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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here as a theater. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the hezbollah 5 is more than 50 rockets from southern lebanon towards northern is right . the color there and associate pain. this is the 0 life from the also coming up. you as president verified and says he expects the wrong code to attack israel sooner than later. and warns tyrone against lies is rarely palming and also city kills 5 palestinians. sachi, i'm in san angelo. 100 agreements has reached on creating a transitional ruling counsel and violence of 18 for the members august, the
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1150 rockets have been the ones from the southern devon on towards up a gallery in northern israel and the occupied golden heights. some of those rockets were intercepted by these rarely, i'm durham edison system 11. he's on group hezbollah has claimed responsibility for the attack. he's really on. he says, no injuries have been reported on the have. some has more on those records launches from time and southern level. the principal law claimed responsibility for lunch and tens of rockets towards the northern side of it as well, mainly to the golan heights or the occupied golan. now this is a massive attack and the significance comes, 1st of all within the context of the retaliation and cit anticipated retaliation for the king of the ring in general and damascus. and 2nd thing is the location hitting the goal and hasn't been something normal in this confrontation the past
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has. we'll use throughout, talk the occupied go on whenever we live in these depth is being attacked today. it's a different situation because the law says that today it's a talk with tens of rockets has been in retaliation to as was striking golf. several 1000 sold and living also has will up claimed responsibility for lunching to explosive laden jones towards out almost nestali now is role has of fact several locations in southern lebanon today, mainly in the south. and over the past minutes, the reports office sonic booms in the be call on the other side. this gibson indication of how the rules of engagement in this confrontation are changing drastically. while both sides trying the best to contain the targets within the ministry positions has, will not documented 3 positions on the is really side and is what i talking
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physical laws infrastructure on the east side. despite the attempt to contain the tax with the ministry targets, they've been more than 60 living. he's killed over the past 6 the 6 months, including some journalist said on the other side, there's really escape that. there are 6 people or 5 people killed during that tax. now everyone here is anticipating the iranian retaliation. and how this is going to have its impact, also on the front 11 on from fire. so the level of the how should i address you to? well, well, reach helen's has a view now from occupied is true. some was more on those rocket and which is these already made a tree size that it can save 40 rotates launched across the border from lebanon into his route. most of them they say they intercepted, but some fell in open air is no injuries are being reported at the moment. they're also saying that it's has blocks sent across a couple of homes, drones into israel. now this is a large number of rockets and drones,
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one of the biggest pouches halls of the war so far in cost. that's the question. the cost is, is this just a big example of the same kind of tit for tat rocket 5 exchanges of hostilities across that northern border with a has the law in lebanon? or is this the beginning of something big that's attack from a ronald by iran? that is rabbits expecting at any moment now? now the is ready, defense minister you off glance said that we offer pads to defend ourselves on the ground. and in the, in close cooperation with our partners, it means to us by that. and we will know how to respond. a reminder of what is relevant industry has been doing so far over the last week or so. it has cancels out or leave for combat units. it has cold up at defense reserve is that it puts
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coincidence and embassies around the world on highlights. and it is being engaged in gps, jamming across israel to disrupt any signals that drive is going to use. now, these ready minutes expects by some denny of a gallery, said patty wrong that day with no updates will changes to his advice for ease rady civilians. and i think the military is trying to avoid any kind of panic amongst the white population, but he says that civilian should still be visual. and because as he puts it, although his rails a defensive of some of the best in the world, they don't have messic. what he means by that is that however, because you're defenses may be, things can still get through or reach out and out to 0. you know, it's a funny story, some us presidential advice and says he expects around to attack israel sooner rather than lisa and those issues,
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one wide warning don't have follows. a strike on tyrants come to that building and damascus. earlier this month that around says was carried out by israel. around 3 does have threatened to retaliate and he's really on. he says it's on high aloud. how does your custer has more from washington dc? strong words to you wrong? i'm coming from both the american president and the white house, with a spokesperson saying that the us believes iran threat to attack israel is real, credible, and viable. is a direct attack from iran against israel does take place. that would be one of the worst case scenarios for the by that administration that has been working to try to contain this regional war from escalating the latest sending the us secretary of state to try to put pressure diplomatically on a run through other countries. and now with president and joe biden, himself speaking to reporters issuing a direct warning to a ron semerano
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expectation sooner than later it wrong in this moment. don't our american personality the americans use that risk as well. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. thank you very much. and the us has sent one of its top generals to israel. that is general eric carrillo, head of us central command. who is there, coordinating with top is really officials about defensive strategy against iran. what that would look like and coordination with us forces that is an open question that the pentagon has refused to shed any light on. however,
