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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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i have a degree, if i work in a research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't claim that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do. we exploit the is the largest strong sold in southern lebanon now is up to has belong 5 dozens of rockets across the boulder, raising phase of a wide, a conflict. come up so many of watching of civilized headquarters here in the also coming up the us president ones that are on the gate. so talking is room j. pardon? says he expects retaliation for the attack. only a rainy and embassy and syria sooner rather than later. but even though it is right,
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the bombing in garza city kills 5 palestinians and inches at least 30 others. we'll say 5 people are killed and a stabbing attack of the shopping. now in sydney, australia, the suspect is shot dead by police. the look into the problem with the get in southern lebanon, where israel has lost a series of ass strikes. local media reported loud explosions and several locations . they are raising regular costs. bold with tax between is very full size and has blah fighters since the war in garza began in october. but not, is there any spice followed the launching of more than 50 rockets, some southern 11 on towards up a gallery in northern israel, and the occupied golden heights now somewhat intercepted by the as riley. i'm dying at defense system and no injuries were reported as blog has claimed responsibility full those attacks. let's close over to, i'll
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a hi should've who joyce is not from the cholera in southern. let them know that we 10 situation where you are. what is the situation like right now as well? yes, said this morning is the bit com. we can say it's a 10 scan, whoever. on the other side of the south, the southeast, there are several is really strikes on the mountain a free hand in the claim. at the front, this is a region towards the east of south 11 on is what it said that they had a targeted infrastructure for his beloved military compound. nope, this comes just always up to has will lie, 7 and look. it's tens of rockets towards the goal, unoccupied golden heights and the significance the number of record stuck was launch, which is more around 50 rockets and the location targeting the goal and has been a kind of in a ziploc of an equation. whereas whether it,
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whatever is rather hits deep and to let been on the call valley, for example, which is like $100.00 kilometres from the border, has a lot dense to hey, the occupied golden heights, which is part of which is that it goes nice by the syrians as their own territory is power about today with the situation was different. i actually, yesterday the situation was different with his will. i thought you think the golden hi it's not to day everyone is anticipating and waiting. now we are here on the board a just behind me. i don't get 2 kilometers from here. is the border. it's the blue line. it seems come to the moment, but no, we do. we don't know when things will flare off yesterday. for example, during the day not but nothing was happening afternoon, dot tax started and then has blocking $8.00 and $7.00 attacks and is rental. so i've talked to several villages using the afternoon hours so we can't really expect, but we're always waiting on display think. yeah. let me ask them that for us in the current southern lebanon, thank you. are now the use present. dr. barton says that he expects around to
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attack as well, sooner rather than later on as issued a one. what warning don't it follows the strike on tighter on the consumer building in damascus earlier this month. but their own size was carried out by israel. they're all as late as the present to retaliate. and these really all me says it's on highlight from around expectation sooner than later on in this moment. don't our american personality the americans use that risk as well. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. joining us as i'm gonna call the
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multiply these to resubmit result saying the calm before the storm and run. what happened david night was not the store or was not just pops a warning shots a well, that's the question that's being honest in israel itself was based the response that these ratings were expecting from a wrong was it has well, that we're doing that fighting a full them. now what we're hearing is that this may will be an opening salvo. but what's really interesting is, uh there was a 48 hour window that these writing, these were talking about for an attack to happen. this has bullet attack big, and then it has been for very long time. happened within that 48 hour window. but was this, this, the response was this just simply the opening salvo, the americans very clear about this and they are still expecting. and a ronnie and attack from ronnie and territory into is really tells you what that looks like. we don't know, but there are several key things going on here that are several american
