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tv   Al Jazeera World The Price of Oslo P2  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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holds more beauty is that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view, rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties the hello. this is alger 0 um for the back table. and these are the top stories. yvonne's president has want israel against any retaliation after an unprecedented miss odd and drone attack overnight. it was the 1st yvonne has launched against his route from the radian soil there on said the attack was in response to as well as the bombing of the radian consulate in syria. 2 weeks ago, you run for administer assessed, avon inform the us. it's a tax against israel would be limited. so saying, i mean i've, the law had met with 4 and i'm bassett, or his intake of on to discuss the strikes. how much the motel it should be. as you
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know, last night, the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck, design is resumes, military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense. and to punish these really wishing in these actions are forces with precision use both drones and missiles to target a military site in israel, which houses f 35 jets. they had use the site to attack a consulate in damascus. and it was this site which we struck. coffee, meanwhile, is, or as prime minister benjamin this now is you to meet with is will cabinet within the next hour, he's under pressure from the us to avoid any further escalation, iran con, as more from occupied east coast. it is very interesting because we haven't had a response to the attack them from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we have heard from these where you present the foreign minister. we've heard from the ministry spokesman,
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or we've heard from the defense minister praising the defense of israel as being a spectacular victory. not just the israel, but israel, and is the us and israel and these other allies. so we perhaps a thing can we, we a likely to hear something from the prime minister off to that meeting concludes, it will be tough woods against the wrong. that's for sure. that's what everybody is expecting to hear. well, governments around the world accounting for restrained on all sides, the united nations security council is you to hold any emergency meeting in the coming hours. the european union foreign policy chief, joseph morales, call the situation a grave threat to regional security. while the u. k. condemned the attack. it is clear that iran is determined to so discontent and the stabilize the region. it's a backyard that's very clear from its actions. if this attack had been successful, the full house or regional stability would be hard to overstate. and we stand by
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the security as well and the wide region, which is of course, important for us security here at home to what we now need. it's a comm heads to prevail in guys, several palestinians have been injured off. today's really forces open fire on them in guys, a city hundreds of displaced families were trying to return from central guys that to the north, along a coastal road. more than a 100 kind of simians were killed by his release. my fears on the same road in february, while collecting food dates and other wells use officials in southern russia say around a 1000 homes with flooded in the city of oregon burg. and the last 24 hours water levels of the euro river, which runs to or in for it's on now thought to be subsiding, having reached nearly 12 meters. so forty's in the city told thousands of residents evacuate immediately on friday that in australia,
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police investigating the killing of 6 people in a sobbing attack. say the nice man had a history of mental health problems. 4 year old jo coach, he was shot dead during his rampage at a shopping mall and sidney on saturday. a 9 month old baby was among 12 people meeting hospital treatment for their injuries. german chancellor olaf shows has arrived in china on a 3 day visit and that improving relations shows is expected to thrice germany's commitment to doing business with badging. a strip comes as the e. u pushes back against chinese states subsidies for its green technology, including electric cars and a nigeria commemorations of being house 10 years after the abduction of the nearly 300 school girls bible, colorado, into buck. so i kidnapped by the on 142014 in northeast and she bought some of the girls are still in accounted for those on the headlines next. they sanchez here. what of the
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in september 1996. that could be adjusted out of also known as of chicago. single. quite obviously the negotiations leading here were secret and mediated by norwegian politicians. the talks were conducted to shuttle organizations to maintain secrecy cover everyone's tracks. they also trade union think tanks, thoughtful, did a study in the early nineties and the living conditions of palestinians in occupied territories. but it was a cover for the secret negotiations between the p l. o and israel
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as part of those standards of living survey that was undertaken in the palestinian areas. i had the authorized money for this project. and these were the money that could also fund the talks in austin of mostly would have not started if for example, $5.00, it would have not invited us to go to a know we are is you that a fucking with a pay for yourself? also it does not happen. i mean this is so funny, things like that's life or what we did when it came to stationary. all the papers well also from the full page, but in order to leave no traces of any kind of official norwegian enrollment disease was 12. so then i decided to use the need to search institute
