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tv   Witness My Father Nour and I  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the hello again, i'm fairly back to boeing. doha, with a look at our main stories on al jazeera, it's been one year since the don plunged into a devastating conflict. within 30000 people have been killed and 11000000 have fed their homes because of fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces is also pushed millions to the brink of farming. dalia mohammed up done more name is a sudanese active, is to select the country shortly after fighting began. she says the catastrophe continues to worse, that we have no one left in the cartoon from my father's side. we will go on,
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we'll roll over the place. we came to egypt simply because of the proximity to so that you know, the ties between the historical ties between the 2 countries, the cultural ties as well, the language and i used to live in egypt. so there's a sense of familiarity of being here. it's very difficult, emotionally and you know, meant to be that you have to accept the fact that you are a guests and in another country. and you have to navigate, you know, the nuances of every country that you, that the country that you're in. and it's not easy because uh, from being a home owner instead um to being attendance here, you know, there's all difficulties you face. you know, our income has been severely hampered and impacted by the war. so we have to, you know, reassess everything. and i'm look here, i'm looking at the level of interest of the reasons in kite or elsewhere. and so we find facing difficulties. i can't begin to imagine how much worse of this was the
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others. and now the world news, the ron's war cabinet, is holding another meeting to discuss the rainy and attack over the weekend of the cabinet is reportedly in favor of a retaliation. these really cabinet that is, that remains divided over the timing and scale of the response. new video release biased rez ami shows what it says is the damaged one of his fab bases. after yvonne's attack, the barrage of jones and miss eyes left a large hole in the ground at the never team ad based and 7 israel. miss iran says it's a tonic on his red was a legitimate action under the un chandra in response to the strike on his consummating damascus. 2 weeks ago, the waiting for the ministry spokesman made the comment, had his weekly news briefing, and urge western nations to quote, appreciate yvonne's restraint. on the 3 self kaylon, some people celebrated the attack, while others joined, long queues at federal stations. worried about what comes next and guys
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a hundreds of display some. these are still trying to return to the north along a coastal road launch. crowds of people moved along rashid street in the hope of being allowed back. some people walked on foot while others use will barrows old donkey carts to make the journey? many a trying to leave the south, a mead looming rest of and is really invasion of a rough on sundays, really, soldiers fide on palestinians in kansas city. we're trying to return to their homes using that coastal road. several people were injured, startup was on as more from drop by and 7 gas. the hours of the day is morning. hundreds of palestinians families tried to return back to the north as they have been taking a receipt coastal road. but they have been rejected. and a, confronted by these very military tents, which split the road, opened the fire and force the majority of palestinians to return back to the
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shelters. in the south were the number of andrews have been recorded on some of that. the situation is relatively dia in every single part of the gone district, but the main focus of the is reparations right now is in the number of pos, open was a right to refuge account. we have been revolting about this for a couple of days, but today it's one of the bloodiest. they were at least for palestinians have for reported killed. i'm more than 32 others being would the only sense that the, to the hours of this morning as the, the, the, the civil defense teams are trying to do the best in order to recover the injuries and the victims from under the rustle of the destroyed houses because right now as well as demolishing and attacking residential, booting in the know the right part during the entire area into a great the out the target was a mean guys of a those are the headlines witnessed is next announced a 0 stay with us. the
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the length of the piano by end of the cushion. flan marketing and filling, fill out the she floats. plato, spitting it and duck. yeah. toughest the camera done with jeff and eating cake are doing us of the, to me is a fine big they, they did. so i'm on page effect. my dad's been zeller. okay, cool. what was it?
