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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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focus is not just on the suffering, but also on the more pop listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a and on and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the the, let's pull the live from the rubble of to and his way the strike hits the jabante a refugee camp in guns us, one person is killed and 11 of those uh, images the . this is alan. is there a live from doha, also coming up, as well as little cabinet assistance ahold of the nice thing in the coming hours is the army chief ones have consequences for a bronze attack back to afghanistan against the will pack hasanti officials on the
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2nd phase of a controversial plan to the pool, thousands of refugees and the schools and one states and suits on the open till the 1st time since bottles, the control of the country began a year ago the we begin in gone. so whether it's being on his way to strike on a mosque and the jabante, a refugee come emergency team scrambled to rescue survivors trapped under russell and the alpha cora area. one person was killed and 11 others injured. i'll expand has more the disparate calls for help risk you is looking for applying the search for any survivors of use. another is ready strike on your body. finally,
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assigned is like the a young girl is found injured loss of life. she was one of many children in the home in the oldest occluded area when it was destroyed by and is really strong on the neighboring most of the gym. and then they have targeted the most. there are other people in the house. this is my daughter like countless other children in gaza. this wasn't the 1st time this young girl had been injured and then is ready strike for them. i wanted to send her and part of my family to egypt to treatment because i've got a payment to go to ages since they were injured. and they were talking to before thousands of displaced, palestinians had been sheltering in and around most of some guys that since the war began. but israel has continually talks, have been destroying hundreds across the strip in the last 6 months,
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often killing those who had hoped to find safety. alec speed, which is 0. that's bringing mazda archives, who joins us now from, by skype, from jamalia, in northern gauze. unless we can see the devastation behind you from strikes like the one last night, tell us about the impact in or show the as why the force has targeted as the hold on those cues sunday night. and that resulted one killed and injured 11 civilians from the neighborhood of been most so at this rate is not the 1st incident of its kind. this is adult to see in bose a. i've been the eh palestinians, if there are more than $600.00 most, which have been destroyed. why that is, why it is children. this was
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a and uh uh, this is not the 1st incident as i told you, the, uh, the is why in the 4th is in the same context. that is why before it says also uh, ink uh into between one and 4 as a people to evacuate. so they could put about, you hit an aol to the rest of the 0 by the city is the as a, the deceased as show was full and for was women to remove the job on the 36 of a investigating ribbon. so what's happened in the know some guys, a formula for the is the rate against the most scan the ink cartridges in bit tunneling and yes, deceived us. so it's cool. what's contain more, that's thousands displaced by the city and the on 1st the which one is the residence to move to that value and to move. so how do i see the sweets?
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no as and find q that's most i'll colors reporting that from the ball in northern gone. so meanwhile in the southern city of rafa funerals have being held for palestinians killed in his way. the shelling full of people, including a child, were killed off to a house, was hit in the tallow salt in that neighborhood. several others were injured in taken to the nearby q 8 hospital. that's kind of lived on a topic boot. assume he's and rossa in southern garza. so talk to us about these other strikes that we've been seeing across because of strep. yes, uh yes, definitely. the gaza strip had been widely attacked in the past 24 hours. the, all the nice strikes were completely bloody specifically and the area that is supposed to be saved. so we're at least for palestinians have to report that killed off that residential house was destroyed. now clearly do is it, people have been killed the art in factories from another part of gall, this trip,
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specifically from bay town. they have been moving from place to another right. ending up right now are rough. i have been killed by these valley a fight to jets without any private warning, and right now they are hitting for burial and one of the senate trees in a rough district. but similarly, this situation on the ground is really daria as well. and to be, is, are writing to unlocks the hospital in the middle area due to the, on getting military campaign on the a, on the, another part of them as a rock refugee come along side that at least for palestinians, have to report a cube in bay town, one town of to residential house was also destroyed, bought later on the atrocities the genocide, the acts are on going to be shown in the mid to come complex initially for hospital as a the doctors alongside with the medical alongside with the civil defense crews managed to find out a mass grave were unimpressed. palestinians have been killed and buried in and with different signs of the bodies that shows that they have been decomposed and that
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burial had been taking place throughout the past to weeks of time because of what it, what the drug was from the entire neighborhoods. and i'll get to you or manage to get to exclusive photo images of from the location that showing how difficult was the situation and our next trip, or identify from the smallest details by those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be nameless. the sort of fee and that's kind of the larger size since it i've been monitoring the process of exerting bodies from this mass grave. i came and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive marks on our feet. how's the officials discovered this mass grieving the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city? it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killings knew exactly where to look.
