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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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in down, is that picture becoming clear at this point? what for the moment the pictures that you are seeing? i know i've, i've seen several pictures on telegram channels from is read showing into sections many into sections, but in general, and given a big tv and soft fast launches that will be like 1450 rockets launched and then there will be 2 or 3 precise rocket dots are aimed at certain target, this happened in stuff on a weeks ago. this happened and it's still happening. i mean, during the past weeks and, and so we got 2 more, 9 and 7. i'll all that is really a settlement send thousands on the board of off costs the choice of golan heights. this is, this is a something, as i, i've been saying in the past lies, this is something that indicates a kind of an extension or a 10, but has will lot to widen the have a front. but how does on to the is rather have been why they need this front end
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that's going deep into 11 on the ticket as well as trying to expand it to include the golan heights. as we know, since i seen 73, the goal and where com does not that resistance the, the not the attacks, the rockets there. so this time it seems that line is becoming fault and boss of this confrontation between 5th blonde is really building homes at valley. always seeing of preston where has belong, wants to widen, then the theater of operations, if we can call it that. now that we're seeing also the golden heights being involved, the occupied golden heights being involved a while. it's been assigned me that you know, after 6 months the, it does a need for has the law for new. let me say carts on the table and talking to only the ministry positions on the board that between 11 and on is read isn't,
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isn't really a 3 anything, any real pressure more than the one? because then when is read is head, think deep. and to that been on its head thing, but as back it say things that we sold to us as a nation of the father had added in the southern sub, i've been neighborhood. i think l. a. so i've just beyond the leaf on the river. now does it different, maybe the rules of engagement then these rules of engagement audit is contained into all the geography. maybe we have to look into the kind of advice of pockets that is really is chunk choosing and has what law is choosing. now, there are some of the docs that went without a claim of proof of sponsibility. the main one was the one i mentioned in just a few seconds ago, the one in the phone. and that was a significant talk because 1st of all, it was a not a major ministry position in the northern is run. also the depth,
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it was like 14 to 15 kind of mean does inside know of is right. and also it ended with casualties. this was one of the main at dock side. it showed a different button, but it went without the claim or for a sponsibility on that raise. a lot of question marks that there's another a tackle to that at the beginning was significant, but later on became usually which is the, the attack on the moon and the ministry base. and it's an area of the base that tells us the area from 11 on to cyprus, to turnkey. it's a, it's one of the main areas is really, are going to basses into and in the area of them. so has a lot that this based on the beginning just like a few months ago after that getting off one of its main ministry lead us. we saw that. but we later on that that this, this base and it continues to do that. but of course, not day after day, those are not also, i know that it shortly the choice that principal has been taking over the past few
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months. i mean, it's been 6 months now. we've been seeing says, well, lot of talking mandy is really military base is on the board on the same time as read. mainly i talking as will lot thought gets inside live and on. so it's clear about both sides where teams out containing this confrontation within the ministry targets. now sometimes that are as civilians. and over the past months, they've been around 6 tended many civilians including journalists who have kids on the east side, on the, on the, is there any side, according to the numbers that are issued by the is really, is that what on 5 or 6 is really civilians killed, so both sides been trying to contain this confrontation within the military targets . and this is a mainly ad find as much as possible not to get into why the confrontation, because the wife of confrontation would mean really destruction on both sides. for
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now, we are here in the water, which is just on the board. the directly on the board. this found is empty. and yesterday we send out a for we sent a report from i the shop. this is the, this is kind of described off the ground 0 off soft deborah. them completely destroyed. also, other thousands like masons you about like america, murder, washing, and these are all towns in south lebanon are now deserted. on the other side, of course, from lab and on the, on the 100000 people now a lot internally displaced on this really size that also towers the car now completely or made the image out of the office that read as events i've left like give you a small not like you should only, and these are the big cities or 1000 on the other side that are now empty. and also there are found, such as a minot often with a lot with many and tens of houses that i've been destroyed. so lot 5 sites
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know very well that such confrontation, it's going to mean destructive. now, of course, as well, has the power of, of air with a very strong ad force, but has, will also, has a very big amount of records. and, you know, over the past years they've been saying like 100200000 buckets. but this is an old number, maybe from 2006. and no one was able to update that, given the fact that has been lost in the bargaining stopped by these weapons over the past 18 years. all right, thanks so much. natalie hash them their reporting to us on this exchange, which is going on now looking at some of the latest pictures coming in, of those 50 barrels of 50 rockets being fired from southern lebanon, into northern israel, and into the occupied golden heights. let's go live now. to have the south coach
