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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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a showcase of the best documentary towns from across the network. on the 0, the dozens of people are killed across guns are including many children as these really military targets the north and south of district the on so many of watching all just there like my headquarters here in the hall. also coming up a has block command has being killed and, and is really trying to attack in southern 11 on the waiting game continues as rails will cabinet to meet again about how to respond to ron's attack on site today . and we're on the front lines in eastern ukraine where troops say they need more results is to find top renewed russian attacks
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the are welcome to the program is 1900 hours gmc, about 9 o'clock in the evening in gaza. what it's ready for us is a continuing attacks on palestinians across the street. at least 20 people, including children, have been killed and is riley strikes in central garza witnesses. the witnesses say, a group of children were playing a little policy refugee camp. when they were attacked. at least 9 palestinians were killed to please call was struck in garza city. it happened in a densely populated neighborhood, molden. 33800 people have now being killed in garza since the start of israel's will including molten 14000 children that's just call saving out to honeymoon maybe joins us now. in rockford, honey, you know, the bombardment continues, dale nights and as night falls,
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people braced themselves in gauze as to what might happen next. it is well unfortunately this has become the daily normal for palestinians across the gaza strip. but just as for repeating itself over and over with so many people are dying at the record number right now with their, from on and predictable, fall in bonds across this trip. why they're from the attack kids or from the, from the drones or attack a drones for that matter. as it happened in the northern part, in gauze and cities, or from the spread of famine and is our basements, we have an entire population who is being in a being in is cars and, and dehydrated, due to the ongoing, a blockade on restrictions on day and 3, over the past, the 24 hours i've been very bloody, very violent with more residential building, targeted and destroyed much of the public facilities, particularly the central area in almost empty,
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not in part of this trip in the north for the northern cities and gauze of cities being that destroyed the public facility of the schools and the health sectors. 60 over 46 people have been killed with the close to a 100 twenty's of several injuries. but maybe the, the worst of what happened is the deliberate attacks on children out of my house directly. she can, those are children are blue playground at the rest of you can happen to be in a busy market area when a drawn fire. the missile has been going right a week and live in the children were killed and reported to a lockbox hospital and did it. but i city, dozens of the others were critically injured, also reported to the hospitals and to add more tragedy to the a really difficult situation. the hospital talked about difficult situations, inability to intervene on, save those injuries, coming to the hospital due to the and sufficient medical staff and also the acute shortage of medical supplies. but one would ask like, what, what those children,
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what have they done to be attacked in this manner? a drone fire and a missile leaving many of them arrived at the hospital in a plastic bags and pieces that is the worst of what have to do. but this really military continues and showed no signs of slowing down the talk. the northern part of the setup refuge account, including the area to the between the time that those are cuz you can and why do you have an area that has been large? the designated as a safe area for evacuating displays families. it from the northern part and gov city were not told to evacuate the good as it is safe right now. find themselves. it trapped under these unpredictable fall in bonds and constant artillery, setting forth thinking them into further internal displacement causing further civilian casualties and more destruction. the central area alone witnessed the death of close to 20 people, mostly women and children, and further displays before entire families. yeah,
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we're seeing those pictures and photos sent me of the days events where you are and you just talked about the lack of medical aid that honey. so let's talk about a didn't general. there was a promise that more a trucks would go in. well, stock situation like whether they going in from the knowles or from the south as well. so far, the number of the trucks and the amount of a humanitarian aid, the be not allowed to enter the gaza strip. it just the dropping the ocean when we just think of the greater needs across the gaza strip. 6 months have already passed and this didn't inside the work continues to create very difficult conditions on the ground. the shortage of food supplies here in overcrowded drop by city, including basic supplies and the size of it is just making it very difficult. in fact that we're seeing is still people on what looks to be the daily normal routine for them, with fueling for hours to get water supplies. and to get at the top of the bread is
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just an indication that any amount of food so far is this still not meeting the the needs right now and at the phase, the challenges are created right in the northern part there is a famine going on and it's only the opening of land, the crossing gun, ensuring a smooth and sufficient to flow over here. material need that was withheld in combating the spread of famine. people are not starving here. the are being as part of the through the enforce the hydrogen to enforce the hydration. as is really, the military continues to put more restrictions, blocking the delivery over a 170 or 200 or 2 or 300 a trucks. not enough garza before the war used to get more than 506 daily basis. and right now, the combined number not nearly enough to meet those needs. i mean, the, for us in rough, i think you at least one person is dead after and is really drawing strong in
