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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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as to your gold clouds corridors of power not to seek help, but the demand, the world heed the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the sky, a witness documentary on the jersey though, we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict, is the human suffering that the reports are pretty brave, bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. the hello, i'm elizabeth put on them and this is a news our live from doha. coming out for the next 16 minutes, dozens of people are killed across garza, including many children as rating military targets. the north and south of the strip has bulk. amanda is killed and is rarely drawing attacks in southern 11 on the waiting game continues as well as will cabinets. amazing can know the how to respond to yvonne's attack on saturday and were on the frontlines and east and
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ukraine with troops say they need more resources to finish off renewed russian attacks in sort send. the final place is up for grabs. and the wife, the champions league, lisa, i'm the king of clay is back because roughly on the down makes a winning was on to tennis out the buffalo to open the it's 18 g m t, that's 8 pm and also it is very full. so the continue and the tax on palestinians across the strip, at least 20 people, including children, have been killed and his riley strikes and central gaza. witnesses say a group of children were playing near on regards the refugee camp when they were attacked. and at least 9 palestinians were killed after a police call was struck in gaza. city that happens in a densely population neighborhood within 33000 an 800 people have been killed in
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gaza since the stall of israel's wool. that includes golden, $14000.00 children. that's bringing on corresponding tiny muscle, if he's joining us, live from it off on southern gaza. and how do you tell us about this is randy attack at the gauzy refugee camp, where as we've been hearing earlier, children have been told and a playground the yes. well, i don't know how the records you. com is located in the central area of the gaza strip. and the central area of this room has to be the major's side of relentless error strikes, then constant non stop artillery sitting for the pos, the 5 base. so far, the northern part of and the side of the account has been repeatedly targeted then with limited incursion at the northern part in the southern area of why do you have a particular area for people who are told to evacuate, though, because it is safe? this is something with the and happen to repeatedly shutter in any sense of safety
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. but at the earlier hours of this evening, a drone fire the missile in a group of children who happened to be at a playground in such a busy area, a marketed place in the refugee camp itself. 11 people who confirmed killed as they were reported to a lot. so hospital and 1000 other injuries and this is not the 1st time was seen a children of r d. i might do these, these, these because provide these really a aerial attack or the artillery saying there are at least 14000 or how a city and a children across the gauze is rep, being killed, either inside their residential homes or inside evacuation centers. or simply just happened to be at the wrong place as is really mandatory right now. it both making gaza strip the entire go strip, evolving into a killing zone. with many of the areas have been drawn as combat zone and divide that these really military means they are very dangerous that direction to target these area involved with children. and as we see within the past couple hours,
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11th, the beloved children, including other dozens of other injuries, are reported to a lot of the hospital. what we've heard of from a lot of the hospital that those who are arriving with different injuries are at risk of losing their lives simply because the hospital is overcrowded right now. exhausted medical is stop extreme shortage of medical supplies available and inability for the hospital to operate on functioning properly, just increasing the risk of people with injuries to lose their life. okay, so hospital still seeing severe shortages of everything that they need honey. i was speaking to a us state department official earlier today. and he was saying that the us government has been successful in convincing as well to allow more aid into this trip. and we have seen more aid, certainly more trucks enter in gaza, but have you seen that? make a difference where you are as well
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the fact then for the past 6 months, the entire goal is to serve been deprived of from the most basic supplies, including food supplies and medical supplies, and other to the 5 of life and just made what a birth is being allowed right now with dropping the ocean in the face of the greater needs of everyone in the guthrie, mainly people in the northern part of golf and see they have been struggling with with family that have already caused the death of 30 people because of the day and for the hydration, and as far vision, little on the i of the $35.00 hospitals, we're looking at the least 8 of them remaining. so my operational at the lowest cab capacity law, someone with a 3 here and rough, i city the arc, the small size and mid size. but we're really struggling with making medical supplies necessary, available for patients. so that the preventing them from the providing and offering the necessary treatment. so far we're looking at an overcrowded drop here, close to a $170.00 truck that made their way to this area. but again,
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it's already depleting it from the markets. and the just given the fact that we're looking at 1500000 displays palestinians here are in desperate need of so many of these basic necessities. so no matter how, how much is the number of how many trucks are and how much the amount of it it is? it's still it dropping those units. uh, if they've given the greater needs of the one right here. now into another part of gas, it is redone, military announced that they're opening another land. the crossings then will allow more of it. we're seeing more bakeries are being a function of right now. we're seeing pipelines, water pipelines are being a fixed and they are supplying the areas and then they'll just want to go through to with water. but to see this happening is an indication that there's really a military prevented that. then it locked it on deliberately within the past 6 months, just something to do. to see that it wasn't her best. there was a way to provide people with the humanitarian aid, with water, with food supplies. but they did a lot that for the past 6 months, honey,
