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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click sensitive the fonts at the store the, the, the is running around launch its long awaited retaliatory attack the pedal um elizabeth put on them. and this is elena 0, live from doha. also coming up the celebrations in iran, which says north terms of us phones to as well as funding of its counselors in
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sylvia 2 weeks ago as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and has one cabinet consider their options to what has officials have called a severe and dangerous escalation. we want to multiply westbank, one, palestinian is killed and at least $46.00 of the engine attacks by israeli settlers . and the missing 14 year old settlers found that the ultra days of threats yvonne has launched is vitalia tree attack on is road. that is really say more than $200.00 drawings, ballistic and cruise missiles were those to the country. the majority of which were intercepted the anyway it's are and sounded and more than $720.00 locations for hours of an ice.
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and rockets were intercepted across the country, paid on says the strikes of in response to, as well as the bombing of the iranian consulate. and sylvia, as well as ministry, has told residence. the attack is now over tonight, iran launched a large scale of coordinated attack on israel to the resume on any ronald fired a massive swarm over $200.00 killer drones cruise missiles and ballistic me sides towards the state of israel. and i'm the for any and me says fin inside is ready, territory called causing mine a damage to a military base with no casualties. only one little gun has been heard and we hope she will be when this go straight to our correspondence and wrong call. and he's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. israel has lowered the live level around. does that mean that they believe that the rest is over to customer? what's been happening?
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well officially they all saying that the attack is now available, though we've been hearing fight to just fly over a say in occupied east jerusalem. we're expecting a statement to come very soon from these riley's but present. joe biden is already issued a statement. he said, i'm wrong, the tax against the site to me as well earlier today. iran and his proxies operating out to the m and the city and the rock launch. and unprecedented advertising gives me that tree for 2 facilities and as well, i condemn these attacks. and the strongest possible terms even goes on to say that the americans supported these, riley's, they moved us ministry at cost and ballistic missile defense destroys the hell is all he said, i've just spoken with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reaffirm america's in the cloud commitment to the security of israel, he's use that word default and cut and reset and using it again, right now, tomorrow that's later on in the day here i will convene my fellow g 7,
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lead us to coordinate the united diplomatic response to a rose praise an attack but what we're hearing from american media as well says, is that the americans are incredibly worried about what is real, may well do. next, security sources of told american media that they are worried about israel strategy on this. they were already concerned that these res, attacked the iranian consulate, was led to this attack on april 1st. and they now very concerned that some partners to benjamin not knowing the war cabinet may well act in the amount of the us doesn't want to do with us. is hoping, according to these reports in us media that this is a line has actually been drawn, although they are now publicly talking about a coordinated response. they're talking about getting together with the allies. this is earl, told him about getting together with his allies, including france, germany, and the us, and the u. k. to provide and to look for
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a coordinate response. but the response now is the phone because what it does is roll through next it wrong as already said that that was its response that it's now over. for now, the low level has gone down, but that could change it during the day. it seems like quite a confusing message from the united states because they're saying that the support for as well is iron clad. and yet privately we hear that they don't want as well to respond. how is all of that being played out in israel itself around as the officials, the consider what they're going to do in response to the attack if they're going to respond well, this is all part and parcel of the, the diplomatic rigmarole that takes place when events like this happen, america has to make a strong public statement, a comment show any kind of criticism towards the state of israel is committed to
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the defense. all the states of his own to the point of supplying is all with $3800000000.00 here in military assistance i learned that was before. i'll try to do something about figure this out for the greatest like publicly it has to simple is all complete, but that doesn't mean they're all disagreements over the way, as well as fighting as well. already near the americans. i have talked about the ways all funding is will on because it saying it doesn't want a ground defensive into rafa for example. so they're all disagreements, but publicly they go to simple as well. they've just have fall too many commitments to do anything else, but that doesn't mean they come private. the push is role to not respond to. however, this is a government that has a tremendous amount of support from women outside of the white house and knows the a cam price of the white house. and perhaps even then the white house too as well. or i am on thank you for that. that is, am on con,
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joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. honda saw who it has moved from kind of a, it is rarely as have said that this is not over. there were initial reports in the evening of a 2nd. and 3rd wave of we had some drones that were also launched these really iron don't missile defense system, the david, the save of sling, the arrow, all of them in use this evening. but primarily across the occupied territories, we saw an occupied ms. russo mar calling rory challenge was where the sirens weren't glaring out, but the sirens, in fact were all over is rolling the explosions and interceptions within the sky. we're quite prominent everywhere you look now is really planes are also buzzing and boring. overhead announced because these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy had said that there will be multiple types. 5 mechanisms that they will use for air defense and that includes fighter jets, but it was interesting to see some of these interceptors. and some of these drones
