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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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was a change to situation, and now listen, we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in casa, the . ready dozens of people are killed across calls or including childrens as he is really minutes. he targets the north and south of the strip. the products that are locked headquarters here and also coming up a has block. amanda has been killed and lives ready dried attack in southern lebanon. the waiting game continues as well as will, competent meets again a how to respond to it, runs a tax on site today. as well,
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and the front lines in east and ukraine with troops say they need more results is to find top, renewed russian to attend the it's 20100 hours g m t. that's 10 o'clock in the evening in gaza. what is really false is a continuing attacks on palestinians across the strip. at least 20 people, including children have been killed and is very strong since central gaza. witnesses say, a group of children were playing in a street near the own because the refugee come when they were attacked. and at least 9 palestinians were killed. after a police car was struck in garza city, it happened in a densely populated neighborhood mold and 33800 people had been killed in gauze since the start of israel's will. including more than 14000 children, a tiny muscle who does our correspondent joys this lies now from rasa in the south
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of the strip. and it does seem that no matter whether it's daytime or night time, the strip continues to get to pounding this time the victim seemed to be today, a group of children. yes, that's a tragedy and folded it from a not have the records you cam and just the see the parents of those the children at the hospital seeing them and why and seeing their children and why she wrapped in white seats and hugging them for the last time just heartbreaking and just it shows the level of the misery, the palestinian and children and parents have been experiencing. and so far, those were 11 and children that were at a playground that happened to be a very busy market area. when a drone fire the missile and it's good targeting the group going 11 right away and during a dozen more just an indication of how the gaza strip just turn into and been evolving
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into a killing zone. whether it's the center on the area, the northern part, and you're in overcrowded southern part of the strip, just palestinian. according to these really military, just a drawing killings on randomly across the street. ben, if you happen to be in the wrong place, you are definitely the becoming a legitimate targets. and this is what we're seeing. so far since the beginning of, of this genocide, the war more children have been killed. more people have been targeted and more homes and, and public facilities have been destroyed. their 14000 children are being killed. there's also quite a similar number 4, been missing and under the levels as the work continue. and of course, trying to get aid into the region continues to be questioned by those that need it most
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yes. and so far what we're seeing on the ground has in caused any significant to change the northern part, then god, the city is still suffer from the spirit of family that has already caused the support of knowledge nutrition, particularly among the most vulnerable group of children and women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who have health complications. and the fact that we've been seeing in the past 2 days, some of the ada trucks being allowed, the lender crossing that has often just with a drop, with a trick of amount of a been allowed to not sufficient enough to respond to the emergencies. and the, the in the, the intense miserable situation is a created by the incense bombing campaign across the strip. and that the, the fact that we're seeing is really monetary allowing to reopen and go with 20 bakeries and supplying water to some areas. is an indication that indeed these really military deliberately block the entry of aid and use food as a weapon,
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a gets an entirely a civilian defense. this population here in overcrowded southern part of this trip entry of attract. so you can count in by the numbers a 15200 and some of the 300. not enough to respond to the emergencies. and the difficult living conditions are created by not only the engines bonding campaign across it, but also the restrictions and of destruction of the flow. but human to turn in a people are still in desperate need of my, of some of the most important supplies, including survival goods that are necessarily needed right now to compact to combat the difficult living conditions. how do i move the force in rough? thank you. so at least one business that is very dry and strong. like in southern level, the 9 who was killed in the attack is the least of a senior member of hezbollah. investigate to say that he was todds, as well driving in an area or been by pensions along the lebanon. israel florida
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have escalated significantly since october. the 7th. well, separately is ready for us is also talked to the home in southern lebanon, a correspondent alley hush, amazing the tire districts with more than that. i mean, the town of the shop, southern 11 on the house was just by is really will things got done. so i talked to um, to switch off the file to see if there are any casualties of this home while we're best to close. this fixture, smoke fire to display walking to emergency services, understood the moment. no rush . just the pressure and receiving
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reports. moment 5 moment. just try to show you inside the house has gone. completely gone, this was on the water won't blame. strike is really will play strike and the same area. i'm a shop witness. over the past $48.00. several is really strikes. it's just part of this continuing confrontation. also, all the areas just fall from here for when we all are on trench kilometers for behind the town of finding a house, which is, which is a time goes to the city of mine for skill set to be a his beloved member and several ranges and this is the situation,
