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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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stories and the people who allow us into their lives digging into money, see the is relevant steps. hundreds of missiles and drones off to iran launches. it's long the wages retaliatory attack the photo on elizabeth put on them. and this is algebra live from doha. so coming up the calibration to the around which says the launch was in response to israel's foaming of it comes to listen. sylvia 2 weeks ago is what i was prime minister benjamin netanyahu lunches cabinet considered a options to watch. those officials include a severe and dangerous escalation and president job item types of support,
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as well as and assessed us courses, helped to take down the, the old drones and missiles from the wrong. the days of threats yvonne has launched its retaliatory attack on israel is rarely say more than $300.00 drones ballistic and cruise missiles ta. this is the country majority of which were intercepted, the attack mark the 1st time fed on has launched a direct military assault on israel. heidi jo cost ro begins coverage of the explosions leader of israel's night. sky is interceptors took down dozens upon dozens of you, ronnie, and launch drones. israel's military spokesman to the nation's defense systems detected incoming drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles,
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launched from iran and its proxies together with the allies and faith moves across the region. we're operating it this very moment to defend these real familiar arms attack. so far we've intercepted the vast majority of incoming. these signs by eas, rarely systems. ready been damaged, israel was far less than had been feared, is really official, said one child was hurt and the military base suffered minor damage. schools and israel had closed early and civilians had been warned to seek shelter from the attack that many had suspected was coming. as it unfolded, jordan, iraq and lebanon includes their air space, and you as president joe biden, cut short, a trip to delaware, rushing back to the white house to meet with his national security council in a statement bite and said us forces health, israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles and bite and spoke
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with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone. a firming the us is iron clad support. hey ron. so the weekends attack was retaliation for is real strike on any rainy and diplomatic count found in damascus earlier this month. even as the drones ran down on is real, you runs mission to the united nation, said the matter can be deemed concluded. but ward, more violence would come is real or the us retaliated. iranians rallied in front of the british embassy into run after the attack concluded, months to each case. i have never seen in any country anywhere that attacking another country and bore, makes people happy. but to night, people gave up their sleep so that they can come here and show how important this 4 is to us. and how glad we are from this attack on these are leaders in the u. k. europe and canada condemned. he runs actions as reckless unacceptable and the
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stabilizing for the region. you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. but israel has signaled it will respond to your was attack. the un security council is expected to discuss efforts to prevent a direct or between the 2 countries on sunday, high digital, castro alger 0 is go straight to cost one of them on con, he's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and, and problem was heard from his res, military spokes person. again, he significantly increase the number of drawings and missiles. he said with 5 on the wrong. so that's, that's the right. he's talking about a number of about $331.00 strikes in total. but he's also playing up with the fact that the defense system worked, and he called it a victory. but it's not just him. we've also heard from the defense minister you of
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color. and to said, i've written cindy completed an operational situation assessment within your members of his roles, defense establishment. the state of his role was the tax that we had hundreds of missiles and you are these an idea of a fool to this attack and an impressive manner together with the united states. the additional part is we madison, defending the territory of the state of israel. very little damage was called the fight, but then now playing of the defense systems, or working as a victory may, will be an indication of how the problem is to benjamin netanyahu, will respond when equals a little bit later. that seems to be a message coming out that we've managed for this attack of defense systems have worked. whether that has an impact on any further is right and your response to your own, perhaps even own iranian territory remains to be seen. but this seems to be now the message is coming out, they saying, and they claiming that this is a victory for them and, and brought nothing. yeah. who is still talking about the war on gaza,
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saying that from us, his office is saying, a mazda is rejected a deal for the release of captives that was proposed by mediators. but him also lisa statement earlier about their demands, which included what they called a full exchange of prisoners. that's absolutely right. now with this statement from the pm's office is actually coming by the intelligence agency most side. and well, they've said is, it's been over a week since the car and meeting a mouse has rejected. the line was tabled by the media as they squarely blame her mass for not getting a ceasefire in place. uh, they say the mass, i do not want a humanitarian deal and the return of all is for just hostages and is continuing to exploit the situation and iran and striving to unite those sectors. and i see a chief, a general escalation in the region is very strong statement, but it's interesting since april 1st we've heard very little on the subject. all
