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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the bottom line investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe now to sierra the main thing of israel's war cabinet ins and made reports of disagreement to an action against the wrong. i'll set low some major training in miss auto talk. the, the cloud goods is out 0 life and also coming up united nations security council meeting to discuss their own strength on israel meeting was requested 5 is really a g. 7 lead is renewing that support for his roland, say around the retaliation risks provoking, i'm uncontrollable,
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regional escalation in gaza is ready for us is they've been far on civilians trying to return the so we'd be getting into the way as well as will cabinet is reportedly being unable to agree on what action to take off the unprecedented the rainy and miss all and try and strike over nights. it is the 1st time the radiance of directly targeted israel from iran. ministers once responds, but a divided over the timing and its scale. the right in say they both in response to the bombing of that conflict in syria 2 weeks ago. revolutionary going, come on, this were killed in that attack. speaking ahead of me, thing will cover that member and again said that israel will respond when it feels the time is right. well, now you should be gone. and the interface we'll see are honestly,
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that we will do the regional coordination, but exactly the price from it on, you know, we, on the time that suits us on so on. most importantly, in the face of the board and was designed to how much we will unite and become stronger. and it's cool to around a $300.00 range range as well as ballistic and cruise missiles were funded as well on saturday night as well says most were intercepted by us defense systems. the security council was meeting to discuss iran's attack on israel. the meeting was requested by israel and they want the council to condemn yourselves is read also wants to counsel this to designate your reigning revelation regards a terrorist organization. i. let's sketch right away, live to the united nations. gabrielle is on the, is standing by for us and gay, but the delegation is beginning to arrive at the un security council. the verizon passive is right around the world. what are we on to supposing? yeah, yeah, that's right. this meeting was just gabbled into order by the president,
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the security council that's a vanessa frazier. she's the multi use ambassador to the united nations from malta . they hold the presidency of the security council for the month of april. were expected to hear right at the top from the secretary general himself, who will be addressing the security council in what is a very high profile, high stakes speech. i should say. he's been following events very closely throughout the night. and we expect to hear from the secretary general momentarily, i believe within the next few. let's go to the secretary general antonio gutierrez speaking now, and the security council chambers. now is the time to the fuse and the escalates. now is the time for maximum restraints to this emergency session, as we convened the bone, imagine the request by the government. and so we presented it to you is a israel who know, did the newsletter, they did 17,
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they billed to the president of the security council that the, that and had launched in by quotes a detect the tech from we did. it's very thought a of more than 200 a do a view schools, me size and ballistic me silenced, was israel in clear violation of un shot at the need some national law and quote, yesterday, defendant 3 positions. either these, let me republic avita and also address the left the to the president of a security council state. think that and the quotes that i talked with. a zip sits in april 2024. these let me clean probably compete on getting involved a series of military strikes on these valley military objectives and quotes. you stated that the action was taken in by quotes, in the exercise of heat on either end to the rights to self defense. as outlined in article 51 of the chart, a 3rd of united nations. and these response to these re all,
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you'll be cutting military aggressions, but equally, it's out of the effect on when april 2024, the games either any of the people of magic premises and quotes. according to the lights as 3 parts either and launched ended as of those and me sizes, but i'm, it's pretty thought towards israel. we'd most intercepted several of the side is reportedly stuck with these rarely 3031 of which damage. and these are the only media teddy facility in the south of the country. and overall, if you'll see feelings, what insurance made them presidents? when the nature of the attack became clear, as i stated the following last night. and i quotes as i strongly condemn the seed, is escalation to be presented by the lobster guy at tech launched on isabel by these let me keep property because heat on these evening and i called for an
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immediate cessation of these little steel. it is n quotes. i remind all member states that the chart that of the united nations, but only beats the use of force against the fed. it's our integrity or political independence of any states or in any other manner. you can assistance with the purposes of united nations. furthermore, the principal, if you feel ability of people of math, you can call sooner, but i'm just using personnel must be respected in all cases in the car to business with the international law. as i stated when condemning the when a bill of tech on the day the and consulates in damascus, made them presidents. it's time to step back from the building. it's vital to avoid any action that could lead to measure the military confrontations on multiple fronts. in the middle east, civilians that already bedding the brands and paying the highest price. and we have
