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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store, the says, palestinians return to the destroyed hands in southern garza. but you end tables of a new sprites caused by israel's ariel bump, bump street and public spaces and ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians, especially for children, the civilized headquarters here in the hall also coming up, ty, laundry, and full. so security along this phone with me and my while hundreds feet fighting
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between rebels and government forces and sentries of tradition celebrated in northern nigeria for the missed the festival of agents. fit this the welcome to the prego. we'd be getting con units in southern garza. what is ready falls as a withdrawal and but there are many dangerous facing palestinians returning to the city. but finding the homes, medical centers and schools in ruins. not much of the cities unrecognizable with roads towing up a united nations damage assessment team says unexploded bombs and i'm posing a threat. the 4 teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paid roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they saw
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a very significant damage in all, but one of those structures street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section and inside schools. as early as trying to have continued with at least 6 palestinians killed as a popular marketing cause a city on thursday, several others were injured in the attack. and this is where the fault is kind of that what they described was a targeted operation of the outskirts of understood refugee camp. at least 5 palestinians were killed in strikes, found a school of the residential building. this is costs over 200 new choice of live from rough uh, in the southern gaza hunting. what. what do we know about these recent strikes of the aftermath?
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yes. well, this has been going on for the past 24 hours and we are looking at very intense bombing campaign across the god just really concentrated right now in the fight. right. refuge account, ma'am. the northern part of the, the new block of tennessee. right. com and the southern area of why do you, how does that, where there's really military with announced the beginning of a military unlimited operation inside the refugee camp. so far, destruction costs do. public facility is more residential homes, very close to the vicinity. what is the and the refugee camp itself? work reports of entire buildings. it'd be flattened to earth. we got reconfirm report of 5 people who have been killed. and in addition to other people who are inside an evacuation center that they've recreation center happen to be an honor was schools where people have been filtering for the past months. and since the beginning of the ground invasion across the northern part, the and gaza city and where people were told, literally to evacuate,
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do this area because it is safe. i to avoid being bundle they to be targeted and killed inside these uh, evacuation centers. all this add more pressure on the only remaining health facilities in there is blocked to the where the vast majority of injuries and casualties are transferred to uh, to the, to a lock saw hospital. meanwhile, in the northern part of garza, of gaza strip is really military. you continue with this reliance as there's right destroying residential home reports of a 25 people to from one family being killed in overnight attacks and itself. the vast majority, under the rubble notation varies. news of aids coming in, but it won't volume and where it's still debatable. this is well so far that having caused any significant change on the ground or changing
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the impact that we've seen within the past. uh, the few months and since the beginning of the worst still people are hungry or thursday, the queue in line for hours to get a pack of brewed or a gallon of water. meanwhile, in the northern part, the and all the city a found and that is a spreading so quickly causing the death of cold wants to 30 people so far because of the in force, the hydration and for the star vision they caused by the a restriction on a fraction of it on the flow rate and the, the conditions are created on the ground. it's cheap among them is the shadow sense of safety for 8 workers as well as the aid organizations are operating on the ground that many are discouraged to continue operating since giving the fact that there is no guarantee of their safety whatsoever detox right now is about opening one more land to crossings, mainly it's the crossing, but so far we haven't seen any 80 trucks coming in or we don't have any confirm reports of any of the trucks have been allowed it through the a the through the line to crossing and the northern part that's area to check point
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and a from a rough city here, overcrowded area and we're seeing an increase of the truck, but that is not nearly enough to respond to the greater need right now caused by the intense bombing campaign and caused by the spirit of famine, there talks about $500.00 the trucks so far into fox. it's causing a lot of a great deal to refresh the page right here. $500.00 it's fox is not enough. but the fact that is really military is announced that they are going to allow, this is an indication that for the past month, there's really a monitor effectively, a blog, the entry of the human a target. it's something that constitutes a word crime. and it's only that elimination of genocide locks on the ground that could help people who are starving to death right now because of the ongoing war for the, for us in rough a. thank you. and so these are the defense minister. you go on says that the military would respond if it was attacked by a rom, his remarks follow as well. strong commentary runs culture in our office in damascus. early this month. the israeli army says it's all the high
