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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of what we want to know is how does these things affect peoples? we revisit please state, even when there are no international houses, there are really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the, [000:00:00;00] the services, the news, our own algebra 0 for these bad people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes . the launches strikes on 711 on hours after has been left side dozens of rockets across the border, raising fees of a wide conflict. the us president warranty yvonne again, photography, israel joe,
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by who says he expects retaliation for the attack on the rainy and consummating syria sooner rather than later. also this our 6 people are killed in a stabbing attack at a shopping mall in australia. this aspect is shot dead by police in st. my mama, the fun outside the city of thoughts with on with the all 40 to see a launching and major plant and see the awards crisis. effect the states in sports as a 3 way tie for the lead of the mazda is going into around 3 as well. gusta tiger woods may the cost, the rental price is $24.00 consecutive time and design up a 6 green jacket. the thank you for joining us. it's 10 g m g and we begin in 711 on where is really just have launch
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a new series of the strikes. local media reported loud explosions in several places, including mount array on the area is seen a regular cross border attacks between these really forces and hezbollah fighters since the war on guys that'd be gone. in october, these, these radio strikes, followed the launching of more than 50 rock has from $711.00 on towards oper, galloway in northern israel and the occupied colon heights somewhere intercepted by these really i and them ad defend system. and no injuries were reported as well. that claimed responsibility for the attacks. let's go straight to on to 0 is adi ashen was in the cora in 711 on 4 is how 10 says the situation along the board are today hardly a just fully since this morning. there was several is really strikes on different areas here in south lab and on that as you mentioned, mount han was hit with that on 3 strikes. and later on the past hour,
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there are several that strikes out towards the south east and one just goes to i said on 20 going to meet us from what we are standing. these a strikes the moment to didn't to um, end up with any casualties. i was reported to the moment, but it's just part of this escalation that has been going on. and especially since yesterday, when principal a launch tends upfront, gets to what's gonna keep. i've gotten heights in retaliation. us as well as the statement said to is rows of tax on lebanese villages and towns. now, the picture of the why the picture, the bigger context is related also to the anticipation of the ring and retaliation, as well as can engulf, are generally in damascus. this board the here is on all or everyone is waiting and trying to see how this situation is going to impact a front that's all already on fire in front where
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a war is being fought. and the lock into the moment that the more the big targets are main, the ministry target snow. on the other side, we just had know that the outlets on the board the from infiltrating drones now. yes, it also has will. the claimed responsibility for launching to explosively didn't drawings to what's the homework nestali community in northern is read so many kinds of, of weapons are being used as well as using gets a planes. it's often nobody. it's drones. festival. also launching grok, it's launching drones. so it's kind of a multi lead uh conflict that it's continuing for for 6 months. and everyone is kind of expecting it to continue more them. yeah. so right now it would seem attends com at that border where you are. thank you very much value for that highly hashem live the in the core i 711 on that cross over to him, ron kon now who's in occupied east jerusalem in ron as ali said, the 50 rocket launch by hezbollah towards israel. how strong has these really
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response been to these rocket attacks? well, the is really the assembly waiting to find out if this is the beginning. the opening salvo of the iranian responds. the is due to come. they say within a 48 hour window that 48 hour window has passed, but that's when that attack from hezbollah actually took place. now they are putting the security embassies. we all have hearing, have been there, started across the, the well the m. c. in the netherlands is actually shot for the day today. the americans are more deeply involved into the conflict that may have been since any point since october the 7th. in fact, they sending low assets to the region. they come on. eric carrillo from st. comes the man effectively in charge of all of the us presence in the region has extended his visits in israel. he's talking ties council pods, as well as the ministry of defense or is ro, is very much on
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a war footing is just simply waiting to see what the response from iran actually is . remember, i told the company the spring leader of iran actually mentioned this. he said that there would be a response within dots, and he's a man that doesn't really make empty threat sites. that's one of the reasons why this is all being taken very seriously for him. but this whole happened because israel attacked solve rent iranian territory in damascus. they hit a consulate and that's why this latest round the buttons is escalated and run. thank you for that. even run con, lives there and occupies east jerusalem in guys. meanwhile, overnight bombings in gaza. city of killed 5 people. rescuers are still looking for survivors. i've turned these really attack on a residential building, at least 30 of those were injured. let's get the latest on the situation on the ground in guys i would tie, god bless them. who's in rafa for so more as rice across the gaza strip, to i talk to us about the latest targets and what these really military has been
