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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a fast emphasized with those hungry and suffering in casa the, the palestinians mock prison. his day was nearly double. the number of the time he is in his randy child and the full name of thoughtful child abuse and human rights, financial news color that i'm installs the attain, this is all to 0 at life from the also coming and is really as try to talk. it's one of the few places to get internet connection and garza city calling 7 palestinians and renting 20 ron's presidents as forces are ready to face any
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threat of to israel's promise to strike a wrong. these really security forces must immediately end their active participation in the end support for sector attacks on palestinians. united nations condemns is really military involvement and set the violence against palestinian civilians and the occupied west, the mast attentions of treatment and force disappearances. those re allegations the u. n says it's received about palestinian prisoners is randy custody. wednesday marks posting in prison his day on during the thousands of detainees. how often indefinitely in his randy jails is rarely with ours. he's a really some 1506 people from gaza since april 4th, including women and children. do you an agency for palestinian refugees say that they were held for weeks and military facilities with no means of communication
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with their families of allegations and food, sexual abuse and torture, including psychological and physical home obviously was laura con has been speaking to former prisoners in the occupied west bank or the pain is marked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home is right in that tree rates and the rest are routine. one's a mirror and the other activists refuse to accept these ready cracked down. he was arrested in december and held in ultimate tree prison for 2 months in new york for sure. since i hadn't thought, oh father, it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to you know, to walk like this. always. if you raise your head or look to see what are
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your you will be the ones that has been child before. he describes worsening conditions, no electricity. this will food or fun light. this will access to medical care and torch of life. you was to lose my mind because you have nothing to do. they are full to every single man. also is one of 23 known is ready ministry presence. and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those to, to 6 on palestinian prisoners. this being about 8000 palestinians arrested since october, the 7th. that the equivalent of around 44 people every single day, according to official, is ready to take us when the war began in october. that would just say it's a $5000.00 palestinians incarcerated in his right of jails. now we're looking at multiple 9 thousands and many of those are being held in administrative tension
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without any formal charges or trial affordable that was around $1300.00. and since the war, that number shows up to mobile is 3600 promising and inmates in this folder will. they was 33 women behind boss. now there are more than 80 that was $170.00 children. now that number is more than 200 and you don't want to get the wrong. all of the violation being committed to they are about the issue many zation thing. we are talking about the worst period of that he needs no just the conditions, but also the scale of abuse and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on it up is ready to these channels, 13 broke costs video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners with videos like this posting is worried about the state of their loved ones. well, some received the worst news. they didn't survive their imprisonment. is right. the
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authorities, a withholding the bodies of at least 26 postings who died in custody, more than half of them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones, nor hon. i'll just sarah the occupied westbank. earlier we spoke to tell to so son of the longest southern prisoner in his randy jail. he was just 40 days old when his father was sent to prison. the sips little ha, nevada finer. honestly speaking, i do not know much about my father when he was detained by those ladies. i was only one month old. so old i, you know about my father are made stories sold by my mother. she is in peace and my grandmother and also from the very sort from visitation, i paid to him in the prison for 12 years i was denied and the right visitation
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rights by these relays for 12 consecutive years, i did not visit my father to the degree that he was did not recognize me the last time it was best and he did not recognize me, nor did i for 12 years, i was denied all the visitation rights all night pray to god almighty, who will be released on soon. i hope he will be included in any future swipe the catalyst. prime minister says negotiations between homos and israel have sold so it is working through issues between the policies. catalyst is paying mediation role and has been trying to secure a society and gaza. the b m i s was a matter of with respect to the ongoing negotiations i informed his excell and see the latest developments. regretfully, the negotiations are facing some ups and downs. at the moment the negotiations have
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been struggling. we are doing our best to iron out all the obstacles. we are also doing our best to have a swap deal reached out. meanwhile, in garza city and that's really whole pain has attacked the griffith palestinians gathering the location where they could connect to the internet. at least 7 palestinians were killed and 20 others injured and happened to shake rod one neighborhood. attendants had been setup this, so there was trying to access the internet, this bulky cell service throughout the territory. and how this thing is all gonna have to gather it's a single point where the connectivity is stable. well, let's speak to tower a couple is there and he's on the ground for us and roof on southern gaza. tare because we've been reporting, never been very intent strikes over the last few days. and now this took us through what's been targeted. yes, so there is really made, it tree has been carrying out clean justification of the military attacks. of course, the gods as for one of the latest have talked to the group of palestinians who were