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thank you very much for that. that's honey. my phone. joining us live from the alpha and southern gaza. or if there's one person is dead off to end, his riley drawn strike on a call. and southern 11 on the man who was killed in the attack is believed to be a senior member of has been the on a hash. him is an i'm bob, a more on the attack. and it's really drone to i get to the call on the road between 2 villages. me, i to thought actually the one of the villages is i live on where we left. one person was killed in the call, this was targeted, targeted people who are injured. some of them with possible eyes. and then the place was close, the audio was closed and the, the, the body was removed from that. of course, the injured taken to the hospital golf course, as we understood the man who was killed that is the hands of the loved senior
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commander. now we don't know the identity of the person who was killed, but this is not the 1st time that is run is targeting cause will lock them on goes through drones or sometimes through the war planes. but in general, this is a was we've been saying over the past days has several, several layers. one of these dams is targeted killings that is what is working on and kind of focusing on how to eliminate as much fields come on. those of possible funds has been lost during this campaign in lebanon. as well as what cabinet has said to me for the 5th time since yvonne's unprecedented weekend attack. ministers have been debasing how to respond around 300 missiles with attack drones for launched in the 1st edit. direct stripe on is around from the wrong. that was in retaliation for the bombing of devante and conflicts and damascus 2 weeks ago. that's very good on correspondence from the sun
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from. she's joining us live from kind of even home that you've been divorcing over the past 6 months on how divided this will cabinet has been over the wall and gaza that housing nicer today. now, as they considered their response to yvonne's attack, well, the divisions we've been hearing about in israel's war cabinet are about how and when to respond to the it on an attack that took place saturday night. that is seemingly the question on everyone's mind is where and when and exactly how this is going to happen. you have members from nathaniel whose own government from the far right want to see a big response and they want to see it immediately. whereas there are others who say it needs to be more, sought out well planned and anticipated for quite some time. now reports within his really media say that all signs are pointing to one is really attack some sort of response to what happened. but it's not known when we've been hearing from is
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really officials throughout the day, like many gans who said israel will strike back at a time and place that is right for them. and the defense minister, you know, i've got a lot to said quote it ons attacks failed. and that they will also failed to deter israel. that the skies of the middle east are open for is really air force and jets . and that they will attack the enemy, but still no word on what exactly is going to be decided on israel's work cabinet is set to meet for the 5th time to discuss this issue. but again, no word just yet from israel's prime minister. oh, i tell him to thank you for that. i'm the son who live inside of a to devante and president of it. i am lazy as told the meat of cato, that ted on will respond to any is ready to attack against it's interest of on foreign ministers. also warning israel of an immediate response. how much in on check, appreciate if the is ready ration you make some mistake. this time around the response, as it runs military commanders announced will not be minimal. the media. and so the
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5 baskets of correspondent dosage. a battery is impaired. on with more on ron's reaction, the war of words continue between irena and officials and there is really counter parts the uranium president abraham receipt received a phone call from the mirror, caught our she's coming been home adel sony on monday evening. during that conversation, the mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that a wrong took against israel and the mirror. it said that it conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the reading president for his part at set that's it. should israel continue at these uh, threats and make good on their threats? so they've been making against iran and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger, and there will be a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly
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a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting sharon's position . and, you know, set issuing further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting see moved here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next. but they are urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior door such a party l g 0. tyrone that spring in house on that out is a professor of international affairs at casa university. thank you for your time. is one of the ideas or this is what it has left mitchell doubt that it's going to respond to yvonne's retaliatory attack. so where is this headed? widow obviously and benjamin anyhow, who feels that he needs to do something in order to be seen as a strong leader. he has been complaining over the last decades, you know,
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on one issue that you're on it, it's right. and the proceeding issue is the kind of could be put in the back burner and know when the strike came from iran and all of these pipe size muscles and drones hit and to leave. i mean, we know that we do have like a majority of them where and intercepted that wasn't dykes, a blow to his id and that there's what had the terms. and for this reason, he has no option but to respond and he want to be seen as a strong leader. what can be the country in times of crisis? and the question is, when he's going to do with this, this is a big question. yeah. what i, what i understand from these really media expert and ponder, as they talk about the does he have of nothing he out to keep the uranium is just waiting because of the unions kept their latest waiting for a couple of weeks saying that to they, they would to tact as well, they would just have a, there's no clue. there was no question about that. so there's a little nervous. so he went to, you know, make them pay the backend and do the same thing. just wait and get nervous. but he get a hit and i think they're gonna hit inside your on. okay. because any,