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initiatives that are going on key amongst them is the centcom leader who is in is what was extended his trip one day he's effective in charge of all of the us troops with the in the region. so there's a lot of gearing up, but this is working out very well for prime minister benjamin netanyahu politically . he's wanted the americans to get more involved in this complex. he's also very fed up with the american criticism of not being able to get a ceasefire. and the american pressure on him to declare a uni life will cease fire for the war on gauze. i said this now is a distraction the around him for is something he can play up and he's doing now and he's doing it very successful that indeed all these public shows as opposed to all 9 for israel, from the us, especially when the us president says, that he has israel's back, but what one does for how long? hello. this is the question. the is
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a bank. so i remember israel is a key. i like perhaps the greatest ally of the us. it gets $3800000000.00 here in military funding alone, a lot more money at a local homes that level weapons have flown in to the country via the us. it still has the backing of from germany and the u. k. the coalition is holding this altogether, the communist and then you know, who's in charge of a still holding. so he's got america's support and he's playing that up. thanks very much. i meant to call him that for us. ok by these stories. plus people have been killed and i have not bombings in garza city rescue is also looking for survivors often is rarely attacked on a residential building. at least the 2 others have been injured. according to the civil defense agency that's closer at the time, it covers him who's in rafa for us, right? just bring us up to speed time to come. what we know about these attacks and the rest of your operation that we believe is still ongoing. of the
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yes. in fact the risk of operations are really ongoing on the grounds of the plea of destruction of the another and pot. busy as a rock refuge account, and at the same time they are facing a cli difficulty in terms of recovering the ends at people from the location with the targeting. as the is ready met it, 3 has been bouncing intensively the northern part of the underside ross. and mainly we can see that the is very forces are trying to advance and a very slow motion in order to have a clear control of and also a rock refugee camp on there at the same time. are still upper rates in your area, are so close and adjacent to the, to the board, the lines of this density related area. it's worth mentioning that this a very densely populated refuge account has been hosting a thousands of palestinians who have been told by the is wait a minute, 3 to seek refuge off the guns, a wedge,
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an operations. now i'm fighting between how much a fight is on the is better, so we just are on going in that area that is supposed to be as a safe zone. but yet, the bottom into a strikes continued elsewhere in between 3 and in the past few hours, the is where the military had targeted a most in as far as neighborhoods alongside with a number of residential houses in the value of refuge account. alongside with the main central neighborhoods of kansas city were in the south here. the situation sounds a relatively calm but to now and since the hours of today is morning, is very surveillance of drones. our whole bring home the central areas of rough. uh and you can clearly hear the sound of these drones a bucket route right now, and they did turn it covers in the forest with that update. thank you. the one palestinian has been killed and 25. others injured and attacked by dozens of his very satellites meal combined. westbank. now the group swept into a village near tamala after a teenage settler went missing early on friday. dozens of homes and vehicles was
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set on fire the apron chose not from a very close to where that incident happened. a need to tell us where you are, because obviously it's very 10 situation right now. yes indeed. and not only that, we could not get to the village, but also the funeral procession that was making its way it from the law to end. the year of the body of the $25.00 utah was, was killed by such that attacks could not come here. the reason is these is really soldiers who have put up those the structures and closures and basically took points. and we've been standing here and noticing how these really forces that are only allowing is very suck there is to go past this road. how this thing is no matter where they're going, no matter where they're from. they have not been allowed to go inside. this is one of the entrances leading to the village of eleanor that yet with we've seen
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a hundreds and hundreds of is really set. there is going to an attacking palestinians under the pretext of looking for the 14 year old. is there any subset of who went missing yesterday as he was grazing his sheep in the area surrounding the yes, yes, this is one of those leading to the village. but that are also other places that have been closed either by these really soldiers or by these really settlers, which we've been seeing gathering across the occupied to us bank. you know, it's a saturday usually a holiday for jews. usually they don't go out. they are spending, it is what is known as shut off. but today here we're seeing these really set this all across the coupon to us back and processing is there's kids that with the fact the b is really soldiers. that with the or when the attacks took place in the yet, in other villages set out thing they occupied to us bank that do such as will have the potential, the impunity to be able to continue their attacks against palestinians assigned
