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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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think for the most part, what you're hearing is all countries in some way, shape or form, basically urging everyone to de escalate right now, knowing that we are on the brink of something that could turn very bad very quickly . all right, good, thanks for the time being everett is under the, the, you and you, your mom shar, here in the studio, ah, senior political out unless and mullins rush, it very much has been in the game. they've received some supplies from iran, significant interest on troops in syria, and pretty unequivocal, and it's done well, yes. but there's also the bigger picture, right? the jew politics over at all. and clearly russia and the united states are having a go at it. and them at least same thing that they having on ukraine, they're having over a one over palestine. i think that kind of a cold water i zation of them at least is something that what you're saying, and hence they are full of ice and everything they, they, they by the, by the way, they agreed on one thing. i don't know if you've noticed they've disagrees and
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everything in their speeches, then i can that action button both called for the escalation restraint. that's not this a good. okay. we're back at the un security council because uh these really investigated speaking no uh, that's about today. do you like to attack the state of age? read and launched. 170. you avi's 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise me size carrying 60 tons of explosive materials is read. a visit that was launched from a run your own story, as well as from leveling on. yeah, man, syria. any rough colleagues? from the moment i began my tenure here in every speech and in countless letters, i rang the warning bell regarding you ran. i called on this concept to take concrete action against the i as total regina. i made it clear that the run and it
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had your monique ambitions of global don't mean nation must be stopped before he drives the world to a point of no return to a region of the war that can escalate to a world war. sadly no action was taken, and last night the world witnessed an unprecedented escalation that serves as the clearest proof for what happens when warnings are in tea. that is, there it is not the boy who cried wolf. we have been screaming from the rooftops for years, trying to wake up the international community, but to no avail. if only this counseling would the intern internalize my words, it would not have need the bone wrestling explosions of last night's attack to wake it up. colleagues, last night's iran proved again that he cares nothing,
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nothing for islam or muslims the wrong year and the tax seriously injured. i mean, i'm assuming a 7 year old bed doing girl and is read. but look at this video that shows how is read intercepts be run me on drones above the template mount. and then some of the you can look at each deluxe and most of the the do you run is there as in i lation and ignite thing. the region is more important than he saw me. holy sites, the thought of resuming its flux to impose the global she i pendulum only throw out its proxies through its proxies, as even a tech, saudi arabia. as we all remember,
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i'm calling field united there at beverly roads and anyone, anyone else they view as an obstacle. i asked the jerry on the representative here how this makes you feel is they surprised you support attempting to blow up mosques and murdering muslims? yeah, it was this direct the run the and attack on these you, it was the 1st of its kind. it is just the most recent chapter in the blood soaked saga that started from the moment the stomach revolution reared its head. the total regime is a clear plan. its goal has been and continues to be world domination by exporting. it's right because she, i revolution across the globe. i assume you will know what the stomach regime of 2 days, no different than the 3rd, right? in the coming days, no different than i don't fits are hitler. 3rd,
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dr. was in the vision to be a 1000 year empire stretching across continents just as coming a and vision here's right. because she, i had your monique to stretch across the region and beyond. this is why you run arm themselves with intercontinental ballistic. to me solves icbm. you run and these ran around the same continent. your next? yeah, dollar re james x like the nazi regime and their army includes come, us ballasting and his stomach jihad peace, butler, who is the revolutionary god and others savage jihadist to, instead of shouting see behind, these rather cannot see somebody screamed death to israel, death to america, death to england, just that the nazi regime, the i thought already, james saw as death and destruction everywhere it touches. for the past 2 years,
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ukrainian civilians have been killed from disguise. we'd be rodney and weapon every president zalinski in condemnation of you runs a tac last night said, and i quote the sound of rodney and sha had drones, a tool of terror is the same in the skies over the meat of eastern europe. this sounds must serve as a wake up call to the free world. listen to president the landscape and wake up. just like the ever reaching hand of the venom box, iran struck albania with cyber attacks and launches, strikes the guest cards in the rock. we all remember the 2021 attack on the oil tanker mirror, so street in which british and romania and crew members were killed. and just yesterday iran seized the port 2 gates cargo sheep. the crew be being held right now, but you run includes indian filippino,
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bucky stony and the russian nationals you're on the threatens global maritime trades. iran is no totally a terror states. iran is a pirate states, a colleagues just this week. the court in argentina held the run directly responsible for the 1994 there with that in buenos iris on the jewish community center which killed 85 people and one to 300. and just like the 3rd rice and their brutal s s officer has the wrong young regime, not only spreads even abroad, but also to immense and murder as their own citizens. in 2023 alone, the total re jame, execute the $834.00 iranians. the regime of presses women while murdering them for not wearing their key job properly. when do you run young people peacefully processed this brutality. they are suppressed by live the munition