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any attack outside, you know, it would be seen as a sign of weakness for $490.00 and he was, you know, he made it perfectly clear. yeah, that is a would retaliate, but the question is the scope of retaliation. okay. would it work for us as people can trigger original reaction vision or, or not? and this, you know, has to be done and probably in the some understanding with american ministration. yeah. and, and it said that the american administration, that as well as western allies don't want as well to respond to this attack. they don't want an escalation in the region. and at the same time, the us and even the you are looking at putting more sanctions on on iran. how much of a success has all of the, all of this being for israel, because as well was coming on to a lot of criticism of its conduct and gaza. yeah. and now it has all of its wisdom allies back on its side and against iran. revisit the area and that's why you probably uh, the really attack and max out of simply because nothing, you know, and i was seen as someone who's being the victims. and it is like a kind of
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a victim of a kind of external region. the aggression as if israel is not doing anything and gaza and now the focus has shifted into these really or any and think. and this actually gave it easily. it is the kinds of free have them guys, and that's why we've seen a lot of mass that goes over the last 2 days. yeah. and now the, we know from the get go that the americans have no interest in having a wides. are actually the original war and best way to send the aircraft carriers and all of the are out of there, but it's for you to source to this region or the details are on. but also the issue is when that you know, you're nothing you are on, but you can do it, you can like, you know, go on and escalate that kind of regional confrontation. as we know that from any of his perspective, he wants, he wants to kind of confrontation with the ring and he wants to region or because this is the only way we can, where he can drag that make sense and do things on behalf of there's a it is and that, but the question here is at biden's and then you have election bite is tied up in
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ukraine because he's supporting the premium and by the is it kind of in and it turns ition. now, you know, when you're near the election, you can't have, you can't make big decisions. so daniel wants to involve them and i know you know, i've seen and because they're making step down and defend it as a for the 1st time we've seen in alliance regional lions, led by them or i can, i think this will, i would give them i can define it, say on the cool of these heavy actions, probably the american would not prevent them from doing that. but they will put like, you know, some constraints on the scope of the time. when you say the regional alliance, you know what america, what do you mean exactly by that? what we hear before, like over the last few years that the, and the, this in the middle uh, with the participation was red. and you know, people are talking about this, but now those people in charge actually to walk the talk. and we've seen this how it is to danny. and we've seen the american golf into here. the bid there should be the friends of the own. rushed to defend as well. and this is the 1st time we've,
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we've seen this alliance and, and yeah, but, you know, the, the jordanians, at least will say that they wouldn't defending israel. they were shooting down drones or missiles that were in the skies of, of this saw friend cabinetry. no i, i do understand that i sympathize with, with the go with them and do then probably have no other option. but also, we've seen this kind of coordination between all of these boxes. how does your data is? but there's somebody kind of french and unrelated this question. the question is, is there no, this is a kind of alliance. i mean, whether we liked it or not, the question would, would they do the same if is what effective on with they for us. so in, intercepted and accepted the, the predicted prototypes coming from isn't all, or they just, you know, sit by and say, you know, we didn't have the resources on the capability of yeah, to mitsubishi. and, but as of until this moment, you've seen a kind of an alliance and, and, and then action. yeah. and when you talk about how, you know, the u. s. has moved military assets and to the region to protect as well. but at
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the same time, us officials are saying they're not going to take part in any it's rarely attack on iran. do you think that that's quite a confusing or mixed message when they say, don't attack iran don't escalation the region, but here our defense is to protect you in case something happens. so i think there's 2 messages here i'm the for me is because the most of the a, a, the americans will stand against any, uh, confrontation between your email and this lady that would lead to regional war. uh secondly, they would defend that as well. and this is a message to you around. so if you want to retaliate, if you, if you know, respond, you know, you're going to find us and facing you. and, and this is to reassure as well that you know, you have a different job, get it done. you, you know, you need to get the are hostages released, and we need the ceasefire. like with their temporary sort them a long time. and you know, it's like subject to negotiation, so the americans power to do the, the don't align with those of, of when, if they have 90 hours, we have these days. but i would say at the final analysis by then we'll have the
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final say, because is really cannot afford to go towards your on, you know, giving this environment anything tiny in that and can be looked into orgasm. and given the fact that there's a and it seems that they don't have the capability defend themselves. where again, it's like, you know, a graduate of a project ties and buses. and can you imagine if also has blonde, see, or the records that have participated without, you know, i think is when realize now that they are more dependent in the american that they thought the phone. all right, most of the thank you as a wife, figure it out. it says how somebody from custody university. the ukraine's president has signed a new military recruitment tool. same to boosting. truth number modifies man power shortages for the war against russia. the legislation increases payments to volunteers as well as adding new penalties for dodging draft. charles profit has
