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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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in, in the generals and at the high ranking military people, the rest of these varieties basically puts in place at numerous preparation. so they cancels a leave full combat unit space to be signing any high ground force that was in. and then in this position to that time that they couldn't go home, they couldn't leave that post. they could be be deployed, save wherever they needed to be, but going on leave. absolutely not. so that indicated that the authorities wants to be prepared, not just for somebody coming from the sky, but also for any kind of in cache and on the ground as well, which i assume they probably meant was going to be the most likely coming from has the law in the north, across the, the lebanese border a, it was a cold up at defense reserve is of course. so what we're saying playing at the moment because that was always going to be the most likely thing. but then there was also the threat to is ready come diplomatic comb,
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pounds and embassies and consulates around the well. so they will put on highlights too. and then that was jamming. so they jamming http systems around the country. we've seen a lot more of that going on over the last few hours as well. um electronic bullfighting used in, in, in a fairly major way. it's time to disrupt the drones that as they come in. so these are the kind of things that as well put into place to try and prepare for this. but then of course the americans came to liaise. we have the, the general of, of central come on. so i think you might be able to see there's another in the sense of going off is by far in the distance. and so maybe it's that too far away for the cameras because there's another inception going off of that. so obviously the, the, the threats of so coming in near assigned him, the americans are here that, that the german in charge of us central commodity. it's a liaise with these readings and, and, and build up that kind of intelligence picture of what might be coming. so these are the kinds of things that as well as being 30, and the government just means that a student consisting people that the country sees as prepared as it could possibly
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be, but warning them. but the defense is known in federal. however, compounded however competence it is, something might well get through. all right, to really challenge the life for us in the office, that is true. somebody will no doubt come back to you a little bit later. for our view is just joining us here. it's just going past 2300 gmc, we're bringing you continuing coverage and around launching. it's vitalia a trip tack on israel. the ron's revolutionary gods have launched its 1st wave of miss allen's as you've been seeing on us screens. air raid sirens, as roy was telling us there in the okay bodies drew's to my sounding and rockets of, intercepted above cities, crosses ran, including tel aviv and west jerusalem. seeing that you were sufficiently, has told the american meat of a belief as many as $400.00 to $500.00 drums and missiles with the launch towards is riley territory. what tyrone says, it's a response to as well as the bombing of the rain and conflict in damascus and syria is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with his will cabinet
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instead of eve is ready. combat things are also in the and now as we speak is randy officials say the response will be firm and clear and cool. the ron's attack a severe and dangerous escalation. meanwhile, us president joe biden has rushed back to washington. he's currently monitoring the situation with his national security team at the white house. well, jordan, iraq level known and israel level will temporarily close the space. so here's, here's a doc and level that it comes up to early reports of interference with the gps navigation systems. well, we have a team of correspondents covering the story. we stats into around with doors such a bar a door set. so we've just have this statement on x probably by the right in saying this is their only response and consider the matter. conclude they've done it in once a why bring up a conflict? what should we make of that response and how significant does it also, as well as fair. and i think this is a 1st, a explanation being provided by iran, permanent mission to the world in invoking article 51 of the un charter. which
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state says that the country's right to self defense. but also saying that the matter is concluded, hinting that should there be any further escalation, it is on the part of these rarely. so it would come and also say warning, the united states that they should stay away from this complex that this is between israel and iran, and they, they should not get involved. so a few things to take away from this post on x by iran, permanent mission, is certainly from what we've been hearing over the past few hours. first, the re, new revolutionary guard for carrying out this attack against israel, calling this mission a true promise, that is the name of which they say is that they've launched drones and missiles towards israel as a result of their aggression. and that this decision was made by a wrong supreme national security council, which convened shortly after that attack on around the consulate section of
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damascus that killed 7 revolutionary guard officials, including brigadier general mohammed wrote society one of the inner and working in our officials within the countries establishments, but of course, this wasn't the only incident that led to what we're seeing tonight that attack on iran consulate section which radians calls a act of war by israel, a declaration of war that also an attack on iran soil. the re new supreme leader. i to a harmony had warned repeatedly, over the past 12 days since that a tax replace that iran will respond decisively and that it will be israel will be made to a regrets. what they did is rarely forces have carried out strikes in syria since october 7th. we pete at least until 18 revolutionary guard officials since then alone. but of course, that is not the only time that they've targeted senior as