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seeking to reach out incident connection and then all the costs of guns are generally the situation is really die. of course, many areas in, in the territory in particular, in and also a rock director g. come now what is happening is that clear reminder about similar scenarios that all the areas in gauze trip had been widely invited and had been completely become onto the is rarely attack. but we have been seeing that the attacks and confrontations all of us to raging on the facility of the recent police, thomas cory, the in the middle, the area that's pets between the another at pots besides the ring, the secretary of gone level, we have been hearing for residents and the most iraq refuge account is that they have been hearing constant compartment. one of them had been saying that bombardments do not, does not stop in all the bases as residential house has become completely on the display of the attack. unapproved agriculture, land being directly targeted, the more casualties amongst the billions have have been recorded in the past 24
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hours were generally of course the territory. i was going to submit a sconces. health ministry said that 189 palestinians have been in debt to now without any late topping fighting while in rough or in the far most the city in detroit trees. the situation is relatively calm, but it has been recently an activation for the is very minute, treat surveillance to drones and fights. it gets on this card of this very densely populated area which clearly signified support. the potential mandatory strikes that could be carried off within the past few hours. kind of top was in there with a very nice just for us, from the ground from rafa. and the goal is to strip thank utah. all the british foreign secretary, david cameron, is currently in israel, where he's missing the. the latest to talk about, ron cameron says it is, well, we'll act following are on strike that says he hopes they will act in a way that does missile to escalate the situation as well as president isaac had thoughts as the wells must act decisively against iran. the situation is very
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concerning. it's right to show solidarity with israel. it's right to have made of use clear about what should happen next. but it's clear that these rate is all making a decision to act. we hope they do. so to weighs. it does as little to escalate this as possible and in a way that, as i said yesterday is, is small off is whether it's tough, but the real need is to re focus back on how mass back on the hostages back on getting the agent back to me on back on getting a pause in the conflict in gauze. that's why i'm here today to talk to is ready to go from a to 2 dependents, daniel thursday to try to push those things. fluid to ron's president has said that his country is forces already to face any threat that's as these randy will cabinet decides it's next step off to tyrone retaliatory strike on israel that we were referring to last weekend around says it's drone and miss all attackers in response to a strike on it, it's come to let and syria, which of the things on israel price,
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he says any further moves by israel will be met with another attack by iran. he made those comments during national on the day, not just had been held in cities across the wrong house on a monday and is a professor of middle east and north african studies at the university of carol. and he doesn't believe israel has the grounds to strike around back of what the radiance that was primarily targeted at the parents their di terrance was targeted by israel. israel was in on an income, mental campaign engine closer to yvonne moving away and moving the attention away from gaza after that criticism and pressure on it because of what it does in god's uh i was, was going off to try to divert attention. the 2 ends, after the hit on the radio and concentrated the radiance, could not take it anymore. they had to respond. so it and re establishing their
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determines by creative allies in their conditional practice. these, that'd be as well. now these writers are talking about retaliation. this is not perceived as retaliation, and it's perceived as another attack on yvonne because if you, when he is where the fuck people retaliated after these way the least attack their consulate aspects. international law unions basically have the right to do so after the u. n. security concept failed to respond to that is rarely attack on the way in concert. and after the, when you're suggesting that the stop of the war on gods that can stop you menus from retaliating did not, was not received well by israel in the united states. the, when you guys took the 3rd option, that direct striking and retaliating against israel. so any pad, the escalation on the part of the day is right, is, is not going to be perceived as a, as, as a retaliation. it's going to be perceived as an offensive that the waiting as will
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4 will be forced to retaliate the prominence california university, his band and most of the student from speaking it a graduation ceremony. because of off addition to israel for on garza last year, several university presidents also resigned of to hostile congressional questioning and pressure campaigns from for is reading groups for reynolds reports from los angeles us for most little american students, us not to boss i'm being chosen as valid victoria for the university of southern california was cause for celebration, but then usc abruptly banned to buy some from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed our university is supposed to in race this course. it's supposed to embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boston selection,
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and the campaign to silence her was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activist, samantha edits features of muslim and high phonetic anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote, a racist, subtler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti design is on and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american islamic relations called us
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these decision, cowardly messages. obviously, the messages we don't stand by our students, especially those students happen to be most of the students. and especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights. and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who, who engage in deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism, student protests and freedom of speech. rob reynolds, l. g, 0, los angeles. i'll spell a head here on out of there as the russian military has killed the bees, 13 people,