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a low now the attack and syria killed several high ranking. a rainy and commend us in mind comp is following events for smoky bodies. theresa, how you might mean lots of the statements miss, right, about what it's doing in terms of defense against any potential external aggression . but in reality, i mean, what are they doing in terms of preparedness as well? what are they doing? is they getting the americans involved effectively? the most senior come on to of american pulses in the region. the head of saint com actually is in as well. right now. they're talking about a coordinated responds, the probably minute stuff. there's talking tough saying that they wrote these, right, these will respond to any eroding and attack, and then you've also got, as you mentioned, your color and bad talking as well. we are hearing these, right? these were hiring for a strike within the next 48 hours. we don't know where that timeline is coming from, but there's also a 2nd thing going on here. remember, this is
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a response to and his re attack on the sovereign territory of iran in damascus. i hit the consulate, that's so red. iranian territory, the wrong is being dragged into this and they said they will respond in kind. this actually plays very well for prime minister benjamin netanyahu as a political move. he's constantly been talking about the threats of iran for the last 20 years. indeed, a lot of the time he's been using that threat of iran, striking israel as a way of deflecting criticism of his treatment of power stains on the palestinian situation. so this actually is something that the prime minister is really playing up. he's saying the israel has to be prepared, but this latest round of threats and counts of threats from these right. these on the are running, he's coming after a very specific attack, and a lot of people now wondering what the reason for the attack was and what does it do? does it make israel any more secure?
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what does it simply get problem is the benjamin netanyahu, the opportunity to act tough and appeal to his face? even call him the force locked by the source? the bank said wrong. well, joining us here now in studio small, kevin, james, he says you professor, ultimately studies that haven't been leave the universe tickets have read this again just unless what's going on throughout the day. a mom was, you know, suggesting as we all have a, you know, conversations about this issue of israel dragging it around into this after that attack on the consumer office in damascus. and israel knows when it comes to the issue of the wrong. it will always be backed by the us and that's being reconciled by blinking i in the cloud guarantee is that always set in stone? i think it's pretty hard to see the us up and running as well. and i think, given the current politics over on, i mean, over the past 5 years since the trump administration by them hasn't done much to actually re establish the j secure way agreement. so biden has been continuing the usaa relationship with iran and such the same way as of previous tests. so i don't
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think we're going to see that change and i think and that, and you know, who knows that's by attacking arabian. so he is going to create a bottle of rhetoric at the or the radiance are going to increase beth threats the available rhetoric to threaten his way in which they are doing that. we seem supremely to even participate in this simply by doing that. that's going to necessitate a us response, as we have seen with the bite and reaffirming his his commitment to defending israel. and of course, this also undermines bivens uh, previous criticisms of yahoo because he's gone from saying, hey, i'm being fine with nothing yahoo, we need to get a to the guys instead. basically going down to different talking say hey, we will always support is around. so what message of that send that sense of message? not in yahoo, that doesn't matter really what not, and yahoo does. at the end of the day biden is going to unequivocally support what he israel does. so really that takes the pressure off netanyahu to try and for example, resolve the situation and guards and certainly take the pressure off to try and
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find a political solution which i'm also trying to look for in that the quote for a ceasefire. indeed, i mean there's lots of speculation and there's a lots of, and i'm just at the moment we have to be very careful about what we say in terms of what may happen next, cuz we don't know. but at the end of the day, there are lots of moving parts. and when you have this scenario in this conversation happening, so from israel about what they intend to do, what they want to do, and how they going to react. this makes the neighborhood nervous. now we're not seeing at the moment that much comment from a mind, from cairo, from re, uh, i'm just wondering what the full price us. that was knowing that the role involved in the negotiations to try and find a piece. polls will cease fire in the covered war on goes well, i think no one in the neighborhood, so to speak once original escalation. and i think i'm on with it. and we are a being extremely cautious, because anything they say now can actually be interpreted in such
