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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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dennis, i'm just asking awesome. every upfront on out, the end is right. yes. trying talk. it's one of the few places to get internet connection in gaza. city, killing 7 palestinians and wounding 20 others. the sammy say them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up for dining to nothing, dislikes palestinians go back to an open, gaza to find the homes and livelihoods destroyed warning of retaliation. ron's president says his forces are ready to face any threats of the israel promises to attack again and was flooding and decades ravages. positive kinds
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expand, forcing at least a 117000 people from that house. the we stopped in garza city where it is right. a fine to jet is a tank that group and fellow citizens gathering at one of the few places they can connect to the internet. at least 7 people were killed and 20 of is wounded. half the chef of one neighborhood. attentive being set out for those trying to access the internet spunky cell service throughout the territory, palestinians off enough to gather at the point where connectivity is relatively stable, displaced palestinians attempting to return to an open, gaza. i've enjoyed another set back, as well as metro has been carrying out of to the ground operation invites noon. make it more difficult for people to find shelter. jacob brown reports of
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the homes. what stood old, that remains as rubble displaced, palestinians returning to bates. honeymoon and northern gals that find few reminders of the live stay once news of the model of the destruction has affected us greatly, less the full story house and another area within the city. and enough to that we would displace to another full areas and speak with habit, we return to bait and, and try to live in the schools our. this is my brother's house. i'm standing on with the homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find shelter in local schools, but renewed his riley bombing in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to rebuild their lives. the, you know, these really were plane started by carpet bombing the entire area after that, these really armor de coal storms, the area bulldozing whatever comes their way. and then they opened fire on us while
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we were sheltering. and the tons of hundreds of families have fled by 800. since the latest is ready incursion in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building. where should we go? tell us, where should we go to? as these palestinians are displaced once again, many a wondering whether anything will be left. the nice, you know, place is safe in the entire goal. is this true? school isn't used to ruins. is pedro's policy of scores. nothing is bad. total destruction is rails. the military has now withdrawn from bait honeymoon. but for these palestinians, the damage is already done. jacob brown, elder 0 and highly my who joins us now live from golf in southern gauze and
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honey. these themes we see today just on the schools, how easy it is for palestinians to be killed, little consequence. so fall over the most mundane of task, like trying to connect to the internet of the yes, well, there is no lit up in the tax across the gods is driven no science as lloyd down in just the past. hours has been one more prove that the entire goal is a student has evolved into more of a kill him box where it is really drones acting as this type product or targeting a group of people gathering in certain areas whether they are looking for internet connection or they are in queue waiting for food or, or water supplies, or here and all very proud of drop off to the distribution humanitarian a point. the entire goal is a strip just turned into this. it's project killing box. and just within the past
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hours, looking at 2 separate attacks and it's just with one district, that's the northern part of garza city, one said densely thriving populated neighborhood now turned into a ghost found where a group of people were trying to set up an access point to the internet, so they are connected to the outside world and try to combat the threats of being off the grid. most of the time 7 people were killed right at the spot and in a separate attack, just an hour between 2 of these 2 attack, 13 more people were targeted in a residential home looking at a total of 20 people, just one district, one a residential neighborhood in northern ga, the city here in rough, i city. not only are we looking at a tax, the error rates or a tax and robust city going 7 people as of late hours of last night. but the constant drone buzz and the rolling, the threats of expanding ground and big drugs are just becoming very m gonna right now. and people, the hearts are, are in a limbo right now. they don't know where to go shutter sense of safety. it's very
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risky to stay here, but it's also even worse to think of moving somewhere else, given the fact that the vast majority, if not all of it, the narrative of safe zones have been entirely at a contradictory, vague, and confusion for people. a fine thanks. so much kindly my smooth, the caught, those prime minister says negotiations between how my son is relative stoled, but he says the highest working through the issues between the policies, the golf nation, has been mediating to try and secure a seas. 5 deal in gaza. be in my office a better with respect to the ongoing negotiations i informed his excell and see the latest developments. regretfully, the negotiations are facing some ups and downs at the moment. to negotiations have been struggling. we are doing our best to iron out all the obstacles. we are also doing our best to have a swap deal reached out to the british foreign secretary david cameron is in israel
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meeting latest as the tools on new ron cameron. so is route will act off to read ron strikes on saturday, but he says he helps all acts in a way that doesn't escalate the situation. iran says it's trying and missile strike, was it a response to it as well as a tackling, let's consider building and syria earlier this month, as well as bringing home the salt of hers. she joins us now. life and tel aviv, and we understand cameron's also mats, nothing. yeah. so any sign though is very officials a listening to the calls by cameron falling this evening, rejection of all of the international pressure. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told his weekly cabinet meeting that he told both the german foreign minister and the british foreign minister, that israel will act in a way that works for israel at a time and place of their choosing. now all of this comes as there has been
