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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the in raise, the listening post covers how the news is covered. all of latin america for most of my career, but no country has a light and it's my job to shed light on how and why the more than 50 rockets are launched from southern lebanon into northern israel and the occupies go on heights. the you're watching l. to 0 life or my headquarters and i'm getting navigate. the also coming up 3 journalists are injured in the new site as refugee comp in gaza. and what's being described as a targeted is really the top one. palestinian is killed in 20, injured and subtler attacks. and the occupied westbank southern russia is dealing
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with what's being described as the worst flooding in a century. the hello, more than 50 rockets had been launched from southern 11 on towards the upper gallery in northern israel and the occupied golan heights. some of the rockets were intercepted by the is really iron joe. the lebanese group has by law, has claimed responsibility for the attack will bring in very challenge, joining us from occupied east through them to tell us what's being said about this on your end. and what state is really reaction rory a while these really ministry say that accounting for the real kids that came across the board, us from 11. and they say that somewhere in subsets some fell down into an populates. it's uh, crowns no injuries are being reported at the moment,
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but he's right, he's also say that stay was a couple of a big splice of drugs that came across from let them into had the wrong launched by has beloved. so this is quite a large number of real kits and drawings as well. oh, we understand. the big question of course is, is this just a big example of the same kind of tit for tat exchanges? a file that we've been saying for months across the israel level and border or is this this task as some of the bigger some of the bigger that everyone is waiting for, of course is some sort of fast response triggered by ronald who initiates is by iran now the is ready, defense minister, your glance has said that we offer pads to defend ourselves on the ground and india
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in place, cooperation with our partners. we will know how to respond. so the is ready made a tree. is bass trying to give the impression of being prepared for water ever? a rod is going to throw us at a reminder of the steps that he's rose, ministry has taken in the last couple of weeks. one of them is to cancel or leave for combat units. and now the risk dakota up at defense reserve is assigned is to puts a coincidence and embassies around the wells on highlights. and a 4th is to do some g, p. s jamming across the country to basically disrupt any drug and staking those knots the is ready meant to be spikes best. and daniel gallery was speaking earlier . and so he's trying to give the impression that i think that the public should not panic about any of this. so he says that or be no changes in his instructions to civilians. so many inside should still be vigilant because as he puts it is rose
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and defenses off some of the best and the well bots he says by an automatic i e. however, could you already defense is that still the could be somebody who gets 3. okay, thank you so much for a challenge. reporting from occupied east jerusalem, where we cannot bring an audi has somebody's when he is from a tire in the south of lebanon. so island has been that has claimed responsibility for those barrels of rockets tell us more of what they've had to say and about this, the tax and it has well locked in responsibility for launching more than 50 is what gets towards the northern communities in his rug according to husband, last statement, this comes as a retaliation to the is really a tax on living these towns and villages into socks. there's a lot said it's launched tens of truck. it's not. the fact is that these rockets will launch towards and is ready post in the golan heights or the occupied goal.