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a rating officials. we saw a number of attacks on a nuclear scientist and they're on over the past decade. as with the last one high ranking in factories out there was assassinated into wrong and the wrong place. israel for that attacks that are wrong, didn't directly target israel until tonight. this is the 1st time in the country's history that iran has taken such a decisive action. but it seems to be fairly limited. first of all, there was a communication back and forth between iran and the united states. you and you and officials making it very clear that they don't want a full on confrontation with the west. and that's what they're going to do is, and how the precise and limited action against israel, and that the uranium for administer just tonight posted on his ex account that the united states had sufficient warning in advance. but what was to come so there was no surprises about what is happening tonight. i'm doing so. um,
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there was a little speculation, wasn't that we were talking to you earlier particular coming in from the united states about when, where the retaliation would take place. but it wrong remained pretty silent about how, how they would respond. so was this specific kind of attack expected because of even given a name, haven't they, for the operation that yes to promise is the name. and as they did say that this was coming without specifying exactly what kind of an attack would take place, it was no or the over the past 10 days or so. we didn't hear a lot from the high ranking officials about what kind of a response there specifically iran would have for israel. there was generic statements made, but there was very little comments made by, for example, the head of the revolutionary guard or the defense minister or the head of the wrong revolutionary guard aerospace division who's in charge of the events
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happening tonight. what is clear is that the one was very careful about what they were going to do. this was a very much a calculated response because took them so long to actually do many people here were doubting whether or not they will be in a direct response from your on many believe that the ringing proxies in the region in iraq, in loving on, in yemen would be the ones to respond to israel, but iran has decided now this is a very critical points in this country's history and relationship, or lack thereof, with one of its longest adversaries. that is israel. and so they felt that this was a necessary step to not only show the strength of the uranium, the military machine, but also as it the turns for israel to further prevent these kinds of attack against iranian officials. i'm dosa, as we're talking to you, we're seeing some of those area pictures of those explosions being hugged
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throughout israel. some of them is, solves and drones being intercepted. so for us. so just joining us, that's what they're seeing in those boxes outside of you and i talking. and for the viewers who are just joining us now. remind us, oh, remind them why iran had to respond in this way because it, ron, so that damascus attack as a direct assault on its sovereignty on its territory. did they have no option but to respond in this way? of what many here believes that agents, if they didn't directly respond to israel as this kind of behavior by uh, nothing. yeah, it was governments and the military in israel would continue. there has been targeted assassinations of iranian officials, not only in syria, lebanon at, but also insider on. there has been number of nuclear scientists who have been assassinated inside the country, and it wrong, has repeatedly blamed as well for them. now this is something that the radians has
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never considered until now, but it seems that an attack in damascus was the final straw for the radiance. and of course, we have to remember that this country's history, the long war that it was way engaged in with iraq. 8 years after the revolution happens here, 1979, the war began in 1980 and lasted until 1988 devastating for this country. and the supreme leader that is now in power since 1989. he's the commander in chief of the countries on forces had a very difficult decision to make. this was not something that was taken lightly by . it's a lot like harmony because to engage with direct conflict with israel is something nobody here wants or wanted. but i think the officials felt that there was no other option if they use proxies in the region. they will be made to week because they had said that they don't have direct say of what those proxies do. so they
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felt this was a time for them to stuff up. there has been rhetoric for the past 45 years and they're on between what the radiance feel israel is doing in palestine and how iran will respond to the aggression that has continued against the palestinian population. so i have to tell you the scenes that we're seeing tonight are extremely unprecedented. i think many iranians when they wake up on sunday morning, will be utterly shocked that iran has actually taken this decision to launch direct attacks from iran towards israel. these are threats that we've heard over and over again over the past 4 decades. but to see the scenes over jerusalem and tell a v or something many here never imagined, they would see. all i said, joseph jabante, they're reporting live for us from the radiant capital china wrong. as we're looking at some of those early pictures of those intersections,
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we understand they've been explosions and into assumptions throughout, across israel, against these arrange and miss solves and rooms as they're being intercepted. so those are some of the pictures you're seeing on your screen. now let's bring in showing battle, he's a military, i'm a listener, retired advice marshall. you're doing his life and penny, i'm in the u. k. at shown at thank you very much for being with us. give us pass your response. then to this retaliation we're seeing tonight against israel or how surprised on you the wrong use, the direct attack raw the but it's proxy, it's because that's significant, isn't it a yeah, good evening down and it is significant on that. doesn't think many people are surprised. i think that your correspondence quite right and it'd be insane. you know, when israel shows to management tackle and seeing the yeah, come see that in syria, the reading consider that's on the 1st debate. locating 13 people, including seen imagery come on to that, that they must have expected. there was going to be some sort of resolve ation. think, well, it's been interesting. first, the goal is how long it's taken for around and to find the right response. and also
