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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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with thousands of people or q and millions from this house. what does the future hold to sit down and it's people the sedan contact one year out to 0? the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is in use our own algebra 0. i'm fully back. people live in don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. hospitals in guys that reduced to rubble. the world health organization says several medical facilities in con, units have been destroyed. and a warning of unexploded bombs and 7 guys as palestinians return to their void homes . more is really raised in the occupied,
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westbound 2 palestinians are killed and fighting in a refuge account. also this hour, every one in a city and 7, russia is urged to lead immediately as flooded waters rapid levi's will be in nigeria, west centuries of tradition, celebrating the north for the most name festival of the dolphin, the in sports will have the license from them offices tiger woods is backed out back. i'm placing his bus around for you to his office. second strays officer. it's a long day ahead of the 15 time major champion as well goes to the thank you very much for joining us. it is 13 g m t unimaginable. that's how the world health organization is describing the wide spread destruction of health facilities across 7, gaza, w h o teams in con,
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unit say many hospitals that have been reduced to rubble supplies of electricity, water, oxygen, and access to sanitation. have been completely cut off the agencies, director general says guys, as once, robust health care system is now broken, the level of destruction is emerging after the withdrawal of these really forces from the area. and the un damage assessment team says unexploded bombs and now posing a threat to palestinians. returning to con eunice for teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paved roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they so very significant damage in all. but one of those structures street and public spaces in con eunice
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or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children and the team found unexploded found unexplored. the 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section. and inside schools. meanwhile, is there any strikes on guys i have continued with at least 89 palestinian scale in just the past 24 hours. 6 of them were killed out of popular marketing guys, a city on thursday, west. several others were injured while as strikes on a school and a residential building in the on the say about refugee cam killed at least 5 people . more than 33600 policy means i've now been killed in gaza since october. the 7th. it's bringing i'll just here is honey, my whole not in a rough i 7 guys, a for is honey. the 3rd day of 8 and this been more violence across the gaza strip . what more can you tell us 1st about these recent strikes and their aftermath? the
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the is where are a couple hours away from the, the end of this the, the holiday and for the past, the 3 days it has been characterized as bloody and there is so much violence going on with the ongoing constant error strikes on or tell or something across the god just really concentrated in the central area where there's really military announce the beginning of the conducting, of the unlimited, off of ground operations in the northern part of and the fight on refuge account where it targeted deliberately public facilities then. and then for us directly on the residential building. so 6 people have been reported skilled and we looked at the same exact products of people inside their homes. barely civilians, mostly women and children via transferred to the hospital near by a very small house facility in the area, given the, the risk involved. and in having her emetics then, and civil defense acc, removing all the way to unlocks the hospital that's in the eastern part of the city of theaters,
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but not far away from the camp is really military continues to pound. the area right now with more reports, confirmed reports about the sheer level of destruction caused not only to residential building but also at the schools in moscow. the vicinity of the area of similar situations are reported from the northern part of garza city where a popular market at the center of gauze the city was targeted as well. with couples, shots were destroyed, and a residential home in the center. part of the city with an entire family was in florida and did not have the opportunity to leave it. they were not given the warning as, as these really military stated, they were not given doors at the, the warning to leave the residential home that they were shouldering it. but we'll look at it's 25 people were inside the home when it was a flap into the earth, old reported killed and it transferred to a law to the baptist hospital. honey, we've seen some a trucks going into guys in the past few days. these really ami,
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i said that a truck centered from israel on thursday to a new crossing. what, what can you tell us about that? how much aid has gone in and where, and what effect has it had on the ground? the following way, we don't have a confirmation whether those the trucks were in stock, allowed to insert the northern part of the office, grab it from the new landed crossings. this brand new military announcer was going to off and, and keep it operational within the past the few days just to let more attractive come in. we don't have a confirmation at that is very consistent with the a statement by units of o confirmed that no trucks whatsoever was allowed do cross from air. it's a check point to the northern part on gauze and city, the trucks that we're seeing as how we have seen in the earlier hours that happened to coming from come up with that. and we crossings that into further southern part of distributed from, brought by crossing, we're talking about and a significant increase number of
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a trucks coming in. but in the face of the challenges and the difficult living conditions are created by the intense bombing campaign by this your level of destruction and the almost the absence of safety for 8 workers on the ground and agencies. it's a dropping the ocean and the face of this a greater need for the vast majority of people. and there's almost that you're not, i'm a psych rebate right now that it is not about the number of a truck, but it's not about the amount of humanitarian aid being lit here. but the elimination of genocide lacks that in practice is on the grounds. are the only way to ensure a smooth, efficient delivery to much needed population right now, very desperate already. we know, unfortunately, hydration is bar vision caused the death of 30 people in the northern parts start signs of fire vision. here people are still doing it through their new normal, the q and a line for long dollars to get a pack of of bread or some water for their family. honey, thank you very much. that sounds yes. here is honey. my whole $314.00. they live from a rafa and southern gaza. now,