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and then this is different from before. because in general, these rules of engagement used to imply that whenever, as well as hitting the call, which is like 100 kilometers from the wall that has below would be responding to us . the goal in today's it's different on this, the hands to a change and the rules of engagement though these changes are a bit slow, a bit different from a watch we use and normally was this was been going on for 6 months. and for example, today there was several of these really strikes on lebanese tones, has been logged in to announce any attack on his ro till maybe afternoon. and then 6 statements came, the same dots has lots of this on doc admitted for each position. so this puts the whole situation in the bigger context, where as what he was saying does an anticipation for on uranium retaliation for the kidding of the general in, in damascus. everyone is racing and more people with the blinking between this
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attack today. and what could be an attack from iran, which, which of course is just part of the analysis was but still the situation is very tense and everyone is anticipating what's going know, going to be the next step. i mean, was this the largest barrels of rockets launched from the south of lebanon? in recent times, at least the way we can say it's among the largest because we've seen for 2 buckets launched in the past few months. we've seen maybe in the whole day, 10100 buckets launch. but as a was about a large us, you know, one attack directly with the 50. i'm 50 rockets, i think is 50 rockets. this could be one of the biggest attacks since the 6 of the, sorry, the 8th of october 2023. and of course this gives the kind of
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a hint to how much this situation is tense and not the same tall. how much the both sides are calculating the attacks on each of the is run, is calculating any time it's sitting 11 on. it's clear that's as much as possible whether it's has the law audits is read that trying to contain that tax within the military targets. however, since the beginning of the possibilities is really how skilled more than 60 civilian and 11 on some of them are, even journalist wise has will ask and i don't 5 civilians on the other side. okay, thank you so much on the hash and reporting from the self of love it on while the us president joe biden has warned iran not to attack israel, and this follows a strike onto runs the consulate building in damascus earlier this month that iran says was carried out by israel and that attack killed several high ranking uranium commanders. it runs leaders have threatened to retaliate and these really aren't
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b as you've been hearing, is on high alerts. that's good morning, this with heidi. so counselor joining us from washington dc. so biden's just been speaking. uh heidi, what more did he have to say? so yeah, we've heard that president biden has been receiving briefings multiple times a day on iran threat to israel. and today he told reporters that the us, the least, this threat is quote, real, credible and viable. now, a direct attack from iran against israel would be one of the worst case scenarios for the bite administration, as it's stopped to try to contain this war. and not into avoid regional escalation . here's more of what the u. s. president said. really is from around the expectation sooner than later it wrong in this moment. don't our american personality
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americans use that risk as well. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. so heidi, i mean a bite in this thing. all of this is a senior, and us military commander is in israel. what weight does that visit carry? so that's right, this is something that the pentagon announced yesterday we're talking about us central central command head general eric carrillo, who was already planning a trip to israel, but reportedly moved it up after that the, the ronnie and threats. and he is meeting with the heads of the is really military, including their defense secretary. and so they're, they're talking about this right now as far as what the us is prepared to do. if
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israel were to be directly struck by iran at the pentagon, has been very mon, on that. they have said that us intelligence does not believe that us troops are directly targeted by these threats from iran. but of course, we have seen the american casualties in the last few months from a running proxy militias targeting us troops in the region. and as a source of caution of precaution, the pentagon has been moving more military assets to the region. it says to protect its own us forces. ok, thank you so much. how these are costs are reporting from washington d. c. we have also 0 senior political unless my want poseida joining us here in the studio model one uh, just for so many you heard what by not to say that message to iran simply don't. what do you make of that as well? i think he's buxton at this point in time. i think nothing, you know, succeeded in manipulating him and boxing him and in a situation where it's not comfortable for the united states,
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but it has to react in a way that is classic by then right. by it seems to live in 1973, not 2023. he's still living the time when he was a junior senate. that was the thing is read during the cold war. and he doesn't seem to have evolve ever since then. he keeps talking about the defense of his ride and is read as an american asset. while over the past 50 years, it has proved anything but. and over the past 6 months, it has implicated the united states and its genocide, the war and gaza. it has implicated the united states in the original destination, and it has really put to american credibility and standing in the region in such a damage state. that by them is not going to be able to escape. so, so what is biden? and the us getting out of this, i mean there supports to israel is still unwavering as we hear him say,
