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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the owners of power not to seek help, but to demand the world to see the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the scar, a witness documentary on the jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm the self he attain. this isn't use our line from the coming up in the next 16 months. israel's attack on gauze, a continued full palestinians, including a child, killed near rasa in southern guns. any of them off ever on miss all attack. israel's will cabinets is set to meet the planets response cost.
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i'm come out of high during the mon games on the progress on the run it on board up with thousands of on refugees are about to be sent home against dave with also a report from eastern ukraine where russia is set to be taking advantage of delays and ministry a to keep the schools in one space ensued on reopen for the 1st time since battles for control of the country began over a year ago. the fall we begin in gauze our way israel continues to attack targets across the street . at least 8 palestinians has been killed. off to a police call was struck in central garza city. women and children are among the wounded that an overnight for palestinians, including a child,
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were killed and is really selling west garza southern, such a rough one and the tallow full time neighborhood. there were emotional scenes as family members of the victims gathered to a pass for the funeral. of those count in that strange fallacious. let's be task. i presume he's on the ground for us. and rafa and southern gaza, tired took us through these nations strikes. it feels like there's been an intensive occasion, so yes, that's right. essentially this very minute tree has been intensifying. it's made it tree bombardment and strikes across many areas in the territories as a right now of the racing in the middle areas in the north forcing hold on to say, a rough refugee camp, we're talking about that full residential tower is being completely destroyed. they are cooled, i saw the towers indeed know that part of this campus about right now is depending on destroying the entire area there as apostrophe expand to the curriculum that has been recent based topless subjecting with the north the southern part of the
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territory. now clearly they have been cooling, i'm asking residents to flee from the entire area using military quite cold drones, with loud speakers and full within, informing them to not stay inside these areas which had been a target, which is really military, but relatively to the bottom. and continues elsewhere, and the goal is this truck is specifically the number of parts in a base handle in town where the as well the military have choose an impulse. families to easily from the evacuation centers in bates had one after being investigated at launching a white miniature arrest campaign against the palestinian men and others in that part of the gaza strip. i turned back in heather. this is randy drones that flying above you. tell us a little bit more about what's been going on in terms of these attacks. i understand there was a strike on a mosque and jamalia to a well developed, in fact has been a since i for the use many military attacks. they have been attaching who's been show houses, evacuation sensors,
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and recently they have been on rise up scaling attacks against most in that area where people used to teach, show talk any more. they are not completely safe. as this report shows, the desperate calls for help rescue is hoping to apply the search for any survivors of just another is really strike on to about the final sewing of the young girl. but i'm only she was one of many children in the home and as a whole area when it was destroyed by elizabeth destroy when the neighboring and most of the gym and the just they have targeted the most. there are other people in the house. this is my daughter,
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like countless other children in casa. this wasn't the 1st time this young girl had been injured and is very strong. thousands of display spouse opinions have been killed, drinking, and around most since the war began. industry is about has continually talking to them, destroying hundreds of course the gaza strip in the last 6 months opened, killing goose, who had hope to find safety. tara could as soon l. just a rough, rough southern cause. israel's will cabinet is set to meet for some time on tuesday as it decides how to respond to around unprecedented attack. tyrone 5, hundreds of missiles and drones at israel and south today, it says the attack was retaliation for deadly strike on its contents in damascus. 2 weeks ago, but the tree officials say that israel will respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain that way the highest level of
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readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns, according to the idea remains ready to counter any for it. for milan and it still perhaps is ivy. we continue our mission to defend the state to be but a rainy and president abraham rice who has told the a mirror of cats all the tyrone will respond to any. is there any attack against its interest or ons? foreign minister is also warning is relevant, immediate response. how much an onset vision is ready ration you make some mistake . this time around the response. as it runs ministry, commodities announced will not be minimal. the media. and so the 5 well out here as senior political, alice ball and the shar joins me it here. now in the studio, when i wanna talk through some of the calculations you, let's start with israel and the wood cabinets and what they're thinking through
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right now. how much of this is about responding to iran buses, consolidating us solar diversity? so i think it's your got of exactly the right it's, it's going to be a balancing act between both. but there's another dimension. i think it will remain . we'll see a typical but not as important, which is the politics. there's the policy, the strategy, and there's the politics. the politics is what's going on within the cabinet. the what cabinet and the security cabinets within is read satisfying. to also respond to a public opinion that is quite on the edge after a night of a fear as it were. i think what's happening today is that while some are pushing towards a real punitive act against the law on a real retaliations, others are hoping for every 30 ition without escalation. i think the idea of is