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many agencies have had to stop operating in guys due to a tax for me is really forced, as most recently, are these really s runs that kills 78 workers from wells central kitchen on april. first one, n g o american near east refugee age has announced it will not resume up ration and gaza when i joined on the news all by its president and c. o sean carol, thank you so much miss account for being with us on alger 0. so why have you decided to resume your 8 operations in gaza? have the circumstances on the ground sufficiently changed to allow for the safe resumption of operations? but thank you privately. mostly we've decided to resume operations because the needs are just so great and our staff who are the ones are staffing guys over the ones on april 2nd, who in response to the world essential kitchen, the killings and the loss of our own staff on the prior to that said, stop, we have to stop, we can do this under these conditions. and so we weren't card over the past week 10
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days to get some assurances which we feel we have a guy for really protection of a workers and humanitarian work that shouldn't be there all the time in a conflict. and as we see with over 280 workers killed, it hasn't been, but right now we have the pleasure of the staff was very eager to get back to work because the needs are so great. and that's where we are, the needs that are indeed very great on the ground. but as recently as yesterday, we saw a unicef conroy come under attack as they tried to deliver a to northern guys i so what sort of guarantees and assurances have you received from these release that they'll stick to the deacon fiction system? what? what guarantees have they given you the bill abide by the system as well? will be watching very closely and you're right that the news of that you this absent tax which happened a couple days ago, but on the news came out yesterday. i gave a pause again and,
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and has the questioning whether it was really safe to go back to work. and the truth is, it's not really safe to go back to work, but our staff wants to we do believe that there are new measures in place. we've been told that there will be no taxonomy, monetary emissions, or workers, or in the area of ac, monetary in operation. unless there is a suspicion of an armed military in the area, in which case, any decision to act on that would have to go up to a senior commander. whereas in the past, it seems, it would often be decided at a lower level level of tech, for the credit officer, and also that there would be no collateral damage on humanitarian workers or missions. and we've been told that and we will be watching and seeing how, how operations are not just for us, but for all of the un agencies. international energy goes and, and house city and joe's and community based organizations that are doing humanitarian work. so just to kind of find this account,
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well the coordination with these are in the army continuing the same way as it did in the past, or have specific changes been made. and it can continue in the same way because it obviously wasn't working when you have more than 200 mandatory workers killed, health workers killed journalists killed that obviously isn't working and it needs to work. and i, the international community, even binding administration at all of us working in guys that are putting pressure on it and having a conversation dialogue with the as early as are, is to ensure that we have some places that again, should always be there and should have been there from the beginning, but we learn, in fact, they want to night, i think now uh we have to, we have to hope we have to take the authorities. are there, were they in factories to the new mechanisms, new communications. they've invited us and others to sit in the command center where uh, where we would be able to ensure that communications are flowing as they should. but we're all very nervous. we have,
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we have done everything we needed to do in the past in terms of the confliction and coordinating our, our facilities and our, and our movements and, and we need assurance and we've been given that verbally, but we need to see that ad communicated down the chain of command. so the incidents like the one with the self and, and others that we seem dropped a 6 year 6 months. yeah. floor are going to be mr. carol, be head of us. say, samantha power has said is credible to assess that firm and it is already occurring in parts of guys, including northern guys. and she is a 1st us official to publicly agree with an assessment that farming is already taking place. what is your organization currently doing to help alleviate the situation in northern guys, especially as well. we have been serving 20000 meals a day over the past few weeks that we have to stop on april 2nd after the w. c. k
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attacks we're now will reason resume that and and, and are in discussions to increase in discussions with our partners in jordan who are sending fluid. we're working with the jordan congress, the chamber of industry and others at the san marc food. we will continue to look for food that might be procured locally. we have been able to procure locally as far as move out and stocks and warehouses as a vendor. so, but now we're going to do everything we can to get more aide into the north. yeah. because the aid getting it hasn't been enough, as we heard for our correspondent the, on the ground. these really is that promise to open the rest crossing to northern guys i but that hasn't happened yet. and there many who believe this account that despite these promises to bring more aid in gaza despite these assurances israel would in fact continue to use starvation as a weapon against the people of guys that are you at all hopeful that these release
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will allow more aid well i think they're being told that they have to, i hope they're getting the message and coming to the realization that starting palestinians does not help is really security either because we are seeing more a come in. i don't think we're seeing it at the rate that they say is coming in, but we'll keep pushing and working to ensure that the numbers, the volume of a dozen just increased by increasing significantly this account. thank you so much for talking to us. shawn carol is the president and see you the american near east refugee a joining us there from washington. we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. bye. is that ahead of us military operations in the middle east? susan is route to coordinate preparations for a potential evade the an attack. this follows is rouse tri county, ron's consulate building in damascus. early of this month, the attack killed several high ranking. the radian commanders,