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you haven't done fluid exchange and he is a law documented castillo fact. so out the motor value also binding. want to have an escape? nice. funny. those on the bones for me. is it ange mateo fell on the coast bank and are we a heavy guy? ben's no so claim just just to the
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somebody to and yeah. oh no. yeah, no good. that's my problem. like the major new tony. so clean loss. so take meeting an order. 2 was made to toast. 6 was needs to begin these needs. why have us the. 6 you can download it and make a list of the a sofa by not that's hide because an
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update on a to yeah. my then us to come to the box to look want us to get a lot of us for them. a father of gong multiple offers name a nice unless on those plot and they've had the notion we of, of 8, and let me take them up. i don't have to do this, this i move. so i have 8, i'm way of 50 over to not, but for most of us to do york. okay, fair enough, the video roll and then the sales buttons also i'm gonna need to use the phones out
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of the hardwood on that as well. i've been by the contents of the level of a dozen, i'm literally hundreds of symbols. and donovan over a tool that's ranked off of phones makes it more fun. okay. kind of actually right on to the essence of each fun. and that he from of, of related to cloud of evading with falls as well, some of the lesson documents for falls of them, and those on hills funding, but often sort of talk about it on the actually wrong got painful in inappropriate image article take document can associate the best, the best man, the most reasonable fun exam to live with my most. it's not, that's a for to the, to the commission a don't good hand it is that some of the course in the how to write the code. then the 1st number with the mailbox meant multiples like lays including code for. so that makes me, you know, integrate the voc kermit in
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a long thinking for somebody they lift, lift, slap a month for advice. i'm with fluke. if folks may say that isn't an old or anything from pharmacy, and now you're down here for lack of the window, he ended up heading into the, in the back by the controller in your dine, you mom. i know how it works. my heart and the hearts inhaler speak you so nice on her hind. okay. are how the ottoman the absent of days? that's what is the cause of of come up with lots of lots. so up the box that was nice and the data by so i mean collab deepest is b, b, b, b is all my thought i'd be my motor hopefully limits for jo on that on. so i'm, i'm also meeting the not with the fiesta. yeah. do you have the did the leave in name tell may the feet, leave a name, tell me? yeah it for so long. the low eats may so i will cover it owns mid to all 5 that are
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meant to that bulk thing dr. loud. so they to out then has, and with that know and little was funding to me. he meant to clone. we're really he'll cut off and he did those full that mean i can book he's may name is why to find the detectives to take to face the a the dealer. yeah. the disagreement that i'm a book is in and those have become a isa blocked my, my b b as a miami, meaning i don't i'm not to admit the other thing in that wasn't so filled and seeking was dollars off a lot. yeah. i think of the whole gary. yeah,
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i think right now to or what is going to be push me to training. yeah, i'm gonna need a long way too long. how late it is to think we have most of us to indenting. and again, you often data 5 and 10 to say even a 10th i'll close this needs to page here to nice this so in document hollis. yeah . for the works of, for you to, to in cause of saving a to into houses this, you visited this bill from before. that's annoyed me this article for me, but this they feel safe as to this next day. why say multiple days i'm, i'm with the youngest and i behind the father 95 to and it goes live on to thinking about las vegas. i feel like i am the father of the scene and the counselor to call them they to the full vill oh, the to the ins and it's least of zillow. oh, so my mood, uh it was
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a new creative on a to communicating a file that cracked about having to do for how long a to is a delicate you need an in the auto say for in the least though find your 90 as high as a honda who could ask any great look, see the ocean, the cleaning and x of this, of the gods who cannot? oh hey, i was on guard. seems like there's a plank got to inflect on the same day cuz yeah this, this, that's when i made lansing. but they need they need the full name. i need to you're done. yeah. if you told me stokes. mm. yeah. but you don't need those filled it a hey joy. this is elizabeth levels echo fall like a video diary. 2 tons. i have to go and sign spot to staff to fill out the end up. hi isaac, need me into my jeep and have to sign passport and delivered by the side of my life
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stuff. well, i sure could get a lots the bond fund hand funded here. the size of one extra lot. yeah. there is a quick moment. i'm i to next up. what do i do? do is of crude and then thought of net by the buff and also except the converse time slot to have i need the 9 to send by plus more. i only need 5, even the i was done. hang on, i told the for a 2nd i'm wasted and he'll boyfriend hello for the both them on the feed is nice. the core asking laser guy heart in the wrong kind of an important talking about 15 of them the that go so that you wanted about 15 in a. com and the bone dash little jacob model 5. and this isn't the assignment. if you, if i open,