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but there's an effect, right? i mean, it's clear from, from the very early days of the guys of the war on guys so that by didn't was meant if it has been at the now about what actually took place in october 7. we have heard and i'll just say i'll document 30 by then nothing you know thing by then how the babies where burn to decapitate to and how people where shot and burnt and those songs of all these lies right? that pushed by then into declaring i so have macros, isis and send the guard my destination, maybe 3 and yeah, and i was also, but even that, i mean, one must also contextualize from his disastrous withdrawal from i've gotten this done through doubling down on drums, furnished by policies towards a one and in the middle east to the legal recognition of occupied. there it is like the goal and heights as is ready to throw in all the rest of it. by dint has made
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one mistake after another for the past 340 years, but it really escalated over the past 6 months. now, if you're listening to him, right, he said to, for example, that is read bombs, guys indiscriminately. to last week he said the last few days said that he disagrees with how nothing you know is managing the war and gaza and so on, so forth. right. we also know that the united states was not necessarily on board, and we were know when it was told exactly before the attacking the consulate in damascus. they are incarcerated because that's what withdrawal in the united states . so on the one hand, he disagrees with the, with nothing the whole button, the other hand, he is totally, i totally manipulated by that anyhow. drawing him an international conference. so if there is a, a, an escalation between is we're letting it run and there is an iranian retaliation
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is not going to draw the us in. do you think it's, it's certainly what i mean, we've heard today from the joint chiefs of staff, a visit of the american military talking to cbs news. i think that, you know, he expects that if there is, it'd be anything or is it that the ration on this thing did you realize that to get on says when he gets involved, he doesn't want to. he says, but it's what get to know. that's why to my mind the, the head, the center of command isn't, is read the these days high and why the united states is trying not to on de coordinate is or as response to a possible array of retaliation. but it's also trying to manage is, or as response to the irregular response, because that's key. we know more or less that one could attack is, or as in some form or another. or i think some kind of a, you know, an is ready to installation abroad. but the key is how wouldn't that be
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a whole response for him to be taking a photo op in front of an is really just initially american jet fighter. is to say that he might actually retire or 30th inside the or on in fact these really defend smith. so said he, they might insight, retaliate started on that could probably take the form about that when they are in a nuclear, a program which could not to my mind happen without an american assistance, right? any ringing, no, it is really is nowhere to as well. so which indicates the united states you want has said that if the united states is going to get any form with is read and responding to or in defending is read that to you wrong, would it be attacking american institution that asian, or does this really mean it means regional war, regional war is not something that you start to an end by a decision. with seam duck, any rock we've seen that enough guns, and we've seen them thrown into the ford f, a horse in the, in the end, the end awards of american officials. so this is going to be tragic. it's going to
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be terrible. it's not in anyone's interest. and that's why by the needs to wake up, not the many predicted planes like a fiddle by, and he's ready to prime minister. all right, thank you so much for the shadow. one. palestinian has been killed in 25 more injured and scuffles and the occupied westbank dozens of as really settlers rated several villages and they opened fire at palestinian homes as they searched for a teenage sadler who went missing this morning. is really forces also fired flares and a number of villages. and i, but i am has more from the occupied westbank as this is the most recent, subtler attacks against spell as many as here in a blue for last. this is the village that this closest to the impala city is here, has been seeing ambulances rushing to go to. i didn't buy it with settlers, upsets failure to more than 40 vehicles and homes, according to the local council,
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after as really subtler is re, the village in the afternoon saying that they were looking for a 14 year old is really subtler from and illegal supplements out suppose to has been missing after he was raising with his sheep. now the sheep have came back, according to these really sources bought the subtler has not, we've seen these really subtler is wrecking havoc and the you and 2 other rid of just. but just recently as we were standing here, we saw them coming dozens by the dozens through this area and setting this structure a blaze. people here are concerned that in addition to the one palestinian killed, in addition to the dozens of processing is, will have been injured then the ambulances couldn't reach. so now that it's dark, they fear this more is really some of those are going to be attacking palestinians in their homes, in the villages here in the upper part west bank. it's worth noting that sucks of attacks have been on the rise and 2023 has been the highest on record when it comes
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to attacks by settlers against palestinians. but the read you to see if we've been seeing that tax increase from 3 per day to 4 per day, palestinian said that the lack of accountability give set to live in unity to continue attacking. palestinians knew that, but i just need to, i didn't buy it. and before i left villages, the occupied westbank store heads on al jazeera. we looked at why climate change is being blaine's in part for an outbreak of authentic fever, fever across the americas. the of the well after some pretty probably unpleasant, whether it be a good description for the whole is a constant. australian has relatively quiet this one spinning storm in the coal.