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iran leaders have threatened to retaliate and these are the ami says this on highlights. israel has escalated, is security, a low to the highest level of voice embassies worldwide. live to humble sahu correspondent and occupied east jerusalem. ah, so honda, the head of centcom, visiting israel to coordinate on what israel and the americans expect to be an imminent attack from you on there's been quite a lot of talk about face it and you know about being an alert, but what sort of preparations are they making config lee is really defense ministry. a lot of deland has been saying for nearly 2 weeks now that they are preparing themselves on all front, preparing themselves for a wide variety of situations and scenarios both offensively and defensively. it now the trip, it's for the head of centcom to israel is in order to prepare some sort of retaliation by these rallies with american support. should there be an attack on is really soil . now these really have been saying this for nearly 2 weeks since that strikes on
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the it on the and console it in damascus. they've never claiming responsibility for it, saying that they have raised their preparedness levers. level calling up reserve is bolstering air. defense is really saying that for any situation, they are prepared well, continuously holding situational assessments. this is coming from these really armies spokesperson daniel, how gaiety these really army chief of staff says that there are battle and attack plans that are ready. and these really prime minister says that israel is prepared for any scenario and that they've been more demonstrations in tennessee this saturday, calling for the release of captives and guys i what more can you tell us more than 6 months into this war, members of is really society and family members of this really captives have been calling on the government to do more to secure their release. they're saying that simply too much time has gone by and these demonstrations,
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demonstrations are increasing in both size and scale, but they're not just calling for the release of the captives. they're calling on these really prime minister to resign for their to be new leadership to assist in bringing back the remaining captive. they say that and it's in yahoo and his work cabinet have simply failed to do so after all of this time. but nothing else who maintains the military pressure is the only way to bring them back. well, protest organizers say that until he's both out of power and the captives are back . these protests will continue to thank you very much from the sound thoughts live there. you know, key find easterly early i spoke to marco and jones, an associate professor of middle east studies has come. i've been highly for university here in doha. he explained the possible scenarios of an iranian response to the attack in damascus. so i think what iran, they obviously don't want to escalate, but they don't one or 2 week. so one they will have to up their rhetoric to make it seem like that they have had to attack. that's one level. at the same time,
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we know that that you're in representation of iran have mentioned that if you and security council had condemned the is rarely attacked, that iran wouldn't feel the need to respond to this in some ways as an olive branch . sort of saying, hey, if you come down what israel did, we might not attack. so they're trying to, i think, you know, reduce these tension somewhat. but of course they, they, they could do something. and i think if the, the goal is in the international communities coating out in the say, hey, what israel did was wrong, right? and that's what a run a hoping for. at the same time, iran knows that if there is originally escalation, this detracts from the pressure that's been mounting on the display. there's you cause and rhonda and that's where you want to see that because they want the pressure we've seen in the past few weeks after coming to the depths u k. what? cuz because this was a moment where do us, we're actually pushing israel and when you look at the way iran has responded in the past, you know, the beginning of the sleep on even in iraq comes to mind. of course, everyone expected a full blown conflict test so that, that one would respond in
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a very strong way. right. they did respond. yeah, but not what everyone expected it to be. no, they did. i mean, they bones us facilities, but they want the us. so that was the case in order that there wouldn't be no specific casualties. and even previous examples where we so those iranian alignment issues in iraq killed us soldiers that was seen as a huge escalation. so they want us to want to do that. so even if they do respond, it's very likely going to be with some level of coordination to make sure that doesn't escalate. potentially. we actually don't know what's going to happen. but i think if you one of a that's a why the war then it has to be calculated to not necessarily involve taking the lives of soldiers to moscow in jo instead, funerals as being held in the occupied westbank for 2 palestinian scales in the latest is really raid others were injured now for our refugee camp. us policy and fight is confronted these really soldiers. a red crest in time balance was shot at and a power medic beaten and arrested. the raids early on friday morning were in kalki
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and assembled houses. here is neither a brain has moved from to boston, the occupied westbank as we're standing in front of the house of mother soul who has been killed by these red new forces fire early today after they've re the football and killed 2 palestinians. one is, and some of the rest of the 26 year old who has been known here among slow crows as parts in the leads are really of the bit silly and in to boss. that is basically a group of. 5 men who have been sitting up arms and eh, confronting these really forces militarily, he is one of 2 palestinians killed by the is really for says fire. this is the morning house um how about the so we've seen the body just in the past 5 minutes being taken to the family home for a final for a while before he is taken to be laid to rest. now, the mother of her mother who has been totally alone in this today because not only has she lost her son earlier today,
