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tv   The People vs Agent Orange  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the ontario tossed into how the top story is on the houses here. at least 20 people have been killed in a series of these very strikes across gaza. majority of the victims open the attack on a gauzy refuge account with children in the north of this trip. at least 9 palestinians were killed when a police call was struck in kansas city. the injured had been taken to a nearby hospital with which i already overwhelmed. you and agent safe, a protestant, and refugees says it's received numerous reports of mess, detentions ill treatment on the enforced disappearance of protestants. bodies ready ministry is what are your thoughts as i have released 1560 t needs from gauze us since april. the 4th, including women and children,
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who knew us says all of them were held for weeks and military facilities with no access to communication, torture, psychological and physical harm, and sexual abuse. also with that as well as a war cabinets, has met for the 5th time since around the unprecedented attack on saturday. around 300 missed 1000 attack drains when the once in the 1st ever direct stripe on this route from iran. the attack was in retaliation for the bombing of a rainy, and it comes to that to damascus. 2 weeks ago. the white house says it will soon announce a new round the sanctions against the wrong. it also says it expects its allies to follow suit on an official has more f, washington, dc to the americans have been talking in the last couple of days of greek or sanctions on a run. we know that the bite and white house joe biden is national security team. i've been talking to the g 7 and also a number of important allies on the mood music coming out of the white house. is
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that the sanction should be in place within the next 2448 hours or so. we have from the treasury secretary janet you know, and it will be hard department, they'll be responsible for putting the sanctions in place. and she said the sanctions will be up and running within the next couple of days. i sent you a member of his, but uh it has been killed and is management and strikes and southern lebanon. investigate to say he was targeted while i'm driving in that area. i involved tensions along 11 and as well, but i have escalate to significantly some type of study for the tax matter of robin occupied. westbank says it is very minute. she was involved in the killing of 2 palestinians on monday. so on a job who witnessed the attacks as soldiers support to the um is very settlers who 5 indiscriminately, the latest. kidding. a comes off to a 14 year old is very, was found that never mind own sat today. you in human rights office has condemned
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israel submitted to involvement in the secular bonds in the occupied westbank. these really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians. is really, authorities must instead to prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account. as those reasonably suspected of criminal acts, including murder or other unlawful, kennings must be brought to justice through a judicial process that complies with international human rights standards and follows a prompt, impartial, independent, effective, transparent investigation. new crimes presents assigned to new military recruitment know the same that hosting truth numbers come onto space. anti shortages or against russia legislation requires potential conscripts to update the data with the 4th is increases payments. the warranty is that introduces new penalties for draft dodging
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7 of the 18 year is needed for donald trump's hush money trial have been chosen. trump is the 1st form of us present to face a criminal trial. he's accused of a payments to an adult film star to the 2016 presidential campaign 12, which it was on 6 opened. that's all needed. but his way that has announced that we'll close this embassy in ecuador, nicole diplomatic personnel, the movies, and sort of direct to mexico, to ecuador rated the mexican embassy in key to the end of this month. and the rest of ecuador is full of vice president. ok, glass even evading potential and corruption charges by staying in the mexican embassy. those all the headlines and these continues here and obviously are often the people versus agent orange to stay with us.
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the the message if you have placed the data to look over the homepage, set, then a full plus a simply all c a a to see to see the setback. set to plug a, give my craft funds on the assume it should be don't i get it? know, see on a,
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on the helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the kids the kids were all fishing or just playing by the river. and the kids were all choking and gasping that night. they were all really sick with diarrhea, they were having trouble breathing. we went down to the rivers that next day and that's when we found that ducklings dead crayfish trout. we called the fire service and they said, oh no, it's perfectly safe. it's a mixture of $240.00 and $2.00 for 5 t agent orange that was banned in vietnam. and nobody realized that the same chemicals were being used here is still going on.