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and as strikes on the ukrainian city of trinity. his vote counting is underway in an election that could have a major impact on china's in phones. in the south pacific the palace team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best in the pool. but it's not as a breaking stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come. it has made me physically very fit and meant to be very strong. the mission is to
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serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach. the kung fu nuns got men do on al jazeera, the, it's been a full for an, a progressive change. the locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to when a series to 2 young women was taken different routes to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change. political theories attempt to understand, i'm telling you, is that mobile i use around the world, generation change on out you 0 the, the, the welcome back to watching alger 0. and let's remind you of on top stories for
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silence, palestinians unlocking prisoners day as you and says it's received numerous reports of mass detentions, and most treatments by the as randy ministry detainees and the occupied westbank have been telling alto 0. they've sausage repeated to chat. and is there any role playing has a tactic, palestinians gathering to connect to the internet in the office? 57 people have been killed. 20 others engine. ron's present abraham raise. he says his forces are ready to face any threat. israel is promising to attack again off to tear on strong and miss our retaliatory strike last week. tyrone is mocking it's national army day, just days. office, unprecedented attack on israel. summative, i'll come by in the occupied. westbank says these really minute trade was involved in the killing of 2 palestinians on monday. follow up on each other who witnessed the attack? says that soldiers suppose it is really set those who fired indiscriminately. this
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phase has to killings comes off to a 14 year old is really wasn't missing near ramallah and was found dead on saturday . all the un human rights office has condemned, as well as military involvement in set to violence in the occupied westbank. these really security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for set their attacks on palestinians is really, authorities must instead to prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account. those reasonably suspected of criminal acts including murder or other unlawful kennings must be brought to justice to a judicial process that complies with international human rights standards and follows a prompt, impartial, independent, effective, transparent investigation. its own rabbani is from the center of conflict in humanitarian studies. he says, set to violence is a symptom of israel is expansionism. the settlers are armed by these early states.
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they operate under the auspices and with the protection of these really military. so to address settler violence independently of is really state and government policy doesn't really make much sense that it's the equivalent of addressing the symptoms while doing nothing about the costs. the role of the policy and authority, security forces is not to defend palestinians from attacks by his relatives, but rather to protect israel and its occupation from resistance by its own people. the policy and authority security forces are prohibited from operating in those areas outside the main cities, wherever most of the subtler violets take place. and they've also taking a political decision to actively cooperate with israel's army of occupation in order to prevent policy and resistance to exactly these kinds of instances of some
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of the vitamins that we're discussing now. so the policy disorder is simply not a factor in this equation. except that it can be seen as yet another auxiliary of israel's expansion. this policy in the occupied westbank. google employee is in the united states, have health protests against protect giants, ties with israel. se rallied in the companies offices and new york and in california. under the $1200000000.00 projects, nimbus, google and amazon also build the cloud computing facilities for israel miller tree . and the loan stain is the ortho of the palestine of our train book on israel's alms and surveillance industry. he says, cooperation between israel's ministry and silicon valley has increased since october. the 7th. i was saying since october 7, a lot of sources that i'm speaking to in has been even if he stories in the media
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talking about how in fact the collusion between silicon valley and his rally defense companies is increasing because these are out ingles are in the last 6 months has been testing a lot of a i tool largest 11 and the gospel, but others as well. and is relevant for these really companies need massive amounts of computing power. amazon google are offering best services that i think that kind of collusion is something that should this not just be exposed, but also forward against the regional governor in the northern ukrainian city of trinity here has confirmed the 3 russian miss file struck the city on wednesday morning, we understand at least 13 people were killed, 60 injured and critical infrastructure in the said he was also damaged. now this is the latest russian to strike on cities across to crane charles trucks. it has worn
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out for us from polk tova, which is in central ukraine of some dramatic videos. the taxes are paid on the internet showing at least 2 of the strikes civilians ducking down, taking cover by offense. there's also video, there's a page of emergency service, he's trying to free. what we understand is a woman that was trapped under the rubble is unclear as to whether she received free. yes. has been reaction by the ukrainian government president zalinski on his telegram channel, watching that this would not have happened if you created received enough a defense equipment. and if the wells determination to count to russian, tara was sufficient also to foreign minister demitra calais. but i said, these innocent people would not have been killed or injured if you crane had sufficient a defense capabilities and a reference to the middle east and those real good attacks on israel, by iran. in the last few days he said 3 days ago in the middle east,
