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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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the, you know, this is a part of this, so his government actually, um saying this is a golden opportunity for them. since the ariens have a target to them directly targeted these really territories, then they have the right to this point that they want to probably take advantage of that and do what they wanted to do from the very beginning. if you know, danny and how guy was saying that, you know, these really maternity will do what is what it will do. it is necessary to protect as well. and protecting is i can be interpreted differently because one of the things that they've been talking about is that the nuclear program is frightening 1st. right? um, let me just get to another fort from u. s. on because i want to ask you, you know, it's, it's, it's easy to focus on what's happening tonight and lose perspective in terms of the broad, a geo political situation in the middle east. so what are the implications and the reason with occasions, but things like oil production, oil prices, and it's not just the red sea, there's the persian gulf. so what does this mean for global shipping and the oil market? what it has been a problem until this moment because of the what happens in the ritzy and the the go
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provide them the whole, the whole it's a um, has been targeting all these ship shipments to the district. and, and this actually led to the big problem because of the, uh, the price is going up. now with this uh, back and forth between the reasons raises, continue on checked. i think this will also have a very brief implications for the prices of all. and because you know your mind is one of the main exports of ad, but also it impacts probably everyone and around the region. let me get the final thoughts from you have time because we've been talking to our guest tonight. we've been telling us that they were surprised that iran made this direct attack on these randomly, and that they didn't go through that proxies which then put some distance between tear on, on what's happening on the unit in the back of space. so what about around the proxies that specifically has below, i mean, there are many other funds which so far have calibrated to some extent their response. could we now see an escalation then, from those proxies and
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a change in the rules of engagement? i didn't see this coming to these days simply because the, the, this is not in the interest of the radians to have these right. as long as probably a region war against their interest and the approximate, very important, very valuable for them. they don't want them to those. and in the process has the laser, the most important proxy for your on it has been doing great job from the reading perspective and probably best fit for the uranium. so it will again, keep your fingers while keep time continues ran within the rules of engagement. but to like going beyond that, i think this will provide 90 of, with the opportunity that he was looking for is too wide in the door. and, and this is not in the interest of the reading and simply because there is one of lifetime they rely on strategic patience because they have different fines, different priorities, ma'am, the chief among them is the nuclear one. so they don't want to have, you know, a regional war where they might as well as tip and, and probably this would be the time on time to do it, to the interest. yeah. and so i have, you know, you're right in saying that,
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you know, this is that one of the responses as far as they're concerned, the matter is concluded. yeah, yeah. but as we have from daniel, have got reduce, right, the spokesperson data and saying, send all the. yeah, it's not over. that's right, it's still, it's still i'm getting okay. when you're wrong, because one of the countries that a shot success based out of here was mom, a jump to him is that he joins his life on the rocky capital bank that so mohammed a rock as announced as close excess base. what more iraq, you official saying that in the capital where you are a darren, it's interesting because you would expect at a time like this that is so fraught and so temps that we would be hearing from it off the government officials. and yet we have not the one statement that we have received from, from a ministry here in the last several hours was the one that was issued at 11 30 pm last night, stating that it off the air space would be closed at that's according to the draft the civil aviation authority and that it would be closed until at least 5 30 am
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this morning. that's in a little under 2 hours from now. but if it could be extended, depending on the security situation, it's going forward. now, it's safe to say that, but the fact that we are not hearing from at all key officials about what has happened over the past several hours is due to the fact that right off has for decades now been stuck really between the u. s. on the one hand and iran, on the other hand, which has huge influence in this country. and one of the ways that they have influence is within these paramilitary groups. these on groups that are either linked to a ron or backed by 8 on many of them now coming under the umbrella of a group called the islam make resistance in it off. now, since october 7th, there were close to a $170.00 attacks by groups affiliated with the stomach resistance and at up
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towards us military assets and personnel. in at off and in syria. there are, of course, around $2500.00 us military personnel and at all about $900.00 in syria. now, in late january, an attack by the, the, that his butler group, which is the most powerful of the groups within the stomach resistance and it off killed 3 us soldiers at the us base in jordan. after that, the us were kelly, it is several times against all of these groups and adopts. and since early february there has been sort of an unofficial ceasefire between these groups and no retaliation since then by the us army. now, the question the last few days when it was becoming clear and clear that year on was going to be launching an attack towards israel was whether or not these proxy group there proxies inside at all would actually be involved. we don't yet have an answer or a clear answer to that question. what we know is this, our, is it,