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the agent orange was a tremendously destructive opponents of the tremendously destructive war in its own. unique way agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare, modern history. the gwinnett was still 5 years old or something. i read everything. it was still during the war and i read something about all the birds being killed like oil spills from ships being blown up. that's what i worried about during the war and was all those birds come in like? because it helped me and i started reading letters,
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i'm not sure who i sent them to or wanting someone to take care of those birds please. that maybe that was the beginning of my active business. but we moved here in 74. the kids were just part of this landscape. they were down along the river. they knew everything that lived down there. my kids loved it, i mean they were part of it. there were beavers and daughters from the rivers and to of course, all the fish and harrington sprays. some things were part of that they loved it was nothing to worry about.
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the clear cutting is one of the most insane things you could ever do with like strip mining a living organism, which a far as this they weren't required to replant. and most of those clear cuts developed into huge brush fields then all of a sudden they're faced with this a lot. it says you can't flip that unless you re plant within 3 years. so then they had to clear all the brush on these old clear cuts so they could replant them just all coincided with the end of the use of agent orange and vietnam.
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the michael newton from oregon state university was getting cert plus barrels of agent orange that the air force couldn't use anymore in vietnam. and was praising the use of these things and how they were going to transform forestry forever. and they started to just blanket these huge, clear cut a lot of major arms and tripped so we could smell it. and within a few days our garden was dead. the kids were all sick again and the dog got so sick he died. a carol has been just a tireless champion for uncovering truth factual,
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scientifically based information and trying to get that for decision maker. these people were just literally at their wits end. and i remember sitting there thinking routes you somewhere. you gotta, you gotta help these people. they are literally, they know nobody's willing to help them. and i said, you've got to produce the experts that if you can produce the experts, i'll take your case on and we'll go to, we'll go to battle over the phone to be done by your machine. what was the most to be found on the corner?
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these as you may have effected selected goals, a successful and effect. susie lead. tyco new a lead to let's you all need ms. jonah in 50 to me. so jeff, initially all the legal o columbus destiny, the hopefully deal the physical most stable cover. i don't. let's just fall into the last 2 with the dish. i mean no sounds so song navigation sounds good. most said on the suit. he was your visual of a good at the policy good. may have a a,
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i'm please only up to date. the police notice it may have a decline machine this causing it to soft tick tock. the duke energy hello. choose a. the label system as it did, it did not go back 6 a at an angle by an goes it this it says no, she means to try longer in mashing. got poolside more to pay those. uh huh. the vision it not for you. oh gee said sylvia. not to abruptly will not have etc in highs your for the yeah, i mean, i guess they found
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a gypsy. com they need, my gosh, this a mom just didn't know. you know, i'm busy. sit on margin deleted with the forces. notice in front of a home. don't get on the do the wrong. if you, if i say i love as it is po, not you're not in the house. you does. y'all said request to retrieve the new version and these activities, dave mo marie, have a fully show the whole actual exposure or a museum on the machine the so i just talked to sure, i mean,
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no sounds are subject to comments and crazily busy, demonic all new pleasure, a place that level grandma so say that she almost well $70.00. of course. the extra mileage literally sold did my income loss and there's a decent amount of ice field i shifted like the amenities soccer kept august, the sure spectacles was out of a government components, so it shouldn't get some fully alpha key. these are going to need the generic shake to show the motion. ladies alter,
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she'll get mice. you see the low vision vision to solve the c. m m c. j made the result was alpha. she louise, ash the map of the ask if i sound kind on the moon, i'm a sailor portion i should have booked, it should have a the mfc to apply. so sooner so on the map there's gmc now lucky some of those types of to do that type of government id, discuss it. and i d, i do have to look up and then set that as to me. i last saw on cash. it doesn't, it's enough for me to go see a lot i did while a, a proof for yes. one at the department.
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the foster that's like, oh my new need miss. you ask them for you the there's only a company. yeah. for say, you're not gonna sit on me, she won't do that to the new data between get you rolling because is that good enough for me to cut down a set or workspace?
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june july stage. it doesn't let me know. i pin it down then. no, you guys for some, a 7 seasons, the 16 you know, there's always somebody who i play the home phone coverage in the sanford see best case id just offer you her see. so she has your vincy sealed the. ready the devil are going to look at the naples. no. the look on back back, almost a jessica. she stopped at maybe 5 or 5 places default on the melody.
