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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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turn the 0 world looks at the number of journalist skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god. and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for their death. shooting the messenger $10.00 to 0. the go as pulled alive from the rubble off to and his rating strike hits. the giovanni a refugee comes in gone. so one person is killed and 11 of the images, the color them or a kyle, this is out. is there a lie from? go ha, also coming up as well as will cabinets is set to hold at the meeting. as the army chief warms, have consequences for around the time. i've come on high day and among the buckets
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on our front, it's on board though with thousands of on refugees are about to be sent home against the day with the full people injured and a knife for time kind of touch service in sidney police. the cooling is a terrorist attack the we begin and gone so well as being and his really strike on the most. getting the jabante a refugee come, emergency team scrambled to rescue. survive is trapped under the rubble and alpha cora area. one person was killed and 11 others injured, alex that has more the disparate calls for help risk you was looking for applying the search for any survivors of use. another is ready strike on your body. finally, assigned is like the
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a young girl is found injured loss of life. she was one of many children in the home in the oldest occluded area when it was destroyed by and is really strong on the neighboring most of the gym. and then they have targeted the most. there are other people in the house. this is my daughter. like countless other children and garza. this wasn't the 1st time this young girl had been injured and then is ready strike for them. i wanted to send her and part of my family to egypt to treatment because i've got a payment to go to ages since they were injured. and they were talking to before thousands of displaced, palestinians had been sheltering in and around most and does it since the war began . but israel has continually talks, have been destroying hundreds across the strip in the last 6 months,
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often killing those who had hoped to find safety. alec speed, which is 0 on the as all cultures in jamalia now with more this rate is not the 1st incident of its kind. this is adult to see in bose a v at ballast sinews. if there are more than 600 most who, which have been destroyed, why that is why it is during this walk a, a and uh, this is not the 1st incident as i told you, the, uh, the is why in the 4th is in the same context that is why the 4th is also a ink uh into between $1.00 and $4.00 is a people's to evacuate. so they could switch about, you hit an aol to the rest of the city is the as a, the deceased as show was cool and far was women to remove the job on the
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pretext of a investigating grip. then so what's happened in the know some cause a formula for the is the rate against the most. can the ink cartridges in bit tunneling and yes and receive a so it's cool what's contain mode that's thousands displaced by the send in the and 1st the which one is residence to move to that value and to move to unless she is 3 full pallets and ends including a child have been killed in is really selling west of gauze. the southern city of rasa house was hit and the tile full time neighborhood. several other people ended up being taken to the nearby to a hospital. and there were emotional scenes of family members of the victims gathered at a hospital in rafa to prepare for the funeral of those who are killed in the strike . that's good. i've got to talk about assume and rough in southern guns,
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us to talk to us about these latest strikes that you've been seeing that in the south of casa. yes, laura, in fact, in the past hour we have been observing more active military operations in the separate parts of kansas to belong in the middle areas as well. where civil defense crews managed to recover at least 16. the bodies were found in the city of hon. you this of to the, is what he meant it to you with a try was lot of the night strikes here in rough i had really contributed to killing that least so palestinians in tell us of time neighborhoods, which is one of the most densely populated areas in a rough district, but mainly also the attacks and confrontations. awesome writing in a new start rock refuge account. indeed, another inside of this account where at least a 3 palestinians have to refer to killed as the is very minute treat, did not even stop its military bombardments in kansas city. where one of the latest attack has been carried out by them is very military through the target to the
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civil court with a number of entries. and victims have really a folding result of the, from such military attacks where the majority of areas has been on the constant age . bailey shilling, the past few hours while he's in rough. uh, we can clearly right now here and few the is very surveillance of drugs. movements in this densely populated area which could be a clear sign later for move. potential attacks could be carried up in a rough time to soften photometry dark. thank you. yes, we can indeed hit the drone of those drains overhead. the surveillance drains from israel tart assume opposing that from breakfast. thank you now as well as will cabinet is set to meet again on tuesday as it just slides how to respond to a ron's unprecedented attack on slide hundreds of missiles and joins that as well. on saturday, it says the attackers or television for deadly striking is concerned in damascus. 2
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weeks ago, the officials say israel will respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to come to any for it, for milan, and it still prophecies as we continue our mission to defend the state to be. but that's gonna say i'm, i'm calling his life or isn't occupied, is tourism and we're on. what do we hearing the ahead of yet another it's really will cabinet has it continues to decide how to respond to a ron's attacks as well as i said be taken in 3 days. so clearly there are intense discussions going on. what we are hearing from