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focusing on of the world guns. but generally, in the past few hours of fully, it has to be a bustle field between most places and the is what a sewage is box. what we can see here, that is what has been run because it's minute cheap abutment on a strikes in almost a rock refugee campbell, according to initial reports that the is where the military had the composite. are you on run school in the know the writ possible bundles iraq refugee camp. this school as everyone knows since the beginning of the school. it has been time to be any back you. i just seen some stuff to thousands of palestinians. there are still people truck insight quoting for the risk to, to be made within the coming hours. bar. civil defense crews are facing directly a problem in terms of accessing and reaching to that location of that time. you think because of because very intense bombing come back in the us of the entire areas that have been what the who lot to the destruction because the biggest ready
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on guns bombardments over residential house has yet not only on mr. ross has been attacked to day, but also the northern parts of the territory were to palestinians have been killed in a value of refuge account in the north. and also most in a direct neighborhood has been reduced to the russell. clearly that is very minute truthful expressed and said that within the past few hours, the is body forces. i've found that within 30 targets of course the chat 3. yeah, and this is happening to eric as the united nations warrens that cases of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea are increasing because people in gas i cannot access clean water and, and the weather is getting warmer. talk to us about the conditions for people not just in the south where many of salt refuge but in central areas where some people are now returning to their homes. a while it's really hard to describe the situation for you. this is this talk reality here on the ground. we are talking about that the is very minute,
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3 had systematically destroyed what to wells that completely provide water services for more than 1900000 palestinians. they have been attacked in hospitals, which is responsible for providing medical treatment for diseases that are result of the from the uh, the wide surprise of the deterioration of the sanitation conditions as palestinians are completely suffering from that. you want to have a few access to clean water at you due to the great disruption that being close to the water system in gauze. and to, to know thing that is very mandatory is taking full control over on lines that provide the goals as trip with what's out from the east, very sides as have been provided. they have been even dining the flow of water to the territory. and right now we have with the destruction of the simulation stations that are responsible for curing as providing pure water for garza's. the switching is getting dias moved to bone diseases, profit to suppress,
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including diarrhea. and he'd be tied to a, a month different palestinians here, of course that there to we were, hospitals are on april pictures such cases because of the lack of medical supplies and also with the great number of casualties that from every now within arriving such hospitals. indeed, thank you. sorry for the update that sanchez here. sorry, god bless them live there in rafa to the occupied westbank now where a policy mean has been killed in 25 others injured in an attack by dozens of these really settlers. the group rated a village near ramallah on friday after a teenage settler went missing dozens of homes and vehicles was set on fire. and there's been more confrontations between palestinians and he's really settlers in the occupied westbank. palestinians were seen throwing stones and small farms, and gun file went off. let's get an update on the situation with the brain was in single in the occupied westbank. the situation i understand need are still very
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volatile. tell us about where you are and what's been happening there. we are is standing at the entrance of the village of singe and with this has been a road that to the funeral procession. that's was getting the body of 25 year old who was killed by that. 80 forces fired was going to use to get 2 of them. got you because of the presence of these really soldiers who have been preventing palestinian cars from going towards element out yet. and only allowing is really such there's cars to be and sitting there. that's why the funeral procession took the body with them and they've moved all the way back to the hospital before they the could voice started going again to try and take the body to the village of the year that has seen hundreds and hundreds of settlers yesterday attacking the village and killing this one, palestinian and injuring dozens of them. now we know from the latest quarter we had with the local council, has he said that they've managed to go through one of the other alternative routes
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after these really some of those have left, but they're hot. they are still waiting at the entrance of i didn't buy it as it's still surrounded by is where the soldiers we've also been seeing is really some of those set out ending areas across the occupied with back. mainly the villages set out and, and grow milan. indeed, we've been seeing these really forces a lot calling those settlers to come in. but at the same time preventing palestinians and what palestinians would say, the reason is, is to prevent people from gathering and processing one another. going to defend those villages that have been going on there and is really attacked since last night. we've been hearing on confirmed reports about the body of the 14 year old. uh, but we cannot confirm if they found the body of these radio or i would, i was going to ask you about that need. uh, because of obviously a separate tax and you occupied westbank. not unusual, but this latest attack. i started because of what appeared to be the mid missing
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settler. i, i imagine that people in the area and other areas other villages are living in fear right now of these attacks. yes, they are concerned because palestinians would tell you if these really set those with indeed attacking palestinians to look for the 14 year old, subtler then burning the homes and attracting palestinians, shooting towards them. what would it benefit them if they were looking for that boy? according to these resources, they said that he was grazing his sheep, his from, and then legged supplements outputs surrounding the village of the yep. he went to uh, take the sheep, put grazing and then when he didn't come back on the she did, did they started this as search campaign, but people would tell you why would some of those attacks palestinians. and again, kind of simeon say that the fact that those is really soldiers that they're usually present at making is really suck. let's feel empowered that they can attack
