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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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and so the majority of which was intercepted the airbag simon sounded in more than $720.00 locations for hours of an item to rock its way into separate across the country. to around says the sprinkler and response is really bumming of the ringing conflict in syria. as we have a minute trip to our residents. your time is now to hear that we thought a lies in boston is across the region. we are operating at this very moment to defend these real familiar arms with tech, a sofa. we have intercepted the vast majority of income making me sides by ease, rarely, systems, sofa. we have intercepted and i'll continue to insist that to intercept dozens of tech drones, as well as cruise me, science and body sticking me says outside the visa is bolder and i'm the for any
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and me says friend inside he's really territory called causing minor damage to a military base with no casualties, only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will be when i just there was want me to tell them to join us live. now again, from off to bodies, those temporaries that we've seen, you take off your flak jackets and your helmets. uh, that underscore was the fact that it's really secure and you all sorts of lifted the alerts, meaning residents no longer need to take shelter. yeah, exactly. that's the update that we had that from daniel hook gallery. that was a couple of hours ago now. and although he said it's in the update, the police threats wasn't over. yes, that was still is right. the planes up in the sky shooting down a rainy and drones outside of his right, asked space since then. the home front come on has downgraded this wretched 4 siblings in the country,
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basically telling them that they no longer have to be near shelters for strong rooms. etc, so that gives an indication that these readings believe that for the volume is at least the, the, the, the, the worst of this has passed. and i think, you know, i've been saying for, for much of the night down that this was a test. what is row was going through the moment it was a, it was a test for, it's a defense system that lead system which it hopes was going to protect it from block the wrong through i say, and by and large it days. now we have plenty of help. it had help from the united states, it had help from the u. k. and from then also help from our country is like jordan and shooting down many of those drains before they actually got to israel boss. the damage inside israel has been minimal from what we understand from daniel gallery.
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uh, most of the $200.00 plus drones hands missiles was intercepted there is just because these already say a small amounts of damage to a southern bass and maybe a couple of casualties. but no, you can phone fatalities. so having said all that, there is another test is ralph, the test is was a do in response because as we have been hearing from some of the analytics that you've been speaking to this evening, that they've been saying that this a taco israel was catholic. how it breaks it's by iran calibrated to make it points, but not to do so much damage to escalate the situation. so now it's israel has time to think very carefully about what it does and how much escalation is willing to tell her right now. we know that benjamin netanyahu, in the last house side who's been on the phone to chug, abide in the us presidents. and we can have a,
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a gas. so what that conversation entail costs is going to be about what these routes should be doing next. and whether the united states things that it should be less right here. and everyone should accept this as being concluded and calm down again, re for our view as to just joining alj, a 0. and now what just on $200.00 gmc and they want to catch up and on the nights events really remind just again of how the night unfolded and the lead up to this a rainy i'm striking or well the lead up have been going off in 10 days a say have ever since iran said that it was going to respond was going to what time it was going to strike is route um 4 baths. uh, april. the 1st strike coming to damascus compounds. uh, the house that you said it rained in different months, it facilities confidence, etc. and that killing a significant number of a top ministry personality,
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right. even if you pass now it's so he's one of the preparing for what might come for some time. now it had been cooling up, but it was obvious it'd be canceling leave it or being jamming gps say they've been preparing it. so i can consider as an episodes around the world for some sort of stride. but the most likely thing that it was going to suffer was an ad real attack from ad, from iran involving a rocket and drones and based on exactly what we saw play out this evening. so once we have that confirmation, the drawings were on the way. well, we knew that we were in the, in the real situation and a few hours off the, we were told the drawings were in coming. we also understood that say, hey randy and sorry is ready. planes were up in the sky that the american planes were up in the sky. that electronic bullfighter was being used, trying to intercept these these trends before they arrive, thoughts they didn't get for their hands. uh fast for about 10 minutes
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a few hours ago. sky behind me was lit up with interceptors streaking up into the sky from batteries on the grounds, taking out whatever they were that you couldn't tell from the ground whether they would drones or missiles or whatever. but it was like a, you know, a rating of, of slang is coming down with bits of debris in franklin, some and, and whatnot. coming down out of this guy so that the saw it rings with going on. and it and so is ready, is we're being told to go to the neighbor shouts as it seems that could it didn't last long. lost about 1015 minutes, and then they were, it was quite again. and it wasn't long after that. before he got the impression that perhaps the danger was over now. yeah. and his right is really just the final thoughts he is right is must be bleeding. at least some sighs of relief. what. what is these really public being told now about what happened and how was they being prepared for this, you know, for this a reigning attack?
