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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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that's an open assign to the biggest cost system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and its just not getting it. the gun is pulled alive from the rubble of 2 and is where the strike hits the jabante a refuge account. and garza one person is killed. 11 others are inches the head of the lower file. this is alex with sarah live from the also coming up in the front. as well as will cabinet is set to hold the meeting in the coming hours. consequences for rounds of time.
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for people injured and a nice attack and attach service and sidney police, calling it a terrorist attack. the 1st of a criminal trial for a family us present gets underway. donald trump faces charges of falsifying records during the 2016 presidential campaigns news. so beginning garza with as being and his riley strike on a mosque. and the giovanni a refugee camp emergency team scrambled to rescue survivors dropped under russell and they also core area. one person was killed and 11 others injured. alex bed has more the disparate calls for help. risk you is looking for applying the search for any survivors of use. another is ready strike on your body
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. finally, assigned is like the a young girl is found injured by some lines. she was one of many children in the home in the oldest occluded area when it was destroyed by and is very strong on the neighboring most of the gym and they have talking to the most. there are other people in the house. this is my daughter like countless other children in gaza. this wasn't the 1st time this young girl had been injured and then is ready strike for them. and i wanted to send her and part of my family to egypt to treatment because i've got a permanent, okay, the ages since they were injured. and they were talking to before thousands of displaced, palestinians had been sheltering in and around most of some guys that since the war began. but israel has continually talks,
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have been destroying hundreds across the strip in the last 6 months, often killing those who had hoped to find safety at like speed, which is 0. that's good, alive, not to talk, i assume, and rasa in the south and gone. so talk 1st of all, tell us little bit more about this as strikes on the jamalia most. the yes laura and fax off to $193.00 day of fighting and gaza. the security tend to humanitarian conditions have been deteriorates in shop play. and the course of the past 6 months is specifically that in the past few hours, we have been witnessing more intensification of the east valley bombing campaign. not only in the south, where at least for palestinians have been killed in a rough off to a residential house, being completely destroyed by the situation is relatively tiny in the middle areas where one of the latest attack has targeted an evacuation center, which is a school and another, a part of, i'm will say,
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rock refugee camp at least 6 palestinians. what ended in the bust majority of those injuries with young children. they have been rapidly transferred to an ox, a hospital. and now they're receiving a treatment in that hospital, but relatively what we can also hearing from eye witnesses on the ground in the pond. notes of sconces, specifically based handling town. they're saying that the in these wait a minute too hot, suddenly is the advance towards the evacuation centers on the schools in the know there at cost of breakdown on time. they have been cooling citizens to get i'm to leave a from the entire school. um they have been carrying out a wide, a rest campaign among the children, a elderly people on the long side, also with those the where it's confrontations and bottles us to raging without any late talk till now. we'll fight thing as well. and we have been also discovering use signs of atrocities and actually for medical complex were medical teams along
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with the civil defense cruise, where at a whacking on cleaning the hospital and the have found out a mass grave for palestinians being killed by the has been military and the had been buried in the odds of the hospital at the you said because of the government media office has been saying that there was a people have included patients who have been buried inside see out of the hospital with different signs of medical equipment and medical the stuff being also use used by the was a patients um the has been completely buried in this area which really signifies how much difficult was the situation inside the ship out hospital and the is reparation in that area. the identify from the smallest details by those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be nameless sort of fee, and that's kind of the largest. since it, i've been monitoring the prices of exhibiting bodies from this mass grave. i came
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and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive marks on a fee as a company called the health officials discovered this mass graves in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city. it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killings knew exactly where to look. yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to retrieve bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them for me. really forces conducted a 2 week rate on guys the biggest hospital that ended on april 1st. it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. they read the army, say that battled with palestinian fighters inside, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies had been recovered, sent in on the old man know, hold on. then to show today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who
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were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces were inside the chief of medical complex. my mother's among the victims who were bury to you by these ran the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie you. the choruses of a 20 palestinians have been also on 1st. local people say is really forces executed the 4 months ago in the north of this trip. these bodies will now receive a proper burial. what is rated troops to plan more attacks in the south. and even more vieira throughout southern gauze, israel's will cabinets, will weaken being for us the day in the coming hours as it decides how to respond to iran. a unprecedented attack to have on 5 hundreds of missiles on drains towards israel on saturday, as, as the attack was retaliation for deadly strike. one is considered in damascus. 2 weeks ago. the officials say as well, we'll respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation.