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a way as to potentially jeopardize or how the negotiations are going on between casa, how mazda is ro and cairo. so i think there was an element of caution. then and, you know, i think people are also uncertain. you know, there, there is what you said. there's a lot of moving parts. and a lot of the things that have happened have been hot to protect from somebody assassination of it smells honey as children and grandchildren was something that people didn't necessarily know, you know, expect. so i think there's a level of not just caution, but actual, uh, perhaps an inability to actually know what to do. and this is a, traditionally, this notion that, you know, well, us leadership in the middle east despite being problematic is something that a lot of the arab states have have kind of. so what does important, but now do us are equivocating and i think the states and the region are actually not show necessarily what to do with that. right? so i think it's creating this kind of leadership vacuum. there is a leadership vacuum and people are looking to talk, ron netanyahu and biden, to see how this is gonna end. still happening. so for the moment to lock you in,
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just in case thank is there any way its in the occupied westbank have killed at least 2 palestinians and then just another 3 soldiers storming the other found out refugee camp were confronted by palestinian fighters a palestinian red present time glints were showed signs of the paramedic beeping and the rested otherwise early on friday morning. what cause clear as to move the day for him has moved from ramallah. that is where the forces of rated several in different areas across the occupied west bank. it would be easier to say which areas they did not raid overnight the early this morning, but the deadly rate took place into boss to the north of the occupied westbank. where is there any forces of killed 2 palestinians? one of them has been ambushed in his car and he has been a deed as him. how much russell? now according to these really sources, they say that he was not the target of the raid, but he has conducted issue things against these really forces reading the area,
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leading through the ambush of his car and his killing. they took the car, these really forces, but then they left us to go leading the medical teams to be able to go and take the body with them. now, according to locals, how about the so what is known as the leader of the boss? but silly in a fighting group of young men who has been confronting these really forces militarily. but he's also the son of a lot of that all me a palestinian, who was the 1st to be cleared dead by these really present services. the war begun in october, his father has been known as a leader of mass here in the occupied west bank. and this tells you about the fact that the family will be late to arrest the son who has been killed today. but they still have the body of the father who has been ill, who has been declared dead 6 months ago. that is still the body is,
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has not been handed over to the palestinians for the battery of old and all the as really forces have conducted arrests. in several areas in the occupies westbank, knew that but he just data that i'm on the purchase and debates on whether ultra orthodox jews should serve any is right. the ministry is threatening to bring down prime in his opinion. and that's in the all his coalition government really challenges has moved from occupied east jerusalem. a several thousands ultra orthodox jews take part in a demonstration on says de outsides. a recruitment sex and military recruitment center in west teresa the. now, this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the off for all the adults have been involved in some of which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police now, what they're angry about these moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped, a veteran exemption from military service. it's
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a situation that dates back to the beginning of the age where the states in the 9th and the late 1940 is when the governments of the time told the out to orthodox community as it was that that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males, so the applied to it might have because the community was so small, but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment, when many is ready still that they are fighting and ex essential rule against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and they also say that the at the alter or schools that out so essentially lost be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that you know,
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his government's that he has to remedy the situation, is discriminatory and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out boss. it's a big problem for him because to policies in his governing coalition ultra orthodox policies. and if he i am talking always has been too much. then they might collapse with the governments and that mike's lapses. and benjamin asking next me all, who might lose power? really challenge out 0 of the parties. prison. the still ahead hey on. i'll just do . and then set and ready to had full migrants in new zealand. many what? because it was wondering what's next. how's the government tysons visa rules, the hey everyone supercharged warrant for a huge chunk of europe. let's get into those details right now. this the forecast