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the, at the stage of history is that the 1st meeting between president eisenhower and senator kennedy's since the last, when eisenhower passed over the national security apparatus to john kennedy, how scared we had to be that communism was on the march. and we had to stop it wherever it was. kennedy loved the idea that american ingenuity, not just big, scary bombs, but different, more surgical kinds of technologies could be used to defeat these insurgencies and agent orange. or besides, in general, was part of that strategic view. the here at the dow chemical company in midland michigan revolutionary chemical killers
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are being produced to help rid us of these costly this one of the newest. and most, most of the weapons in dallas arsenal of chemical warfare is to, for dall we'd killer to for d. is a growth regulator type of we'd kill it. the action is busy a logical appearing to upset the plants, growth processes, causing gradual but certain that the on the side govern government. in 1961 was a vociferous proponents of the use of her. besides in vietnam, the, the government was fighting a communist insurgency in the south. that was suffice. they felt that the insurgency was a major threat to their existence,
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the mrs. in october 1961 things haven't really gotten started, yet. these are tell x is this a message from an basset or noting, but basically just a present to him as begging people to spray crops. and there's so much doubt and confusion to washington about whether to do this or not
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the operation ranch and had multiple components to have a food denial component. but the most notorious was the use of agent orange to take away the forest cover. take away the insurgents. capability to hide and conduct gorilla ambush operations of the but once the overall war escalated to fully ition program, just sort of followed rather mindlessly right behind it. spring, millions of gallons of highly concentrated or besides indiscriminately over vast areas of forest. many times over is chemical warfare. it was
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highly destructive and it was massive. it was a weapon of mass destruction, the same for the herbicide, the fully ace program drawn by the air. and i was sent over to vietnam in may of 9071. to do the final historical right up another ranch and program, the night made friends with the young, an army lieutenant over there. he changed me one afternoon and said we have received orders from headquarters versus 1971. we are to drop the computer and
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erase it not downloaded and shipped to wash job chase. and he said, if you want any of that information for your report, you're going to have to come with me tonight and we'll go over to mac fee headquarters and i'll get you into my office and we'll print them out. and he turned on the machine and we printed out of stuff like that of my report indicated that there were some real problems developing from people exposed to agent orange. i finished my report and it was immediately flashed by secret. and the government kept locked up or 35 years and denied didn't even exist in the federal government. basically federalized all the chemical companies to do
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nothing but produce agent orange and other chemicals for the warranty. these not. and they knew that some more they produce the more money they with me. so they, in order to deliver as much as they could as quickly as they could. they violated their existing industry standards for the production of herbicides by using a process that was much shorter at higher temperatures, that was responsible for the presence of the docs and in the ultimate chemical substances that were creed. and they knew that it posted risk to individuals. they knew that impose the risk to the land and knew that it was contained to poison. and they knew that the, the effects to be done the
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while i was preparing our report i came across the documents indicated, confirmed that we authorized production of the asian, ours, which is a mixture to, for these 505242452 with a higher concentration of di auction as a contaminant, it's a contributor in the to 4 or 5 t compound. as we knew, dioxide is an extremely potent crusher to genet, mutagenic meeting. it causes chromosomes to mutate tiretta unix, affecting the fetus of a woman. very potent compound. national bureau standards estimate the half life for a dyson model. i feel 2000000000 years. that's why e p a regard to as equivalent to plutonium, both units toxicity and,
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and it's longevity, how long can persist? so it doesn't go away. it goes away politically. this is the 1st time that the scientists have ever created a molecule, this toxic and, and that they, they know that even, you know, just one to 2 parts per trillion can cause birth defects, mutations, cancer, the seeing a larger defects than we would've expected. we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 1978 delivered in. and so if i like child, that's
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a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain. in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one. and about a year later, we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical, but a small practice like ours would have to and it's felt like children it made me realize that there was something going on the how well this is the rent, but who pays the price? when we came to clean up to new orleans, more than $1200.00 for black people lost them like not a single rich american loss. they like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich
