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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the width of the at least 40 palestinians have been killed, including many children and is rarely strikes across the gaza strip in the last 24 hours the i'm carry johnston, this is l just here as nice. and also coming out these really security forces must immediately enter their active participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians. the un condemns is rarely minute treat involvement and secular
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violence. an occupied westbank against the palestinian civilians. fighting escalates between is rather than has put down with both sides. trading as strikes has been a combined or is killed. the trojan attack in southern lebanon plus ukraine's president signs a new ministry, recruitment notes and claims western nations pertaining to send enough funding to stop production of tax on energy infrastructure. the beginning garza where at least 40 people, including several children i've been told, and a series of is really strikes in the north for this trip. at least 9 palestinians were killed when a police congress struck in the goal as a city. and in the south 7 palestinians died when a residential building was targeted in the refugee camp. honey monthly begins coverage from rafa and southern gaza. as the dead and dying lie
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side by side on the floor of blocks, the hospital in central gauze. the majority of the victims of an attack, one was as the refugee camp. our children believed to have been playing together when this pri kept further north in a densely populated area of garza city is really fire struck again this time hitting a vehicle, carrying police officers where we received a report that there had been a targeting. we went there and found people torn to pieces by witness to say, the targeting was carried out on 2 strikes. those who survived the 1st rank, we're targeting the 2nd one. the did a load it up while any survivors are taken to hospitals that can cause we're operating with minimum capacity. we received an unusually high number of injured people. were limited in stature, which split the cases between our alley and co ad one hospitals, women and children continue to make up the vast majority of those killed in this
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for children with playing and were taken by surprise with me. so i was fooling them. nothing was happening, things would calm the arab countries and not taking sides. look at this, you can see these are no resistance fighters, it's a little child. besides an outpouring of grief, there's under here, the anger that truly of the world. so what was happening this for would in most of the, of the a rough ends, thundering gauze to you and agent, safe of palestinian refugees is received. numerous reports of mess, detentions ill treatment on the enforced disappearance of palestinians by these reigning ministry is what are your thoughts has to have at least 1560 trainees from gaza since april are full, including women and children. when us says,
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all of them were held for weeks and military facilities with no access to communication port check, including psychological and physical home, and sexual abuse, and so engaged. whitehouse says it will soon announce a new round of sanctions against the wrong. it also says it expects its allies to follow suit. adam fisher has more details from washington dc. the americans have been talking in the last couple of days of greek or sanctions on a run. we know that the bite and white house to bite this national security team have been talking to the g 7 and also a number of important allies and the mood music coming out to the white house is that the sanction should be in place within the next 2448 hours or so we have from the treasury secretary janet, you know, and it will be her department that will be responsible for putting the sanctions in place. and she said the sanctions will be up and running within the next couple of days. and then we have had more recently from national security advisor jake
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sullivan, who suggested that there will be targeted sanctions the miss out on the food industry. now, the joint industry, iran has been a consent for the united states for some considerable time because they provided drones and technology to the russians. and those joins have been used on the attacks against ukrainian infrastructure. and of course, the have been the sanctions in place before, and the united states thinks that they can go farther this time. i'd really degrade the military capability of the radiance. even though it seems that that didn't quite what the last time. but what the state department has said in the last 24 hours is that perhaps the sanctions lead to the reigning an attack not being effective as possible. that perhaps was slightly more symbolic because we don't have the equipment, the material, the technology to build themselves. that can really challenge these really air defense systems on that point. take sullivan says we are also working with these
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really is to make sure that there is better coordination. more integration in air defenses across the middle east. so we should expect some sort of announcement in the next 24 to 48 hours. and at the same time, the united states is also want to make sure that israel is response is perhaps proportional to the i can send that if there is something hugely significant. and that provokes the iranians. there is every danger that the us will get dragged into a wider conflict. something that they've sort to avoid since the war started in guys a back in october. and of course they've given pledges, is that their support, their defensive israel is iron clad and that means they could be drag game to a wider conflict in the middle east. i was so sure i'll just see that washington is arouse, war cabinets has met for the 5th time since around unprecedented attack on saturday ministers debated how they would respond around 300 missed solves and attack drones
