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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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for the seller, and then the is rather just have some dozens massages and drones opposite around launches. it's along the way should vitalia tree attack the ottoman this is allen to 0 life from the also coming up the kind of raisins in iran, which says the launch was the response to, as well as consumers and sylvia 2 weeks ago. as well as part of mister benjamin
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netanyahu, and his new cabinet considered their options to want his officials to quote, a severe and dangerous escalation. president, job item types of support to is run and says us this has helped to take down the drawings and the phones from around the. 8 main line and the occupied by spend $1000.00 units killed and at least $46.00 others are injured in the tax by his writing senses. as a missing 14 year old settlers founded the off to days of threats. iran has launched is vitalia tree attack on israel is very stable than 200 drones ballistic and cruise missiles belongs to the country. the majority of which will intercepted the
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and i had simon sounded more than 720 locations hours of the night. and rockets were intercepted across the country to on says the strikes i'm in response to as well as the bowman of the yvonne in consulate and sylvia 2 weeks ago, as well as military has told residents, the attack is now over 2 nights drawn, launched a large scale of coordinated attack on these, around the regime in iran, fired a massive swarm over $200.00 killer drones cruise missiles and ballistic me sides towards the state of israel. and i'm the for any and me says fin inside is really territory caused, causing mine a damage to a military base with no casualties. only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will be when it's go straight to our correspondent and mon calling,
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who is joining us live from occupied is to both of them. so israel, it's been a few hours mountain around that israel has lowered the and the level. so what's happening then now as well as well, remains on the high alert with the threat from iraq and they say is officially now over the home front. go come on, for instance, is actually council school classes. it says it will allow what place just opened and gatherings as large as a 1000 people can continue in the gaza region. the voted would cause. busy and 11 on the cap and gatherings around or to around $300.00 people. so these ready all me say they continuing as strikes in southern 11 on uh, on the mooning chose as you can imagine, there's a lot of a tough top going on. people are talking about any potential is really response to this military. i wouldn't be traveling some 1 in the morning. so phase was very
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blunt. he said that it was now time for it wrong not to sleep at night. now what isn't being told about this is actually kind of crucial is the will on goes i remember before the events of april 1st, and these really bombing of that consulate in damascus that spot reflects as one of escalation, prime minister benjamin netanyahu was under a tremendous amount of price, so you'll have plans, for example, the defensive is that actually talked about elections. there was significant fractures with in the coalition. the bring them back campaign. uh, the advocacy group for the captives are still being held well. open the saying that probably mr. benjamin, i know who had failed, then this attack happened and there was a tremendous amount of support from the americans and suddenly, or anybody is talking about in the media is and on social media, etc. is the threat from around the wrong says that it's now responded and he's drawing a line under this whole affair. but his role is to control,
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we are about to hit from the military spikes when daniel a guard. so let's see what he has to say. it's likely he'll be talking once again about any potential lives and any level that may well be put in place in the coming hours in the coming days. of all has set as close a rod as will be in the portion or not as the this is a response that it has a right to carry out this attack because of as well as attack on its embassy in the sylvia in damascus. 2 weeks ago, what has, has israel said anything as or to that reasoning by ron? well, i mean, his role is always been very clear that it was expecting a, a sole i'm from iraq. uh, they had a 48 hour window, but they were talking about that that was going to be a response. but what will happen about 24 hours ago? that was a, his bullet attack quite big visible attack within that timeframe about the is ready
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to have always said since april the 1st that they were expecting an attack. well, they were looking for was where it was going to come from, whether it was going to come from iran in territory into his right entirely, which we now know actually happened. but he's, when he's also actually playing this up, as well as talking about the fact that most of these missiles iraq, is these drawings were actually intercepted. that no real damage was done. but then you have to look up the wrong inside as well, for the iranians. it wasn't so much of a cases where the missiles were actually landing. but the fact that they was the fact that they actually launched, and they mounted this huge attack in the 1st place. so there's a lot of going on here of tit for tat, but they'll be a lot more of that going on diplomatically the real fair. now though, as well as well does next, and how that will lead to iranian response. and mom, thank you very much. i'm on con, with alexis,
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live and occupied east jerusalem around supreme data. i is what i how many has issued a statement saying the malicious design is regime will be punished. attacking a console, it is like attacking of soil. he goes on to say the malicious regime has made a wrong move, in this case, outside the bushes, embassy and pet on iranians celebration. the recent attacks on israel while some citizens joined the celebrations and vehicles, beating their homes and waving flags out of windows. of this process to place it on foot, launching fireworks and chanting desk to israel. this is a ron's 1st ever a direct attack on is really cabinetry. also, jabari has more sunset on. the operation to promise appears to have wrapped up after over nearly 3 hours of it was of drones, ballistic missiles and crews miss all summer launch towards israel. now, iran has said that this is their rights to defend themselves,