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people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the how we can work that out of their existence. they've slowed shit as a principal present. and as a correspondence with the brakes and the store, we want to hear from those people who was normally not get that voices heard on the international news channels. one maybe top, if i proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible met shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall. so the effect of diarrhea to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time, are competent beyond wells. taken without hesitation for them died from power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that and the people in power investigate, explodes,
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this and questions they use them to be the power around now to sierra the ontario adjustment the top stories now. and i'll just here, and these 20 people have been killed in a series of is rarely strikes across garza, majority of the victims of an attack on a gauzy refuge account with children. the north of this trip, at least 9 palestinians were killed. when a police car was struck in kansas city, the injured that had been taken to a nearby hospitals which are already overwhelmed. as well as war cabinets has met for the 5th time since their rounds on preston to the attack on saturday. around $300.00 miss solves and the tax returns were launched in the 1st ever direct stripe on the as well from wrong. it's kind of causing
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a tiny ation for the bombing of the rainy and the concerts in damascus. 2 weeks ago, the white house says it will soon announce to you round the sanctions against iraq . those such as it expects it's otherwise to follow suit. and fisher has more from washington dc. the americans have been talking in the last couple of days of greek or sanctions on a run. we know that the bite and white house joe biden is national security team. i've been talking to the g 7 and also a number of important allies on the mood music coming out to the white house is that the sanctions should be in place within the next 2448 hours or so. we have from the treasury secretary janet, you know, and it will be hard department, they'll be responsible for putting the sanctions in place and she said the sanctions will be up and running within the next couple of days. i sent a member of his, but it has been tales, and it is very dread and strife in southern lebanon. investigate to say, who was charged with while driving in the area involved tensions along lebanon as well,
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but would have escalated significant police. let's go to the 7th of tax. ukraine's president has signed a new military recruitment. lo, it same that listing to numbers as come under space. manpower shortages for the war against russia. legislation increased as payments to volunteers introduces new penalties for draft dodging 7 of the 18 year as needed for donald trump's hush money child have been chosen from is the 1st form it us present to face a criminal trial. he's accused of a payments to an adult film star during the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 jurors and 6 of and it's all needed as all the headlights and these continues here in the office. they're off to the people. this is agents orange stimulus. the
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the, when we started the litigation, this became a real david and goliath back because we had to us the whole us attorney's office, representing the federal government and the largest law firm in the state of oregon, representing i f. a which is a front group for the chemical manufacturers and for timber sprayers the fire service had been unwilling to do any kind of community health survey after
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the spring to see if anybody was in fact being on it was simply saying, our chemicals aren't harming anybody. but it wasn't looking to see if they were hard and it was very stunning. you know, that they would spray in area and within a month that miscarriage rate. and what they call spontaneous abortion rate, i would skyrocket according to the hospital data. the between my husband and i and our nurse practitioner, we delivered between a 100 and a 150 children here. seeing a larger number of birth defects than we would have expected. we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 1978 delivered and and, and so finally child, that's
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a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one and about a year later we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical, but a small practice like ours would have to and felt like children. it made me realize that there was something going on. and the something that i was aware of was broadcast spraying of or besides, at that point it was mainly to for d over our water supplies because we drink surface water at the coast. the
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kids were involved in the ho or beside battle. they were helping write the newsletters and draw the pictures and help with signs their stuff poster that daphne made, she did that when she was about 11, they were right in the thick of it the we had like 5 minutes to come up with a name and furnace for citizens against toxic sprays caps and was in the most demand of work, i guess i, i was on until basically caps was for him and started questioning it with, you know, filing a court action. and then it suddenly got some attention. and there was
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a lot of pushback from the chemical companies and the timber companies. chemicals are being used as, as a means of achieving environmental goals. really the, the attack is not scientific. it's purely emotional. know the public does not understand and know we unfortunately haven't uh, successfully communicated to the public. this yet. take 245 p for example, to 4 or 5 to use about as toxic as aspirin. uh it to the safety factor in the use of $24.00, or 5 t is far greater than the safety factors use of aspirin. and as a public understand that one saturday morning when my husband was making rounds at the hospital, 2 fellows in suits showed up at my front door and said they wanted to talk about the earth besides. and i said that was fine. my 2 children were running