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but she has known that her husband has been declared dead by the is really for the service. in october, he's been detained that early october, but around the 23rd, these really present service declared that he was that the family says that he went into prison in a good health in good conditions. but he has been nature declared that in pausing is in the family here. and do you really believe that he has been tortured to death? this gives you an idea about the fact that this family and just in the status of the 6 months has lost 2 members. also they have one son in jail and also a 3rd son who has been trying to make his way from jordan to the occupied with things to be able to attend the funeral. but he does not make it the farm. he says he's been held by these really forces for a while as he was making his way here to palestine will have to wait longer to become a full member of the united nations. and the security council's committee on the admission of new members fail to reach consensus to 1st of the committee members
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were in favor, but not enough to make a recommendation to the general assembly. gabriel is on to has mail from you and headquarters in new york. it appears that once again, palestine bid to become a full member of the united nations has died in security council committee. this, despite the fact having the majority of the security council members, apparently approving a palestine spit that according to multis, ambassador of the un holds the presidency of the security council this month. however, the majority with a membership outside many countries outside the facts that kind of science courses are the criteria that are required on the months of video convention shots us
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on some countries when to fly and explaining that 1st. so as the chair of the committee, we have sciences, i have decided that i will be circulating our best job very full of doing no objection procedure. and we would see the next step from this in 2011 palestine also apply to be full. you and members, but that also died in committee and the security council. but at that time then the general assembly was able to elevate palestine to the status of un observer. that gets palestine a lot of rights here at the un, but not critically. the right to vote in the general assembly, which is very important. so palestine is said sleep has been disenfranchised from this organization that they participate in for many, many years. now. now this still could potentially go to the security council and
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a resolution for a vote. that is still a possibility and that could come as early as next week. but the bottom line is, is the u. s. has been, even if it does go that far. the us is prepared to veto it, gabriel's on don't just need it at the united nations in new york. the found to have a world news in the flooding crisis in parts of 7, russia and neighboring causes expand shows, little sign of easing, melting. snow has caused the euro river to hit a new record. high to meet is above his critical level authorities, urging the mass evacuation of residents in the russian city of oregon. burke and a state of emergency has been imposed in 8 of the 17 provinces and conflicts on poll running results. and there's no sign of any rest bites in oregon bag a week into this crisis,
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whole neighborhood to remain on the water. the river level on friday reached a record high of more than 11 meters, and in some areas under the roots of the houses are visible above the brown water. the community center opens up now operates as a temporary shelter. it's cramped and it's basic, but at least it's dry. for now. it's just the, the basic to be provide everything and all of all guess. everyone who stays here is being given hot meals 3 times a day. alexander returns to his home beside the river every day to feed his dogs now stranded on the roof. he is 68 years old and he says, this flood is like nothing that's come before i've lived here all my life. this is the 1st time such a flood has happened here. the last flood was in 1993 and it was much smaller than the water in the yard was only up to the needs. there has never been anything like that school. said the south in the flood stricken areas of catholics done the ice
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and melt for us to continue to arrive from up river. petro pavel, fluttering is beside the issue of a big urgency, reinforced with some facts the transact president. okay. i posted this video of dramatic music sound track, alongside scenes of ministry helicopters rescuing children, la concerned looking officials to the flood stricken regions to try to reassure residents and encourage national solidarity. but there is more to come. the issue in river is already at dangerous levels, and officials predict it won't reach its peak for another 10 days, pull brennan ultra 0. the floods are also affecting russian farmers, and the herds of goes to 0 is usually a shop. a lot of the for some more and back to the shows that owen bugs most i coney comes across that made the finest a yon from the owenberg. downy goes,
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which are native to the highest point in the over in the region. cold coupon. take those cut them, that's with these down matures. very strong winds blow the so the down protects the goats from coal, which 5 but inside is empty. this explains the likeness of this cough and its forms . albina and her husband try your own a good phone with 3000 animals in the remote proven dig district. they also run a non factory and to show anything business that worried for the animals since the farm has become an accessible due to the flooding. cling you most of the time, it's kind of where we come to deliver the amount of feet each go requires for the daily rush and we feed on the young ones. so they have milk while the rest is still on. hey, what's the problem? is that the water has risen and then the roads are flooded. the edge has a good one. see. yeah, we call them the goats and they see it due to the slots. this didn't happen. we're
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missing the moment as the goats will begin to shed. so it takes 60 days to create once cough from day to room materials to the finished product. one good needs to be raised and fed for a whole. yeah. to get to 300 grams of down slowly but and will to go eat directly affects the downs quality the spring months when mos baby goes of pills of bone for which the month ago needs victim and supplements. and the fees, dislodging across the coupon to region means these method goes, have only got enough feed for another $2.00 days before owners have already procured feet from the neighbors. but it's not enough. they know how the water will receive soon. you leadership of all of a 0 to 0 or in but russia of dozens, the forest fires in guatemala, have cause a state of disaster to be declared as smoke from a burning landfill has injured more than 200 people. 80 percent of