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not reacting at all. i think it's becoming less a less of a chance. the question, i think the word nothing. yeah i was trying to answer is how can you react, how can you retaliate and at the same time, maintain and build on a what's that support for? it is right, i think he probably understands or reckons that he can do both minimize uh, an attack on here on every side you should without an escalation, while at the same time build on american support for some support in order to build a long term on site uranian coalition. well, i'm curious about this idea of escalation and especially how tyrone is thinking about this. because tyrone basically said as far as they were concerned off to what happened in damascus, what happened on saturday? it's now done, right? so they clearly don't want the ongoing escalation had, but israel respond to what uh, it runs options. well,
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depends on the response. sure. right. and what was the same thing where there's a, there's almost a mirror image. this is iran took good style, almost 2 weeks to respond, and the responded the way a believe to be proportionate. now is what it's doing. the same thing, taking a bit of time, getting everyone's tense, in order to think about proportionate response. i think somewhere in between there really is part of sending the message and a lot of make message that is does do anything spectacular that you're on is going to have to do also retaliates that you literally against and is raise your response . but some of that is also a strategy psychology, right? in the sense that it's spending all kinds of partners in the region, such as the composition with calculators and others. that you make sure to tell the americans and your friends, today's rarities. that if they did respond that we're going to do this and that the
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think that's part of also of a psychology. and by the way, the symbolism for psychology, populism and so on, so forth or built into this. so it's not just a question of purely military action. it's all coming with a lot of do politics instructed you have a psychology. well, speaking of the geo politics, there were obviously a lot of particular questions he has of escalation in the region. they've been very care saying that they don't want that. is there an argument that israel facing more and more criticism from washington and all the allies of what it's doing and gaza, sees this as an opportunity you to, to consolidate. some of that that's fair and unconcerned around ron will look, there is no doubt that the united states and the by that and this administration at this point in time is not interested in a major escalation. that looks like another forever war. and them at least 6 award was against the wrong, would probably be much worse than
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a war against iraq or afghanistan. and in an election year, this wouldn't be political suicide on the point of choices. so there's definitely trying to contain this thing by the same time that accident on, on, on 3 levels. build a section for gene, stronger one, i guess the or on. and it's all lies built on, on type it really and coalition. and try to design a reaction or a retaliation with is there a that is not hyperbolic, right? so that's what the americans are doing. i think at the end of the day, if you notice how the americans are reacting within the region, it's clear that i'm like what some of the alarm is told us, and they want that this is going to 3rd world war. we are not going to affect the world war. are we going to a new middle east or the built around peace? no. is it more of the same? almost yes, x one exception. but now the,
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the proximity and the, and the under direct confrontation is a real, as good one has shown us. so $48.00. oh see how this all continues to pay out and what is well on around the side. and in the coming days on the shower, i was seeing if typical, unless it was great to talk to on the news now. thanks. meanwhile, at least one person has been killed and is really rage that targeted a. com in the town of our, i'm vile in southern lebanon. drones strikes, launched from lebanon. we understand of injured 3 israeli soldiers. these really minute teresa is the strikes. here's an area near the northern city of k out, tomorrow not well. let's go straight to our correspondent already. how shall he joins us now from eyeball in southern lebanon alley. i know this has all happened very, very recently. took us through what we know about what took place of the well yes, uh, the size. yes. just uh now what to go the reports of drones attack on it,
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cause i'm destroyed. what we all right, so for you guys come immediately to the to the scene because of the security measures. this is a so it took us some time to come here. now what we understood the casualties, someone was killed, several people were injured among those who would enjoy the also one civilian a. why the old as well as the law members. so the emergency services flushed to the states took the uh, the corpse of the killed on the injured to the hospitals around. but i mean, this comes just as part of why the context, several of us as a nation by as well as being conducted on deliver any thoughts, many has velocity and come out. and those were killed over the past 6 months. at least one in the past. 15 days in the town of so funny, i always call the disclosure to the house was hit with a, with a war plane, and one after the last few come on,
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there's also i'll screw that over here right now. we don't know what, what killed identity still stuck. no entails has, will announce, has died in a, in this statement. however, the location of this is the top of this joint. i'm not quite far from the quarter. it's like an authentic telling me this from nevada, and then if it was deck, and now this comes in, in bottling with what's happening on the bottle it size you report. i do, you just said the ones that i talked with to drones on the sound of the ones have according to our statement by hezbollah, the iron don't system was hit with these drones and several of the crew. i'll put a thing, get the iron door on that side of the border where injured or killed, as they said, there were several of casualties that i have some with a very, very life, as far as from the ground where that strike took place earlier. well,