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southern lebanon. another man who was killed in the attack is believed to be a senior member of has prolong, investigate, to say that he was told to call driving in the area or been by the pensions along the lebanese is really the border, has escalated significantly since the october 7th attempts separately, is there any forces of also talked to the home in southern lebanon, the correspondent ali hash, whom is in the tired district with more than that, i mean, the sound of the shop, southern levin on the house was just struck by his really well things, and so i talked to um, to switch off the fire to try see if there are any casualties at this home. while we're best to close this fixture to display,
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walking to emergency services. understood the moment just refresh. just refresh. and receiving's reports. moment by moment, just try to show you inside the house has gone completely gone. this wasn't what plain strike is really well place twice and this same area. i'm a shop witness. over the past $48.00. several is really strikes. it's just part of this continuing confrontation. also, all the areas just fall from here for when we all are on trench,
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couldn't meet us for behind the toner. find of all which is, which is a time, goes to the city of mine for skill set to be a, has will a member and several ranges. and this is the situation. this is the scene in south lebanon. so a lot of my shots are the hash images here. israel's will cabinets is expected to meet for the 5th times and surrounds unprecedented weekend attack. ministers have been facing how to respond around 300000 a time. drones launched in the 1st of a direct strike on israel from a wrong that was a retaliation for the bombing of the arabian comes, he lives in damascus. 2 weeks ago, i was there as homeless salutes as in tennessee with more and more has made me lead to the saying about a possible counter attack. well, the divisions we've been hearing about in his roles, war cabinet are about how and when to respond to the it on an attack that took
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place saturday night. that is seemingly the question on everyone's mind is where and when and exactly how this is going to happen. you have members from nathaniel whose own government, from the far right to want to see a big response and they want to see it immediately. whereas there are others who say it needs to be more, sought out well planned and anticipated for quite some time. now reports within his really media say that all signs are pointing to one is really attack some sort of response to what happened. but it's not known when we've been hearing from is really officials throughout the day, like many gans who said israel will strike back at a time and place that is right for them. and the defense minister, you know, i've gone onto said quote it ons attacks failed. and that they will also fail to deter israel, that the skies of the middle east are open for is really air force and jets. and that they will attack the enemy. but still no word on what exactly is going to be
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decided on israel's work cabinet is set to meet for the 5th time to discuss this issue. but again, no word just yet from israel's prime minister. a companion present it by and by you see who has told the mayor of cattle all the time wrong will respond to any is ready the attack against its interests. the roles of foreign ministers also owned israel, of an immediate response to an entre if the is ready ration you make some mistake. this time around the response, as it runs military commanders announced will not be minimal. the media until the 5 correspondents into her own dosage already has more. the war of words continue between irena and officials and there is really counter parts the uranium president abraham bracy received a phone call from the mirror of katara. she's coming then home adel sony on monday evening. during that conversation the mirror of cuts are expressed at their praise for the actions that around took against israel and the mirror. it said that it
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conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the reading president for his part at set that's it, should israel continue at these threats and make good on their threats? so they've been making against iran and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger, and there will be a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting around position. and, you know, set issuing further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting c moved here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next, but they are urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of
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behavior a door such a bar, a l, g 0 tower on the let's bring you the some of the days of the use on ukraine's president has signed a new military recruitment. lo it saying that boosting system both has come in the face and then how shortages for the war against russia. now the legislation increases payments to volunteers, as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging charles profit has moved from east in ukraine of excuse me, my realization little has taken months of debate. reputed amendments up to full 1000 amendments made in the 2nd draft in parliament zalinski signing over it. now highlights the kind of problems that ukraine is facing on the front lines. a massive manpower crisis prescribed by numerous people in the military establishment here. and certainly, western intelligence just to give you an idea of some of the provisions of this new
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role it introduces now. mandatory medical checks for those people who initially were considered to have only partial eligible states as a whole. so it's heavy penalties for those trying to dodge the draft that we know. mandatory conscription for women, 18 to 25 year olds, will be expected to go through basic military training, but will not be conscripted. and i think one of the most important and controversial elements is with highlighting, and that is the one on de mobilization that provision was taken out of this lord is going to be separate separately. debates in parliament. the previous provision gave soldiers the rights to come out of the military. if they hits 36 months, they can no longer do that. so you can imagine that he's going to cause quite a lot of control to see quite a lot of anger, amongst many members of ukraine's military establishment. meanwhile, a heavy fighting continues around 10 kilometers from here. the small town of chess