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around very happily playing. they didn't really say where they were from i said, come on in, have a cup of coffee because i had had a number of reporters and other people show up. and when then when they said, you know, at all times where your children are and i realized that i didn't, i and i said it was time to end the interview because it was clearly a threat against me and my children and and it worked on top of van, they had dark tinted windows on both sides, suddenly showed up outside of carol. and steve's house, who were the leaders of the citizens against tax explain movement say the
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the car was parked here but they were walking up here or the other deer. obviously thinking i wasn't home, they didn't really explain why they were here was one, i realize the other guy was sneaking up there and talking to the kids, then i got kind of angry. he was asking them all about what kinds of different critters we had in the freezer because we did, we saved a bunch of them hoping to get them analyzed, you know, to see what was in them. but the rear door flew open as it drove away and they could see that there were large video cameras in there. the phone company itself, their employees told us that our phones were being tapped. there was an obvious attempt to try to intimidate the folks who are bringing this litigation to try to reduce herbicide areas. frank. 6 we won
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a temporary injunction. what the judge in the caps case, thanks to all those scientists and studies that we were able to compile ruled was that, hey, you've got to include in your environmental impact statement, the effects of these chemicals in vietnam. and that was a blow to the fire service because by then there were some really documented impact in vietnam. we strayed 20000000 gallons of that stuff over there. their water sewage are contaminated, their rice fields are contaminated, their wells are contaminated depending on who you want to believe, or 4 or 5 100000 adults contaminated with it and half
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a 1000000 children or the ladies at the start for you. as soon as you get the means, you'll do the demo of yes ma'am. do for fun for swanky full. so it could be the there were negative feelings towards what we were doing. the propaganda put out by the chemical companies and the timber companies. that number one, there's nothing wrong with the sprays. and number 2,
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these people are just the lunatic fringe. they convince the loggers or some of them any way that they were gonna all be out of work if. if they couldn't use that or besides, the status was on fire print. carol came up the driveway. cost was totally inflame. patrick said he stopped her that she grabbed the knife of his belt and started running up the hill. then he just grabbed her and held her and he felt sure that carol was going to try to take her own life. that night the band strong children were, were gone, the and we all crumbled. we all just couldn't believe it.
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the fire fighters said it was our son the i don't, and it's hard to talk about it. i just can't really they had done the absolute worst thing anybody could do to me and they couldn't do anymore. animal source still here. i think that's what kept me going and you know, it was what was left of my kids was what they loved. you know?
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oh boy, here you go. okay, so the big 130 years old. he's very intuitive. like if you're really upset about something, he will come in just like leaning against you and be comforting you rudy duties. he wants to help you come on, feel better. i don't know. i rely on him. this was the garage. there was no floor here. and so we put a floor in and i just was living in this in this room. and i still am in a way it was. and in honor of my kids, i had to keep going. they, for this fight to, it wasn't just me. and i the only thing was to keep going for their sake,
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the newly released court documents to indicate that the company is which manufactured agent orange knew as far back as the 1960s. the one of its ingredients known as 245 t contain the toxic contaminant dioxide, the my father said he could hold me in his hands like this. i was so small. i'm missing
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my right leg below the knee my fingers and i'm missing his big toe and my other toes are, were went. but yeah, yeah. my story is not very much unlike many, many children in vietnam and other american children as well. so we share the same type of birth affects me as the non to the mom who would need the victim or the national. how should you know? i don't get any benefits from the government. they deny that the children a male vietnam veterans perfected so i'm hoping with your lawsuit that things will change that it'll be it'll stick this time the
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case. it's frustrating the these companies have been able to avoid account bill for what they've done. i think your case is incredibly important as sort of the last opportunity that we may have to hold these, these, these companies accountable for the, the wrong doing that. they knew they were engaged when they made this portion of this product. the national forest here is no longer sprayed, and the reason is a series of lawsuits that began with the caps lawsuit. but what all those other people, how well people right down the road that i have private timber land around them. that's getting sprayed
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the they're gonna keep these chemicals on the market,