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just in the last hours he was reporting. thank you so much. i will still punch in morehead few. this news are including the quest for justice to the rocky prison is detained and tortured by us soldiers of the upgrade prison in a wrong, the pockets don is now starting. the 2nd phase of a controversial plan to deport hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country of a half a 1000000 undocumented ass guy, nationals of already been expelled since last october. the government is not extending its deportation plan to also include many of guns who hold the pakistani documents will come out of high to reports from atlantic hotel in pakistan on the border without the dentist on. a very bad creation of millions of, of loans is continuing or the 30 day. most of the people that we talk to say they're living with
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a heavy heart. they have considered focused on to be that home. they're also considered around this time to be that and sister home. but they said that the government moved to push these people out. is something that is an acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on warranty to send them out, it should have been get it out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll send it gives them as a and i'm not just on it's another line. so many lenses of what you saw all the way up to nations. this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking, leaving nothing, but we are grateful to the people who accepted a phone call to hold off. why do i want it? why did you me that this would be great? just focused on granted us citizenship often we spend decades here. afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war. and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of the bag creation. they're going to focus on had the nouns,
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that it is not just the unregistered. i've gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency or the of one citizenship, god. to really have to go, that of gods is thrown the future of many and if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. their children don't know any other country, like focused on their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they said that it should have been done in a more dignified manner. and the national organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the addendum dollar bond government said they would want to welcome and the other ones that they've done is to come back to that and says credit home. the feeling had monkey of one is
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uncertainty. we have been talking to some of the families who are on the move on the back of their truck. it has been a difficult journey. it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course, the long wait of ones are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course, are leaving with a heavy heart. come out of hi there. i just did all i learned because the plug is gone, no one has done boredom. literally specially 3 people has been killed in afghanistan . of the heavy rains triggered flash flooding the more than $27.00 people also injured by the floods which have damaged hundreds of homes and even coolest roofs to call widespread flooding in amman has left at least 18 people that dead in one incident, a call carrying 10 children, i'm, the driver was swept away, falling thunder storms, heavy rain and strong winds of course, flash flooding that thousands of people have been evacuated. as
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a precaution and heavy rains also hit the united arab emirates, and due by motorists were forced to abandon the cause on major highways as roads flooded. as you can see, flights dubai international airport, the was busy as to international travel, has also been disrupted 2 decades ago this month, photo is a smiling us soldiers posing with humiliation. detainees, rocks upgrade, present, cause wild wind shock. and off the years of legal baffled lawsuit board by 3 prisoners finally began on monday. john henry has moved from alexandria and virginia, wanting to view as may find some images and has report distressing. and the abu ghraib pictures tell us sordid tale of torture, prisoners stack naked in a pyramid, handcuffed on the ground, dragged by a leash, and attached to electrical wires. the soldier giving a thumbs up next to a corpse. now,
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20 years after the release of those photos of the us run prison at abu ghraib and a rock set off global outrage, 3 survivors are getting their day in court with upgrade. and the revelations i thought was happening, and i would grab that, open the eyes of the united states and the world to shift away from the law and treatment of those in custody and the name of the war on terror. the survivors are suing c, a c. on the virginia based military contractor that supplied the interrogators who worked at the prison just as has been a long delay. this case has been bouncing around the court since 2008. c a c. i a has tried to have it dismissed around 20 times in 2021. the u. s. supreme court sent it back here to district court, where it will finally go on trial. the company denies wrong doing and says its employees have not directly inflicted abuse of the prisoners, but the plaintiffs in the case say that company set the conditions that resulted in
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torture by ordering military police to quote, soften up detainees for interrogations. there's been so little, no accountability, really for what happened at abu good god and, and beyond. i think a case of just one person is tremendously significant. among those expect it to testify. army general antonio, to a group who led an investigation into the abu ghraib scandal and former staff sergeant ivan frederick sentenced a more than 8 years in prison for inflicting abuse. john 100 al jazeera, alexandria virginia to hold that smell, speak to sara sand, blah. she's be a rock rosette, so human rights won't. so she joins us now from so many a. so why hasn't taken this long 20th? it's long overdue, and it's in part taking this long because you see i has filed 20 motions to dismiss the case, trying to claim that as a military contractor,