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a share the responsibility to actively engaged all parties consent to prevent further the escalation. as for the nations declaration of 9070 states at 70 prizes only involving the use of false ballads and that international law, we have a shared responsibility to secure to the media, to many, 10 of the 2 sliding guys, the, the media, to them conditional release of hostages and unimpeded, they leave the agreement that he needs. we have a share, the responsibility to stop violence. the, the occupied left the bank, the escalate, the situation along the blue line, and re establish safe navigation in the, let's see. or we have a shared responsibility to work for peace, but he is no ending the global piece of security out of being undermined by the
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hour. neither the region, none of the worlds can afford more water. thank you. hi time to say christian betsy, are you inside the general and tiny gutierrez saying it is time to step back from the brink. it is vital to avoid any action that could lead to major ministry confrontations on multiple fronts. i to, in the middle east, you said the civilians are already bearing the privilege of paying the highest price. we have shared responsibility said internally gutierrez, to actively engage all parties concerned to prevent further escalation. that's across to gabriel is on the he's on his life and united nations monitoring everything that's going on there. this a un security council meeting which has been cooled by his relevant, gave me your integrity general. that saying that the shared responsibility to seek peace here as yeah, that's right. i think if anything came out of this, it's the word caution. he's a cautioning the world really to step back from the brink of his words, words. the middle east is on the brink,
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is the secretary general said the people of the region are confronting a real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. theirs and the secretary general's job is not really to take sides. and he certainly did not do that in this somewhat brief speech that he gave here to the security council. but you could tell that he was really laying out the international law, the boundaries that of international law that all member states, he says, of course, need. and should abide by, he referenced of course, uh, april 1st, when israel struck uranian diplomatic mission in damascus. that, of course is, was a blatant violation of the article $51.00 of the un charter. of course, he again reaffirmed his, his, his condemnation of that and also again condemning iran's retaliatory to strikes on israel as well. again, i think the big picture here is,
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is that he was urging restraint. and that might sound like something very non controversial, but that is his job as a secretary general. and i think he didn't want to over speak give too long to get too deep into this. but i think uh the stakes, as you could tell from the secretary general standpoint, are very high right and gay, we've got. busy various procedures on the way we can hear from lots of countries including united states, the 5th and largest because my gun, i will look at pictures of a i took a terrace who was speaking just maybe to guy, but it was a gun i was speaking now and then see earlier and intervene and then the us and we're going to head later from the russian federation and then israel and the islamic republic of iran as well. so you gave a very important security council meeting here. there's not gonna be any kind of resolution as such, it does tell us what the, where the heading with this yeah, well, israel called for this meeting and deanna, i'm sorry. uh uh they, it was,
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it was uh malta as the president of the security council, seeing that there was no objection to it, put it on the schedule for it for sunday. it's clear that israel does want some action out of this meeting. they made that very clear, they want strong condemnation, not only from the security council, but also from the secretary general himself. i don't think they'll be quite satisfied with what he said to the secretary general, but we'll have to see now what will we get out of this meeting? there could be a statement by the security council or not. they're not under any obligation to do so. but let's remember on april 1st, we've been down this road before. when israel a struck you ran c wrench, diplomatic mission in damascus, the security council met, and it's in a, in a emergency meeting, not too dissimilar from this one we're seeing now. and there was no condemnation of israel's strike on your ends diplomatic mission in damascus. why? well primarily the us uh french uh, and the u. k objected to any sort of direct condonation. so probably in this
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meeting you'll see your ends, top allies. of course china, russia to name a few, but probably perhaps even some more countries as well. more members of the security council also saying was this was with in iran's right within the security council, within this uh un charter attacked and self defense. so the bottom line answer your question is, will we see some action out of this meeting? probably not, but does that mean this meeting is not important? so it does mean it's important because it gives all the, the, the member states of the security council, a chance to voice their countries stance on this. and also important we will hear from e, ron, and from israel as well. so we have to pay very close attention to what they have to say. so i gave believe with that for the moment that bank with you after we hit or from the ascent bustle into thomas green field. he's coming up in the speaker