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we remain at the highest level of readiness united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to conquer any for it. for milan and it still perhaps is ivy we continue our mission to defend the state to visit us get more now from the emerald connor correspondents and occupied to east jerusalem enrollment. going to nava meeting all of this will cabinets in the coming hours where things stand of the ways that the cabinet meeting will have a meeting in 3 days that have been leaks from those uh cabinet meetings. those leak suggests that israel is going to respond in some sort of fashion. the size and scope of that responds hasn't really been talked about. but what we do know is that
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the far right members of the governing coalition, claire, they want a strike in the heart of terra, nothing less than that it was such as by them. however, we are also hearing that any potential retaliation from israel will come perhaps in a 3rd country, perhaps against one of the proxies, but perhaps not in the tire on. but like i say this is the 3rd b thing in 3 days. and so that clearly still discussing all the options that we've heard from is will catch the farm and stuff we've heard from you of global defense . but it's that we've also heard from by the guns of the wood cabinet minister, the one person that we haven't heard from so far is a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and that's unusual when it comes to iran. he's always very vocal in twins. he is, i'm talking about iran and cooling them, as well as the greatest fights. he's never shied away from criticizing the wrong or using it as to deflect on domestic issues. so the fact that we haven't heard from
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him is unusual. are okay. many things indeed for brings the lights as lines that from occupied the east jerusalem will be a rod in president abraham rice. he has told him of castle all that town will respond to any action against his interests or on in foreign ministers of the country. offensive will be immediate. how much in on check fishing is ready ration . he makes a mistake. this time around the response, as it runs military command is announced. will not be minimal. the media until the next 5 until such a bar joins us ally from townside tools that we have the iranian officials saying that if more action is taking their response will be more serious. but how people generally enter wrong coping with all these threats. unfortunately we've just lost contact with those set the we might try and get her
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back a little later in the program. palestinians have been killed in the village of campus alto. well then novelist in the occupied westbank positive wafaa news agencies reporting that was shot biased rarely sapaulas the flat rock involved as follows. the disappearance of a 14 year old south by his body was and found on saturday. when the, when we got the ship is with a and is riley force has been 50 molar. settlers came in and they started pep a sprain. us then i was hit by a rock on the back of my head. i fell and they bt with sticks too. but i kept running and tripping, but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting, and people looking to speak now to roy talons. he joins us from ramallah in the occupied westbank for we just will bit more about these latest festa attacks as well as move raids, the overnights. so yeah, it's been a night to advice about us. the names in the west bank seat is ready. security
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forces rates they've been going into janine calculated to cut them and hebron amongst all the westbank towns and the central air attacks have taken place in the hebron area in the back. we have area that time to the south. it's terry. now that comes off to, oh, what we would just hearing about that the attacks yesterday just south of uh, of the nap loose where 2 palestinians were killed a 30 year old and a 21 year old. this is a, basically the most recent explosion of last cycle of violence which comes on top of an already escalated level of secular abundance. it's been going on since october the 7th. now, this most recent flare up is basically the results solve by the finding of
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a have it is ready satellite boys for the last week. and since that time since friday, that would be for sale for a pot of sydney and death in these secular attacks. and at least 75 injuries with some of them critical. but looking at this wide picture, the un has been monitoring at the secular violence and the deaths and the injuries a protestant in since folks over the 7th of that period that are being at least 16, have a city in death more than 7, hundreds detect said so or observed attacks on palestinians, and that's about for a day in secular, secular bonham's tax on, on palestinians. now, these ready minute treat has pressed more troops into the area which the defense, when i say you go on, this is to protect against 4 equals vigilance. use them people taking methods into their own hands. but that's not any reassurance for
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a pot of sydney into tex as we've seen from that at the high when this account that sometimes the, the troops actually act together with the settlers and bond that's against the palestinians. ok, really challenge one is that from ramallah many, thanks lori. we can go back to town hall. now dosa is back for us from the endorse . we were hearing of a whole kish official response that from iran, but how only iranians responding dealing with these threats. well, laura, i think it's been over $48.00 around 48 hours now since the ratings learned of iran operation in israel, and the initial sense of shock and fear has worn off. people are now not that concerned that so there will be a direct hits in iran by israel. what people are more concerned about is what all the tension is doing to the country's economy. the general consensus here is that this rhetoric and this type of looming war between iran and israel is really