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i think it run and finds itself in the homes of a dilemma as many of you will not previous and then correspondence, it'd be the same. it ryan does not want to get involved in a whole, but it has to protect these reputation. and he certainly doesn't want to see any retaliation as being an excuse for as well. i'm century america to stop and talk to you. i'm seeking rates, nuclear weapons program because ultimately it's not, it's when you ran upon the develop sneak, the weapons bass will leave. you also want to tell are full of nations like it's right on the us. and it will not want to see those get law. so i don't see anybody surprised at the level of the attack of people they're looking for the moment is whether or not they are meant to targets may be government solved, is whether they have been kind of a sudden warnings to advise, to try and minimize the number of casualties, and whether or not actually the say he's a single way of a time. so i think what's other thing you'll seeing on your pages. so i would
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remind viewers that at the moment um defined government systems might better. i mean being the useful likings drains and it does seem to be the iran is cold, makes a series of sites, essentially even a mass buying roll piece. but certainly it has the firing rockets and with the huge he's also king in the red sea. this is a very, very well 19 series in a tight spot around trying to make it clear points we trial. yeah. showing, let's just stick with the issue of the drones. what do we know then about the said drones that are now coming in is when i'm being intercepted, i mean the range, the speed that will heads, that payloads, etc. because we know that they both have been used by the russians in the world with ukraine. a yes, i mean for us i'm from imagery respective. they're not that capable. i mean they're about the same speed as a call. they do about up to a 140 miles now, and they have to long insurance. they can travel hundreds of miles. and they can be
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when it can be programmed, they put a relatively small boy 50 kilograms box, and that will still do a little bit damage on the ground, but they're really more terror weapons than anything else. the huge advantage is that these things are probably only about $20000.00 a time, whereas most of the crews and other statements solid, you'll talk me about a $12000000.00 and sign. so the great thing about strains is that you can afford a quantity i'm so the quantity has a part of the warranty. so because you can actually stopped defenses and that's what they use, what, but it's fine. do there is have a weapon, mole that actually physically be able to do that stereo damage, but they all, as you say, probably why be being used out in the russians. again, keep writing solid bits because the policies that have been systems to operate against them, sucking, you know, expensive and defense missiles and sample crating potentially the pop point face of christmas off on the ballistic missiles which are much more expensive. travel foster locatable,
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but obviously on limits and supplies and very expensive. yeah. and this is gonna final thoughts on your show and stay with that issue of the uranium strategy here. um, you were sending it stuff over well, is it of a, well, israel, multi layered defense system in by using other everlast that's like miss ald cruise missiles, ballistic massage effect. the attack itself is multi layered as well. of the stock will certainly be multi lead. i mean, there's no point in the following one, miss solve, i mean get shut down as the sky by the 30 half and very high tech israel advent systems that, that would appear that iran was not, not strong. it wouldn't be seen as a robust risk phone, so it would have to consider the multi wave of time. but the random wouldn't be in what way that most of the drives will get shut down. it's more of the question when the, the main missile strikes, but my, on my own below the sense of this. so is the israel, most of the times that can see this on the 1st of april that they will trigger some
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sorts of response like this. and respond him, erica, on steve, around for a measured response, telling them not to respond. a right, i'm probably have no choice. so the real question is, what was israel? so you can to achieve with those attacks on the 1st available and these, these thoughts about past me coordinate define because it shows maintenance. think the facts. i haven't dealt with them asking well just deal with hezbollah next to this website and find your mind. well, you're based around license to have to go off to his brother the next and all right, so showing that life for us the from but i'm giving to you in the you case, you and telling me that you, i'm listening, besides advice marshal. thank you very much indeed for your time. i'm going out because let's go back to really tell him to join us live from occupied a through some movie. so i'm just focus through now what you're seeing and hearing you are there unoccupied. east jerusalem. we've been in, you've been hearing these explosions, seeing these intercepts and tell us, tell us what you're saying to us. bit more or it would have been extremely things that i have to say over the skies of jerusalem this evening. just
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a half an hour ago. it still looks calm. now it is calm. box uh, just thirty's. oh, so minutes ago this guy behind me was lets off with uh well, i mean what live from here like uh, slow moving fi works arching into the sky, which where it intersects is launched by is randy at defense uh home around the city. rising up to meet the threats, there is a rainy in drones coming in perhaps cruise missiles. we don't know exactly what the target shopping this guy. well, but this is unprecedented in a rainy and a drone and missed thought attack coming on and coming into the main cities of israel and that kind of tact from it. ron hong is ready territory itself . as the launching of dozens, if not hundreds of trainings, we understand that several waves have been launched from iran and it's possible