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it benefits from the state and unity that the us government does for the actions of its troops overseas. you've spoken today is man, i believe sarah, they've told you about what they were put through. can you perhaps share level about how it's affected them? of these is yeah, i think by now the stories are very well known. but unfortunately, in these cases, once the story leaves headlines, people forget and the menus i spoke to suffer almost daily reminders and the form of physical scores, injuries left over, as well as the mental scars from trauma that they continued to follow the width and to test the sarah, they've obviously waited so long. how do you see this case playing out? how soon? for instance, could we get a ruling? what sort of outcome will responsibility might something like that entail the center for constitutional rights? who filed the case is hoping unexpecting that the case will be wrapped up in the next 2 to 3 weeks. they're suing for damages,
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and we're hoping that this is going to be the 1st case where a court has ordered a military contractor to pay financial compensation to people as a result of its actions. we're really hopeful that this is going to set the president not only for further cases, similar to it, but to hold the us government itself accountable. because to the state, if they haven't paid any compensation, there is no pathway is available where survivors can raise their claims and how their cases even heard. you mentioned, southern ministry contractor was arguing on the basis that they have immunity like the on services do. do you see any accountability and future for the us on services? i mean, unfortunately, it seems like the courts aren't going to be the avenue where we're going to find that accountability human rights watch in addition to many other and use our funding to make sure one that this doesn't ever happen again by advocating for changes to policy is to prevent future happening in the future. well, also being mindful,
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the redress needs to be provided to people that did suffer torture. whether that redress gets provided through the courts or through the administration, which is looking like the more likely option at this point. it needs to be done. so you talk about changing policy and it felt like the undergrad revelations, with a huge shock to the world when those folks across came out, but tortured by minute trees remains a practice. how much did what happened in iraq? how much did that actually change things? how wide spread is torture as, as a practice around the world now? yeah, i mean, as he said, unfortunately it continues to happen. but the legacy not only are the torture but of the impunity for torture. the fact that we haven't seen any accountability hasn't gold and others to be to feel that they can torture and face no consequences themselves. so, so even though some policies did change and the week of the 2004 scandal, there's still a very long way to go before torture is the thing that we can say is finally of the
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past in our world. sarah sounds all that is a rock per cent charge. human rights watch speaking to us from swimming. yeah, thank you so much for joining us, sir. and we do hope that you some something happens with this case sometime soon. thank you to the ukraine's army chief. it says the situation on the eastern front line has escalations significantly in recent days. ukrainian on western intelligence agencies say that russia is taking advantage of delays and military educative and is preparing for a major offensive charles trucks. it has this report from the town of leman. well, people still live here, around 2000 of them struggling to exist among the destruction. russian forces captured the town of lima and in may 2022 ukrainian army then recaptured the important railway help with
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a pre will population of over 20000 around 5 months later crushing miss all and so cool. do i boma tax it increased in recent weeks, targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what ukraine says is it's potentially catastrophic. lack of width and defense. tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to start by arguments in the us. congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now gaining momentum on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lima. and in the surrounding countryside is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid, the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's
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no running water or gas in town. the tiny, afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she has lived also life she returned. when are you crazy and allow me to control? the daughter and granddaughter went to poland and the don't want to come back. if you go not the focus groups, she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like games. couldn't use the oh, of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked, we had a railway, we had a town look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's id, something suspected russian informers,
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all exams live to throughout the russian armies of the patient. nicholas, i don't want to talk about it. he says, he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. it's all he has had to blame and spy department. he says he's been on now more than ever. valuable to attack is they tried to save lives. the sadly the shelling has recently increased the enemy of hips civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian stuff, up the shutting schools. many fires we receive up to 10, call out, and the given to just while period. there are many towns near the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance. charles,