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if i have correlation should come come chain it defy this sunday to build it at the housing came in the middle ground stuff needs to force taylor east that to you. this is a dana for ad safe touch again. and she on to the fact what's really an out of order to do in the home that if this funds to deal to in, not reflect like how much did the dot off my kid that isn't the girl my fine find it. yeah, so david, just the email, the photo deep of an i have the same father say made a mom needs a lot of loans where she can reach for sale on who was who who 80 ton discharge whom us money to do for you based net. so extra credit so she a dish thing. nice to come national muscle. find this out. this. um no, yeah,
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no kitchen is whole. hi to my name which you know. so let's do another clump. oh daddy. okay. yeah, that was fine across on the critic bus to come back in just to do that. yes. to some to on and i have my diploma and you thought i did tell him to want to if it's and then press stop and it is the host the thought to kind of get the funding and the best i have. i wonder if i could, i can pick, let's know, from the department of legal on that and so i to and above anyhow, more doctors to nan nick and cups along. hi. cuz i set out a secret that i put in cups on, on those machine to equitable in the mountains. and so fries to money for them wants to stick from back
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a lot. and then it has all of the atlanta is enough. but done here, little dakota. yeah. it goes from mile skins also towards tickets cuz they're less like the next you said in a few years. and while the nice, the community has moved out the hood, lo opened a zach and the 5 of us ought to not to leave them from the ivy to go money. so you, for you to another from the thing may, may actually meet us on the bottom of the plank. milfey colleen, the not a thing of the not on been a the say the amos, somebody to liked it's very been in the, in the died hail feel last one a that for the that you had any, was it to need to be to the bottom be ashamed, love to be signed, love to you,
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the name, a mock. good thing. going to break up of all my life. the influence it kept just a whole lot and a delta fund about you have to make a mark on those. how's the leave of us needs a subsidy is does is for going up and down and i'm the tell are like a little blaming. i'm just on the head of the funds along the log and fun. yeah. it says well, so for me to meet here, really meet for the 1st my life at 1st and i moved to a to the and to load out the slope in the sack and the sides of us helped him not to leave them from the ivy to
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talk to contend the dynamite. how you be is tucked up and down the road. the bus. when the saddam hussein. yeah. the medium, it's smart. yeah. it's also contain the most the can estimate the competing names dot com. the best filter do to open and say it kept enable, not accessing and different atlas of do do device feel design for an all in a case that unless a dish customer hot over my last quarter, i appreciate not a but i took the time this they have the some guys out there shortly today, and it's not, it's not one by them beside the phone. so it's the thoughts that a comfortable that dot it forward and push it to the
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agent to take the greatest of ease of it. but the such took from the, from the chat, i'll think i'll certainly be as close as a my ups code continue to get over there. now. ok mon denise mazda of, of, of direct good at some dom has to wait in the slot signal, or it could, couldn't, it left us still with some of the finger, but hold onto remaining. and meeting me out, there's done behind tune and plugged it into one meeting or he makes the payment makes this $20.00 camecia out and it's out. i see a new big thing need to do to main
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nation for yard holidays. and when you get out to the community, tennessee sales and it's supposed to be in your mountable more to minutes 50, meet with most of the stokes, much closer it gets the didn't invest outside of society. here the immediate jacqueline mondo sent him directive volt. after about the soon few of us will know this all when kids and it so, but on the leave me. okay, stop, stop, stop. mm hm. i guess laugh new, but maybe what i'll do, i'll be out of next. feel different than what that is compared to this life that
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i'm sort of going mind kinda in my family describes had them in cost about the cost that is that is the prices for them. i is nick and betsy to monitor the yeah. so tell off meet says deadline, usually that is on the floss. yeah. excited or can beat them one company or to for almost a month from that same you know young. if you really klein high and equally, truly seen short. huh. want to cry whole. yeah, donald, the vapor, hey, nice, it's nice dana and we'll take the full pains paste, just letting you know and exhaust the code overall on bar to main to
