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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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wine, shake him out a word for translation and international understanding. unknown. see is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024. starting march 1st to mesa, to fast nominations. i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t, a dot q a forward slash e m. the, the middle is, is on the being the people of the region are confronting good, real dangerous. have a devastating scale cost of coal to diffuse on de escalate tensions as un security council meeting to discuss around attack on is around the carry. jones, this is out to 0. a lot from also coming up is arouse war cabinet discusses
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a response. says iran warns against any reckless retaliation is rarely sold as open firewood. hottest indians trying to attend to this homes and move in guns that many are interested in the decades. often the idea is to book check nothing's dozens of goals are still missing. country struggles to stop child abductions, the un security council of health and emergency meeting photo in your bones with cabinetry strikes on is read on saturday or on a tooth is rather violating international no, by striking its diplomatic mission in damascus. 2 weeks ago, you and the secretary general antonio good terrace, said the middle east is confronting a real danger of devastating full scale conflict. gabriel, arizona has more from new york. as the un secretary general urged the world to take
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a step back and avoid any military publication. and we have a share the responsibility to actively engaged all parties consent to prevent further the escalation. you're on to and bassett, or said he's country does not seek war and only took action after the un failed to do so. so typically the security policy that has failed in its beauty to maintain international piece of security. especially, i propose that plus a statement to denounce this. assess is a 3rd shift act which was backed by china of jelia and many members, but was blocked by the u. s. u k. and france faced with such. so it comes down says they stomachs. repub, because you don't have the no choice but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law. supply is real,
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said the fact you run itself struck is real and didn't use the proxies. marks and new phase and regional tensions following such a massive and direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future. as for the us and russia, they have differing views on who started this and who's to blame. the us pointing the finger directly at tech from the coming days and in consultation with other member states. united states to explore additional measures to hold iran accountable. here at the united nations, more immediately, the security council must unequivocally condemn rods, aggressive actions and call for ron and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks on to both russia reminded the council that the us france and u. k. o failed to condemn israel's attack upon the reigning and consulate in syria,
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a blatant violation of international law, but now want to condemn iran for its response. what does she wouldn't? it was billed as well as you. it's today in the security council. we're witnessing a display of hypocrisy and double standards, which is almost embarrassing to watch. after the meeting concluded, multis ambassador said the security council's focus needs to return to gaza and a ceasefire release of captives, and on hindered aid gabriel's on don't. i'll just either at united nations in new york is there any government held several meetings throughout the day to discuss around the unprecedented attack on israel. and whether or not israel would respond . and the self reports from tel aviv, the, this is not over that. according to war calvin administer ben against the day after israel says it on launch $350.00 drone cruise and ballistic missiles. officials
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here say they will respond to the attack when the time is right. well, now you should be on the call. it's in the face of the rainy and straight. we will build a regional co relation and exact the price from iran in the fashion and timing that is right for us. and i could probably minister benjamin netanyahu convened his war cabinet to discuss what comes next. i mean, pressure from his own government members to retaliate, but no decision to respond has been made. israel's defense minister, jo, i've got a lot described to the event as one of the most dramatic in the country's history. and said, cooperation with allies in the region showed what he called impressive results. lupus thought they're good. and then we have an opportunity to establish just as easy to elias against his grades right by your ron, which has brought them into mount nuclear explosives come on dismissal. which could be an extremely great threat and will bill through the us israel and his allies.