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profit algebra, lima. whether now his evanson, hello. let's see some really nice the weather recently around the middle east device, $44.00, i'm going to be just afraid in only 6 hours it may very close to cut out, but it's in the process of pulling out of the way 24 hours. we've seen a 64 millimeters of rain. let's compare that to the annual average. it's about 8 months with a freight in just one day. it will make its wife of a switch, but you can see the impact that it had on the by, as it's made its way across some law trial reported here as well and damaging wayne's. but as you can see, widespread flooding it has of course, cause major disruption. it is in the process of easing further east west, but call me without the possibility of another shall row too as we go through wide to stay on in too fast day. the worst of the weather will slip across southern paths all around into buckets. dont as we go through the next couple days and the normal service resumed, more in the way of very warm sunshine sunshine continuing to across that eastern
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side of the mediterranean. why the scientists say the say settled, we will say some showers petering out as they make the way across the bus. for us, the show is a painting out to across the northern pos opportunity as to what a risk went there across north africa. but lossy fine and try. i'm so the show us the into the gulf of guinea, a hostile, a head hill, and i'll just revel fights. as in me, i law say they've repelled a government's attempt to take back a town on the border with thailand. the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is. all right,
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here and right now, the stream announces era 300 years ago. the found is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world, and stages of the you know, his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and the disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of so on al jazeera the the welcome back to watching out
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a 0. let's remind you about headlines this allen. as wells on the chief says, the country will respond off to iran, find hundreds of missiles and runs towards israel. and stop today is there any won't, cabinet will meet in the coming hours to discuss how to respond. least 8 palestinians have been killed in an as rainy, striking targeting a police call and central kansas city. and a separate attack full palestinians, including a child killed and is really selling west of golf, a southern city and rough on natal futon. and it is rarely striking a mosque and an open golf. and one person was killed that 11 office wounded emergency team scrambled to rescue survivors propped on the rumble. and he also core areas. many of those injured in the attacks of women and children. all know us all colored has been at that a tech sized on the mosque in giovanni. i said i want to come over one. this is why because shooting them for a few. so as
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a sort of neighborhood where the most skillful holder has been targeted yesterday night and the simplest one bass and having killed one civilized and living got injured at this place is a residential lo, i, by the way, this is the most, here is the microphones i'm not for just can see it displays as you can see, the surrounding home of the house is a residential houses and all of them at the throat as the most has been destroyed. as a major fire is burning and copenhagen destroying one of the best known as on fox in denmark, the 17th century stock exchange with its famous fire, was undergoing renovation in the capital known as the boston. it's next to the danish parliament and the old city roads were blocked as 55 as 4 to limit the damage. the building became the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce of
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denmark. stock exchange moved back in the 1917 to me on, on our rebel fight to say they've repelled a government attack to take back me a body on the board with thailand. the correct national liberation army which seized the key town last week. says the danger has now passed from the border with thailand correspond attorney chang reports. the soldiers from the curriculum is cooper columbia satellite, the flag of mamma and the town of milwaukee. in its place. they hoist the colors of the current national union, confident this new territory is firmly under the control of underneath the. ready the lot of underwood that there are no worries about the june to return, and since we received the news of their advance caught them, we've been vigilant and we fault them that we managed to destroy one tank and 3 transport trucks. and the me and my military suffered injuries and retreated. parts of the town has suffered badly of the 6 weeks of intense fighting in the wreckage, a brigade,
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275. the military's law stand the spoils of war. but the current leadership came to stress. this is a victory shed amongst all the resistance groups. we need unity, and then we may get step by the side with the other mission. and then we work together with other group by coordinate to attach to the military. the military tend to appeared to be on the bank, but even the annual um forces day parade took place under the cover of darkness this year and where they found divisions amongst the economies in the past. now this seems to be units that we might as a boot, i was country. and some people who appeared as a diversity as a weakness in all the revolution. but actually that was the sprint. tile pulses remain on high and the, the primary concern is the violence doesn't spill across the board. for decades, the town of milwaukee has existed in
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a very fine pallet balance on the one side. yeah. and the com is on the other, the military, across the board, a thailand generating huge income from trade. but even the fighting hasn't stopped . that's due to free alcohol and cigarettes on sale from food like is it me a while the box is a bit passed across the rolls raise a why tony? checking out a 0 on the time. yeah, my boat and south korea's president says he accepts the will of the people following his parties. reason selection defeats the people power policy lawsuit against the opposition in parliamentary elections last week. this has units of fuels fest public reaction to that forward to seeing us as the toughest challenge, nearly 2 years into his presidency. he just came reports from the capital. so 6 days after voters gave the opposition a rezoning election victory over the president's people power party use on your