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save it is staying there and probably disappeared fairly quickly. the one that was off shore in west australia is no longer for the ball. the rest of the pot for a few showers assets and there are few showers for the science and west australia. but victoria and new south wales in queens into pot for a few coastal showers fast. it looks pretty fine to be honest and sunday, not a lot of change, just a few showers here in the meantime. she is also not particularly low for this time of year 20 and melvin guess what? press 28. similar story actually for new zealand is pretty quiet. whether this is sunday's full cost. yes, it would be less than 2 again, quite possibly. but this is gentle, was a little bit of tired and light rain, but nimble that are the hazards of all the more vicious, whether it is easy and it's still there in a potential anywhere from java northwards back to was a single protocol long for both at risk a big thunderstorms. it looks like the philippine germaine drive and the sheet of southeast asia is mean main line grove generate to few shelves with a not particularly big, significant writing. so southern china coming up towards,
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by using the nice phone bubble for, by using and for saw with pretty high temperatures. the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the
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top stories on how to 0 this hour. more than 50 rockets have been launched from southern 11 on towards northern israel. some of the rockets were intercepted by israel's iron don't system. the lebanese group has bundle has claimed responsibility for the time. 3 journalists were who are working on the outskirts of the new site, a to refugee camp in ga, so have been injured. and what officials say was a targeted is really a time. one of the victims lost his thoughts. the 3 were all clearly identified as members of the press. one palestinian has been killed and 20 people have been injured in scuffles and he occupied westbank dots after dozens of is really settlers attacks. palestinians, northeast of drama, la israel's bombardments of gaza, has continued with at least 89 palestinians killed right across the strip. and the latest attacks thought it applies to him. has more from what i saw in southern
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garza been recording more attacks on the middle areas. specifically, in my guys, the alongside with garrett, but off work to residential house has been completely destroyed, as, according to the minister of health and number of injuries have to record it. and they happened right now receiving a treatments in the locks the hospital. but clearly the main concentration on the last couple of days and also within the past 24 hours, was going on the say rock refuge account. now the military region is still going on the, on the nother at part of this camp, where the now the clear approach being adopted by the is where the military is complete destruction of the residential house as an old areas that they are operating in or trying to advance move in or not to take full control over at that very significant part of the middle area. now clearly we have been receiving new appeals being made by people being trapped in one of the schools and, and all that part of that, that refuge account where they had been saying that there are
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a number of casualties and people being killed inside that school. and they are cooling the civil defense themes to be able to get that. unfortunately, due to the high, intense rates of abutment. no one can get the, as the is body forces are preventing. i don't want to from moving in that part of the or feet of the most iraq refuge account, which imposes more significant stress on the lives of those people without having any immediate medical interventions. so cloudy, the situation that is getting on hourly basis more complex as the a is ready, ministry says that the manager of the ration will last for days, according is what the media reports are. mostly 6 people have been killed and is really a tax on the slightest refugee camp in central garza, a group of journalists who are working on the outskirts of that camp were injured. and what officials say was a target. it is really a talk. and then so that he reports from the site us as we can see in the side rods in allowed the hospital all of the injuries and the killings are coming here from
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the say it off after that is really forces southern the invaded the area, the situation in the say about their feet, you can is very dangerous where people are not being even in the app to evacuate or to leave their houses. they're saying that there are clubs, copters, everywhere, they're targeting every single person who is leaving his house or walking in the street. the situation is little bit dangerous because also during this had been targeted during this will have been trying to cover what's going on in the say, right, refuge account where it targeted. and one of the journalists have been severely injured, where his leg was amputated when he was injured. now we're a couple of meters away from, i'm gonna say, right, if did you come this situation, it's very hard. people are not being able to evacuate, they're not even able to move. even i'm getting into is are having a lot of difficulties to reach the areas we can hear the drones. we can hear uh the