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and occupied east jerusalem. so i'm the 1st of all, we're hearing any word from his right, the officials on what's happening and then also well, these really army has just released a statement saying that at least 40 rocket launches were identified from southern 11 on most of which were intercepted and the rest are falling in open areas. however, these really are me is saying that there were no reports of any injuries or damage and just yeah, this is one of the larger rock and barrages we've seen into northern israel. and the reason why many rockets wouldn't be fired at ones in order to inundate the iron don't missile defense system, which i might add, has been replenished and bolstered in the last couple of weeks of these really are on high alert for a to sort of it audience or talents for a, a time where they are adults wasn't the only type of air defense system that's been replenished as roles. air defenses are 3 folders. the iron jone, which is the most commonly used with short range rockets and projectiles. then you
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have the david sling for medium or short to medium range rockets and then the arrow for a longer range projectile. so these rarely army is on alert, bolstering those air defenses. and they're saying that in this instance, specifically, these really army has targeted several hands full of posts and sites earlier in the day. and have additionally intercepted to you a these that came in from southern 11 on earlier on friday afternoon. and this is a continuation of mix changes of fire we've been seeing across the border since october the 8th, just the day after the war began. and these rarely as have said that they have plans both offensively and defensively for how to do which has been low. these rarely army chief of staff has said there are new battle on a top plans, but he is approved just in the last week alone saying that this situation cannot remain as it is. this is really defense minister jo, i've go on, has spoken at length about this within the last several months saying that his role
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is not afraid to turn and bedroom into another, gaza if there is no sort of solution to exchanges of fire between his ball and these really is something that is also on the lines of these really government are the towns and settlements within the northern part of the country that has been evacuated since the war began. so these really are looking to bring those people back into those towns in settlements looking to solve the situation. but they say if there needs to be a wider scale conflict or a more they are prepared to do so. and how do you mention the is where the army statement from sunday, that reference defensive actions is that an expectation that we may see this transition in the very near future in terms of his right, the tax and strikes on lebanon. it's a little bit hard to say because these really have been saying that they were 1st on the defensive, but israel defense minister yolanda yolanda also within the last week or so has
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said that they are now turning from that defensive now to turning, to actively pursuing his paula targets, not just in ways who it's not just in southern lebanon, but in fact, all over in the middle east, in syria, and other countries and cities, but they are operating. and so it's hard to tell if there would be some sort of larger measure or attacked by these really is conducted against his beloved. but look, there has been a lot of warning from these really is that this is something that perhaps they might do because the situation has not seem to calm. it is escalating week after week. the number of rockets that are being fired into northern israel continuously rising. those townsend's settlements still evacuated as these rallies are also dealing with the war ongoing. so, so they have 2 active friends that are open and seemingly trying to deal with both of them at once. over whelming, the military overwhelming the air and defenses. so while it is difficult to say,
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these relatives are going to engage in some sort of larger offensive strike against has been low. they say that it's not something that they've ruled out and have the adults us a little bit about how the pressure is building off on this is really government 8 . we've seen protests, we've seen demonstrations of calls. and at the same time, when we see seems like this, that clearly show they haven't gone about an old and border anyway, the a secured. how does that play out politically for nothing? yeah, well there's a lot of pressure on these really prime minister, a lot of it is international. the bulk of it is also domestic from his own population. he says that until he achieves the 3 goals of his war, that to the conflict is going to continue. but there are a lot of moving parts within this conflict. it's not just the war on gaza,
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it's not just a vacuum, wait in towns and settlements that are in southern israel. it's also in the northern part. there's also the overarching issue of the captives were still being held in gaza. is really society incredibly frustrated with the way nathan, yahoo! and his war cabinet had been handling this war. and in fact, the demonstrations against the government, the calling on him to resign and their calling on him to be over a pharaoh and saying that they need new leadership to get the country back on track that everything is seemingly falling apart. but even the economy is taking a turn for the worse under the leadership because he is not handling this war correctly. and you also have is early so are frustrated because in the international community, they say the way is role is being presented because of nothing young because of his policies. because of the way he has been choosing to prosecute. this war is incredibly for and as a result v, p r, so to speak,
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for israel is quite poor as well. so they say because of his leadership, there is a wide variety of issues and among them is still more than 6 months later. the situation in the north that is not seemingly going away, but is not going to be solved with any sort of diplomatic solution between these ro is and the lebanese, or his bone lots. so there's a lot of overarching frustration from is really society when it comes to nets and yahoo and his inability to essentially handle both fronts of this war that are open at the same time for more than 6 months. all right, thanks so much. i'm the solve, hold that, let's go live to talk about assume he's involved in solving gaza and father kids, maybe impulse. and that is going to put it into perspective that we've seen the exchanges in places like between the border of 11 and syria. pick out we've seen the exchange between of the strongest by who these because when we see garza coming