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we saw what reliable protection of human lives for me. so i was, looks like. so that is an indication of just how angry, seemingly ukrainian, those sources be great and military and government all about this lack of a defense that they're suffering. and they blaming the, the delay of a hold up in the release of 60 plus $1000000000.00. why arguments in the us congress and pledges by european allies also that it taking a long time to get here. child stratford, which is 0 pull tava, central ukraine. oh kremlin has confirmed the russian peacekeepers all withdrawing from then i'm going to call her back region. and as advice on how to look, these videos, show russian on the vehicles on their way out of the territory media and advise you on how for several was for that region. since the collapse of the service union prussia has been deploying peacekeepers that since 2020 your cold ethnic armenians
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were forced to leave the region. often back here took it in a brief operation in september. so all the accounting is underway in the solomon islands and then the election that could decide the fate of the south pacific's nations ties with china, prime minister, manasseh. so golf already has pledge to bring his country clarissa to beijing. his opponents, the say the growing influence foundation needs to be reconsidered. but as jessica washington reports, this issue is not the main concern of most versus who accosting about just pulling center antonio with solomon islanders queued to cost a balance. they need to work together to address that issues that really affecting the people of mine and home to more than 720000 people. this is one of the poorest countries in the pacific. most of the population works informal jobs, thousands leave on less than $2.00
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a day for sanitation and the lack of education opportunities also posed a barrier to develop have looking for genuine to chance on the 1st day with the sun life and the retainer to that page is the solomon islands has recently become the focal point of view as china, competition in the south pacific as the 2 countries joso for influence in the region. this is the 1st election since prime minister menissi spoke of every and of diplomatic relations with taiwan or the bullying. strong security packed with china in 2022. and my that has since resulted in support from china, for major projects like a stadium used to host the pacific games of intelligent interest from the us and its allies. to engage more with the country through development and diplomacy, including the opening of the u. s embassy last year. there is a scope absolutely for any leader of solomon islands to leverage the extra interest
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from a lot of hours. the traditional and you bottom is that there's also a challenge there in kansas. you know, does that result in getting the support that the country needs that's best for its development? it's economic development. incumbent says he has made the country more relevant on the world stage. his opponents say the island nation should return to the phone with traditional partners like neighboring australia. the intricacies of geo politics all fall from the minds of most voters. but some asking whether these developments have had an impact on their lives. now we, we have them over the past, we've china, i think for me, i was hoping that that would be a good change for this country. but, but that for you to see that happen, it could be weeks before people know who will be the next prime minister. decision that may have ramifications will be on the board is of the archipelago. jessica
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washington to 0. well, that's it for me in the start time. next inside story, we'll take a look at one. yeah, of ones through john and what it will take to stop the humanitarian crisis to stay with the the colored rain clouds stripes gathering across the good pots of china over the next couple of days. you can see this big bowl just loud here. that is the move front slipping a little further northwest to the north of that for the time being at least the plenty of warm sunshine, the into northern northeastern cost of china create potentially generally try low to try with the to, into japan. but you see the west to weather that may you from that skips a little further south with the buckles central pas as we go through 1st day and it
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will throw some very heavy right. lots of cloud coming into many posts as we go on through friday. right, the way up to was badging, but look how we could see some big down pools into central and southern areas that could cause some flash flooding. now just have some flooding, more flooding, i'm afraid, into positive pockets. dawn over the next dial, say west of whether this be moving out of the gulf will continue to make its way and across a good path of pockets done particularly towards the north west running up to us before india didn't we try lots of prey most soon he continuing to build my pool, getting up to 41 celsius along with hyderabad. and we are looking at similar conditions as we go on through friday. may mon, across the middle a, someplace to say things are drying up now. losey settled in sunny showers, grassy pushing across southern me, around of the the killing of i'll just return it is shooting up a hawk. that was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press
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freedom of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of children a skills into occupied palestinian territories which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for 3rd task shooting the messenger one out to 0, a conflict with though and inside the war. and so don is taking a heavy toll and civilians with millions pulls from that homes and on the verge of what does it take to stop the humanitarian crisis? and can diplomacy stopped the fighting? this is inside school, the hello, the on change space. sit down is facing
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a humanitarian crisis. a civil war drags on with no end in sight. the un say 25000000 people off the population need urgent us.


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