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and missiles potentially coming in from all different directions, some of them coming in from the sea, which we have never seen before, especially in conflict with israel. and when it comes to 11 on when it comes to gaza, we've never seen these type of projectiles or interceptors come from the direction of the c heading south. now the is rarely as have said that they have had new mechanisms not only for intercepting but also saying that they are going to respond and that they have new capabilities and measures for whatever that response is going to be against the audience. while the audience has said that their mission is now over and that is simply not the case for these really is who have been essentially racing for this impact since april 1st, since those is really airstrikes hate to be it on in consulate in damascus. on april 1st, they said it was a red line b is really, is never even admitted to
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a striking they don't you and cancel it. i will remind you they typically never comment on their military activity in syria. you can hear those the flight or just still roaring above us as we speak, but these are always have sense, but they're no longer just on the defensive, that they're actively pursuing enemy targets wherever they are, whether it's baby with, whether it's damascus, whether it's anywhere else in the middle east and that could mean it on it's the wrong revolution. we've gone says it's hard to boast. drones and massage towards israel. yvonne's shell had drawn a comma kazi, unmanned aerial vehicle is known for the low cost and extended range fit on. so if wanted to have supplied russia with these drones and then sworn ukraine in 2022. the us also assessed that around possess the largest inventory of domestic and the solves in the region. it was thought to have more than $3000.00 stockpiled among. it's also the federal missiles, with the capability of traveling a range of about $2500.00 kind of basis as well as well within that range. also
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jabari has moved from pet on operation to promise appears to have wrapped up after over nearly 3 hours of it barrage of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles that were launch towards israel. now, iran has said that this is their rights to defend themselves, and that is why they've launched this unprecedented attack against israel, the reigning foreign minister. i mean, who's in after law here on set that iran had given the united states advanced warning, the revolutionary guard issued a number of statements, the last of which said that they had military targets of that. but that's, that was successful. of course, that is being dispute advise really official saying they've sustained minor damage at this is going to be seen by many rings who will wake up to the news on sunday morning as a historic events in the country for over 40 years. iran has been talking about a going to war with israel as one of its main adversaries as a result of
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a number of events. but certainly over the past few weeks, things have really increased the tensions between the 2 countries. after these really are struck in uh around the console section in damascus, killed 7 members of the wrong revolutionary guards course. it was not the 1st time israel carried out such an act. this was something that the united nations security council refused to condemn israel for. and that was one of the points made by it when you and diplomats on saturday evening that there was not enough kind of condemnation. and therefore iran felt that it needed to defend itself against state's rights coming from israel. and that had been continuing for many years since october 7th until now in syria are alone is rarely airstrikes of killed 18 members of ron's revolutionary guard. and not only that since 2010 of the 6 nuclear scientists in iran has been assassinated, one of them survived the assassination attempts, but all of those attacks iran has but as well for in an attempt to deter or delay
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around nuclear program. at this certainly will be an events that ray news will be talking about as they wake up to the news. what we do know is that the 2 at airports enter on the capital for the domestic one and the international one. how about airport and, and one point me in the airport have to cancel or delete all flights. possibly in preparation for any kind of a retaliatory attack that could be carried out by israel in the coming hours. and the revolutionary guards have also issued warnings to the united states and those countries that have help israel a discrete defend itself against the attack that was carried i by or on earlier on saturday, saying that they will also be paying a price for their assistance as they've been providing to israel dosage of bar it out to 0 to air on to do as president joe biden, cause
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a weekend trip short was and rushed back to washington. he's issued a statement on social media saying, i just met with my national security team for an update on yvonne's attacks against israel commitment as well as security against threats from the wrong. and it's proxies is iron clad. we're now joined by our white house correspondent, kimberly how could so kimberly, what do we hearing about this phone call between president biden and nothing yahoo as well that that has already been covered by my colleague in runtime. he read the entire statements. so i think what i'll talk to you about is the events that led up to that. what we can tell you is that there has been a flurry of activity that has been going on throughout the day. the national security team that has been meeting at the white house. it has been and attends a few hours here at the white house behind me in the situation room. there was
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a meeting of not only the c i a director bill burns, but also the joint chiefs of staff, the secretary of state and to be blanked in and also among others that were advised in the us president the us president, as you mentioned, cut his trip short from delaware, uh, and has been coordinating very closely with his national security team. what we do know is that the grave concern for the us president is that the united states will be drawn into a broader middle east conflict. something that has been reported widely, not only in the last few hours, but for a number of weeks and even months, something that has been that we know from the national security council spokesperson, john fermi. something that the united states has been trying to contain for many, many weeks and months. now, what i can tell you is that the pentagon uh,
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throughout the evening has been working very hard. it has uh, in the days leading up to this attack has been making adjustments to it's forced posture in the region. and by that i mean that it had the assets in the region as early as october 7th, that being the data for us when i'm off the largest attack in to israel taxes were taken. and that's when the us began. it's us scaling off of support of israel as an example of what the us president has said repeatedly, is us support. that is the iron clad that support we should point out, extends to the us congress and on capitol hill. and we've seen that manifested again tonight when we've had statements issued, not only from the us set up from the senate, foreign relations committee was once again saying that the best part of the share of the foreign relations saying that israel has inherent right to defend itself.
