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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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this is our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. this takes every day. this is going to unspeakable hard to really alone about what's happening because of the death and media attention the stream on out just the or the israel vows to respond to iran's drone and mr. alex on. while it's i live united states is warning against any destination. the other one down, jordan, this is all just a red light from dough hole. so coming up on coming the dead in gaza. another, a mass grave is found in the grounds of, i'll ship a hospital recently occupied by israeli soldiers. israel's plumbing at the strip continues of these 4 people have been killed, an attack on a home just outside the city of rome. on the 1st of a criminal trial for
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a former us president gets underway, donald trump facing charges of falsifying records during the 2016 presidential come the as well as army chief, has the wound of consequences for around following its unprecedented attack on saturday to around 5 hundreds of missiles and runs towards israel, saying the attack was retaliation with israel strike on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago when his reign anita say they were assessing their options, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has convened this ready will cabinet for the 2nd consecutive day, miniature officials say israel, or we respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation. we may not that way the highest level of readiness, you know, i'm going to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose,
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always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to come to any for it, for milan, and it still prophecies as we continue our mission to defend the state, to visit a stephanie deck as mona from occupied east jerusalem. the message coming from the military leadership from the political leadership and very much the same, but the scale of wrong to talk on israel did loans a response. now how this response is going to come when is going to come, remains a real issue of debate. and of course, this is all within the context of the international community, particularly the americans putting pressure on israel, telling them no to escalate. what is a incredibly dangerous situation that could result in a real regional conflict prizes and joe biden told him to benjamin netanyahu saying, take the when saying this over the weekend. the fact that over 99 percent they say
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of the missiles and walk hits and drones newest at israel, were it disrupted? it remains a question of when probably not if the word cabinet will reconvene again on tuesday . and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of that. stephanie decker, i'll just narrow it occupied east jerusalem. what around says, it's a topic was an adjustment action under the un charter foreign ministry spokesman nazzo economic is urged west of nations to appreciate it runs restraint is all mess with on it. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted to israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now. we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious. so there was no such a bar. it isn't tear on with more on a rounds reaction of the reigning for administer. jose and i'm here abdullah here
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on the phone conversation with his german counselor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point. uh jose. and i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked it's console that section of it's embassy in damascus on april 1st. and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now, this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel. but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action. many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades . for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against iran,
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then iranian response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has said they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect, given the current tens climates that were in door such a vari, algebra, 0 to her on what turning to the situation on the ground. and gauze on now and 2 weeks off is ready for us is withdrew from out of a hospital. the full extent of what happened the at, during the 14 day siege is being uncovered. another mass grave has been found in the compound doctor say they're so patients been killed entre 0 is honey mach mood
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reports. now from a rough and southern gauze to identify from the smallest details by those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be nameless. the sort of fee and that's kind of the largest since it, i've been monitoring the prices of existing bodies from this mass grave. i came and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive mark, center of the as a company called the health officials discovered this mass grave in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city. it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors would say to witness the killing, knew exactly where to look. yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to retrieve bodies. today we found the largest number sustain of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them for me. really forces conducted a 2 week rate on guys the biggest hospital that ended on april 1st. it was severely
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damaged and is no longer functioning. these were the army say that battled with palestinian fighters insight, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered. sense in, on the only know, hold on. let me to show today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces were inside the she for medical complex. my mothers among the victims who what barry to you by these ran the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie. the corpus is a 20 palestinians have been also on earth. local people say is really forces executed in 4 months ago in the north of this trip. these bodies will now receive a proper burial what is rated troops to plan more attacks in the south. and even more vieira alpha, southern gaza and full of people have been killed off to on his radio strike, west of gaza, southern city of rough house was it in the town stilton area. children are among
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the dead. several other people who are injured in the attack kind of been taken to the nearby to a hospital or to palestinians have been killed in the village of covent out. so we left me a number of us in the occupied westbank palace standing on a wife and use agencies reporting they was shot buys riley settlers. the fair up in volumes follows the disappearance of a 14 year old settler was. buddy was found on saturday for not when we got the ship is with a and is really force has been 50 molar. settlers came in and they started pep of spring us. then i was hit by a rock on the back of my head. it was, i fell and they beat me with sticks too, but i kept running and tripping. but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting at people, looking at houses. there was a row and childrens has more on the latest, is riley set to attack from ramallah in the elk by the west bank. it has been
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a significant flare up in secular violence since the body of that settler was, was found on last week. for palestinians have died. uh, and 75 percent of students have been wounded. 14 is always critical, but that's just the latest flare up and what has been a significant escalation consecutive audience since october, the 7th house, the united nation that says that in that pay rates in scope type of the segments that are being $704.00 secular tax and average are about 4 dates with 16 palestinians kills now is ready. politicians like new york alliance, the defense minister has boned against his reading vigilante as him. and he is deployed more troops to the west bank. but as we've just heard, so many palestinians more is ready troops in the west bank, there's no any guarantees of the safety. and the often they say that the is where the troops around the participants in the violence against them.