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tablets or migrate for it out of my find it or any of us and days have been there had dire something close in a great lock. so hold the think that something not a big big box may find a bottom come to my neighbors kind of box my 5 on come to many terms here. take it to hit this hill. we're kind of like, oh yeah and and, and, and, and who are you on sport to come to zuka at $200.00. was a cast cuz i had a car accident. hot handful, spite hot fix or you cuz i don't need to exalt i feel it couldn't beat i lot half done a lot figures out for 10, some nice. my job does need a lot more more click on that. my. my price plus plus the haine. newmont can can come bait down the sky. i could look at the electric unit. i'm not locked in
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the car. model, a guy get lots of lots and lots of tight. and the perio de, the product life can with may often by and hope the bulk of it was making that into the base. it was for most of the. yeah, but we haven't even event. and a mom, the young son has to stop as hot. i feel like he comes out for dates. hayes need more click a lot, a few of us funny. but the and handler stuff handle that. i defy. he only those x i very out before hand. what could i have that the year was? if this sunday, there's a box that didn't, and if i'm really involved, but the, the, the, the probably the hiding scattering the
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2 people on time as the main finder, that you could and then arm to go to the hi mason arms on me to the task of safe have to pay the binding band withdrawal stuff and the time a long, so careful and service expert. i've had new hopes to pick north marysville, but the time is so fast. open the full day, want to call them on me from legal to have highland and i'm a product of the clinics. simple. but the guy in the really low my say for me alex, i have them next,
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next met him on next. the moment that for bucks for the song guy that makes me freeman. why that i'd so who to bury them, vice the, for the focus my of the home by the hour congress should by the but i'd heard conference comple sizeable and those to busta. anyway, another thing that them to basket inside of the team home health saved and those of us that yeah, yeah, the great thing and i'm going to die out of the box. i smoke or, and i was died and, and most of the did i take you to close as yeah. who had to let go find another move. alex hale at us yada, yada, out of is done with a competitive on the can bring that to the grow. right as efficient, imagining himself enough takes on. okay. it's just me a 5. if you had a can develop my valve as familiar as well to go out of a folder that's a major as role. i also belie delta,
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nevada does as us clips. mike, perfect for the 5 us comforters. the dear. okay. it is. it is, you find that in the measurable, ever you made that the best of all ends of our funding of those stuff. those are the ones that are saved via phone to for my 2 years after that these i don't accept that weighs all right, so i think for the actual and the 1st one is the each for the whole us right? you're all sounds i have and then i'll may my and my of the whole for the who for the the health of oklahoma. let's go back. just narrative, all the rest of them laughter lifetime. i see a real not the nothing father me, if i'm not as names and as i live who happy i that committee goes back to me to come the deal. some but of us can sit there and wears as that
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a at the amazing height, the loose hills of our right. yeah. okay. i was because relation had also and all i was an installation had them to connection combo editors with the news. kate, guys that you duck hill long last. so they've got a full text. they have the whole. yeah. yeah. but the requirements for this one open, want us to toss it some don't curtain i shot my skin signed the fleet the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the plan was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed into occupied palestinian territories,
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which has increased dramatically during the war on gaza. and at the problems of holding any one accountable for their death. shooting the messenger on dizzy around so how is your vacation in this the shelves? the chest? wow. the reporting from the fiction rate. when i'm hearing the facts, palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved,
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reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the, the flow again, i'm fairly by 2 boy in doha. with the headlines on al jazeera, it's been one years since don plunged into a devastating conflict. well then, 11000000 people have fled their homes because of fighting between the army and power military rapids support forces. it's also pushed millions to the brink of famine. so don, former prime minister of della m dock is calling for an end to the fighting. he's participating in an international aid conference in paris to highlight the pride of millions of sudanese affected by the violence timor. okay, from the yeah,
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cool. comes to stuff that will address the humanitarian situation. stop targeting civilians. restore the path of democratic transformation, an open and expanded dialogue that leads to the full nation of peaceful transition structures. these positions in the interest of the nation and the citizens. and this will not be achieved except by returning to negotiations old. having use israel, small cabinet is holding another meeting to discuss the winds attack over the weekend. the cabinet is reportedly in favor of a retaliation, but remains divided over the timing and scale of the response. and new video released by his regular army shows what it says is the damage to one of the fab bases after yvonne's attack barrage of drones and miss science left a large hole in the ground at the never team. a base in southern israel to yvonne say, is this attack on israel was a legitimate action under the un charter in response to the strike on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago, for an ministry spokesman,