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palestinians. and let's not forget, yes, this attack comes within the free 6. the of the fact that this 14 year old has been missing, but we've already been seeing attacks by is really some of those move from the attacks per day hitting the occupied to us bank loss. the to 4 attacks for the, for attacks, for they were talking about the highest number on record as for the un figures when it comes to the 2nd of attacks against palestinians in 2023. and it doesn't seem to be dying down any time soon. need it. thank you very much for your reporting that sanchez here is need to abraham live there from sing jimmy occupied westbank, a sign germany police have shut down a pro palestinian congress being held in berlin. the officers said one of the main speakers west of subject to a band on political activity,
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but gave no details. the conference was aimed at examining german support for these rails were on gaza. germany denies accusations of complicity in genocide had the international court of justice. joining us now on the sanchez here and use our is jani certified case was an economist and for the greek finance minister who co founded the democracy in europe move mentioned 2025. he was scheduled to speak at that conference in germany is joining us from grace. thank you very much miss of out of pocket. so being with us on alger 0. so just to recap, events, or of us, some, $2500.00 german police were deployed to this policy. and in congress, in berlin, on friday they burst into the venue, stopped the events from continuing. can you tell us 1st more about the sequence of events that led to a cancellation of this congress and what the reasons german authorities gave for counseling that i have to say that the german assorted these seem to have lost the mind. and they are completely out of control. let me just inform you that at
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the beginning, when our supporters and the participants to the conference started arriving at the 1st artist that they cut it out. was of a jewish participant who is simply holding the banners saying, jews against genocide. so these jewish young man was arrested for saying know the genocide. so i suppose if you feel jewish and you live in berlin and you can only support genocide. so that was the beginning, that just gives you a flavor of what followed after that. they had it as the participants in the morning. and i think that this is that is huge. we significant out the airport to the university of glasgow guess on the boost it uh, the famous doctor who spent 4345 days in guys treating patients at the beginning of
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these spade of ends. you mind if they give you guys a he was a 100, a they are booked by german police and he was integrative. assumed that i'll post. i mean, he was a come having berlin to participate in the conference to inform, but patient funds of what she had seen. he's all nice and gas it and it was a delegate to pretend that house nobody wants to report it. but please note the face because this is significant and i would like my german friends of german owed bins to have an opinion on this. she was told that not only escaped banned from german, sorry for the hold of able to, but that she, a few bears, sent the video over that speech that he was intending to make to the gentleman but the suspension. then she wouldn't be breaking german. lo and she would be prosecuted. now why do you need fascism to be in government where you have a police imposing price that you couldn't you measure? yeah,
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it was quite surprising that the doctor will see that was not just banned from entering germany as you see, but also threatened with a fine a if he joined the conference via via zoom or via video link. but did they give specific reasons as to why they wanted to stop this gathering from happening german authorities, they were adamant that this wouldn't go ahead. it was organized, i understand by a broad coordination of groups that of course it was organized by jews, that jewish voice for be synchronization by man of $25.00, the trent. the part that belonged to by a number of bodies damian, support groups. and remember, this was all about discussing some of the complexity of the german stage, not as well, but the main point was to discuss peaceful coexistence in of the whole of the area of engine stein. so this was have
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a fully international least humanist on the racist, inclusive brothers, the joyce gentleman bunny to be on gathering. now the bullets who invaded went out actively sauce them. why are you doing? is why are you binding us? why are you shouting this down? the push of explanation to guy and mark these words. this is but by the because it could, i may be committed beat judy, these proceedings. this is my note airport satisfaction. they are not stopping and because of some kind that has been coming through, but because they feel that if they don't stop 6, i don't bad and does band and disrupt of congress. i could, i might be committed by uh, fits, we say there's no 4 weeks, but weeks and weeks i have been personally fat and if i, but the state of this congress, let me stated for the equity that, you know, i have had a very good relationship with have a good,
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decent german publisher now for 10 years. 15 years have been publishing all my books because of my participation of this conference from my relationship with that publish. it has been 7 weeks ago. and after that explanation of the christian democrats, the free democrats, the s, but that the greens and disgracefully my former comrades of taking care of the left, put together not only a statement but also created a website, admonishing us as a hate those overdues as an anti semites before organizing these conference, they lost their mind completely. it is very clear about that. what's the last time they draw from this? what lessons you draw from this experience, who was scheduled to speak at the congress? what would have been your message and, you know, when you look at the situation today, 6 months into the war and guys are more than 6 months. in fact, with more than 33000 people killed. and he is now the regional conflict.