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hundreds of protest to avoid killed and thousands have been arrested. this is a resume that allows its own people to die of thirst in this fun while it funds terror around the world with billions of dollars. what have you done to defend the world from you run seriously. the entire globe is suffering from iran, including the around young people. please defend them. for years the world has watches, watch the rise of a she i to somebody's rife. yeah. just like during the rise of not season, the world has been silent. different english, silent. mister secretary general, you run has been violating security council resolutions into un charter for years. they supply his butler with the weapons in violation of resolutions, 1559, and 17,
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the one they advance weapons proliferation in violation of resolution 2 to 3. 1, they violate resolution 15402216. i and why have you not used all possible means to condemn me, run and demand compliance? why have you instead rolled out the red carpet for these gentle cybill jihadist why do treat them as if they are interested in this collection? when you know that the opposite is true? colleagues, iran strategy has been crystal clear on fund and trained terror proxies across the globe to carry out the runs merger scheme of don't mean nation. but today the mask of you run the on deniability has been removed. no more hiding and no more bluffing . no more sure, king of responsibility. iran has attacked is read from its own sovereign territory
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publicly and proudly the mass is off. you run the number one global sponsor of terror has exposed x, true face as the these, the stabilizer of the region and the world. and now right now is when the world must stop ignoring you, runs crimes and take action as he runs mess, cuz full and the world's come complacency must also for the mask comes off and the gloves must come on. this news button is no longer an option. the only option is to condemn a ron and utilize every means necessary to make them pay a heavy price for their horrible crimes. iran and its excess of supporters must be shown that the civilized world will no longer state spend idle. while many countries immediately condemned the attack, those who did not must ask themselves how do you want history to remember you?
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council members, last night's attack was a blatant violation of international law and the un charter. it was inactive author escalation that can drag the entire region and world into war. so what can you imagine if the attack was carried out under, under any run? yeah, and nuclear umbrella, or if, or if some of the runs of the runs me saws had nuclear warheads, the regime that launched an unprecedented strike on israel. a fellow member state of the un is bear lean towards nuclear capabilities. this is a terrace stage, responsible for global destruction, and soon they will have nuclear capabilities. you'll know that the wrong and systematically violating the jcp away and has and rates uranium up to 60 percent purity and even more. you run the breakout time to produce and are sent out of new
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. great nuclear weapons is now weeks mere weeks. no concrete action has been taken and the i a e, a inspectors have been kept in the dark. iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. it should terrify every member of the discounts to take a moment to think what would happen the via toner. i mean, i could have launched a nuclear bomb last night. is this the world's we want to living? so to the jcp away, signatories, i say, initiate the snap back mechanism to de initiate to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong before it's too late. we need the world led by churches not chamberlain's. callings on october 7th, come us with you, rodney, on funding with
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a run in weapon. every with training carried out the most brutal massacre of jews since the holocaust they sought. there are children, they burned, entire communities. they raped our women, are they 2 families hostage and are abusing $133.00 hostages? these but uh, we need to run the on arms and sponsorship. have fired thousands of rockets into israel since october 7th. that's amazing towns. they're what these we'd be, ronnie, and weapons, and instructions and intelligence are firing, get every merchant vessel that is suspected of having ties to israel. and then you run who directs and pays for all of this violence carried out to an attack of epic proportions on these red calling. we are being fired upon from all fronts,
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from every border. we are surrounded by you runs terror prophecies worrying guys extends far broader than is red and come us. all of the tara groups attacking is read. are 10 took, goes tentacles, of the same. she either octopus that you run me on of to post. so i ask you and be honest with yourself, what would you do? what would you do if you were in this rose shoes? how would you react if your existence was threatened every single day? well, i'd be able to tell you all redeemed things. the only thing that is rarely the frog in a boiling water, that we are becoming a custom to distress on our survival, and what one noticed until it's too late. they are wrong. you're wrong. they said that the crust every red line and is red reserves. the league on the
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right to retaliate. we are not the frog in boiling water. we are a nation of lions the following such a mess, even direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future colleagues, despite the magnitude of the attack, 99 percent of the runs, you avi's and me size were intercepted by is red and our allies. i wish to take this opportunity to thank the united states and our partners for standing with us and defending israel against the total regime in discriminates attacks. yet the fact that is where as air defense proved to be superior, does not change the brutality of the iranian attack. iran can no longer hide behind its proxies. it does not expose itself as the terror export, the exporting pariah state. that it is. and it must from now on,