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off the next. i believe in the meantime that speak to out is there is seen a political i'm his mom push are a moment. could have you had with this app. so you and took a general, a very much a g restraints israel. once strong condemnation from this may think that the way to get it from i'm tired of good chairs that they even see was more about, you know, they need to seek peace. yeah. oh. but just so that he was certainly more forthcoming. but clearly this is that meeting for the security council and he's making an introduction. i mean, a general once again, the reading that that has not come in a vacuum. right? but also the israeli attacks did not come in a vacuum back in april 1st. but then the radians have a lot to say about israel attack in various uranian targets over the past several years. sometimes think about as the by a couple years ago, almost every week. these renters effect some iranian product with one another. so
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this all culminated the attack on the consulate, and that's when enough was enough. and as far as the ordering is a concern, but it really, it was a combination of many years of is re these, trying to limit reunion a projection of influence in syria and up and on, and been attacking the reading and forces special forces. all kinds of other forces or pollution that a gosh and sponsor work. so none of this is coming is happening in a vacuum. and it's clear to the as uh, as gabe mentioned, that the way you like it states, united kingdom on friends, along with some by is read this fight. it's violation of international law and attacking the radian console. that was, that wasn't even mentioned by this countries, was it that the attack on the contradiction? syria? absolutely. and that's why their position now is weak. and i don't expect that since at least 2 or 3 years of the united nations security council has been
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basically hijacked federalized by the world powers, notably russia idea, not that states, but also china and the united kingdom whereby they veto or they vote in favor of resolution that suits their national interests and geo politics, and they should down any thing else that is not friendly to their interest. or the interest of that all lies we're going to be hearing from you as an investor to shortly. what is the capacity of the united states? do you think to get israel not to retaliate to this series of strikes from wrong? you know, we've been visiting a revisiting this, this question over so many years. now. what is clear to me, the fundamentals, if you would, of the us is that are relations, is that the us can we and, and can use this leverage and can discipline is read and can deny is read
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a good number of options. if it wants to, the question is that is there a will because if there is when there is an american way, a forcing is read to abide by his wishes because is read as the past 6 months have shown is totally dependent on the united states for its security and then at least yesterday's attack has tony showed us that if it wasn't for the united states, a direct involvement, but also military technical and other support of his ride. because i wouldn't be able to withstand several 100 ms files. you know? sure thing down or writing down on is i'd imagine at the end of the day is that does not enjoy the strategic depth over here on. and it doesn't have the strategic
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depth of what the one point. $5000000000.00 muslims around the world and the end of the day is right, would always be subject to a serious security threats if it weren't for the united states and hands. once again, the united states is able to influence is ready for the ones to. but the, for example, in this case, and the case with the, by the administration. uh by didn't, has shown a certain weakness to which is read as he calls it sits into devotion towards israel. and that as basically preventing him from to my mind using the, the russian uh and the logic of a super power. whereby he understood that nothing you know was not the sort of thing is as well by in j engaging in general. so i think guys are but, and yet he did not put event, right? it's a, it's a game of chess. isn't that in a sense base israel and around,
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and those who are reserving very closely will be calculating precisely what the response will be to whatever they're about to do. and iran, israel would have anticipated underwriting and response. iran would have figured out that israel would be able to defend from what they were going to trust them. how concerned will around be now about what israel's response might be? what will they be? second guessing what this, something they got out of their way to make clear that this was a limited the response that they, he but the good one basically gave the united states and is there are 2 weeks to prepare the defenses. uh for, for this sort of spawns. so really, even today, the arrangement for the minister has underlined again and again and again that this is it right here on is not interested in any further scripts but to your question about is there as the response. there's a good chance that this would respond regardless of american objections present by