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none of these groups has claimed to have taken part in any of the retaliatory strikes towards israel. in the past several hours, we have heard from the leader of one of those groups, a group called it that if you the show had that in which on social media. he praised the attacks by iran saying that his group supported those attacks. but nobody has said that they have been taking part in any of these attacks and that's where a lot of attention has been coming from. and the timing is very interesting right now. you could argue that the timing of all this couldn't be worse for the right off the prime minister. how much shot a so danny, he actually just yesterday left right off headings to washington so that he could meet with us president joe biden on monday. the 1st time he would meet with the u. s. leaders since taking power in dogs. he would like to see bilateral relations with the us strength. and he would also like to see a firm time table come up with so that he could see a draw down of us troops in iraq. all of that. a question right now because the
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last thing that us would want to do if a sense that israel is under threat from groups in there at all, is to withdraw their forces from at off. so it's all very complicated right now. we should also just mentioned there, and one of the thing is that in the past hour we have started seeing reports emerge from local media in northern at all can attribute saying that there were loud explosions. heard in areas close to the us consulate, not that there was any attack, but there were loud explosions. her, some people attributing those explosions sounds to potentially coalition forces intercepting a missile. there was heading from here on towards israel. there are videos that are reporting to show that missile and perhaps a drone being shot down. and also there were reports that sirens were activated in and around the u. s. consulate in their bill. we're waiting for more details to emerge. we're still trying to get comment from any right off the authorities about what has transpired over the course, the past few hours and how it might affect it off the security situation in the
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days to come. and we'll get you those details as we have. yeah, mama, just to final thoughts you before you go. i mean, i just say the timing of this is significant because they are occupied minister is making this trip to washington to speak to present a bite and tools that talk about us troop adoptions. let me ask you, what is the risk now then, facing us assets facing us troops given it runs retaliatory strike against israel, a while there are us spaces it up, there are us bases in syria. of course, these bases have consistently over the course of the past several years. come under attack by these iran back to iran affiliated proxy groups and parent military groups inside of a dog. it's only really since february that there has been sort of this, this cease fire, nothing official, but a but essentially these groups not wanting to expand any of the hostilities and not wanting to instigate any further clashes. and then the us not retaliating it any
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further. of course, the us knows there's always a heightened risk towards their troops towards their military assets in the off, in, in syria. they are always on guard. and one of the ways this all gets very complicated right now is that the, are off, the prime minister has for a while now said that they really need to see the us commit to a timeline for the reduction of those troops. and they're at office at the time of rising and taught us, sent them in at all because there had been us strikes against these per military groups in the dogs. so it is tense, the prime minister came to power through the backing of, of iran, lynx groups in there at off. he is treading a very fine line. he wants to make sure that the relationship is solid with the us . he also wants to make sure the relationship is copacetic with it on. so that's going to be a very fine line for him to navigate. and that's one of the reasons he was going to dc. but right now, there's no indication that that meeting would be delayed or that it would be
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cancelled. but clearly there's going to be a lot more to discuss at a time with such heightened tension in this region. and it might be quite difficult for the u. s. at this particular time, if they think that israel is facing potentially more threats from groups inside of at off, especially it would be a very difficult time for the us to commit to drawing down trip levels even further in this region. there. all right to out of there was mom a jump june reporting live that, that from the raji capital bank. that mohammed, thank you. well, how's it been sending 11 on has closed excess base as well from on that? let's go to ali hash image on just from tile that's in the south of lebanon valley . so i guess the big question now would be, how much more would it runs proxies like his blog escape escalate, the price of some of you sold up? that's huge. rocket bar. awesome has blind to northern israel a day or so ago. so how things then lots to play out where you are now that iran has responded regarding, in fact the also although,
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but i just today and from 11 onto or it says read one just like few hours from, from this time has will lot tact, a defense or defense, a base in the goal on with kinds of rocket since it was thought that this is part of the attempts to divert attention attention of the defenses towards the i may be, i know the target. however, it was clear now after you know that they big, big amounts of 5 or 5, it's good to know that this attack was completely new in the back end up the allies or the back groups. if they play the role, it was just a supportive role, but they didn't launch anything and at least from, from yeah, from let them know where we off. nothing was bought of this huge amount of, of the ballistic massage duct was launched. what's is nothing was launched from 11 or no, of course over here inside. well we off, we saw a lot of mid size and
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a lot of and deceptions because, you know, we're, but it. ready goes to the board, the like 20 kilometers from the border and of course these really and t and t i meant size system is function of the so the separately by the stick me size intercepted in the skies above us here. well, in general, now, is it going to be, this is the big question, and is it going to be business as usual, and back to the normal fronts that were active since the 8th of october. all this is going to be another, a different date. and how then those allies or proxies or groups back by it on out are going to react, trying to you're trying is ready. i talk on your, on, if that is going to be one in regulation to 2 days. i talk and how is this going to play within this region of situation? does a city is regional tension already already going on? is it going to go farther than that?
