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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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more significant this year, a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gone to the mass graves founding gaza city bodies of palestinians were buried in the courtyard of ashi for hospital storms by is really forces 2 weeks ago the lady watching algae 0 live from don't how with me for the back, people also coming up at least 5 people that killed any. israel's latest set time on central gaza rescue is dig through the rumble in search of saliva is or as war cabinet meets again to this cost yvonne's attack. politicians are divided over the extent and timing of the military response. and donald trump is about to become the 1st one. we're us president, just trial and
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a year of conflict into don psyches. between the homie in the military rapids support forces as killed, more than 30000 people. 11000000 off racing from the thank you for joining us. palestinian doctors have discovered a mass grave in the courtyard. obama. she for hospital in gaza. city 9 bodies believe to be of hospital patients has been found so far. doctors say they witness the killings outside the main gate out the hospital. it's one of several mask res discovered on the grounds allow she for in the last few days. meanwhile, at least 5 people have been killed and several others injured in any is really bombing in central gaza. a family home, you know, and this is a raj refugee camp was targeted and rescue workers are still trying to reach people, dropped under the rubble to the injured has been taken to
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a make shift hospital for treatments in the mcgasey, refugee camp palestinians, the sifting through the wreckage often is rarely strike reduced at homes to revel, rather than say they were sleeping before being war cannot find a knock at the door and told to evacuate in preparation for news really strike. let's get the latest with honey. my hotel is in a raffle for us. honey. what more details are you hearing for us about this new mass graves that's been found in all she 5? what do we know about the victims? more tragedies keep on folding and from a ship, a hospital complex, then it just as important to remind where you are that within the past month, these really military storm that you've a hospital after a did back in december of 2023. but the one in march was so aggressive it let do a complete destruction of the health facilities,
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including all of us to specialize at buildings and medical warehouse in addition to the of the medical supply. 7 is that in the middle of the inside the hospital, but the tragedies that we're looking at right now is that more people who wear under the levels and the fact that many of them at the beginning of last week when there's really a monetary pull that were found and tied to their hands were tied behind their back under way buried under a better than a massive group. but as of today, doctors keep digging and looking for bodies from under the rebels. it is believed that there were a close to 500 people who were inside the hospital. those were civilian with women and children. i know dirty work inside the hosp to those children. and what doctors did today, as they were digging, they were able to remove 9 bodies. the dogs lead, decompose, they just believe they've been that under the uh, in a mazda. great for the past 2 weeks, a doctor is also got to the point where it's, it was, it is freely risky to continue digging for the bodies on the under the rebels or
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remove these bodies of from these magic waves because of the, the presence of attack of drones and surveillance of drugs. so these, these, the operations and lift the area, the entire cube, a complex turned into a graveyard. as described by a top view, honorable officials in god though referred to god as a place of healing that turned into a massive graveyard. as these really military uh, is formed it within the past months and it's that it, we believe, according to the reports are emerging from the gaza and the super hospitalized. there are more people, it's still missing and a tribe, and possibly in mass graves, as they do there will be removed within the coming days to some green discoveries, no doubt. fair. and now she felt what else has been happening across the gaza strip . honey, what areas have the latest is really as hikes target as well?
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is there any areas, tracts and artillery still in continued to a pound across the central area, mandy and the rest of the com. that's the new block of directors. you got the northern parts of the central area and the southern area of why do you have that area? was designated the safe zone for people coming in from the know the part then goes to the displays. families do move in to just find themselves right now under the heavy bombardment on our salary shilling. 5 more people reported guild as more residential homes being targeted and destroyed. and the vast majority of the, the infrastructure and public facilities. meanwhile, in the northern part of garza, that has been under heavy bombardments since the past 6 months. more. more of the residential homes and public facilities in value rep is you comp and also enjoy value down to being targeted and destroyed on on the fact that we're seeing this
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sheer level of destruction caused by the intense bombing campaign is about the number one reason why we've seen more people missing and it's trapped under the rubble because it's take really long time. and with these on a they are in a and on availability of the, of the, of tools and equipment. it's hard to remove these bodies right that way. so that when they, when they are found and removed, they are largely disease. honey, thank you for the update. that sound just here is honey. my mod reporting a lie from rafa. southern gaza. a new video released by as well as ami shows what it says is the damaged one of the sad bases. after yvonne's attack, the barrage of drones and miss, i've left the launch hole in the ground id never team a base in southern israel. israel says the vast majority of the launch project todds were intercepted is there as well. cabinet has been meeting for a 2nd time in 2 days to discuss yvonne's unprecedented attack on israel taylor on