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hurting the countries already failing economy. that is the general consensus among ordinary iranians. they don't really fear that israel will strike deep in the hearts of the country as they are. they haven't been advised by the governments to take any extra measures since iran launch operation to promise against israel. schools has been opened throughout the week. the only disruption we saw in the country was that the domestic and international airports into ron were closed for about a 24 hour period. and that was about it. so life goes on here as normal as the threats that are looming, are being seen as just that a political rhetoric and threats that have been coming at irradiance for over 4 decades now for from israel. so the general consensus here is that all those things are tense, life does go on and people are not doing anything out of the ordinary. okay. many
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thanks, and a dose of france, the view that from tower on are still a has hair analysis era with just days to go before india's elections. prime is a new engine id is being accused of trying to silence as political opponents by any means possible. the how are we going to big changing conditions across the east and the southern pops up here. lot of cloud pushing its way for the southwards and east was that is going to cool that is going to turn in a good deal where to as well, you can see this a long weather system running out to the western russia down across you cried all the way into northern parts of italy, area of life pressure has developed here as well. and that's going to bring some live to show as long as spells of right and across northern areas. obviously, with some snow over the outs, pushing across the world of dinero accounts,
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whether that to across a good positive about constructing down to the solid mentally. and it's a central posit ultimate, it's a writing has that cool. they're just coming in across north west and pa, so normally when making you feel rob at chile then for london, that just 30 degrees celsius, just about getting up and double for just the full edinburgh. and that's the sort of number we've been looking at for the life of bell. great. and progressed over the next couple of days. a big change for you. 20 item bell grade on tuesday afternoon and we're struggling to get us to double figures. by the time it comes to wednesday, that cloud and rain stinking for the southwards and east was loyalty, dry and warm and sunny across c library and peninsula almost $72.00 across the northern parts of africa. one car at 37. so just a little cooler, full fast, i mean, most shy was continue for the gulf with gimme to, but nature's biological rhythms. he's the percentage ultimate,
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but this is, you know, its counting this kilowatts of all its official lights allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness shed slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even though sleepless bags on tuesday era the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of again you're watching al jazeera has reminder of our top stories this hour, as well as all me chief says, the country will respond on forever on fund. hundreds of miss townsend drains
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towards israel on saturday is ready will cabinets will meet later today to discuss how to respond and running and present. abraham ac has told the amount of cas all that time, ron, that will respond to any action against its interests thrown in pharmacist said the counter offensive will be immediate and is right. a strike has has a mosque and the noise of concepts, one person was killed and 11 others wounded. noticed the team scrambled to rescue survivors, trump down to the level and the alpha cora area. many of those inches in the attack on women and children. and that's bringing noise, i'll call it as he joins as far as skype, skype from jamalia and northern garza. let's just give us like updates on the impact of that strike last night and others like it during the course of this will . yes, so there's really forces the target to just the bed most the most cool f as the
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whole day and that was so giovanni, a cam, dissolved long. okay. i live in a got to enjoy the kids, the one who killed his name is ibrahim a, nancy and the there are 11 injured this most is. uh huh. hold on. most one will small down 600 laws that have been destroyed the by that is why it is and, and there are more than 600 most have been destroyed as they talk to you in the front of a i guess that more skin and muscle a bit that here, this most have been, has been destroyed in the mid the low this will in the 1st or in the 1st beginning of this was. so the range and, and, and in the notes of cause i didn't a so it says the very beginning of the school and the bumps shilling now is all going in the east for an over the bad. yeah. and in the tunnel and area as the is
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what is encouraged in a bit tunneling and took a position in a but not the street and a seizure in the seat. i show a school which has more than a 1000 in this place by the city is that those people are afraid now of, of being uh, was experiencing the same of those people who were in the ship for hospitals. so they, they are afraid of, of facing that face. so with the connecting the connection with these people in the show school as a loss. now we don't, so what's a, what's going on with them a while i'm glass, why you needs what to do with them. and some of the people here, so the, the news is it as far as being one kilometers are from the border between the, the, the, the,
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the as white and the gaza stripe and, and yeah, in a, in a way to make a safe zone between a garza and and as a royal okay, well as money science and data, very difficult situation. continuing that in the north of garza as a starting place of tracing a knife attack on a controversial religious leader at a sydney touch. as a terrorist acts, at least 4 people it did when a my lunch to the bishop mid service on monday, hundreds of right police were deployed when the bishop supports as governors of the church, jacob brown reports the son. it's an incident that shops not only church go is but those bashing the service live on the bishop, my memory. a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation overpowered the suspect. immediately after