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a lot of anticipation, a lot of talk about what's going to come next. how, when, and where these really is, are going to attack if they are going to respond to the iranians. the general consensus is that israel is going to respond and that is being coordination from all of the is really officials. we've been hearing from like the prime minister, like the defense minister and for me is really army chief of staff himself. but in the face of all of the international pressure and criticism not to escalate this any further. these really prime minister says that israel will act in quote, self defense. and i'm gonna ask you to bear with me for a 2nd because i'm just getting would of this that there are reports. has the law has launched drones and ms solves on the town. but i'm sure that's in the northern part of israel, and we're hearing that at least 18 people have been injured. have found these right . emergency crews say there is one person in critical condition. witnesses say
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rockets hit a community center in the town. local media says most of the injured, what is ray, the soldiers have the you hearing. any thing from is where the officials of all this. so these are the ministry. well these really army has really, is to say, man saying that following this combined missile and grown attack in northern israel, they have struck the southern 11 on additionally, they're saying that in the last couple of hours, they also struck that as well. a military compound, when it comes to the injuries or to have some soldiers, these really military often does not comment immediately. there can be at least a day that goes by before they give that confirmation, but to be some medical center that is treating all of these injuries. 18 in total. one of them quite critical says that one of them is critical in deep and then there
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are some that are moderate and some that are a little lighter, but that is 18 in total. so these really are me, is saying that this attack managed to slip through the air defenses and, and response, they have struck several as well. a targets inside of southern 11 on. all right, thanks so much. i'm the social now it runs, president says this country schools is a ready to face any threat that's as these ready will cabinet decides it's next step. hostetter runs retaliatory strike on stocks today. a lot you see says any. so the move by his route will be met with another strike by ron made. the comments during national ami de march has been held in cities across iran, and several changes were made to this is event due to security consent by data. yet you have a dominant in a well planned, quick, and accurate response or forces punish design is regime and put it in its place. and this was an announcement to the whole world. and that's
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a global powers to design this regina that the nation of iran is ready. our forces are ready to act and we are standing by for the director, mostly now mass of the tensions ill treatment and in full disappearances. those are the allegations view and says it is received about palestinian prisoners and these riley custody. wednesday marks palestinian prisoners de, honoring the thousands of detainees health often indefinitely and is ready. the jails is where the authorities have released 1506 people from garza since april. the 4th, including women and children, the u. n. agency for palestinian refugee says that were held for weeks and that free facilities with no means of communicating with the families. all around negations include sexual abuse and torture, including psychological and physical hom. i'll just here, as laura con has been speaking to former prisoners in the occupied westbank,
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the pain is marked on the walls in either refugee camp. the occupation is too close to home, is right in that tree rates and the rest are routine. months of the are of activists refuse to accept these ready crackdown he was arrested in december and held in ultimately that to prison the 2 months in new york. for sure. since i hadn't thought, oh father, it was the 1st time that i was looking for. i was on the golf and i have to you know, a top like this always. if you raise your head or look to see what are your you will be the ones that has been out before. he describes worsening conditions. no electricity. this will food or some light. this will access to medical care and torch of life. you was to lose my mind because you have
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nothing to do. they are full to every single man. alsa is one of 23 known is ready ministry presence. and the only one in the occupied westbank, the number of inmates is increasing rapidly. well, let's take a look at some of those statistics on posting and present us. this being about 8000 palestinians arrested since october, the 7th. that the equivalent of around 44 people every single day, according to official, is ready to take us when the war began in october. that would just say it's a $5000.00 policy using costs, right? in this way, the jails. now we're looking at multiple 9 thousands and many of those are being held in administrative tension without any formal charges or trial before the war that was around $1300.00. and since the war, that number has just up to move is 3600 policy and inmates
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sustained a will. that was 33 women behind the boss. now there are more than $8170.00 children. now that number is more than 200 and you don't want to get the wrong. all of the violation being committed to they are about the issue many zation thing. we are talking about the worst period of that he needs no just the conditions, but also the scale of abuse and is rarely prison guards are boasting about the crimes they carried out on. it is ready to these channels, 13 broke cost video of how god's show of the treatment of prisoners with videos like this posting is worried about the state of their loved ones. well, some received the worst news they didn't survive their imprisonment is right. the authorities, a withholding the bodies of at least 26 postings who died in custody, more than half of them in the past 6 months. so families have not been able to bury their loved ones,