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artillery selling and also air strikes. and what's very scary is people are not even able to leave their houses because there are lives in munition and clubs. copters, everywhere of this is the only hospital currently operating at in and this is a refugee camp. and most of the severe injuries are transferred to the hospital for more than 2 days. now, on this i ran a refugee camp has been under intensive bumping under intensive fighting, and piloting use cannot leave the house garden fisher j as in. so we was sitting peacefully and all of a sudden, explosions were dropped on it when black. we were initially displaced from kansas city to news around then, to rafa. and then back to news around going. there is no safe inch in the entire enclave. kind of of these really forces destroyed our homes and we were forced to
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go to han eunice up to one and a half months. we were again forced to hit the ortho where we spent 2 months and tense under ruthless bombardment last night in the state. it was the worst in 10 shelling, missiles and bombardment. when we reached the area that we would see people seeing evacuating to didn't but or any other area. but unfortunately, they do not even have the ability or the right to evacuate their houses. this isn't the odyssey. to uninstall you're not in peru, the number of deaths caused by den get fever, have more than tripled. the sierra to a $117.00 low income areas are hardest hit by the mosquito borne disease. the government has passed an emergency decree to try to curb the outbreak. experts say it's being made worse by climate change ties. those santos is an advisor on the surveillance and control of diseases at the pan american health organization. and she says that climate change is making the outbreak worse in the last year had been
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previously a record setting years since we've been keeping records in 1980. and then the 3 months of this year, we've already surpassed the case counts that we had for all of last year, reaching almost 4600000 cases up there. we do believe that there's a, a link and an arbor viral diseases life thing a or a sentinel for climate change. and they're an indicator for how these affect human health. the mosquitoes drives and warmer environments and countries are reporting longer summers and warmer summers. we can't forget that there are also some social economic drivers of these diseases, such as access to pipe born water and adequate sanitation. but certainly climate change does not health conditions. and this year coincides with the all new year. what, you know, there is warm or warmer temperatures, droughts, and floods concurrently. and there's good evidence that you know,
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mean your years. we see more, a heavier case burden from during a fever. a state of disaster has been declared in guatemala because of dozens of forest fires. smoke from a burning landfill has injured more than 200 people. 80 percent of the fires are suspected that had been started deliberately. the disaster declaration by the president's allows for funding to assist with fire fighting of the flooding crisis and parts of southern russia, a neighboring kazakhstan, shows. little sign for bathing, melting snow has caused the overall river to hit a new record high 2 meters above it's critical level. authorities are urging the mass evacuation of residents and the russian city of orange berg. and the state of emergency has been imposed. an 8th of the 17 provinces in kazakhstan, pulver and reports, there's no sign of any rest bites in oregon bag a week into this crisis, whole neighborhood to remain on the water. the river level on friday reached
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directly at high more than 11 meters, and in some areas under the roof of the houses are visible above the ground water. the community center opens up now operates as a temporary shelter. it's cramped and it's basic, but at least it's dry for now. it's just the, the basic give you provide everything and all of all guess. everyone who stays here is being given hot meals 3 times a day. alexander returns to his home beside the river every day to feed his dogs. now stranded on the roof is 68 years old and he says, this flood is like nothing that's come before i've lived here all my life. this is the 1st time such a flood has happened here. the last flood was in 1993 and it was much smaller than the water in the yard was only up to the needs. there has never been anything like this school, a set of south in the flood stricken areas of catholics done the ice and melt,
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forced to continue to arrive from up river. petra pebble, fluttering is beside the issue of a big urgency, reinforced with some facts the cadillac presidents. okay, i've posted this video, a dramatic music sound track along side scenes of ministry helicopters rescuing children, la concerned looking officials to the flood stricken regions to try to reassure residents and encourage national solidarity. but there is more to come. the issue and river is already a dangerous levels, and officials predict it won't reach its peak for another 10 days. pull, brendan, ultra 0. will china and north korea are holding their highest level talks in 5 years aimed at increasing cooperation. the chairman of china is national people's congress is in pyongyang until saturday. north korea has been trying to strengthen ties with basing and moscow as tensions grow with the united states.


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