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and that is why they've launched this unprecedented attack against israel. the reigning foreign minister abbey, who sent up to la here on set that iran had given the united states advanced warning. the revolutionary guard issued a number of statement, the last of which said that they had military targets of that's, that was successful. of course that is being disputed, biased really official saying they've sustained minor damage at this is going to be seen by many rings who will wake up to the news on sunday morning as the historic events in the country for over 40 years. iran has been talking about a going to war with israel as one of its main adversaries as a result of a number of events. but certainly over the past few weeks, things have really increased the tensions between the 2 countries. after these really airstrike in uh around the console section in damascus, killed 7 members of the wrong revolutionary guards. of course,
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it was not the 1st time israel carried out such an act. this was something that the united nations security council refused to condemn israel for. and that was one of the points made by it when you and diplomats on saturday evening that there was not enough kind of condemnation. and therefore iran felt that it needed to defend itself against the threats coming from israel. and that had been continuing for many years since october 7th, until now in syria are alone is rarely airstrikes of killed 18 members of rawlins revolutionary guard. and not only that since 2010 of the 6 nuclear scientists in iran has been assassinated. one of them survived the assassination attempts, but all of those attacks iran has but israel, for, in an attempt to at, to deter or delay your wrongs. nuclear program at this certainly will be an events that renews. we'll be talking about as they wake up to the news. what we do know is that the 2 airports enter on the capital for the domestic one and the international
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one. how about airport and, and one point me in the airport have a cancel or delete all flights. possibly in preparation for any kind of a retaliatory attack that could be carried out by israel in the coming hours. and the revolutionary guards have also issued warnings to the united states and those countries that have help israel, a defeat, defend itself against the attack that was code i by or on earlier on saturday, saying that they will also, the paying a price for their assistance. they've been providing to israel dosage of bar it out to 0 to air on the, on the is a political and security analyst at the university of fit on. and he says, as well, had pushed around and has to face the consequences. the risk iranian response will be significant, it will be a complex operation. they run into been playing mind games with the is rarely
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rushing for the last week and a half. and i think people have been enjoying it. and ultimately, this random machine has to face the consequences. it has carried out assassinations in iran over the years. it has a carried out sabotage. it has repeatedly bombed syria against international law and targeted iran and its allies. and ultimately the regime. the genocidal regime attacked the iranian embassy and the un security in the un security council. the united states, britain in france, refuse to condemn this strike on an embassy. so there was no other way for them to directly punish this, right of the machine. they basically were asking for it us problem to abide on cause a we can ship sure. 100 rushed back to washington. he's met with his national security
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team and says us commitment to as well, security is on clouds that spoken on watch how's correspond with the company? how could she's joining us live from washington dc, reaction from the us coming 2nd, fos come and they took us through the phone call between biden and nothing else of the as us. right. it was a 25 minute phone call. we are told, and the us president was coordinating with the is really prime minister. what we know is that there was certainly an attempt by the us precedent to try and convince the is really prime minister not to retaliate on iranian soil. we also know that he did in fact try to signal that there should be some sort of containment of the conflict. now what we understand is the following,
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that a phone call where there was we understood also of some signaling from the as really prime minister that there would be a military response that could potentially include some sort of targeting of potential targets in a ron, including some military installations, there was a statement released by the white house and the white house. and in fact, the us president condemns the attacks by iran against israel in the strongest possible terms of the air attacks or against military facilities in israel, launched by a ron in his proxies operating out of given syria and iraq. now the president goes on further in his statement to say that the u. s. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week . thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our service members, we helped his real take down nearly all of the incoming drones and ms files. i've
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just spoken to the prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm i in america's iron clag commitment to the security of israel tomorrow tomorrow being sunday. here in the united states, i will convene my fellow g 7 leaders to coordinate at united dip. phlegmatic corresponds to a runs race, an attack, and kimberly the us defense secretary, also excellent, president biden's comments publicly the us as maintaining it's on class for, for as well. but we're also hearing that the us won't support as rated counter attack on around like you alluded to various us yeah, that's right. and there are a couple of things that play here. and i'll explain briefly why the 1st is the us president and, and i did allude to this has always had kind of a multi lateral approach. she,
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you often hear the us president saying partners and allies. he was to consult with partners and allies, and the, the foundation of his foreign policy would be a, with sort of consulting his partners and allies. in other words, that he wanted to make this something that was inclusive with the western leaders in europe. and that this would be a collaborative approach and this is no exception. the other thing here that is being reported is that the u. s. president does not have the confidence in benjamin that's and yahoo, he is really prime minister. this has been signaled for many, many weeks now, but in the us media it is will be widely reported senior administration official, suggesting that there is concern that the united states is being pulled into a broader conflict that it does not want. there is very much a feeling of war fatigue here in the united states. and there is also concern that