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file for data adoption and also handle software at the time. so they also asked me to of miss, out of, out, to, to receive the tide either lawson in to this the practice didn't want to do it directly with the foreign ministry because they wanted that to have what they priced deniability. so in december 1992, i flew to doing this, another off of the bottom of this the hoover celia and will step but clearly 50 said, why don't i cut mad kid? that's not a b o. a lot of the young, the keep the juvenile conflict and give it to focus if let me put this in and it gives you hope of, you know, this was the quote, the policy for both of them that had a cup is let me from the high level yeah, i mean, well, but the class that this, i'm a say i want that to tell a little slap about my might be somebody one of the show up in this house 100 kilo,
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which is also near the swedish board, choose readings, 3 palestinians, and 4 norwegians met 3 times in early 1953. these gatherings lead to what later became known as the cause of the account. the also negotiations actually started with 2 bodies. one of them is me. the other is a look to use for and we were to look at the missions with huge knowledge about the history of the conflict. we will always clean as if we are presenting, bathing and post. i had also my contacts with in the naval party, as i knew, you'll see bailey and i knew she won't feel that she won't pit us was a friend of my parents. so i knew him very well home, kind of how we do non refundable fee be the, you know, home. okay. do you mean that would up at the, on the go see i see nothing home, nothing. so the thought seamless. the 2nd slide kind of had these and has a what,
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what, what do most of them i did that beautiful boy that came with 2 people that didn't know we just didn't know and thought that they were used by the gods, but they were one is close in a school for us from the office of, of mazda and, and 2nd is it might include up to mind, to go to west palm that cannot big was an economy economic export from the office of a, of a couple of miles off on the whole negotiations language was in english. yeah. and when ever seeing and felt the need to say something which is, well actually, you know, because i talked in albuquerque and was fun thing to english by my cooled and we both of us, we knew it'd be a big so we could also assist or feet mentality. yeah. amazing about what and home i live in. yeah, i phone and heavy. he a little follow up. see twice. and then the reason government it must have been 3
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or 4 people. the problem is to my sense, son defends, when is that the devil had the meeting with the 12 sultan, but in his office he said no, but the presents no, no love you be involved with that. the one a full where you live at it for people from the only means to every lot. then they all this, but i must follow them. and this, this, once again, the method of desirability. then we just team which was based on mainly on the deputy administer for the for us. yeah, they go onto his right hand more than you the wife started. i'll send and tell you, lawson, we started talking about a very private things, families, some so they grew up their wives, their kids, and in order to have them to relate to each other as human beings. they had to live in the same house, had breakfast, lunch, dinner together,
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and not leave the premises for the time that they were there. because theater edwards associated and let them go see it, and look up on the the and then they will follow up on with a see what would be shifted when the truck in the area and the by you done with it and then add them that denny and none of which they had because of the order of the a big of a i proofed and dead with my boss top. i started back that we could do this and i kept him updated, threw out the a detox. but he did not participate in any of the talks, but as they went back, we were very active both on the phone in order them because they didn't obviously didn't speak to each other. them. so be where sort of the message is going to uh to the 2 of them when photos to us. um and of course we also them tested out. so i'm
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in certain things either for the published in 2 days, well as the vice versa. maybe do think you could accept if we did like this. so we do like the 7 am and this kind of thing. they were able to play this very senior sleep people, the old office soldier, the end of a genuine. meaning if we needed coffee, the deputy minister for the 1st would have come with coffee. if we needed an idea he would come with a deal if we needed that somebody would speak with him for administer christopher state department. so the same man who bought us coffee was also able to speak with christopher, which is from our point of view, was a classic of environment. allowing us to dictate what should be available. and it was present to us the best. in his book, the new middle east simone, pat as roach, the norwegians with a gift from having after the 1st kind of tools,
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this really is began drafting what they called the declaration of principles. the 2nd meeting was to pay some sleep form, which they tell was from my point of view, the most caution meeting to make this meeting of 2 sites into a china and what happened that was that we came with the people once i was discussed with the baby sort of paper and endorsed it because the logic also is that you started with the easiest and then you postpone the most difficult, hoping that the parties would find a way as they walked that road to resolve the more difficult issues, all the difficult questions, security jerusalem post union refugees, borders your name it. all of them are taken off on they should not be