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a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours after the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church. hurling bricks and bubbles, wounding police, and preventing offices from taking the team outside. incidents took hours to bring on to control the church and local leaders have pleaded. the number of house has been damaged. the breaking the number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place um to try and weapons on the, on, at the church. and so it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who a scroll the injuries to the quote you got said, this is a menu the ship mom already a manual is a carries mastic and controversial figure with a significant online following. he was an outspoken critic of co, the 19 locked downs and is known for preaching n t l g
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b t q views. police say the attack was religiously motivated. we believe the elements that satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism. 10 years ago, his church reportedly broke away from the main. the syrian church of the east, up to the bishop was excommunicated over the logical differences. time comes just days after a mass stabbing at a sydney shopping mode which lift 6 people that this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies full balance in their community. there is no applies full vol and extremism. we are a peace loving nation. police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most is well cross to the good ship. a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, elder 0 jury selection has big guys begun, and donald trump's hush money trial. that's the 1st a full criminal trials. the full presence is facing as
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a campaigns to return to the white house christians and letting me report some new york city. the former president donald trump arrived admin hadn't district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials, he's spacing as usual, he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star known as stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trump denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is
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an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record, the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters on air force one earlier that deer. okay
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. cohen and daniels testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include, aaron mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will decide the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time be expected appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi, i'll just hear a new york with just a 3 days ago before the general election begins in india or position policies were choosing prime minister under, under moody of ruining that chances of winning the running b j. p policy which appears to be heading to the successive victory denies the
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allegations middle set on those reports of the oven cage. why? why do the god, it is a totally the sight of india is rooting faulty as being silence. he's in prison and accused of taking $12000000.00 in bribes from the industry. the chief minister of new business states denies the indications. all the details of the, of the party which slipped into the national politics on an empty corruption that so a so being in prison, i was just eager to spoke to one of them sundry saying, who's out on bill, which are pass audit to navi band, one he wants all the political heavy weights to be changed so that he can contest the elections alone with him. they wanted a game similar to that, the fulton, or kim jong feminist, and the range of the movie will dispute that claim. he demands unprecedented popularity in this country of 1400000000 people, many believe he's on goes to lead the b j. p to a certain victory for the position parties and says, investigating agencies or targeting them there. is that correct?
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don't happening against opposition. after all, 95 percent of the cases registered by b and c b, i have been a guest off was to be g. p has dismissed via negations. who's an executive decision sticking by the agency. so if you boot them directly to the government, i mean me, it's very unfortunate then secondly, look a couldn't this who's just such a group of friends can not talk about need and timing in a bit to stop the beach if each other not $26.00 up position policies created the india alliance, while it's been able to mobilize large crowds arrest dispute defections and egos have undermine its effectiveness and a freeze on the position bank account is closed for the damage we can do. look, i've been work as we can not support our workers. we can not support our candidates on the, those cannot fly from one part of the country to the forgets, right? they can take a really,
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to train the really the g p has no financial bodies with hundreds of millions of dollars in funds. collected through a system it introduced in 2018, allowing anonymous donations. that since being declared illegal. so even if it was a level fair playing field in terms of control of state institutions this year, access to buying media to buying machinery to buying sort of what we need to do to campaign is significantly greater with the b to b, j. b has described the elections as a site between policies for and against. corruption by the opposition says it's a site for democracy and the constitution, you know fernandez g 0 hassan is daunting. a 2nd phase of a controversial plan to the port. hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country of


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