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today on friday, but watch what happens on saturday. colors are on dark to the read, the higher the temperature. and we're really dialing up those temperatures through the balkans. gracious capital is that grab, you could have record heat for april number to be 30.5 we got in for 30. there has been some active weather around. this isn't gonna be a tough turkey, a big burst of rain here, producing flooding streets. just want to evolve that water. go to tell you this morning. the forecast here on friday with the showers and storms. daughter to long southern turkey could also maybe be some flooding on the border with algeria and to an easy i with this disturbance here. if i take you to the other side of the mediterranean, also hot through portugal and spain ports of coming in at 28 degrees, dragging in boards across the northwest. we got some wet weather for scandinavia, but nothing major. have seen quite a bit of wind blow through this a hara we've got a sea breeze and new lock set, but we're going to lose that over the next 24 hours so you're temperatures will shoot up. temperatures have gone way down in zimbabwe and sandy, a still
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a few leftover showers for his and bob was capital harry. so adult day was a few drops from the sky today on friday. so yeah, the in thailand, defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to sign and it's we so the lowest 101 east investigate. so allocations, that defamation case is being used to bring to invitation and concealing corruption . speaching up in time 9 to 0. we are the ones traveling the extra mile there are the media. don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about kill if you're going to say ruby single rahman and the whole reminder of all top stories are united nations damage assessments even calling you to sing dogs that has reported widespread destruction to homes medical center schools. android. unexpected problems are a danger following with through all of his body forces from the city is there any? esperanza continued with at least 6 palestinians killed, of the popular boxing dogs and city, and the website on the outskirts of out of the sweat refugee camp at least 5 palestinians to to follow cities and also been killed during if anybody's, the occupied westbank. 3 of us in just one terabyte. it was beated. under a cyst thailand has reinforced security along its boulder with me involved as
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far as the escalator between levels and the miles military government forces convoys of vehicles on sol josephine. put on the last in the title with a ton of my thoughts. silence foreign minister has visited the town. his government says it's willing to off a temporary shelter to a $100000.00 refugees from me in law. many civilians are trying to flee because of the tax. in covington, states the spelling, the latest, the box full, the hunter rebel groups in the malls they've, they've taken the town of milwaukee on the border with thailand, bowls and a $1000000000.00 worth of goods passed through the trading hop. every a. tiny chang has the story from the boulder, tying on the big codes, the peer outside the boat of crossing and to me and my early on thursday morning reports from across the river to the town of me what he told me. you may have seen the reality on the ground that like a beef through a couple of days, the fighting continuity, as do now as to be, as we speak now,
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can defy things to continue. and if, even though the melody is not broken, 100 percent, but i can say now from as my minutes. yeah. more than 90 percent already broken on the other side of the bridge. so just for me. yeah. most battalion 275200 has requested safe passage into thailand. military fatigue swapped for civilian clothes, waiting on the banks of the more river. totally soldiers watched and waited. planes in the sound of the strikes in the distance the time military are still on jaila. they believe me what he has already full and but the remaining man margins of soldiers are right here across the boulder. and if there is any more fighting, this is where it will happen. on the other bridge in the center of the tide town as may salt, hundreds of refugees pulled across the board from milwaukee. now the ground forces
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have left they stip on bob from the law and since they were fighting they were fight digits, bombing the area they might have dropped into civilian areas accidentally. people might die. that's what worried me and made me sleep. i don't dare to stay there was fighting at but to me into 75, and fight the test bones as well. just today. i was scared with this kid and my sister told me to flee to this site. inside me awhile, the streets deserted and sharp shouted pickup trucks with men patrol the streets. no insignia are on the uniforms, but they say they will vacate the boulder when the current army and their allies arrive. but the me on my military pushed out from this region. it's not clear who's in control. tony checking out 0 on the time me and my bowden easy it is. government is reducing the number of blanket work as it accepts. now the new visa restrictions are a way to get low levels into employment and ease inflation. but the change in policy
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will leave some work as unemployed as worried about the future. that's why and hey, reports from oakland are so many years businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside the zealand to survive. now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand and to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the locals. does um, to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on his personality. and they prefer uh, office words like 9 to 5 labor shortages pools by the code. the 19 pandemic. all but disappeared last year. when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill the job, vacancies, now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled with visas from 5 to 3 years. meaning many my friends facing uncertain future. we and wife had many americans to come over