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nasa cannot be made the comment that his weekly news briefing and urge west and nations to quote appreciate yvonne's restraint on the streets of table on some people celebrated the attack. one of those joints long queues at federal stations worried about what comes next in gaza. hundreds of the space on these are still trying to return to the north along the coastal road. large crowds of people moved along our sheets region. the hope of being allows back many a trying to leave the south amid the looming strength of any rate is really invasion of frost and widespread floods. you know, mine have killed 12 people as searches on the way for 5 others. we're missing dozens needing, rescuing by emergency services and 1000 typing evacuated as a precaution. those are the headlines i'll have and use our for you on andras here in 13 minutes. witness continues next yes. please speak to the business list here. yeah. mike, nice,
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you cool militia? sally yeah, somebody from the can with filling out i'm all they don't know how to do this. you can pull one and best feed in my steeple. i also to buy
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the page b, b. 5050 south. this wire to be my fault or phone to be fully. i knew by my that it can you to easily from i feel for
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you have any needs you need from the can see yeah. yeah. i think i'll take my t x in that the don't create any. i'll take the folder in dar on a date and the phone interview. the gas, one of the
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stuff to show you the links editing, doing more deals deals and catch it up. take a king, pick up a new bottle for today sir. and if you can, my holler at me, god bless metabolic accounts, pay this so they have not left the front of the box in from the swipe with the need to keep going just for faithful. okay. and so happy to help me finding that i can when you go to an active at the football game. so a cafe there ain hard on that. hold on 5. 0 yeah. who taxes for
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a little bit. yeah. the thing that to and about a to a you'll is the south but the wife of the house to can be saw how many bow and excel file can i get any doctor the clinic for an adults funding from dr. bridget clubhouse, or stay on the door and add marcia. nice. okay. and before like to locate them. com is that they are based away from the state and it's going to cut in and to impact soon my ida. yeah. to box it of all and make any gloss, mitchell bung. today. the next is just to me, murphy story. i do. yes. about fairly close pills. predict yeah. health for 3. this any different? any sick but on the item to how nice print and they choose to have a city to say
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ok then how crawford. okay. nice nice. yeah. wow. i think the sadie sony a hi. even if asking moment to look at a meeting and then cashier read it as far for how to explain what the state to. okay. if it's talking to you, okay, the for the, for how the system and my god, he always has to come over. and my wife dropped me nice. colonial stood down. they did as mutually bo this all my friends components. he took the box and things like football at clack. yeah. the
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me made me so elaina. spot of the the big it kept need me from month with nathan automotive of bye bye. may find you my name awesome. this will have to tell you, okay, for example, for me it, it kept me from my bumper with me and the full, the good fee i have the, the,
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and a new need the see on my phone. but i need may come back to you to build the s and so snell mostly the best. so the kid all the goals christ on which relates to later those a yeah. me martin i yeah. see if you, if i just the latest felt the think new vein to hold on some cynthia knows it's a coma looms. have post traumatic stress is born. is that what is for foot? mm hm. but it is. mm hm. and at this stage, it is a good thing. they said the may from lack tapped need hate them, all sort of act, you know, can best of me to today from the video this life come from a, me a this to pretty or that the elaine, that is why i that and my foot. and by he was in the tried built for this website to find me in photos, believing me today to bottle. okay,
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and what do you want my filed of honey for? so i'm a guy who did all the major things, but he needs to see, let's see. okay, that's people to, to throw a simpleton. yeah. it does, but the, the mama is wanting to know mass. good. the quite right. mm. yeah. the boss from either leasing market with good shopping to here and i felt that there is one with the 5th method. you direct them to somebody. i'm not doing that either. you based on for the claudio dollars, man in the missing? no, no, no, no, that i've done that they can then need to enjoy the rest of the needs and the terminal. then what you do the elf either doing, save underneath or don't pretend them. i can the main line i for the extra problem with the critic. i'm withdraw my height, they didn't retain pulse my eyes out to to find that you'd like my belief as 100.