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the jury selection has begun. and donald trump, so cold hush money trial is the 1st the for criminal trials, the former president is facing, as he campaigns to return to the white house. trump is accused of disguising payments made to an adult film star, to hide an extra marital affair. kristen, somebody has moved from new york city, the former president, donald trump arrived admin hatton district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing. as usual, he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one,
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the former adult film star known as stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trumps denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record. the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters
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on air force one earlier that deer over cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will just size the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time. the expected appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi al jazeera new york.
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what dana side goal is an attorney at the law firm, the american h. she says the case is usually significant. i mean, this is a historic 1st. this has never happened before. we've had presidents be investigated for criminal charges back of richard nixon, but obviously never a trial. so, but he's being treated like any other criminal dependent in that new york court room. they're going to jury selection right now to try to determine if they can find 12 people who are unbiased enough to be able to look at the facts and the law on a case and give them as fare of a child is any other criminal defendant. maybe very polarizing in this country, perhaps the most polarizing person in this country. and many people have very fixed views of him. and not only that, but the, the facts of this case had been publicized for years this had to do with the 2016 election. so people have been talking about this for quite some time. hopefully are
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also used to doing high profile cases in this country where there's quite a bit of publicity around them. so the, the job of the lawyers, the job of the judge is to they get a huge amount of potential jurors to come versus the court room. and then they ask them questions. and the 1st one being can you being personal and over 50 people today said no, we can't. and they were automatically excuse. and they start to whittle down the jurors based on that to ultimately fine. not somebody who's never heard about the case before, but somebody that's heard about it, but can also set aside any opinion they may have made to judge it based on what they hear in the court room. talk for a short break here. now does era, when we come back with just days together before india's elections, 5 minutes and are under moody, is being accused of trying to silence his political opponents by any means possible . and we'll tell you why game ranges in zimbabwe, oxygen, a telephone's with live tracking devices on the savings,
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the, the hello, we have flooding concerns for the middle east. over the next $2440.00 i to housing service. larry or cloud here just coming across the was a golf, pushing over towards a mom that's going to continue driving his wife. the east was sent a science when style looked at the stalls gathering a cluster of stones that are rumbling away. that could bring massive down pulls, maybe a year's worth of rainfall for some pushing across the you. are you able see some brains here in concert? i lifted the dust inside a possibility as well. really live the weather. that weather coming into eastern positive amount and grassy pushing across into that western and southern area of iraq brought this guys to come back, came behind, and they base logic dry and brought across the eastern side of the mediterranean
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will actually see temperatures on the rise because the 24 celsius tuesday getting up to 31 degrees on where to start. you can say some showers to adjust the round grease. a few showers to into action is here. back to northern areas of libya, much of north africa as dr. if a little when they send students a possibility around this, a higher than plenty of showers. meanwhile, just around west africa, pretty a shower students, east africa, really heavy rain coming into tens of neighbors. we go through the next steps i made my vehicle. so what that rain, expensive to catch you being in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those
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stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the, [000:00:00;00] the broken back you want to go to 0. it took your mind about top stories here to south israel damaging, says the country will respond to it, runs on precedence. the time is ready. will cabinet met on monday to discuss a situation for the 2nd time in today? talk to us about ship a hospital in kansas city of discovery, another mass grave and the medical complex. following the withdrawal,
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one of his rated forces, 9 bodies believed to be of patience and found said, i'd truly selection has begun and donald trump so cold hush money trial is the 1st to for criminal trials. the former president was facing, as he campaigns to return to the white house. trump is accused of disguising payments, made to an auto from start to hide. i'm extra amount to fit the, the nines, the search for charges against the 2 decades ago this month, the photos of small and us soldiers, housing with humiliated detainees that are rocks. i've been great. prison goes worldwide shock. after years of legal battles, the lawsuit brought by 3 prisoners began on monday, john henry and has more than half from alexandria virginia. and a warning that view as may find some images in his report. distressing of the abu ghraib pictures tell us sordid tale of torture. prisoners stack naked in a pyramid, handcuffed on the ground, dragged by a leash and attached to electrical wires. the soldier giving a thumbs up next to a corpse. now,