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with launched in the 1st ever direct strikes on israel from iran are on it says the attack causing retaliation for the bombing on their radiant concepts and domestic us. 2 weeks ago. stephanie decker is following developments from occupied east to choose, you know, clear statements coming out of choose day, back and forth. whether the work cabinet actually met some reports saying they met in a smaller form that there was agreement on how to counter it wrong and it's proxies . but it was the timing that's now being debated. other media leaks saying that there wasn't a word cabinet meeting, a tools that these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with a security officials at the minister of defense intent. i believe what is clear is that it is an incredibly complicated situation. that's also why we haven't heard yet from the prime minister himself is always talked about iran as an x, a central threat to israel since that attack we haven't heard from him at all. he's under pressure from a foreign countries from the americans,
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from the brits from the germans, from many others, not to escalate that. this is a time for calm at the same time from within his coalition government, within the people that are keeping him in power. the only way he was able to return to power as a prime minister, people like a budget or smart tricia. it's a by that and give you a once in a very direct and harsh response to around. so a lot of pressure on the prime minister, the tulips continue, some media reports indicating that there is certainly a consensus that the has to be a response, but the timing of it and what kind of shape that is going to take, of course, is a big question mark, stephanie decor, audra 0 it occupied is to is a brand new and impressed center for him that right you see has told in there of cut all that to ronald respond to any is rarely a truck against its interest around is foreign ministers. also warning is relevant, the immediate response. how much in on check, appreciate if the is ready raise your you make some mistake. this time around the
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response. as it runs, minutes we can monitors announced will not be minimal media and severe correspondence, dosage of barriers entire on with more on around reaction to the world wards continue between iranian officials and there is really counter parts the uranium president abraham ready seat received a phone call from the mirror of katara. she's coming been home adel sony on monday evening. during that conversation, the in mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that iran took against israel and the mirror. it said that it conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the radiant president, for his part at set. that's it, should israel continue at these threats and make good on their right? so they've been making against iran and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger and there will be a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the
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way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting sharon's position . and yeah, cit, issuing further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting see moved here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next. but they are, i urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior door such a party, l g 0. tyrone, or at least one person is dead off and is very drone, struck in southern lebanon. the man who was killed in the attack was a senior member. has the investigator said he was talking to him while driving in the area of i know tensions along the 11 in israel, aboard escalate to significantly since the october. the 7th of tax will separately
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is rarely for 6. i've also targeted a home in southern lebanon, a correspondence i have some reports outside the house and the todd district. i'm in the shop of 11 on the house, wants to just buy is really won't play. and so i talked to a different off the fire. i see the actual keys at this home while we're best to close this fixture fire talking to emergency services on this to refresh. just refresh and receiving's report. moment by moment. just try to show you inside
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the house has gone completely gone. this was on the water won't blame. strike is really we'll place twice and this same area. i'm a shop witness. over the past $48.00. 71 is really strikes. it's just part of this continuing confrontation. also, all the areas just fall from here for when we all are all its once killing me just for behind the town to find a house which is which is a time goes to the city of mine for skill set to be a his beloved member. and several really enjoyed fun. this is the situation. this is the scene in south lebanon. so
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a lot of my shots are the hash images here. the matter of fact robin occupies westbank, says this very minute she was involved in the killing of 2 protestants on monday. signed up on a java, to witness the attacks of soldiers. supports of the armed is rarely settlers who followed indiscriminately, but i just kidding. it comes off to a 14 year old is rarely went missing the romano and was found dead on saturday. i'm so thinking about the new uh secular, started coming in, civilian clothes and weapons in front of the army. the shooting was by the troops and settlers that was heavy gun, fine with the aimed to kill the distance between the settlers and the using was about 50 meters if there were 2 injuries at that instance. and it resulted in the most of them of 2 in the same place and this off to hampton up some of your minds yesterday. that was communication just as this being for the past month with these rainy side to the palestinian liaison officer. and they were informed about the violations that the settlers are coming out,
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but the occupation forces did not do with thing, no attack. you in human rights office has condemned israel submit it to involvement in the set of audits in the occupied west back. these really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians. is really, authorities must instead to prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account to those reasonably suspected of criminal acts, including murder or other unlawful kennings must be brought to justice through a judicial process that complies with international human rights standards and follows a prompt impartial, independent, effective, transparent investigation is ready forces of storm. the town of $99.00 east of hebron occupied westbank. a large number of is rarely miniature vehicles and boot that is entered the town. well, these are the latest images where receiving showing the demolition of