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be treated as such. it's solid enough to remove the around from the un commission on the status of women. iran is the world's worst human rights violator, and such a regime cannot hold any you on position. no more red carpet treatment here at the un. no more appeasement. to day, the council must take action, condemn around for their tear triggered the snap, but mechanism and the reimpose creeping sanction designated the rodney and revolutionary guard corps is a tear organization. action must be taken now. not for is rise, say not for the regions sake, but for the world's sake. stop. you run today. thank you. my them president. i signed the representative of is read. i'm positive. phillips has a representative of the islamic republic cover. thank you. or in the name of quote,
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the compulsion of the mostly phone numbers tend, has been informed in over the length of the last night in dispos, today's right division to cutting the transition particular order. it's attack on 1st april 2024 again. so you don't, you don't want to put in this is the defense of all to cover the 2nd of the charlottetown off the united nations. the armed forces of these comics. if i'm because you don't carry out a series of communities to write on these writing. but the 2 objectives with thousands of sale and drones, it was shown, was entirely index of size off. it was in her on the right to self defense, was offline and altogether 51 of the charlton of the united nations and the club nice by international lo. these conclude that action was necessity and proportion. 8. it was precise and only to get admitted to the objectives and
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carried all carefully to minimize the potential for the escalation and prevents the media and harlem by them, president returned those members of the call and said, who condemned? that is why the attack against a diplomatic premises in syria is attempted in this chamber. so time member of the call saying, including the u. s. u account, france has chosen once again to town belong, i totally, all the tea on all the low, the root causes contributing to the current situation or in he puts it to called behavior these to the concierge falls, the but named an actual 0 on we thought considering data on for those to uphold the international commitment to piece of security in the legion they made on such successful attempts to use lise money today, then that
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a to spread this information and engage in a destructive blame game all the while they deliberate to disregard that you're also getting hard on slides to respond to the violation of fundamental principles of international law, the invoice of diploma to the present day to on premises more although they ignored the on the line root causes of the current situation in the region for over 6 months now these countries, especially the united states of sheila, these are you from any responsibility for the gets the most like it was. they have denied you. don't hold on, try to self defense against ages, idea attacked on all the, some of the premises. at the same time, they shamefully justified. these are the, you must, i kid and genocide. it goes to the fastest palistine young people on the pretext of
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self defense, state mates cynical attempt to justify color of the 1st disease of the is why division augusta people put a stain by a bit study and misleading interpretation of self defense. more than president following days, are you losing coverage of the tunnel? is an armed attack against or do some of the premises in damascus? the seed in republic, on the 1st will appear to be notified the you and secure with the call. see the 6 that the, the general of such international prolong food act as well as of it was in 100 on the right, on the international low to respond to such total. these attacks, also in a phone conversation with the us at the, to the general or 2nd tape of your on funding minutes to discuss the situation uncalled for taking appropriate action. a strong condemnation from the
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international community for this part of the crime. because of the security call and see if it was too long, really the nose, this unjustified because he may not until the least act, taking decisive an appropriate measure to beating the paternity tests to adjust the sleep, sleep and prevent the requirements of the such honey. but crime against a diplomatic premises of any member the state. regrettably, the security policy, it has failed, and it's due to you to maintain international peace and security. shall propose that puts a statement to the known states that surfaced officious act, which was backed by china of jelia and many members, but was blocked by the u. s. u. k. and france face, which such says, comes down says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have no choice, but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the
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international law. it wasn't president the root cause of the current situation of clear to all from this stuff. these are the want against palistine. young people didn't get more than 34000 c videos tool to adopt them. children and women have been killed. all syria need for a sub chose, have been taught to get it and destroyed by easily even who my telling me and walk has, has not been immune from the media to the tags of these rough version that says of compatibility and policies in action face with the is why the genocide on what can i and it goes to by the senior people has all the involved in decision to continue is validation on check to the us and its allies, her blog, difficult to call sue for of a 6 months. so texting is ride from accountability to you for the goods mess i case . so they not only would come down and use wide for these. that's what city is
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about. all the sol activity try to cover up them. they saw it parity is supporting and defending is why in the gods this of the consequences of all costs. despite international put ation and the security policy, there's illusion calling for the ceasefire is value has defied these. it is roshan, rather, it focused remains on committing more astray, shift crime, showing no regard for international legal obligation. but on thursday, then, the slowness collision has committed many officious crimes against our people. decision, but it painfully appallingly admitted. its responsibility for the total is um, just talk to a patient me to a guess you long enough. he shields scientists and see videos and some of the taj a guess of a peaceful look for your infrastructure in this sense. yes. this is why the vision