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yeah, that's an important point to make. let me just ask you just a final thoughts. i mean, how much fear is that in living on that has been a being a proxy it or on to drug living on back into war with israel because there are many with them living on his, you know, i mean, you cover a living on for us for i just here, are there many in the country who don't want to, what with is really don't want to see an escalation the letter we had ordered in war and since the 8th of october, that is situated, that is a war situation. now where you can say that it's the minute limited to industry targets on both sides. despite the fact that there are more than 60 that many civilians were killed over the past 6 months. by in fact, this is the war situation with us on a daily basis that our tax is really a strikes on different areas and oven on. and then the depth of 100 kilometers throughout the be called valley has lots i can, is read also extending or expanding the front towards the city, the city and a goal. and so we are already in
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a situation of what he had and 11 on that for the big question. the big, i mean, the concern here is that this is going to expire, that'd be common on, on all the all out tool, which is the main issue. and everyone's really concerned about them. or you mention closing the apple. i spoke to them in itself or false, works and transportation. they said that this was an attempt by him and coordination with the speak of the fall event on the prime minister to try as much as possible to, you know, isolate level 9 contains the situation. whereas the, you know, the, the data for the flights, all these things that you shouldn't be affected. and in fact, live in a country, the toilet a dock and then live on, on the spot of this whole situation. all right, so i'll just, it was only a hash, i'm reporting that uh from ty, in something live in a lease, no doubt, we'll come back to a little bit later. thank you for the time being. we're joining us now live from washington, dc is treat a policy, the executive vice president of the quincy institute. that's
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a us think tank is also the former president of the range and the american council treats a quote was good to have you on. i'll just say what i think it's the 1st time we're talking to you about tonight's developments. let me start by asking you the entry to what's your response to this retaliatory strike by ron on israel? i mean, iran says, look, the mattress concluded, israel says no, it's not the threat to still ongoing. i think it's quite clear, despite the size and the scope of this attack, that this was primarily and enabling the vanya is to say, face to show that they did something that they deliberately violated angels red line. because these rarely said that they would view. and it talks strongly vanya is so, and that's something that moves further escalate the situation. but they also done it in the amount of ex media puts an added to words if they really wanted to inflict upon greater damage on it as well. that would have been as far as a large number of going to sickness, solves as well as cones,
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not shot from either on but much closer to me as all in order to make sure that they would get their shots that they didn't use to do this. they did something to be able to say that this is now included, and it is a little bit of decides to, to get and then uh, the volume will try to portray that as a deliberate estimation. by these way, these, that further uh, widens this conversation. uh, and essentially shipped to me by home to these ways of question really is why i didn't do something here to put an end to these really action. remember, he said don't do the wrong names. would he ever say don't to these rains? you haven't done that so far? yeah. i'm what do you make them to the us response? i mean that's just a button said don't the arrangements went to it anyway. um, what more should the americans be doing now? um, are they like you to calibrate these, right? the response to this a rainy and attack in the united states did not can. den he's right,
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it's all on the volume costs and things about it. if it had it. and if it had help stood in the way of the us security council condemning it as a whole, then it would have had some credibility with you bon, asking is to stand down and not been trying to get in their historical examples. and which actually vanya is did when the us security council act concerned, in this case. however, the united states, as an action to be supported issue, it has help sheet down some of these drones. so it certainly has the criticism to ass. no, not to expand this construct product problem. of course it is a strong dimension that somehow has an interest in widening and brought me to war by it. all right, what apologize for that. so we've been talking to treat your policy there in washington about the rain and response if we kind of try and go back to him a little bit later if we can. but a little bit earlier these way,
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the army spokesman daniel how gary gave a get a response to those attachments to him. again, what do you have to say to do here that we thought a lies and boss moves across the region? we are operating at this very moment to defend these red from your arms attack. so far we have to intercepted the vast majority of incoming commit sides by eas, rarely, systems, sofa. we have intercepted and i'll continue to insist that to intercept dozens of attack drones, as well as cruise made signs and bodies degree sized outside of these words. boulder and i'm the for any and me says, friend inside is really territory called causing minor damage to a military base with no casualties. only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will be when. all right, let us go live now to a guy that is on day at the united nations headquarters in new york. so gabrielle, just listening to daniel,