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nor hon. i'll just sarah the occupied westbank. the us that i had on al jazeera, the russian ministry kills at least 13 people. and that strikes and the pregnancy di of children, the heat and low counting underway in the solomon islands. it's an election that could have a major impact on china's influence. the south pacific, the hello. it's looking pretty good across the korean peninsula and japan over the next couple of days. last we clear skies to bad. hey, we have got wet to whether it's a central parts of china that will slide his way up to go see east china say you into the open waters of the north west pacific. so 26 celsius. the full so into the low twenty's, the for japan to the high twenty's the basing for the time period. because wetso
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weather, which is good to continue making his way into central pos, with the system that the central try to slips a little further south was big down poles could cool some localized flooding lakes . it's why fi them know if it's a nice with this, we go through friday and we can see flash flooding extending into central parts of china clouding over to. and so those northern areas are full basing temperatures into the low 20 site. but the next few days then want us to show us to, into a indo, china fine dry, hot and sunny across the philippines, scattering a showers, continuing their across malaysia and indonesia, which is why the tests look to be across the mouth track. so whether to just the fact during the fall south of india, but much of injuries looking hot and drive it got live, you showers to adjust around west and positive in the the big down pulls that be. so moving across the gulf, i'm making the way across. i've got to stop to focused on the
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the, i'll come back you're watching, i'll just say the time to recap on headlines. and his writing will play and has a tactic group of palestinians gathering to connect to the internet and gaza city. at least 7 people were killed. 20 of those who wounded rounds, president abraham, the se, says these forces are ready to face any threats as rails. promising to attack again off the deck round strode and miss sol. retaliatory strike last week to her on this mocking its national army de stays officer is unprecedented. strikes on this route
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kind of citizens of mocking prisoners day. so you and says he's received numerous reports of mass detentions, and mistreatment by his reading by these very minute treat detainees and the occupied westbank tile to 0 big stuff that defeated torture and sexual assault prominent california university as bad. the most them student from speaking of the graduation ceremony because of our opposition to as rose war on garza last year, several of the university presidents resigned off to hostile congressional questioning and pressure campaigns from pro israel groups. rentals reports from los angeles, a muslim american student, us not to buy some being chosen as valid. victoria for the university of southern california was cause for celebration, but then usc abruptly band to buy some from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised,
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disappointed, and betrayed. our university is suppose to in race this course. it's supposed to embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus, jewish groups opposed to boss and selection. and the campaign to silence or was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activism. samantha edits features of muslim and high synthetic. i anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote a racist, subtler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti zionism and anti semitism is deep. we will see if we problem matic usc, provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community saying that the decision
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was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american is lumnick relations called us these decision, cowardly messages. obviously, the messages we don't stand by our students, especially those students happen to be most of the students, especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights . and the message they sent is that we reward the bigots who, who engage in deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much traffic faces questions from the
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same congressional committee about anti war activism, student protests and freedom of speech. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles, the regional governor in the northern ukrainian city of chattahoochee. those kind of fun, 3 russian missiles struck the city on wednesday morning. at least 13 people were reportedly killed. 16 or wounded critical infrastructure and the city was also damaged. this is a light, this russian missile strike on cities across your crime. charles stratford has mall from polls tava, central view, crime of some dramatic videos. the taxes are paid on the internet showing at least 2 of the strikes civilians ducking down, taking cover by offense. there's also video, there's
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a page of emergency services trying to free. what we understand is a woman that was attract under the rubble is unclear as to whether she received free. yes, that has been reaction by the ukrainian government president zalinski on his telegram channel, watching that this would not have happened if you created receipts enough, a defense equipment. and if the wells determination to count to russian, tara was sufficient also to foreign minister demitra calais. but i said, these innocent people would not have been killed or injured if you crane had sufficient a defense capabilities and a reference to the middle east and those broken attacks on israel by iran. in the last few days he said 3 days ago in the middle east, we saw what reliable protection of human lives for me. so i was, looks like. so that is an indication of just how angry, seemingly ukrainian, those sources be great and military and government all about this lack of a defense that they're suffering. and they're blaming the, the delay of