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discussed, these vc and how they could come when it will not go through it. i need to own how in the use of the particle sofa. and then you have to come make sure and then they go up. what should then be discussed is both a sofa rule for the policy and ends in call. so in this most mostly for jericho, it was south rule on. so i think type specific area, us educational tourism health, and so one of them up and in the head the media isn't and to go on an active for today, you know, shifting the thought that come good in the know feed the name over to the info so you need who deals, who went on the deputy attack, she had the having to do that by oh, but what, i have a hope to cut them up the new fold while it says well, ready to let the students on their own life and the
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environment to have a settlement government to sort of inc, also the problems that we had in the negotiations in washington which led us to know well, my counterpart, you'll see bayman who my tech to contact with, sold that numerous progress was made in the tops with a blonde who, who was relieved on the pillow side and would not have made his concessions without guessing all knowing and clearing it. a mazda was also involved throughout the adults continued in stop store near ocean 2 days a month. meanwhile, the official public negotiations in washington dc came to an abrupt halt when israel expelled 400 policy cities to monetize a quote in some kind of a month. yeah,
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any. you can look them in the document in the news, to help you most of the items in what casa, look to some of the best they look at most to show the why you some about a young and biased send word to tennessee. there's out of fund approved as well as 1st proposal was that the pillow could have gotten a gauze. and jetta card and specifically that message related to a piece process not go beyond that. that's what we use each and the 1st full month's was a document that you called this also with the document which was from our point of view it pre negotiation document. we never thought that this document could be signed by the senior default that may be on the american embassy and also to fix me off with a sick shoreline to state department. so i went up there and had updated
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them to 3 times on progress towards the the sup support. gov, the initial prost agreement. that was february 1993. it was february and march. and a point where we did these things and, and the tell us talking about even gave the, the origin of a draft 1st version of the r squared agreement. if you'd like to warn christopher. and he was very interested in this us secretary of state warren christopher was tracking both the secret also and the official washington negotiations. these writers decided that after 18 months, the washington talks, we're not going to reach agree united states as eric, along with our co sponsored, by our role as partners in this process to assist in any way we can
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we always full anything that would make life easier provided security and kind of sustain you don't know how frustrated we are. so we, uh we came here with a strong nose with the uh, to show our intention about to piece but something new. we come up to the, the responsibility or continuing with the piece process that's not promising. i just kinda wanna start on a domestic remote cliff assignment for the cd. wow. but i remember when i had the nobody knew anything about the agenda, and when it was, it was some knowledge. we immediately drunk, you were able to quiet it. we were all costs criticized for the secrecy
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visited out this eagles here. it was no to have worked at all. the norwegian prime minister of the 9 seemed a default to another foreign minister, a bite to begin. a new role is un ice maker and a friend. in a former day of the uh, i a who says i should be able to contribute to a peaceful solution. i didn't really want to load the bulk. and that was because i would like to see the of the process too. because i haven't been able to misty stolen book success, it was folded administer. what's his brother in law? former defense minister, your hon. you all can host my host had been a strong supporters of israel and since the early seventies you're on your going to watch sports really very keen on us for us to do whatever we could to make progress
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. he had already had sync notes from tell. yeah, but last and then when i use who of course knew him well for me on the hate bag. his wife worked at 54 in new enough and i believe informed him that i was also sending him messages in the off and they did some in the beginning. i sent that from welcome to him, but he was my adoption info. this challenge, most of. busy today did, it may use that for the often mr. host had become mean sort of for the s the is really, is also introduced a new face at the also talks their general manager, the phone administer, who east of when the farm and stuff. this asked me to look at this document and
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then potentially participate in this channel. i was very glad, i think that's something good and happy to be a little. they finally began to see that the stronger will lead them nowhere us. that's actually the biggest enemy is the biggest ally and thought to is what that meant for the 1st time that the sort of small cottage up at the home and call me system famous ski. jump in the ski area in the just right outside. also on the left left of the i told him called park hotel, which is a hotel next door dentist viewed with the web. did you say, i think he said in our, our flats. uh, that's the, that's my, that's why it's best buy it. yeah. but i'm a big believer in secret negotiations. so at the end, the public knows the outcome and not the intermediary concessions. and that's what we knew we had about 2 or 3 months. and it's 3 months we did it in this hotel near