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even may experience the tenets to you know, clear the past a guess a solve. remember the state of the united nation, this totally searching me. is this policy better for all? can you me know, until he's committed against you on and must be, are the consequences they stomachs, republic, copied on, has a long time. and again about the precautions of the mortgage shift activities of to let him on regional an international piece of security. eat on his eggs of size, mark his name on this thing. no, it is time for the occupying vision to be a full responsibility for its consequences. decision cannot wait a compatibility, but i'm president. he's right on going this to applies. and this policy, but action atrocities against the nation in the legion of we have setup to original international peace and security. these are the prime ministers policy 6 to
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expand. and it's kind of rate the confidence in the lesion state impulsive for the member of the security cause it must not allow such an august body. the security calling seems to be held hostage to the m b shows of such a procedure and vision. it is time for the sickle to call and say to charlotte is responsibility of this to be up to the, to international piece of security, the security policy and must, perhaps the, for the, for it is duty on the chapter 7 of the childhood in response to here's why the look list, defiance. it must take urgent and punitive measures to compare the decision to a stop it genocide unless i get against the people of guys that uphold is obligation to special you 40 and you meant the us that go to call and see if there's a solution legally binding or days of the international court of justice,
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the main and longest ending to the, to the peace and security of all the legion is well known to all attempts to conceal it. cut all this information, a smear campaign or base space accusation against others or points list on, on, funded you're on is never sticking to contribute to the speed all the of the conflict in the region, nor does it to escalate. what is it the attention to the entire region? considerably on the phone, the claims eat on has no proxy in the lesion. no individual will want to come to the x at the 8 on because the us on israel, a new version attempt to enable the is the status quo of in the region of the proxies or penalties they system is all the to justify legalize the marshes. and this applies activities in the region of the resistance
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group on the proxies or territories. they are, the jew teammate, are only fighting against occupation, an aggression of israel. i didn't get an occupied by this theme to the thirties and of the us in division international law, the cold nice such did you to make twice a guess, annual patient and aggression. and that's the, the us and the huge or for this policy. but for all is the cage long aggression and other crimes unlawful measures and of a vision for the more they are responsible for all the clients of the easy way division as it come up. come meet any of such some of age crimes and gets re told the consent all of their on all the all for you to call the financial immediately the support of the collaboration with the united states and the u. k. with the just allegation made by the july division at this meeting, such falls on the phone,
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the claims don't married to dispose. what i'm president as a responsible member of the united nation, the stomach group up because you're on is committed to the per person implants imposing shrine in the 12th of the united nation. we are friends of on small and it's commitment to the maintainance of international peace and security. they stomachs, you part because you don't need space is consistent position that it does not seek escalation or water in the vision was wanting to about any further that needed to be put a location by the easily division. they stomachs, people, because eat on the films. it's on the way, watering determination to defense is people national security. i mean to this sovereignty on to totally on integrity against any to that or to add stuff aggravation. and to respond to any such to that or activation request split and in
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a cold down sweet, international low, based on the public off you all would not hesitate to exist size this right? when required, when i'm president, x announces, eat on, has no intention of engaging in conflict with the us in the region we do most today to overcome it's meant to piece, but exhibit sizing of, of this thing about involving the us army into something you, one year and loans and me says boned for me to talk get into occupied palestinian territories. these under the scores of education to the escalating tension and avoiding the expansion of conflict. however, if the us initiates media to a patient against you on its citizen or is security, i need to test it on videos is in your head on the right to respond proportion a p. i thank you us by saying that is the
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a rainy and bass of the united nations. addressing the especially convene un security council saying that entirely within its rights of self defense the attacks last night, according to ask $51.00 of you in charge me. he said that the attack was it precise, was precise and car caffeine to prevent civilian home. and that the for the past 6 months, countries like united states of shielded israel from culpability of the trustees. in garza israel, we heard from israel a little bit earlier at the best of the setting for it's part of the it's attacking everything uranium and the speech from from last night attached to the regime and sent it to the united nations for not doing enough. let springing gabriel is on those be monitoring events at the u. n. n a, but also these rarely ambassador and then we'll move on to just what the running on bus was talking about with the fuzzy, red investor. courtney on the un security council to impose crippling sanctions on iraq. yeah, that's right in his uh,