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how godaddy's randy ministry spokesperson. i'm and we understand now these ratings are asking for a security council meeting. what more can you tell us or yeah, that's right. a lot of new information is coming in here un headquarters as we speak. and the latest information that we're getting is that the is really am bassett, or to the united nations that are dad has sent a formal letter to the president of the security council. that would be vanessa frasier, who's the uh ambassador uh to uh, to the security council. and from the country of malta, they hold the presidency of the council this month of april. and that israel is formerly requesting that the security council hold an emergency meeting on your ends. drone strikes against israel. now israel is not a member of the security council, so it would be a formal request would have to come from
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a current member of the security council. we've been reaching out to molto. we are trying to get some more information to see if multi is going to be scheduling an emergency meeting on this, but in his letter to malta, the is rarely ambassador says, and i'll read just part of it. he says, today, rand has launched a direct attack from within its territory of more than 200. you a, these cruise missiles and ballistic missiles towards israel in clear violation of the un charter and international law. he ran as also publicly taken pride in the attack . the attack is a severe endangers escalation, and then the letter partially goes on to say that the gravity and volume of the attacks are unprecedented and are flagrant violation of israel sovereignty of international law. and of the security council resolutions you ran poses a direct threat to international peace and brazenly violates the un charter and security council resolution. that's part of what was said in the letter sent from
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the uranian mission to the security council president. now we're just waiting to see if most of the president of the security council will schedule this emergency meeting. and if so, when yeah, guy, let's go back to these right? these because it is ironic, isn't it guy? because israel isn't a big fan of the un so it seems all that they now want the you and intervene to yeah, that's right. i mean, this is the sort of 1st part and parcel for, for how is real operates with the un give either dabney and baset are also posted on twitter just not too long ago as well. since he is your ends. response happened . he said antonio gutierrez, e ran, has violated the un charter, and it's showing that it is a threat to global peace and security. where is your voice? antonio gutierrez, where is your condemnation? wake up. that was a little over an hour ago. listen uh yes, real has been incredibly critical of the united nations. in fact,
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the same is really on bass or the un has called for the secretary general to resign and shame because of how is real things. he is handling the situation in gaza. so, but, but listen, israel will use the un for how it wants to use the un to its advantage. and you clearly see that they want to elevate this situation. and they're saying that this is a violation of the un charter, interestingly enough. so in, in, in iran's post on the social media platform, x e, right. and says their response is in line with the un charter article, $51.00, which says any member state that is attacked in the case would be right. and it was their diplomatic measure, mission attacked on april 1st in damascus, has a right to respond. that's in the un charter, the right to response of course article $51.00. so this and uh, now is realized clearly clearly using it to their advantage. but the big picture
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here is, is we have a security council call for a call for an emergency meeting. and if so, when it will happen, we should probably hear from moulton on this probably within the next hour or so this evening. because if they decide to hold a council meeting on sunday, we'd have to get the notice of that probably sooner rather than later. yeah. get just the final thoughts before you go. um, you were telling us that the you in boss on to get that as it has been speaking. what see them say yeah, that's right. he put out a statement i do strongly condemns the serious escalation represented by the large scale attack launched on israel by the islamic republic could be rotten this evening. i call for an immediate cessation of hostilities. this statement from the secretary general went on to say that i'm deeply alarmed about the very real danger of devastating region wide escalation. i urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on
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multiple friends in the middle east. and the statement is concluded by saying, i have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can't afford another war. that statement from the secretary general was put out just within the last hour or so. clearly, the secretary general has been very concerned about escalation. in fact, on april 1st, when israel launched its attack on the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus, the secretary general also put out a statement condemning that incident. and he also spoke on the phone with the wrench for administer at the time. so he's been deeply engaged in this for the last several days now, knowing that this very well could be a possibility. knowing that in article $51.00 of the un charter iran does have the right to respond to an attack on their territory. so the secretary general saw kind of, i think, probably saw a little bit of the writing on the wall of what potentially could be happening.