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well, there are still restrictions in place. and so the, the indication, the came lights in the evening last night was that things were uh, reaching a cushion. uh uh was the announcement that said groups, so gatherings of people i have a, i have a 1000 strong. what band who are out road. and that actually improves a demonstration that nancy gave them a demonstration that was going on in kind of eve to a premature close. they were all sites holes back for 2 days. at least schools, universities, daycare for, for kindergarten. kids. uh, any kind of school come full kind of educational endeavors. those were basically shut down. so she was, we were going to be done on lines resume and, and then online learning those restrictions hosted in place. so it doesn't matter
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that things seem to have calm down and, and i use that there is still a threat of the section in this country. and yes, the west, maybe behind boss. there is still the perception fast that could be a flare up. again, this might not actually will be i yeah, really challenge line for us the from auto body story. so i'm really thank you. how does that sound? the fluid has more now from tennessee. this really is how said that this is not over. there were initial reports in the evening of a 2nd and 3rd wave of we had some drones that were also launched these really iron don't missile defense system. the david, the save of sling the arrow, all of them in use this evening, but primarily across the occupied territories we saw an occupied ms. russo mar calling rory challenge was where the sirens weren't glaring out, but the sirens, in fact were all over is rolling the explosions and interceptions within the sky.
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we're quite prominent everywhere you look now is really planes are also buzzing and boring. overhead announced because these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy had said that there will be multiple types. 5 mechanisms that they will use for air defense and that includes fighter jets, but it was interesting to see some of these interceptors. and some of these drones and missiles potentially coming in from all different directions, some of them coming in from the sea, which we have never seen before, especially in conflict with israel. and when it comes to 11 on when it comes to gaza, we've never seen these type of projectiles or interceptors come from the direction of the sea heading south. now the is rarely as have said that they have had new mechanisms not only for intercepting but also saying that they are going to respond and that they have new capabilities and measures for whatever that response is going to be against the audience. while the audience have said that their mission
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is now over and that is simply not the case for these really is who have been essentially racing for this impact since april 1st, since those is really airstrikes hate to be it on in consulate in damascus. on april 1st, they said it was a red line b is really is never even admitted to a striking lead on you and cancel it. i will remind you, they typically never comment on their military activity in syria. you can hear those, the flight are just still roaring above us as we speak, but these are always have sense, but they're no longer just on the defensive, that they're actively pursuing enemy targets wherever they are, whether it's baby with, whether it's damascus, whether it's anywhere else in the middle east and that could mean it on whatever on supreme lita i it's on the, on the farm and a has issued a statement on x saying the malicious is on his regime be punished. attacking consulate is like attacking also, a malicious regime has made
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a wrong move in this case. without you, there was no such a battery has blown out from the rain and capitals tear off. the operation to promise appears to have wrapped up after over nearly 3 hours of it barrage of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, summer launch towards israel. now, iran has said that this is their rights to defend themselves, and that is why they've launched this unprecedented attack against israel. the reigning foreign minister abbey, who sent up to la here on set that iran had given the united states advanced warning. the revolutionary guard issued a number of statement, the last of which said that they had military targets of that's, that was successful. of course, that is being dispute advise, really official saying big sustained, minor damage at this is going to be seen by many rings who will wake up to the news on sunday morning as the historic events in the country for over 40 years. iran has
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been talking about a going to war with israel as one of its main adversaries as a result of a number of events. but certainly over the past few weeks, things have really increased the tensions between the 2 countries. after these really are strike in uh, around the console section in damascus, killed 7 members of the wrong revolutionary guards course. it was not the 1st time israel carried out such an act. this was something that the united nations security council refused to condemn israel for. and that was one of the points made by it when you and diplomats on saturday evening that there was not enough kind of condemnation. and therefore iran felt that it needed to defend itself against the threats coming from israel. and that had been continuing for many years since october 7th until now in syria are alone is rarely airstrikes of killed. 18 members overwhelms revolutionary guard. and not only that since 2010 of the 6 nuclear