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moved from eastern ukraine of this new localized nation. little has taken months of debate. reputed amendments up to full 1000 amendments made in the 2nd draft in parliament zalinski signing over it. now highlights the kind of problems that ukraine is facing on the front lines. a massive manpower crisis prescribed by numerous people in the military establishment here. and certainly, western intelligence just to give you an idea of some of the provisions of this new roll it introduces now. mandatory medical checks for those people who initially look and see that you have only partial eligible states. it also gives heavy penalties for those trying to dodge the draft that we know. mandatory conscription for women, 18 to 25 year old will be expected to go to basic military training, but will not be conscripted. and i think one of the most important and controversial elements is with highlighting,
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and that is the one on de mobilization that provision was taken out of this lord is going to be separate separately. debates in parliament. the previous provision gave soldiers the rights to come out of the military. if they hits 36 months, they can no longer do that. so you can imagine that it's going to cause quite a lot of control to see quite a lot of anger, amongst many members of ukraine's military establishment. meanwhile, a heavy fighting continues around 10 kilometers from here. the small town of chess, if you all the town of constance, and if you're in front of us here, where we all is also coming under increasing. shelly, we've been visiting some of the front line towns that were initially occupied by russian forces at the beginning of the war, and then we'll liberate to buy ukrainian forces. those towns now seemingly, again, in the cross hairs of russian full seas in we expect expectation of
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a potential russian involves in the next few weeks. and this is our report. the people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction russian forces captured the town of lee money may 2022 ukraine and all me then recapture the important railway help with a pretty will will population of all the 20000 around 5 months later, flushing miss all and so cool, do i bomb attacks and increased in recent weeks, targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what you crane says it's potentially catastrophic lack of width and a defense tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to start with arguments in the us, congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now, gaining women,
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so on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lima and the surrounding countryside is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid, the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's no running water or gas in town. the tiny afflicted in the pro, before russian forces occupied the place she has lived also life, she returned. when are you crazy and allow me to control? the daughter and grand daughter went to poland and the don't want to come back if you go not the focus groups, she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like games couldn't use the will. of course, i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from
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. give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's id, something suspected russian informers. it all exams i live to throughout the russian armies, occupation because i don't want to talk about it. he says he's here in the shelter for 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. vitaly is headed lehman spar department. he says he's been on now more than ever vulnerable to attack was they tried to save lives. sadly, the shutting has recently increased the enemy of hit civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying residential buildings, health facilities,
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and so civilian sofa, the shutting schools, many fires. we receive up to 10, call out in a given 24 hour period. there are many towns need the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance. charles profit, algebra, lima is 20 years since i'm get a present in iraq made headlines around the world, portions of smiling us soldiers posing with jamil liaison inmates closed outrage after years of legal batch was 3 prisoners of finally managing to meet some of the interrogations. and quote, on handling has the story from alexandria, virginia, and a warning that some may find images in his reports. distressing. in the abu ghraib pictures tell a sordid tale of torture, prisoners stacked naked and a pyramid, handcuffed on the ground, drag by a leash and attached to electrical wires. the soldier giving a thumbs up next to
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a corpse. now, 20 years after the release of those photos of the us run present at abu ghraib and a rock set off global outrage. 3 survivors are getting their day in court with upgrade and the revelations of what was happening. and i would grade that open the eyes of the united states and the world to shift away from the law and treatment of those in custody and the name of the war on terror. the survivors are suing c a c on the virginia base military contractor that supplied the interrogators who worked at the prison just as had been a long delay. this case has been bouncing around the court since 2008. c a c. i a has tried to have it dismissed around 20 times in 2021 to you as supreme court sent it back here to district court, where it will finally go on trial. the company denies wrong doing and says it's employees have not directly inflicted abuse and the prisoners,
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but the plaintiffs in the case say the company set the conditions that resulted in torture by ordering military police to quote, soften up detainees for interrogations. there's been so little, no accountability, really for what happened at abu gret drive and, and beyond. i think a case of just one person is tremendously significant. among those expect it to testify. army general antonio, to a group who led an investigation into the abu ghraib scandal and former staff sergeant ivan frederick sentenced a more than 8 years in prison for inflicting abuse. john henry and l g 0, alexandria virginia. the still ahead on the news l y, the outcome of the solomon islands elections and have repercussions for the rest of the asia pacific region will have the latest on the staffing attack in the church, in the us training and city of sydney and then spent one big day for caution, as they came to mix it up with some of the cricket. heavy weight station,