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oswald booty. sylvia used his 1st meeting with the palestinians. distress 32. breaking is really conditions. first, no negotiations over jerusalem on the return of refugees. second, no un involved or international arbitration. and start that the public facing washington talks. continue empowered with the secret negotiations. palestinians accepted all 3 the but the soviet tunnels. and i also have examples of this, the new i have still not much more as i did the wind them into. huh. i don't know more like an animal strategy. you have the lives that his youth or the someone, patterson doesn't have the admin booked up with
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a being side of. so do i show some of all the noise moves? images, the joys single contribution was to ask hundreds of questions on the other side to really understand what, what this would mean. how people would treat this, what would be the them as a count, the part they think felt it was quite offensive. and one way to begin tara data like that, and then the hospital, it took me to the, to as a qualified and was told to needs. and one of the collectors are to do to an hour on the miles on the man. and he's bottom, not a center, then we'll have them out to who, who's with us define? well, if it isn't good enough to look at the gun on a level side, you know, so, yeah, i mean, i do, i have, i didn't match last muscles you to be he and then the level of telecom i'm at aol while as well as the lawyer and joe saying, acted as legal advisor to the is really administrative defense. following his 1st
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meeting with the palestinians, he headed to vienna to meet patters. let's come back from a dinner and your wakes up and he looks at him. and i say or said fun minister if we don't make an immediate deal with these, people will compete complete idiots for 5 months later in july 1993 and the result of hover still single presented the amended declaration of principles document setting out the details of palestinian, the toner, it clearly stated that autonomy wouldn't include the settlements, or military zones, or jerusalem. and the israel would remain in charge of security and the protection of settlers. so what you're thinking of data. he deconstructed, it, made it into a document with the legal aspect. they put a students,
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one should understand, were shocked because suddenly all the things that they were saying. but they were afraid to see them was black and white. and it was a tough day for them. the palestinian delegation saw the serious implications of seeing this document and so returned to choose to confirm with the leadership of 5 to one to 3 launch is the dairy queen area into the jordan river. so we would have southern hold on his relationship with john. um and that was quite an argument that certain uh sort of these of accounts so like cetera and like you never negotiations comes the ending them game was conductive, but also going to to as soon as cook in single mall instead of you fully,
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you know, the public so i'm going to put that on the call, lee, the amend. what kind of really a hold of that up for her to fun with them on the left default coming up. i know, and i'll tell you what jen done. what godaddy the for any, it was very, very useful them to, to, to have the opportunity to discuss these issues. also directly with our fact i'm the i'm, we were then soto also able to, to, to communicate that i'm to, to, there's well off of these meetings that are off helped to tired lawson. a lawyer went back to jerusalem to the whole just rarely came and told this road is ever think
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of our thoughts hub, type on them and even like to pretend by heart to set look, even though i liked her, i left her. um, i think 11 pages in minutes from the meeting, giving the letter um in minutes was by road. uh oh, our thoughts opinions where he's faulty townhouse something or lose something. oh, this was given to this rex. i was more sort of a judge mental i'm, i'm where the palestinians, i'm a matter of fact in particular where on the, on sort of the whole idea of waging an agreement you, on the i can hold was the very much of writing 9. he always wrote things and he wrote almost everything himself, i mean working for him was very difficult of working with our minister because he, he a he and every time when a with to me days and the 1st thing i'm on the plan set down and he wrote down his impressions and so so that was the way. so he looked so the it was very much of
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a personal letter. so this letter was handed to mr. perez at that time. yeah. yeah . yeah. extracts of these letters later appeared in personal memoirs, but no official record of their contents has ever been fine. in the norwegian foreign ministry a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered to state tile up, seize, thank goodness, we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say. no double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves,
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the chest. wow. the individual now more the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many