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pretty long speech. god or dad is really ambassador to the un had a lot of hyperbole in there. but when it got down to what this is real, really wants to see, it got down to really 3 things. it was a strong condemnation that israel hopes that the security council will issue against iran. he also hopes for more sanctions or expects israel's expecting the un to impose more sanctions. and that's snap back mechanism by the j c p. a way that essentially would, if iran is not complying with the jcp a way that there is a mechanism in there with us, sanctions could snap back as it's called these early on bass. you're saying that should be implemented immediately. and then also he wanted to, once the revolutionary quarter be attacked as a terrorist organization, those are basically the 3 things. but the sanctions are, i think what is real,
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was really looking at for, for here and want to see if uh that comes about we did hear from the us deputy ambassadors that they will be the us is going to be looking at more potential measures that can be leveled against the ran. so perhaps that's what the us deputy of bassett or was signaling at there. but clearly, iran is real, i should say, laying out the case in their view that they are the victim here and saying that you're on, in their view, is the one spreading tear, not only in their view and is real, but in other parts of the world and region as well and gave from. busy the reading point of view at the flip side, entirely within his rights of self defense as it yeah, that's right. to the right hand baset or a mirror site here, vonny made it very clear as he was laying out really step by step. you know, more legalistic way, but in a very much more, a way laying out the un charter and the obligations under the un charter and the
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rights to the member states have under the un charter, basically saying to the security council, if you want to know why we did this look in the mirror. he's pointed out many instances since april 2nd, when iran went to the security council, asking for them to take action or condemn israel for israel's attack on the right hand, a diplomatic mission in damascus. the security council didn't even mention tell your aunts for administer, spoke to the secretary general on april. second, saying that he hoped that the, the, the international community could hold israel to account for what was clearly a blatant violation of the vienna convention by israel. blatant violation by his real international norms and international law and the rainy and a master said nothing was done by the security council. no action whatsoever was taken by the international community against israel at all. he said it's been
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nearly 2 weeks now. and so in his words, he said in the absence of account ability, we had no choice, we big era and, and then he said, even when we took action, as you mentioned, he said it was done uh, carefully calculated and to do it with minimal civilian harmony runs them and bass are the you and they're saying we have no intention of escalation. we do not seek escalation and we do not seek exploration with anybody, but even mentioned the us directly as well. so you ran very much laying out their case that this was very much in the norms of international law and very much self defense. he also, of course, saying that this or in their view is a matter that is concluded a date very, very briefly. if you would, i would just the very last speaker is addressing the un security council analysis here in, in the syrian and bassett who is speaking. but that will wrap up the old days. we
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are going to address the and security council. so what happens now? what, what, what's the next step? well the security council could issue a statement and they might or they might not, i, i simply, we don't know yet we won't know until they do, but that is essentially it will have to we have to look for potential sanctions with a snap back of the j c, p o i of course that's what israel mentioned. they want to see happening. but just because they said they want it to happen doesn't mean it will still be watching for that. we need to watch for what the us does after this, in terms of what more measures they say they are considering taking what could that be? but in terms of the security council will wait to see if they come out with any sort of press statement or any collective statement if you will, in the coming hours or so. other than that, this was really the form for these countries to publicly view their stance on this . and we heard of directly from that is really investor directly from the ambassador for me. so i'll make republic of you. right. and so that's very useful
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to hear their arguments on where they both stand on this, this issue. and it's very, very moment if you will, of a very high it conflict in potential escalation or i gave thanks for that to get rid of the, on the monitoring events, the un security council. let's bring in that officer as senior police guy. mr. mon bizarre bond. so what do you make of what you just heard from the last 2, particularly the arabian non busta and these were any of us up, as cape said, hyper board was really big time. were these ready to invest that? i mean, so it's not just, it's a noxious and selective and this, uh, you know, uh, sort of what's filed hardy, as on now, did you shedding the world and saying, cuz you're on seeking world domination, iran is going to dominate the world to get on. cannot even dominate the rock or syria and something about the entire world has been suffering because of your on
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right. and, and to, to the dismissive of what is registering. there's what you call scoring points. instead of making points that goes along with, for both speakers. but at least they ring and try to, you know, go through the legal arguments and why you're on, regardless of whether you agree with them or not. but this, this idea on, on both parts of behaving like holier than thou, as if they are no fault. i taught in this region called them, at least as if your mind has not been a destabilizing force in iraq and syria and lebanon on your items. also for as it is there a has not been done occupied occupying force, been a number of, of states, especially in palestine. it as if it hasn't been secular calling the states as if it hasn't just committed a major atrocities against the people getting some 40000 people in gaza alone. right, and so on, so forth. so here they come to the united nations,