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didn't make clear that the united states does not want to be party to and is right . the response, especially if this involves attacking, get on itself. now let me tell you about the game of chess and why this could become dangerous because everything we've heard the past 24 hours by officials and journalist and experts have been limited to the response and very thought ition. and the response to that, he thought the issue is that that's what we've heard. sort of almost was thinking in terms of weeks. now. i suggest we need to think in terms of years. so why do i say that this is the 1st time that you're on, decided and actually acted in attacking. is there a direct? so is the response in a strong way using for example, it's jericho, ballistic miss size, or it's $55.00. so it gives the one and then you're on the response i guess is right, and the united states, and so on and so forth. my sense is that the rushing out of the chest game we do uh,
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we're just gonna jump out and i will continue this discussion the 2nd because of us in partners deputy invested a that's really good. not induce because greenfield, speaking elizabeth newsreel it launched over 300 new nations. including more than $100.00 ballistic missiles, atlanta tech crews, and the files at israel. as well as explosive unmanned aerial vehicles, are on direct with actions. not only post a threat to populations in israel, but also to other human member states in the region, including jordan and iraq. the security council has an obligation to not later on actions going answer. indeed, for far too long run is flagrantly violated its international legal obligations, notably through the actions of its it's a lot make revolutionary guard court or i r g c. by arming his bullet in violation
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of security council resolution 1701. by army facilitating and enabling who the attacks on saudi arabia and u. a. e. and more recently merchant and commercial shipping. in the red sea in clear violation of resolution 2216 and in defiance. a resolution 2722. and of course, ron transferred, shy one way, attack drones to russia, the same drones it used in last night's attacks against israel. at a time when such transfers were in clear violation. a resolution 20 to 31. in recent years, around is also repeatedly violated international law by targeting with mines and sees and commercial ships in international waters of the persian gulf and surrounding waterways. just as it did on april 12th, when it sees the portuguese flagship illustrative hormones are on, continues to detain both the ships and its crew,
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comprised of citizens from 5 countries including russia. ron was also in a broad sense, complicit in the october 70 attack on israel because it is provided significant funding and training for the military wing of from us disarray and support contributed to the current crisis in gaza. colleagues, these and other reckless iranian actions are not inherently defensive actions against other member states. given the threat ron's aggressive actions pose for international peace and security, we have a collective responsibility as members of the security council to ensure that a wrong compliance with the counsels resolutions and ceases it's violation of the charter. in the coming days and in consultation with other member states, united states to explore additional measures to hold iran accountable. here at the united nations. more immediately, the security council must unequivocally condemn arrives aggressive actions and call
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for ron and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks. united states also supports israel's exercise of its inherit, right to defend itself in the face of this attack. and is present button stated, we will remain in close contact with israel's leaders. and let me be clear. if a runner it's proxies take actions against the united states for further action against israel. iran will be held responsible. we notes extra general gutierrez, of statement ordering that the region is at risk of plunging into a deeper and wider war on multiple fronts. the united states is not seeking escalation. our actions have been purely defensive in nature. the best way to prevent such escalation is an unambiguous condemnation from the council overruns, unprecedented large scale attack, and an unequivocal call on it,
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and its proxies and partners to refrain from further violence. our goal is to de escalate and then get back to the issue at hand. securing an end to the conflict and gaza for getting a ceasefire and gaza through a hostage deal, as well as surging humanitarian assistance to palestinians. indeed, thank you man. at present, i find the representative united states and positive so to clear the sea and guess what? part of it i certainly for must be able to pursue now. what is the good buddy who made on with that was so that was that the u. s. w. and basset robert would saying that at the you, the un security council has an obligation to act the gains iran. roland was brought to complicit in on the october the 7th attack training and offering him ass. it said that he said, and also adding that around the seats as violations, and the un security council must unequivocally condemn around and its proxies. let's go back to gabriel as on de who's watching all the proceedings at the end