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people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue the smell of that is all over power. as always is 0 correspondence. that's what we strive to do. the hello again. i'm 40 becky boy in doha with the headlines on alger 0 yvonne's president has warned israel against any retaliation. after an unprecedented miss saw in drawing a tank over night, it was the 1st. yvonne has launch against israel from a rainy and soil. there on said the attack was in response to his draft, the bombing of the rainy and consulate in syria. 2 weeks ago. iran sworn minister says tehrani inform the us states attacks against his route would be limited for saying, i mean, up to law he had met with for investors into iran to discuss the strikes. how much
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the mortality, so deep as you know, last night the forces of the, as long as republic of your on struck design is where she is. military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing in these actions are forces with precision use both drones and missiles to target a military site in israel, which houses f $35.00 jets. they had use the site to attack a consulate in damascus. and it was this site which we struck israel's foreign minister benjamin. that's yeah. how is you to meet his goal cabinets? he's under pressure from the us to avoid any further escalation, governments around the world or calling for restraint on all sides. the united nations security council is holding an emergency meeting in the coming hours. and guys, i mean, while several palestinians have been injured off days, really forces open fire on them in guys,
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a city hundreds of displaced families. we're trying to return from central guys. i to the north along a coastal road. more than a 100 policy needs with keels by is really smart phase on the same route in february, while collecting food, 8 and other world news officials in southern russia say 10 days of devastating spring slides have passed to a peak water levels of falling in the bodily histories of or in bergen or thousands of homes have been flooded in the region and the neighboring cost expense. and the nigeria commemorations are being held 10 years after the abduction of nearly 300 school girls by book around they were kidnapped by the alms group in 2014, in the northeastern town of to bach. some of them is still unaccounted for. i'll have the i'm just there and use are for you in 30 minutes. so i'll just say well continues next or
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in the secret negotiations between the palestinians and israel. nobody's role is mediator was key. but those involved were careful always to cover their tracks. here the new books. oh, she must pass for a minute just to raise pro. they'll see bathing deputy for municipal race rose, resolve year of chief negotiator or is role also will never, many paragraphs cool thing from secret original documents like this that day. for instance, how the received from the legion foreign minister still in the which means to them for an offense. no copays, nothing from the period o 20th of january when you started until the end of august, it was lost. it was no documents, no main most. just nothing from won't have actually been going on in this
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secret. also project the we found out the type of his last name. he house. he has admitted that he house, many of his secret documents himself to and he refuses to give them back to the leech. that's great to do the secret negotiations. the negotiations through administrators very difficult because it has to be written reports. lots of people that have to know about it. if you do it with the research institute, you can have just a tiny little group of people. and there's no jew to report in, in writing. so, and this is also how. ready secrecy was a, was kept the secret host parents conversations,
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let them to believe that the time had come to finalize a deal that is edit historical to resolve the understanding points on the phone. that's the cost in sweden. we are opening extra the hotline was the invite, invites that no region full administer and probably allow center. and when that you would have to be the go between the sitting in the room together with the, your single a fucking, he's the mind tony's feel lately. it default kind of wish to be. i'm to say that i know i'm a believe i know full on the edge, any shape and then apply that woman to match was have to know what time is that the model of imagine the why fi is that uh can more than one of them in a spot yeah, yeah. i'm more of
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a soft product. will she be mfc valley? yeah, i need a job. i have to be, you know, who did it for that and see, and of course, excuse me. this was, it happened that i was going to have that on to, to and couldn't the, how the infinity of the, of outcome see the bottom. uh uh boom. as in why there has been us for a few shots, lived in atlanta, martin and boy as good as the the american yakima hos lots was talking to us all sense and those could you see on the phone for the 1st time a father and his people and this is this, this all 6 of those 7 issues. all the old standing issues from the 6 rooms of
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secret negotiations in june and july in norway will result in this 7 hour phone call, which would still come into this in his book mode, abbas is 8 over called the called a 7 hour phone call. and it's the conflict of the 20th century, the palestinian people took the 1st steps towards freedom and 2 months of patient that coal achieved what couldn't be done in 20 months, a few times, negotiations in washington to also let me of them. and that can do this in the far where they can meet w for this. they me you most delicate bed of to laquita had that'd be her get no. yeah. i mean at the you the email you haven't i'm not sure i left the addendum. you may feel i'll be directed by on google i concluded right mode where you put it a little more. who if you saw the thought of what that follow for the other half