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leaks from the previous 2 meetings is a, is role, is discussing a response. it's the size and scale of that response that's being negotiated. now, there is a division within the is ready political landscape the far right. one, nothing more than a mass of attack in this sense at all, turn around. what we're hearing from people like you're going to have the defense minister is that he wants to build a coalition of international nations that will provide cover for any kind of his writing response. now they've done this before at the beginning of the war and goals are low type of something that we're talking about this international coalition against how may i ask, for example, that didn't come to pass, although the us, the u. k. frogs and germany have i liked themselves very deeply with israel, so it's likely that the wood cabinet is facing contents, international pressure. in fact, publicly the us has said that this should be it's, but any response needs to be very measured. however, apartments to benjamin netanyahu hasn't spoken yet, and that's very unusual when it comes to iraq. he has been talking very publicly
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about the start of iran for the last 20 years. so it is very unusual that he hasn't spoken. so i thought we're expecting that security cabinet meeting to start containing fairly soon. let's see if we hear anything. it may well go to another day. okay, awesome. well, i'm showing keeping across it all very closely for us. i'm on con and occupied east joycelyn to other ronnie and present abraham. right. you see has told the never cut off the cover on will respond to any is way the attack against its interests around for a minute. so as also i won't israel of an immediate response. how much in, on check she is, the is ready ration. you make some mistake. this time around the response. as it runs, minutes we can, monitors announced will not be minimal media. and so the 5. okay, that's bringing out is there a senior political analyst along the shy, joins as head in the sea to get to speak to again low. and so we could as well saying it will respond when it sees fit,
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suggesting perhaps that that will not be an immediate attack. what do you think's going on here behind the scenes? and you're probably trying to weigh in the various ways they can make a mix, some lemonade out of this as it were. right? i mean, you know, as many cultures will tell you that you can always find that unfortunate in every crisis, right? so this is was a major blow in terms of weakening is there as the veterans. but it's also an opportunity for these read after 6 months of unraveling genocide in plain sight to improve its images, especially in the west by trying to act responsibly or giving the appearance as if it's acting that responsibly or giving the appearance or acting in cooperation in tandem with other allies as where in terms of preparing fired response with this, the response be, uh physical, would it be cyber?
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uh, would it be a one time off? would it be a number? would it be militarily? would it hit it on that's dimension to be seen all of it, but then i think all of this is going to be waged at in, in conjunction with what good is, where i get out of it from the united states. and i think there will be a kind of a negative correlation if you will, that the, the less the attack on who on the more they can get out of the united states in terms of support finance, arms and so on. do things. and the israel will be successful this time and building a coalition. and so of course, on amazon. com said they was successful filled in coalition against how much do you think this time they will be against the wrong? well, i mean look, that we're not going to disagree on ad, but clearly european countries and powers and the united states.
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what on board with israel until uh, the number of children exceed the 15000 killed in gaza, but for much of the yearly, a few weeks there was a big, sort of that at the big support from london pad as berlin. almost i'm conditional right on only when the pricing and human tall became too much to bed for what's the public opinion. the few countries like france and others began to make some noise. right. so i think generally speaking, what we've seen on the day before yesterday was just how strong the alliances around this room. i mean, the fact that the united kingdom friends as well as the united states, would act with such coordination militarily, in support, to those that i think that was impressive. i mean so, so if anyone is isolated here and this is probably more like the palestinians
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nowadays in terms of action ability, i'm not talking about them. so sort of thought at the end, sympathy setting it up. i see i've got a lot of subjects that are on the world, including i'm on the public opinion. when it comes to action, as you see is uh you see wolf power stepping in on the side of it. you don't see it was power slipping in on the sides of her mouse or you're on the seems very prevailing narrative um, mainly for me as well. so allies, the rooms drone and missile attack was it runs failure and israel success. but do you think that's a true reading of it? well, i think that was a, that was more of a projection than an objective analysis. right. and i think because the united states did not want israel to respond and they made the defense against the iridium is supposed to have been the success already. so what's the point of responding when you are proving to be such an able uh, defend sir, if you will,
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of israel along with the united states and so, so no, but there's no doubt that the facts for the 1st time in 33 years is where i was attacked by another country, and that is the 1st time me from the soil of another kind of a state act that not a non spectacular cable or how about the fact it's happened for the 1st time. it took a 3 years under the guise of, of nothing you know, and by then it does do a lot about the children's being on their mind is rose victims. that is, and who's there is a blow of some sort is right now there is no physical damage. no, no, no major casualties or anything of that nature. so in that and assess it was the success that way. but then the fact that it's, the attendance was undermined and this could happen again and again. not really. okay, not many. thanks. indeed, i will tell the nasty, occupied westbank quite to college. students have been killed, man novelists,