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means of very attend situation. because as we were saying that this was the largest a attack in terms of how many settlers where they are, the majority of them armed since the beginning of the water. because a good day for him. thanks very much for that, that. let's take you straight to australia now the prime minister, speaking about that stopping in the last few hours until the album easy. let's listen to 20th to say thank you for joining us. all of us to not, they get us setting things up on the junction of the young woods or understanding the strivings will be shot. let's say this was, i have repeat the thoughts indiscriminately targeted to innocent people going about a node and reset it. i doing the shopping to know that this thoughts of all
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striving and so with the victims of these terrible acts and their loved ones and nations office have dave to sing. condolences and sympathies tool was sort of graving for someone that have lost and we send a strength to those who have been injured. and all of us are thinking of the good kind of doctors, nurses and health care workers who will be working through the not the side logs into k of the big fellow strategy. and today ponder junction was saying, if shopping box, but it was also i witness to the humanity and the heroism of that fellow stylings outbreak. police have 1st responders and of course, every die people had could never if imagined that that would face such a moment. and similar to that for each is quite extraordinary stuff, and they should have been a noble shift. the shelf is placed fully going about the logs. i need it for these
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to strategies that 1st instinct and vice of danger was to help someone else. that is what we hold on to, to not as a strides, that's a confirmation of who we uh dr. strong. together. the work at the new set was police and the strain federal police is ongoing football. we can cite for sure to not business to any strategy in affected by this tragedy. every strategy and is with you. before i hand to commission a kashal, i can size that i've also spoken with the new says, wow, say acting premier to not. and the commonwealth stand ready to assist in every way possible, commission and commercial thanks phones, the technology i pays supporting the set was place. investigate
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a mess casually. event in cd guy for the pay has deployed. i p members to the crime center. we've offered a full specialist capability such as digital forensics. it needs to be determined, i'm already and it would be helpful to speculate. i want to reassure the community that the i pay is pretty providing yusef wiles place with what a day of of support is required. and to not a whole satisfied me, yusef boss place commissioner and the director general idea. and finally, i would like to give more condolences to the victims of families. yeah, that was the last part of this that sarah sarah hadn't spoken with the dcf. i was placed commissioner at the stages too early
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to get that assessment. however, only i didn't see the right i can see the waiting to get it too much. that assessment comment on that. a lot of people that i think the page commission has by the clear that speculation, certainly not from myself, would be unhelpful of this on. we should allow the investigators to go that they will look the place are those that have a discussion to not with the director general of i here the money that they start is on and we will of course, continue to update the street and public has more information is not
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available easy. the, the strider employment is for addressing the nation and also fielding questions about the covered state to the investigation after those stoppings in a sub up of sydney. 5 people that as many as 6 injured at the shopping mile within the last 3 hours incident is over, but old lines of inquiry are being pursued. let's bring in alex thomas, who's following events for us. alex, that was obviously a press conference with the police assistant commissioner anthony cook a little while ago before we sold the prime minister. just bring all viewers internationally up to speed on what he had to say in terms of the initial investigations and inquiries regarding this incident. of the yes, so on some a coach came out to speak to the media here. what you from the police station, which the short walk away from one by junction where the westfield shopping center
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raise, where they attack happens and brought us up to date with what they know. so a fall level, so it missing it was a fluid situation. still many details that we didn't know, especially the most of, of the attack i, which is touchstone in the prime minister as the albany. these comments that we heard just a short time ago. what's the assistant commissioner did say to media was just describe the events, how shortly off the 3 pm on a sunny, busy saturday afternoon with people going about their everyday life. going to the shopping center to, to buy things, to hang out. a man entered left for 10 minutes and then came back in around 20 pos 3 local time in the afternoon. and then confronted around 9 people we were told with a weapon, believes to be a nice and 5 people were killed. as a result of that, it just so happens that a senior police officer, it wasn't on patrol but happens to be that in a uniform with a gun,