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20 years after the release of those photos of the us run present at abu ghraib and a rock set off global outrage. 3 survivors are getting their day in court with upgrade and the revelations of what was happening. and i would grade that open the eyes of the united states and the world to shift away from the law and treatment of those in custody and the name of the war on terror. the survivors are suing c a c on the virginia base military contractor that supplied the interrogators who worked at the prison. just as has been a long delay. this case has been bouncing around the court since 2008. c a c. i a has tried to have it dismissed around 20 times in 2021. the us supreme court sent it back here to district court, where it will finally go on trial. the company denies wrong doing and says it's employees have not directly inflicted abuse on the prisoners, but the plaintiffs, in the case a company set the conditions that resulted in torture by ordering military police
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to quote, soften up detainees for interrogations. there's been so little, no accountability, really for what happened at abu ghraib drive and, and beyond. i think a case of just one person is tremendously significant. among those expect it to testify. army general antonio to go. but who led an investigation into the abu ghraib scandal and former staff sergeant ivan frederick sentenced a more than 8 years in prison for inflicting abuse. john henry and l g 0, alexandria virginia, or the war crimes trial of one of syria's highest ranking format. middle to officials has been done in a swedish court. i'm at home. i was accused of violating international humanitarian law during syria civil war. the 65 year old faces a life sentence for his alleged involvement, and not prosecute as arguing indiscriminate attacks on the city of homes. back in 2012 that of international atomic energy agency as one of
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a possible nuclear disaster and ukraine during the rest of the you and i found groceries set a tax on his operation. nuclear power plant must stop immediately. gabrielle is on their spend time following is briefing of the security council met again for the 7th time since the beginning of the war between russia and ukraine to discuss the issue of safety and security and the separation nuclear power plant there. once again briefed by mister rafael grossi, the head of the i, a. e. a who said, among other things that we're getting dangerously close to a nuclear accidents, i'm not going to speak to mr. grossey himself. thank you for joining us to share that. clearly the situation is still very delicate at the nuclear power plant. you talked about how just in the last 10 days there have been drone attacks. how worried are you by that, whether we have to be very worried since the beginning of the war the is pressing there, we have
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a permanent deployment of experts and the inspectors on for the past few days. and very concretely, on april 7th, there was a rating of drones attacking the pound, very, very seriously, and several hips, one on the rooftop of one of the reactors. uh nothing us. and then other, uh, the area seem to be seen the t of the reactors. extremely serious. really, i want to ask you your brief accounts. so when you said that the all 6 reactors at the separation nuclear power plant now are in cold. yes. shut down. people might think, oh, it's off, there's no more worry anymore. is that the case or no, i think that would be that would be dangerous. because it being shut down means that the reactors are not producing energy purchasing power. they are operating, they come to a breathing at a very low level,
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but that doesn't mean that they are not caught. that doesn't mean that you don't have all the nuclear material inside their, their, their reactors. so the push community on or even trying off physical attack, there will be a range of active release anyway, as we're standing here, sir, israel is threatening to strike you or what would be the consequences if israel was to retaliate against any of the runs nuclear sites. where the we cause cedar, that new care sites should not be targeted. the dissemination of nuclear material because due to a nearby elemental hazard, which desktops big, oh, nice borders, by the way, thank you very much for joining us. thank you for speaking with me. i appreciate it . thank you. clearly you heard there from the head of the i a mr. gross. these things very concerned about the situation in ukraine. it still is potentially
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a very dangerous situation. should a worst case scenario happen? i think which is what everyone is trying to avoid, and that would be a nuclear accident. gabriel's on the outer data at the united nations in new york. at least $33.00 people have been killed in afghanistan after heavy rains triggered, flash, floods, smooth and $27.00, and have also been injured by the flooding, which is damaged hundreds of homes and cause rooms to collapse. livestock, roads, and farms. i've also been affected by the water softener as president human said. he also has addressed as parties. recent election defeat during a cabinet meeting you and said he complex accepts the public sentiment reflected in the parliament for collections. but it was his 1st public remarks of the liberal democratic party when a landslide victory last wednesday, prime minister handbook so, and other government officials have resigned following the defeat india's prime minister under, under moody, and his government being accused of using strong arm tactics to silence his political opponents of critics,