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sam shoulder to shoulder, to defend us against this rather, to remove these rarely armies says it is ready for any eventuality. drawn from the beginning of the war. once only one sink to escalate the region. over the last 2 hours, we approved the provision of plans for both the offensive and defensive action reports indicate american officials had dissuaded there is rarely counterparts from launching an attack of their own. but officials within the political and security establishment say that it on to tack will not go on, answered the central jersey don't. televi is what a government held several meetings throughout the day to discuss the around. so unprecedented attack on israel. whether or not these row would respond or challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem at the end decision is right like a what to do next is remind all the high stakes that's everyone's involved with it
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. but also the particular personalities and perspectives of those at the top of the is ready decision making structures. we have benjamin netanyahu is wiley, political operates of the prime minister. then we have grizzled hop and military men at the defense. but as the guidelines and the former general tend to position politician by any chance, and then we have the 5 brand alternation this, these fall right politicians. it's him up and give a and betsy del smocks, which now it's my been convinced said in a tweet out of the wrong, that in order to credit it to terence for is the wrong in the middle east, the bosses, he but it must go nuts. but ultimately it is benjamin netanyahu, penny dense, and you have clients that have that decision to make and they haven't made it yet. now, there is an opportunity for israel that it can see. because for a brief moments yesterday, when the is a raining,
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a tax with coming in and it is row was getting support from the united states, from france, from britain, those fray international relationships that are being deteriorating since the war on cause of started. well, they will put to one side for 5 and, and as back to the good old days of israel, having the storage supports always highlights shooting things out of the sky. these robots to build on that. so we had a conversation earlier on between your client defense minister at his kinds of pots in the united states, the lloyd austin, in which you, i'm glad was advocating for an international coalition to take on a ron together. but the united states, we know, is reluctant to do anything that would involve a tenant attack on iran, once a drawer line onto this fence de escalate the situation. so the choice that israel has to make now is whether to go is the lights. it seems to wants to do so,
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but the question is, what is it going to do? and when, or which happens, i'll just say era, you know your party's truth and or on some people took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel. while the others joined, loan keys at gas stations, worried about what comes next. dosage or by reports from terror on. and this is how it rains. learned that the government had launched the country's 1st ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment, a waste of ms. 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given him a total mortality. so deep as you know, last night the forces of the as long as the republic of your on struck design is for james, military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads,
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the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her own actions didn't eat on um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed is real that we are strong. and my opinion is that to this extent, israel realizes now who they're dealing with. after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attack test. so. so according to what the supreme leader said, it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense nationwide, with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from your ons retaliation could soon be felt. door so jabari ultra 0 to air on
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37 leaders have condemned or on strike on this or else thing. risks that provoking an uncontrolled regional escalation. the latest held the video conference and in a statement off to it said that working to try to stabilize the situation in the middle east to earlier us present. joe biden. mets with his national security advisors, he reaffirmed what he called americas iron clad commitment to israel security. i want to test corresponding to kimberly how kit has more on the us response to the attack of the 10 days leading up to a ron's attack on israel. us president joe biden worked with the is rarely prime minister trying to prevent the attack. there were constant communications between us and is really officials. but we are now learning that there was also true swiss intermediaries contact between the united states and
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a ron in officials. what we know is there was an effort to try and prevent what ultimately occurred. the united states saying what did not occur however, was a 72 hour warnings that a ron had promised to give prior to any attack. instead, the intent to us officials say was to be highly destructive. still the united states saying that the defense was 99 percent effective in stopping $300.00 munitions and $100.00 ballistic missiles. now in a call between the united states president and the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu was told that the u. s. president will not join any effort to retaliate against iran. the goal of the united states is to de escalate pensions halt further attacks. the united states not seeking any war with iran. the us president, also holding a call with g 7 leaders, where they on equivocal,
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we condemn the international community that is unequivocal. the condemning the what they call unprecedented attack on israel as the need to hold iran accountable. the goals they say is to try and address the root causes as much as this conflict. and that is israel's war and gaza by calling for an immediate and sustainable cease fire. calling for the release of passive and bringing humanitarian aid to the palestinians. kimberly helped us out to 0. the white house, the, to these rarely minutes where he says it tends to cold up to reserve divisions for operations in does that, as it proceeds it's for on the street causes meet their office. so 6 is rarely a tax within 24 hours on, on this refugee count of killed 19 people and wounded more than $200.00 for the
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north. tabaya was also hit by a series of the stripes. at least 33600 palestinians have been to since the war began in october. is where the soldiers have opened fire on palestinians in gauze. a city who were attempting to attend to their homes in the north of the strip of several people were injured. they decided to make the journey off that would spread that it was safe to the central. kaiser. more than 100 palestinians were killed by his very snipers on the same route or collecting food date in february. despite those attacks, many palestinians are still making the dangerous journey to their homes. in the north, in del, who do he has more from what the gaza, a quick cranky, standing a couple of meters, a ways from web d as, as that the area the separates the north of glass out with the south of gaza
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earlier today in the morning a couple of families had the opportunity to go back to the north. it was very surprising. people started coming from all parts of the southern areas to this area where they're saying that they want to go back to the north. as you see, people are holding their bags are, are holding a, all are but the own and have, and they are walking to the check point, hoping they could cross back to the north. but on the other hand, people know that in the north, there is probation, there's farm, and they want to find food. they know that's the situation in the another and gaza strip is very diary and it's livable. but these 10 wants to go back to their houses, they want to check up on their beloved ones. most of these properties have there