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left shedding the world when they are at fault, especially these are all in this case, the case of palestine as they are in the inside. i mean, in the end of the day, there is a root cause here, the is the call you're on that are sponsored instead of itself. that's at the end, the end of the day you're on is not occupying another country for the past several decades, as is right. it has and it's a problem for is right. it's difficult to continue projecting it's problems on the rest of the world on the us invasion when it just needs to take care of this very essential problem called palestine. and what is striking despite the arabian, i've asked his best efforts that gone so the focus has shifted away from gauze, or is that it's nobody's talking about the 10s of thousands who have been killed to any great extent any. absolutely. i woke up this morning and my 1st thought was focused on guys. focus garza because i think if they have their way and
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i think both. right. but since that's and is right. and that's why you decided to attack on the radio concert. it's in syria. it's because they want to deflect attention away from the guy's friends by the sign in general, to something regional and international. and by the way, to some degree, there are succeeding. unfortunately, certainly nothing now has succeeded in a disrupting attention away. and now the united states that you, okay german and everyone else is begging, suddenly, the world leaders are best. the leaders are begging nothing. you know, not to respond in return for more goodies if you were provided to is right as it carries as it continues to get a genocide in guys or so as is then tries to quote, compromise and quote form the issue of iran and retaliation. it would be gaining more and more uh, support for inspection and finance to carry its occupation
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and its genocide in palestine. all right, mark, thanks for that mom for sure. i see different comments. thanks a lot. lets head over live now to occupy the through slim roll return. is this dining bye for set and roy, with all this going on, decisions what these further steps are being talked about within these ready wall cabinet, where if they got to do that, it seems. well that's the big question. uh, i'll say the whole cabinet and the security cabinet, the main thing this evening in, in tennessee effect and in israel. and that happens as far as we're aware yet come to a decision about whether they're going to strike back against the wrong. if i do what for them, that's kind of retaliation. my type. now, i think that in decision is a reminder of a couple of things. as a reminder at the high stakes that we're in at the moment because of this unfolding
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situation. it's also a reminder, the different personalities of different perspectives. play in the higher echelons of israel as decision making structures. you've got a hawaii political operates that are in the form of benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister, you've got several grizzled, hard bitten ministry, men here, glance, and benny dense. and you've got these 5 brands alternation this fall, right? politicians been give a and smart trips been give this even tweets it out. so on x, either on the saving that if ron was ever going to be to touch in the middle east, then the boss says he put it had to go nuts. but when we go through all of that, we essentially have, you know, the wall cabinet is the organization that makes the decisions. and there are you free people that the actually do the deciding that's a benjamin netanyahu. and staff is, uh, yes,
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collins i'm not spending against and as far as where, where they haven't come to a decision yet. rory, we're getting reports that a drone has been fine from yemen towards his rally. you hearing anything about this? yeah, this, these random industries means thinking about it, i called it a, a suspicious aerial objects and they say that it came into is ready a territory from the red sea. and in the region of highlights, which is down on the red sea coast at. but it is ready, bullshit. a cool that's use the on dieting by 3. that's mounted on the bullshit for the naval version of the on diamond school see time and they engaged it and they shut it down now the belief based that it came from the m and direction, that's what's being reported in his reading media. it's also being report said that this is already the 2nd time. that's an arrow object has been successfully
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engaged by this buttons. this, this naval version of the on, during the c times is mounted on the ships are. all right, thanks but very china. is there an occupied easter as well? g 7 leaders have condemned their own strike on israel saying it risks provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation. and it has held the video conference and to the state with the ultimate set, the working to try and stabilize the situation in the middle east. earlier us present job, i met with his national security advisers and he reaffirmed when he calls americas, i'm kind of commitment to israel security. let's wait now to revise. who is the international crisis groups around project directories with his live now from washington dc. i mean, welcome throughout this era, at 1st up, as we were discussing earlier with the senior political. and that's why i'm sure this all this would have been charlie, calculated all the way through israel will of anticipated what was coming from iran
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after the bomb the conflicts in syria. how now do you think iran will be 2nd guessing? how is route may or may not retaliate to? well, i think the run in the strike was designed in a way that it was very flashy, but was also aimed at causing no fatalities. because wrong knew that if they were afraid cavities, then it would trigger an escalation that could start to the united states into accommodation with iran. and that's the last thing that this long for about the quantity. but at the same time, you know, i think the prominence there, nathaniel, was governments with the strike on april 1st on running concept of put itself in a win win situation in the sense that if iran were to not respond, of course is real, could we can ron's region on the tyrants and get away with it. and if you're wrong would respond then they were hoping that it would create a situation and that would result in the expansion of the conflict or put the