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the hello. let's see some really nice the weather. recently, around the middle east device, $44.00, i'm going to be just afraid in only 6 hours it may very close to cut out, but it's in the process of pulling out of the way 24 hours. we've seen a 64 millimeters of rain. let's compare that to the annual average. it's about 8 months with a freight in just one day. it will make its way further east west, but you can see the impact that it had on the by as it's made its way across some law trial reported here as well and damaging wayne's. but as you can see, widespread flooding it has of course, cause major disruption. it is in the process of easing for east west, but call it out the possibility of another shower ro to as we go through, why to stay on in too fast. they,
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the worst of the weather will slip across southern paths all around into buckets down as we go through the next couple of days. and then normal service resumed, more in the way of very warm sunshine sunshine. continuing to across that eastern side of the mediterranean, where the scientists stay the say settled, we will say some showers petering out as they make my way across the bus for us. the show is a painting out to across the northern pos opportunity as to what a risk went there across north africa, but lossy fine and try. and so the shot was the gulf of guinea of the o. well, it's a thread, but who pays the price? when we came to clean up new orleans more than $1200.00 poor black people lost in lights, not a single rich american. less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich
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people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher again. why have american evangelicals become? his real strongest factor? is us president joe finding the right to stand with his real, with no red line, as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line for us is always of in 554, right? the world people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just see this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the challenges they are with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to of, on top stories to saw is really strong. some dogs, i have killed at least 20 palestinians. witnesses say a group of children were playing the on my god, the refugee camps and one of the attacks is rarely strikes on a police call have killed 9 pallets to be in some golf association. women and children are among the injured and israel's will cabinets a set to meet for a 5th time since yvonne's unprecedented attack on saturday, around 300 missiles and drawing for launch and the 1st as a direct strike on as well on the wrong well the us state department says it's continuing to press the call in the region following yvonne's retaliatory attack on his ran over the weekend. it's principal deputy spokesman. they don't attain earlier, told me they were to secure
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a safe spot and gotten so continuous of our commitment is real security and our commitments, their self defense is unwavering. and it's also important to take a step back and remember that we condemn in the strongest terms this reckless and irresponsible attack by the iranian regime. okay, reckless and irresponsible that yvonne says that it was responding to a deadly attack on it's conflict in damascus. 2 weeks ago, and it says that it goes against the un charter against the vienna convention, does around not have a point. well, i'm pretty sure the unleashing more than 300 drones ballistic missiles and other kinds of dangerous projectile. assets are also violations and they are also deeply, deeply irresponsible and reckless. okay, but what about been there and what about the attack? totally not on the level on, on the level of watch. what about the, you know, the initial attack?
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so the united states is still making an assessment on the status of this facility. i don't have any update to offer as it relates to that. but again, the sheer number of ballistic missiles and drones that iran unleashed on israel is totally irresponsible and reckless simultaneously. israel has every right to conduct a counter terrorist operations and the security operations that are in their self defense and that are in their interest. ok, when you say that you're speaking to allies in the region about d. s. condensing tensions, what's, what, how have they responded to you? i think that there is a convergence between our allies and partners and taking every step possible to make sure that tensions are not escalated in the region. that has been the case since october 7. as we continue to engage with the regional partners, but just this past weekend secretary blinking spoke to the foreign ministers in
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egypt and saudi arabia and jordan in turkey. all in the same message that we're very interested in, ensuring that tensions don't get out of hand that our commitment to defending israel is unwavering and will continue to echo those calls while continuing to engage with is really officials, right? but as, as well here in those calls, we will continue to engage with this really officials and stress the importance of, uh, the escalation. uh, but they are also a sovereign country and they will make their own security decisions as it relates to operations that they conduct. these are not in operations of the united states is going to be participating in. but our commitment to their self defense and our commitment to their security is on waiver, in terms of gaza and us to pertain how confident is to us of achieving any kind of a meaningful sci fi there. well, we're continuing to push for $11.00 that is coupled with the immediate release of all hostages, one that can be coupled within a massive influx if humanity, hearing aid,
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that continues to be something that we think will be very critical to the region and critical to long term peace and stability for these really people and the palestinian people. you saw the president was very clear and direct about this in his call with prime minister netanyahu last week as well. an investigation is underway into the discovery of a boat full of corpses, found to drift off the northeast and close to present the police. have a 9 bodies would likely african migrants from molly and montana. the bows just similar to vessels, often used by west african migrants trying to reach spain's canary islands. the treasure was rouge means votes that missed a destination can be swept towards the west and atlantics spot. hassan is beginning the 2nd phase of a controversial plan to deport hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country of a half a 1000000 on documented f got national, so being expelled since last october, the, the government is extending its deportation. planned to include many afghans who