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from these attacks before, during and after, but we've also had movement in the house of representatives. we now know that there will be an israel aid package that will be voted on next week. that will also attempt to not only provide additional aid it when the united states already provides more than 4 bill, or rather nearly $4000000000.00 annually, but it will also hole around accountable. so this is just an example of how the united states already provides assistance to israel and is continuing to do so as a result of these are ronnie and attacks. kimberly thank you so much for one of that complex. that's how whitehouse correspondents, kimberly how could live from washington dc. the un security council is holding at emergency meeting on sunday to discuss yvonne's attack. and the secretary general has urged to enter the flashing of the statement. he said, i strongly condemn the serious escalation represented by the law of scale attack
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launched on as royal by yvonne. i called for an immediate succession of these hostilities. these as in region, know the world kind of for another for the spring. and i called my sponsors gave me that he's under his live for us at the united nations headquarters in new york. so the security council, as to, as well as request has decided to hold that emergency meeting on sunday as yeah, that's right, to israel's mission, to the un sent a letter to the secretary general and to the president of the security council, which happens to be malta for the month of april, requesting that the security council hold this meeting malta, without any objection from any of the other security council members decided to schedule it and it will be held at 4 pm new york time on sunday. that's about 20 g m t. now we are expecting that the security council will be brief by rosemary decarlo, the under secretary general for political and peace building affairs. we are
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hearing from diplomatic sources that perhaps is real, and iran will also be invited to attend to the meeting and perhaps give statements as well. in terms of what we're expecting from this is real said they wanted, they requested this meeting because they want the security council to issue a condemnation of iran's retailer tory strikes on israel. it's unclear if the security council will issue any sort of statement or take any action. they're not obligated to do so, but it certainly will give all the security council members a platform to publicly explain their country's positions on is re, uh, iran's retail, a tory uh drone and missile strikes towards israel. so certainly we'll be watching a security council meeting very closely on sunday. will get a better sense of the diplomatic of interplay if you will,
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on how that all countries are sort of positioning themselves when it comes to is very, very delicate, delicate moment in the middle east. yeah, absolutely, and iran will be very carefully, i'm guessing ready if it has to be present at that security council. amazing. gave what has that, yvonne emissions been saying so far about the attack. it's your own mission here to the un sent out a quite a long statement. actually this is from the permanent mission of a you around to the united states. it was sent to the secretary general and also to the president of the security council. their basic argument is, if i can sort of summarize it, is that they are acting in accordance with international law. and under the un charter article, 51 of the charter, which clearly states that any un member state that is attacked has a right to respond in self defense. of course,
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the wrong very clearly considers the april 1 is rarely attack on your, on this diplomatic mission in damascus to be nearly an act of war almost as clear escalation. so iran and their letter basically said, this is our response. in accordance with the un chartered under international law, and that's uh what do you are on is basically saying they basically say we reserve the right to respond even further. should e's real escalate even further? so iran is taking a very, um, i should say diplomatic approach to how they're, they're laying out their defensive this in terms of following international law following the, the rules of the, the, it is, are laid out in the un charter. and that you will, i think you're gonna hear a lot of that sunday as well. of course is real, sees it totally different. they see it as israel being the, the victim here. but clearly that's certainly not the case. the way iran sees it.