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. if y'all, the town of constance, and if go in front of us here, where we all is also coming under increasing shelley. we've been visiting some of the front line towns that were initially occupied by russian forces at the beginning of the war. and then we'll liberate to buy ukrainian forces. those towns now seemingly, again, in the cross hairs of russian full seas in we expect expectation of a potential russian involves in the next few weeks. and this is our report. the people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction. russian forces captured the town of lee mount in may. 2022. the ukrainian army then recaptured important railway help with a pre will population to pull the 20000 around 5 months later flushing. nissan
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and circle light boma tax and increased in recent weeks targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what you crane says it's potentially catastrophic. black with a defense tens of billions of dollars with the military 80 to start my arguments in the us congress. we're not getting here fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now gaining momentum in the battlefield, shedding by russian forces of lima and in the surrounding countryside. is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's no running water or gas in town. the tiny afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she has
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lived also life, she returned. when are you crazy and allow me to control her daughter and granddaughter went to poland and the don't want to come back home for customer groups and she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like games. couldn't use the oh, of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked, we had a railway, we had a town look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's ideas, comforting the suspected russian fullness. alexander live to throughout the russian armies. occupation. because i don't want to talk about it. he says he's here in the
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shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. vitaly is head of lehman supply department. he says he's been on now more than ever valuable to attack was they tried to save lives. the sadly the shelling has recently increased the enemy, if it civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroy residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian, sofa, the shutting schools, many fives, we receive up to 10, call out in a given to just while period. there are many towns need the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance, charles profit, algebra, lima all still had, hey, all now to 0. why? the outcome of the solomon islands election will have repercussions for the rest of the asia pacific region. i've come out of high die in the mountain during the
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progress on a run. it's on bordeaux with thousands of upon refugees on about to be sent home against dave with the hello. we have something of a cooling down on the way across the eastern parts of europe. now you can see robin little cloud coming into central and eastern areas where the systems associated with it. and this one here. this is the coolest side of the system at the head of that. that's where we still have a little bit of won't same place, but it's going to get squeezed out. so the way, remember, couple of days ago progress is getting up to 33 degrees celsius. it's 22. i'm forwarding as we go through the next couple of days, and by fast i would be lucky to get to around the 2 degrees as a 20 degree drop in just a matter of
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a 4 or 5 days. and at the moment we're looking at some for you right, whether on that same weather system that will continue to drive its way further. south woods and east with some heavier pockets of rain coming down into grace easing down across the balkans. scattering a shell assist pushing off up towards the north west as well outlined snow coming in as well for good measure. meanwhile, is fine and dry across the op air in peninsula and move on. sun side across spain and portugal in the warm sunshine continues to across north africa, colorado. 37 sales just suddenly when switches round as we go on into that 1st i so not quite as halt at that stage may to some sand storms across the hall, right? here probably the showers, meanwhile, across southern parts of west africa. now let me tell you about safari, you called result the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only
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look, just very close here. like coming here, sits on to a large stairs place with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to me and gone the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about the kill chain. i'll just bear with me. so robin in the hall reminder of all top stories. is there any strong singles that have killed at least 20 palestinians? witnesses say a group of children were playing the gauzy refugee come showing. one of those
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attacks is very strong. so the police costs have killed $9.00 palestinians in kansas city, women and children amongst the task an injured israel's will cabinet, is set to meet for a 50 times and surrounds unprecedented attacks on site today. around 300000 drains were lost in the 1st at the direct strike on this rail from iran. focus on this beginning, the 2nd phase of a controversial time to the polt. hundreds of thousands of ask and refugees living in the country. over half a 1000000 and documented after nationals have been expelled since last october. the government is extending its deportation. planned to include many as guns who hold focused on the documents. not many f guns in boxes don't say that how broken it being forced to leave the place they call home. come all hide the reports, not from line because the impact has done on the board or with i've noticed on a very bad creation of millions of,
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of loans is continuing or the 30 day. most of the people that we talk to say they're living with a heavy heart. they have configured focused on to be that home. they're also going to say that one is done to be that and 5th grade at home. but they said that the government moved to push these people out. it's something that there's an acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on wanted to send them out, it should have been get it out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll kind of give them as a contact as don. it's another line to many of those as well though we often nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking, leaving it, but we are grateful to the people who accepted a whole lot to hold off. why do i want it? why did you me that this would be great? just focused on granted us citizenship often we spend decades here. afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war.