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hold pockets, funding documents well, many ask, and so they heart broken of being fools to leave a place they call home, come on high, the reports from lundy caught out and talk a song on the board. it would have gone a song, a very bad creation of millions of, of lawns is continuing or the 30 day. most of the people that we talk to say, they're living with a heavy heart. they have considered focused on to be that home. they're also considered around this time to be that and 5th grade at home. but they said that the government moved to push these people out. it's something that they've gotten acceptable, because they said that even if the government go focused on warranty to send them out. it should have been get it out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll send it gives them as a and i'm not just on it's another line. so many things as well though we often nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking leaving but we are grateful to the people
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who accepted a whole lot to hold off. why do i want it? why did you me that would be great, just focused on granted us citizenship often we spend decades here, afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war. and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of the bag creation. they're going to focus on had the nouns, that it is not just the unregistered. i've gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency or the of one citizenship, god. to really have to go. that of course is thrown the future of many and if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. their children don't know any other country, like bug is gone as their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they said that it should have been done in
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a more dignified manner. and the national organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the addendum dollar bond government said they would want to welcome and the other ones that they've done is to come back to that and says credit home. the feeling had monkey of one is uncertainty. we have been dropped into some of the families who are on the move on the back of their truck. it has been a difficult journey. it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course, the long way of loans are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course, are leaving with a heavy heart. come out of hi there. i just did all i learned because the plug is gone, no one has done boredom over the board and have gone us on flash floods, triggered by heavy rain,
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have killed at least 33 people. and dozens were injured as a roof collapsed, damaging hundreds of hundreds roads, funds and live stone couple so being affected. widespread flooding and online has left at least 18 people dead. and one incident to call carrying 10 children and the driver was swept away with all that fond of storms. heavy rain and strong was closed flash, swans thousands of people have been evacuated as a precaution. as training and police are tracing a knife attack on a controversial religious leader at a sidney church as a terrorist attack. but these 4 people were injured when a teenager launched at a bishop mit service on monday. hundreds of rod pleased with deployed when the bishop suppose was gathered at the church. jacob round reports for the data center . if it's an incidence that shops not only church go is but those batching, the service live online bishop, my memory,
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a manual of the orthodox the syrian church attacked while delivering his monday summon, members of the congregation overpowered the suspect. immediately after a 16 year old boy has since been arrested in the hours of to the attack, a crowd of 100 seeking revenge, gathered outside the church, towing bricks and bubbles, wounding police, and preventing offices from taking the team outside. incidents took hours to bring them to control. the church and local leaders have pleaded. the number of houses have been damaged. that broke into a number of houses to gain weapons to throw at the place to try and weapons on the autumn at the churches. so uh, it was obviously people that wanted to get access to the young person who has control of injuries to the quote. you've got said this is a menu the ship mom, already a manual is a car, is mastic and controversial figured with
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a significant online following. he was an outspoken critic of cobit 19 lock downs, and is known for preaching n t l g b t q views police side. the attack was religiously motivated to waive the late elements that satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism. 10 years ago, his church reportedly broke away from the main syrian church of the east, after the bishop was excommunicated of the c, a logical differences. the attack comes just days after a mass staffing at a sydney shopping mode which lift 6 people that this is a disturbing incident. there is no applies, full violence in their community. there is no applies, full bottle and extremism. we placed loving nation. police are continuing to investigate the attack is moses, while christ of the good ship, a judge has published a statement denouncing any retaliation. jacob brown, elder 0,
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the solomon islands and the pacific ocean is due to hold elections on wednesday. well, i'm just of worried about the rising cost of living. there was some who few of the governments closer ties with china, with around 900. i'm in spite of a huge area and counting the ballots will take weeks. i have a lot of reports gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain almost 50 years ago. voters in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so nobody is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties, which i one, then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians want the review of the
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chinese pass. that is something that is very uh, containing like, uh, in place of the ccp in this country like people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way. the thing of the things they've been in for as grant money goes and things so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would be jean, brings much needed developments. solomon's was proud to host the pacific games and been use built and funded by china. and i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects, but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics as far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and