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and it seems that the western position, including germany still hasn't moved. how do you explain this what it hasn't, but let me say the germans in outline. if you look at the island, spain, a large trunks across europe, the new has shift, the complexity with a so, as is confined in the number of governments of the general and one being the number one. but what, what is the poles? and because you know, the german people are all you know, in the vast majority the decent. and they are based loving the democratic. they have a business themselves from fascism. and yet the government is drone increasingly into the trap set by anything at home. because let's face it is the general government. suppose that the claims that the 2 state solution is 8 square foot solution outcomes. and yet they're fully behind. and it's on yahoo government,
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which is doing it to items to keep mother any chance of a 2 state solution. and i'm very fearful that my german friends, the people who do them and they are being thrown into this trap. whereby they are going to have another complicity for genocide on the collective functions. and my message to them is how much by this thing and blood needs to be spilled, needs to flow before you give up on the idea. the 1st thing in black is when going to wash away the sense of deals that ducati over there. the holocaust to general sites do not make one that i myself are verify case. thank you so much for talking to us on the on to 0. yeah. and his verify his season economies and for my greek finance minister, thank you very much for your time. i the best center of the world news now and in australia, 6 people have been stopped to dance at
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a shopping mall in sidney. several others were injured in taken to hospital including a 9 month old baby. hundreds of side of the shoppers, where he evacuated from the westfield center at bundy junction, at a one die junction in sydney. police shot dead. the attack the suspect of attacks, spying on the floor. miss chanel? sorry, i didn't see him properly. i was running, but on it's just it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it in by running around saving seems pretty random. we're just looking. somebody was injured down there, we just looking because everyone is looking to see what was going on. then we saw all these people running towards this and then we had a shot. and my husband drug this into the dash shop. and then we got the lady that china locked the doors and then she put it up the front door. so we, we went in the office which was, which is a lot. and then we were in there until the police came together. let's go live to
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alex thomas in sydney for 6 people killed alex, what more have you learned about the circumstances of this attack and what may have motivated it the main circumstances is how random it was. this was a son, a busy saturday afternoon. police telling us that the man who went on to stab to test 6 people won't sit into the bone, died junction shopping center, the westfield shopping move behind me. just off the 3 o'clock in the afternoon local time. he then left around 10 minutes and returned, engaging with 9 people. the police described it with a weapon, a launch nights. and we now know that's because of the injuries sustained in that attack. 5 people died at the same. one later died in hospital, several of those were injured, including a very young child described by witnesses. as a baby,
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you had to be bandaged and taken to hospital and beats. those that are written should have been treated at different hospitals in the local area, bound by junction here, very close to the center of st may. and then the attack was pursued by a police officer, a senior police officer and inspect stuff. she wasn't on tuesday, just happens to be there in her uniform with her weapons. and once you approach the man, he lungs, the ha, with these weapons and she was forced to shoot him dead at the same. uh so in total 7 victims, including the attack of investigation, civil and going, you can see behind me, please called and remains in place. although officials and say there was no, i'm going straight to the attack. it acted alone. although his motive still as a nose, they gave us setting things up on the junction beyond woods or understanding this dryly. and so will be sure to say this was, i have your feet to follow indiscriminately targeted innocent people going about
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a node and reset a die, doing the shopping to not the 1st thoughts of all a strategy. and so with the victims that these terrible ex and their loved ones. so the australia employment is the anthony alban, easy speaking man, which just tells you something about the scale of his tragedy in the eyes of australians. this has happened in just about the center of sydney as far as the why the world is concerned in the state of new south wales. but the whole country has been less shocked by. yeah, i was going to ask you about that. i mean, this is not a common to event in australia. how ordinary australians reacting a no, it isn't. i mean i was frightening police routine leon's, but incidence staffings or shootings. a very, very rare you can always count the incentives on your hand over the last decade or so. and so let me know my shootings like we see in other parts of the world. so it
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has done people here and like duncan is not far from the very same is phone di beach and also not much further from all the popular tourist attractions. we see on the tally and on the internet, sidney hava, the opera house. how the bridge um and it really is something that no one expects it on a busy saturday afternoon going about that business at a very large shopping center, foot shops, but also entertainment facilities, restaurants, bars. and instead now of his being a bustling area on a saturday nights is uh so it is cold and off and on going police investigation and people shaking the heads, trying to work out what went wrong. alex thomas and sidney. thank you very much for the update you had on this sanchez there and use ours tie fling, defend, didn't tell the why opposition protesters are being prevented from. standing up to the government and the finance philadelphia 76 is of given themselves a fighting chance of reaching the n b a may offsets coming up in
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the start of spring bolts is all pervasive in your basically all pervasive kelly's great, okay, which implies is not absolutely, everywhere, and that's true. it's windy and wet for some lashley, it's the northwest running up to wisconsin even. it does tumble down through eastern europe, bringing wind and rain with it. so for the next 24 hours or so, he's going to be scuffling north, linkedin, and probably norway didn't knock in northern suite in the system. much deprived wind and rain. but even here, temperatures are in the teams as you can see. and then the old gap is of the baltic states and move south. it will be a spell it right, but again, tempted on not dropping care. i'm for most of europe, they have been changed to tools affect anything. they have risen even more. and
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a good example might be seen in the hospital, the piece rate of pay is to be around hungry and a few of the bulk and states zagreb is an example here. second degree is could be touching a new record for april. it went above the average does come down again because things do eventually change this come tuesday. and this heat has also come across the northwest of africa. been very health and the canary out because of the off show breeze. but look at this. a spinning potentially flood, very low, you know g, a bit within the winds is come down to bring the heat down to north chop as well. the for some low boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train the vehicle. but androids today can be really human. only robots like me, will be everywhere else. is there a documentary mission laid on the weird and wonderful world of global loan thing for you and even trust?