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here during carpet, di vegas as that and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly the costs. we are no longer and eating them. we are just suited simply kicking them out of the country. they were also high, a english language requirements, which the government believes was help prevent the work is being exposed to abuse by employee is of the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview, but new zealand isn't alone and seeing and need to reduce migrant numbers in australia. if full costs remain on ta guess. almost a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia, as visa rules, student baez's, and now more difficult to get somewhere you want the long term implications might be if the new rules stay in place too long, or you could the damage mates on to the regular approach or bring certain uncertain
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uh, but i graduated in australia or not, but we got about 50 percent of all your, your 10 minute score migrants from students, so started getting astride skilled, all those skills migraines had been vital to the economy. once the leading times a row, the students and work is that likely to be in demand again. but next time they may be more wary. wayne hey, al jazeera oakland to washington the what the present day biden is described as an iron clad commitment to defend japan and the philippines present. said to them monk of junior and the japanese prime minister the me cuz she to discuss the ways to counter what they say as china is going front, trying to condemn the summit, insisting that claims in the region unlawful jointer case. got the trolls are expected to be announced after repeated confrontation with chinese vessels in the south china sea. i want to be clear, the united states,
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united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad, or iron clad. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials or armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. a lodging team as high as criminal colts has blamed it on the foot. 2 attacks that are in the 19 ninety's 29 people were killed and these really embassy attacks and one is always in 1992 and 2 years later, a truck loaded with explosives, drive it with us and to kind of gain to find people and injuring 300 the writing government denies any involve. it was from one of july's largest unions of gold on the nationwide strike. the central work is you need is demanding wage increases. that's a healthcare and tax and pension reforms. they march tools, the presidential palace and the capital santiago gateway. hundreds of police officers were deployed join was thankful with his union strikes because it is
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a call to retain the rights of workers. to pull the attention to oral majors, to all those who have something to do with what has not been fulfilled in order to fate of pensions for our future wage occasion for help. if we don't take to the streets, our demands will never be met. it's not something related only to the current government, but to the government that has never taken care of the civil service. mexico, wells, ecuador expels from the united nations. nice government has complained to the international court of justice after police, and equitable rated the mexican. i'm the secret santa of the rest of that good old former vice president told hey gloss he'd been granted political asylum by mexico after 2 convictions for corruption. there's one thing i think that will be effected, countries should be able to go before the international court of justice. and the court in accordance with the united nations charter should approve the expulsion and there should be no v to 0. and i for those of photos on the photos of what a gloss, so rallied outside the cold. what
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a judge is considering whether to release him from prison, lost on to the hunger strike this we can protest against his arrest, the gods. it all former vice president needs to leave, do. you must return to the mexican embassy, so he can receive the political asylum offered by mexico. 44000 and criminal were here to support our president. we are tired of all the continues that have ruled ecuador, and this should serve as a precedent. so embassies won't be shelters for thieves and criminals in through the number of deaths caused by dang, you see the hun triple to $117.00 low income areas, the hardest hit by the most of the table and disease, the government has passed and emergency decree trying to the outbreak experts say it's being made was by climate change. not likely, but the was studying in southern russia for a century has full small people to be evacuated from the homes, the governor of code and regions as water levels. and the total river rose one and
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a half meters. even though it's a melting snow cools the euro river, the fed longest in europe to best its banks. the floods of also hit neighboring cars like stone where all forward he's of declared the state of emergency and effective regions, swelling, rivers of full, small, the 98000 people from the homes. more than 8000 animals have also dogs like less than 12 on millions and overnight jerry all celebrating the festival of either the 5th avenue address or pull stuff in condo state. what centuries old traditions follow ramadan, or the haven't millennium little has changed in how the old kind of thing. so the rates be at the end of the most important part of it all starts with the religious rights at the end of it. oh my god. oh, it's a combination of both culture religion and it predicted even the stomach


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