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and the village of cabbage alto will pass and use agency. wafaa is reporting that they were schultz by his riley. seth was set up in finance. far as the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday or challenge, joins us now live from ramallah in the occupied westbank in retentions that have been an escalating since october. the situation now a while has been sent out the night and the seemingly unending procession of is ready, security raids into, into the west bank and secular tax on palestinians. the raids took place in janine and kelly kelly until caught them and didn't have run amongst other places. adams, the settler attacks happen in the back to him area the the, the hebron area. i'm the self in the area to that, as we would just hearing that this comes this not last night to
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a set to attack somebody is comes just a day off to, to palestinians. what kills a assess year old and a 21 year old. and we had from eye witnesses, he said that they were attacks, not just by satellites, but also by his ready troops as well. now, the slightest explosion in the secular buttons comes on top of what is already being a hugely inflamed period of attacks against product that means from a satellite is coming from these illegal is ready supplements. now, in the last few days, i'm sorry that we're being full pallets to be in depth and in these attacks that since the body of it is already saturated boy, it was found last week. settlers have been essentially on the rampage that repeating at numerous injuries as well. so i'm critical. but the why the picture is that since october, the 7th, the united nations been monitoring what's been going on is documented at least
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$700.00 separate attacks on palestinians. that's an average of about 4 day 16 product simians have been killed. these ready government says that is trying to time down on what it says according to yes is ready. video m c is off to the party as a boy was found, spots, palestinians, thing sets of troops, but the is already government is sent to a basically on the side of the settlers and also the process of purchasing the product itself. okay, well the many thanks for bringing that makes us back from ramallah and the occupied westbank. it still has, here on out, is there a dim and pix lame is binding? once again, great actresses and dumpsters, like the torch ahead. the person that picks in some of the critical debate, pony farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to experts. oh wow. good. because we've money to buy informed
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opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for the political economy, service and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera, on accounting, the cost will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect the global flight against inflation? symbolic way, it's launched a new parents in a bit to end this financial time. well, i've had 5 boy thought mcdonald's is now buying fact o, it says riley restaurant counting the cost on out is era reporting from the action. have you have a great winning hearing to fax, palestinian or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality
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for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, again, you'll without is there a has remind you about top stories this south and is ready strikes us as a musket lovin johnson husband was killed. and 11 of those wounded emergency team scrambled to rescue survive is trapped under level and the alpha for a area as well as on the chase as the country will respond off to iran fund, hundreds of ms. housing, drawing support as well. and the size of a is
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a wood cabinet for me in the coming hours to discuss how to respond. and they run in pressed and keeping him ready. she has to be on their pass all the time to respond to any action against its interest. run in for a minutes. the rooms a comforter offensive will be a medium i guess, honest tossing a 2nd phase of a controversial plan to the port. hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country. more than half a 1000000 undocumented f gun nationals have been expelled since last october. government is extending as deep. we'll take some time to include many f guns who hold pack of stony documents. i certainly am police are tracing a knife attack on a controversial religious leader at a sydney touch as a terrorist act. and these 4 people were injured when a man lunged at a bishop mit service on monday, hundreds of rod pleased with deployed. when the bishop supports has gathered up the church, jacob brown, russell's, the son,
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it's an incident that shops not only church go is but those bashing the service. live online bishop, my memory, a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation overpowered the suspect. immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours of to the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church, towing bricks and bottles, wounding police and preventing offices from taking the team outside. incidents took always to bring on to control the church and local leaders have pleaded. the number of houses have been damaged that broke into a number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place to try and weapons on the autumn at the churches. so it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who has control of injuries to the quote. you've got said, this is
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a menu the ship mom already a manual is a car, is mastic and controversial figured with a significant online following. he was an outspoken critic of cobit 19 lock downs and is known for preaching n t l g b t q views police side. the attack was religiously motivated. we believe, are elements that uh satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism. 10 years ago, his church reportedly broke away from the main syrian church of the east. up to the bishop was excommunicated of the c, a logical differences. the attack comes just a disaster, a mass staffing at a sydney shopping mode which lift 6 people dead. this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies full balance in our community. there is no applies full violence extremism. we are a peace loving nation. the police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most