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i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine origin of this which is examining the headlines. is there any is of publicity for forms of life and unflinching journalism? awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is era the
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the, you're watching the news hour on algae 0 with me for the back people. a reminder of our top stories is really just have launch a new series of the strikes on 711 on local media reported loud explosions in several faces, including my own spy on ours earlier hezbollah fighters inside of 11 on 5, dozens of long kistin to northern israel is really a defense system, intercepted some of the mis size us present. joe, by to now has said he expects the lawn to attack israel sooner rather than later. and has issued a one word warning don't. this follows us try going to have on consummate building in damascus early this month that he launch says was carried out by israel. he wants leaders have threatened to retaliate and these are the army says it's on pilot the wrong
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exploitation sooner than later. a wrong in this moment. don't our american personality the americans use that risk as well. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real. we want to try and help defend israel and iran will not succeed a while some on this and other developments. and these are also on gaza. i'm not joined by the by monitor mastery. he's a professor at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you. moment for being with us on the news, our speculation is rife that yvonne might soon launch an attack on israel in response to the bombing of his consummate in damascus. early of this month on april . first, i wanted to ask you 1st about as well as late as actions, these 50 walk, it's a 5 into israel on friday. is that using the opening salvo of as part of that event in response? so could it be, in fact,
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the rainy and response that everyone is anticipating? i don't think it's the, the rainy and response. i think it's maybe some warning shots. but if you, if you look at those from ron's perspective, they had their consul, it attacked. this is protected sites, this is a very provocative act by, by israel 13 people were killed and iran doesn't respond in some sort of meaningful way. then they will compromise some of their deterrence capacity. they're kind of opening the, the door for israel to, to do this sort of thing again and again. so they have to issue some sort of a response. and they've also promised their people, the public and around that they're going to avenge this avenger this crime. and it is against international law what israel has done. um, so i think there will be a response. i think the question right now is, when will the response come and, and what would it look like and what and, and then what in what form there have been back channel communications reported lead between iran and the united states through intermediaries. and i think the, the,
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the implication of those conversations is that if the ron is to strike and kill people kill civilians, then that would warrant some sort of a serious escalation or retaliation by israel. but if you're wrong, only strikes assets, then that would still be considered sort of low level goes away, run responses will determine the trajectory of the will of the conflict. and guys, i wouldn't make sure if i wanted to ask you um, how much about biden's common sense? he talked about the us being devoted to israel. he use the word devoted, which was quite interesting. i found what do you make of the by the administration's response, about 10 days ago, there was a lot of talk about a shift in the us and ministrations policy following the attack on the aid work as well. but that shift doesn't seem to have happened. i mean, he seems, it would seem prepared to take the us in a war against yvonne just to stand by israel. or you're right. how much things change, but how much they,
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they stay the same. the biting might be the most pro israel president of the us has, has seen, perhaps ever, that he has a strong personal devotion to do is real. he's a self proclaimed scientist, has disagreements with benjamin netanyahu. notwithstanding the us support, she said yesterday is iron clad. he's standing by israel, he said a couple of weeks ago, he will never abandon israel. i think what's interesting to note here is that israel has been trying to drag the us into a war with the ron for close to 20 years. president, after president's administration after administration, but the us is always resisted that. i'm biting, is probably closer now to doing it as israel wants than any president. previously, i actually must know that netanyahu was only interest is, is prolonging the, he must know about that. that's well, that's one thing that nothing you have was the other thing. i mean israel wants more with you. right. and why did it for, for a long time,
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they believe that that would be in their best sort of security interest for bite. and i think he's sort of missing the forest, the trees. i mean he's, he's compromise for 6 months now. are the us standing in the world and he's compromised. american security in the region. 3 american soldiers were killed about a month and a half ago. and he's following are israel almost on every step on what has been determined by most experts to be a genocidal war? and in addition to all of that is compromising themselves in this upcoming election . i think a lot of analysts now see that there's a real risk that biden is going to lose this election to donald trump and the democrats are going to hand the country back over to the trump. this. now there was an interesting report monitor mastery in the wall street journal, which said, as we heard from him run that the us was repositioning its warships ahead of a potential attack from iran. and cutoff has reportedly ask the us not to use it spaces on his territory to attack you, ron,
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how do you think countries in this region both respond if this was to escalate as if see it, many of them not khattab, but have been criticized for being too timid in, in their response to the fate of palestinians in guys a how do you think they might respond? well, we'd almost have to take or pick a country by country. i don't think we have enough time for that. but i think that this position is clear, right? they're completely opposed to these really aggression. they've meant that they've meant that they may not know and they have a sympathy to not just palestinians, but to the palestinian cause in general. so it certainly is understandable that they would communicate that desire to, to the us. um, now if you're talking about countries like egypt and saudi arabia, u, a, d, u, a e, and now we have, there are a lot more open questions, right? because those are countries that are completely antagonistic toward how mass and they've offered various levels of support for israel and for its agenda. a comet or mastery. very good to talk to you as always. thank you so much for joining us on