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been up to and still trapped under the robot. they want to go and see their families see their houses if their system are not. we have been talking to more than one family and they said that they do not have anything to lose at all. the ones right now is to go back to their houses with the men will get a job, a job. we don't want to stay and roughly, we want to go back to our whole it, but there is nothing to do in process. we're looking for pieces. you know enough for the situation well enough for, you know, look, people are running to go back, but we will only get sick here. if we stay in the model. some people have the ability to leave and to cross from the south to the north, and others are telling us that they're going to stay here. and they're going to wait till the morning to cross again. those are the i just want to go back to my home. i ended up living in the 10. yeah. there was, i'm suffering every day. and every day is a challenge about not the us. this has been on presidents and palestinians believe
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that there is hope because they lost hope that they would ever go back to the north . but still there is slicing going on in minnesota. and people think that this is a step towards definitely incursion. this is included as the, the web because the new site out. so the head on that i'll just be in my minute. she was forced recruitment to virginia men and boys the report from bangladesh, with many honest to escape plus the aggressive passion. and then she's also 2 players, the superstar set to be the number one picks to join the women's basketball team in the us, the
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just as a spell of sons. the rain wanders slowly east, which is this beautifully picturesque system, is currently going through the other city. so time sheets behind it have dropped by 10 degrees of happening. installed. the naming is coming a week or a fan, so being some rain into a good positive japan over the next day or so. we weren't drunk times as much behind it. it's nice and bold matters more, right and developing in southern china, and that's over some the exec existing, some writing run along, for example, will produce yet more flooding. but it'll improve into the cream theater. didn't central newton china jumping south to indonesia, a big shalysea and the still the potential for flooding from them. not much admittedly, but if you're in borneo possibly dropping something too much at that risk has increased function, napkin, risk, time on tendencies thunder every day. but it's often new, it's under, generally speaking, just don't to dramatic. it's just in decatur, it's still,
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but we're a new season talent, they're off of office. so hot and enough or least some warnings are done for this. much of india is dry seem run to sharon's, but the big stuff is coming in to pakistan as it disappears north on to say look what's coming across from the room that for later on tuesday or wednesday the there was a time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a, but it was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important. you're going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out the,
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in the 14, i'll just say a reminder of our top story is this. uh un stuckey general. it has cool for the escalation of that runs on president of the tax on israel joining an emergency security council meeting toyota terrier said the world canada for the other one was least around investor to the un says this country was left with no choice but to act softly international communities failed to denounced as most of the time when it's embassy. these really investor cools for all possible sanctions against the wrong set to run the costs, are red line as well as will cabinet has been fortunately,
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been unable to agree and was action to take something not strikes around suppressed and has one disrupt against any further attacks. is the 1st time iran has directly targeted is rarely from it. so now it's 10 years since 276 school girls were kidnapped from this school in northern nigeria. dozens of goals remain missing off to the duction by the sciences. no one has ever been charged for the crime which made headlines, world wide anniversaries being commemorate to the town of she bought a whit address has moved from the on the 10th anniversary of the remembrance of the abduction of 276 school girls here into your book was really tens. there's a lot of anger. there is a lot of accusations with the counter accusations patterns. so you know that it's unfortunately unfair for the government to save. it's keeping up from other schools across the country within
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a matter of weeks or even days. while there's yeah. have to wait more than 10 years to get everyone back there asking the nigerian government to act strongly. negotiate a better way possible to get this kids back. why don't be one of the parents towards i just see that that they can't even understand how suddenly the international community has lost interest in what's happened into about 10 years ago. yeah. into both parents who got their children back happy, but that are something we spoke to will feel unhappy that not all the kids are back then i didn't. government keeps reassuring the patterns that they will have their children back. unfortunately, up to 10 years, a to, to are still missing that the parents here in triple also often than i did and going to step operations because up to know, 10 years since these goals have been taken to book, it's not entirely safe. they say they're all attacks and the situation here is
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tense, how many degrees i just need a shoe box and i get it. but i'm gonna send to national says many of the $276.00 goes we're afraid or escaped. the 80 to remain on, accounted for. honesty wants to not journal thoughts as to investigate allegations or forced marriages between 22. but women who were rescued from boca around fighters since travel cannot, jerry has suffered at least 17 similar abductions with government. seizing nearly 1700 schoolchildren. or should i am there is a visiting professor at new york university. she says the nigerian government could have done more to secure the release of the missing goals. the company definitely a cheat collective action, trying to pressure the nigerian government to bring back these girls that were kidnapped by football. around of questionnaire if the 10 years of age i i, she, your 1st one that had noticed the parents of the remaining, i've dropped it goes, have really reported that there's this lack of political commitment by the nigerian
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authorities to ensure that all the goals are accounted for and or found, we have seen unfortunately the last 5 years that a lot of non state, i'm groups in northern nigeria or adopting this book are instructed. you must get nothings and wonder if populations such as women and school children are perhaps clear risk, because this mazda abductions are during this significant domestic and international pressure, as well as media attention that'd be in order to press the 2 minds to the niger and government campaigning has begun in child the head of the may 6th presidential election. the poll is expected to attend the country to civilian who, which agent has been in charge for more than 3 years under the leadership of how much interest and they do the rest that has more from the capital in germane the compound election is that the gun on software they would continue until far may
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vote that it would have cost that bought on 6. may the choice app. what is it on for 10 candidates, uncle exams that cut on the president of jobs. and how much is this baby in his prime minister? 6, it must sit on the cooperation med buys at to see a child in president. well, how much is it? is they be the biggest? the not, is it quite a shot? he included with more than $220.00 product of this for collection met by allies, as well as the opposition that completely refused to participate in this election. is it that this election will not put in edison new york to chop? in fact, there is no president has cancelled my wife and little by the books. the physician say that transition presidents. how much is that?