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this is one that goes ations. all the talk has been about around now we've had this, eroni responds and suddenly the problem is office as released as most odd statement . squarely blaming. i'm asked for the failure of deceased by them, and it's likely because they've released the statement. the one reason for it will be because the problem is the, is facing a tremendous amount of criticism for not getting a sci fi deal done and wrong. thank you very much for that. that is and long come on with alexis, live and occupied east jerusalem. the wrong supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has issued a statement saying the malicious design, this regime will be punished. attacking a console, it says like, attacking us soil. he goes on to say the malicious regime has made a wrong move in this case, or outside the bushes, embassy intent on iranian celebrations. the attacks on israel with some people joined the celebrations of vehicles, leaving the homes and waving flags, voucher's, windows, others launched fireworks and chanted. dest is row. this is around 1st,
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as a direct attack on is rarely 10 entry dosage. jabari has moved from pet on operation to promise appears to have wrapped up after over nearly 3 hours of it barrage of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles that were launch towards israel. now, iran has said that this is their rights to defend themselves, and that is why they've launched this unprecedented attack against israel, the reigning foreign minister who sent up to la here on set that iran had given the united states advanced warning. the revolutionary guard issued a number of statement, the last of which said that they had military targets of that's, that was successful. of course, that is being dispute advised really official saying they've sustained minor damage at this is going to be seen by many rings who will wake up to the news on sunday morning as a historic event in the country for over 40 years. iran has been talking about
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a going to war with israel as one of its main adversaries as a result of a number of events. but certainly over the past few weeks, things have really increased the tensions between the 2 countries. after these really are strike in iran console section and damascus killed 7 members of the wrong revolutionary guards. of course, it was not the 1st time israel carried out such an act. this was something that the united nations security council refused to condemn israel for. and that was one of the points made by it when you and diplomats on saturday evening that there was not enough kind of condemnation. and therefore iran felt that it needed to defend itself against the threats coming from israel. and that has been continuing for many years since october 7th, until now in syria or alone. it is rarely airstrikes have killed 18 members of rawlins revolutionary guard. and not only that since 2010 of the 6 nuclear
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scientists in iran had been assassinated, one of them survived the assassination attempts, but all of those attacks iran has but israel for and then the attempt to deter or delay iran, nuclear program. at this certainly will be an events that renews. we'll be talking about as they wake up to the news. what we do know is that the 2 airports enter on the capitals, the domestic one and the international one. man. how about airport and am i'm home in the airport, have to cancel or delete all flights. possibly in preparation for any kind of a retaliatory attack that could be carried out by israel in the coming hours. and the revolutionary guards have also issued warnings to the united states and those countries that have help israel defend itself against the attack that was carried i by or on earlier on saturday, saying that they will also be paying a price for their assistance as they've been providing to israel dosage of bar it
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out to 0 to air on us president joe biden casual weekend trip shoals and rushed back to washington. he's met with his national security team and says us commitment as well as security is on clive. let's bringing our costs on and heidi joe cost or she's joining us live from washington dc. and heidi reaction from the us coming 2nd, foster lasers from the us defense secretary saying they don't seek conflict with the ron. but why don't hesitate to protect their forces? will support as well as defense. he said to that's right, and that is very much in line with the telephone conversation that president biden had with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as this, a tap was unfolding 25 minutes. the 2 liters spent on the phone and reporter we bided, not only telling 9 yahoo that the us will continue to support his relatives defense . but also that the us will not participate reporter lee and any offensive actions
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against iran making that point clear. and also reports that israel has been offering assurances to the us that any sort of next steps it takes will be done in consultation, giving warning to the us prior to any sort of action, military action being taken. and we're seeing leaders in washington now looking forward into what will this next step be? president biden has said that tomorrow on sunday, here in the united states, he is convening the g 7 leaders to talk about a united response to your on the attack on israel. and not only the defense secretary lloyd austin saying that the us does not seek further conflict with the wrong. but those words also echoed by anthony blinking the us state secretary of saying that the us does not want escalation. but he said it is willing to defend israel, as well as defend its own personnel. and heidi, this to reporting or the night very much in line with what we've seen over the past