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a pfizer suspected to have been started deliberately. a disaster declaration by president bernardo out a bottle allows for funding to assist with firefighting and time. not for check on the world whether he is just hello, there's been more storms in central india. let me show you right off the bat. this time in chatted. scar states near the states capital here a copious amounts of rain and quite blustery winds as well. but i'll tell you, i think this story on saturdays. these winds off the radiant see here. so that's picking up sand and dust from the tar desert through raja starting punjab and him actual production stage. we will see those sending dust storms over the next 24 hours. but if a divide forestry longer the east, looking mostly fine, at least throughout the day on saturday, but still some rounds of rain to go for the west coast. not too far away from colombo pump in, in the humidity of the south. china sea for china is hand an island in northern vietnam, so temperatures are up. and it's also feeling muggy and sticky. that pre is also fueling these storms. northern gwen g,
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one dung and food you and provinces. this will be nice, the packing hail and the potential to see those winds for past a 100 kilometers prior. it's hot for now in beijing, but check out what happens on sundays showers roll through cooler air out of mongolia. so just 21 degrees for you. when this weather report in indonesia, the think the biggest burst of rain will be across the main island of jobs. the west job of providence, outside of the cartridge carter should be awfully fine. see you jeff. thank you very much. still ahead on the news our on, on certain road ahead for migraine senior zealand. many workers are left wondering what's next. as the government tightens visa rules and yoga and comp clapping the level for fans. cuz that is your last here cannot shut on field details coming up a transport with them at the same this we're back after this. so the unique perspective,
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everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god though, and that the story is the ability of us having a normalized indies with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now, the stream announces celebrate need, we'd be in and say big get up to 3 months free subscription for free set cell phones. immerse yourself in the excitement to be repeated leaks and the treating champions lea quotes of final indulge, you'll pass you up to speed with a formula. one grows free once wrote on girls the m, the 8. i'm more exclusive sports on be
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the the, you're watching the news out on alger 0. i would me for the back people, a reminder about top stories, damage assessments from teams of the world health organization are describing the destruction to hospitals in 7 guys. a has on imaginable, and they say the health care system in con eunice is broken nowadays. really forces retreated from the city and the occupied westbank funeral and stuff being held for 2 palestinians cares and the natives this really rave. others were injured now for la refugee camp. us soldiers were confronted by palestinian fighters and forties in southern russia had cornered the mass evacuation of the city of foreign birds
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because of rising front waters, the entire neighborhood. so underwater, often melting snow caused major rivers to burst their backs. or in other news, thailand has reinforced security along its border with myanmar as fighting escalates between rebels and the on laws. routing military di soldiers are on alert and the board a ton of may soft thailand, foreign minister has just visited. his government says, is willing to offer temporary shelter to a $100000.00 refugees from myanmar many of trying to see a tax in can states. the guy for an minister says his government has sent messages to me on march, june to, to reduce violence. i'll just here's tony chang has more from a bridge that separates the 2 countries. china, it's a foreign minister who's just go right up to the middle of the bridge, across this folder. on the other side, ma'am, uh me a lot a. the side is tight on my so there's
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a clear message here. i think he's trying to make the point the time end is very much in control of its folder here. he said in the last couple of days, the per pad for a $100000.00 refugees to come across the board. and then the last week we have seen thousands coming across from anybody. but most of the people coming across in this direction down towards the time around 2 and trade is from the town of milwaukee. they call friends and relatives over here. this thing they think for, for a couple of days, maybe a week or 2. but the real problem, say the n g is, is the people inside me and there are 2400000 people displaced by the car and facing more than 10000000 faces food and security. i'm all those international engineers wants to see happen. so it can be from china now that this boat has possibly opened up a little more, is getting the opportunity to get
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a inside to the people who really need tony chang al jazeera on the time, me, i'm about feel robinson is deputy agent, director of human rights watch, he says there's little ho for an end to the war in myanmar any time soon. i as well . it's not clear that the military wants to talk. there are actually engaged in mandatory construction, forcing people into the military. and the ethnics view of the military is being on their bad foot. so, you know, people may not want to talk. it may not be the time yet for peace talks, because you know, both sides still want to fight. i think both thailand and china are starting to recognize that they need to hedge their bets, that their assumption that the more military would always win, no matter what is being tested now. and they may need to recognize that they have to readjust their eliasis start talking with the opposition. start talking with the ethnic groups and start recognizing that the,
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the human rights abuses and the lack of accountability has continued for far too long. and we have, at this point, the thailand is uh, being pulled along with the events inside of the m r. i mean, this is really between them. yeah. more people in the military there. the military is continuing to wage a war against them. yeah. more people now were concerned that in maya why the there is going to be air strikes against civilian targets. so these are the sort of things that we're worried about. um, you know, thailand is waiting and watching. uh, just like your reporters are those the, the, the soldiers are waiting at the bridge to see what happens. well, i don't think that we're going to see anything near to 1000000 refugees. i mean, i think that we'll see is a, some stream of refugee is coming across, but most of these people are coming across. we'll go back once to the fighting subsides. and what we're looking at is much of the eastern border, myanmar alarm. and the type of water will be in the whole hands of the ethnic groups. so, you know, is this is actually