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a hold up in the release of 60 plus $1000000000.00. why arguments in the us congress and play g is by european allies also that it taking a long time to get here. child stratford, which is 0 pull tava, central ukraine. nato secretary general un stilton bug is a members of the alliance to prioritize giving you kindly admitted create over meeting that own targets. speaking at the press conference in brussels, one of the situation on the battlefield was difficult. if allies face a choice between meeting and they don't typically targets on providing more 8 to ukraine, my message is clear. send more to ukraine. this denmark is a strong example providing all of the temporary a to they've koreans. but also with clear pounds in place to defend this national
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sucks people in chrysler of everything and parliamentary elections, government conservative crisis and democratic union, and policy led by a prime minister under a plank of it's just taking all a group of last week, opposition, policies that by presidents on milan of which the elections became mind and control the sea, also manada, which declared he would run for prime minister, gracious constitutional court, ruled, he must resign the office of president 1st and she refused to do an official. uh, the results will be announced in the coming hours. both housing is on the way in the solomon islands in an election that could decide the faith of the south pacific nations ties with china. prime minister, my nice the sort of out a as slides to bring that country closer to badging. his opponent say the growing chinese influence needs to be reconsider. this is jessica washington reports this issue is not the main concern of most folks has an appalling center. antonio
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red, solomon islanders queued to cost a balance. they need to work together to address the issues that really affecting the people books of mine and home to more than 720000 people. this is one of the poorest countries in the pacific. most of the population works informal jobs, thousands live on less than $2.00 a day. full sanitation and the lack of education opportunities. i suppose it's area to develop. have looking for it again, randy chance on the 1st day with the sun life and the reset to that. they think the solomon islands has recently become the focal point of view as china, competition in the south pacific as the 2 countries, joseph or influence in the regional ship. this is the 1st election since the prime minister menissi. so very ended diplomatic relations with taiwan or the pulling of the deceased drunk security, packed with china in 2022. and my that has since resulted in support from china for
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major projects like a stadium used to host the pacific games of hyphen interest from the u. s. and the timeline to engage more with the country through development and diplomacy, including the opening of the u. s. embassy last year. there is the scope absolutely for any leader of solomon islands to leverage that extra interest from, from logic. how is the traditional and the new boxes. there's also challenges there in kansas. you know, does that result in getting the support that the country needs that's best for its development? it's economic development. incumbent says he's made the country more relevant on the world stage. he's opponent, say the island nation should return to the phone with traditional partners like neighboring australia, of the intricacies of do politics all fall from the minds of most voters. but some
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asking whether these developments have had an impact on their lives. now we, we have the dice with china. i think for me, i was hoping that that would be a good change for this country. but that for you to see that happen, it could be weeks before people know who would be the next prime minister. decision that may have ramifications will be on the board is of the archipelago. jessica washington to 0. now while south east asia deals with school, jing, hey, the gulf region is experiencing widespread flooding. divine to national lab falls run ways. what in on days is forcing it to briefly hold operations. but the major transport hub is now returning to normal fund work is receipt of of many flights. so spilled the light emergency services in the u. a. e. s village and people to stay at home, emergency services in oman. they've been coming out of the series of rescue
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missions. they're in the wake of floods, which kills at least 18 people rescue as all continuing to look for the missing and also supplied 1st day to dozens of people. at least a 117000 people have been false from that homes in kaz, expand the worst floods bear in decades. and all that bad thing is to meet every month. but then co reports from bad to worse and ty, regions of conflicts done in the north and the west under water. some houses are badly identifiable with water up to the roofs. evacuations have been underway for 2 weeks now. before me, since besides the distilling rescuers help us, but transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline, all generators and the village are working now. presidents costumes. i want to kind of visited some of the worst it areas. he's called on the government's to limit any non essential spending and use the money to help the people just the way
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we're going through difficult times. this is a nationwide as austin, but positive changes are coming now the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses west submerged, or even washed away by the floods of the around river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of conflicts done and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers in russia, like the bowl in siberia have also bus that banks. thousands of had to leave the area authorities in rochelle being criticized but not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and responding more effectively to meet them in with, in co, out to 0. now with $100.00 days to go until the styles of the olympic games in paris. well, it should be a time of excitement and anticipation you might say for the french capitals
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residents. but it's being met with mixed reactions. tom size that explains it's been 7 years in the making for paris as the city finalize preparations for the start of the games. come july, 10 and a half 1000 athletes from $206.00 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 spectators. so the 2100000 inhabitants who lived there. sabina, disruptive period for lots of them, the real lynx is that so none of these are really on the stuff and excited no story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for parents. i have a lot of concerns about the organization transferred.


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