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6 months of this will publicly, the us is maintaining its support for as well. but we hear that, you know, it's not going to support. and it's really counter attack on rhonda, they have very much concerned about what around who is real valuable, do and response that's right. now the word supported, it depends on how that is defined. what's being made clear according to these reports of the us will not participate in any sort of strike against ron, but how it would respond if israel or to take that measure that has remained remaining to be seen. but really, what does attacks from iran has done at least in washington as galvanized support for israel. there's pending legislation in congress for even additional another. $14000000000.00 of military aid from the us to israel that may be brought finally to the floor in the us house next week. due to the strike. we do know that the
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house speaker has plans to bring some sort of legislation related to the us support of israel under consideration. and so the politics are shifting further and israel's favor here in the united states. that's really interesting, heidi, thank you for that. how does your cost or with the laces live in washington dc? but you insecurity council is holding an emergency meeting on sunday to discuss yvonne's attack. and the secretary general has urged an end to the slicing in a statement. he said, i strongly condemned the serious escalation represented by the law of scale attacked, launched on his rail by a ron. i called for an immediate succession of these hostilities. neither the world, no the regent can afford, and another will. well, we'll join now. what we're doing now by our diplomatic editor james base, and james, you know, what is well promising a response, just how dangerous situation are we and some people right to be asking if we are on the precipice of a much wider will. there is a danger of an all out war. there is
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a danger of miscalculation that makes this a very dangerous moment. but let me just recap where we all april, the 1st of the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. iran says that attack wasn't the attack on it, so it quotes the vienna convention from 1961, which says that you shouldn't attack any diplomatic premises or indices or concepts . israel says that that was a digital bits attack and they say they point to the people they killed, which with top a rated new military officials, including 3 top general 7 killed them, not to talk it took. and i think this is interesting took a wrong so team days before it responded. iran responded. it says that that's totally legitimate under the un johnston article, $51.00 with the do and you and charges. there's nothing in the present shot to should have had the and haven't right of individual or collective self defense. if an armed attack occurs against a member states the united nations. so we've had one complete cycle of this. we've
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had an attack and we've had a counter attack. i think the danger now is if it goes beyond this cycle, if israel responds again, i think you're hearing that wrong as drawing a line onto this for now. the us seems to have had some contact with iran before this took place. some of this may well have been choreographed to a degree. the question now i think is what these riley's do. and remember that prime minister netanyahu his whole career, his primary enemy has been a wrong. so this is a very big test for him, kinda by an administration, restraint. israel. if israel decides to respond, can we make sure it's just a response? we show robin something the cause is modesta because it's, it was noting that with no people killed. yes. in this light is the time like the is there any attack on the iranian embassy? a number of people code including diplomatic stuff. as you said, around to 13 days to calibrate it, to decide on how to how to respond. what does that tell us about how you know,
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how measured or how calibrated yvonne was? and also when you talk about how israel is going to respond and how much of it comes down to the pressure that divided administration can push on as well. well, they haven't been able to get as well to do what they say they want as well to do for 6 months. now. the fact it took 13 days, i think, shows the dilemma that was facing this. i'm at republic. what to do that wouldn't lead to, in a little out will, but would show for domestic consumption. i'm to show the reach and to the strong and they are not going to take a tax on what they say is that sort of them a belief constant is that so it's worth adding in here though. remember um, april the 1st when this took place it was the same day is that will central kitchen at the time is 8 workers were killed and got so i think the writing is also sold the condemnation of israel that i probably didn't want to get in the way of that which played in favor of the narrative. and also i think the writers would have been aware of the ongoing talks about