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is while across to the good ship, a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, elder 0 c o, all of us tried is, may just supermarket chains has been present with jail after refusing to answer the questions before a federal set of inquiry. and the price fixing shop is a grocery stores are using inflation and supply chain issues as an excuse to raise prices. so o'clock levels, the lowest we could move was the chief executive of the supermarket chain, which was grilled by senators for 3 hours. this is a saying that inquiry, and so the question, the grocery retailer was accused of price fixing at the expense of farm is and consumers, as well as corporate profit, tier, enjoying a cost of living crisis farm. as a bank screwdriver at the farm got your work as a bank down ivory subject to unsafe working conditions. your price gouging your
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customers, faced with a trace of contempt in 6 months. j. o, for refusing to answer questions about the company's profitability. the retiring ceo eventually replied to if it helps the committee in terms of us moving on, i don't know that number and i'm happy to take that argument of cy i'll. i'll take that, that you have answered that question. now come to me also fronting the committee was the chief executive of the, of the major grocery retailer in australia called a well, it's hold a 65 percent share of the grocery market. both have denied using a market dominance to engage an unfair pricing practices. they say they realizing profits due to improved in store productivity, to the pharmacy, the sick markets on paying them. and us die as has been finding apples and cherries for nearly 4 decades in the central table ends in the south wiles. we stab around, so on the pharmacy, a apple and cherry dramas, and style 3 dramas,
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and down and in $36.00, she is out of to, on the design 11 less now. so, so that's my evidence that die out. we. we have been not prize gadsden them and people just walked off the lane. it's with this in mind. the federal government is considering cracking down on the supermarket chains by introducing a mandatory code of conduct regulating the supermarkets relationship with the supplies. it's not just tear to stride where the big grocery retail as a bang and choose of price fixing allegations are also being investigated. the united kingdom and canada with a push bar produces to introduce tougher controls on pricing practices. this paula ministry pro is one of a number of investigations in australia, examining competition practices. the federal senate committees for deliver it's report next month or clock out a 0 percent claim has been met in greece as it gets ready for as 5000
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kilometer jenny to fronts ahead of the games in paris late to this year. so i'm size and has the detail it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years as the olympic quadrant gets, let to signal the start of the and then pick games the how did it get there in the 1st place? it's a journey that starts in southern greece and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on this journey to the south coast of france and most say it's an ancient greek tradition, but goes back centuries. the sun's rays reflect from the mirror to produce the flame it could do in a more simple way. but the idea is to shows a link between the engine games which happened here. we started here 2800 years ago, and the modern games which were recreated at the end of the 19th century. 48 performances take part in the carefully reverse, 13 minutes ceremony before the toys has taken on a 10 day relay,
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3 grease. i think that brings something really nice and motions for this magical moment to go to magical moment. every time that we hear the pray to apollo, and we see the flame coming out from that closure. and this is the ship that will then take the torch to fronts. the pelham was built in $1896.00 the same year. the 1st ball newland picks was staged in athens. it's one of the last see where the ships of her kind. where very proud to, to ken carries a flame for the 1st time by the see on the move is as she by said. so he's going to impact the world, develops the history of the, from the link between greece on front and follows the ecological way of a tron spelt about such. and if i'm psycho or empty, same over the years, the torches re space, it's going up. mount everest, it's even going underwater trying to tell where it's jenny,
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lies this year as it set. so from the greek capital's pool per reyes on april, the 28th come size, and i'll just 0 and that's it for me, nor a copy of the weather. next, the inside story, and yet how israel and what responds to a wrong the the a hello is a rain files, a gathering once the game across the good parts of central china. lots of cloud showing up here. this is the menu from that is going to bring more big down pulls in across a central area. then as we go through the next couple of days, most of that is dr. women's sunny bathing. getting up to 27 degrees celsius being see how, what it is down to was central and southern past. that is why did the cause some
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localize will flash flooding over the next dial. so eventually pushing out into the promoters. scott, seeing with the fall south of q c, but i think for the most popular stay dry and sunny for japan, then some pleasant weather coming through here along with the korean peninsula, trying, sorry to request a good part of the south asia as i'm sure it was that the eastern positive india for a time, maybe down towards the south, but really about the heat until we get into the next day or 2 can see some wet to weather, to sliding out of pocket started tubs increasingly west. here as we go through the next day or so, and that will pushed way to move west and positive in the for the 2nd half of the weeks, i certainly something to watch out for that same area with the web bras invited stones in across the golf it's built some very wet weather into the u i. e. c. some heavy, a showers just pushing the way across the southern positive around making its way into southern afghanistan of the
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individual. now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fox for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange on knowledge as 0 will, is ro respond to the wrongs 1st, the direct attack, these ready to government is under pressure not to retaliate but says it's waiting . it's options. what could they be and what would a direct confrontation between the regional rivals mean for an already for the tom at least this is inside store the


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