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this is the scene in south lebanon. so i'm a shop on the hash images here. israel's will come and it has met for a 5th time since the roles, unprecedented attack on saturday. the ministers have been debasing how to respond around 300 missiles at a time trying to lowest in the 1st of a drug strike on israel from iran. that was in retaliation for the bombing of the rainy and cold sea that's in damascus 2 weeks ago. i'll just, there was some of the solutions inside of a with will or what is really lead as a saying about a possible counter attack as well. the divisions we've been hearing about in his roles wor, cabinet are about how and when to respond to the it on an attack that took place saturday night. that is seemingly the question on everyone's mind is where and when and exactly how this is going to happen. you have members from nathan young, whose own government from the far right to want to see a big response and they want to see it immediately. whereas there are others who say it needs to be more,
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sought out well planned and anticipated for quite some time. now reports within his really media say that all signs are pointing to one is really attack some sort of response to what happened. but it's not known when we've been hearing from is really officials throughout the day. like many gans who said israel will strike back at a time and place that is right for them. and the defense minister, you know, i've gone onto said quote it ons attacks failed. and that they will also failed to deter israel, that the skies of the middle east are open for is really air force and jets, and that they will attack the enemy. it when you present it, by why you see is told the mayor of castle that rod will respond to any is right, the attack against its interest there on foreign ministers. also it won't as well of an immediate response. how much in on check pressure is the is ready ration. you make some mistake. this time around the response as around. some other trick them on does announce will not be minimal. the media and severe a correspondent,
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the search of already isn't wrong with the latest of the world wards continue between your reigning officials and there is really counter parts the uranium president abraham brady seat, received a phone call from the mirror of katara. she's coming then home adel sony on monday evening. during that conversation, the mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that are wrong, took against israel and the mirror. it said that it conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the uranium president, for his part. it said that it should israel continue at these uh, threats and make good on their thread. so they've been making against iran and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger, and there will be a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting sharon's position
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. and it said we're issuing further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting see move here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next. but they have urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior door such a party, l g 0, tyrone of the let's bring you today's, of the new use. now, new cranes president has signed a new military recruitment little insight into basing treat them both as commander space manpower shortages for the war gates, russia, the legislation increases payments to volunteers as well as adding new penalties to draft dodging the intelligence experts all warning but the criminal is preparing
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for a major offensive in east a new crane very soon, and taking advantage of delays in military age and munitions shortages. charles stafford's reports now from lyman, one of the towns, which is again being targeted by russian massage. people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction russian forces captured the town of lee mount in may 2022 ukraine and all me then recapture the important railway help with a pre will population of all the 20000 around 5 months later, crushing miss all and circle live bomb attacks and increased in recent weeks, targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what you crane says it's potentially catastrophic. black with a defense tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to start with arguments
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in the us, congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian military say russia is now gaining women so on the battlefield, shedding by russian forces of lima and in the surrounding countryside is causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid, the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's no running water or gas in town. the tiny, afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she has lived also life she returned when are you crazy and allow me to control her daughter and granddaughter went to poland and the don't want to come back home for customer groups and she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the
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ground. like games couldn't use the will. of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's ideas, comforting the suspected russian and fullness. all examined and live to throughout the russian armies. patient, nicholas, i don't want to talk about it. he says he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. the bits all he has had to blame in spite department, he says he's been on now more than ever valuable to attack is they tried to save lives. sadly,
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the shutting has recently increased the enemy of hips civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian, sofa, the shutting schools, many fives, we receive up to 10, call out in a given 24 hour period. there are a many towns near the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance, charles profit algebra. lima will still have hey on. i'll just there. as i just had to the polls and the solomon islands, we looked at what repercussions the outcome will have the rest of the asia pacific region. plus, i'm come on hider in the mountains during the progress on upfront. it's on board up with thousands of on read through gates are about to be sent home against dave with the