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a ceasefire and possible release of prison isn't captive. so that may have played in, into, into the delay with regard to the a bite administration. and ultimately they have lots of tools because they all the supply of funds and weapons to israel, a bite and hasn't acted till now bots on in the strong way. but remember what's at stake here, because if we do have an old out rule between iran and israel, that will cause tails in this region, and it will cook kills counts beyond this region. the economic re repercussions of a war involving this region and all the oil and the old price that potentially means joe biden won't be re elected in no time, but so he's got to put a lot of pressure and that's exactly what i was going to come to you, given the wider economic consequences of a possible much why the constitution division could we see the bite of them this tracing, pushing the kind of pressure on israel that we haven't seen over the protection of
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civilians and gaza. i think already you're seeing them using positive words with israel, telling them what's a remarkable capacity to defend against the feet of unprecedented attacks. that's part of the white house statement. came up back trying to praise israel. but behind the scenes the bit you'll see both sitting below the water line. i'm sure there's a great deal of pressure. i'm sure there's been a great deal of pressure since the 1st of april, to be honest. i'm sure the by the ministration will have it's not condemned is ro, publicly was not a tool happy about that attack on the constitution, damascus because they knew, i think anyone who watched it knew that it wrong really have no alternative but to come up with some sort of response, james. thank you. as always for your analysis that side of domestic editor james space. well, let's go to the product as the correspondent and gaza. he's joining us live from the alpha and southern gaza and thought of how people did reacting to yvonne
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strikes one as well. well, yes. did that you, the majority of palestinians were following closely what was happening in the is very from past the, the run you in minutes where you has a has a tax is read with those things of unmanned aerial vehicle was alongside with ballistic crews. messiah was, as they have seen, these messiahs as they were heating, 2 heads is very targets passing through the sky of the gaza strip palestinians. and generally, as we've been talking to them, saying that it was a normal retaliation from the right hand side. regarding the is the very latest attack on the running and constant it in damascus as the it is when the military had targeted it in the area of occasion. but yet they are seeing that it could be a, the sign from the wrong regarding a potential escalation in the region as the flight scene could be spilled over the
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it's clearly to remember earlier that took the law has been engaging in the fight thing since the beginning of the complex here in the tire 3 as a kind of support for the pot of city of our groups. and right now the expands and like iran is joining the bottle after the use by the attack when it's cold. so that could be also a further indication that the situation within the coming hours and they could be completely dalia and difficult. and right now, palestinians are waiting for the east by the rate to the ation as they clearly understand that 50 as well as who conducting different kinds of coordinations in different levels with the american administration regarding its potential attack or retaliation to the running an attack on these very targets are also a people here have been following and seeing the intersection of the majority of the drones and the uh is very, and the running messiah's got hit. these very targets in these very territories and tonic, even as people are following what's being happening from iran over to israel.
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that's been a nothing might've deadly. it's rarely stripes across the gaza itself as well, despite the the runny and i tackle this by the targets as well kept bouncing the gaza strip and the past a few hours and even of the night where a number of residential, hey, buildings have been destroyed in this era, a refugee camp where a number of casualties and victims have folded and then these casualties have been transferred to out until august the hospital to receive medical treatment. and here in a rough up, we've been hearing constant fussing of these very surveillance of drones since the hours of today's morning as they are trying to guide the most carried seats in unintelligence information about potential targets could be attacked within the coming hours. but yet confrontations and bottles us to raging into another pots and then the ser, rochard refugee camp and even in the area between tomas point is and the is very
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ministry. and according to eye witnesses on the ground in the northern parts of a mr. ross refuge account, they have been saying that because they didn't. busy want hope to drones has been opening fire against people in the north of and mr. ross as a part of the is very of ration the as they have restricting in the fact that it's been, is demotion houses, and raising agricultural land, which could be assigned according to a palestinian expense, saying that it could be assigned that as well, is expanding the corey deal with that. it has recently established splitting between the north and the southern part of the gaza strip as the bottom and send out to the really did not stop within the past few hours in that area topic. thank you very much for that that. so correspondent thought a couple was in the, the very latest live in alpha and southern gaza is very set and those of attacking palestinian villages and the occupied westbank. it comes with a missing 14 year old settler, was found dead. the circumstances surrounding his death or unclear,