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a us defense official has told out a 0 that the us has moved military assets in the region to better protect. they said us troops that are there and also to bolster regional deterrence. hydro castro alj a 0 washington and gaza rest here is how spend the night looking for survive. it's often is really attacked on a residential building. 5 people were killed and overnight findings and draws a city in the face, fussy, others have been injured. according to civil defense, dozens of strides heavy on his hair. a refugee camp in central garza, and among those wounded in the attack was a group of john left. they were hit and what the official say was a targeted is really attack topic. i was there and reports now from rafa of the palestinian gentlest singe. had once interviewing evacuees. fleeing is very strikes, tail on the attack. say that all the might also be he is one of the 3 dentists in
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good bike is what he strikes in this neighborhood of derek by law in central guns on zoo. uh so kinda as though we were covering the displacement and evacuation of residents from an area of the new camp, north of our nurse, a rest camp. we filled in some interviews and rushes, but unfortunately we were standing at cross roads where a group of us would target to the at least the following people killed in what is really forces described as targeted operations on the account. $140.00 pounds for the indented us have been killed since october. the 7th and dozens, we tried to lost his foot more than 6 months into israel to dentist. we are in press best just like a work is in front of vehicles, continue to be victims of israel's own slow as well. so we'll have to go into any at 22 by 2 in a moment. quite children have nowhere to attend to the revel from post
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a text place to play and have the love we built this game because all of our toys have been destroyed and the houses have been destroyed. and there's nothing left for us to play with except for his pipe. these children another too far away from danger on the ground or from this point, the media office is facing whites of written instruction and gaza journalists, incl. you've have increasing, do you still refuge in hospitals? media which don't have one that the thoughts on hospitals have the restrictive ability of the press to work safely. they have been calling for an independent, broke into as well as different targeting of jim and a direct advisor. oh, just a rough, rough, southern guns. i mean, while one palestinian has been killed and 25 others injured and attacked by dozens of israeli, such as in the occupied westbank. the group swept into a town near a mile on after a teenage set to one missing earlier on friday. thousands of homes and vehicles was
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set on fire. if abraham has worn out for me, i will fall out in the occupied westbank a. this is the most recent, subtler attacks against spell as many as here in a go for last. this is the village that this closest to the impala city is here. have been seeing ambulances rushing to go to, i didn't buy it with settlers upset, failure to more than 40 vehicles and homes, according to the local council after is really subtler. is it re, the village in the afternoon saying that they were looking for a 14 year old is really subtler from really good supplements out suppose to has been missing after he was grazing with his sheep. now the sheep have came back according to these really sources, but the subtler has not. we've seen these really subtler is wrecking havoc and the you and 2 other villages. but just recently as we were standing here, we saw them coming dozens by the dozens through this area and setting this
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structure a blaze. people here are concerned that in addition to the one palestinian killed, in addition to the dozens of palestinians will have been injured than the ambulances couldn't reach. so now that it's dark, they fear, the more is where it is that those are going to be attacking palestinians in their homes, in the villages here in the occupied west bank. it's worth noting the stuff the tax has been on the rise and 2023 has been the highest on record when it comes to attacks by settlers against palestinians. but the ready to see if we've been seeing that tax increase from 3 for a day to 4 per day. palestinian said that the lack of accountability give set to live in unity to continue attacking. palestinians knew that, but i just need to, i didn't buy it. and before i left villages the occupied westbank, the police involved and have shut down and canceled a palestinian solidarity event. the
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officer said, one of the main speakers was subject to a ban on political activity. now this conference was aimed at examining germany support for israel's war on gaza. germany denies accusations of complicity and genocide at the international court of justice. the moving to some of the news now in the united nations has warrants, but they sure monetary and cry systems threw down could western dramatically in the coming months. tipping some regions into famine fighting and through dawn broke out last year between the army and the power military rock and support forces. i was just there as gabriel, as under, has worn out from you and headquarters in new york. monday will work one year since the start of the war in sudan. a war that doctors without borders is calling a colossal man,
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made catastrophe. and these law make relief worldwide organization is saying that sudan is at the risk of imminent collapse. listen to these latest numbers from the un do re 25000000000 people. most of them are in need of humanitarian assistance. 5000000 people are just to step away from famine and almost 2000000 sudanese have fled to neighboring countries. on friday, michael dunford, a top world food program official in east africa, told reporters here at the un. they 18000000 sued nice. are now being classified, need as acutely hungry, given the livelihoods of pain impacted given that so many of the population is placed over a 1000000 inside the country. given that there is no sudanese in the entire country that is touched by the conflict. the people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned