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will live? yes, i that even what if you have a strong and weak talk to the strong party is the strongest it is. this is the reality of the what. and if then you have a strong party that is backed by the super power of the world, the united states. it makes that strong party, even stronger in this government guest house, in ozone. and in absolute secrecy, the declaration of principles was initial by both sides. the secret side was from find the region intelligence, and the footage later used in a documentary for public tv and no, the black not being much more emotional, then we had thoughts. i mean, he, he, he felt this was astronomic in a way that he would be greeted by one of the,
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the lead this of official s around like sort of the deals some inmate do these studies 400 instead of what have both amongst for you to pay those you latest, google and hugo, you at a single, then it goes to $1.00 smell. lemme use his spell. old pull test, one print. so the money in google is so host search gloomily on the hey, bill, boston midnight. they negotiate this, come to the government guest house, and then schuman paris is a witness. as the official initial thing happens with all be a savvy, an apple, while signing this you on the organ host will not tell you. and i stand behind them the
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we have the law of what they call the secret police of the them the time. then doing sort of the that the film, the field link or the video it and we have sort of prepared the little speech is the feel pro to do something and the whole. but now that you entered into a new bit o fill up the openness of building donal barriers and building up new cooperative arrangements and structures that you will remember that they are always there if you ever and again the lead our service. but the task is yours. on the 1st,
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just to open the doors of peace. i've done this driving to achieve cooperation. people a lot to have lead us by to the breast. you're so lucky. the boys like that we can see montera is and is the host and uh, the 2 of his stoffers and, and 1 of june and myself, we flew secret the secretly to a military base. and we'll just start to the store in august 19. 93 in um uh point magoo and in california, i mean such, so really because uh warren christopher uh, sort of looked at it and then they turn to to that as well. so and they said that is what do you think? and then then it said, i think this is quite from that as
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a follow up. so to have the file relief, the declaration of principles said that the goal of the israeli palestinian negotiations was to establish a contest in authority for the transitional period of up to 5 years. it will begin with the is really withdrawal from the gaza strip and gender come and is ready forces, which would be re deployed outside the populated area. the final negotiations with a start in year 3 is real and was to continue to be responsible for external security the safety of settlement and the overall safety of the is ringing enough for the i'm at johnny is that you submitted my you by the guy that often
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will filed when i send you a letter in about 4 percent off the chef i did of those. so if you ask the palestinian negotiating teams, legal advisor in washington, francis boiled to assess the declaration board, published in the newspapers while replied that it was the same declaration of principles that they rejected in washington. it's a limited autonomy of the inhabitants. he said, without any control over the last outdoor show off. he st. boyles comments 2 out of 5, but he never received a reply. this is the mixture of previous sale, food i statements that, that the palestinian leadership in the occupied territories always refused signing . as i think edward site said it and said a couple of logic was that he wrote in arabic and english before before the signing
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took place. and i think he was deeply shocked. having read the declaration of cancer in these articles, edward saw you wrote that the p l o had reduced itself from a national liberation movement to a small municipality. it was what he called the decay of the piano leadership against the coming of israel. clearly loved the saw, the deciding shed the in the hack, the middle of us getting is to the, in the not caught it. so last a yet in it that out. and then he a little for me, that thing for the state brother, man, i'll hop of somebody unless you're back about i don't know how to for to see what sort of thing is your check in a couple of things. but anyway, my dislike difficult spoken about she cannot yet, theresa's now no bombing estimate audits are still in doing that size. so he took it off to the news of the secret. also negotiations at the least,
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it was inevitable that the 2 sides would bring things into the public arena. as we all started to use, the norwegians like to demand further concessions. just wanted me to see if you see the ideally what, what that was negative. so what he, what he does is be fall asleep that have been one of the me going westfield, the sharpest as to completes. the mutual recognition is real stipulated that the piano not only run guns, type over some, but also commit to prevent all forms of violence. tenant was added encourage the palestinians to have a normal relationship with israel, from now on out of 5 agrees and host to, to choose to witness out of thoughts sign these letters. yes you had signed it from my point of view,