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yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to a treat bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them really forces conducted a 2 week rate on gaza biggest hospital that ended on april 1st. it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. these really armies say that battled with palestinian fighters inside, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered. sense in the old man. no. hold on. the show today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces were inside the chief of medical complex. my mothers among the victims who were buried to you by these rang the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie you. the choruses of a 20 palestinians have been also on 1st. local people say is really forces executed
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in 4 months ago. in the north of this trip. these bodies will now receive a proper burial. what is rated troops to plan more attacks in the south. and even more vieira rough uh, southern gaza or israel's woke up and that's what we convene for thursday in the coming hours. is it decides how to respond to a bronze unprecedented attack to have on foot hundreds of missiles and drains towards as well on staff today. it says the attack was retaliation for deadly strike on this conflict in damascus. 2 weeks ago, a few officials say as well, we'll respond when it sees fit. we could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. according to the idea remains ready to crown through any threat for milan and it still perhaps is ivy. we continue our mission to defend
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the state to visit around in the present abraham rice. he has told the mayor of castle all that time on will responds to any action against his interests around for him is the one the country offensive will be immediate. how much in on chairs, fishing? if he is ready ration, he makes a mistake. this time around the response, as it runs military commanders announced will not be minimal. the media. and so the 5, let's go now to m wrong con. he's an occupied east jerusalem for us in rome. what are you hearing that i had of another is where they will cabinet meetings you today a well it is a said kit will a cabinet mazing in 3 days, but that hasn't been any official announcement. it was any kind of response might look like we are getting leaks. those leaks suggest that the may will be some target in a 3rd country that these right,
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these are looking at. but we're also hearing from military analysts and observe is within the local media that perhaps the window for any attack on a wrong way runs interest is actually closing due to american prussia. that will not satisfy the far right. members of the governing compilation, people like it, them are big of it. but for the small try to say that the only response is a mass of attack in the sense at all to her on. but what's really interesting about all of this is that we haven't heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu for 20 is. this is a man who has played up the iranian threats, particularly when he's facing domestic political pressure. he always talks about iran. he hasn't said anything for the last 3 days, so we don't know what he's thinking. certainly, the attack has been seen. the defense of the attack robot has been seen as a victory by israel. and that's the language coming out from the defense. but as the log, for example,
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let's see what happens in the coming out was clearly that awesome, very intense negotiations going on. i think the one thing that we can take away from all of this is at the international pressure on israel is working and they have to anything that they do has to be able to satisfy the international community . but it also has to placate domestic audiences within ero itself. who are looking to say, well, the country might do next. okay. and montgomery installation as lines that from occupied the stories. and thanks very much in run to palestinians have been killed in the village of kevin southwell man novelist. and they occupied westbank capacity and wi fi and use agency as reporting. they was shot by as rarely staff as a flyer off invited as far as the disappearance of a 14 year old satellite, whose body was found on saturday when the, when we got the ship is with a and is really force has been 50 molar. settlers came and they started pep, a sprain, us then i was hit by
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a rock on the back of my head. i fell and they beat me with sticks too. but i kept running and tripping. but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting at people, looking at to assign in police such reasoning. a nice attack on a controversial religious leader with a sydney touch. as a terrorist acts, at least 4 people in just one of my lunged as a bishop mid service on monday. hundreds of right plays with deployed when the bishop supports has gone through the church. jacob brown reports the son. it's an incident that shops not only church go is but those bashing the service live on the bishop, my memory. a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation overpowered the suspect. immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours after the
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attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church, totaling bricks and bottles, wounding police. and preventing offices from taking the team outside. incidents took hours to bring on to control the church and local leaders have pleaded the comp number of houses and damaged the broken new number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place this fine weapons on the audience at the church . and so it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who a, scroll the injuries to the quote you've got said, this is a menu the ship mom, already a manual is a counter, is mastic and controversial figured with a significant online following he was an outspoken critic of cobit 19 locked downs and is known for preaching n t l g b t q views. police say the attack was religiously motivated. we believe the elements that satisfied in terms of religious divided extremism.