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on, the intense is really fine. right? yes. so i mean, fox, all the rain is right now are witnessing high rates of los angeles. a foreign exchange has become slightly upset because of this check to you around the gap is what the tax on generally the middle air is pacifically under say, rock refuge account where the body artillery bombardment did not stop since the hours of these morning police the 6 palestinians have the report of killed alongside with more than 70 of us being wounded, done with it. also recruiting most strikes on another part of the gaza strip. specifically point as i 2 of those neighborhoods were a number of casualties have been transferred to us. we are in the hospital for medical treatment, then similarly, the situation sounds absolutely dark in the news. the problems were right now. the adf is the law group has known smooth, done at 50 rockets to towards the east,
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very communities, indeed another in front of a lip and on as they have been also the same thing, at least according to, is where the media reports to a drug and a 2 to drones to the is very community. that's who you were intercepted by the is when you are in the defense system. and that comes as a part of the ongoing confrontation between both, both on the front and the rain. i specifically that clipping on has been engaged in the flight to a since day one of the direction of this conflict with garza, i suppose, or for the palestinian. i'm groups here in the existing place, so gladly some experts are saying that just comes as a retaliation to the latest is ready to talk on the iranian consulate was completely to now here's the lot, did not provide any official statements about the attack. where at right now the situation that sounds to be completely key optic as the
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a is very simple. the front has released orders to it's us as is to remain in shelters and not to get out in public. and for that to be away from the rocks being fired from the, from the live chat 3. all right, thanks so much thought a couple as though. well, like i said, just give you a glimpse again of these rather dramatic pictures coming out from the, the border area between 11 and israel with reports talking about when these right, the armies hang, at least 40 rockets were launched from southern lebanon into israel. has the law released the statements confirming that they had launched the barrels of rock? it's saying that this is to show the steadfastness of the resistance. we know that some of those rockets also target targeted these ready occupation of the syrian golden heights in warranty is potentially
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a new sort of development. in this packing that we've been seeing going on for weeks is at least 6 people have been killed and is really a tax on the side of the dress you g compton, central, gaza engine, palestinians, among them, journalists were carried to the hospital for treatment. and the whole day as mol, from the site were currently in the so you got in and out of the hospital, all of the injuries and the killings are coming here from the say it off after that is really forces southern to be involved in the area the situation in which account is very dangerous, where people are not being even able to get back to wait or to leave their houses. they're saying that there are clubs, carpenters everywhere. they're targeting every single person who's leaving his house or walking in the threes. um, the situation is little bit dangerous because also during this have been targeted
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during this will have been trying to cover what's going on in the say, right, refuge account where it targeted. and one of the journalists have been severely injured, where his leg was amputated when he was injured. now were a couple of meters away from, i'm gonna say, right, if did you come? the situation is very hard. people are not being able to evacuate, they're not even able to move. even i'm getting into is are having a lot of difficulties to reach the areas we can hear the drones. we can hear uh the artillery selling and also air strikes. and what's very scary is people are not even able to leave their houses because there are lives in munition and clubs. copters everywhere of this is the only hospital currently operating at in on this a refugee camp. and most of the severe injuries are transferred to the hospital for more than 2 days. now, on this i ran
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a refugee camp has been under intensive funding. under intensive fighting and policy news cannot leave the house government this issue j. as in the we was sitting piece of land, all of a sudden explosives were dropped, a lot of people when black. we were initially displaced from kansas city to news around then to rafa. and then back to news around again. there's no safe inch in the entire own place. on a more of them, these really forces destroyed our homes and we were forced to good hon eunice. up to one and a half months. we were again forced to hit the offer. we spent 2 months in tens under ruthless bombardment last night in the state. it was the worst in 10 shelling, missiles and bombardment. when we reached the area that we would see people seeing evacuating to didn't but or any other area, but unfortunately they do not even have the ability or the right to evacuate their houses. this isn't the whole thing, i just need uh, honestly it out. many agencies are stopped entering,
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gone so because of attack spies, riley forces. but some a grooves are assuming that works earlier. my colleagues fully about to both spoke to shawn carol, he's head of the american nearest refugee aide. a says as well as a show them circumstances on the ground will change to allow for safe operations. mostly we've decides resume operations because the needs are just so great on our staff who are the ones are staffing guys over the ones on april. second, who in response to the role essential cation, the killings, and the loss of our own staff. a month prior to that said, stock we have to stop when we can do this under these conditions. and so we work cart over the past week 10 days to get some insurances, which we feel we have gotten for really protection of a workers and humanitarian work that shouldn't be there all the time in a conflict. and as we see with over 280 workers killed,