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that good what i solar and this guy is just a few minutes ago was only the 1st of those ways coming in. when might well be moved? the who is right, the government is saying that the battle is not i was that he was meaning by that these are the spikes, best them government spikes best and was that israel is going to be launching its own response. so lots of questions because we are in charge of tattered treatment volume and stays questions on how many more of these projects host ms 1000 drones launched from iran launch from has belongs from the who sees are going to be making their way to, to, as well how many of them are going to be getting through? we understand at the moment we're gonna need no one actual ground destination down in the negative deserts, in, during a, at a bad to inboard. i'm, what is his rouse response going to be? these are the be questions that are going to be onset only as we go through the nights and then into the nice to come. you have really,
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you touched briefly that on a possible target that near the get does a, is there any indication yet has to us to watch what the target saw and i'm where these terms of miss aisles might be landing. and presumably, i mean, they won't be going to civilian talk well, that's the assumption, but it can be a given that could is as the same man. yeah. as being the targets see me selected in jerusalem itself or at least that the trains of them is also for passing over the heritage and intercept side of it. so we can assume that the civilian targets haven't been chosen. it is more likely that the radians hall going for ministry targets that i think is the main assumption from these, right, the military planners and from the americans who being assisting them in the wash and their intelligence in that electronic wolf. and i know also with planes up in
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the skies, not just hope that he's run itself, but so with jordan and sat around the region trying to win to set these uh, these threats as they come in. we understand that the british have had some planes up as well, and the french has been assisting with his navy. so israel has assistance from various policies, various countries. an allies has had assistance from the dual damian's as well, who's been shooting down these drive ins as they being passing out. that's it seems for the modem and like the threat is being dealt with. but no ad defense system is a 100 percent and that will always be things they get through. well, i mean, just the final thoughts you, i mean you're saying now that things have calmed down somewhat the way you are in occupied east jerusalem. what is these ready? public rory being told, and we know the schools have been closed. the airports closed at red shelters,
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had been reopened. how about ordinary citizens being prepared as the countries on highland? i was like, i'm just be waiting for this for more than a week. so i think everyone has sort of accepted that something is coming. something has been imminent and they have been told various things that they should do various things they shouldn't do by the governments that they've been told not to panic. because governments break away some very keen to avoid that kind of hysteria. breaking out on the streets with people running. it runs at the wrinkles, it goes okay. and so i didn't want that to happen, but i did won't be able to have uh, the knowledge of where the nearest sat. right shelter was and submit to make sure that it wasn't long. so all the possibly to it wasn't good struck to those kinds of things. but then of course, the government has been putting into place. so as this attack seems to be getting
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more or more immigrants this evening, the government, but this applies these extras, restrictions on gathering people and gathering crowds more than 1000 that disrupted at an anti government protest that was taking place in tennessee valley run this evening and schools, as you say, a being shots for the next 2 days that you can universe, these any kind of educational establishment by speech shopping is towards doing any kind of teaching online. these are the kinds of things that these already public have been told to profess, who are the rooms that they have to have a right to really challenge life as they're in. okay, buddies, truth temporary, thank you. and for those viewers are just joining us now. we're seeing some of the pictures the of that was a rainy and drones being intercepted a very response of israel. those are the pictures that you're seeing on your screen now. at roll has been telling us that there's been, there have been interceptions across israel tonight. so that just some of the earlier pictures, but really was telling us that from up to bodies jerusalem added to it seems to
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have quite and down certainly in jerusalem for now. and that may be just the fact that it's the 1st of many waves, but from that will re sang and the threat seems to have dissipated a truce and miss bringing him to salute. she's in tel aviv was earlier as an empty government rally that i'm the events that most fits me tonight couple day with this, a rating and response. we came to you earlier and you were telling us about explosions and intersections with the defense system. what are you seeing and hearing now under the seemingly this has passed, at least in the 1st wave of a, but these really is have said that this is not over and there were initial reports in the evening of a 2nd. and 3rd wave of sweet, some drones that were also launched at these really iron don't missile defense system. the day they'd be saving, sling the arrow, all of them in use this evening. but primarily across the occupied territories,