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10 years ago, his church reportedly broke away from the main syrian church of the east. up to the bishop was excommunicated of a c, a logical differences. the attack come is just days after a mass stopping at a sydney shopping mode which left 6 people that this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies full balance in a community. there is no applies full vol and extremism. we are a peace loving nation. police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most is well cross to the good ship. a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, l. g 0 still a has hair on out his era and wanting to move coal links around the. busy the tiny white and even dying because of rising ocean heats. i'm telling you, and we'll tell you why game ranges ends and bump way of fixing h elephants with live tracking devices.
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the hello. hello, welcome to look at the international forecast breakdown, paused to continue for good parts of indonesia. we are still seeing low, i'd be down pulse i seasonal range, continuing here. and just to the southeast of the plow we have seen 100 in a 2 millimeters, a frame in 24 hours. plenty of showers continue and costs indonesia. we've got plenty of south to coming into the western side for the philippines. on the other hand, once you find dry and sunny vanilla, 35 degrees celsius, a lovely sunshine coming through here. meanwhile, endo china allows the dry as well, but one or 2 showers just to kind of get across the region for a time. at least we will see the show is coming into the western side of the region
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down across the black peninsula, into sinatra joining up with some very heavy rain which will continue across java. dealt with the heavy showers that we also have across the fall north of australia just around the top and we'll be down pools coming through here. hard for us. it does generally keep it dry, fine and sunny for a good pos, all balls. having said that, you see the showers, the across the north sat was still at 2 i, which was eastern costs of the countryside waste some areas of new southwell victoria. still seeing a shower, wrote a what to whether it's apple tasmania. slowly making its way in tennessee, the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system as know for most painters of working class people, there is
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a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on i'll just sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the reminder of our top story is this hour and is where the strike has, has a mosque and nose and gaza. one person is being killed and 11 of his wounded. most of the teams of scrambled to rescue survivors traps under level, and they also cora area, many of those inches in the attack, a women and children. as well as ami cheap says the country will respond off to
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iran flood hundreds of missiles and drives towards this route on saturday is ready will cabinets will meet later today to discuss how to respond me over on empress of abraham lacy has told the amount of cash all the time on will respond to any action against interest. run in for him is going to come to offensive will be immediate focus on itself in a 2nd phase of a controversial pond to the port. hundreds of thousands of us gun refugees living in the country of a half a 1000000 undocumented half gun nationals have been expelled since last october. the government is extending it. c, 4 station prime to include many f guns who hold pack is donny. documents is the about, they will do to move in 40 years since we migrated to pocket stone. many of us would bone here. we have businesses here many a working as labor as it would be very difficult to return to a country where there is no education, no health facilities and no work. also security is our major concern. come on, hydras, atlantic hotel,
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and pakistan on the border with afghanistan. the recording to the fixtures. uh, do you agree? pat creation is continuing. i just did the pace of cause. most of the family that we met along the way, said that they're leaving with a heavy heart because they have guarded progress. done home for several decades. and they said that they have had a good time to paper their that'd be good to them. however, they're not happy in the way that they're being sent out. they said that they'd should be more dignified. behind me. what you see is the time where the i've gone refugees that i and from that it is just, there's been a couple of kilometer dies before they cross the border. so people have guards that not happy, but they're going to focus on his adamant that these people will have to go back. and of course, there are 1700000,
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unregistered. i've gone refugees and buckets done. this particular decision was made by the and get him government. the acute that the biggest on the government died was that there was a spike and violence and a deck of god. these people, most of them are not involved in that, but that is being used as an excuse by progress done, which has been hoarse. 2 millions of love around victor. jade. since the russian occupation of, honest on jaguar, the 1979 most of them played without anything. and now they're going back to a country where they really have to start from scratch, go. people are not happy in the way and ways the government had conducted this particular issue. they want that they should be given. a citizen tribune focused on many of the children were born and they were raised an educated at a business is that and of course they have built their lives. so it is going to be extremely difficult. and the government focused on has come on this gate and
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criticism from the united nations high commission for refugees and even human rights organizations. or say that the bug is done, the handling of this particular the bad creation is something which is of course in human. and unacceptable. jury selection has begun and donald trump's hush money trial. that's the 1st of full criminal trials. the full presence is facing, as he campaigns to attend to the white house. christians, levy reports from new york city, a former president donald trump arrived admin, hadn't district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing. as usual, he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the