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a progress from the perspective. a lot of people who have face predation and abuses from the military. i think that overall, the situation, you know is certainly one where them you have more military's grip on power as we getting, but they're going to continue to fight and it's not going to in quickly i think we're going to see it. a new phase come. but the loss of maya, why the will be a major major below 2 of them, you have more military and in china and north korea are holding their highest level talks in 5 years aimed at increasing corporation. the chairman of china is national people's congress is in kiln young until saturday. north korea has been trying to strengthen ties with badging and moscow as tension. scroll with the united states. export from china have fall in shop, a highlighting the problems facing the world's 2nd largest economy. the 7.5 percent slump in march was the largest since last august. chinese explorers are struggling
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as high interest rates overseas reduce demand for their products or us present. joe biden says, washington is commitments to defend japan and the philippines remain in clyde, it follows a meeting with president fridge and on macos junior and japanese prime minister from york, issued out in washington to discuss ways to counter what they see is china is growing threat joined coast guard patrols, i expect it to be announced after repeated confrontations with chinese vessels in the region. china has condemned the summit insisting its claim said in the south trying to see off some phone vision. sonya, when joshua county relevant countries are cooling with external forces for their selfish interest, reacting accounts for them in a containment strategy against china. and you want to warn them 5 tons will only end up being a band to wish for long as i speak to our jad robina, who is a senior lecturer at the university of the philippines, asian center and a member of the philippines council for foreign relations. is live from manila,
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thank you very much for joining us on al jazeera. so this summit at the white house comes up to repeated confrontations between chinese and philippines vessels in the south china sea, that of race fears. i'm a wider conflict. will the philippines now be reassured by this commitment from, from the us? so, yeah, so things like these, you know, give the philippines a sense of confidence because it's not just the talking to one country. it's starting to gauge. so to the highlight that i could state should have the same time, it's starting also to one of its closest security parkers which is the japan. so the strategy of developing choose basically to maximize external balancing efforts so that you can send a message to the region in the world that if you start alone, we're going to try to adjust the faces, especially with respect to the south china sea but,
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but the thing bolstering this us japan, philippines alliance will provide a solution in the short term and the long term to these go intentions in a soft trying to see. yeah, so that is a good question. so these are, this will indeed be very helpful for defeated beings when it comes to capacity building efforts exercises. that's what it has inter operability. but what many of the company would want to see how this would completely it specifically transfer. they cancelled operational gains from the philippines because the challenge should, at the philippines is facing of the south jersey. it's not a one time me to tie a problem. but it's, it's all, you know, a visual peroration. it's all a that is weird, at least for a life threatening mechanism or before that's what the arrangements will be put to the test going forward. right. and some chinese officials have accused the philippines of ignoring what they say was
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a gentlemen's agreement made with the previous philippines president rodrigo, to try to and say that us is actually directing this new philippines government. is that the case? i mean, macos is seen as closer to washington, and then rodrigo, to charge a was. but the philippines still depends economically on china. how delicate of a balancing act is, is for the new administration. yeah, so i think what you can choose a foreign policy in the philippines is actually directly related to domestic politics. and so every policy cycle, every 6 years in the philippines, you have a change precedent. it's all about the change in the policy and the find the right . no, the current administration doesn't, did not like the approach of the previous administration. and it was not the form of that agreement. and so the credit administration thinks that it is the binding such an agreement is not binding in the perceived that such an agreement would only
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undermine the philippines. you are be starting monday wins, which uh, pretty easy to stay short or are you insured? if its not prepared. yeah. but you can only play as a philippines still interested in having a good relations with china. yeah, for sure uh, trailer it needs to be our, our largest, uh, painting partners and in fact lots also wide. um, interesting is that uh, probably the change investors splitting it to expire and come to the philippines. but it doesn't seem like that because the insurance default, tennessee is, you know, i seems to be the focus right though. all of our but not totally funds with china, it's been at the front and center. but if you would actually mental, nice things and you'll have each policy issue area totally. um they cannot make the mention seems to have not been affected yet by the patients. any far uh,
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what would also say the try now stop in boston. um, it cannot be sanctions directly or indirectly on the philippines. thank you so much for talking to us. thank you for your insight. our and jed robina from the university of of philippines, joining us there for manila. thank you. thank you very much. i is using it is government is reducing the number of migrant workers. it accepts new visa restrictions are a way to get more locals into employment and ease inflation. but the change in policy will lease some work as an employee is worried about their future. when, hey, every for some auction. for many years, businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside new zealand to survive . now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it, once new zealand is to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the locals. does um, to be honest, a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on his personality. and therapy for