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was rushing to the scene because of the cries, the health went off to the man to confront him. the tons of old, so on level 5 of the shopping center raised his weapon. and at that point, she fired and killed the alleged attack of those are some of the facts we know at this stage. we know that a critical incident has been declared investigations are still ongoing. um, there are also people in the shopping center or wherever shots on the go. waiting to be told that it's safe to come out. bots the assistant commissioner day to reassure the public. but as far as he was concerned, the episode was safe. now, he said the alleged attacker was the only a silence, but they weren't working with anybody as far as he was concerned. and that's what we noticed. i thought i'd like just give us a description really of the location itself. it's us a, a hub really don't just the transport. but as you all say, most the place to do your shopping. a place to hang out is
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a very popular part of the suburbs of sydney, and it also leads on to the taurus locations by a bus routes as well. uh, once you leave the to the train station, its very central was cool. the eastern suburbs of sydney, actually by the standards of many big western cities, it's very close to the cbd, to the center of sydney itself. and it will take you an hour. so we'll say, you know, the, the old per house. and so the homicide was the famous city, how the bridges and all those tourist attractions. but this possible strategy is known for and a full spawn by junction. one not on bundle beach itself is in the immediate area. it's a huge shopping center mold and 3 other strain the shops. uh, well i have a 3000 parking spaces, very popular people doing that shopping in that area. it's definitely a healthy young professionals who lives that i can easily commute by possible train
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light rail into the city. so it's part of the reason that this incident is probably shocked. so many, not just in sydney and the state of new south wales, but across australia, as a prime minister and the case was closed. alex, uh, it was made very clear not just by the assistant commissioner anthony cook by the prime minister and also commissioner kashal. the live and use of inquiry are still open. that the motive is still unknown to a certain extent, but no names have been given full, defend, and for those that are either dead or injured, i mean the inquiry is active. that's right, so that's one of the key things that the name of the lights attack of who is now dead has not been released. the police are still not saying that any idea about the motive, i think they've been quite open about with that. they just don't know right now. the other thing is that although we know 5 people were killed by this assailants, we don't know the names or anything about their identities. yes,
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obviously loved ones and relatives will have to be informed 1st before that is released to the public. that is standard procedure. so at the moment there was still a sense of shock, but they eating not a sense of panic from police. and they said they're on top of the situation now, but clearly this is going to take many hours and days to work through before when i move it, it will come back to us throughout the night as we get more information on, it's telling us that for us in sydney, thanks. alex springs in the days of the news now and to ukraine. i'm warnings of a catastrophic shortage of defense systems to protect russian drug and attacks. of charles dropped federal polls not from the kosky region. ukrainian troops on civilians are paying the price of the decline in west and ministry supports. clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers but the 77th and mobile brigade organ, especially highlights in the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian
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border. they're trying to intercept russian drones. the reconnaissance will kind of cause the 3, the same cooling of up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis twice them or 10 to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it out with this width and it was, it goes all the guessing allies on what the man here say are increasingly sophisticated on demand russian drones able to fly long als at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. you currently middle teresa is being outdone, an outlined in various locations along the front lines. this comes as an escalation in russian targeting attacks facing ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where they are still thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set
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lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth costs across the near flat expanse, freshly dug trenches, the exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community, a small town which is being published day and night. joining bomb craters, the consulted remains of homes reese in memory of the dead. so then what do myself i do for me yet? the man was changing the oil and his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon. the strikes almost every day, the center of town is hit every night of the playgrounds that empty many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's moved to children out of town, but it has to keep working despite the danger. plus we do,