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broke. his silence will don't kill you will continue our reform drives overlay, but education pension and the medical systems and listen to reasonable opinion of the government will need to fulfill its responsibilities while cooperating more closely with the national assembly. and his words fell short to the apology. of the democratic party was looking for, but they'll stay in the driver's seat with the power to reject to use legislative agenda over the next 3 years, the opposition blocked when nearly 2 thirds of seats in the national assembly. many view use landslide law says the people's judgment against his uncompromising leadership style. you know, you've been chosen, google would hope the results of the selection would shift to you and government spawns. but his remark was unilateral declaration to continue the non communicative politics of his office as before, without any interest fiction decision. this was an election so driven by the anger of a disenchanted public that the election watchdog band green onions from pulling boots
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that followed the media parents by the president meant to highlight falling festival prices. it went viral for being out of touch. just as controversies involving the 1st lady remain, as prizes continued to rise, hospitals across the country remain under pressure. a 3rd month of a strike by thousands of junior doctors is about to begin. a presidential aid told reporters that president did apologize for failing to manage the people's expectations as adjusted. he's not ruled out and meeting with the leader of the parliamentary majority party, even now with the president's party. now in emergency mode, it remains to be seen how you will work with the democrats, whose support he will need to confirm a new prime minister after several senior presidential aid submitted their resignations last week. you know skim out to 0. so on china is g, d, p has grown by about 5.3 percent and the 1st quarter of 2024,
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exceeding expectations in a country that's been seeing warning signs of a weakening economy. the world's 2nd largest economy beat less full cost that we're about 4.8 percent of the same time. unemployment has inch down to about 5.3 percent off to a 3 month streak of increases. the government has cut interest rates to try to add stimulus to an economy that's been my it in a downturn, during pond to a real estate prices. which jeep needs. one of the most iconic symbols of the philippines bought a government program tends to phase out around $200000.00 of the vintage vehicles and not to promote a strike by drive. those who say they some pretty can't afford new trucks found to be let reports from manila and the police. after extending the deadline repeatedly philippine president, brittany, then marcus junior says this one is final. excuse me, drivers must join cooperatives or work under corporate management. but april 30th
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is the 1st step in the government's effort to base out the old warrant out transportation vehicles. but some drivers oppose the modernization program. i mean, the, you should be helping us filipino as president marco's, why are you feeling for in business? there, one to 2 days strike to demand that the government allowed them to replace or repaired to jeep nice without losing their operators licenses. these are what are the philippines most recognizable cultural symbols. the drivers are protesting because their rate is still eventually van is. but an even bigger worry for them is that they lose their income in independence. if the government pulls ahead with new rules regulating gives you rules that some other cheap, the union leaders like once a company and you say are except people after the marcus administration approved upgraded, cheap, nice by local manufacturers, somebody out of the big months with the corporate to a corporate setup is good for fleet management. the dispatcher vehicles will follow
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a schedule and drive is warrants, have to compete for passengers to move out of the one victory. leona motors was ready 5 years ago with the prototype. that meant the government's use standards, spacious air condition with a clean, arranging the requirement for the more than shipping unifor and the unified and perhaps just as important. it routine to look up the traditional philippine jeep needs. but up until this approval, last year, the government had pushed for many buses to replace jeep needs. now, competitors are building their own lead up to date. jeep needs, including electric powered, once transport, the official say more than 80 percent drivers are now in cooperative or employed by the businessman. what's tracking drivers say if they can paralyze public transport now, taking them off the streets permanently, could leave millions of filipino stranded wine to below al jazeera meaning. no
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salvage cruise in the united states have removes the heavy, a section of baltimore's bridge, which your coal collapsed last month work is disassembled. the metal process using propane torch is the pet of giant. she is from cisco. cambridge collapsed off to being struck by a massive congress ship the f. b. i has opened a criminal investigation to see who might be responsible. 6 people were killed, a straightening police, tracing a knife attack on a controversial religious visa, just sydney trach. as a terrorist act, at least 4 people were injured when a man lunged as a bishop mid service. on monday. hundreds of ron police were deployed when the bishop support isn't gathered at the church. jacob brown reports the son, if it's an incident that shops not only church go is but those bashing the service live on the bishop, my memory. a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon,