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launch hundreds of miss size and drones that as well. it says it was in response to is arouse attack on it's consummate in damascus on april. first. these really cabinets have several meetings on sunday, and is reportedly in favor of a retaliation, but remains divided over the timing and scale of the response. live to him. this out and telling me i'm to so reports then of a split within the government on how to respond to the reigning an attack. what can we expect from this 2nd cabinet meeting and as many days as well. we understand that that work cabinet meeting has since ended, and they will, can be in once again tomorrow, but it's not the only meeting that was supposed to be on the agenda. benjamin netanyahu was going to convene another type of security meeting with opposition later yet year, the pied and that's to discuss the wide variety of issues that israel is facing currently, when it comes to whether or not to respond. you'll recall earlier this morning,
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there was an exchange of words between us and yahoo and your ear lupita, who said, quote that nathaniel who was an ex essential threat to israel and nathan yahoo who responded and said that he is exercising restraint with his words and trying to do what is best for israel now we heard from betty gans yesterday who said israel will respond at a time and place of their choosing. and we also heard from these rarely army who said that a top plans for post office and defense have been approved. israel's defense minister, jo, i've kalonde, has said that regional cooperation is one of the main reasons why he says it was an over whelming success. when it came to interceptions, you're strong on these dom not. we have an opportunity to establish a strategic alliance against this grave threat by you wrong, which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these messiahs, which could be an extremely grave threat, the us israel and its allies stand shoulder to shoulder,
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to defend against this threat. so i am in the meantime, honda restrictions on schools and large gatherings have been lifted which spitting the mood like in israel after these attacks as well. after these attacks is rarely said that they are certainly afraid of some sort of larger escalation, as in keeping with this really politicians and the rest of the world. the lights who is putting pressure on israel not to retaliate, but there was also a lot of faith in the air defenses that according to these really public now the restrictions have been lifted. gatherings of more than a 1000 people are once again allowed to take place, meaning that protests against israel government can once again take to the streets, but is really, authorities are saying that all of this could change their in quite a dynamic and changing period where they're still making a lot of decisions, they're still holding a lot of security assessments hour by hour and they say things could change at any moment. and to keep a look an eye out for any sort of new restrictions that are put in place by
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homefront command. and that could change based on whatever decision these really work happen to chooses to me. how do i thank you for the update that sound best. i'll, who's lived there in tennessee for yvonne says it's a talk on israel was a legitimate action under the un charter in response to the strike on this consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago, foreign ministry spokesman nasa cannot be made the comment that is weekly news briefing and know it's west of nations to quote appreciated. yvonne's restraint is all mess on it. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted to israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now. we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious and maybe a short on the door such a battery has this update from tehran. we've been hearing from the rain for mr.
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jose and i'm here abdullah, he on who has been speaking to various other ford ministers in the region as well as europe during a phone conversation with his german counterpart earlier on monday. the renew for administer highlighted the fact that the actions that are on top was to prove a points. and that it was to show israel that their actions are not going to be tolerated by rhonda in their way, needs have read lines and that's where these are at least of costs after that or strike on it's console section in damascus that killed 7 members of the revolutionary guard, we've also been hearing from the supreme national security council inside the country. that is a body that is headed by the way, new presidents. the statement that was issued by this body highlighted the fact that iran does not seek to continue this a back and forth in terms of military action between iran and israel. and that's a wrong can to consider is the matter done. they've carried out the operation to
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prove a point and they don't wish to escalate further. but should israel respond with any kind of military action against iraq? the radians will respond tenfold to what we saw in operation to promise that was carried out by the revolutionary guard on sunday morning. in terms of the preparedness of the country. the officials have been issued any kind of warnings or alerts to the general public, but we do know that most likely the military forces are on high alert. the airports have reopened in the capital turnaround as of monday morning, and life continues for the time being. for now, the events that are on folded over the past 48 hours are being held as a victory for iran. and certainly it's being seen as a psychological barrier. that's when cross for at least one palestinian has been killed by these really forces in the occupied westbank, the military store. and the city of nob loose and rated at home confrontations took place between the fighters and the soldiers to find
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a seniors of also been wounded and one is in critical condition. neither a brain has more from ramallah is really forces every this nablus in the air the hours of today in the morning at 9 30 am local time and they've rated and surrounded 1st at the house of a palestinian that they deem wanted according to local. he's not someone that is been chased or wanted foot wide for these really forces, but when the is really forces with that, 1st of all, they came as under cover units before they would have followed later on by these really soldiers confrontations took place between the palestinians they are these way the forces and that has led to the killing of one palestinian who was there also to palestinians with injured. one of them was apparently driving his car when he was shot at, as these really forces with the 3 things after they've arrested the person whose house they surrounded. it gives you an idea about what we see or with about those