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no matter what. the only hope is for the community rights movement to keep insisting that we have the right to protect all of our communities from being poisoned. and maybe it's a pipe dream. but if these corporations have human rights according to the supreme court, well damn it, they should be subject to capital punishment just like an individual would be i only did that i got the money just got because i yes, good day. so do you also did policy do, or that means on the lawn, fives, and all the like you've seen a demo golf on the survey to try as i said, my gosh, it did the yeah. in highest alexis. so common bit tasa, the ideal scene,
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the most song. so keep the mid date as i'll see another pause to allow us to type on thoughts. the jo natasha with the people. those go to the image not go sample the phone with the the to see. so of course, the amount of both of the testing done. so what was that? i showed you that, that for most of the company is to add to port of shape. we'll see the black down to the left side. the eager me, if this,
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the sewage to see me look on the, you see the who did make me understand what was it, me, fucked. if i could look a flash or a going to be okay with the last set for the defense to see if the edited it or is it in the ceiling less over the last. all huh. little time with the best to see if the of all the function unique
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the color. so the document junkies documents accumulated over 40 years of freedom of information actions that i did, including several lawsuits to try to get documents out of the ca. pcb law suits the agent orange law suits trying to stop the government spraying out here. and then i had a bunch of stuff from dow chemical that they hoped i'd never get i couldn't afford to store them anywhere. and that's when peter ron sacral birds, a canadian journalist drummed up some funding to get them off scanned. and that was
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how the poison papers we must have scanned was close to 200000 pages. he could upload them as they were scanned, 10 hours a day, non stop. a lot of the documents involved the fraudulent testing of chemical products. so lawyers, now in reading these lawsuits are being able to find that information use i hope they'll make trouble. i mean that's the whole goal is to make them available to anybody that needs them. the interesting document. so we look at down is i think someone's interest soon, just populate in on, on that to be an interest in to the,
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to come out goods and i thought and anything that vocabulary account of the odyssey of that is it you have what we will give you a see that's how they don't see us when we need balance. i'll leave it on a nice all. they don't sell that after the is it can reach your needs. as soon as you do tie maturity, that's the only thing styles. it's amy demo. i'm supposed have bony of the simple fact. her man mcdaniel foster. see book to send. yeah. yeah. ok, just this to so i said golf, navy dean, the new see no set of monday and i'm millie victim. i mean, i can see is the sack in the, in the hong kong default, the
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year cycle season. the 75 suca sake of that you will see the success of added as a whole function. mostly the media that me give us. we can see the, the set, the width. so as soon as you have shown w t s 3, so bad should be w. yes, yes ma'am. the, is it possible to like
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the, the killing of i was just the return. it is shooting of a hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom, of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journal, the skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on gods and other problems of holding any one accountable for 3rd task. shooting the messenger one know to 0 the hello severe storms where the gathering now across the central pulse of the u. s. you can see there's lots of storms all associated with this intense area of low pressure which will continue to drive its way further east. within the coming days,
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much cooler at coming in behind, calgary, struggling to get to 3 degrees celsius, stepped into the thirty's, the for dallas. all the sort of that from will see the cooler grass, the winning out squeezing that heat out to the way. 24 celsius the dallas, the on friday, the coolest of us. we go on into assessed, i think and see how the heat does get pushed by the south and east big storms and we have got about live the weather lot, child the. all tornadoes certainly are possibilities. it makes its way across the plains in to the midwest and this that when she makes them to central parts of canada, all trying to think a little further east was much cooler for new york by thursday at around 11 degrees celsius towards the west. what we do have plenty of sunshine and that sunshine runs down into much of mexico, southern areas of mexico. perhaps a little more cloud here, but nothing too much to speak of. we are going to see the showers there into central america, with the weather still lingering around his spaniel advocacy, the mountains of the caribbean, returning somewhat dry,
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the cuba of the to. but nature's biological rhythms heat, the percentage ultimate but this is not to it's countless killer works of alex official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness shed slice on the impact of emerging cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags. on tuesday era, after a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of non c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official
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website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the at least 40 palestinians have entails including many children in this very strikes across the gaza strip and the last 24 hours. the, i'm carry, jones to this is i'll just say a broadcasting loss. and so also coming up is really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks on


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