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how well, it's rant that who pays the price. when are we can to clean up to new orleans more than 1200 for black people lost their lights, not a single rich american loss. they like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher can. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it, which is deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest
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now is the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic we do not do. it was the policy that we have the was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of there the the, what about you watching on dessert with me so rahm into a 100 mind to of all top stories is very strong thing. goals that have killed at least 20 palestinians. witnesses say a group of children were playing the gauzy refugee camp during one of the a tasks is very strong. so on that please call have killed 9 palestinians in gauze
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and city. women and children are amongst the injured and israel's will. cabinets has met twice, 6 times, and surrounds unprecedented attack on such today, around 300 missiles. i'm trying to launched in the 1st of a direct strike on israel from iran. now the us state department says it's continuing to press the com in the region, expects men to be done, but the earlier told my colleague elizabeth per on them, but they're working towards the escalation and the sheer number of ballistic missiles and groans that iran unleashed on israel is totally irresponsible and reckless simultaneously, israel has every right to conduct a counter terrorist operations and the security operations that are in their self defense and that are in their interest. ok, when you say that you're speaking to allies in the region about d. s. condensing tensions, what's, what, how have they responded to you?
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i think that there is a convergence between our allies and partners and taking every step possible to make sure that tensions are not escalated in the region. that has been the case since october 7. as we continue to engage with the regional partners, but just this past weekend secretary blinking spoke to the foreign ministers in egypt and saudi arabia and jordan in turkey. all conveying the same message that we're very interested in ensuring that tensions don't get out of hand that our commitment to defending israel is unwavering and will continue to echo those calls while continuing to engage with is really officials, right? but as, as well here in those calls, we will continue to engage with this really officials and stress the importance of the escalation. but they are also a sovereign country and they will make their own security decisions as it relates to operations that they conduct. these are not in operations of the united states is going to be participating in, but our commitment to their self defense and our commitment to their security is
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unwavering in those and goals and is very strong on the mall skin. javante, a refugee camp is killed, one person, an injured 11 emergency team, scrambled to rescue survivors. trump done to the rubble of olive huda area. more of a clue. tons being assigned to the attack in giovanni and a set amount of commercial one. this is modification open emphasis use so as a sort of neighborhood where the most skillful holder has been targeted yesterday night. and the simplest one best and have been killed was to release and live in get injured at this place is a residential lo i, by the way, this is the most. here is the microphones. i'm not sure just can see it displays as you can see, the surrounding old of the houses are residential houses and all of them at the throat as the most has been destroyed. that is why there is
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too close and sudden busy and equitable the new vision, solidarity with mexico after equitable rated the mexican embassy in key to earlier this month. now, the rest of the equity, those form of vice president, jorge gloss. he'd been evading, detention by staying in the mexican embassy laws, has been convicted incorruption, cases and investigation is underway into the discovery of a boat full of corpses, found a draft of the north eastern coast of present will please say the 9 bodies would likely african migrants from molly and demo retain, yet the boat is similar to vessel. often these by west african migrants trying to reach spain's canary islands. the treacherous route means that boats but missed that destination can be swept towards the west, and the atlantic focused on is beginning. the 2nd phase of a controversial plan to the boat, hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country. a half a 1000000 undocumented us can nationals have been expelled since last october. the
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government is extending its deportation. planned to include many f guns who hold boxes, funding documents that many have guns in buckets on site. the hot breaking being falls to leave a place that they call home. come all hide the reports, not from lundy cottrell in buckets on on the boulder we left on this phone. a very bad creation of millions of, of loans. it's continuing or there's $30.00 pay. most of the people that we talk to say they're living with a heavy heart. they have considered focused on to be that home. they're also considered a one. they're starting to be that and 5th grade at home. but they said that the government moved to push these people out. it's something that is an acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on warranty to send them out, it should have been gathered out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll send it gives them as a and i'm not just on it's another line. so many images of what you saw. well though we often nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking, leaving,