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as well. it a, someone can be just their minding their own business going about their daily life. in that case, we believe this driver has been carrying stuff. he was off loading and unloading them when he was in shots. and he is now in a critical condition. all in old with talking about those is where the rates that have been spending all across the occupies was the thing. it overnighted in the early hours of the morning at least 25 palestinians have been arrested as a result to the whole crimes trying of one of the highest ranking for missouri and military officials has begun. a swedish court, while i'm at campbell, who was a brigadier general, is accused of violating international humanitarian law and during serious civil war . the 65 year old trace is a life sentence for his elijah involvement in what prosecutors argue with indiscriminate attacks on the city of homes in early 2012. it's the 1st time any syrian army official has been put on trial as well. i think the vixen this
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a visa path, they're just the parts of the place in homes and i'm a 2012. a new fact similar elsewhere in syria have resulted in housing losing their family members living their homes. and it's all happening in patient is claiming that this is losses. wordpress. and so if the court degrees, the defendants will be receiving up to 18 years in prison and even life seeing i had on how to 0, how jenny fisher taking over in venezuela as fishermen and tories both found the along the
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hell out of the range gathering once again for japan, we've seen a little bit of weather coming through the country here. and we were cloud and right and also making his way across the korean peninsula. high pressure not too far away, but this little cluster of storms that will continue to drive its way for the race was to be some pagan fund reset was coming through was a go one through choose type process, got pulled up for information about space 20 celsius and so trying brightly advertising at around 26 degrees, but the central charter is lifting a little library over the next day or so. some big showers coming back in here, gathering, pushing a little further east with the withdrawal shanghai as we go on through wednesday to catch a shout all the way down towards the home call. know the parts of it, and i might see a shower too, but essentially it does look long as you track what's a good possible in the china us, you drive to into the phillip. the scottish guy was 3 malaysia. whether they have it as a monitor, and i'm afraid shala's cause to say no rain to continue across indonesia including
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as fluctuate pos of the country, but can get some lot of showers to just around the southern india into so lanka, much of injurious logic, right. we have got a few showers that up towards the pool where it's a weather making his way across the buckets. dawn as we go through wednesday, running over towards the north west of india. this week. the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series that seems to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system has no per month. the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera. the
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the, are you watching colleges 0 live from? do a reminder about top stories, policy, me and doctors have discovered a mass grave in the courtyard of all sheep a hospital in guys, a city 9 bodies for leave to be off hospital patients have been found so far. it's one of several mass graves discovered on the the lines called off, she 5 in the last few days how swain gaza, at least 5 people have been killed and several others injured. and then these really bombing in the center of the strip. i found the home, you know, new se raj refugee camp was targeted and rescue workers are still trying to reach people trapped under the roof. and these are as little cabinet has met to discuss
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how to respond to the weekend attack by the ron. politicians reported to approve retaliation, but i divided over the size and timing of the response. and how the world news has been one year since saddam punch into a devastating conflict now is on the brink of famine with thousands killed and millions more displaced. the army has been fighting the power military rapids support forces whose integration into the sudanese army was one of the main causes of this conflict. so don had been trying to establish a civilian that the government, but negotiations broke down after disagreements on how and when to integrate those fighters. the violence has forced more than 11000000 people from the homes and what the u. n. s. called the wells was displacement prices, nearly 2000000 still denise have fled to neighboring countries. half of them have gone to eva chad or egypt. the rest have entered sa. so don e c o p a and the central african republic. putting more pressure on already scarce
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resources in these countries, and the spread of the fighting to rule and little areas and restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid have also pushed down to the brink of finding. the un says at least 5000000 people now facing catastrophic hunger. even morgan reports from undermine. yes. that's what a nice capital cartoon, a block tower and rolling along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine to dance. second largest city in the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery. drone and strikes has left to devoid of any signs of life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the iris staff during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the r a staff have been battling it out to have the upper
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hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital, parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital. in order to alone fighting thrills. at least 13000 people under mine city plays a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapids support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs, obviously be respectful, have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen a year after the battle began. tough to try to find them into the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view
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the state in the center of the country. the u. n. has accused the power and military group of ethnic cleansing and work crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets it ethnic muscle. each tribesman, the international agency, says in that state alone, well, in 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence. in the past year. more than 9000000 for the needs have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement prices. they a lot of missouri. yes. on. if she fell other than 3 or 2 refills still on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning. we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i had the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts through you 5 talks between the wearing