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the news out. mama thomas raised from the doha institute for graduate studies as turned to have the wealth news now. and the military rulers of new shera calling for protests against us forces base to the pentagon, had friendly relations with me. she has government before the coo last year. some of the offices will cease power with trained by american soldiers, is as military rule as a now seeking closer ties with russia. as relations with washington sour, russia sent an ad defend system. to me that along with training for us now, instructors are part of the african horse. it's seen as a successor to the russian mercenary, to fax, it to telephone, always security forces that prevented 3 days of plans. demonstrations against proposed constitutional reforms. the changes would end direct election of the president and hand that responsibility to parliament. critics accused president fornia same day of trying to extend his 2 decades in power opposition. groups had
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also condemned the arrest of 9 octaves for sage, in public release. to talk to us about the situation and to go when i joined on the news hour by i showed double his co founder and programs coordinator of africa to this as a civil society organization promoting democracy envelope lost his life from the costs and a guy. thank you very much, was speaking to us. can you explain to international audience 1st, why there is so much ongoing trouble over these constitutional reforms that would stay till the move away from a presidential system to upon a mentoring system. isn't that what most people wanted to reduce the president bowers as the problem actually is. the says, this is not an ordinary precedent. this is someone who can follow after he's. father has been in power for the kids, and the trend has been every other time. there's a constitutional amendment to make sure that the days a week for the nursing, the family, and here for who is the son of
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a i the my to see power. and by moving all the powers from the transfer, then the position that we've become harder to reach to that of the president of the council of ministers who will be elected by the national assembly members without any to be is just show that actually this is another attempt, you know, for, for an estimate to be in fall way beyond 2030 because during the 201948 solution reform, there is a to tom, i'm date and he's mondays actually his time is suppose to an entrenched or if he's sick, some of the one in 2025, and after that also he would have to say that, so this is seen as another attempt by the, the government. and specifically for nesting. the i'm, he's fighting to stay longer in power. why besides the fact that he's from the ruling dynasty, as you say the, he added my family,
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he's the son of nancy bad him. of course, why would it seem that people are not satisfied with, with his, you know, with what is achieved for the country. so the issue here is the, the, the risk factual fundamental human rights m. oh, could be doing well in economic other areas. but the problem actually is there is no respectful, fundamental rights. they've been many killings along the years that have happened. i'm from 10 to 25 to the last major forecasting 20172218. and the most serious um, you know, investigation to make sure that the potatoes helped account. and another problem is actually the freedom to freedom of expression, freedom of profit, freedom assembly. all of these are trump, who own continuously by this rate team actually reaches a complete capture by through
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a plan of people who have been in power for years. you could be doing having, doing well in terms of the economy, but one of the fundamental rights of citizens arnold of how base a huge problem when it comes to democracy and the well being actually of those people. yeah, we, i've seen a number of arrest of opposition activists in recent weeks. parliamentary elections are due to take place very soon. how do you think it's going to play out? and i think i'm, i'm very thoughtful because one thing about to go, it's people, the position single society is the veteran resilience. despite all the changes they continue to be committed, i believe with the resend amendment. that's the conclusion that happened to probably meant that was no longer um, you know, the day monday it expired in december. so they legally didn't have the power to make those changes. i believe that this will mobilize citizens to go out in port in favor of the position. so the position can have either
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a majority or both of them, both in, in the, in, in the national assembly. keeping in mind that it's very difficult to have for young elections in this country. that's one of the reasons why the position boy go to the elections and print it in, but this time around the taking side. and i think it's very positive sign. and there's a slight hold for change to these elections. i should double thank you so much for your inside. very interesting to, to talk to you about the situation and to go. i showed the bullies co founder and program director of high frequency. this is joining us there from senegal. a still head on algae 0. another milestone for show how tiny in major league baseball will tell you about his latest achievement in the
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delightful the 9 year old under was really bombardment. trauma center is displaced in scarcity. and the moments were childhood students showed us through the child because on a jersey to northern america is a region of wonder. i'm joy tragedy, and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like. and it's my job defense life on how and why the
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the the not to say is gemma. thank you fully. tiger woods is, i got his 16 major types of laughter creating more history at the mazda is the 48 year old made of record 24th consecutive cots as well. gusta to ensure he's spending with the chance of taking have a 6 green jacket, which is that one. i have a paul that 7 shots behind the lead as max how you might price in december and scruffy. chef law, the american trade or on 6 on depaul losses davis on a little bit over in the 7th place. while he was there any place to shoot in the sixty's on a tough day of scoring on day 2, tom size and how's the best of the action from the sacrament? history make in