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gabe. thank you. very much for that gabriel and is on the with all the days as developments from the un headquarters in new york. well, let's get some more diplomatic reaction now that you use foreign policy chief joseph, but a very just the following statement on x that you strongly condense the unacceptable avante and attack against as well. this is an unprecedented escalation and a grave threat to regional security. and the as rarely as talks have intensified and northern and central garza killing dozens of people will say that the refugee camp and the center of the strip was heavily bombarded. are you in run evacuation shelter and residential towers are among the targets for the knolls. giovanni, it has been hit by a series of ass strikes. well, the 33600 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. the him,
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us, come off says that submissive as response for truce proposal to mediators, and egypt, and casa, and the statements, the group reiteration demands for permanency is fine. with the full withdrawal of israeli troops from the gaza strip, they asked for the return of displace palestinians to they homes. and an increase of the entry of a palestinians must also be allowed to begin rebuilding and gaza. the proposal includes a quote serious and real exchange of prisoners between the 2 parties. honeymoon, who it has moved from the on the proposal. and this can be safely added to the list of allegations made by this really military within the past 6 weeks. and since the beginning of this genocide award across the gaza strip, where there's really military announce theory has been cleared and secured because it the, it cleared them and from palestinian finding grooves are from how much operative
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but without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever. in fact, we, when we look at the patterns of destruction and attacks the easily, we can find that the part of the, of attack has been directed to a civilian infrastructures, residential buildings and hospitals, health care facilities, educational facilities, international organization facilities such as on or why they've been directly targeted in the northern part and garza city and more recently, and tanya and his were at least 4 warehouses, manage and operated by honor, what being either completely damaged or severed, it's completely destroyed or severely damaged. this pattern of attacks is an indication that this way the military is conducting this war, merely on civilian population because the evidence on the ground suggest and just goes very consistently with the narrative. uh, since the beginning of the door when these really military and it's a political leaders and military leaders
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a now that you are going to send guys off to the stone age. and just more recently the past the 3 days i've been very, very bloody and very difficult mentally concentrated in the central area. we're seeing more of the uh, residential buildings are being destroyed, including lost in the schools and public facilities, and further the civilian casualties that been the by product of, of this, of this ongoing war on the central area and pushing more people into further displacement. something that has been feeding into the permanent sense of, of shatter safety and further, a permanent displacement for already a traumatized that and, and large the display of population and overcrowded. the fact that the, it is really settlers attacking palestinian villages and the occupied westbank. it comes as a missing full change. we're all set that was founded circumstances around because death on clear. but it's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling it
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a heinous murder. a correspond to me that abraham has moved from the occupied westbank. those had been settled from friday's august and attacked by his raising the occupied west bank before settlers again rampaged through postilion villages on saturday. the attack started after a teenage is really subtler, went missing. the body of the 14 year old was found on saturday near his house in an illegal supplement outpost. budget of ideas home was among those attacked only 2 rooms, survived the fire and the what we were inside at home. we were having lunch when we were exposed to gun 5 shells and stones, a few hours later behind us and this, this video of the 2 surviving rooms also being burned. he says he's lucky to be alive. in the same neighborhood on friday is really subclass shot dead 25 year old
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. she had the idea about that on 2 sides of the settlers and the soldiers were protecting them from the army shall take us. and then the settlers started shooting towards us. we switched stones defend them off, but they would too many to had was visiting us and he just picked from here and was shots on the spot. without doing anything, settlers spread out their attacks from the center to the north of the occupied westbank. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a he and his mother. and let's to bring those are responsible to just this. it's such just this that palestinian see there denied just since the start of the world goes on. the one has recorded more than 700 subtler attacks against palestinians writes groups say 94 percent of reported attacks go unpunished. many see the palestinian authority has undermine people's ability to defend themselves and how the mock it's a complicated political situation while the international community is silent again,
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that's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the palestinian authority is doing it's huge. withdrawal of supporting district fastness of budgeting is on their lands. this that's fastness is a the core of subtler attacks. many c not only in certain villages but these attacks are taking place also was pedo simians are on the roads making. it's very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. automatically it automatically shut off for such as cause of blocks the roads. they pip us pages of a tech gets it stones in drugs and into the car is going to by the grace of god that you had a live circular groups are quoting for more attacks. the result is immunity on on palestinian population. facing many heavy armed is really sucked. there's who's been throwing in numbers, increasing their violence. is that what he does? he to the occupied westbank that sits on the elizabeth put on him for this half of
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news. but i will be back with all the latest developments following yvonne's with tapestry attack on as well and half an hour. and you can always keep up to date any time on our website. and the address for that is i would just say i don't comp stay with us counting, the cost is coming up next. thank you for watching the the now i would guess that the residents of california have that enough of what's effective is a prolonged windows, the noisily brazen. it still looks fairly dumped on sunday in san francisco. maybe as far as half is allied with some snow in the back. come monday i'm the son returns through brace to but least the sunshine. these are now for the rest of the us and canada. there's been a nice warm spit out through the plains of the prairies, but i think we'll see showers developing here. they're not big ones yet. that's
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still to come. and it's relatively warm for nice places and see the bones extended 5 foot colors on right across the border in 2 count about 6 degrees above average us active function system down through the house means big charles here and possibly for haiti, eastern cuba, jamaican also likely to limit of rain in nicaragua, rather less in guatemala, has been the case of late for us to recur on the legal jobs. also get some fatty width, whether i suspect not. if you go down to south america, it's more than when it's been flooding. i once again, paragraphs of focus. this is a change from hot dry weather to accost big thunderstorms. and that's the line that carries on. so from pallet collab towards bolivia, the movie into some parts of southern brazil in southeast personnel and you're required. there are still shoes, thunderstorms and not moving. the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries
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since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and find, find battles, shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones, the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the hello, the nora kyle. this is counting the cost on alex's era, your weekly look at the world of business and economics. this week. oil prices have his 7 months high optim middle lease pensions intensifies will this might continue and how will that.


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