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it's baby, but it better than legislative this election to ensure his victory in this election, they've called both are to by court and not participate in this protection. for the lot, the resolved. does it uh, on your mind. 12 people have been killed in widespread floods across a month. emergency services have rescued. dozens of people from effect today is evacuated. thousands more as a precaution. searches are continuing for people who wants to miss me. come on demand more of being a choose of ordering abduction and forced recruitment over hangup muslims to fight against the buddhist rebels. activists say the ministry is using everything here as human shields and still contention between buddhist and muslim communities. but it truly did not respond to the out. just the area with us to react to the allegations from the child. the thoughts may need well,
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hang up teenagers and young man have recently flat rock kind state emily on my or they have gone into hiding in the jungle to avoid conscription into the me and my army. oh yes. i spoke to a 21 year old or hang up recently managed to escape to bangladesh from a military camp and put it on the sides. many off his comrades were killed in reese and fighting against rebel forces with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. he doesn't know where he'll end up next. the duties, someone says he's and we were facing a very difficult situation over there with very little food to eat in the camps. after just 10 days of basic military training, they forced us to take pots and battles against our account. rebel groups deliver mobile phones. video secretly filmed by ro hang a have surfaced on social media revealing the recruitment process. there is 2 objective from the military side that we can see. one is to use
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a routing to use as immense, you at the better feet. and now that is to create the tension between the 2 communities. what kind of, what is the mislead? uh, because uh, this is the very sensitive issue. tensions remain high on the border between bangladesh and me on my because of fighting and what kind state between government forces an arc and army rebel good dark anatomy, but this condemned for 600 men of reading a most things, citing their historical co existence. you told me to bury us like it, we becomes an f, b a as a religious conflict between what i can community and within the community. this is the one who's looking for the message of many to hang out describe being arrested in nighttime rates. course with false promises of citizenship and threatened with arrest, abduction and feelings. you know, so for the people on your side, what did this,
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people have no choice. they cannot themselves, this is the against the bench. and that's the law. we can uh, push it through a domestic mood, even the un, more than a 1000000 drawing a refugee is possibly displaced from me on my upside shelter here in bangladesh. additionally, an estimate of 630000 ethnic growing, i mostly designated the state bless by the united nation phase of restrictions on their movement or are confined to camps in direct kind of state in western man mar of the me on my military's floors recruitment of ring i is the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic community that as long complain of persecution and marginalization to enrich other agency to come on monday in the us. the women's national basketball association is set to witness a plan. a selection could go down in history. the indiana fever, basketball team, base to indianapolis will have the 1st opportunity to to choose 22 year old caitlin
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clock up that he was already shot to the college circuit school in record. so henry and has moved from evanston in illinois it's possible many say likely that the best women's basketball player ever is about to step on a pro court for the 1st time. at this point you feel like she walks in as the greatest player of all time. caitlin clark average is more than $28.00 points, a game. often more than half for teams total. the university of iowa sensation broke the all time scoring record for women's in men's college basketball earlier this year. and hardly seem to notice now she's going pro, as the indian a fever is expected to make her the 1st choice in the women's national basketball association. draft, you know that i said it's not as fun to watch. i can correspond to watch as clerk sings one rings, 3 pointers. she's also shown she's got game.


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