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despite the allegations moody and his routing beach ape see on the verge of securing the success of victory at the poles, i'll just bear with me though fernandez ripples of the oven cage. why? why do the god, it is a totally the sight of in this building faulty as been silence. he's in prison and accused of taking $12000000.00 in bribes from the industry. the chief minister of new business states denies the invitations. all the details are these are the party which slipped into the national politics on an empty corruption that so also being in prison. i was just eager to spoke to one of the son j seeing who's out on bill, which are pass audit to navi band one. he wants all the political heavy needs to be changed so that he can contest the elections alone with him. they wanted a game similar to that, the fulton, or kim jong feminist in the range of the movie will dispute that claim. he demands
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unprecedented popularity in this country of 1400000000 people, many believe he's on close to lead the b j. p to a certain victory for the position parties and says, investigating agencies or targeting them. there is a correct don't happening against opposition. after all, 95 percent of the cases registered by the and c. i have been a guest off was to be g. p has dismissed via negations. he's an executive decision sticking by the agency to it to boot them directly to the government. i mean, me, it's very unfortunate. and secondly, look up in this who's just such a group of friends can not talk about needing timing. it'd be to stop the beach if each other not. 26 up position parties created the india alliance. while it's been able to mobilize knowledge, crowds or rest disputes, defections and egos have undermined effectiveness and a free zone know position bank account is closed for the damage we can do. look,
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i've been work or we can not support our workers. we can not support our candidates on the those cannot fly from one part of the country to the forgets, right? they can't take a really to train the ruling. bgp has no financial bodies with hundreds of millions of dollars in funds. collected through a system it introduced in 2018, allowing anonymous donations. that since been declared illegal. so even if it was a level fair playing field in terms of control of state institutions this year, access to buying media to buying machinery to buying sort of what we need to do to campaign is significantly greater with the b, b, j. b has described the elections as a site between policies for and against. corruption, by the opposition says it's a site for democracy and the constitution fernandez g 0. so dame ranges in zimbabwe offering
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a telephones with real time trucking colors to monitor their movements with more than a 100000 telephone sense. and bob weigh some stray from protected areas and end up in dangerous confrontations with humans. remember that as well. this is one of 8 and a sense at one get national park and it's being fitted with the tracking content is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's inductive to sedated and call it in school with these calls they so they tell him when they told him and to can actually put tuesday mips. it's october locations. we have the end of the month. uh, what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the park, almost off of them. bob, who is a 100000 elephant population, live in this was of but the about growing their habitats and, and now encroaching in to communities. as the animals search for food and water
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giddeon to be was trampled by innocence while holding tattooed at my body. village 3 years ago, his knee was broken in do you need a very someone is that it is painful. i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look up to my casual my wife has to do most of the choice. before the taxes were installed, they would know early warnings to load footages. when elephants had left the protected area, we have been able to use these types of benefits to take elephant as an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors and then deployed. but active duty explains unions to go and scared them back into the pack and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid sit in the areas where the elections go. last year edison schools, 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way
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to minimize home to both humans and animals. come back and meet the miller o g 0. now g, please. uh, one of the most iconic symbols of the philippines. but a government program plans to phase out around 200000 vintage vehicles, and that's provided to strike by drive those who say they can't afford new trucks. bonding reports for money. after extending the deadline repeatedly philippine president, britain and marcus junior says this one is fine of keeping the drivers must join cooperatives or work under corporate management by april 30th. it's the 1st step in the government's effort to base out the old warrant out transportation vehicles. but some drivers oppose the modernization program. i mean the, you should be helping us filipino as president marco's, why are you feeling foreign business there on the,


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