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sites are ongoing, but for now the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country. even more than all just 0. their mind. in the us, jury selection has begun in donald trump so called cash money trial. the former president arrived at the court in new york just a short while ago becoming the 1st form of us president to stand trial on criminal charges. is the 1st the full criminal trials these facing as he campaigns to return to the white house. trump is accused of disguising payments, made to an adult films thought to hide an extramarital affairs. he denies 34 charges of the people there
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and again this is so live to christian, so new me outside the cool house in new york for is set the scene for us, christine, what's been happening outside the quote and inside the court. none of the former president has life yes, while the former president arrived to buy the back entrance here, he was assorted in by secret services. huge crowds outside the court house, mostly media from around the world. looking to see this historic trial, the 1st ever criminal trial of a former you as president. there's also a handful of demonstrators gathered outside as well, both so supporting the president waving trump 2024 flags as well as those
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clearly who would like to see him sound guilty in this case, tearing signed him, say no one is above the law and you just heard the president's comments as he went into the court house speaking to journalists on the way in saying that this is a case of political persecution in case that never should have been brought against him. but the courts have continually decided against him on that front. he made several motions to delay this trial. he tried to have to judge removed from the case saying that the judge's daughter works for a political organization that has raise money for a democratic candidates in the past. all of those has had been denied by the force . so what we see here is a president now being faced with a criminal trial that's expected to take 6 to 8 weeks. you have to be very careful what he says is actually under a gag order, limited gag order from the judge because he was making so many comments about and
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has a history of doing so. in other cases. is that involved in about the judge about the cost of choosing about their family members? he's not allowed to talk about them, but that hasn't stopped him from talking about the judge and the district attorney . in this case, the case person is about a hash money payment, but the charges are falsifying business records. what's the connection that to yeah, that's right. it's a little bit complicated. so the allegations go back to 2016 with donald trump was 1st running for the presidency in mashed and a series of scandals involving women and women outside of these marriage them. long neutrons. the allegations 34 accounts of falsifying business records stem from the payments that he allegedly made to an adult film. star stormy daniels is expected to be a to witness. in this case,
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he has denied having an affair with her. he has denied any knowledge of these payments as well, but the accusations are that his lawyer and fixed or michael made these payments to her. the payments themselves would not be a legal. it is the fact of hiding them and trying to disguise that is a legal and the accusation is that he did so in order to avoid paying taxes and avoid campaign finance restrictions as well on that money. so it's a complicated case, but one that is not expected to take too long. what could actually take a couple of weeks here is a process of selecting a jury to consult to prosecution. and the defense has to agree on the potential jurors and get people that they believe are. 2 don't have preconceived ideas and are impartial in the case and can and can give a non biased judgment going forward. so a lot at stake for the president and the prosecution in this case as it begins to
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move slow and will close to the fall of the try with you. christian christian. so nobody lived there in new york and staying in the us. 2 police officers have been killed in a shoot out with a suspected coffee. it happened near the city of syracuse in new york state. as a sheriff's deputy and another officer investigated re force of a voluntary are going for a swim off the coast of venezuela. isn't a good idea at the moment. an unusually invasion of jelly fishes causing a lawn for both the tories in and fishing industries. alexandra vice has a story local fishermen calling the plague. millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline. q and the way . yeah, well no, i'm not that much of it used to see a little on every now and then. now it's like there were flowers in the sea floor. now it's too much too much, too much salary. my salary about selling the swarm seem to appear out of
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nowhere. it's thousands of miles from where this species is normally found in the atlantic pacific and gulf coast. the invasive jelly fish is filling fishing net and crowding out other species and is having a severe impact on the fishing and tourism that locals depend on. what i want to put on, i know, see, i don't know when you dive in the works to look proficient you brush against a lot of jelly fish with your head. you body get stung along. it looks at fish right now with completely stuck up anymore. when diagram, dougherty, weekly halls have dropped to less than a 5th of what they once were. local organizers say it's the industries biggest decline in recent years. and then as well as environment ministry says, warming water is caused by climate change, pollution and over fishing, maybe to blame. scientists in the capital are trying to pinpoint the exact cause. the invasion to say is when you're going to add the pico, this isn't
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a typical event that's occurring, it's a complete and normally in previous use, only a few has been observed. one. however, the increase in the population of this year has completely exceeded previous estimates. what i'm saying, daniel, jelly fish populations around the world, have seward in recent years. the thrive and harsh conditions and need very little oxygen. and researchers are warning of a looming tipping point. we're jelly fish could over well other species and dominate the world's ocean. alexandra buyers, algebra it's 5 years since via destroyed one of the world's most famous cathedral. since then, no true, diamond parish has been a reconstruction side. it's hope the fame is french.


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