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a palestinian and israel has escalated its raids across the occupied westbank as it continues is from bomb until garza as well. so it's a come off to the break women auditors head to the host with next a new condom. it's close to ties with china is one of the issues at the moment, bumps and revel fights, as in lima, say they've killed the government's attempt to take back a town on the border with the one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render moody's b t p, increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment suite voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the reading unfairly? ongoing coverage in the selections on out is the area in the vietnam war. the us
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army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened to the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the kids for 2 women fox for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange knowledge is 0. in thailand, defamation is a criminal. understand critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to silence. we so the lowest $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigate. so allocations, that defamation cases are being used to bring to invitation and concealing corruption. speaking up in time 91020. the
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the, the welcome back. remind about top stories. this is rarely ministry, has killed at least 40 palestinians, including many children, a series of attacks and the central and northern tanza, the injured all being take to the hospitals or child. any a man who witness the killing of 2 protest indians and a secular at talk to the multi pod westbank says the is reading bit tree was involved in the audience came off to a 14 year old is fairly point, but this was later found that israel has carved out more strikes in southern lebanon, combined, different spin on, was killed and exponent, talking about the call area of fine in northern garza, and it's very striking a most kind of jabante, a refugee camp has killed one person, an injured 11,
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public assume has more from wrapped up in southern gauze of the desperate calls for help rescue is hoping to apply the search for any survivors of yet another is very striking on to about the find. the sewing is the young girl is found online. she was one of many children in the home and as a whole area, when it was destroyed by it is very striking. the neighboring and most of the gym and the just they have targeted the most. there are other people in the house. this is my daughter, like countless other children and cause this wasn't the 1st time this young girl had been injured. and these really strong thousands of display spouse opinions have
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been killed drinking and around most that since the will be counted as trey is about, has continually talking to them destroying hundreds. of course, the gaza strip in the last 6 months open, killing goose, who had hope to find safety. terica boss in just a rough, rough southern cause of the ukraine's presence assigned to a new military recruitment. you know, it's aimed at boosting. come on, his face, van power shortages for the war against russia. legislation increases payments to volunteers as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging. well, present, savanski has blamed his west and all the ice for the impacts of recent russian attacks on energy infrastructure across the country. saying his ministry was unable to shoot down missiles because they run out of munition or not. they can choose,
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we run out of old messiahs that defended to pay a lot. when someone says that our lives can provide us with the so that westland, will they come be in ukraine? was they? so that force, because that would be perceived as if you crane is engaging nato in the war. well, after yesterday's attack, i want to ask you a question. is israel positive nato or not? is the answer is right. it is not a nato country. the nato allies, including nato countries, that being defending israel, they showed the wrong and forces the israel was not alone. and this is a lesson. this is a response to anyone on any continent who says you need to be very careful when assisting ukraine, so that you don't engage nato countries in the role model. for those. why didn't president nicholas my to has sort of the closure of these governments m. c consulates in ecuador, in protest against ecuador storming of the mexican embassy earlier this month. i know rapids has more from mexico city, a hot up. they may hiccups political settlement. this is the moment venezuelan
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president because that's model ordered the closure of these countries embassy in ecuador during a meeting of the community of latin american and caribbean states in honduras on tuesday. a lot of the novel said a lot, not that i'm, but i go to the embassy in ecuador, to close to close the consumers in quito to close immediately. the consumers in way a key for the diplomatic personnel to return to venezuela or immediate. same thing, maybe at the move by venezuela was done in protest at the events of april. the 5th in which ecuadorian police forcefully entered mexico's embassy in detail. during the rate they detained former vice president, jorge eyeglass, who had been evading a rest in the mexican embassy since december. mexico's president, under this monday, lopez over the other order, has asked his counterparts in the region to endorse mexico's complaint against ecuador before the international court. of justice, i shall just get a most okay,
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one of the international court of justice to act. and it's very clear what we are proposing a separation of ecuador from the united nations until they offer a commitment of known repetition. the acceptance of, they violated our sovereignty. though ecuador is president, then, yet noble act was not invited to participate in tuesday's meeting of regional leaders. he has defended his country's position, telling the media that he has no regret. so for the rate on the mexican embassy by his country's security forces following the events of april, the 5th. indeed, the pressure on ecuador from the international community has been growing the order by venezuela to remove its diplomatic mission, follows an announcement by nicaragua at last week. to cut diplomatic ties with ecuador altogether, when we did up a little out to 0 mexico city. the votes as i go into the pose across the solomon islands to the next 15 members of parliament, like fits,