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members of the congregation overpowered the suspect. immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours of the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church. hurling bricks and bottles, wounding police and preventing offices from taking the team outside. incidents took hours to bring on to control the church and local leaders have pleaded. the number of house has been damaged. that broke into a number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place this fine weapons on the audience at the church. and so it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who a, scroll the injuries to the quote you've got said, this is a menu the ship mom, already a manual is a counter, is mastic and controversial figured with a significant online following he was an outspoken critic of code, 19 locked downs, and is known for preaching n t l g
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b t q views. police say the attack was religiously motivated. we believe the elements that satisfied in terms of religious divided extremism. 10 years ago, his church reportedly broke away from the main syrian church of the east. up to the bishop was excommunicated of a c, a logical differences. the attack comes just days after a mass staffing at a sydney shopping mode which lift 6 people that this is a disturbing incident and there is no applies, full violence in their community. there is no applies, full violence extremism. we police loving nation. police are continuing to investigate. the attack is most is well cross to the good ship. a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, l. g 0 staying in australia and the ceo of one of the countries may just have walk
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a change has been threatened with jail after refusing to answer questions before a sentence inquiry into price. fixing. shop is accuse grocery stores of using inflation and supply chain issues as an excuse to raise prices. so o'clock reports to you last week and what was the chief executive of the supermarket chime with was grilled by senators for 3 hours. this is a say that inquiry, and so the question, the grocery retailer was accused of price fixing at the expensive farm is and consumers, as well as corporate profit, tier, enjoying a cost of living crisis farm. as a bank screwdriver at the farm guides your work as a bank, don ivr, and subjected to on site for working conditions. your price gouging your customers, sized for the rest of contempt in 6 months. j. o, for refusing to answer questions about the company's profitability. the retiring see jo eventually replied to if it helps the committee in terms of us moving on,
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i don't know that number and i'm happy to take that argument of cy i'll, i'll take that, that you have answered that question. now come to me also funding the committee was the chief executive of the other major grocery retailer in australia called a low. it's hold a 65 percent share of the grocery market. both have denied using a market dominance to engage an unfair pricing practices. they say they rise in profits due to improved in store productivity, to the pharmacy, the sick markets on paying them and us die as has been finding apples and cherries for nearly 4 decades in the central table. and somebody south wiles, we still have around $200.00 pharmacy, a apple and cherry dramas, and style 3 dramas, and down. and in $36.00, he is out of to, on the design 11 less now. so, so that's my evidence that die out. we,
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we have been now prize gadsden them and people just walked off the lane. it's with this in mind. the federal government is considering cracking down on the supermarket chains by introducing a mad, a treat code of conduct, regulating the supermarkets relationship with the supplies. it's not just tear to stride where the big grocery retail as a bank and choose a price fixing allegations are also being investigated. museums, united kingdom and canada with a push bar produces to introduce tougher controls on pricing practices. this paula ministry pro is one of a number of investigations in australia, examining competition practices. the federal senate committees for deliver it's report next month or clock out as 0 percent as well. still ahead here on out as they are. i will tell you like, game rain, dozens and bob way of fixing a telephones with live tracking devices and the olympic flame is running once again, creek actresses and dances like the torches ahead of the power
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the of the welcome back. now for many students around the well, the school it is only story about that, the some cables and northeastern through dawn. it's just beginning. it's now been over a year since fighting between the national army and the power military rapids support forces broke out getting tens of thousands of people just facing millions more. for the 1st time schools in red c states have reopened. mama ball has the story from the city of ports to don or anything the school bell for the 1st time. you know,
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yes, in this conflict through the country isn't october. the files saves your forty's behind the decision on the, on the fat. and then we have decided to reopen schools today, april 14th, across the entire rest of the state. so the education can continue the ways being faced with tremendous challenges. but we have managed to succeed thanks to the cooperation of everyone that it hasn't to be an easy task because a 118 schools across the state have been used to house thousands of display civilians will flip fighting in other parts of so then many of them had to be located and as a hint that economically my body. so after that we continue to dedicate some schools for the id piece. and we provided tents for the id piece that had to be moved by the students will have to share the available schools by rotation. i found
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out that the cds, the national in front of the state governor. these are students say they feel proud of people, least a bail school is the 5th cindy outside the country to reopen, following a get of no education about how flooded because of the conflict. the high school diploma exams weren't organized. this has deeply affected students. we all few that we wasted an entire year of our lives while animals sold us. a lot of them are that is with the had, i'm extremely happy that our school is reopening. we've wasted a whole year sitting at home. we want to vote and for security to return to our country and for all students to go back to the schools and universities for the millions of students in other parts of the country. it's not just clear, it's seem of the decisions with somebody taking, but it is very unlikely, like least investigates, of thoughtful call to find comfortable and to 0. well,