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the exchange of letters some more important than agreement. it says because the exchange of letters is doing the silica shift, the norwegians celebrated with patters and sophia, and israel green. and on the, based on the piano is commitments is really not recognized the piano and agreed to negotiate with the backend. june is the piano established the palestinian authority, which would gradually become the umbrella organization for the palestinians. as ladies and gentlemen, mister erica chapman of the executive council of the palestine liberation organization is excellent. see you talk ravine. prime minister of israel, the president of the united states. the you probably thought you didn't was the only one who, who not be. this is a cool, but then with that and with the head that i'm going to get,
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i let the i know i people assume rob feel i be the woman way is feeling might have had a deal about the my mean i just listed natalie had an injury as it already happened . yeah, i mean i'm gonna see the common 11 coupling to common mama block by the end of the up but the that the but the guy, the doors are opening for yes or arrow fast at the us state department, champagne. and the laughter swapping all the grass with the israelis a 100 shakes with secretary of state prison over then the students have an agreement with this will bring them closer to washington. and we understood that you can make an agreement. this can be granted and it will open up the relation. so we are one bedroom relates. this was easy to john. well, the strategic deal. we were accepted by the word relations in austin, of would move dramatically into this offices embassies its authority. though
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this immediately allowed general dentists to enter into serious negotiation with these, leading you later into a peace agreement with us in georgia. we accepted with that, but a stance to all sorts of forms of for us that we would not accept it before. huge investments came through as well. a mega companies in the chinese japanese, everybody came johan jo, conserves doing full mostly to your hand holes in norway played in a central part and helping to turn the middle east from a cauldron of hospitality into a cradle of hope. later in 1994 out of 5, that is and dropping all awarded the nobel peace from, you know, as, what are you who was moved to the norwegian embassy in his way either husband,
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tati. i was on the lawson to the us working for the amount of studies responsibility for monitoring the terms of also therefore no cost to the is really on not only were not invited to negotiate, but i would say that or so i would advise at that time was there just evaluating some a even you'll see, bailey was to be pushed aside. not only as it was given most of the military molar to the army, most of the security services the media to do this is where it was for the 1st time . expose to buy stimulus, get negotiations of the secret. i mean, most of the 100 of the new york, you let them the and they say, well, i'm a father and not a football for the city after that. how well, how did you? well i but let to set it in a minute window to see some i'm not much i left some of the form old much i've had that it is. i didn't, i mean, i feel off i'm with the bed the,
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i mean what and see if i'm the, i'm in the, the quarterly is, i'm up not the bucking the whole idea. and we government who way more than the full scan. and i'll say in the default a while you're a good luck on here. honestly need to post is the top of that as well as up. let me see how far out of how he may be. he gave too many concessions to easily people got used to him giving up by the end of the market. i'd expect to get him to pay more the thank you very much, mr. brown to the game. and then if the negotiation, the
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next available basel, if it was you to see the land, be the owner or she, me, so i am in the city of here will be so i am, can you not the, i'm a you would be the ample hernandez del shuttle me to log in and repeat the long send me the now for us, do you need the full visit that subs? i'm do not. you will need the whole at the stem of this to the for the, for the so you have enjoyed see that you have the why that'd be a huge motor on the road that would have left to me. i'm still couldn't see it. and then we got to find that as well. yeah, yep. so delicate clock and demand quote, $100.00 thing without them is do i have to select hawaii x with that? no see at the origin for you? hold in order. don't nice get in with daddy, just see it. hey, legal is really set on the just the westbank has continued since 1993 of us to
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indians believe that the oslo accords ultimately benefited israel more than themselves. the dis, expansion on the ground is part of the price they have paid for. also product cuz isn't, is really ex spouse on the satellites. and he tracks their development. the westbank constitutes 150 area of historic palo starting today. more than 700000 illegal is really settlers live in the occupied palestinian territories. that is in the west bank and east jerusalem for also agreement is actually the best thing which happened to visit early settlers. and these really set up an enterprise because it's the creative, exactly the basic conditions which this kind of projects can blooming widely published in the population was supposedly taken care of by the p a. and there was supposedly some kind of