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and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of the pad creation. the going rate of progress on has a known that it is not just the unregistered avalon, but even those who have registered and have proof of residency or the of one citizenship, god. to really have to go. that of gods is thrown the future of many that if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. their children don't know any other country. like fog, it's gone to their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they said that it should have been done in a more dignified manner. international organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the addendum dollar bond government said they would want the rest. and the other one says that that has to
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come back to that and says, threat of home, the feeling had amongst the other one is uncertainty. we have been talking to some of the families who are on the move on the back of the truck. it has been a difficult journey, it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course, the long way of loans are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course, are leaving where the heavy hearts come out of. hi, there are the uh long because the park is gone. no one has done boredom. now the solomon islands in the pacific ocean is julia hold elections. on wednesday, the it says a word about the rising cost of living and there are some who failed. the government's close of ties with china or a worry on the be like possible. the gearing up for its being described as the
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most important elections has independence from britain almost 50 years ago. folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties with taiwan. then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians want the review of the chinese pass. that is something that is very uh, containing like, uh, in place of the ccv in this country. like, people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way to tingle things. they've been influenced by money go to and thing. so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would be june,
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brings much needed developments. soloman's was proud to host the pacific games in menus built and funded by china capacity, i suppose, of a pacific nation's we'll be looking to see what the consequences are of taking a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects, but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics as far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and a better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people says that it's the one of the meetings within the want to see people 1st is everything that they do is a cation in education, in health, as well as employment in the country where progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core of issues that will likely
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determine the result. find it below, i'll just there. so he to a base, bringing scorching temperatures to many pallets the southeast asia, the philippines thailand have yet no my name, denisia orleans countries baking, and the month long, intense heat. jessica washington reports from the entities and capital. it's got to call to the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the day. lots of it. so tiring, pushing this car under industry feet. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a wide spread effect. new like a good. the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital with a yeah. it's a stimulus. seen in the philippines. filipinos in manila are trying to cool down
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any way they can. even if you have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines suspended clauses earlier this month, or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. a daniel dry season has already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduce the cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new weather phenomena, as well as climate change apart on january, february model. so i looked at the, this was the hottest 3 months in 100 years, a full duration shows that this year is likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand, the annual. so i'm trying to avoid the festival over the weekend. that was high temperatures in the traditional way. the time ministry of public health warns that temperatures in many areas,
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a set to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular disease. second, vietnam, most of my taxi right, is like millions around the region, no choice, but to work outdoors all day long. i don't, i don't know. i spend a lot of time out on the street and this hot weather is hurting beating. i forgot the experts say the huge isn't likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington to 0. chickasha fires destroyed one of the best known landmarks in the most capital. copenhagen, not the cities, 17th century, stock exchange, known as the pulse, and was engulfed in flames. charlie angela has the story one of copenhagen's, most iconic landmarks collapsing in flames. the old stock exchange quote fi early


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