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there are no science, the fighting is about to and how much fun of the 0. 42 dense, the game ranges in zimbabwe office and h elephants with real time tracking colors to monitor their movements. the project and the front gate. national park comes as dangerous confrontations which humans becomes ever more common. somebody the middle of has been this is one of 8 and a sense at one get national park and it's being fitted with the tracking content. is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's in dr . to sedated and the color installed with these colors they so the tell him when they told him and you can actually put tuesday mips. it's october locations with the end of funds. what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the park, almost off of them. bob, who's a 100000 elephant population, live in this was of but the about growing their habitats and,
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and now encroaching into communities. as the animals search for food and water give you and do. they was trampled by innocence while holding cattle at my body. village 3 years ago, his knee was broken. send in, do you mean the someone is that it is painful? i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look up to my casual. my wife has to do most of the joys before the taxes were installed. they would know early warnings to a load of dishes. when elephants had left the protected area, we have been able to use this type of the ability to take the elephant as an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated to park area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors and then deployed. but i've been disappointed unions to go and scared them back into the park and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid sit in the areas where the elections go. last year edison schools,
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63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to minimize home to both humans and animals. come back and i'm familiar. oh, to 0. i spoke to like most of, for really he's the communications officer at the international funds, the animal well fans. and bob way, he says, securing places for the animals will help to reduce risk for conflicts between the elephants and humans. this is the, this is easy session with what i saw, all the issues in the communities around the area. i barely use that to see how much time and as far as the oss,
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i need to use the full body news with the time the speaking much say that particular area here's why don't know the visa society is i see on the part of it is uh, frontier internet connection with the way or the song issues. uh, security for the uh for the, for, for, for the uh, the id for the use of the product i currently of the limbic flame has been lived in greece as it gets ready for its 5000 kilometer johnny to friends ahead of the games in paris so they should see
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a tom size on top of the town. it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years as the olympic quadrant gets let to signal the start of the and then pick games. but how did it get there in the 1st place? it's a journey that starts in southern greece and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on this journey to the south coast of france and most say it's an ancient greek tradition but goes back centuries. the sun's rays reflect from the mirror to produce the flame it could do in a more simple way. but the idea is to show the link between the engine games which happened here. we started here 2800 years ago, and the modern games which were recreated at the end of the 19th century. 48 performance take part in the castle. the reverse, 13 minutes ceremony before the torch is taken on the 10 day relay,
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3 grease i think that brings something really nice and motions for this magical moment to go to magical moment. every time that we share the pray to apollo, and we see the, the flame coming out from that closure. and this is the ship that will then take the torch to fronts. the pelham was built in $1896.00 the same year. the 1st button olympics was staged in athens. it's one of the last see where the ships of her kind, where very proud to, to can carries the flame for the 1st time by the sea. on the move is as she by said . so he's going to impact the world, develops the history of the, from the link between greece on front and falls, the ecological way of a tron spelt about such. and if i'm psycho or the same the, the is the torches re space. it's going up. mount everest, it's even gone onto volta, trying to tell where it's jenny,
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lies this year. as it set sail from the greek capital's pool per reyes on april, the 28th come size and out 0. well, that's the new zone, but i'll be back in the, in the
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center i've been getting heavier in thailand. defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people a using the quotes to silence with the lowest 101 east investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used to bring to mutation and concealing corruption. speaching up in time 91020. examining the headline, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of well tough programming. on alex's era, growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series, it takes to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups,
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the size of the system. there's no for most painters of working class people. there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented them as a 5th generation change on al jazeera. the israel is attacks on dollars a continue full palestinians, including a child killed near rasa in southern garza. the color that renaissance you take this is all 0 life and are also coming in the optimal size of around the missile attack. israel's will cabinet is set to meet the planets response comes i'm come out of high the


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