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a piece process conducted between the pillow and is a 60 percent of it was bank we made open for his rated developments. this is exactly what you see here. it's a period which is red, had intensively and effectively used in order to over triple the number of years. right. is that the west bank and to change completely completely the reverse of the west banks? that's good. another good example is of course the bypass system which is just under how this all bypass system was created after all. so the where the year is between 90932000, which is really a population growth in the west bank rich. the face, the fastest space of growth ever, it was easy is the the entire,
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almost the entire bypass system voice back, the tireless roads. and what a system, the power electricity system was. they actually hardly have to see any apps today in their community going to data computing between the settlement and the original . one cannot underestimate how important the bypass system was for the development of this or civilian reality, which was created in the west bank. and the bible system affected modern, efficient transportation infrastructure is a for condition for the development of this kind of communities. she felt the best defined years into the cafeteria, but the way that's defined here is the glen. these are the pop jews should have derived into east within to become citizens. this is my view is,
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i don't know if there is a majority of students on the how wrong this is the end of this new stadium instead of the walk in the fitness be in have the budget that the kind of walk clearly live up to him. and know how the, the so can it, how well the menu need in the color as good as thought to genius fight and lead them a flock. how had they done looked up the yeah, the philistines on west, if not, and for the answer to so can the, the are you didn't call need willie, are you shy? difficult that did. did that what the resume was those books i filled out a bit though. yeah, i get the fucking yet. the most so cool. cool. find you have to talk to you buffy notebook. love them. look, look on the quality. fucking yeah. do you need it slightly and i think that's about to and also i know that well if, if i but then i'm not difficult, sufficient old is, you know, if i should own as well develop was the fashion that ma'am. and then this
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definitely listed in, well, i can now can imagine ma'am, i'm witnessed but i definitely said id. say she said, do i have these are the most well yeah, i know it was who are i doesn't that's listed in a little different than how i really need to have that in just what i can says. i am not workman's advocate for southern ocean to, to send the german southern a daughter. one of them is the power of attorney dishonor. so probably pull up our connect to the wire. some of them for some nice you the and they also little towards where and achievement and the role of norway crucial. but they ultimately proved to be only a stage and the ongoing conflict between the palestinians and the, as randy's and the search, but a just and lasting peace still continues today. the
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killing of i'll just return it is shooting of a hawk. that was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom, of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction that the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed in the occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for their death. shooting the messenger $10.00 to 0. the, there's been recent street funding in paraguay because to some of the stones in this part of the world kind of going down to was here to go in the southeast of brazil have been slow moving and quite heavy. and that story carries on through sunday and quite possibly monday is of assistance this circulation. so attempted to come right down the change of seasons. kaylee is a policy all the southern options. he has probably enjoyed nice warm sunshine at
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about 23 degrees. north of this and the seasonal rains once again and becoming heavy in the final piece of reserve. and it's a bit of a break. and they show themselves up again as ecuador, west, and columbia, as quite heavy as well. and beyond. that's the trade been to picked out so fairly frequent light shows in some of the smaller ones. and the bigger shows may be in the so the house tex and k cost haiti and jamaica, and that line can be stretched back to nicaragua, wherever a few showers are likely the us and canada different story. now the want to spread again, the northeastern states eastern kindly where recently, i mean, recently we saw snow. can you still snow potential over the rockies, all right, safe in california. i'm sure you are feeling disappointed with snow on demand is but right, right. that's the case in san francisco to ally on sunday. the
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. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest? wow. the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest factor? is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, often months of fight with thousands of people killed and millions from that house. what does the future hold for?
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sit down and it's people to sit down context one year out to 0. the the services in use our own ouch is 0. i'm 40 back people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is or as we'll cabinet debates, whether to retaliate against the ron ford's massive drone and miss sila tax over nice avon launch several 100 jones and miss hahn's in the attack most were intercepted is or as allies condemn me runs the time for us supports for a counter strike against iran is limited
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also this hour in gaza is really force is open 5.


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