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that the 5000000 in 5000000 population in emergency levels of food and security are likely to move into catastrophic levels in the coming months. this is really a very real risk of becoming the largest thunder crisis anywhere in the world, if not already. also on friday, the un released a sudan famine prevention plan. this 46 page document looks at many different aspects of this, but also focuses on expanding treatment programs for malnourished children. also increasing preventative measures, like breast feeding support and coordinating efforts across multiple a groups all aimed at addressing this humanitarian disaster. and preventing further famine, catastrophe gabriel's on to address it at united nations. new york. a still
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a head here on out of their tile on says it sent messages to me and laws military to reduce the violence of to revel sees a border time the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy for an economy service. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera. this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes
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this country homes more beauties than just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. there is a deliberate mission of health in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories, the salad organs. 50 real goods have been launched from southern lebanon towards
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northern israel. some of the rockets were intercepted by israel's, i'm done system beyond group has while a has claimed responsibility. fantastic. meanwhile, us president joe biden has one ron not to attack israel. around 3 does have threatened to retaliate south to israel bound to tear on this continent building damascus 5 and says the u. s. is diverse and to the defense of his rent. meanwhile, 5 people have been killed in more than 15 inches and is rarely a truck ongoing. the strike has a residential building in the middle of the night. dozens of stripes also hit the understand with refugee counts in central golf. well one person was killed and 7 others injured off to a cable call, collided with a collapsed pole. and the talk is coastal city of antonia. the entire cable cost system was and shut down, leaving more than a $113.00 people stranded in the suspended pods. firefighters and 1st responders
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had been conducting rescue operations throughout the night. the cause of the accident is consciously being investigation and translational governing council has now been formally created and hazy after weeks of intense negotiations. a wave of gang violence forced entering prime minister ariel on right to announce his resignation last month. only said he'd step down once this council was in place. this 9 member panel will show up how with a newly appointed prime minister, now government to the next 2 years with the name of creating a pos towards elections, but the men is still yet to be named. can lives is a journalist at the hey, to live a 10 newspaper. he says the political crisis in haiti is a long way from being resolved. as the 1st thing is, the only thing they've done so far is they've published it in the journal of record called the monitor monitor. it doesn't actually install them. in fact, it doesn't even state who exactly the 7 voting members are. this is because they
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keep swapping in and out and you know, there's all kinds of infighting and even division among the various groups that are pointing the representative on the council. so. so this counsel if it ever even gets in place and you know, frankly already on re, is still the prime minister defacto, because he said he would turn over power once this council was in place and it's not in place yet. so it's been coming coming coming, but it's not very yeah. and the whole thing is so completely um, a dysfunctional because all the different quarter. so the very fracture political class are represented. and so they're, they're just going to be a squabbling mess. many, many, most patients,
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all even venture are opposed to it because this was concocted in washington uh, sold to the world by carrot. com, and uh, all the people who are taking part in it are same as traders. basically, it's not a haitian lead solution is not a huge solution in any way. it's in washington. so we're showing how fully us took a lot to admission to spying for cuba has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. picked a manual rock show up to the state department for more than 20 years. he also served as us invested to bolivia. he was arrested in december of the under kind of a federal agents course and boasting about his spying activities. as for most of his life, mister rocher lived a lie while holding various senior positions in the us government. he was secretly acting as the cuban government's agents. that is a staggering the trail of the american people. a court has ruled that equitable is full of vice president who had glass must remain in jail despite judges confirming
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that his arrest last week was illegal. a 3 judge tribunal rule the class must complete his present sentences with true previous corruption. convictions passes. who are there? he says he will appeal the ruling your call. he was arrested a week ago during array and find police on next cruise embassy and key to where heat source assign them. since to some severe drought is forcing columbia as capital bogota to ration water for the 1st time and 40 is neighborhoods will be cut from the grid for 24 hours. every 10 days couples are being encouraged to take showers together to save water. the reservoir that supplies most of the cities, 9000000 residents is that just 16 percent of capacity. that's the lowest level on record. china and north korean, holding the highest level of folks and 5 is aimed at increasing cooperation. the chairman of china is national people's congress is in the capital, jung young until stocks today. north korea has been trying to strengthen tires with