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it hasn't been but now we have pledge and the staff was very eager to get back to work because the needs are so great. and that's where we are. so what sort of guarantees and assurances have you received from these rallies that they'll stick to the deacon fiction system? what? what guarantees have they given you the del, abide by the system? the truth is, it's not really safe to go back to work, but our staff wants to. we do believe that there are new measures in place. we've been told that there will be no attacks on humanitarian emissions or workers, or in the area of ways you mandatory in operation. unless there is a suspicion of an armed middle of 10 in the area, in which case, any decision to act on that would have to go up to a senior commander. whereas in the past it seems, it would often be decided at a lower level level. technical officer and also that there would be no collateral damage on humanitarian workers or missions. and we've been told that and we will be
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watching and seeing how, how operations are not just for us, but for all of the un agencies, international engineers and, and how city and g as in community based organizations that are doing humanitarian work, the now and through the number of deaths caused by dang, gay thieves have mold and tripled this year to a $117.00 low income areas of being hardest hit by the mosquito bone disease. the government has passed and emergency decree to cope the outbreaks. experts say it's being made was by climate change. got to model as president is declared, the state of dissolves to, to tackle dozens of forest fires. smoke from a binding landfill is injured, more than 200 people. 80 percent of the pfizer suspect to have been south of
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deliberately declaration by president or not the out about out allow. so funding to assist with 5 financing workers from one of 2 days. largest unions have gone on the nationwide strike. central workers union, this demanding wage increases better health care and tax and pension reforms. their march towards the presidential palace and the capitalist santiago. a hundreds of police officers were deployed with join was painful with his union strikes because it is a cold to retain the rights of workers to pull the attention to oral matrices, to all those who have something to do with what has not been fulfilled in order to fate of pensions for our future wage occasion for help. if we don't take to the streets, our demands will never be met. it's not something related only to the current government, but to the government that has never taken care of the civil service. from mexico, one sec with or expelled from the united nations. its government has complained to
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the international cause of justice of the police that i called the rated the mexican embassy and quito last week. they rested equity, those former vice president hold hi gloss. he'd been bronte political assigned to buy mexico off the 2 convictions for corruption. you know, there's one thing i think that this will be effected. countries should be able to go before the international court of justice. and the court in accordance with the united nations charter, should approve the expulsion and there should be no v to the united nations is not the associates anniversary of the rwandan genocide diplomats who attended the event to remember one of the doctors, chaps is the 20th century in 1994 who, 2 forces killed more than 800000 ethnic tooth season moderates hutus. then a 3 month period. un secretary general antonio quoterush, hold on all nations to stand against hate neighbors. the
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neighbors friends became murdered those fools entirely. february's would wipe out the cottage, was that even by an explicit feed them to these 3 members of a group, simply because of that ethnic identity. these went under those reflect the words of humanity. but often most revealed the best of human experience. this is elian, city called senior ocean cottage and students. a millions of lessons in northern nigeria, celebrating the festival of either fits a 100 race reports from condo states with centuries of all traditions. follow ramadan, half a 1000000. yeah, a little has changed in how the old kind of separate speak at the end of the month . you know,
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starts with the religious rights at the time. oh, it is a combination of both culture, religion and it predicted even the islamic revolution of this one of, for you, at least by some 300 kids here in kind of from here for us to reduce the culture of displays, take over the traditional live average for these codes edition, make us a site to click once of society, lose its culture, technician, the society is gone. so that's why it's important to look at the culture as see how we can maintain need to know. but uh, what the things come was. the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of people whose history dates, but over a 1000 years, horsemen dec inch in costumes. display writing skills in homage to the
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young princes also take part in the color for to the delight of hundreds of thousands people in town or the rest of the country may be going through the top ties. but when it comes to get some operations menu, say they don't, electronic just started their way this brenda, look, that best control the traditional institutions, nor it's francis bags to make numerous laws until the next person arrives. gun salutes. maybe in addition with royal, he's 40 and said they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors, joining the job are for us to reduce the degrees. i'll just couple whole that's it for the show, but the good news is we're back in just a couple of minutes then of the full show, the
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now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, which if you're going to bushy holes unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out 0. 1 of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer render movies be taking increase of food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage the in the, as an actions on i'll just say around that one,
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the average person to know what the truth was, scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures in thailand. defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to silence. whistle blowers, 101 east. investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used to bring to mutation and concealing corruption. speaking up in time, 91020, all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job to shed light on how and why
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the the hello, i'm sorry, i may say them. this is the news. our live from though how coming off in the next 60 minutes molding 50 rockets launch from southern lebanon into northern israel, the upkeep type, golan heights, one palestinian killed, 20 inch in south florida tax and the occupied west spice. southern russ.


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