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is worried about the rising cost of living. and there are some, instead of the government's close supplies and the china for this isn't the only child on a nation, faces around $900.00. in spite of a huge area counting the ballots will take weeks. bottom of the reports. gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain almost 50 years ago. folders in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials and electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties with taiwan. then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians want the review of the chinese pass. that is something that is very uh, containing like, uh,
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in place of the ccv in this country. like, people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way, the thing of the things they've been in for extra money go to and things so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would paging, brings much needed, developing solomon's was proud to host the pacific games in menus built and funded by china capacity. i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they want to the connections with china. they like the chinese a project, but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics as far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and a better quality of life. the change you will see is a government,
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but the people assist. that is the one that's the meaningful thing. do you want to see people 1st? everything that they do is a cation in education, in health, and as well as employees in the country were progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands. it's the core of issues that will likely determine the result. find it below, i'll just there to me in on wherever level 5 to say they've repelled the government to attempt to take. but meanwhile, the on the board with thailand or in the national liberation army, which sees the key town last week. so the things that has not passed from the board with thailand, tony chain because the soldiers from the curriculum is cooper columbia. satellite the flag of ma'am uh, in the town of near worthy in its place, they hoist the colors of the current national union. confident this new territory
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is firmly under the control of underneath the you're the whatever. and with that, there are no worries about the doing to return it. we, since we received the news of their advance caught them, we've been vigilant and we felt them that the we managed to destroy one tank and 3 transport trucks in the me and my military suffered injuries and retreated. parts of the town has suffered badly of the 6 weeks of intense fighting in the wreckage. a brigade, 275. the military's law stand the spoils of war. but the current leadership team to stress this is a victory shed amongst all the resistance groups. we need unity and then we make it step by the side with the other mission. and then we will work together with other group by coordinate to type to, to the military. the military tend to appear to be on the bank, but even the annual um forces day parade took place under the cover of darkness this year. and where they found divisions amongst the ethnic comm is in the past.
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now that seems to be units that we might as a booth diverse country and some people who appear this is diversity as a weakness in all around pollution. but actually diversity is sprint. tile pulses remain on high and the, the primary concern is the violence doesn't spill across the board. for decades, the town of milwaukee has existed in a very fine pallet balance on the one side. yes. the com is on the other, the military, across the board, a thailand generating huge income from trade. the, even the fighting hasn't stopped. that's due to free alcohol and cigarettes on sale from food like is emilia worthy books is a bit passed across the rolls of razor. why? tony chang al jazeera on the time in my boat and emergency services in amman, i spent the last 24 hours carrying out a series of rescue missions in the wake of floods which killed at least 18 people.
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west coast have continued to look for the missing, and i've also supplied 1st a to more than 75 people, whether it's next and inside store. when they examined it one year warranty don. and what's it will take to start meditating crisis, the the hello, whether it's nice to be set fat for japan. now we are looking at a clear sky is coming through there's, that's a cloud just pulling out to the waiting for the next line of cloud. the menu from that spring, some big down pulls into central china and that will be the case as we go through the next couple of days. it pulses this way further east was floods with some positive q shape, but for much of japan it does stay dry, dry, warm, and sunny across the, creeping into a soul with 26 celsius. now some of the temperature to full basing. by the time we
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come to the state that went to weather will slip a little further south was into southern china. could also see a few showers just developing around the northern parts of vietnam, maybe in the louse as well. fine and dry so much of the philippines, plenty of showers that into malaysia. i'm a heavy down, paused to continue. of course, a good part of indonesia. some weather to some heavy a down pulse, just wanting to was a southern part so, so i think maybe up the west coast of india some shy, was due to the final taste of india. so it was a north west where it will turn increase the i'm settled as we go through the next couple of days, this area of a stones that's a rolling out. so that ron into pakistan, southern positive afghanistan and will continue to make his way across northern park. this done as we go through friday and eventually it's a north west india of the individual. now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic
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consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case. for 2 women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange on knowledge, a 0 a conflict with the end inside the war and saddam is taking a heavy toll and civilians with millions pulls from that homes and on the verge of what does it take to stop the humanitarian crisis? and can diplomacy stuff the fighting? this is inside school, the hello the on change space, sit down and say.


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