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a run started back in 1997. tiger woods has may 24 consecutive cuts. it will gusta before the tournament started. he said he has won major victory left in and he goes into the 3rd round believing that it could happen to me as i have a chance going in the weekend. i'm here. i got a chance to win the golf tournament. i don't know if there are going to all the finish today, but i'm, i'm done like i my my 2 rounds in just need some food and some caffeine. i'll be good to go. he played with max honda who is in the 3 white sites of the leeds with 2022 champions guilty shift and pricing december a golden opportunity for home between his 1st of a major. but it was his time playing with woods that stands out. he goes and so i mean, it was a really, is a dream yet to play with them here. you know,
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i've been saying i've always wanted to just lots from an iron shots around here and i was just right up next to them is really cool. jesus special, i mean to, we had a really quick turn around if i was feeling tired enough or imaginative was definitely even worse. it was difficult out there for the majority of the field and when the conditions to somebody might be in a share of the lead. but he said it was the toughest round of his life. yeah, i've never experienced it goes to national and these conditions before and being able to stay patient and play football and correct location patients was most in victor halterman's game plan. it wants to get this one finished on a type of parts and missed the cuts. 2016 mazda is when a denny will. it is in the mix on one on the,
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but how much better it could've been. he triple bug. last but he's still in the top 10 is feeling a frustration shed with another form, a major when a really tough day. uh, yeah, just hard to hard to, to make a score and just sort of trying to make as many pas as possible. would said that anyone who has made the carts has a chance moving down set today will provide move offices thompson's out 0. so let's take a look at some of the t times for the sat around rory my career for i've applied with a mountain to climb. he goes out just before 3 pm, gmc along side. columbia is committed to j. guess would, since he's off at $1645.00, he's playing with english material. hassan. but number one school he shifflett gets underway just off to 6, 30 pm with mazda as dave. we talk next life we got the final pat of max homeland bryson to somebody get going. at 1845 gmc manchester city will have to pile the pressure on also i'm a little pull in the primarily tied to race lisa,
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a win against loose in town. i'll be actually i'd will move city top of the table, 2 points above that rivals. also the level of playing that games on sunday. so if you manage the pep squad here, the noses side cannot, cannot afford to zip up. payment is so important in this picture, getting more similar that what's happening in the premier league when we one to one that in then day for pick up and you have to ready. so is 11 month to month fighting for the died so that we know the position that we're that we're getting into points. another man who knows all about winning the premier league is maquel john every day he lifted the tracy twice with chelsea out. is there a spoke to the foreman, not jerry international, about how he thinks the title race is going to play out? of any types of ways is that, that, that i've been, you know, that i'm going to, you know, you know, to the lives of the, of the season. but not which such good teams. you know,
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you look at all 3 teams, you can call it, you can call it, you can save. this is what i'm going for. this is, wes, thing is going to win delete. of course me know. see if you have been cut, they've done it for so you know, they want it, you know, see, you know, for years in a role now and they've been very successful with pat and, and when you look at the national team, young to defend from last year where, you know, they kind of bought to live and now the season they look like they look stronger with lots of different arise coming into the team. and they look very selected by sally and gabrielle played really well. didn't concede a lot of goals. this go a lot of goals and then you look up to again, live a pool, the yoga, and you know, a guy who's been able to create a game. when you look back a, when live a poor one to premier league, they have send mentality. now when you watch them, they have that 2 legs to do they, they think when they're break, the break with a lot of pays a lot of, you know, like with c t, do you want us call goals that when, when games and when you look at that, that, that all for your teams, if you're a batch and matt, to show you're going to put your money,
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we see that because they've been dead their buddy. everybody keeps saying when it comes down to the 10 to the left hand guns of the season, vitric in to get, i say, well, the premier league ties the race is going right down to the wire. it's a very different story in jeopardy by level keys that are on the verge of the coming. when does they get champions for the 1st time in that history? that's 16 points clear with 6 games to go that the keys and can wrap up. besides that on saturday without kicking a bull, if both buying music and stuff got lose that much is the coach the chevy alone? so he says he'd rather they when it's on sunday, by the things that have ramen in front of that time fence that's to buy again. it goes to about the festival, i end against glenda and we still got also in the car. it would be a surprise to be honest, i'd rather we don't the pitch by us winning time. if i had to decide i'd prefer to win the title like side of them. let's begin. it's crunch time in the m b a with the last play of spots up for grabs, and the philadelphia 76 as of give themselves the chance of making it victory
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against jolanda magic, the 76 as of 917 in the rise and share a 3 way tie with the mattress on the indiana case, as with citizen likely to progress as a top succeed in confidence. it will just be after the $7.00 to $6.00 is i was still a m b to hubble with a single korean. with an injury the m b a m b p was tons and let's with 32.65. now need to in the last regular season game against booked in that stand a chance to securing the top 6 too high for in the west. it was another way and so the new buildings, telephones that have closing in on that coveted 6 place on the ticket to the piles . a beach, the golden state warriors who have had to settle for a place in the play in 12 minutes. 83 pointers from cj, i'm a call them got them that, that full within the right, leaving that play of sight in the right house with one game that costs the fact all fixed. it's not so have tony have tied the record for the most time, runs hit by a japanese born class. he struck the 100 and 75th of his career and the adult as defeats of san diego padres. besides applying for the 1st time since the season,