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both beijing law school attention squared with united states. jean lee is a reisa and commentator on north korea and the federal with the east west center. she says, these folks carry a lot of ways and the timing is interesting. this is a very important time of the year for north korea. april 15th is the biggest holiday of the year. this is when they typically do bring in foreigners try to show up north korea at its best. so in a sense, aside from the reassurance that north korea will get, that china has its back, the leader of north creek and german can also project that to his people and tell them, look, we've been an extremely installation for 4 years. but our best friends, china and russia, are still there for us. so the messaging goes both directions back to his people to reassure them, but also to the wider world to let them know where we may have been an isolation. we're fortunately these ties and that certainly has
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a lot of partners in the region on edge. i think that china, for china, this is an opportunity for these officials to go in and try to get a sense of what's happening inside north korea. and also to try to exert some influence at a time when they are trying to exert more influence in the region. so certainly trying to use their own leverage to try to perhaps restrain north korea from testing a nuclear device uh perhaps restrained them, some further publications in the region that have them concerns as well. and i think a big thing would be whether north korea has a nuclear device, a 7th declared test. so certainly looking to regain a little bit of an edge in its influence over north korea. on thailand's foreign minister has visited the border with me. i law, often days of fighting between rebels and not countries, military turn into anti government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to some 100000 refugees trying to escape the conflict. tony chang reports for us from
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the thailand me on my border. us thailand, spar administer visiting the boat, a checkpoint through which thousands of refugees passed. and the last 7 days is it to make a point. he much right to the center of the friendship bridge, the message, despite the chaos and me and my thailand is in some control speaking to the media, he said the time that is prepared for a 100000 refugees in the crisis gets worse. load. i sent messages to the state administration counsel the memo that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently told us in members about issuing a statement so that violence can be decreased and me and my a. so the a and her children on so confident that they foot from the home outside the town a, me a, what in me a month, a week ago, the, like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends and family to rely on model we don't need any humanitarian
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support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides food and they bring it home. the great humanitarian need is in myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with the you ins refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now, the control of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping aid can play more freely. this is the exact point at which thailand crosses into myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different military force in control of the border of the head. many people would like to see a flying in to me and to the people, desperately need people such as these that attempt to those displaced by fighting in kind of state. north of milady view and estimates more than 10000000 people
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inside me on my own getting enough to eat fuel is also in desperately short supply . will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season approaching, the shortages will learn to get worse, as even the heaviest based button struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the time me on my board state. highly in fashion designer, investor corvalle has died at the age of 83. devali found the fashion brands that this has named back in the 19 seventy's due is best known for his exotic passengers and animal friends. he said that one of his creations, what inspired by nature, he dies at his home and finds initially well, that's it for me. and so is your tell you so how wrong and will have and use out for you and session minutes. next, the inside story takes a look at the warning and find the humans climate change that to mount us. he only
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has 2 years left to save the world to stay with us here on the, the not much of europe is still colton. most effectively is a nice room bubble of a around the edge of which is plenty of cloud. and when doing right now it's been very new exactly where it falls. i'm currently in the assessor. they still going to be across the know them out. the british owls and southern scandinavia, so most other places, it's just warm sunshine with not much wind harming that can be shared and quite adequately by just inserting color for temperatures of a reason behind nature. having pushed cause a good case in point and i'll show breeze in lisbon. just give me 20 not on the top of the 30 two's the regular but 20 c offers. so we went above average,
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and this reflects that most countries in european paint at the moment is our grab, gets the same sort of treatment on sunday up to about. so if you very close to the right tool for april, but either side is a little bit cooler. and the reason for that is use being charged with the title when and during sunday's class or wind doesn't come across part of the bedrooms and beyond. and that's what cool spring temperatures down a little bit with it. otherwise, it's continued sunshine, which is the case for a good part of north africa. but look at what's the scene out, you area a storm, a footstool. now bring of cool sandstone for the thunder storms and some very interesting weather the celebrate need. we'd be in and say big get up to 3 months free subscription for free set cell phones. immerse yourself in the excitement to the european league and the treating champions. the quotes of final indulge,
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you'll pass you up to speed with me. the one girl free once rode on girls the m the 8. i'm more exclusive sports olmby. the humanity has only 2 years left to save the well, that's the message from the humans climate chief. as more people worldwide deal with racquel, breaking temperatures and natural disasters, what more could be done to cut emissions and cool all he thinks on it. this is inside story, the hello there and welcome to the program. i'm nora. kyle, we've got just 2 years left to make the domestic changes needed to prevent a reputable damage to a.


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