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scientists in iran has been assassinated. one of them survived the assassination attempts, but all of those attacks iran has but israel, for, in an attempt to at, to deter or delay your wrongs. nuclear program at this certainly will be an events that ray news will be talking about as they wake up to the news. what we do know is that the 2 airports enter on the capitals, the domestic one, and the international one. how about airport and, and one point me in the airport have to cancel or delete all flights. possibly in preparation for any kind of a retaliatory attack that could be carried out by israel in the coming hours. and the revolutionary guards have also issued warnings to the united states and those countries that have help israel a discrete defend itself against the attack. that was code i buyer on earlier on saturday, saying that they will also be paying a price for their assistance as they've been providing to israel dosage of bar it
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out to 0 to air on well jordan, iraq 11 on that. israel level temporarily close there, a space that comes off to any are thoughts of interference with the cheapest navigation systems. well, this is what the space of the region looks like right now, and you can clearly see the areas the planes avoiding split rock is one of those countries that a shot. it's a space out of here as mama jumped to me stood with us. he's on his life on the rocky capital at mom and things seem to have quite and down in israel for now, just as what's been happening the in the rock and capital. well there and what's really most telling about the last several hours is that we've gotten no official statements from adults government. aside from that announcement by the transportation ministry and the civil aviation authority that adopts air space would be closed for several hours. and that that could be extended
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if it was deemed that it was too dangerous to open up the air space. we're still waiting to hear anything we've been reaching out to right out to the government contacts throughout the late evening and early morning we've heard nothing. this really kind of speaks to how much of it all continues to be caught between iran, which holds so much sway in the dogs and the us which does as well. this is all coming at a very fraught time. not just because of the potential for more escalation in the region of what that could mean for it off, but also the cause just the yesterday. i'd ox prime minister and how much you as to down the left. but the dad on his way to washington dc where he is scheduled to meet with us president joe biden on monday. now, among the topics of discussion for that meeting, we're going to be on our schedule to be rather an increase in bilateral relations,
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but also trying to figure out a final time table for the full withdrawal of us troops based in a dock. there are around $2500.00 us troops. net off. there are around $900.00 us troops in syria. this has been a bone of contention for these iran backed paramilitary groups that are based in that off the call um under the umbrella name of the islamic resistance. in the ron now, since october 7th, you had around a $170.00 attacks carried out by these groups targeting us personnel and us military assets in the region. and that all came to a head in late january when an attack by cab has butler, one of the groups affiliated with the stomach, resistance in iraq killed 3 us soldiers when they attacked a base in jordan. after that, you had retaliatory strikes by the us inside of it all killing some of the commanders of those groups. in early february, there was essentially
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a unofficial cease fire that took effect because there was pressure put on these groups to stop attacking, at least for the time being so that there wouldn't be more of a regional conflagration and more hostilities within that at all. it's a very complicated situation, but again, you would expect at a time like this that you would have heard something from that off the officials. we're still waiting to hear more, especially at a time when there were incidents being reported in the northern part of the country . and it'd be of, there were local media reports saying that there had been an iranian drone that had been intercepted potentially by the us and coalition forces. and it was shot down as it was headed towards israel. also, there were reports in it'd be that the siren sounded at the u. s. consulate compound in that city. so a lot going on here and at off a lot of people concerned that i could get more drawn in if there is a wider escalation going forward. but right now, at this time of the morning,
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it is calm, but we do expect that we've in the coming hours, potentially to start hearing more from us government official letter. and just, just briefly, before you go, i mean, you're talking to us about the timing of all this quite significant. that is the rocket by minnesota is visiting biden, present by them the us. so i have a sense of how much we spend all us assets and us troops on the given the be it written in retaliation. we seen tonight as well. they've been under severe risk for quite a while now. is these bases inside right off in the us military assets in the region. they have come under intense attacks numerous times over the course of the last several years. that's nothing new. there was this relative, a few months of calm where they weren't being attacked. the question now is, will these attacks start again when there is a rising anti us sentiment in their dog?