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office words, like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code, the 19 pandemic old but disappeared last year. when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled would visas from 5 to 3 years, meaning many my friends facing uncertain future. we invited many americans to come over here during carpet, di vegas as that and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly because we are no longer needing them. we are just suited simply kicking them out of the country. they were also high, a english language requirements, which the government believes will help prevent the work is being exposed to abuse by employee is the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview. but new zealand isn't alone and seeing a need to reduce migrant numbers in australia. if full costs remain on ta,
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guess almost a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia is visa rules, student, these is a now more difficult to get somewhere you want. the long term implications might be if the new rules stay in place too long, because the damage mates on to the regular pride should bring certain uncertain. uh, but i graduated in australia or not and we got about 50 percent of all of your new permanent skilled documents from students. so stuff you know, those try a skilled all those skills. migraines have been vital to the economy once the leading times a row of those students and work is that likely to be in demand again. but next time they may be more wary. wayne, hey, al jazeera oakland, mexico, one sec, one door expound from the united nations. this government has complained of ancient national court of justice after police in ecuador rated the mexican embassy in kito
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. last week, they arrested ecuador, as one of the vice president, jorge eyeglass had been granted political asylum by mexico after 2 convictions full corruption. there's one thing i think that those people in the affected countries should be able to go before the international court of justice. and the court, in accordance with the united nations charter, should approve the expulsion and there should be no veto in ecuador itself, supporters and opponents of jorge glass have rallied outside a court where a judge is considering whether to release him from prison. last on it, a hunger strike this week in protest against his arrest. a david said he'd be like god said, all former vice president needs to leave jail. he must return to the mexican embassy so he can receive the political asylum offered by mexico and criminal. we're here to support our president. we are tired of all the continues that have ruled ecuador, and this should serve as
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a precedent. so embassies won't be shelters for thieves and criminals. and for the number of dest caused by dang, a fever has more than triple this year. to a $117.00 low income area is a hardest hit by the most kids are born disease. the government has biased any emergency decree to try to curb the outbreak. argentina's highest growing on cortez blamed the ron and the lebanese group has voted after 2 attacks they. busy are in the 19 ninety's 29 people were killed in these really embassy attack and one of size in 1992, 2 years later, a truck loaded with explosives. it drove into a jewish center, can in k g, 5 people and injuring 300. the radian governments denies any involvement i still had on knowledge, is there a no one can saw about? he lives there twice for a destroyed, for drupal,
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continues. that's on the way the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the time numbers, horses, gem, i, thank you fully. the mazda is back on the way, and tiger woods has completed his 1st round, after he was unable to do so when 1st day due to weather today's the 15 time major champion resumed on one on the pot. 3 fuzzy and holes, he came back out, dropped the 2 shots at $14.18, which they seemed one of us. ha, that is fine. putnam max home, i made consecutive buddies at 16 and 7 to 4 site,
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dropping the shots out. the last is 2 shots. of the, that pricing to show by, by class you've got a short break before they tlc. that's 2nd rounds. stefano sits, the past remains on cost for us, the multi caught a mazda side. so off the he beat current option off to reach the semi finals. the victory comes just a day off the he beat well, number 5 alexander's is r, as, as he looks to work his way back to form. he break immediately against the russian before winning the fuss. set 6 for another 2 rights in the 2nd set. so the 2 time is ground sounds fine, this is looking with an a t p $1005.00. so the 1st time since one year, 2 years ago, a just now it's a tough night so you can swap. and his little poolside is they was still on the 3. nobody else, alonzo, in the 1st legs, they ready for the course of final. they will one know down off the associate minutes generally. so my fat with the i cannot for the italians may 3 time, does it have time? i'm how much sound it was built on that didn't increase things as the market sold
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again. often an hour ago this allowed before my re possibly completed a night sermon, but full ass alonza, serial. so accidents of reaching just $75.00 days ahead of the 2nd leg, 3 quote, the quote of the funds to the end of the match that could be his last year appearing davis. i'm feel sure it was that 1st time defeats involving a young top the middle of it can make decisions based on the old times test was really bad game. oh my god, we played a bad game is up to lose. and the boys have this night to feel bad about it. and then we have to to build up again for the, for the course of how those payments. so that's how it is. welcome back us from the side, west tower in trouble to they like to let go slip as y'all bill of size by level keys of extended the on this and run the season to full thing to game goes from such a she years huffman. i'm sick to both of us giving each other lead me to is