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but we are grateful to the people who accepted a phone call to hold off. why do i want it? why did you me that this would be great? just focused on granted us citizenship often we spend decades here as guns are peace loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war. and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of the pad creation. they're going to focus on had the nouns, that it is not just the unregistered. i've gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency or the of one citizenship, god. to really have to go. that of gods is thrown the future of many of if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. their children don't know any other country, like focused on their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they said that it should have been
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done in a more dignified manner. international organizations have condemned, focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the and get them dollar bond. government said they would want the rest and the other ones that they've done is to come back to that and says credit home. the feeling have monthly of one is uncertainty. we have been dropped into some of the families who are on the move on the back of their truck. it has been a difficult journey. it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course, the long way of loans are telling us that the gotten rid of bucket don should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course, are leaving where the heavy hearts come out of. hi, there are the uh, i learned because the plug is gone. no one has done boredom. over the boat and i've got a strong flashlights triggered by heavy rain of killed at least 33 people. dozens
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were injured as a reeds clamps, dominating hundreds of homes, roads, phones and livestock have also been effected as the polls have opened in the solomon islands in the pacific ocean bases of what was about the rising cost of living. and there are some who say that governance plays ties with china, but it's isn't the only change the on the nation faces with around 900 islands, but over a huge area, accounting, the balance will take weeks. finally, be like repulse. gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain almost 50 years ago. folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials in electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go body is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first by separating diplomatic ties, which i won. then by signing
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a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base, their opposition politicians, what the review of the chinese package. so if there's something that is very uh, containing, like in place of the ccv in this country like people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way. the thing of the things they've been influenced by money, gods and things. so that is something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would be jean, brings much needed developments. soloman's was proud to host the pacific games and been use built and funded by china capacity. i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking the i'm a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects,
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but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics as far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and a better quality of life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people says that it's the one of the meetings, but they didn't want to see people 1st. and everything that they do is a cation in education. a fuse health as well as employees in the country where progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core of issues that will likely determine the result. find it below out is there a major 5 is destroyed. one of the best, the black box in denmark, the 17th century stock exchange, with the same as spied, was undergoing renovation in the capital, copenhagen known as the votes, and it's next to the danish parliament to the whole city rights are blocked as fond fights as full to limit the damage the building became the headquarters of the
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danish chamber of commerce. up to denmark, stock exchange, move to the 1970s. you can follow the stories on our website to dollars ever come. i'll be back with boeing use in hoffman and inside story. we'll look at the war and 2 dogs, one year after it begins to stay with us, the the hello. when it remains raw, the one side, it will find the a shar, what's across northern parts of australia, around the top hand safe. it's continuing here, larry with the shadow cloud to still lingering across that eastern side. all of us tried to reach some areas of new south. well, she's running up the coast. it's east composite queens data becoming a little more widespread as we go through web mistakes and show us to, to that is the side of victoria, farther west says woman sonia, across that wy,
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and that he continuing as we go on into the stay safe or the shell is just around the east and also as we go on through with fast ice, some shows the continued to just push the way up across the west side of it to where we are pushing a little further east, which as we go through fraud in the same time, west of weather, now coming back into new zealand. so turning robin unsettled here, very unsettled. meanwhile, across central parts of china, big and live, the shower was rumbling away. some big storms could call some localized flooding as it runs its way over toward shank carpet to the north of that, it is warm and started paying out around $27.00. sales just went to the 20s to into the print peninsula into a good pot. sofa japan, 22 sales just uh for took a little bit of rain for the fall south of japan, but quickly moving away in the past or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from
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. i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024. starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. a conflict with no end in sight. the warranty dawn is taking a heavy told and civilians with millions pulls from that homes. and on the verge of finding, what does it take to stop the humanitarian crisis? and can diplomacy stuff for fighting? this is inside still the color that on james base don is facing
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a humanitarian crisis. a civil war drags on with no end in sight. the un say 25000000 people off the population need urgent.


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