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security council in new york and gave he also said that's of us in the coming days when explore additional measures to hold around accountable. yeah, that's right, and he didn't specify what those additional measures could be, but certainly will be reaching out to the americans and trying to figure out what exactly they are talking about there. of course, we can only speculate what that could possibly be, but we'll wait to try to get some more information on that. i should point out that normally you would see linda thomas greenfield, the us permanent representative to the united nations that she's not at this meeting because she is travelling on a pre planned trip to the republic of korea and japan. that's why you saw the deputy ambassador give those remarks. robert would setting that aside though, what you heard there from the deputy us ambassador was clearly laying out what he thought was his case on why the security counselor should condemn you, runs attacks. but also it should be important to point out that to the council did
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not do the same and condemn israel for its attacks on the ranch diplomatic commission in damascus. so that's something that the americans certainly left out of their remarks. you heard from what, when he was speaking list several instances of where you were on his in violation of security council resolutions, silver dating back several years listing several of them. uh, but again, did not mention the fact that israel is in violation of security council resolutions. more recent ones calling for a cease fire in garza. so listen, this is clearly a sort of what you would expect to hear from the us. the us, of course, being israel's strongest ally on the security council by far, but nevertheless, i think you probably will hear from the uranium and probably others as well. maybe the russians and the chinese about what we've been hearing in the past. double standard. uh,
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that's likely what you're likely to hear here. i also want to point out something else. it's important when the camera was panting over, you might have saw that the rainy and ambassador to the un in the security council chambers. you also saw the c, marian ambassador sitting next to me in the security council chambers as well. that is not by mistake. syria is not a member of the security council right now, but they were invited. and, and the reason is for your, on that as a reminder to the security council, members of why this is happening. and that is, israel's strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. he rainy and consulate in damascus. so i think it's a reminder of to the council members on why you run took these measures and i think you'll probably hear that when you're ready and speak here. not too long time from now. right. that's towards the end of proceedings. i believe that the us and bassett, a gables, according to restraint,
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is said that our goal is to de escalate. the question is, will that be as well as go as well? that's the question certainly for is real. but i think you heard here that, you know, there's all sorts of diplomacy going on behind the scenes right now. but i think that robert would was a little stronger than maybe i would've expected. and what i mean by stronger is he really sort of, you know, laid out to israel has its inherent right to defend itself. you know, i don't want to read too much into that, but it's sort of left open to the door if you will, at least a crack to the us, sort of nodding to accepting the fact that if his real does respond to this list and i'll leave that up to animal as to the dice that a little bit more. but the bottom line is that the us clearly wants an unambiguous condemnation. they clearly want that now, but they didn't want it on april 1st,
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right? when is real struck the uranium mission? so, you know, this is, this is where we're at right now, but clearly the big question now is, what will iran do? we might get a sense of that when we hear from the rainy, i'm sorry what, what is real do? and we might get a clear sense of that when these really ambassador speaks towards the end of this meeting as well. right. okay, thanks for that. for the time being back with you in a little bit, let's speak to our senior political and ms. monica shar, again, here on this set here in doha. i'm oh, and what did you read into about us statement from the us deputy predictable. right. for the examples we've had almost just word by word, what the, the difference and best there was going to say. look, you might agree with some of what he says, disagree with others. regardless of whether you agree with this or disagree, the united states does not have the credibility and clearly is not going to the echo in much of the area because of his position on april 1st,
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but also because of its position on guys, isabel's, and gravitating genocide that and then to that day, we hear that you're not to say being sold category. it covers, it comes to iran, but so lovely when it comes to is right. so could there be anything it doesn't have any more because of his right. and i mean this, this, this a continuous justification of is rose action defense or is as action promoting. is there a structure of a difference of defense is, is, justifies anything including 56 years of occupation and 75 years. dispersion of that sort of stuff on the part of the united states is undermining it. standing in the region for sure. the us said that it in the coming days it will explore additional measures to hold around the council. what kind of measures could they be and what difference will that.


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