the entire, almost the entire bypass system voice back. the power level, roads, and what a system the power to is that the system was using the action hardly have to see any apps today in their community on the data computing between the settlement and tourism. one cannot underestimate how important the bypass system was for the development of this or civilian reality, which was created in the west bank. and the bible system affected modern, efficient transportation infrastructure. is it for condition for the development of this kind of communities? she felt the bitterness defined years into the cafeteria, booked to well enough to find the product and fold up. the pop jews should have
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derived into is wanting to become citizens. this is my view is i don't know if there is a majority of students on the how wrong this is the end of this that and it's the idea as to the, the walk in the business be in the budget. the kind of walk clearly live up to him and know how the dispute get it, how well the menu need in to have the color clearly to start the genius for lead that that my spot. how i had a number of things the yeah, the phyllis, the pon west, if not and for the answer to so can the are you didn't call need willie. are you shy? difficult that to do that, or what do you see most of the little bit though? yeah, i get the fucking yet. that mess so cool. cool. find you have to talk to you. buffy . no mcclellan look, look on the call at the fucking. yeah. do you need this lady? and i think i said, but when also i know that well if, if i but then when the truck was the fishing, i would need you know, 500. 0,
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nice. well develop list of the fashion that ma'am. and then this definitely interested in what i can now come in as a mom and then it's been a deficit. id say, she said, do i have these are the most well here in the who's, who are i doesn't, i'm not listed in a little different than how i would meet us had that in just we're looking for the confusion for southern our system. the german southern a daughter, one of them is the power of attorney decided so thought it was something of them or something i should be in the always a little towards were an achievement and the role of no way crucial. but they ultimately proved to be on the stage and the ongoing conflict between the palestinians and the, as randy's and the search, but
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a just and lasting peace still continues today. the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom, of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of children, the skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on gods and at the problems of holding any one accountable for 3rd task. shooting the messenger one out to 0. the other 2 addicts daltons are on their way through florida. but i think by daylight hours, this line, which is what was the production the producers, i think this off. sure. so how you got the backwash of cold air? i was night went on terrier. it's raining further south and we have relations and times just a reasonably high. we've got the teams all way down to the plains are at stuff
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particular hopped into firefox are quite and sunny. but if you're in california, definitely disappointing. watch san francisco, a wind up storm, snow on the low mountains, even rain on the coast, especially all the way down to los angeles, $14.00 to $18.00 degrees, and it's april. there in central america, there is a conglomeration of showers in the legal dials prophecy. puerto rico and hispanic 0, and increasing the likely, in guatemala, i think, attempted to come down in town where it's been quite hot recently, but inland and mexico does look quite well. $28.00 to $30.00 trees. fairly typical to in south america. the seasonal rain is pretty heavy in the nose in brazil, back through southern ben is wider than the ones that could all. and the sheriff elsewhere as you might expect throughout presume. but the familiar line of pretty big funds don't, does exist. and that being hosted in se brazil parkway,
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on friday the we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as as to what i'm going are the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. ok, foundation is deliberate. over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covenants. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shaped, come out a word for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of
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the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the or at least 6 people are killed as rainy strikes, talk is a busy market and guns, especially under u. n. t reports widespread destruction in han eunice after the days of his randy attacks street and public spaces and ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians, especially for children. the other one, don jordan,


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