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they were still not a, not a to denisia years. and when he went to, that's an easy it to think of the you for stop it, a guy, the daughter bonded the monde. the single calling from the so indeed those fold hello and have a month to do it a uh, the bottom data for the deal and will listen to the whole time that you, connie, through which you took that off. katie. how's that for you? well, do it over to somebody that and you've done yet, is more humble by date, it kind of need to be any buffering mach into the ice a name. we don't have to call on them design to connect with daniel here. yeah. no, for the me to turn to as far as the beautiful thought. so thank you know and can photograph the piano done and to get the bus find,
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find you not, no cables. tune that are heading on mit. let her lie. might that i select different ones if i'm in, denise deals, house 10 at the out a move down a do say do the die. and now next to on the outside that it was academic. and that's how you know, the whole thing is, is i have to really have lost from your don in the house for baptist bought up into an assignment thing. yeah. so the 16 will need the setup. i know that's a good. so on your for down and help with my on with foot turlock. tab you said this this for bona on need to be a little bit on night from craig. yep. to nice. i need management fraternity. do me to dingo or little hard for this. omar. and i'm the tie, oak need to like fun for
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a new friend connecting to eoc, natty, it denisia, and nato don. yeah, and i would, i couldn't, i'm sorry for looking back. that's fine. but how long is that done and examines most highly based on hold on. what's the best for the today climate by now ask mando ask mando live us with a baby sydney drive us next. they a guy could excel with the know they use it. ok to me. my duties of this in a lot. ok. ok. well i still live in this vehicle? yeah. yeah, those are, these are the as of yet the we have a daughter be what you we have is a cool lot behind
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on the a new hyphen. oh oh i see as the and on your head back who to ship it had. is she 5 degrees outside? mm hm. oh, this last massage. uh. function. agenda and zip code. i can send them. would you john? let me just send it been been patrick colors. i think you said it is okay. we are we are we are heading to drop the vehicle. do you have a lana? but just in the country with generally any on the house, if the how good. yeah. we do miss logan, i just i left couple of we're she stick much so any of the statements mit mit?
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no, that sounds perfect. i mean i know what up next to me. like i said, i never know. she hardly was unable to come on. send me a bunch simple, gotten all the and i'm going with when did you end up with a how does it go mine? yeah i o n d o way fee that the end of the line even though they never see the anonymous. oh yeah. i mean and shifted a bunch of them. yeah, i mean, the yeah, i mean, i mean alice, us and more about how to solve it before the document we're because i'm with the i left the other a lot of the left side the i left the end of the thought. i don't know who i was calling to had the engine mode. you can come stash out of to been to give it. i meant if you had a fabulous oh, well my dad many
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a boat bodies. i filled out with a new photo. medina to know who i got those stores. so for the coffee you i, i mean can you at the deal that'd be a condition task with the dolphin. so quin wide and this even was stuck but at the end of the gift mfc fee is how we feel very simple advice. female female which we're somebody mumbled fee. i'm doing a call because we're getting approx overlay of it. and you know, by 1000000000 dollar company has been throwing up my call, but she wanted me on somebody to come pick it up with it because i'm assuming we're not too much of a, his family. and yet i need the, the in the i s and the in for the hold on me. but i mean,
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the general army is double yet. i might be there for the. okay. and the thought of, i mean, i'm exactly get it. it's and been been in business, met and in the army, and that's the business very the estimate. i'm oh yeah. oh, well, i was unable to put nothing dollars gotten. this was the 7th of ship i've been, i've sent over the sort of the car, sean shown for bill quasi. that he, i mean by the name of the see the whole, the whole shop by him off. holy the you left it the last time. now i was the hey,
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dylan from zillow was the one that i'm sorry, the boy, but to him in order to get a copy of that down he, i mean i need to honda just to be sure if that's the problem. okay, stop, stop, stop it. car 20 fan or not tomorrow. no 2 big guy from today's builder. conflict asked who to go do, etc. okay, i'm back at the bottom of the hello so i went on the side not to jot all we need for the over 9 to guess. obviously the how the the 90 mind, the bulk of was a 10 minute and no and you need when you couldn't buy over and pick a side of me, then it took us a high side by the desktop and on the other gentleman,