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we saw an occupied interest on mar calling rory challenge was where the sirens weren't glaring out, but the sirens, in fact were all over is wrong. the explosions and interceptions within the sky weren't quite prominent. everywhere you look now is really planes are also buzzing and boring overhead. and that's because these really armies spokesperson, daniel, her, god, he had said that there will be multiple types of mechanisms that they will use for air defense. and that includes fighter jets, but it was interesting to see some of these interceptors. and some of these drones and missiles potentially coming in from all different directions. some of them coming in from the seeds, which we have never seen before, especially in conflict with israel. and when it comes to 11 on when it comes to gaza, we've never seen these type of projectiles or interceptors comes from the direction of the c heading south. now the is rarely, as has said, that they have had new mechanisms not only for intercepting but also saying that
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they aren't going to respond and that they have new capabilities and measures for whatever that response is going to be a dense made on and swap, meet on the as has said that their mission is now over and that is simply not the case for these relatives who have been essentially racing for this impact since april 1st, since those is really airstrikes hate to be it on in consulate in their mask is on april 1st, they said there's a red line, b is really never even emitted. it just striking the it on you and cancel it. i will remind you they typically never comment on their military activity in syria. you can hear those that fight or just still warning above us as we speak. but these really is have sense that they're no longer just on the defensive, that they're actively pursuing enemy targets wherever they are, whether it's baby, which, whether it's damascus, whether it's anywhere else in the middle east, and that could mean it on. now there are several places throughout israel, not to be is really, is,
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are saying that people should continue to shelter in place. there are some things one in the sky here, believe their f. 16 fighter just been that is additionally, because these really army send, the fighter just wouldn't be in the skies of his role for the entirety of the evening while the air space was close as part of their air defense mechanisms. me is really army says they will prepare for a wide variety of scenarios prepared for anything that might come in the continuation we say of activities in the sky here in till event was being released, perhaps racing for something else that is next. while it has been con, for perhaps the last 20 minutes, this is a developing situation. this is an unprecedented situation that has never happened before. we have never seen an attack of this size and scale with quite sophisticated weaponry that have come into is really air space. so these really say they are prepared for a wide variety of scenarios. and while they have issued new types of restrictions, new types of measures, the homefront command,
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that is part of means really army saying that there are not going to be no large gatherings. school daycare is kindergartens, certain types of workplaces wouldn't be close for the next 2 days as they're racing for perhaps potentially not just what happened this evening, but perhaps also bracing for more. and these really armies have said from the beginning of the israel high mass, more that they knew something else could happen. there's still an active front on these roads. northern border with his bowling, they say there is an active front in the southern most city, and that's with other types of drones and missiles that have been launch there specifically by the whole bees in yemen. and means really saying they're prepared to open up the front in the war if they are attacked, then that is seemingly going to be the case as they say, they are going to retaliate against wheat audience for the wants of more than a 100 drones and missiles that have been intercepted all over the country tonight. yeah. um your in your, in tennessee eve. uh and uh, are you giving a sense? yes. the targets of these drugs themselves where they're landing,
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where they're being intercepted. so it's a little bit hard to say because there are military bases all over the country, as well as defense, ministry of acadia is in the heart of telling me there were reports speculating that that could potentially be a target. but there were more reports from anonymous as really officials indicating that the targets would be primarily military targets. and what exactly that means, whether it's air base is whether it's iron doing more air defense batteries, systems, whether it is artillery positions, perhaps it is on know what exactly was being targeted, but the is really defense array in the air has intercepted the seemingly most of those projectiles we haven't really had any reports hadn't been following in any sort of open areas. we haven't had the points of damage. there are reports of one injury in the southern part of the country and a 10 year old child in a better one area. these areas typically do not have these types of bomb shelters.
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are safe rooms that are located in other sorts of is really towns and homes that are easily accessible and develop. busy so these really say that while perhaps this part of the evening is over, but the longer in game for them is going to be a retaliation. and look, it's still a known if this part specifically is over. it's on know if there will be this 2nd insert wave of launches from it on that was reported. that is really officials are still perhaps bracing for but they say again that they are prepared for any possible scenario. i mean it's a honda civic life. it's the intel of the time to thank you. well, as we mentioned us, president joe biden has come to a weekend trip short on his return to washington dc to consult with his national security that spring. and how does your pastor, joseph live from washington dc? so we know that security meeting heidi at the white house as everybody started who was in that meeting and what kind of response then we'd like you to expect from washington. i mean, us officials knew this was coming. absolutely. and by then rushed
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to the white house today prior to the announcement the rest of the world learning.


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