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but the still have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure anymore because you couldn't sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to is you. but as long as my job is to have to come here to work every day, and all the air raid siren a russian ballistic missile on that says this woman and she ducks inside an apartment block across the fields. soldiers scan the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. charles profit, i'll just air a cube, reaching ne, a new grain. the military release of new shot ball calling for protests against us forces based on the pen to get ahead friendly relations with me, trans government before the cure. last year. some of the officers who sees power, trained by american soldiers, has military rules that now. so you can close the times with russia. well,
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as relations with washington continued to solve, russia has sent an ad defense system to drive along with training personnel. the instructors, the parts of the african co, it's seen as a successor to the russian mass. and the group wagner. this is a reminder of why the driver is important to the us. the west african nation has a us military base with around 1100 soldiers. it's a hub fault minutes. reparations in this a hell region fighting groups linked to al qaeda at iso after last year, as k, the us suspended most military aid mosca is seeking to expand its influence in the region through security partnerships and picking the fafsa and molly, as well as um, it is as a health security analyst, she says, rushes presence has not improved security for the people living, but continues to postpone it as transition back to civilian rule. and the new jersey collision is quite, you know, unique, the june type, yet to relieve the transition plan. when was 91 thing to the cool. now the put,
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the put, the likelihood is that the more the russian military becomes, in green, within new jersey. the less likely that transition planning going to be released. and it's also very likely that the civic speed will continue to be restricted. and so a lot of civil society organizations in new jar would start protesting that you know, lack of ability to operate and continue and they're doing and, and i think that is when the resentment was done. if you weeks back the economic cycle incentive, the re re new jar with diet. but of course with the opening of the board, does it cost for that? that is being relaxed at the moment. but i think specifically the civic speeds would be due to timing and going forward. look at monday and book, you know, foster, where russia already has an active presence. unfortunately, the indicator does not show any progress, especially in dealing with extreme in groups and the violent conflict situations in
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the region. if anything, we've seen on expansion of the security situation and board money on what you know, fox, the new jersey, coastal feed facing the same challenge. so you, for, i shall continue with the same strategy. reach if the deployed uh an element of the walk, not through an influx as an instance, they support the military's of disc increase. then unfortunately this, the health will continue along this trajectory of um, you know, duplicates, deploy each one of them. think you read the situation within the region. hey, so me, us diplomats admitted to spying for cuba. has been sentenced to 15 years in prison . victor done while the real shot worked for the state department for more than 20, as it also served as i'm positive to believe you. he was arrested in december of to end because the federal agents colton basting about his spying activities for most of his life. mister rocher lived a lie while holding various senior positions in the us government. he was secretly
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acting as the cuban government's agents. that is a staggering the trail of the american people that calls this rule, that equitable is full of vice president whole, hey, gloss must remain in jail despite judges confirming that his arrest last week was a legal like 3 judge tribunal rules that last must complete his present sentences for to previous corruption convictions. lots as close as that he'll be appealing the ruling. he was arrested a week ago during a rate by police on mexico's everything key to weighed souls asylum since december . a severe drought is fullest in columbia as capital markets all to russian more for the 1st time in 40 years, neighborhoods will be cut from the grid for 24 hours every 10 days. the man is encouraging couples to take shells together to save most of the rest of all the supplies. most of the cities, 9000000 residents, is that 16 percent of capacity, the lowest level on rat cold?
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well, the temperature is all causing a spike. and then you see the cases across the world in indonesia, the media, whether pass along about soon, right is a causing deadly outbreaks. at least 455 people have died since january. that's almost 3 times as many as the whole of last year. jessica washington has the story from indonesia is capital jakarta introduced a central java patients q 2 into the emergency room at commodities behind the hospital. i just have to one of my children got sick on saturday. the other on sunday high fever and bloody noses. but the wound is already as capacity. its dozens of children and teenagers experiencing symptoms of doing the fever. to take a look at our inpatient rooms are full. we hope there will be no increase in patients after either fits if it's in the lab because the hospital is already full bottom of the hospitals around it. visa are also under stream data from the health ministry
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indicates more than $60000.00 cases of dc the this year and at least $450.00.


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