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a better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people says that it's the one of the meetings within the want to see people 1st is everything that they do is a cation in education. a dean health as well as employees in the country were progress and development. have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core of issues that will likely determine the result. find it below out is there. a file has destroyed one of the best known landmarks and denmark's capital copenhagen. the cities 17th century stock exchange, known as the fulsome, was engulfed in flames with famous fire collapsing back into the building. charley angela has the story. one of copenhagen's most iconic landmarks collapsing in flames. the old stock exchange coat fire. early on tuesday, leaving the nation,
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devastated the dutch renee from style building was being renovated to restore it to its former glory. but it was the scaffolding and covering the ultimately hung put emergency services, allowing the fire to take hold and its celebrated spice to topple the. yeah, it's terrible. i can't put into words what the stock exchange means for us as a building and does a symbol for copenhagen. the full dragons are a part of our sky line, and a lot of people from copenhagen move past it every day. it's a full 100 year old cultural history that has been lost no time in copenhagen, but also in denmark. no longer an active stock exchange. the building is headquarters to the danish chains that called us. there were no reports of injuries, but there was huge concern for its many priceless alt what it's an all american ford building on the 20. so it's very story building a lot of old,
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valuable inside the building as well. most could on the stand instead. but some pauses by helped emergency crew rescue some of the historic paintings and artifacts when the building. it was actually the most impressive hole in copenhagen leaving them either way again and the goal and elements all around. all the teachers. we lost something big today. as the plains receded, it became evident much of the damages to the front of the building. the rid damage being less severe, to eddie, to tell if this piece of data is history can be salvaged. charlie angela out to 0. still ahead on knowledge is there. i will explain why ranges and by the way, assessing edison would love tracking devices and the band widely regarded as the
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gracious of old time. hence that has korea may be of the that's coming off in schools with jenna. the business latest is brought to you by the pegasus. i live slowly on one of your this makes model and plates.
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle. one of your just makes model inflates. the . the scientists full chose demo. thank you. elizabeth raphael, nevada has made a winning. we're down to tennis out the ball selena. i think the 22 time grand slam champion is playing just his 2nd. told him into the at his 1st since j and your ages. injuries responded, decide. it's lisa severe football, 86263. and what was his 1st spot chunk places, winning a record,
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extending full teen franchise and ty, so in 2022 adult will face a full seed. alex terminal in the 2nd round. yeah, i am going through the moments but the same time when i'm able to go beyond the door for a for a few days, i'm practice with the guys and then be able to complete the means a lot to me killing about face chances of winning the european champions league before he leaves power, sasha might hanging the balance p a c or ways of also later in the 2nd leg of that cool to final that much kicks off shortly. the front side. mr. if it's on a 32 deficit it's, it's best to reach the semi finals the 1st time in 3 is 3. ok? mm. me. i guess i think we must not exaggerate when we're on the 27 game i'm beaten street. nathan must be full in desperation because we lose one. we must accept the defeat and congratulate bossa and prepare ourselves to compete in the best possible condition. i have no doubt we will be competitive. we want to give all fans
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a reason to celebrate the winter of that time. we'll face either versa, don't mind or i've left the same address in the seventies and don't been trial to one going into the game that they are hiring the 2nd leg jam inside a bidding to reach that off full for the 1st time in 11 years. after alonzo slips off as they look to reach next seasons champions the surgery tool against the right of, of the blowing a to go with fontes. that means they sit 6 in syria, 8 points behind, full sized foot long. yeah. he's played one game more, ax alonza can still make the champions league the if i winning the rosalie a little for 3. now, going into that course of the final 2nd the olympics. so it has been, let's increase as it gets ready for it's 5000 columbus, a journey across the country before heading to france out of the games in power. so they to the ship. it locks the final stretch of the 7 year preparations for the games, which stops in july, watched on by us the president thomas back. greek actress mary mean, and it's the torch for the stuff of the relay,
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which will culminates with the lighting of the lympics lane in the french capital at the opening ceremony. tom size and has more on the history behind choose events . it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years as the olympic quadrant gets lit, to signal the source of the olympic games. but how did it get there in the 1st place? it's a journey that stops in southern greece, and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on his journey to the south coast of france and must say it's an ancient greek tradition but goes back centuries. the sun's rays reflect from the mirror to produce the flame they could do in a more simple way. but the idea is to show the link between sanction games which happened here. we started here 2800 years ago, and the modern games which were recreated at the end of the 19th century. 48 performance take part in the castle,
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the reverse 13 minutes ceremony before the torches taken on the 10 day relay, 3 grease. i think that bring something really nice and motions for this magical moment. it goes to magic a moment. every time that we hear the pray to apollo and we see the, the flame coming out from that closure. and this is the ship that will then take the torch to fronts. the pelham was built in $1896.00 the same year. the 1st ball newland picks was staged in athens. it's one of the last see would be ships of her kind. where very proud to, to can carries a flame for the 1st time by the sea on the move, as she by said. so is going to impact the world about the history of the, from the link between grease on the front and follow the ecological way of a tron spelt about the section. if i'm psycho or empty,