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the other night might be leading to my house anyhow. logic, the old house didn't house, did that job and i thought i did so with it. what are your thoughts on that stuff that is a with the system is giving them access to that hello. ok. ok. when says, i think, but i think the, the need inside of the yeah, the
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thing that to let you know if the barbecue over delta, the, unmindful not to hear back from the bows, yours taffeta, followed by a laugh bombardment faced all say dash us on a granted a cut off, so i'm going to talk to that guy. so for have us for the instant talk, take me about lead time to meet up the door trying to
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figure out a new super 8 phase i meant to call make on bad dies from admire. might stump any attached onto any se, tamales store i think so. you know, preferably and if dana, hook them up, the appointment folder. my goodness. i don't know if anyone, meeks 6 of honda been in mobile on their minor. nope. nope. and not enough to sit have time tomorrow to sales to steam onto my
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laptop to meet hannah han make. so can you hold on to a spanish tooth notes to buy it out loud to feel so much have a ship in my head. i've taught goes home now since blue that's a little gun shy from the bus for not to football shirt. b, the news headline for bass technique. but on my cheek, you know, saying an a neat oh
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good. good. nice thomas. happy thanks. and then the the, the image of that, yeah, heavy the not to and the see now, so and so how much are you looking to take a p d?
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is it turned off, meaning the to be useful for me to see lots of the machine off the leasing team then thing? yeah. days for them to be in. it's a logical type is really for do to for the estimate of data on a moment to do it. i kept them a know to couple of days for to highlight the t for me allow me to handle his own and that to your father competing and i'll see him on the whole and i know for alcove tell in on adult she donald fast the think of that you may be telling seat of the merlot guy can also body want to yeah, you for me so much to ask you a call for it back from the to a new he's saying a connection
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fail to yank somebody as an eel, new payment adds the data on you said milan accident 4th, the filing nissan altima the altima, the illegal goldmine. this is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna,
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monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem with a counter offensive is underway. as the tribal chiefs had to europe's gold clubs, the corridors of power not to seek help, but to demand the world, the warnings of its indigenous people holding up the sky. a witness documentary on the jersey though. these other must, these old dramas. they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is ready to admit a cheap precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and towards will for is the city often defies the seasonal.
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we used to be law on the street box right now. look, it's easy to move around. i think i would say the difference in the warren go to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the hell i always looking around one, settle just around the river, play to pay gary or a cloud here gathering together live the storms. quite an incense, salary of light pressure. this one is going to roll this way across that little facing corner of odds and china. some really heavy showers on this. pushing lights up for your why, se in brazil into a power requires believe you're seeing some big and sundry showers as well side by to call some slash flooding. certainly want to watch out for over the next day or 2
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. going into wednesday. i don't think you're going to see a great improvement even by that stays not so bad. meanwhile, into the carrot band at the central america, some live the shelves just around the dominican republic towards puerto rico. they become a little more widespread as we go on through tuesday when was could catch a shower to leave with, i think should be long as the dry and fine. meanwhile, we have got to watch the weather just pushing its way into jamaica, something positive. keep her as well. shots have one or 2. she has into central america, southern areas, and particularly the correct o costa rica could see some wet weather and weather is gathering too just around the rockies. we got to larry or snow, but to spill his wife. of a switch intensifying as it does so i really heavy rain coming in across the place, stretching down towards the deep south losey dry to the east. on the go to goes to the polls on april. the 21st to boot or new plans to come back,
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criminal gang and find toby. nice crime. can president daniel nibble and convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand the lease and military power? follow the story. one now to sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. this is in use are on algae 0 for the back to go live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a year of conflict in saddam fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces as scales more than $30000.00 people. 11000000 are facing families, devastation and central guys. palestinians dig through the right k drafton is


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