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the, the is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has already been conducting his war on gauze us that has resulted in the death of more than 33000 palestinians, lived uh that he has been acting rationally that he has been acting a radically and then you've been conducting that war poorly. and the fear is, is that the united states is going to be drawn into a broader middle east conflict in as a result of the feeling is according to a name, senior officials that the decisions that are being made by these really prime minister are not always being made with any sort of strategy and so again, this is not being attributed. this is the report in the us media. but the bottom line is this, this is the suggestion that is being made. and now the reason why the united states does not want to be drawn in is hoping to contain this conflict, we should point out very quickly. elizabeth. there's also a bit of statement that has been released by the from the pensions on 5,
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the defense secretary, lloyd austin. that also kind of underscores the points that are being made by these new officials. he himself held the phone call with his counterpart in israel. your blogs and what paragraph does sort of, uh, eco, this sentiment, what he says is, dependent on also calls on a ride to a halt. these attacks deescalate tensions. we do not see conflict with a rod, it's very clear the united states was to contain this conflict before things escalate. any further committee? thank you so much for that. that's our white house correspondent, company health could very latest live in washington dc. okay. but elder as a political analyst and contributed that to the is there any daily paper? hearts says that as well in the united states will have to respond to iran attacks . it is, well, it is very clear that nathaniel was thinking for many years about
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this time of escalations. he was planning with edward barrack at the time who was a minister of defense to strike one in a different context. the context was to stop the nuclear program. now he has a even a greater interest to do this because i said, convinced former president trump to pull out of the nuclear agreement. no one is few weeks, maybe miles away from and your clear ball. so uh, the other thing is this one has been hiding behind it's foxes since october, 7th. and even before the behind is bala come us and the whole this and was hoping is where and funded. anyhow, this is an opportunity to go inside to go deeper into the sauce
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of the uh, is there any strategic issue inside the wizard? right. this is uh not the end of the game tonight. 2 and uh, in this case i think um is ryan will have to pay back and then uh, the superpowers will have to take a stance and be clear about how do they stop discoloration. and the, these very response has to do with as last time. if i was the nose public relations he has got now the support of these ready public, which he lost in october service. nobody that he's talking now about the duck dease. nobody's talking about defend in, in guys that it's only about you want dfcs on how find united states is
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willing to go. 2 what is the american leverage on you on and how will the members of the error code, who has a clear interest to stop you on from getting the heads your money over the me, the lease, and the how this all these literally x the un security council is holding an emergency meeting on sundays, discuss the wrongs attack, and the secretary general has urged them to enter the pricing of the statement. he said i strongly condemn the serious escalation represented by the large scale attack launched on his rail by yvonne. i called for an immediate association of these hostilities need as well. no. the regents kind of forward another role. but let's go to our correspondent gabriel and he's under who's lived for us at the united nations headquarters in new york. and the security council decided few hours ago now gave to hold that meeting on sunday after as well requested or
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yeah, that's right. to these rarely ambassador to the un sent a letter to the secretary general and also to the president of the security council, which is the ambassador from multiple multiple holds the presidency of the council for the month of april. seeing no objection, multis scheduled this meeting. it will be held at 4 pm on sunday, new york time. that's about 20 g m t. we expect that the council will be briefed by rosemary, decarlo, the under secretary general for political and peace building affairs. we expect to miss decarlo will brief a counsel about the latest developments in the is iran's retaliatory strike or strikes, i should say on israel. we also are hearing that both israel and e ran will participate in the meeting. now israel wants to counsel to condemn you,
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read and maybe take some action. it's unclear if the council though will issue any sort of statement or will reach any sort of conclusion or, or, or action. i should say. the council has under no obligation to do so, but nevertheless, this meeting will allow all council members to really publicly state their country's position when it comes to this, iran's retaliatory strike on these real, at this very, very sensitive moment in the middle east right now, should be watching that meeting on sunday afternoon, new york time very close. absolutely gave. and we have to remember that the un security council did not condemn, as well as attack deadly attack off the vonny and embassy, and the syrian capital 2 weeks ago, around maintaining it had the right to respond to that attack. what has its mission to the u. n. been saying tonight to yeah,
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that's absolutely righty. run sent out a letter to the secretary general actually, and also to the security council. basically saying this is our legitimate response to april 1st, when israel struck the rainy diplomatic mission in damascus. in a statement, iran's ambassador said, we are under our rights to self defense in her article, 51 of the un charter. that article says that all you and member states have the right to respond. should they be a victim of arms attack of another state and they run a thing that is exactly what we're doing and we reserve our right to do that. so we run laying out their case from a very diplomatic standpoint. under the auspices of the un charter, gabe, thank you very much. a correspondent, the favorite is on the at the un headquarters in new york. but earlier we spoke with david to ross. she's an associate professor at national defense university. and he says he was surprised that yvonne carried out