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explain to the is the torches re space. it's going up mount everest, it's even going underwater trying to tell where it's jenny, lies this year. as it set sail from the pre capitals pull per reyes on april the 28th from size, and i'll just 0. and the relay across the country is underway, as olympic rubbing champion, stuff in else disclose to receive the torch, disclose one gold in the men's singles. skulls that take care of 2020, and completed the traditional run to the monument of piano. who puts out the found of the international olympic committee. catalyst crickets is picked up a big win is a look so qualified to the asia cup for the 1st time, a beach neighbors. saudi arabia, by 15, runs in the premier comp. the winter of the t 20 competition, as long as it's a next is a short piece event, which will feature cricketing heavyweights, india and pocket stone, among others, caught halls victory and i'm on means. they sit 2nd in group a behind the pool. katelyn clock was chosen as number one, draft pick,
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and the women's and b a. the 22 year old is why as a rent are going to college, basketball is greatest priorities. she's the old time top score at the college level. and the women's and men's game will now be playing for the indiana fever. he had a fever after, as decorated a collegiate career as we have ever seen. mike tyson is stepping up his training ahead of fighting jake pool in july. and these issued a warning to the social media icon. the bad as mine on the planet says he's 9 pasted this video and acts with the message i'm coming for you. it follows other recent pace of tyson sparring as he proposed to bottle pool, who's the 2 years younger than him before the world heavyweight champion. his last fight was a droll and an expedition against boy james genia in 2020. the amount of why he regarded as the greatest assess of old time is getting ready to hang up his board 11 time well champion kelly slice has missed the weld. softly miss season costs a margaret river in west australia and will could prove to be his final acts until
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the 52 year old types of stuff. one more time in fiji as a wildcard ssl accepts his last risk risk binding mold as 3 decades at the very top is close to being over. everything comes to an end. and if you don't adapt, you know, through arrive, and my, my motivation just hasn't quite been there to really put in that 100 percent that everyone's doing now. you know, it's just so much emotion for so long. you know so much dedication and you know, it's not all, it's not all roses, you know, but it's, it's been the best times of my life that is only a support for now. but i will be back later with action from the champions week for the final jemma. i didn't even know he was still says that while he went me for much long while the look of it. thank you very much. jemma. now finding this bulletin, national park ranges, ends in bob way assessing an offense with a real time tracking call as the aim s to motors or their movements international parkway,
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or potentially facial confrontations with the villages are becoming increasingly common founder. the minute has more of this is one of 8 and a sense at one get national park and it's being fitted with the tracking content. is the animal is identified using drones and by ranges on foot patrols. it's in dr to sedated and the call it installed with these calls basically tell him when they told him and to can actually put tuesday mips, it's october locations. we have the end of the month. uh, what also is attracting telephones even outside the, the, the park, the most tassels. and bob was a 100000. the elephant population lived in this was of but they bought grown their habitats and now encroaching into communities. as the animals search for food and water. giddeon to day was trampled by elephants while holding cattle as mobile a village. 3 years ago. his knee was broken. in, in getting into
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a very someone visage, it is painful. i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look off to my casual. my wife has to do most of the joys before the taxes were installed. they would know early warnings to a load of dishes when elephants had left the protected area. but we have been able to use this type of ability to take the elephant is an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated departure area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors and then deployed. i've been disappointed unions to go and scared them back into the park and also send any warning system to the community to avoid sit in the areas where the elections go. last year edison schools, 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to minimize home to both humans and animals. come back and
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meet them in a oh to 0. is that such a man as was put on him? said ronald, we'll be here in just a few minutes with another usefulness. the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the latest news, as it breaks around on has given a cause that people come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world . people have told us the circumstances,
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it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have accommodated beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power. they finds out, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that and the people in power, investigate explosives and questions. they use them to be of our around one out today. around 300 years ago. the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the, you know, his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating,
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and the disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of so on. i'll just sarah the suitcase of the best documentary towns from across the name on which is era. the dozens of people are killed across guns are including many children as these riley military targets the north and south of district the on so many of watching all just there like my headquarters here in the hall. also coming up a has block command has being killed and, and is really trying to attack in southern lebanon. the waiting game continues as


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