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what we're seeing happening right now. he's basically calling on all parties to restrain, because he is really worried about a spillover effect from israel's war on guys. and he's been talking about this for months now. but this spillover effect is very much happening. it's no longer a worry. could it happen? it very much is happening. yeah, absolutely. is gabriel is on the line for us to do and a headquarters in your gabe. thank you. that's bringing back david to ross. she's an associate professor at the national defense university, joins us live from washington, dc. david, good to have you back with us. so then just remind you as a your response 1st on this retaliatory attack by iran against israel. how surprise all, all you david that iran used a direct attack robin virus proxies? i was really surprised. i think what happened was i misunderstood the level of pride in iran and the fact that so you're, ron, felt that it had to establish
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a deterrence mechanism against israel. i felt that so that was a risk very wrong. we thought to, uh, it seems that the iranian leaders are determined not just to take action to that, but to be seen to take action. what that indicates to me is that there's considerations of pride in prestige that are divorced from strategy and tactical utility, which may indicate a more dangerous error than we thought they did. um, you'll have to get a sense of the ministry perspective on assets and effort and what's being used. so what, what more do we know going about the sure head, drones that we're heading towards is recommended. and we think of been shut down, but just told us about the range. the speed will heads that payloads, etc. a yeah, good question. so, so the most important part is the payload. the payload is about 50 kilograms of high explosives, but the explosives have from copper penetrating plates that are not just on the
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ends, but also one sides. and there's also um, around the side of the warhead metal fragment that sort of in like a little bands that can create damage. and so what you have is, by military standards ropes have a small weapon that's not capable of any great penetration of the hard military targets. but if it lands in a thing like we've seen the russians using this, against the electrical power stations in ukraine, it can cause a great amount of damage complex, mature. then of course, if it hits the large concentration of people, the, the shrapnel from the fragmentation can cause of great, great degree of damage, then you have the body of the sure he gets self, which is made out of fiberglass. that means that is both cheap to make, but it's also difficult to require by radar the guidance so that she can, can be guided actively. although, um, that is somewhat hard for iran because it requires a camera and only a few are made with those because of sanctions around finding it hard to get those
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. so most of them are on a sort of inertial guidance. so we, they're using gps, which i'm sure that there were 6 tenths of jeremy jamming was reported. and so gps may have been disabled that may have led to a lot of these going down, or it has an active communications link question also is disrupted by electronic warfare. jeremy, uh or it is just put on a dead reckoning. and if it's on a dead reckoning pattern, and then it's your once you acquire it, it's, it's, you know, you can then you can shoot it down if need be. yeah, just the final thoughts you southern is the random strategy. i'm gonna terminate to overwhelm israel is multi layered head event system because of course, as you've been explaining to us by using other air, alas, it's like messiah, but it's thickness. how's cruise missiles, in effect, the attack could be multi layered as well. that yes, yeah, i think that if they want, if they want to have an effective attack, this is a way to do it. you have multiple target score and at the same place. what will be interesting to see is what they were actually targeting. if they were aiming or to
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converge at one point, they have the possibility of truly overwhelming israel, or if they're going from multiple areas towards one point. but if they're just making a demonstration attack, then what we will see when this is over is that they'll be a dispersed range of targets and that these targets will not be high priority. so they'll, they'll be in an analytical efforts. i think that israel will respond in some way just because this is such a large attack on their soft drink from, from iran. and he runs a part of this of only really claim one major drawn attack that was on the is really cost letting her bill. um, but uh, i will have to see but clearly trying to demonstrate that they can penetrate israel's bond for their defenses. is one of the main goals, the step. all right, david, the russia associate professor at the national defense university joining us live there from washington dc. david, thank you very much for staying with us throughout the night. i'm giving us,
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do you want me to treat expertise on the developing story? hey, other ron's retaliatory attack against israel. so to our view is now just joining us here on, i'll just say it's just coming up to a $100.00 gmc, we continue with special ed coverage of that vitality are attacked by ron against israel. let's go to gabriel is on the now with you and a headquarters in new york and gabe. so we were talking to you already about these ladies asking for a security council meeting. what more can you tell us? and yeah, just within the last few minutes, we have been able to confirm that the un security council will be holding an emergency meeting at 4 pm new york time on sunday. that's 20 g m t. this information is confirmed by uh malta who holds the presidency of the security council for the month of april. they are confirming that they did receive this letter that was sent to the secretary general.


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