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a mountain victory. i can win this. i still going to see the size of this result. stay that way on the deck minutes. if the guy and it was telling me thing, it was very light, he came out himself against 89 at generally from on tv, with the already goal of the game. so this is we reach the final of his competition lawsuit. after isaac filled out celebrations, s s, tracy, and sold to use some style, hundreds of thousands of the funds, galvan along with that navy on to, to the team on off today when the confidant write on saturday is the 24th time they want it. but it was a slave to tracy since 1984 after losing the previous 6 spanish cup finals. out of our main uncle's fine. historic country philosophy beat out it's you have full one twin the saudi safe, the cup now come to school twice in the victory, including decides, are you not in the face minutes asked and did countryman name on want stone, a little celebration for me? that what was that goes, but some of those 3 and not so those rates to extend the world record winning run
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to $32.00 days out of 12 points clear and the saudi part, each one of those. so in the $75.00, most of the asian jump usually is i'm looking at the white receive the rest, the rice has turned himself into a source. he's also a warrant, was issued for his arrest in connection with a high speed crash it last month. according to dallas police that were to is meeting calls which caused a chain reaction collision, but damaged formal vehicles by speeding costs, reflect the scene of the crash. the kansas city chiefs plant is facing 8 felony charges full, the incident which included collision involving serious bodily injury and aggravated assault, which is punishable by outs 20 years in prison due this month, rice accepted full responsibility for his punch in the incident. so hey, tanya, is a form interpreter has been charged with bank fluids. if it is a holler is accused of stealing more than $16000000.00 from an account to no tom, his name is accused of using that money to cover gambling debts. investigators have
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not found any evidence that shows that means you holler at best on baseball games. autonomy himself has insisted he has never batch on the sports or knowingly paid a book may go to a significant victory for the new buildings. pilot goodness is that went over the sacramento kings, leads them into the 6th and final play. a false one, offer in the western conference is completed. a 5 game sweep against the king's will now successful for a place in the play implement to westside. the games are required in order to reach higher filing, williamson mc j. mccall and east coast 31 points. and i'll leave the phoenix on by one guy and pull that 6. the places to the information and the golden state warriors are guaranteed to be in that play and tournament. but there is a 3 way side to get a crucial 8 states bolt, which will make that pos to the playoffs. a slightly easier, and they all just seem to base at the moment they secures and nights when in 10 games with a 100 to 9, excuse me, victory over to portland trailblazer has steph curry left the way with 22 points. 8, assist and 7 lead mountains, the trailblazers,
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everything just finished and the last name of the conference off is that the defeats enterprises really just skip it back on the fence and all that stuff. that is what you'll support from me for now. but pizza will have another update light to fully. i'm going to thank you very much for that night, tanya and archaeologists in the roman city of pompei have uncovered an ancient banquet hall well preserved. nero paintings were also found a famous figure such as helen of troy, a portal, and cassandra from pay was destroyed by the erupt in volcano, in the year 179 off today. no need appear to be static, the roles of painted black to prevent the smoke from the oil lamps being seen on the walls. people would meet to dine off to sunset. the flickering lights of the lamps had the effect of making the images appear to move. that seemed like most names worldwide. millions in northern nigeria, us celebrating the festival of adolf fits. right. i'll just here,
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as i'm advisory for some kind of state where century's old traditions follow ramadan. haven't millenium, little has changed in how the old kind of king rates the at the end of the most of them call him on the, you know, starts with the religious rights at the end of it. oh my god. oh, it is a combination of both culture and religion and it predicted even the islamic revolution of this month of, for you, at least by some $300.00 to us. yeah. in kind of passivity is and cultural displays take over the traditional live average for these codes. an edition, make us a site, the click, ones of society lose its cultural tradition. the societies go. so that's why it's important to look at the culture as see how we can maintain need to know, but uh,
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what the things come was the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of people whose history dates. but over a 1000 years, horsemen dec inch in costumes. display writing skills, in homage to the young princes also take part in the colorful to the delight of hundreds of thousands of people in town or the rest of the country may be going through the top ties. but when it comes to get some operations venue, say they don't, electronic just started their way. this brenda looked at pest control the traditional institutions not expensive to make numerous laws until the next press pro arrived. gun salutes may be in addition, what royal historians say they've also been around for more than 100 years. the
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celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining the job are for us to reduce my degrees. i'll just need a couple more on this and out of stories. we're covering our knowledge as 0 on our website at all. sure. 0 dot com. i'll be back in just a few minutes with another bond number for the is the biggest over the next. and yet in history, the was biggest democracy, both its own, epic showed on this final episode of speaking the port finally off the prime minister and the movie elevated in the global fetus. i look forward to moving to take a long room under the microscope with them and how much is facts and how much is fiction to be in the port fox for? oh, no does. he does now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to
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completely conflict zionism and judy is a, but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even hacked. this is most important, which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do these call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we become about to on we are not denies all of who
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we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our officers claim that has been done before can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you of the hospital is in guys, reduced to rubble. the world health organization says several medical facilities in con, units have been destroyed. and a warning of unexploded bombs in southern gaza as palestinians return to the ruined house.
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