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united states in the right compensation with the wrong. well, none of those things have happened as of yet, and we have to see the ball is and israel's court. we have to see how israel is going to respond, but the risk for his ro is if it targets or on, on his own story. and so retaliation and kind of it could figure at a strike on his role that would not be as care for the calibrate. it would also bring his bull uh, the tip of the spear of iran regional networks into the fray. and that would, of course, result in a catastrophic war, which would have no winners. you are in the united states, how you perceive in the administration, the views, the current situation that they've condemned iran to types. but all calling for a straight i think the by the station played an important role in trying to prevent further expansion of the conflict through direct and indirect messaging would have on which, which helps basically prepare for the ryans striking. and the us,
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in addition to trying to do tears a iranian attack that would result in the kind of response that would be inevitable from the united states, also defended israel and save lives. so i think the trend, the a very difficult needle, but of course we're not out of the woods yet. and with the proximate cause of all of these tensions being the war involves are still ongoing. there is a possibility around $2.00 and $3.00 of these kind of tips for task, which at any point could spiral out of control. then they add a uh and so we got time for really that do appreciate your perspective and you guys are from the international crisis group in washington dc. thanks a lot. send you. let's move on to some other news and it is 10 years to the day since 276 school girls were kidnapped from the school in northern nigeria. thousands of the goals remained missing. after they've duction by book around 5, no one has ever been charged for the crime which made headlines world line. then
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investor has been commemorated in a ton of to, but i would address as more from the victims and of us. 3 of the members of the abduction of 476 scroll girls here into your book was really tens. there's a lot of anger. there is a lot of accusations and counter accusations. patterns feel that it's unfortunately unfair for the government to save. kids keep out from other schools across the country within a matter of weeks or even days. while there's yeah, have to wait more than 10 years to get everyone back there asking the nigerian government to act strongly. negotiate a better way possible to get this kids back. why don't be one of the parents towards i just see that that they can't even understand how suddenly the international community has lost interest in what's happened into about 10 years ago here into bulk parents who got their children back happy. but that are
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something we spoke to will feel unhappy that not all the kids are back then i didn't, government keeps reassuring the patterns that they will have their children back. unfortunately, up to 10 years, a to, to are still missing that the parents here in triple also often than i did and going to step operations because up to now, 10 year says these goals have been taken to book. it's not entirely safe. they say they're all attacks and the situation here is tense, how many degrees i just need a shoe box. and i get it. cuz it's enough from julia and delhi who is visiting professor at new york university. and she says that during governments could have done more to secure the really self the missing go of the company, just making that achieved collective action. trying to pressure the nigerian government to bring back these girls that were kidnapped by the hour of questionnaire. if the 10 years needs, as you request funded, had noticed the parents of the remaining abductor girls have really reported that
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there's this lack of political commitment by the nigerian authorities to ensure that all the goals are accounted for and or found we have seen. unfortunately, the last 5, yes, the a lot of non state, i'm groups in northern nigeria or adopting this book are i'm strategy of masking nothings and wonder of the populations such as women and school children are particularly are risk because this must abductions are, during this significant domestic and international pressure as well as media attention that'd be in order to press the 2 minds to the nigerian government, the electronics pack that will just pull his pizza big. thank you very much by labor costs and have made history by winning they 1st ever been to soniega title. in doing so they break and he lived in use strangle hold on the german league by
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buying munich. oh, perfect. so bought a fast penalty and then the lead, chevy alone says main double. the advantage, courtesy of this perfectly place shots from granite shaka and then slowly insert scott in on the act with a great long distance strike of his own. this wasn't done, van lighter wasn't able to send the 20 year old gym and when a double these tele, to make its full wheels, was actually a pitch invasion. also that the offense will be back on the field up to the ends to complete. these heddrick ecstatic supposes simply could not stay away as a side consume. a maiden june lead title in some style. you sold them running onto the field bed, but the friends were also celebrating outside the stadium following the historic victory. as mentioned, it's a 1st boon to see good title, but it's also the 1st major trophy since 1993. when the when the german cup and
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german supercop in the same year, previously they will to one the old you raise a cup in 1988 and leave. so so, so i can find the, we can say by i live a cost and is german champion is a huge honor for all of us. i know this turkey owned by the team was by the cloud by the fat. and so probably everyone old departments were working and fighting for this title off. so we are a result of that hardwick of a many yet why do you say this is a moment to enjoy and a huge success for this club? the 1st title is always special for everyone type, so to be part of this history feels incredible labor coast and became very close in the late 19th and early 2 thousands when they finished sick and full times. but still they finally landed the big one, dominique cain reports from the then so they finally done it one, the one does lead to something the club has wanted to do for decades. and not being able to, they even were given the unwanted nickname of it's