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but despite the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was cooling at a heinous mode of either. abraham has moved from the occupied westbank to the dust headed startled from friday's arse and attacked by his relatives in the occupied west bank. before settlers again rampaged through postilion villages on saturday. the attack started after a teenage is really secular when missing. the body of the 14 year old was found on saturday near his house in an illegal supplement out post. budget of ideas home was among those attacked only 2 rooms, survived the fire of what we were inside at home. we were having lunch when we were exposed the gun, flash shells and stones, a few hours later behind us. and this, this video of the 2 surviving rooms also being burned. he says he's lucky to be alive. in the same neighborhood on friday is really so close shot that 25 years old
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. she had the idea about that on 2 sides of the settlers and the soldiers were protecting them from the army, shout take us. and then the settlers started shooting towards us. we switched items defend them off, but they were too many to had was visiting us and he just picked from here and was shots on the spot. without doing anything, settlers spread out their attacks from the center to the north of the occupied westbank. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a he and his mother. and let's to bring those are responsible to justice. it's such a justice that palestinian see there denied just since the start of the world garza, the human, has recorded more than 700 subtler attacks against palestinians, writes groups say 94 percent of reported attacks go unpunished. many see the palestinian authority has undermine people's ability to defend themselves. but how the mock, it's
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a complicated political situation. while the international community is silent again, it's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the listing enough to it is doing. it's usually the role of supporting district fastness of budgeting is on their lands. this that's fast and this is a the core of sutler attacks. many c not only in certain villages, but these attacks are taking place also was pedo, simians are on the roads, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. automatically items that could be shut out for such as cause have blocks the roads . the purpose page is a tech this, it's tons in drugs and into the car is going to by the grace of god that you had a live circular groups are calling for more attacks. the result is immunity on, on palestinian population. facing many heavy armed is really satler's who been growing in numbers, increasing their violence. is that what he does either the occupied westbank
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jordan has reopened. it's a space alice off the closing it because of evolves, withdrawn and missed all the tax to was israel. so recapping that may destroy it around launched vitale. a tree attack on is run on saturday night is off of the days of trips, but as rarely say, 300 drones, ballistic and cruise this house belongs to the country. the majority of which were intercepted, the air raid sirens. how does it move in at $720.00 locations for hours of a nice rockets were intercepted across the country. head on says the strikes are in response to as well as the bombing of the iranian conflict and syria 2 weeks ago. as well as some of the treat has told residents that the attack is found. and that's such something elizabeth put on, and for this half hour of news, i will be back with all the nicest developments on that story. and half an hour to
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stay with us to works out to 0 is coming up next. thank you for watching the the weather has not yet settled in the radium peninsula. the still cloud streaking across, which gives a hint this foss twins out there and they tend to cause development. so significant rain of mind which then reaches west and pakistan out of our staff starting to run that means flash flooding, snow on the higher ground of the in do crush as well. bit of a gap towards more shelves developing in northern syria. knowles, and the rock as well. they're not particularly heavy and in between, you think, well, that's not looking bad, but that to changes during monday with a proper revolving system developing, which means big thunderstorms, slow moving. yes, mr. mon,
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into this part of saudi arabia possibly can talk about. right. and then eventually q 8. now any of these could be big enough for some flash funding, but those do look particularly homeless. so the full cost of the ha about funds don't monday and tuesday, gusty winds around them significant, right? potentially they're not necessarily got to develop more likely and savvy. i think the seasonal rain in africa is showing itself on the terms of the in person to come out. that's not quite southwest mostly, but that's what you look for as it develops on its way up towards india. think shouts, the rest that will be great in the see. and more out of the big ones developing in south africa. the examining the headlines is there is hopefully today for the close of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a lender, or do you want to create
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a world where women come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligible era the dominican republic and have him share this caribbean island much more ways than one . the distance neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability, and now and controllable violence. on the other side of the border in the capital samples of legal life looks peaceful and prosperous but looks or to see there are 2 things people agree on this.


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