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a direct attack. and it seems that the uranium leaders are determined not just to take action to that, but to be seen, to take action. what that indicates to me is that there's considerations of pride in prestige that are divorced from strategy and tactical utility which may indicate a more dangerous era than we thought. so the most important part is the payload. the payload is about 50 kilograms of high explosives, but the explosives have from copper penetrating plates that are not just on the ends, but also one sides. and there's also um, around the side of the warhead metal fragment that sort of in like a little bands that can create damage. and so what you have is a, by military standards, relatively small weapon, that's not capable of any great penetration of the hard military target. but if it lands in a thing like we've seen the russians using this, against the electrical power stations in ukraine, it can cause a great amount of damage complex, mature. then of course, if it hits
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a large concentration of people, the, the shrapnel from the fragmentation can cause of great, great degree of damage. then you have the body of the sheer heat itself, which is made out of fiberglass. so that means that it's both cheap to make, but it's also difficult to acquire by radar. the guidance of this your heating can be guided actively, although. ready that is somewhat hard for iran because it requires a camera and only a few are made with those because of sanctions surrounds finding a hard to get those. so most of them are on a sort of inertial guidance. so either using gps, which i'm sure that there was extensive, jeremy jeremy was reported and so gps may have been disabled that may have led to a lot of these going down. or it has an active communications link, which it also is disrupted by electronic warfare. jeremy, uh or it is just put on a dead reckoning. and if it's on a dead reckoning pattern, and then it's, you know, once you acquire it it's, it's, you know, you can,
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you can shoot it down if need be. the as many as strikes have intensified and northern and central gaza cannon. dozens of people say that the refugee camp that's in the center of the strip was heavy from bonded united nations run evacuation shelter and residential towers were among the targets. and for the north jabante, it has been hit by a series of strikes. well, the 33600 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. come on, says it submitted its response for a truce proposal to mediation as an egypt and caught the in a statement. the group reiterated demands for permanency is far with the full withdrawal of israeli troops from the gaza strip. they asked with of a ton of displace palestinians to their homes. and an increase in the entry of aid
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palestinians must be allowed to begin rebuilding and gaza. the proposal includes a quote serious and real exchange of presidents between the 2 sides honey, my move has moved from the alpha in southern gaza on the proposal. this can be safely added to the list of allegations made by this really military, within the past 6 weeks. and since the beginning of this genocide award across the gaza strip, where there's really military announce theory has been cleared and secured because it the, it cleared them and from palestinian finding grooves are from how much operative but without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever. in fact, we, when we look at the patterns of destruction and attacks the easily, we can find that the part of the, of attack has been directed to a civilian infrastructures, residential buildings and hospitals, health care facilities, educational facilities, international organization facilities such as on or why they've been directly
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targeted in the northern part and garza city and more recently, and tanya and his were at least 4 warehouses, manage and operated by honor. what being the either completely damaged or severe it's completely destroyed or severely damaged. this pattern of attacks is an indication that this way the military is conducting this war, merely on civilian population because the evidence on the ground suggest and just goes very consistently with the narrative. uh, since the beginning of dor when these really military and it's a political leaders and military leaders a now that you are going to send god off to the stone age. and just more recently the past the 3 days i've been very, very bloody and very difficult mentally concentrated in the central area. we're seeing more of the uh, residential buildings are being destroyed including lost in the schools and public facilities and further civilian casualties. the been the by product of, of this,
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of this ongoing war on the central area and pushing more people into further displacement. something that has been feeding into the permanent sense of, of shatter safety and further, a permanent displacement for already a traumatized that and, and large the display of population an overcrowded rough estimate. the. this is very set. those are attacking palestinian villages and the occupied westbank. it comes to the missing 14 year old settler was found dead. the circumstances surrounding his death, a unclear, but it's very prominence to benjamin netanyahu is calling it a hey, miss murder. the abraham has moved from the occupied west bank. the doors headed southfield from friday's arson attacked by his relatives in the occupied west bank. before settlers again rampaged through postilion villages on saturdays. the attack started after a teenage is really circular when missing. the body of the 14 year old was found on
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saturday near his house in an illegal supplement outpost. budget of ideas home was among those attacked only 2 rooms to revive the fire and of what we were inside at home. we were having lunch when we were exposed the gun, flash shells and stones, a few hours later behind us and this, this video of the 2 surviving rooms also being burned. he says he's lucky to be alive. in the same neighborhood on friday is really subclass shot. the 25 year old . you had the idea about that on 2 sides of the settlers and the soldiers were protecting them from the army, shout take us. and then the settlers started shooting towards us. we switched stones, defend them off, but they were too many. tad was visiting us and he just picked from him with shouts on the spot. without doing anything, settlers spread out their attacks from the center to the north of the occupied westbank. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the screw.


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