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a cruise and then jump on on. never a cruise in english. why? because they would get close to winning competitions. get to the finals of cups get close to winning the blended. so you get but then fail. but i've been speaking to a german sports journalist who's followed the point is to be good for decades and says, there is one clear of this fact uh which explains the success. you told me what it was, the that's entirely minus i believe alonza was the central man because he is. and we already know this from the start from discussions before the season. and he's the one who brought players like running shaka and promote into labor crews. and of course they play a very central role in this team. the screening shock as an experienced man is basically who gets corey invert to the space to develop as he has done the season. these are all the ideas of heavy alonzo and consultation with managers even office . we go and this is a young, fresh do the likes of which we have not had on the phone, just legal for a long time. and i believe essentially responsible for the success. and because he doesn't do those on then figured out. so he has proved that he is what the magazine
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says, the best train in the league house simply by winning the bundles, the title. but that's not the limits of his ambition. this is berlin's olympic stadium. his team will be playing the day if people call sign on the german cup final against the low a league else to f to kaiser's law. we're going to the end of may. he will want to when it, the team, the friends will all want that. and they've got their eyes on a potential travel, the road probably, which is still involved in and the hope being that they can make it 3 trophies out of 3. we'll find out how that goes in the course of the next few weeks. dominant cane houses, era buildings olympic stadium. i also have some of the blue in the premium, the type of race off the coming down to know at home against best and develop a win here. would have taken the gun this back to the top of the table and run a head other ideas up to 84 minutes leon baby next to the food, the visitors. and then just 3 minutes later, only want to double the lead to make sure of the victory. that means man just the
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said he leave the standings of 6 games to go. it also means that the 13 points clear a 5th place, talk to them, and sort of a miraculous collapse will play champions league for next season. and always the moment to this end up as i leave it, as i kinda like to commit yourself accounts because when you, when we know we know we know we know we know when a win win for 4 months is very, very simple. does it the moment? not sure, livable also stuff of the major players. they last one know 2 1st through palace they mid week you wrote for the defeat to atlanta was a 1st at 10 to 4 times a year. now it's happened twice in the space of full days, and the rich is a school for 40 minutes and a to, to being to know, just minutes later and the robinson to the rescue on the go lines for level. the 2nd off was full of me and this is for the raids not to be. here's the curtis jones,
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as opposed to waiting for the palace since living you played on the 1st job, i should be with the league if you plant like in the 2nd half here we kind of in football games. so if we come in football games and then we will see how many of you can wait in and then we will see what we have to be around when the, all the guys now struggle x a struggle. so that's how it is a deal and the magic has changed a playoff spot. thanks to 11388. when over the milwaukee bucks the currently 5th in the eastern conference with the top 6 going to the next full teams will concise the play in games. hallo bank aero contributing 26 points and 11 rebounds here to help orlando avoid having to go through the play into the to the most is and will level and score. he shifflett has opened up a small lead on the back 9 of the final round of this is the veins. shiffler is
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hoping to add a 2nd, the green jacket series collection of to also winning the us boost major in 2022. the american is 9 under through 13 holes. and how's this coming? agonizing, lee close i can just come to my next home is 3, so it's back up to 2 teen holes. i may, is currently one shot behind big old book who's using 2nd several. 60 past looks to be coming back into full but just the right time with the french opened about a month away on sunday. the break slip decide, casper read 616 full to win the monte carlo mazda is. it's the 35 year old is one. the tightly monica. it's also, he says to, if you this, you, it's like he needs, everyone creates that a to be live and there are 2 more. mazda is 1000 events in madrid, in rome, before we use 2nd grand slam stuff in paris. the trinity is even more special than the 1st or the 2nd time. so this is truly, i'm available for me capturing another one today,
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i would say it was nerve wracking. i really wanted to trinity, so i go to and i'm certainly happy with it. in the indian premier league, the channel, i see things that people knew by indians by 20 runs channel i basset 1st and a 91 3rd. we could fall off the ship, set them up for a big school captain. the red sky club top school, the 69 and 40 bulls was a be assisted by. she's going to do better with and then be to $6658.00 to deliver res. the super king's posting to enter the 6. the full moon by started quite well, but then latisha puts it on a to to it gets in 3 bowls to take them back. excellent work on the boundary. they buy most stuff is the last month even though they tell me $105.00, no doubt it is not enough. as moved by i felt sure debates all that started on it would eventually finished with full for 28 the channel to move up to 30 in the standings. and that's all this both of these folks and i think pay to actually we'll see you later. thanks a lot of that, that's if this, these are probably more coming up with
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[000:00:00;00] the hello and the clock. this is the news life from the coming up for the next 60 minutes. the middle is, is on the bring the people of the region. i can phone thing. good, real dangerous. the devastating scale constantly a cold to the fuse in de escalate tensions is un security council needs to discuss


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