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um, that's going to be one of the things that will determine series of the course of what happens in the, at all going forward. and one of the things that these groups that are affiliated with the ron inside of right off, want to see if they want to see the us forces, leave it off and syria entirely. they're putting pressure on the, at off the prime minister to press that when he meets with president biden. if they don't see us forces willing to leave, could that lead to more attacks on the other hand, at a time when the u. s. might perceive there being more threat towards israel from potentially groups in there at all. that would mean it would make it more difficult for the us to commit to continue to withdraw our troops and they're at ok. so again, it's a very complicated dynamic, complicated situation. a lot will hinge on these discussions that go on between the prime minister right off in the us, present their right to amount to jump into and reporting their life from the rocky capital backed up mohammed. thank q. so here's president joe biden, cause
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a weekend trip show. tim rush back to washington and he's issued a statement on social media saying i just met with my national security team for an update on a ron's attacks against israel, a commitment to as well, security against stripe, some are wrong and its proxy is it is i am glad, let's join our white house correspondent again kimberly, how could i, kimberly, so president biden spoke earlier. you were telling us to these, right, the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu tell us a bit more about that phone call. what happened us? yeah, that's right. the white house has confirmed that call took place. we understand, and we are waiving the read out, but we understand that call took about 25 minutes in duration. and in terms of the content of that call and again, we are still waiting. the official read out, but what we understand is that the president, essentially from the is really side of we're getting reports that the president signals that he is trying to contain this conflict. and he is trying to persuade
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israel not to retaliate on a ronnie and soil. now what we also know is that he is essentially also trying to persuade israel not to attack what the concern is. and business be reported here in the united states with our affiliate nbc news is the concern from what a senior administration official that is not being named is that the united states is fearful of being drawn into a broader middle east conflict. something that we know that the national security council spokesperson, john curry has express time and time again. the us is not interested in being drawn into. now, we also know, in addition to the call between the us president and the is really prime minister. there has also been another call that took place and that is between the is really defense minister and his us counter part, lloyd austin. and what we are told is that call,
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although we do not know the duration legs that this was to uh, essentially coordinate and to in gauge, in terms of making sure that if israel is to take any sort of retaliatory action towards iran, that it would inform the united states, prior to that further, we understand that israel was discussing with the united states, potential military options that talking about whether or not it would be large. again, these as rows towards a rod, any sort of long range error strikes. and if it were to have any sort of targets what those targets might look like. so we know that we are waiting read out again from the pen is on also from the white house. we are still looking for those. in the meantime, we should also tell you that we have had some. 6 press releases from capitol hill as well. we should point out that we haven't had one from the share of the 4
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relations committee. ben carton has said that israel hasn't been here right to defend itself against these attacks before during and after. and we strongly caution or runs leader not to widen this attack. we also have had one from the republican leader on this in the senate. mitch mcconnell, who has also said that president, finding misleading international efforts to improve the costs and these against their role. in other words, making sure that are on feels the pain for what has occurred in the last few hours . all right, kimberly, how could whitehouse correspond to the night from washington? kimberly, thank you. well the you and security council is holding an emergency meeting on sunday to discuss a ron's attack on the secretary general. as there is an end to the fighting in a statement, the said i strongly condemned. the city was escalation, represented by the launch scale that tank launched in israel by iran. i call for an immediate cessation of these. i'll send it is night of the region know the world
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kind of forward another one. so let's go back to gabriel. is on that he's been watching events on photo for us from you and a headquarters in new york games, a lot to unpack from the un tonight. you've been pretty busy. we understand these ratings and are asking for security council meeting us whatever. on a given the fact that he's right, he's on big findings of the un no. the security council yeah, that's right. a letter that the is really ambassador to the un as sent to the secretary general and also to the presidency of the security council. the lot are damn, the investor said that he was requesting an urgent security council meeting. now his real is not a member of the security council. however, malta, who is the president of the security council for the month of april. i said without any objection, they would hold this meeting in that meeting. now his schedule by the security council for sunday at 4 pm new york time. that's 20 g m t, we're told from diplomatic sources that we expect israel and e ran both to