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the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star known as stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trumps denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this uh record. the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters
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on air force one earlier that. dear. okay, cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will just size the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time be expected, appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi al
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jazeera new york for many students around the world. the school year is almost as the but for some pupils and northeast and su, done is just beginning. it's been a yes and slicing between the national army and wrap and support forces broke out, killing tens of thousands of people in displacing millions more. so the 1st time schools in red c, states have reopened. mom and file has the story from the city of folks who don or anything the school bell for the 1st time you get in this conflict with them continue as an activity, files saves your forty's behind the decision on the and then on the fat and then we have decided to reopen schools today, april 14th, across the entire rest of the state. so the education can continue the ways being faced with tremendous challenges. but we have managed to succeed thanks to the cooperation of every one that it hasn't to be an easy task. because
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a 118 schools across the state tough being used to house thousands of display civilians will flip fighting in other parts of so then many of them had to be located on the other hand that economically my body. so after that we continue to dedicate some schools for the id piece, and we provided tents for the id piece that had to be moved by the students will have to share the available schools by rotation. i found out that the cds, the national in front of the state governor, these, the students say they feel proud of people who used a bail school is the 5th cindy outside the country to reopen following a get of no education the, the so that all about how well it, because of the conflict, the high school diploma exams weren't organized. this has deeply affected students . we all few that we wasted an entire year of our life while animal pull the say,
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the last number that is with the had, i'm extremely happy about a school is reopening. we've wasted a whole year sitting at home. we want to vote and for security to return to our country and for all students to go back to the schools and universities for the millions of students in other parts of the country. it's not just clear if some of the decisions with some be taken, but it is very unlikely of police in the states of thought for court to find comfortable and to 0. well, there are no signs. the fighting is about to and how much fun. 042 them are now called rece. across the world have tons, lights in the falls must bleaching events. and 1st, he is us national oceanic and atmospheric administration reports that at least 50 full countries are affected, signed to say, move and haul from the reese and the wells oceans are experiencing heat stress as a result of warming, c, temperatures due to climate change, dark months as an ecologist, he explains what bleaching means for the reefs the,
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you know, these elegy provide the corolla of 95 percent of its nutritional requirements. however, its various, the symbiosis is very sensitive to heat stress. so when the coils experience huge stress, expelled these elegy, and they turn white, and this basically means the corals are starving to death. and it's the heat stress persist for long enough and the magnitude of the heat is high enough to cause can die in the problem with this is that the coils themselves are providing that 3 dimensional structure. that's so much file diversity is dependent on in tropical rates. was estimated that about 25 percent or one and for every living organism in the world's oceans associated with co reached at some point in their life cycle. also cro reese provide protection to shorelines during catastrophic storm. and that's like hurricane site loans and type foods. furthermore,
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call readers generate billions of dollars to the us economy is estimated, they generate trillions of dollars to the global economy. ultimately, the pollution problem will not go away until there is some kind of international agreement and collaboration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. in the meantime, it's important that we reduce additional stressors impacting quarries. so things like land based sources of pollution for water quality and fishing practices that are unsustainable or damaging the caller we should really be limited to provide call reach the best opportunity and the best chance to cope with these rising ocean temperatures. there was some good news though for 70 and thing. just let me know how they does it towards us is they being re introduced into the wild after spending the winter with conservationist funds to say that doing what they should be. and that's constructing baris, they'll be tracked by radio transmission as keeping research as updated on their movements. the game ranges in zimbabwe,
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assessing 8 elephants with rail time tracking colors to monitor them movements. the projects in the one gay national park comes as dangerous confrontations with humans becomes more common. so me, the middle has more of this is one of 8 and a sense at one good national park. and it's being fitted with the tracking content . is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's in dr to sedated and the call it in school with these calls they so they tell him when they told him and he can actually put tuesday mips. it's october locations with the end of the month. uh, what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the park. almost off of them. bob, who's a 100000 elephant population, lived in this was of but the about growing their habitats and, and now encroaching into communities as the animals search for food and water give


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