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i was in south korea, very tiny maces to ab for the villages. and the most expensive play in history struck his full time, brought us a campaign and extended his hitting streak to 8 games. he says the rest of it was full but yankee stop keep much why but he couldn't prevent little just referring to an 8. 7 defeat is on his former and so for so if i missing hara, has been ordered by a federal judge in los angeles, on the go gambling addiction treatments. that's off the he was accused of impersonating atomic and stealing $16000000.00 from his bank accounts payoff. that's for ava 3 is, is you hire a paid in court on friday and is expected to enter a p deal when he has his hearing next month. if convicted, he could face up to 30 years in prison. that is all wheel sport. for now, i'll have more lights of gem. i thank you very much for that. not a severe drought is forcing columbia as capital bobo tied to ration water for the 1st time. in 40 years. neighborhoods will be kind of cut from the grades for 24
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hours every 10 days. and there is encouraging couples to take showers together to save water. the rest of why that supplies most of the cities, 9000000 residency is at 16 percent capacity. the lowest level on wreckage signs to donna decade, long drinking water shortage in the city or for saddam has been made worse by rising summer temperatures and an influx of display civilians from conflict areas. so the state of the ladies have long shun emergency plan to deal with the crisis on sondra, sierra's mom advisory post or the one of the toughest data is by goes in parts of that is to get by that and need a drinking water in many places basic facilities, either inefficient, broken or non existent people. he live mostly on what the sellers who use bank keys, unmodified oil bottles to transform the vital commodity. it got to us specific
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locations to fill up the shaft. we just wait for the lots of tags here, of the popular market. people off the street. we don't know when the water would come up or where it comes from. we have to wait as long as it takes, because all our livelihood depends also like what to. we have not often enough to have just the head of the item was not going to. these people have been waiting here since the early hours of the morning for the fest was i talked to how do i know that the seat is one. okay. what's it done? how fuck with it from water shortages for decades. but it reach the level of this yes, because of increasing temperatures and the influx of civilians is taking the fighting in other parts of the day. the need for water has increased from 820002880000 cubic meters. according to local expense, in an attempt to ease the funding, the state on for the keys have launched an emergency plan actually had to defend,
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closely monitored, followed by 4 to the government. that a $995.00. but we have urgent and long term plans to deal with the problem with you . we've launched studies for the construction of the roof stem, but right now we're going to operate the $32.00 wells. we have and start clearing the settlement assessment from the auto body down. i mean, what are the 3 major sources of water for the city, of course. so that is the all by what i've started this time was built in 2004, but now it has lost $0.75 of it's in storing capacity. the initial capacity was 16000000 cubic meters. but after 20 years, it can only hold a quarter of the volume. another way to obtain 3 can watch. it is the funding nation. the state has a flat, but it's 4 bucks of capacity fall below the required level for the what the crises to the overcome. people here say more than one type of facility is needed. how much
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fun does the parts of that code has role that i quit doors for my vice president, jorge glass must remain in jail despite judge just confirming that his arrest last week was illegal. a 3 judge tribunal rules class must complete his prison sentences for 2 from 4 to previous corruption convictions. glasses lawyer says he'll appeal the voting. he was arrested a week ago during a rage by police on mexico was embassy in quito, where he had sought asylum in december of the parts and breaking news to tell you about before we end up as news. our anyway, need state media reporting that yvonne's revolutionary guards has rated and seized a container ship and the red sea. the ship is believed to have been boarded in this rate of hormones. a key point of transit for the wealth gas and oil supplies. if any media report that the m s. c. aries belongs to, a company owned finances, really, businessman and the ship is being transferred to iranian territorial waters. my
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colleagues, so rahman will have more on this breaking news story for you in just a few minutes when we speak talk correspondents entail on that just for this new south and me for the batch of or thank you for watching. stay with us on objects here. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out.
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just to read his spend most of his life on the water. he's a fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now for when he was a boy. in 2022 long days mcats would declared and endangered species. i'm the one out there. yeah. he's not at school. today he's taking us to the band so the only stop leak in central den bode yeah. he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be, i mean, i'm own are like me about the power while the off. i can only logan carnegie. you know, the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to
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the highest bidder. to buy a medical research, this black market creed, not only indeed just was probably me populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee diana move up. pathogen free. the who owns with at least 3 god sees they contain a ship link to and it's really building a close to the straits of homeowners. the folks around that are like bad quarters here. and also coming up satellite is the top k palestinian village. johnston is bailey teenage goes missing and the occupied westbank is low to strikes on


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