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participate in this meeting. and it's a meeting that clearly there will be a lot to unpack from what happened late saturday night, which iran's retaliatory strike against israel. now we also did hear from the permanent mission of these around the group public, the ran to the united nations. they sent out this quite extensive letter to the security council and also to secretary general antonio gutierrez, where they really laid out their case or their justification, if you will, on this. and i won't read the whole thing, but you ran is basically saying that this was very much of justified in the line with the un charter. the un charter says countries can respond if they are attacked militarily. and so you are on is basically saying that is exactly what we are doing in response to of course,
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april 1st. and israel's attack on your ends diplomatic mission in damascus. so that's where we're at here. but clearly this emergency meeting on sunday will be something we'll be watching very closely here at un headquarters. yeah, just the final thoughts you gave before you got, i mean, what is israel hoping to achieve and from the security council meeting later on today? uh hello . uh gabe. hi. are you hearing me? i told is down here. and uh huh. i think we've lost gabe letters under there. anyway, gabe was giving us an update from you in headquarters in new york about the responses from israel, the us, and also the radians. all right, let's get some diplomatic reaction. now the use for and policy, which is joseph beretta, released the following statement on x that he was strongly condemned the unacceptable ring, an attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation and
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a grave threat to regional security without a we spoke with david to ross. she's an associate professor at the national defense university. he says he was surprised that iran used a direct attacks. it seems that the rainy and leaders are determined not just to take action to the but to be seen to take action. what that indicates to me is that there's considerations of pride in prestige that are divorced from strategy and tactical utility, which may indicate a more teenagers era than we thought. so the most important part is the payload, the payload. it's about 50 kilograms of high explosives, but the explosives have from copper penetrating plates that are not just on the ends, but also one sides. and there's also um, around the side of the warhead metal fragment that sort of in like a little bands that can create damage. and so what you have is a, by military standards, relatively small weapon,
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that's not capable of any great penetration of the hard military target. but if it lands in a thing like we've seen the russians using this, against the electrical power stations in ukraine, it can cause a great amount of damage complex, mature. then of course, if it hits a large concentration of people, the, the shrapnel from the fragmentation can cause of great, great degree of damage. then you have the body of the sure he gets self, which is made out of fiberglass. that means that is both cheap to make, but it's also difficult to acquire by radar. the guidance so this your heating can be guided actively, although. ready that is somewhat hard for iran because it requires a camera and um, only a few are made with those because of sanctions, iran's finding a hard to get those. so most of them are on a sort of inertial guidance. so either using gps, which i'm sure that there was extensive, jeremy jeremy was reported and so gps may have been disabled that may have led to a lot of these going down. or it has an active communications link,
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which it also is disrupted by electronic warfare. jeremy, uh or it is just put on a dead reckoning. and if it's on a dead reckoning pattern, and then it's, you know, once you acquire it it's, it's, you know, you can, you can shoot it down if need be. the now is there any strikes are intensifying in northern and central pops of gauze? i kidding. dozens of people being a sarah refugee camp in the center of the strip was heavily bummed. and you and run evacuation south shelter and residential towers among the targets for the north jabante. it has been hit by a series of strikes more than 33600 pallets. demands, have been killed since the war began in october. how much says it submitted its response for a truce proposal to mediators in egypt and cattle. in a statement, the group reiterated demands for a permanent ceasefire with the food withdrawal of his way the troops from the gaza
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strip. but they asked for the return of despised palestinians to that holmes and an increase of the entry of food aid palestinians must also be allowed to begin rebuilding in gaza. the proposal includes a quote serious and read exchange of prisoners between the 2 parties, but how democracy would as mon, i from a rough on the proposal. this can be safely added to the list of allegations made by this really military, within the past 6 weeks. and since the beginning of this genocide award across the gaza strip, where there's really military announce theory has been cleared and secured because it the, it cleared them and from palestinian finding grooves are from how much operative but without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever. in fact, when we, when we look at the patterns of destruction, an attack so easily, we can find that the part of the, of, of attack has been directed to a civilian infrastructures, residential buildings and hospitals,
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health care facilities, educational facilities, international organization facilities such as on or why the.


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